What is the year according to the Chinese calendar. What will the next year bring us? Meet the Yellow Earth Dog! Family and friends

We will immediately answer the question of what the upcoming 2018 year according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope will be - the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, which will begin on February 16 and end on February 4, 2019, with the transfer of rights to manage the next year to the Boar / Pig. In this article, we will consider the qualities of the Dog, its habits, inclinations, what we should expect from 2018, what to count on, what to watch out for, and so on.

At the beginning, we note the qualities of these personalities - those born in the year of the Dog, men and women, are always honest, responsible and fair. This is the category of people you can rely on and trust, in almost any situation they will not let you down.

They are responsible in life and in business matters, they can be trusted with almost any information, they will not make it public. For these people, it is important to have a clear sense of the requirements placed on them, a clear description of the duties so that they can imagine the final image of the goal.

A person who was born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern calendar is able to share someone else's pain, take care of the interests of his relatives and relatives, as well as his friends and work colleagues. This person will never miss someone's problems, will always help, will not refuse to lend a helping hand.

In childhood, the Dog will have many difficult situations, she will often have to be nervous about her incompetence complex.

In youth, problems will gradually begin to disappear, although she can do stupid things just at this age.

In adulthood, she will become a big skeptic and at some point become a pessimist, lose the ability to enjoy life.

According to the horoscope 2018 is the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog

Year of the Dog - sign characteristic

Chinese name for the Year of the Dog: Gou

Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog: Eleventh

Time of day of the year Dogs: 19:00 -21:00

Western Zodiac Sign of the Year of the Dog: Aries

Dog Year Element: Metal

Qualities of People Born in the Year of the Dog

Positive traits (qualities) of character: These are generous, kind, loyal, reliable and honest people, they are devoted to their ideals and their family, always diligent and responsible, ready to help, they can be trusted and can be trusted, you can rely on them.

Negative traits (qualities) of character: They can be stubborn and intrusive, sometimes they are excessively and unreasonably restless, talkative, pessimistic, they can be disorganized, distracted, unnecessarily strict towards their loved ones and others.


Poems of the Years of the Dog (periods of government)

Expectations from 2018 - what will it be, what to expect?

2018 a year will pass controlled by a dog. As the eastern zodiac horoscope says, it should bring peace, harmony and stability to you and me. It is during this period that disputes and misunderstandings will stop, and the economic crisis will end.

Those who are in love, but have not yet formalized their relationship, should legalize them this year, think about the union of destinies during this particular time period. 2018 is a very favorable year for starting a family. Keep this in mind, and also that the next year will be 2019 of the Pig / Boar, which can bring unpleasant surprises, "put the Pig".

This person is characterized by such traits as intelligence and insight, ease of communication, some coldness, sociability and honesty, loyalty and stubbornness, openness and friendliness, laziness.

These people with high demands for justice, they will not tolerate harassment and humiliation, both of themselves and someone close or just a stranger. By any means and at any cost, they will stand up for their own and someone else's defense, seek to justify an innocent person or someone humiliated.

The dog is always "on the alert", he never rests, always at his guard post, he is attentive and restless. It is not easy to take something away from this person. The dog is alert and will not just give up without a fight. It can be closed, and they show their feelings in a rare case, only if necessary.

Men and women of the sign of the eastern horoscope Dogs are a big skeptic in life and to a large extent pessimists, in many matters they are critical of themselves, have little faith in their strengths and capabilities. Willpower, good nature, a sense of humor, a sharp mind and a sense of responsibility help the representatives of this sign to be a person of a wide soul.

On the other hand, the Dog is a considerable cynic, often not shy in expressions and statements, can offend a person with his sarcasm. People who know this person are wary of the Dog, because of her harsh statements and hurtful remarks.

Sometimes this person is too stubborn. Taking on some new business, the Dog devotes himself to it with his head. At the same time, with or without reason, he will criticize everyone in a row who will be nearby at this moment. From the outside, it may seem that she is deliberately going to break off relations, although in fact, she just wants to not be hindered from doing business.

This person sees the world mainly in dark colors, which is why they are talked about - pessimists in life, who expect little from life, because they are not sure of themselves and their capabilities. The dog clearly lacks confidence and determination, this is reflected in everything, in its behavior, lifestyle, communication.

Who is 2018, whose and what will be - Dogs Yellow (Earth)

Who is the Dog of 2018 from the signs of the horoscope compatible with?

The eastern horoscope tells us that men and women born under the sign of the Dog, in relationships with the opposite sex and love, show the same human qualities as in business.

They are intelligent, loyal, reliable and honest. On the other hand, love difficulties can haunt this person all his life. Most often, they themselves are to blame for this, or rather their anxiety and inconstancy in relationships.

People 2018 - zodiac signs

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rat

Both of these people are peaceful, responsive, reliable in relationships, hardworking and energetic, loyal and tactful. The danger of this union lies in the fact that they are both too prone to compromise and, having come, in the end, to an absolutely conflict-free marriage, they may eventually lose interest in each other.

Create "artificial" conflicts in the family (periodically) - this is useful.

Dog and Bull

The dog is gifted with a sense of humor and a wonderful imagination, it is unlikely that she will find happiness next to the sedate, gloomy, boring and picky Ox.

However, on the other hand, if they are already experienced people, they will be able to learn to respect each other's interests and habits, they will certainly be able to live under the same roof, but with reservations, most likely, they will be more friends than spouses.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Tiger

A fairly common union, very often life will push these two together. In marriage, they will complement each other and can be quite happy. The tiger will push the partner, instill confidence in him, and, if necessary, calm him down.

The dog is always there and ready to provide worthy help and support. A very good union, promising common satisfaction with each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rabbit/Cat

One of the strongest and most peaceful alliances a Dog can create with a Rabbit / Cat. She will find peace only with a serene Rabbit / Cat, she will be faithful and devoted to him, while the second will be able to appreciate it.

In this pair, everything will always be fine, unless the Dog is distracted by solving third-party problems, for example, public ones, forgetting about the family.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope dog and dragon

Relations with the representative of the Dragon are unlikely to develop, they will initially be strained, and are unlikely to last long. He is too proud and inflexible, skeptical about the dreams and plans of his partner, so he is unlikely to accept the constant chatter, sarcasm and the clear but caustic mind of the Dog. They are also unlikely to be able to be friends, in general - a hopeless relationship.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and snake

A rather good and promising union, where the idealistic Dog is attracted by the wisdom and depth of the Snake, and she admires her to such an extent that she is ready not to notice the ambition and selfishness of her partner.

The Snake really likes to be idealized, and she also appreciates the honesty, stability and loyalty of the Dog, although she herself is unlikely to pay in the same coin.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Horse

dog in joint marriage, living under the same roof - a representative of the Horse is perfect, who will always support a partner in all endeavors, instill confidence and reassure him, and in return ask for just a little freedom of action. A successful union for both, although promising periodic explosions, without which, you see, no marriage can be strong.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Goat/Sheep

The Goat / Sheep will not be able to tolerate the Dog for a long time, which is not intentional, of course, but will constantly "get" her, she will quickly break off the relationship. On the other hand, the Dog itself will not be able to endure the Goat / Sheep for a long time, because it is too capricious and stubborn, and it "cannot stand it." The joint life of this couple can be called unstable with the risk of breaking at any moment.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Monkey

This pair has a rather high potential, with good prospects - a fairly stable pair. The dog is attracted by the liveliness and sociability of the Monkey, while the second appreciates stability, justice, honesty, loyalty, reliability and breadth of views of the first.

Although both of them are characterized by a certain level of cynicism, which at some point will complicate relations, it is unlikely that serious consequences will come to pass.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rooster

The idealistic Dog and the detached, carefree Rooster look at life differently, each from their own point of view. At first, the partner may seem unkind, arrogant and pompous egoist, immersed in himself.

The rooster does not tolerate such an attitude towards himself, he needs adoration. The success of the relationship directly depends on the Dog - it will be patient, will support the partner, which means that everything will be fine with them.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Dog

Two Dogs, but only if at least one of them is active, are well compatible. Both of them are complaisant, faithful, reliable, reasonable and will easily determine their place in the family hierarchy of relationships, share areas of responsibility.

It is easy for them in life, because they know perfectly well what is expected of him. Of course, conflicts over issues of leadership are also possible, but common goals will help them find a compromise solution, not quarrel, but hold on to each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Boar/Pig

Quite a promising union, with certain reservations - the restrained Boar / Pig must teach the pessimistic Dog of carelessness, determination and optimism. If the second is able to relax, then the marriage will take place and be happy.

Both of them are reliable in relationships, kind, generous and honest people, their union must be successful, with some minor reservations - you need to give in and trust each other, more often compromise, not pay attention to the partner’s shortcomings.

In conclusion - in general, if you trust the horoscope for the new year 2018, you can say what this period is destined for the hostess of the year to the Dog, it will be the same for all of us.

The dog is capable, in turn, at any moment can change, turn the situation into another, reverse side, radically change your life, its course - draw conclusions!

We remind you what year 2018 is, which animal according to the eastern sign is the Yellow Dog, and it will begin on February 16, the rights of the Dog will end already in the future 2019 on the fourth day of February, with the transfer of rights to the next sign, namely the Pig / Boar.

Eastern tradition correlates each year with a certain animal, whose characteristics are complemented by color and elements. This makes it possible to make a forecast of what the coming period will be like, what changes it can bring.

The symbols of the twelve-year cycle are in strict order, so find out year of which animal according to the eastern calendar 2018- not difficult.

His mistress - yellow earth dog, which comes into its own on February 16, 2018.

Characteristics of the sign 2018

Mass of virtues

All world cultures endow this animal with such traits as constancy, devotion, reliability, honesty, nobility. The eastern horoscope also characterizes the Dog as a kind, curious, compassionate, intelligent animal. She has a heightened sense of justice, which does not allow her to stand aside if someone needs help.

Responsibility, endurance, diligence are inherent in this sign, therefore, in 2018, hard work will be rewarded. For the symbol of the year, it is important that the work is done well, so it will help people who work honestly. Frauds, scams, and other dishonest earning schemes should be avoided - the Dog can be punished for this. It does not help dishonest businessmen and is able to deprive them of a decent income for a long time.

A loyal, open, friendly Dog does everything for its loved ones: it protects and supports the weak, helps friends. Compassionate, selfless, she can sacrifice her own interests for them. She does not chase money and considers it her duty to build an ideal world or make it at least a little kinder, more positive.

2018 is the year of the yellow dog in the Chinese calendar.

Some disadvantages

But along with the advantages yellow earth dog it also has flaws, so it cannot be said that the year will be easy for us. She is not strong in communication, it is difficult for her to hide her emotions, thoughts, aspirations, therefore, outbreaks of conflicts may occur throughout the year. The dog also has an unpredictable character, sometimes it is superficial, too straightforward, quarrelsome - so emotional shakes are possible. It is important to understand the causes of the situation and be patient.

There may also be periods when a breakdown, laziness will be felt. However, such problems are more relevant to those who lack motivation and clear goals. But people who win over the symbol of the year with their hard work, honesty and firm adherence to plans can count on his support.

2018 is the year of the yellow dog in the Chinese calendar.

Color, element, talismans

The color of the year is yellow, representing joy, happiness, unity, prosperity and the beginning of something new. It will have the greatest impact on the autumn period - then the most important events will begin. For those who manage to win the favor of the Dog, the color of the year will bring harmony in relationships with a partner, financial well-being, career success, and improved health. Lonely, he will give a chance to find happiness by meeting a soul mate.

In 2018, the element of the Earth will dominate, whose nature is balance, stability, resistance to difficulties. It symbolizes moral, moral purity, worldly wisdom, devotion to family values. The earth will have a great influence on the year, will give stability to all areas. This will be especially noticeable in family life. In order for the year to be successful, you need to behave in accordance with generally accepted moral standards, avoid temptations and take care of loved ones. The year will be important for leaders as well as those in power. Since the Dog does not like deception and pretense, such people must be patient, fair, disciplined.

Talismans are natural stones that have shades of yellow and brown. These are tiger's eye, amber, jasper, zircon, beryl, hyacinth, citrine, carnelian.

2018 is the year of the yellow dog in the Chinese calendar.

What will 2018 bring

The patroness of the year will bring peace and stability. Although the Earth is the slowest of the elements, it makes it possible to complete the work begun. It is important that the steps to achieve the result are thoughtful, consistent, and decisions are balanced, without the influence of emotions. This year, you can implement far-reaching plans, take on long-term projects. Success awaits undertakings in various fields, it is only important to show diligence, determination, and also think over your strategy well.

The dog favors the spouses, helps to strengthen the relationship between them, protects the family hearth from ill-wishers. Therefore, people who marry in 2018 will live in harmony and prosperity, and their life together will be long and happy. Those couples who have lived in good relations for a long time can count on a new "honeymoon".

The financial situation will be stable: if you work for the future, you will always have high earnings and bonuses. The mistress of the year does not like lazy people and those who are looking for easy money - they are waiting for failures, losses, disappointments. The dog likes fair, generous people, whom it will help to become wealthy and successful.

Show your best qualities, win the favor of the patroness of the year - and she will bring you success and the achievement of the most daring goals.

By the way, do you already know what will happen in 2019?

2018 is the year of the yellow dog in the Chinese calendar.

According to the eastern calendar for 2018, the good-natured Yellow Earth Dog will replace the active and sometimes caustic Red Fire Rooster. The upcoming symbol is distinguished by a calm and reasonable character, adherence to principles, honesty and devotion. She is restless, monitors well-being without closing her eyes, and at the same time infinitely friendly. What interesting events is the horoscope preparing for us?

Eastern horoscope for 2018 of the Yellow Dog

The Yellow Dog favors bold, decisive and creative natures. She encourages the implementation of even the most unusual ideas. At the same time, it helps to bring everything to the end for those who make efforts, and are not lazy, hoping for a chance. Fortune will turn to face even pathological losers, because yellow symbolizes success. The main thing is not to be afraid to take risks and go steadily towards the intended goal. In addition to hard work, you need to show restraint. Impulsive actions and decisions will not bring any result. The earth sign requires deliberation and balance.

Despite his benevolence, the Dog is an ardent defender of justice, rules and truth. She is opposed to greedy businessmen, cunning and liars. She is also extremely unsympathetic to individuals who are ready to go over their heads, to neglect the desires of their loved ones. They are waiting for obstacles that have piled up from all sides, and real consequences.

The dog respects not only perseverance and honesty, but also humanity. She will definitely help those who are friendly to others. For the cordiality shown to people, she will repay with good luck in business. This symbol is especially serious about family values. Take time for your parents, spouses and children, take care of their needs, support in problems. Avoid quarrels and never deceive loved ones. This is especially true of marital fidelity - the Dog is ready to punish traitors in the most severe way. All good changes within the family will be received with joy by the tailed symbol.

In the coming year, focus on family relationships, and do not try to scatter everything at once. Particular care must be taken when making new close acquaintances. People from the outside, whom you do not know at all, can greatly harm the harmony that reigns in your relationship with your family. But old and trusted friends cannot be ignored. Spend time with him, find out about their affairs and build relationships, even if they have cooled off a bit.

The year is great for a wedding, but the choice of a partner must be careful

The earthen sign also has its drawbacks, which include excessive diligence. Try to overcome laziness, then you will feel that you actually have a large supply of energy. Also, the Dog loves to experience virtue and truthfulness, confronting unusual, not always pleasant people. If you pass the test and be extremely tactful with such personalities, and not rude, then the symbol of the year will be satisfied. It is impossible to behave inappropriately, and even more so to deceive even your enemies, otherwise you will harm yourself, and not them.

If you do not anger the Yellow Dog with dishonor and aggression towards others, then the whole of 2018 will be calm and even. The stability inherent in the Earth will come in all spheres of life: from love to health. The problems that arise will be minor, and you can deal with them easily and naturally. Take advantage of this peaceful time: develop, improve your skills, renew relationships with distant relatives and friends. Perhaps this year you will have new hobbies and interests, especially those related to the environment and in a healthy way life.

Although the Dog is an earth sign, it will be favorable to representatives of each element. She will help her direct wards to achieve success in all areas. Maximum luck should be expected by Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius.

Love predictions, family relationships

The dog is considered a devoted creature that values ​​loyalty the most. This determines the course to be taken in the love and family spheres. It is they who should become a priority, relegating all the others to the background. Spend more time with your loved ones and enjoy the newfound harmony.

Family people will feel a surge of feelings and emotions, relationships will get a second wind. They will be embraced by romance and endless faith in their spouse. Thanks to this, many couples will finally take the plunge - buy their own nest, go on a trip or plan to replenish the family. Children born during this period will have such positive qualities as a sense of humor and high intelligence.

Singles don't have to worry about not having partners in their lives. The dog will be supportive of you and will help in every possible way in finding a soul mate. It is not necessary to do this if you are not ready for a serious relationship. For many, it is better to limit yourself to flirting and short romances that allow you to raise self-esteem and feel needed. However, as honestly as possible, inform new acquaintances about your intentions to just have a good time. As soon as you start playing with other people's feelings and neglect them, the earth sign will immediately snap and interfere.

If you decide to get a four-legged family member this year, make sure that care for him is regular!

Relationships built in 2018 have every chance of becoming serious and long. They will be stormy and filled with vivid emotions, as well as tenderness and understanding. Get to know people better and do not make hasty conclusions about them and, most importantly, listen to your own heart, and not the opinions of others. It is very likely that you will meet the right person with whom you want to start a family. Therefore, many weddings will take place in the year of the earth sign.

The dog is extremely negative about cheaters, deceivers and those who use other people's feelings for their own mercenary interests. Such people should not wait for luck, most likely, they will be left alone.

Career, finance

The dog does not have a craving for material things, but with pleasure contributes to the fulfillment of the desire to surround himself with expensive and beautiful. Yellow No wonder they are associated with prosperity, because this year can be successful. Do not be afraid to please yourself with new clothes, but do not spend the last money on them, saving and accumulating savings. At the same time, it is necessary to abandon the purchase of completely unnecessary things, combining business with pleasure.

Despite the fact that the symbol of the year is maximally focused on family values, it also contributes to career success. In order for everything to work out successfully, several conditions must be met, for example, to abandon the ugly struggle with competitors. Do not use dishonest methods, do not be hypocritical, do not deceive. In addition, the Dog is a sensible symbol, so you should not commit rash acts. It is better to spend time and a little more energy on thinking through everything inside and out.

If the whole family is prudent about money, by the end of the year it will be possible to raise significant capital!

Careers will also go well for those who do not face competitors directly. This year - good time to build relationships with colleagues, make friends among them. In conflict situations, be restrained and tactful, do not try to offend others.

The main guarantee of financial success in the year of the Yellow Dog is hard work. Do not sit back, do not be lazy and do not think that wealth will come to you by itself. Make an effort, move up, implement your ideas. Try to get creative with your workflow, even if it doesn't initially involve it. This approach will help you find new strength in yourself even in the daily routine.

It is better to avoid debts and loans, trying to get out of difficult situations on your own. If there are already debts, then you should pay them off on time, otherwise there is a risk of angering the mistress of the year.

What will health be like: Chinese calendar forecast

The Yellow Dog cares about well-being, so he tries to avoid major health problems. The main thing is not to neglect yourself, to rest and not to ignore chronic diseases and complaints. Control the situation, then all problems will be solved quickly and without complications.

The main change in lifestyle should relate to diet. Get rid of bad habits- alcohol, smoking, eating fast food, and do not lean on sweet and too fatty. This will strengthen the body, contribute to the fight against viruses and colds. The main problems that may arise in the year of the Dog are poisoning and problems with the stomach and intestines. That is why it is so important to adjust the diet, make it more balanced and healthy.

Avoid stress and conflict, this year they are absolutely useless

You also need to rest physically and mentally. The dog respects the hardworking, but overexertion will not benefit anyone: neither you nor your family. If you take care of yourself and keep the balance of energy, then you will be able to easily cope with all matters, while the malaise will bypass.

The New Year 2018 will bring you success, luck and love, if you do not provoke his mistress, the Yellow Dog, with your wrong behavior. Show patience during conflicts, diplomacy at work and do not spare kind words and emotions for your family and friends. If you can do all this, then prepare for a happy and stable time.

2018 is the year of which animal? This question interests everyone who believes in horoscopes and listens to their interpretations. This year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Dog. According to experts, it will bring peace and stability. It is during this period that the economic crisis will end. In 2018, it is recommended to purchase real estate. Those who are in love, but do not plan to legitimize the relationship, should think about the union of destinies at this particular time. After all, what will be the next year? 2018 is favorable for marriage. But after it comes which can present unpleasant surprises.


The Dog is characterized by such traits as intelligence, simplicity, some coldness, honesty, sociability, loyalty, stubbornness, openness, friendliness, laziness. People born this year are different. They do not tolerate when someone is undeservedly accused. They seek to justify the innocent at any cost.

2018 is the year of which animal and what does it mean for humans? This is the year of the Dog that never rests. She is always on duty, attentive and restless. It is not easy for her to take something away. The dog is alert. She won't give up without a fight. These people are closed. They show their feelings very rarely and only when absolutely necessary. The dog is a skeptic. Her willpower, great sense of humor, critical mind help her to be a person of a wide soul.

Negative Traits

The dog is a big cynic. She is not shy about expressing herself. Many are afraid of her because of her harsh and hurtful remarks. The dog is stubborn, sometimes even too much. Having taken up some business, she can devote herself completely to it. At the same time, the Dog will, for any reason and without it, criticize everyone who will be nearby at the moment. It may seem that she is specifically looking for an excuse to end the relationship.

2018 is the year of which animal? Dogs. She sees the world in dark colors. A person born under this sign is a pessimist and does not expect anything good from life. This is reflected in his behavior, lifestyle, communication style.


The dog is a great friend. Her character contains traits that make her a Man with a capital letter. She is loyal, honest, can have fun from the heart. You can always rely on the Dog in everything. She won't betray. No one keeps secrets better than the Dog. Among other things, she has a certain degree of modesty. All this makes the Dog a great friend and companion. But do not rush to be frank with her. Long conversations make the dog tired. And she is not at all inclined to listen to someone's confessions. The dog has great vocabulary but can't speak his mind. She inspires confidence and wins over. For the sake of a friend or loved one, the Dog is ready for anything. Her dedication is to be commended. After all, it is very easy to lose a faithful person, and it is almost impossible to return.

What year is 2018?

According to the horoscope, this is the year of the Dog. A person of such a sign can be called a person of high moral principles, completely uninterested in money. He is selfless and generous. Regardless of the social status and level of prosperity, the intellectual principle prevails in this person. A dog may well do without the most elementary material comfort. Even in the presence of a financial condition, the Dog does not seek to acquire expensive, status, branded items. When she needs money, they will certainly appear. A dog can always provide for itself.


2018 which animal will be named? Dogs. People born this year will be excellent leaders. They will be able to succeed in industry, pedagogy, religion, public life. In any case, their activities will be honest and fair. The dog superbly manages even a large number of people. In addition, she is hardworking and always directly expresses her thoughts.


2018 is the year of which animal? The horoscope says that people born under the sign of the Dog show the same qualities in love as in business. They are reasonable and honest. Love difficulties will haunt the Dog all his life. Most often, this will be due to her anxiety and inconstancy. A horse is perfect for a dog. The latter will support the partner in all endeavors, and in return will ask for only a little freedom of action. Relations with the Dragon will be strained. He is proud and unlikely to accept her caustic mind. Very often life will push the Dog with the Tiger. They can be quite happy. The tiger will push the partner to great things. The dog will be able to provide worthy support to the partner. The most durable and calm union with the Cat. The goat will quickly break off relations. She is capricious, and the Dog does not like this.

The life of people of this sign can be called fickle. In childhood, there will be many difficult situations. The dog will have to worry often. In youth, problems will not disappear. Truth will often get in the way. In adulthood, the Dog will become a big skeptic. She will lose the ability to enjoy life. The dog is a complete mistress of itself. At any time, she can turn the situation in her favor and change life for the better.

The Year of the Fire Rooster has just begun, and many are already wondering: what animal is the year 2018? Now astrology is extremely popular, the Russians are trying to find out in advance how the patron beast will affect the whole next year. Now we know that in 2017 the noisy and bright, but domestic Rooster, who loves order and worship in everything, rules. And what will the next 2018 bring us, which animal symbolizes according to the eastern calendar? What color will New Year? How to prepare for the upcoming holiday?

Symbol of next year

If you still don’t know what the symbol of 2018 will be, then we remind you that this is patronized by the Yellow Earth Dog. Let's please the Russians, the whole period will be distinguished by stability, wisdom, balanced decisions, and people born this year are endowed with a calm character, have worldly wisdom, devotion to friends and relatives. True, the symbol of the year does not like the new, it is difficult to accept cardinal updates. And dog people are often slow, they find it difficult to make decisions on which a lot depends, they like to shift the adoption of tough measures to someone, they are often secretive and withdrawn, sometimes blindly trust their loved ones.

Everyone born under this sign is always faithful and honest, they will become the most devoted friends and companions in life. They are extremely responsible approach to business, you can always rely on them and entrust any information without fear of its disclosure. The only thing before giving people-dogs any task, they need to clearly explain the sequence of actions, visually describe the purpose of the work.

A person born according to the horoscope in the year of the Dog accepts his relatives and friends as they are, with all the problems and shortcomings, he will never condemn for his actions, but, on the contrary, will look for a logical justification for them.

True, people whose year falls on 2018 react sharply to lies and betrayal, they openly speak out if they feel that they are being deceived.

Now you know what animal will be next year. But how does this symbol converge with representatives of other signs, the Dog is a friend of almost all symbols on the Eastern calendar, sometimes conflicts with people born in the year of the Goat are possible.

If we talk about the personal life of people-dogs, then they are always devoted spouses, they sincerely believe their halves, but, as mentioned above, they do not tolerate lies and betrayal. Having betrayed once, you can forever lose his love. Strong marriage alliances can be built with people born in the year of the Horse, strained relationships will be with the Tiger and the Dragon.

People whose year will be under the auspices of the Dog usually choose various professions, they can be excellent leaders and teachers.

Now you know 2018 which animal the Yellow Earth Dog will patronize, which will bring us stability and tranquility. But how to prepare for the upcoming holiday, what to meet it in, what to cook to appease the patron of the year?

Actual colors and shades of clothing for the New Year 2018

The symbol of the year 2018 is the Yellow Dog, so if you still don’t know how to celebrate the next holiday, then, of course, the hostess of the next year loves “fiery” colors. A bright red dress would be perfect. The patron will definitely notice the juicy coral, purple or scarlet color. However, the choice of clothes for the New Year's holiday is not limited to red and its shades, clothes of bright yellow, orange, blue and green are perfect. The main thing is the juiciness and saturation of shades. Many believe that if you celebrate the holiday correctly, then 2018 will accompany everything, all dreams and hopes will surely come true. So choose your New Year's outfit carefully!

New Year's table

What to cook for the New Year's holiday? Now we know who will be in 2018, and, of course, the Dog prefers meat dishes, the menu must be satisfying, this beast does not like to go hungry. An abundance of delicious hot and cold meat dishes is welcomed on the table, it can be jelly, barbecue, aspic, cutlets, chops, steaks, baked meat, meat pate baskets. But there may not be fish on the New Year's table!

Potatoes and rice are also not held in high esteem by the symbol of 2018, it is better to refuse them. The dog loves hearty desserts: creamy ice cream, cakes and pastries, cottage cheese and sour cream dishes.

Decorate festive table you can use bright fruits to make a real summer in the middle of winter, because the hostess of the next year likes rich colors.

And now we will find out which of the other signs it will please and which will disappoint in 2018. What symbols should beware of making fateful decisions next year? What animal will 2018 protect?

Prediction by zodiac signs

2018 according to the Chinese calendar is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, what is the forecast for other signs, will the rest of the animals be able to “make friends” with the mistress of the next year?

  • For the Rat, the year may turn out unsuccessfully, because the Rat is a selfish nature, and the Dog, on the contrary, is devoted and disinterested. In order for the year to bring good, the Rat will have to give in in many ways.
  • The bull will definitely be lucky, especially in personal and family life.
  • The character of the Tiger and the Dog is a bit similar, so next year the Tiger will have many new adventures, pleasant acquaintances and accomplishments.
  • The Rabbits will have a calm measured year, without any changes.
  • But the Dragon must wait for a dirty trick at work, one of his colleagues can set him up in front of his superiors.
  • Everything will be stable for the Snakes, too, however, in your personal life you should not expect changes.
  • The horse will definitely meet new love next year, and, perhaps, a strong marriage alliance will develop with it.
  • The goat will have a successful career in 2018.
  • A monkey can expect serious problems at work.
  • The rooster should not be exchanged for trifles.
  • For Dogs, next year will be very successful, however, you should expect trouble in personal relationships.
  • Pigs will finally solve their financial problems.

Now we know, 2018, which animal patronizes according to the eastern horoscope. The dog is a faithful and devoted friend, so next year everything will definitely work out.