Slicing melon on the festive table. How to cut fruit beautifully and serve watermelon and melon

Each feast in August-September is accompanied by a question: how beautifully to cut a watermelon and melon on a festive table, and a photo of a bright and fragrant cut made with my own hands, will capture your ability to adequately complete the festive evening. In addition, the unusual serving of a light and tasty berry and vegetable dessert will bring a storm of applause from guests and family.

Symmetry in action betrays professionalism

Cut with a twist

The art of cutting can be traditional, complex or original. There are many recommendations and advice about this. It’s only worth starting from the one for whom sweets are intended - children should cut them smaller, with interesting figures, and where the feast will take place - in nature you need to cut it so that it is as comfortable and convenient to eat as possible. This cut is perfect for celebrating.

Important: First of all, watermelon and melon should be washed well or rinsed with boiling water. The cutting knife must be clean and sharp.

sweet soup

Fast and popular types of slicing watermelon and melon

Holiday cutting ideas

Watermelon and melon are suitable options for demonstrating personal design skills and creativity. They can be served on the table in many ways.

What do you like more - watermelons or melons?

These are a kind of skillful canapes that will refresh you in the hot summer. You can freeze them, then pour the frozen dessert with condensed milk, honey, icing. Also read others that are suitable for any holiday.

It will be convenient for guests to enjoy dessert if a watermelon or melon is cut lengthwise into two parts. Then divide each part lengthwise again. With a sharp knife, we separate the pulp from the peel, leave it on the "green plate". We cut the pulp across. For beauty and effect, alternately push the pieces in different directions. The alternation of pieces of watermelon and melon will look colorful.

It takes a long time to make, it is quickly eaten, but the pleasure is excellent!

Cutting methods in different areas

Although Africa is considered the birthplace of watermelon, it is quite popular in many countries of the world. Each region and corner of the world has its own popular slicing methods. Such desserts are suitable for.

Watermelon and melon are popular goodies in our country. To show off your original serving skills to your guests, you should remember and be guided by life hacks on how to beautifully cut watermelon and melon on a festive table. Photos with serving recommendations will facilitate the preparation of dessert. Great dessert for

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the site. Melon season is in full swing. For a few more months, the product resembling the sun will be the decoration of our tables. They are happy to buy it, tempted by the aroma and the memory of how delicious it is.

The whole family enjoys a sunny miracle. How to choose how much can be stored, how to cut and what can be prepared from a melon? All answers to questions are in front of you.

How to choose?

Melon refers to soft foods. In order to select from the abundance the most ripe and delicious vegetable, you will not knock on the peel. This focus only with passes. How to determine the ripeness of a melon?

When buying a beautiful fruit, you imagine and dream all the way how you will now enjoy a delicious product. It's a shame when the fruit is overripe or still green. The tips below will help you make the right choice:

  • This easily damaged vegetable spoils quickly if the skin is damaged or hit. Before buying a product, you need to make sure that there are no signs of impact, the crust has not cracked during transportation, and there are no external visible defects.
  • Feel the product, it should not have soft spots.
  • Do not buy cut melon. It deteriorates very quickly, and there is no guarantee that clean tools were used when cutting.
  • When choosing, give preference to fruits that have a certificate confirming their quality.
  • The first thing you should pay attention to is the aroma. Melon is one of those products that leave a delicious trail around them. Bringing the product closer to your face, you will definitely feel the aroma of vanilla, pear or pineapple. This is exactly what you need.
  • Pay attention to the tail of the product. Through it, at one time, the melon received all the nutrients and substances. If it is thick and already shriveled, then the vegetable is ripe and all the necessary taste qualities are formed.
  • On the opposite side of the tail there is a spot from which it all began, and the flower was attached earlier. To the touch, the peel in this place should be soft and elastic.

There is another proven way: consult with the seller. If you are a regular customer, and the seller values ​​his reputation, you will certainly choose the best and sweetest berry. Checked. They are by far the best in merchandise.

How to choose a ripe watermelon - read.

How long does cut melon last in the fridge?

Melon is one of those products that are best consumed immediately. For example, no one will send a half-eaten apple or a bitten pear to the refrigerator. Being in storage in a cut state, it becomes lethargic, loses its aroma, but acquires a new smell - from the refrigerator.

If it is not possible to eat the whole vegetable at once, store the product in the refrigerator for no more than a day. In this case, the cut should be covered with a film. It should be noted that it is better to store a whole melon in a cool ventilated area outside the refrigerator.

Why bitter

There are several reasons why suddenly the fetus has bitterness. Taste depends on the soil, the fertilizers used and even the variety. Yes, yes, there are bitter varieties of melons, they are used in an unripe state in cooking and are considered a real boon for diabetics who depend on insulin injections.

In addition, fermentation products give bitterness to fruits. Experts will help determine the cause. And the consumer should not risk his health. The taste of the product does not cause satisfaction, in this case it is better to refuse melon.

How to cut beautifully

Let's get creative. Melon makes you feel like a designer or sculptor. Before submitting the product, you can create a real masterpiece from it. Drawings are applied only on the outer part.

But a strong peel allows the vegetable to be widely used as a material for a basket. The technology is very simple. Cut into two halves. Shape the edges.

You can pre-draw the outline with a pen. Melon pulp beautifully with a special spoon turn into balls. And then put raspberries, currants, grapes in the basket. Insert a few mint leaves and scoops of ice cream. The dish is ready.

The second creative masterpiece can be obtained if the fruit is cut lengthwise. Choose seeds. Get the balls from the pulp and fill them with the peel of half a melon. String the sails on two long wooden sticks. It can be made from large thin and long pieces of melon, pieces of sausage are allowed. Decorate everything beautifully and put it in the very center of the table faster. It's beautiful indeed.

Melon for breakfast

Those who meticulously watch their waist can easily start the day with melon pulp, and a significant amount is allowed - up to 450g. If you are by all rules, you want to start the day with healthy porridge given will help you.

Millet porridge with almonds and melon.

Chop the almonds. Mix with water and bring to a boil. Pour in the cereal, cook. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add butter, put the pieces of melon and hold on low heat for 5 minutes.

Rice porridge in melon

First, prepare rice porridge with the addition of vanilla. You can use yesterday's product. Cut the fruit in two and remove the seeds. Put the porridge in halves, cover with foil and put in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. Take out the food, mix the melon with rice and boldly serve it on the table.

Melon Dishes

The easiest and fastest dish to prepare from our fragrant heroine is compote. Cut the fruit into pieces, put in cold water, sugar and citric acid, add to taste. Very tasty - try it.


The easiest smoothie can be obtained by blending melon pieces in a blender with a little water. Garnish with a mint leaf.

The recipe is more complicated and will require more ingredients. Beat half a lemon, a few mint leaves and 300 g melon in a blender. Add 50 g and a teaspoon of honey. You can sprinkle lemon zest on top.

Watermelon and melon cocktail

This cocktail is very easy to make. Mix melon with . Add lime juice and some honey to taste. Highly healthy drink, the only small difficulty is that it is necessary to remove the pits of the watermelon.


A wonderful and easy-to-prepare dish will turn out from melon, grapes, gelatin and cherry juice. First, cut the fruit, remove the seeds and select the pulp quite a bit. Separate the grapes, wash, dry on a towel and place in a melon mold.

Mix cherry juice with gelatin and try to dissolve it, let it brew for up to 40 minutes. Stir well again, add sugar, bring to a boil.

Fill the melon with grapes with liquid, cool and leave overnight in the refrigerator. Serve on the table in small beautiful pieces.

You will find cottage cheese dessert at.


It pairs very well with other ingredients in a salad. Use yogurt as sauce lemon juice and honey. You can mix these ingredients.

Salad with banana and grapes

Cut the melon and banana into small pieces. Mix some honey, kefir and lemon juice. Pour in food and stir.

Sprinkle with chopped walnuts and grape halves. Remove grains from berries.

Salad with cheese

Perfectly yellow beauty goes well with cheese and the above recipe is a confirmation of this. Cut the melon and cucumber into small pieces.

The cubes must be the same size. Cut the feta cheese into cubes. You can take cottage cheese and mash with a fork. Cut the basil into strips.

Combine everything, add salt and pepper. Stir, drizzle with olive oil. There should be as much melon as cheese and cucumber combined.

Melon with honey

By combining melon, lime juice and honey, you can get a wonderful dish. Cut the vegetable into small pieces or cut circles, refrigerate. Pour boiling water over the lime, dry, separate the zest and squeeze the juice. Form a dish. First, lay the melon, pour over with honey and juice, sprinkle with zest. Everything is ready to eat in front of you.

Bakery products

A simple melon pie can be made from 300 g of melon, and take flour, semolina and kefir in a glass. You will also need 100 g of butter and half a glass of sugar, salt, baking powder.

  • Whisk eggs with salt and sugar.
  • Add butter and kefir. Stir.
  • Add semolina, flour with baking powder. Mix everything well until you get a homogeneous dough.
  • Prepare the form. Lubricate with oil. Lay out the dough. Arrange the sliced ​​melon nicely on top.
  • Bake in a well-heated oven at 190 degrees for 35 minutes. Check readiness with wooden sticks. Sprinkle the finished product with powdered sugar.


The recipe for making charlotte with melon does not differ from the classic one, but in taste it overshadows the popular version with, only less sugar is taken.

For 6 eggs, less than a glass of sugar and two glasses of flour are used. Oil the mold. Put the fruit cut into pieces. Pour in the dough.

To prepare it, beat the salted eggs with sugar. Pour flour with pre-slaked soda. Bake for half an hour in a preheated oven at 220 degrees.


In order for the products to look beautiful in canapes, cook before serving, sprinkle with lemon juice. It will help preserve the color of the products. And now some recipes.

Olive, cheese and melon

Beautiful canapes will turn out if you string products on a skewer in the following sequence: an olive, a piece of hard cheese, the same piece of melon. Repeat again and dip in poppy seeds. A beautiful and tasty canapé is ready.

Ham with melon

Wrap a piece of pulp in a slice of ham and put on a piece of bread, connect with a skewer. What could be more mysterious and simpler?

Ice cream at home

Delicious ice cream can be made from half a glass of sugar by adding 250 g of melon and heavy cream. To do this, whip cream and sugar with fruit pulp separately.

We put it all together very carefully. We send the container to the freezer. Stir every hour or so. Until we get a frozen mass.

Vodka tincture

Interesting and spicy - that's what you can tell about the next drink. Cut off the top of the fruit. Remove seeds and some pulp. Pour half a liter of vodka and leave to infuse for 15 hours. Serve the drink and sliced ​​melon separately.

Watermelon face mask for wrinkles

Melon is able to work miracles with a woman's skin: it will refresh the color, rejuvenate, remove dark spots, get in the way of wrinkles. The easiest way is during the melon season to simply wipe your face with a piece of melon.

You can apply melon gruel on the skin and hold for ten minutes. To enhance the effect, mix the gruel with cream, add honey.

For oily skin you can replace the cream with kefir. With dry skin, olive oil is a good addition to melon.

When applying, follow a few rules:

  • Do not keep the mask for more than a quarter of an hour.
  • Prepare the product immediately before application.
  • To enhance the effect, clean the face with foam or warm it up a little.
  • Apply a mask at least once a week.

The above recipes once again confirm that with a small amount of food you can prepare a salad, ice cream, drink and snack. Feed the family with cake and porridge. And also protect yourself and skin aging. And all this with the help of a fragrant, yellow beauty.

Dear friends, today we learned what can be made from melon, and in the next article you will find delicious recipes blanks for the winter from our sunny berries.

Appetizers are miniature dishes designed to stimulate the appetite. It can be meat, fish and any other snack. For example, watermelon.

Use a round shape and a teaspoon of watermelon pulp to make "cups" and fill them with cream cheese (use a pastry syringe or bag with an embossed nozzle). Top with a slice of fresh cucumber. A bright appetizer is ready to serve.

Cream cheese appetizer

Watermelon goes amazingly well with balsamic glaze. Try making this appetizer. To do this, cut the pulp of the watermelon, peeled from seeds, into 3 × 3 cm cubes. Make a small depression in the center and fill it with balsamic glaze. Serve on a large platter, garnished with mint leaves.

Appetizer with balsamic glaze


To prepare this Italian appetizer, tomatoes, mozzarella and basil leaves are laid out in a circle in the original. And if you replace the tomatoes with watermelon, you get a bright flavor combination.

watermelon caprese

Cut out stars or any other shapes from the pulp of the watermelon, depending on which shape is at hand. Lay on a plate in layers: watermelons, mozzarella slices and arugula leaves. Drizzle with olive oil and lightly salt each "pyramid". Place one piece of watermelon on top and drizzle the caprese with balsamic glaze.

Salad with feta cheese

There are many variations of watermelon salad with soft cheeses. One of them suggested Jamie Oliver. The maestro uses Greek feta cheese.

Salad with feta cheese

For 4-6 servings, you need 180 grams of crumbly feta cheese, 500 grams of watermelon pulp (pitted), one small purple onion, mint leaves and olive oil. Cut watermelon and cheese into cubes, onion into half rings. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil and season lightly with ground black pepper. Salad ready!

Green tea

Many people love green tea. But few people know about its watermelon variation, which perfectly quenches thirst.

Green tea with watermelon

Take some watermelon pulp (200-300 grams), grind it with a blender to a puree consistency. Strain the puree through a sieve. Mix the resulting juice with pulp with cold green tea. Add a couple of sprigs of mint and garnish with a lime wedge. If desired, the drink can be sweetened to taste.


Jerky is a popular American dried meat snack. But if you have an electric dryer in your house, then you can make great snacks for children.

Watermelon jerky

Just cut the seeded watermelon into slices about 3-3.5 cm thick and dry them for an hour. Put the watermelon jerks in an airtight jar so they don't get damp and enjoy with your homemade ones.

Fruit kebab

We have infographics teaching. Check out the section on vegetables. Grilled fruits are similar.

Watermelon and peach skewers

Preheat the grill on direct heat to medium heat. In a separate bowl, mix honey, a pinch of vanilla, a pinch of salt and lime juice. If the honey is thick, put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Cut the watermelon and peach into slices and alternate between 10-15 cm wooden skewers. It is recommended to hold the skewers in water beforehand so that they are saturated with moisture and do not burn. Fry the fruit "skewers" for two minutes on each side. Drizzle with honey vanilla syrup before serving.

Refreshing aqua fresco

Aqua fresco - literally translated "fresh water". It is a popular drink in Mexico and Central America with added fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is drunk in hot weather to refresh and quench thirst. They say it does it even better than iced tea.

watermelon aqua murals

For a watermelon aqua fresco, you need watermelon pulp (500-700 grams), six tablespoons of honey, freshly squeezed lime juice and one whole lime, a little mint and ice. Puree the watermelon with a blender, strain it through a sieve (this way you get rid of the seeds). Add 1-2 cups of water, lime juice and wedges, honey and mint. Mix everything. Put the jug in the refrigerator for a short while, and when serving, add ice cubes to the glasses.


It is not necessary to be a carving master in order to serve a watermelon to the table in an original way. It just takes a little imagination and patience.

To make a cute hedgehog, all you need is a watermelon, a sharp knife and toothpicks. Steps of work - in the following video instructions.

Pie with a surprise

Who said that the cake must be made of dough and that it needs to be baked? Surprise your guests with an unusual watermelon pie.

watermelon cake

To do this, you need a piece of watermelon 10-12 cm thick without a peel and preferably without seeds. Brush it with thick vanilla yogurt or cream and garnish with blueberries and strawberries. Sprinkle the sides with toasted almonds and top with chocolate syrup. Unusual cake is ready! Fast and tasty.


Cakes don't have to be baked either.

watermelon cupcakes

They can be cut from a watermelon: you should get mugs 3–5 cm thick. Beat Greek yogurt with honey and fill a pastry syringe or bag with the resulting cream. Decorate the watermelon cupcakes and refrigerate for about 15 minutes. Toss a pinch of sprinkles on top of each cupcake before serving.


We talked about recipes, and. And here is a low-calorie smoothie option with watermelon.

Smoothie with watermelon

Take about 200-250 grams of watermelon pulp without seeds. Keep it in the freezer for a while. With frozen watermelon, the consistency of the smoothie will be thicker. Then grind the pulp with a blender and add 100 ml of coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk!). Add lime juice and mint to taste. Can be served with ice cubes.

Edible Rubik's Cube

Children are not always willing to eat vegetables and fruits. But what if we add an element of the game? Make an edible Rubik's cube for your child and see with what excitement he will eat modules from watermelon, kiwi, mango and other fruits. What's more, it's easy. All you need is a square mold and a little patience. More clearly in the next video.

Jelly Bean

What kid (and adult) doesn't love gummy bears or other gummies? During the watermelon season, you can make them yourself.

Jelly Bean

To do this, you will need two glasses of freshly squeezed watermelon juice, half a glass of lemon juice and six tablespoons of gelatin. If the watermelon is not very sweet, you can also use honey. Dissolve the gelatin in half the watermelon juice. Heat the second part of the juice over low heat, without boiling. Then carefully pour in the juice with the dissolved gelatin. Stir until the liquid is homogeneous. Add lemon juice (and honey if you want to sweeten). Mix thoroughly and pour into molds. Silicone ones are perfect - it's easier to remove frozen candies from them. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, send it to the freezer for 30 minutes. After complete hardening, the sweets can be stored simply in the closet.

Marmalade slices for adults

This dessert will be the king of the party, because it is a drink and an appetizer at the same time.

alcohol jelly

Take a 5-7 kg watermelon. Cut it in half. Take out the pulp. The crust will serve as a mold for the jelly. Mix 250 grams of red jelly powder and 60 grams of gelatin and dissolve in four cups of boiling water. Then add vodka or other alcohol to taste to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and pour watermelon halves with this liquid. Refrigerate for four hours until the jelly is completely set. Then cut up the watermelon and the fun can begin.


Take the pulp of a watermelon, remove the seeds and grind it in a blender. Drain any juice that comes to the surface and rub the pulp through a sieve with a paper towel. Probably, this procedure (with a sieve and towels) will have to be done several times, since you need to get rid of the liquid as much as possible. You should get a thick watermelon puree.

When the goal is reached, spread the puree on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. The thickness of the layer should be no more than 1.5 cm. Then send the baking sheet to the oven for 6-8 hours. Having taken out the marshmallow and having cooled, cut it with scissors directly with parchment into strips and roll them up. These strips can be used to decorate cakes and, by unwinding a little, just eat.

watermelon marshmallow

If you have original ideas for preparing or serving watermelon, share them in the comments.

Fragrant and juicy melon will appeal to many. But not everyone knows how to properly cut this sweet vegetable. In addition to slicing, it is important to take into account some features, both in the slicing technique and in the pulp itself. To make this task easier for you, the website offers a simple way to process a vegetable.

Before studying the options and rules for slicing pulp, carefully approach the question of. The taste and aroma will directly depend on its quality and degree of ripening. When doing this, consider the type of vegetable and its size. If there are any damages and stains on the skin, then it is better to refuse such a melon.

Fetal preparation

Wash vegetables thoroughly before cutting. Since it will be used in fresh without heat treatment, then on its skin there can be not only pollution and dust, but also bacteria. Be sure to wash the fruit in warm and running water.

If you do not have special means for treating the fetus, then use the usual laundry soap. Apply a mild soapy solution to the skin, rub it lightly. Then, using a hard-bristled brush, work the melon into clean water. Pat the fruit dry with paper towels to remove moisture. The cutting board and knife should also undergo a similar treatment.


Lay the fruit upright on a cutting board (sideways). Hold with one hand, cut off both tops of it with the other. Move from top to bottom. Do not make them too small, the diameter of the circle should be about 10 cm. Also, do not cut too much skin, otherwise you will remove the pulp.

Flip the fruit over to the cut side. While holding the melon, carefully cut off the skin. Try to make the cuts as thin as possible. This way you keep the pulp. Work quickly, as the ripe fruit is very juicy and must be preserved.

Then inspect the melon and cut off the remnants of the green pulp that remained on the vegetable. Use the knife carefully and cut off as little of the white flesh as possible.

Sliced ​​melon

Method number 1. When you have completely cut off the skin, cut the melon in half. At the same time, move the knife slowly and hold the fruit with your hand. The flesh of the melon is very slippery and there is a risk of the knife slipping.

Remove the seeds inside the fruit with a metal spoon. It is ideal for this action, since the depression in the melon is round and it will not work to clean it with a knife.

Then invert the melon half, cut side up, onto a cutting board. Cut the pulp into two more pieces.

Cut each piece in half again.

You can leave the pulp in slices and serve as is. Some dishes or fondue require small pieces, so cut the skibki as shown in the photo.

Method number 2. If you do not want to peel the skin for a long time, then cut the melon as follows. Wash and dry it. On a cutting board, cut the fruit in half.

Remove the seeds with a spoon.

Cut the halves of the fruit again. You will get quarters.

Then divide each part with a knife into 2 more.

Cut the slices into cubes, but not completely (leave the skin whole).

To separate the melon cubes from the skin in one go, use a sharp knife to cut them off each wedge.

Transfer the melon pieces to a plate and serve at the table or use for a dish. Enjoy your meal!

So, we bought a sweet, tasty, and, most importantly, ripe watermelon ( detailed instructions at the choice of such a watermelon). How to cut it beautifully and quickly now? Some of you may say that he does not cut a watermelon, but breaks it on his knee (head, ground), and then eats it with a spoon. The method, of course, is fast, but the result is unpredictable. I offer several ways to cut a watermelon into neat slices or pieces. Everything is very easy, varied and cute.

Just in case, let me remind you that first you need to wash the watermelon well (you can even wash it with soap and rinse with boiled water). The cutting knife must also be clean. So we will protect ourselves and our loved ones from various microorganisms that love juicy and sweet watermelon pulp no less than us.

At a secular reception:
Why don't you eat watermelon?
- Uhi gets dirty ...

Slice the watermelon in two. Cut off the tops. Place half of the watermelon cut-side down on a serving platter. Cut into segments like a cake. Watermelon breaks up on a dish with a “rose”. We do the same with the second part. If the watermelon is small, then you can similarly cut not halves, but the whole fruit.

How to cut a watermelon in classic semicircles (with a peel)

Cut the watermelon in two halves. Cut each half into two more pieces. We put the quarters of the watermelon with the flesh down and cut into identical semicircular slices.

Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise. Then we cut the halves again lengthwise into two more parts. Cut each quarter into small pieces.

How to Slice a Watermelon for a Party (No Peel)

big slices

This method requires a large sharp knife. Cut off the tops of the watermelon. We put the watermelon vertically and clean it with a knife from the peel and white pulp. Cut the peeled fruit lengthwise into two parts. Cut half into wedges. In one fell swoop, cut all these slices in half. We repeat the procedure with the second half.

small slices

Almost the same, but more suitable for large watermelon or for cutting into small slices. See the video for the differences.

How to cut a watermelon into pieces for a large company (without peel)

American way

We cut the watermelon across into two halves. Place the half, flesh side down, on a cutting board. Cut off the top. Cut off the rind and white flesh. Cut half into wedges. Holding the cut half with your hand, cut it again, but perpendicular to the cuts made. Top everything with a dish and carefully turn the cutting board over. Large peeled pieces of watermelon are on the dish. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the second half of the watermelon.

Jewish way

Pretty much the same thing, but without the hassle. Suitable for small watermelon. So, cut the watermelon across into two parts. Cut off the tops. Cut off the rind and white flesh. Place the cut-end half in a bowl, not on a cutting board. We cut the watermelon along and across. Ready!

How to cut a watermelon for a picnic (no rind)

These methods are perfect for both at home and for slicing watermelon in field conditions, when you don’t want to mess with watermelon peels.


Cut the watermelon across. The resulting halves are cut again. We separate the pulp with a knife, and without removing it from the crust, cut it first into slices, and then we cut the slices into cubes on the sides. Pour the cubes into a bowl. This cutting method is perfect for.


Cut the watermelon in half lengthwise. The resulting halves are cut lengthwise again. We separate the pulp with a knife and cut it into slices right in the crust. For beauty, we move the slices alternately in different directions. To make the watermelon “plate” stand more securely, you can cut off part of the crust on the bottom before slicing the pulp.

small slices

Cut the slices obtained in the previous method along. It turns out twice as many small triangles.

triangular pieces

Cut the watermelon lengthwise. Cut the watermelon pulp lengthwise, holding the knife slightly at an angle. We separate the pulp from the peel in a circle with a knife. Again we cut the pulp along and at an angle, but we start doing it from the other top of the watermelon. We cut the pulp across. The resulting small triangle pieces can be eaten directly from half a watermelon or put the required amount on a plate.

How to cut a watermelon in 30 seconds

I will not describe this method in words. It's faster to watch it than to read it.

Of course, these are far from all the ways of slicing such as watermelon. For example, it can be cut into figures (using molds) or balls (with a noisette spoon).

You can use a special cutting tool.

You can generally cut a cylinder out of a watermelon, and then cut it arbitrarily.

I think, friends, you know other ways to cut watermelon. Share them in the comments!