How to make vegetable bouquets. Delicious bouquets of vegetables and fruits with congratulations

A bouquet of flowers, even a very large one, will surprise few people. Therefore, craftswomen come up with how to compose a composition from unusual objects. We offer you a master class on a bouquet of vegetables with your own hands. Both beautiful and useful.

Easy option

We will need:

  • vegetables;
  • wooden skewers;
  • green floral tape
  • wrapping paper, ribbon or twine.

Everything is very simple. Thread each vegetable onto a skewer.

The skewer must be wooden, as the material does not allow the product used to oxidize.

We collect in a bouquet. In this case, you can leave the skewers undecorated, or you can close them with floral tape.

If necessary, trim the ends of the skewers.

We can decorate the bouquet with lettuce leaves and fasten with twine, but then such a bouquet should be given quickly, because the salad can wither. And you can classically pack a bouquet in paper by tying a ribbon.

A bouquet can consist not only of vegetables, but also, for example, of fragrant herbs.

You can add mushrooms to such a vitamin complex.

Such a variety of colors is certainly pleasing to the eye. But a bouquet in two or three harmonizing shades looks very elegant.

You can include fruits in the vegetable composition, for example, lime, avocado, kiwi, etc., as shown in the photo. Also add a bunch of cinnamon sticks.

The video master class below describes step by step the entire process of creating a bouquet, in which red hot pepper plays the main violin.

Bouquet with pomegranate

Material and tools:

  • hard vegetables of your choice. This master class uses garlic, beets, onions, bell pepper, and, of course, pomegranate;
  • natural flowers: roses white color, dahlias, branches of leucodendron and eucalyptus, you can take green lettuce leaves;
  • floral or teip tape;
  • wrapping paper;
  • wooden skewers;
  • secateurs;
  • scissors.

It is necessary to wash and string vegetables on skewers, as described in the first example. Let's decorate the pomegranate a little unusually. Cut off the top and open it slightly so that it resembles a blossoming bud.

If for you the composition of the bouquet will take place for the first time, then in the florist's shop you can purchase a frame that facilitates the work. According to him inside put the salad.

The gaps in the frame will allow you to insert skewers with vegetables very easily, but at the same time fix the element.

In order for the bouquet to look harmonious, use the rule of a triangle, that is, each type of vegetable or decor should make up this very figure.

We attach fresh flowers and sprigs of greens to vegetables. Wrapped in wrapping paper. At the base we will tie a ribbon.

Composition in carving technique

Carving is the art of artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits. This technique requires skill, but with practice you can master it. basic knowledge. You don't even need to buy special tools for a trial run.

We will need:

  • vegetables (onions, carrots, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, bell peppers);
  • skewers;
  • foam base;
  • twigs with leaves, both live and artificial;
  • sharp knife.

We take a pumpkin, cut off the top from it and take out the pulp of the stone. At the bottom we place the base of the foam. If you feel sorry for the vegetable, then you can take a basket. We begin to cut flowers from the onion. We cut it into thin slices, not reaching the base. Slightly open the "petals".

We cut thin circles from carrots, you can use a vegetable peeler or a food processor with the appropriate nozzle. We connect the circles into a rose, as shown in the photo below.

We form a flower from beets in the same way.

Cut lilies out of zucchini. To do this, we divide the vegetable in half and cut it from the sides, imitating the petals.

We collect a bouquet. We can decorate with greenery. From red pepper, for example, by analogy with zucchini, you can cut bells and hang them on the handle of the basket.

Fruit bouquets are a new kind of bouquets using fresh berries, fruits and leaves. Such a bouquet is distinguished not only by its unusual appearance, but also by the fact that it is edible. It is suitable for those who follow the figure or as an original gift. To make such a bouquet of fruits with your own hands, follow the instructions.

What fruits are suitable

You can use all kinds of citrus fruits, bananas, pears, kiwi, seedless grapes, melon, watermelon and pineapple. Berries will be a great addition: strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries. Vegetables look interesting in bouquets: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

All fruits must be peeled, washed and dried. All this must be done immediately before collecting the bouquet. If the fruit has darkened, drizzle it lemon juice. Bananas turn black anyway, so they need to be glazed.

For better preservation and giving the fruit a glossy look, they are kept in a gelatin solution. To do this, pour lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of cognac and 1 teaspoon of gelatin diluted in warm water into 0.5 liters of water.

What fruits can not be used

It is advisable not to take too ripe and juicy fruits. Because you can't string them on skewers. Fruit must be beautiful, ripe and free from external defects. Try to choose the best copies.

What is required for the frame

Usually fruit bouquets are arranged in a wide low vase, bowl, container or basket. For beginners, large baskets are suitable. A special material is placed at the bottom of the container, where the skewers are stuck. It can be foam, plasticine, a floral sponge, or a large vegetable or fruit.

If the vase is transparent, then the material is draped with a beautiful fabric. The container can be decorated with gift wrapping paper and ribbons.

4 ways to create a bouquet of fruits with your own hands

Before you make a bouquet, think about who it will be created for. Women will like berries, sweets and sweet fruits more. For men, use more vegetables and herbs. Children will love the abundance of sweets, candies and toys.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose the largest basket in the store.
  2. Buy beautiful fruits and vegetables.
  3. Lay paper or cloth at the bottom of the basket.
  4. Wash and dry fruits.
  5. Start laying out the fruits in a chaotic manner. For the top, leave small copies. Try not to crush fragile berries if using them.
  6. Decorate the basket with a ribbon, place greens or any other decor on top of the fruit. You can put a bottle of wine in the basket.

Here is such a simple and at the same time original gift you can make without much effort.

Bouquet of whole fruits

You will need:

  • marshmallows of various shapes;
  • marshmallows in chocolate;
  • lemon;
  • lime;
  • orange;
  • kiwi;
  • decor.

Do not be banal and pleasantly surprised. This is the goal you should ask when choosing a bouquet for a gift. Bouquets of vegetables are an original alternative to classic flower arrangements. You can make such a masterpiece with your own hands, not forgetting the step-by-step instructions. Clear master classes will help you understand all the subtleties.

Suitable vegetables for bouquets: beets, carrots, eggplants, ginger, onions, radishes, garlic, asparagus, squash, ornamental pumpkins, peppers, corn, green beans, artichokes, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, celery.


For additional decoration, various items are selected:

  • food (sausage, slices of bread and cheese, olives);
  • fruit;
  • flowers;
  • greens;
  • piece decorative items and figurines.

Wrapping materials

To give an aesthetic appearance to the finished masterpiece, you need to properly wrap it and decorate the garden composition beautifully.

Used for wrapping material:

  • craft paper;
  • multi-colored wrapping paper;
  • corrugated paper;
  • sackcloth;
  • sisal for decoration;
  • wicker baskets.

Manufacturing process

For ease of perception, step-by-step actions are offered on how to make a bouquet of vegetables:

  1. Choose appropriate vegetables.
  2. Wash them thoroughly and dry them.
  3. Carefully put everything on skewers.
  4. Secure the petiole with adhesive tape, if any.
  5. Collect a bouquet in a spiral, it is better in front of a mirror so that you can see how the product looks.
  6. Wrap all skewers with tape to give integrity and strength.
  7. Decorate with selected decor items.
  8. Wrap in paper and tie with ribbon.

"Rainbow Mood"

A master class on making a bouquet requires preparing the ingredients:

  • radish (5 pcs.);
  • cauliflower (diameter 5-7 cm);
  • small cucumbers (4 pcs.);
  • asparagus (7 pcs.);
  • yellow bell pepper (medium size, 3 pcs.);
  • carrots (4 pcs.);
  • cilantro, dill, parsley, mint sprigs.

Prepare vegetables: wash, dry, put on skewers, glue with tape. Place the cauliflower in the center of the composition. In a circle, in a spiral order, place the radish, alternating with small cucumbers. Peppers and carrots will go to the next round. Arrange the asparagus around the edges, which protrude above the entire bouquet. Decorate with herbs and mint. Secure everything with tape. For decoration, you can use a butterfly figurine or stick a few ladybugs. And also, as an option - the sun on a stick, which is stuck in the center. Wrap in bright wrapping paper, tie a large bow.

"Male severity"

MK of this masterpiece can be viewed on the video.

Main cast:

  • onions (3 small pieces);
  • garlic (3 small pieces);
  • olives (10 pcs.);

  • hunting sausages (5 pcs.);
  • rye bread (15 cubes);
  • radish (5 pcs.);
  • red hot pepper (3 pods);
  • yellow and green bell peppers (2 small pieces each).

Prepare vegetables as in the first option. Set the hot pepper in the center, place the sausage put on skewers in a circle, then the radish and olives (put two on one stick), in the next turn pepper, garlic and onion. In the last circle rises 5 sticks, each of which has 3 cubes of bread. As a wrapper fit burlap. Such a bouquet of vegetables with your own hands is a match for any man.


A master class on creating a bouquet that will melt the hearts of girls. For its manufacture you will need:

  • small patissons (3 pcs.);
  • champignons (5 pcs.);
  • carrot (5 pcs.);

  • green apples (3 pcs.);
  • asparagus beans (7 pcs.);
  • tangerines (3 pcs.);
  • small roses of different shades (7-9 pieces);
  • sprigs of mint.

For this composition, you need a decorative wicker basket. Lay a piece of foam tightly at the bottom, into which the sticks will be stuck. All prepared vegetables, fruits and flowers, which are fixed on skewers, evenly distribute in a basket. Asparagus beans should hang around the edges. Tie a big pink bow on the handle of the basket. This work, made by hand, can be seen in the photo.

"Autumn Banquet"

The next bouquet has this name, since most vegetables ripen at this time. Affordable MK will help you understand the nuances of creation.

Preparation of vegetables is standard. To compose the composition, take a small orange pumpkin in the center, place beets and Brussels sprouts around it, in the next turn - carrots, hot peppers and eggplants. On two opposite sides, beautifully lay out sprigs of tomatoes, and around the whole creation - inflorescences of dill and parsley, horseradish leaves. For wrapping, use craft paper in several layers. The photo shows the result.

There is no need to be afraid to create beauty, the main thing is to start, and a flight of fancy will suggest interesting combinations. A master class on bouquets of vegetables will help you figure it out and start creating. And then the whole masterpieces will turn out.

Replacing fragile flowers with juicy and bright fruit fruits is the perfect solution! And bouquets of berries and vegetables look fantastic! We're not even talking about taste.

Edible fruit compositions are becoming more and more fashionable. They can be with flowers, vegetables and even gifts - there are no prohibitions or norms in such delicious compositions, the main thing is that the fruit bouquet is beautiful and, preferably, usable.

The perfect gift - stylish, plus you can decorate the table, and at the end use it as a dessert! Since the components of such a dessert are at hand or they can be easily bought, it is not difficult to make it, it is worth learning how to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands in order to pamper friends and relatives if possible.

Types of bouquets of berries and fruits - choose raw materials

Despite the amazing variety of such fruit masterpieces, they can be divided into types:

  • According to the integrity of fruits and berries: from whole, cut in half, from figuratively cut.
  • According to the components: fruit, vegetable, combined (fruit and vegetable, plus flowers).
  • By shape or packaging: bouquet, basket, bucket, other.

Choosing fruits for edible bouquets

When making a bouquet of fruits with their own hands, they take any fruits, vegetables, for some types it is better to take small fruits or cut them - pineapple, pomegranate, pumpkin, zucchini, melon, watermelon. Take berries on a twig (currants, grapes, cherries), and it is better to disassemble cabbage into leaves, take garlic and onions either in the form of a feather or whole heads.

Line of the best berries and fruits

Among the most commonly used fruits and berries to create such edible masterpieces are:

  1. Citrus- available all year round, bright, juicy, fragrant, well fixed on skewers, they can be used as a whole, cut in half, or cut into many unusual shapes from them. And the variety of shades of fruits allows you to sort out the color scheme at your discretion (lime - green, lemon - yellow, oranges, tangerines - orange and orange-red of different shades, grapefruit, pomelo - from whitish to bright red).
  2. Apples, quince, pear- juicy, fragrant, will allow you to make any figure out of them, to give the desired shape. Easily cut and attached to sticks. The darkening of the pulp is removed with an acidic environment (use a lemon spray).
  3. Strawberry- the berry is tender, it will decorate a boring bouquet of fruits. Take unripe and elastic berries, treat them more gently, then strawberries will become the central “flower” of the composition.
  4. Pomegranate- keeps heaps, and grains, like rubies, decorate with overflow a solid fruit bouquet. It is enough to cut into pieces or just carefully remove the peel of the desired shape. Often used as a central "flower".
  5. A pineapple- a small fruit itself will become the central flower, and if you cut the pineapple into slices, then from them you can already cut out incredible flowers of a fantastically tender yellow color, while the finished cut will glow and shine with juiciness.
  6. Apricot, peach- a capricious member of the ensemble, but the colors and aroma are worth the effort. Seasonal "flower", needs special fixation - with the help of a thread, cling film, support with grapes, the like.
  7. Grape- used as individual grains, as twigs or whole bunches. It is convenient to string whole or halves of grapes under other fruits, like mini clamps. And if the tip of the skewer has passed through the entire fruit, it is hidden under half a grape
  8. Bananas- look better overall. Well, if the bananas are small, yellow, green and red. By playing with varieties of varying degrees of maturity, you can create stunning transitions of these primary colors.
  9. Kiwi- a green cut with small seeds refreshes the bouquet, diluting with its greenish-brown appearance. You need to take green, elastic fruits.

Among vegetables, multi-colored peppers, beet fruits, carrots, lettuce and cabbage leaves, parsley, celery, sorrel and dill, green onions are popular. Heads of garlic or onions look unusual.

Fruit preparation

No matter how complex the future bouquet of fruits is, the preparation is always the same - choose the ideal fruits, some unripe ones, so that they are denser, carefully wash and dry. Hard-skinned species and varieties can be grated soft cloth to shine. Similar operations for vegetables.

fruit bouquet frame

The frame can be a mesh funnel made of vines, wire or thread. They are sold ready-made, but making your own is not difficult. Some needlewomen use felt to fix the composition, but in principle, even fresh flexible and long branches of any trees can be used to make a kind of bag or funnel, inside which sticks with fruits are placed, which are strung and fixed.

A proven way to make a frame is from soft but strong wire. It is easy to bend and work with aluminum, the thickness of the thread is 2-3 mm. A mini basket or net is woven from it, the purpose of which is to hold together all the sticks, which, due to the fruits, have a solid weight. With such a base, you can not be afraid that the finished product will break even during the trip to the holiday.

The second popular way is from thick threads. Several layers of cling film are stretched onto a round container that needs to be shaped, a layer of PVA is smeared on it, and then threads are applied, which are also soaked with PVA on top. Do this many times until the desired pattern, density or mesh type is obtained. Allow to dry, remove from the container, then from the film. But such a grid is decorative, it will only decorate the fruit bouquet from the outside.

Making a berry-fruit composition: simple

The easiest option is to string whole fruit, collect an armful of them, which is packed in thick paper. It is not very difficult to place fruits and vegetables on skewers in a basket or other suitable container, if there is a good base inside - you need to lay out the bottom, wrap the walls with colored paper, place the base (stand) inside, into which sticks with fruits are inserted. You can peep a bouquet of fruits in the photo, in a search engine, to do it yourself.

If the composition is on a dish, then the dough should be a semicircle or a cone - you will get a magnificent, beautiful composition. If a vessel with high walls (jar, pot, high basket), the sponge must fill more than half of the container, or the void will have to be filled with fruits, vegetables, and this will be more expensive, plus it will add unnecessary weight to the finished product

If you want to reveal the beauty of a fruit and berry bouquet to a greater extent, make cut flowers. To start cut fruit in half- the price will be halved, but in general the composition will win. Tangerines are not cut - they cut the peel from above with cloves or semi-ovals, then they turn out such petals, exposing the slices, removing the white fibers of the pulp. Cut lemons, oranges, pomegranates, apple and quince slices, banana pieces look very presentable.

Important! So that the places of the cuts do not darken, they need to be dipped or sprayed with lemon juice. Sometimes cut figures are poured with chocolate, colored glaze, and allowed to dry.

When already compiling a composition, selecting components and assembling everything into a single one is not difficult, you can move to a new level - flower fruit carving. This is a real art - carving. By cutting out various slices, petals, buds and ready-made flowers from dense pulp, you can create true masterpieces that are even a pity to eat. To add spice, some masters dip the cut parts of the fruit in cognac or sprinkle it.

Having decided to master the art of fruit floristry, you need to diligently prepare the tools, and buy the components (fruits) based on what is expected in the final. Simple but an interesting move is to collect a bouquet of fruits by shades.

A bouquet of yellow-orange fruits, vegetables or flowers looks fantastic and can be made any time of the year thanks to year-round access to citrus fruits. The product looks refined in white and green tones, passionately - with red buds, berries. But it is even more interesting to combine different colors and shades, using a rich color range of fruit and vegetable variety.

Tools you need:

  • packaging (basket or paper);
  • body or retainer (wire frame, retainer made of floral sponge, tight dough, foam plastic);
  • stringing sticks (skewers, wire pieces, sushi sticks, etc.);
  • auxiliary elements (tape for fixing, tape for decor, cling film, spray bottle).

In order to make unusual figures from fruits, a simple kitchen knife will come in handy, as well as standard baking tins - by cutting fruits 1-3 cm thick, you can simply squeeze out a flower, a heart, an asterisk with such an edge. Don't get in the way of professional equipment.

Knives for curly cutting - there are many of them, some allow you to make spirals, others imitate a chrysanthemum flower ("noodle"), others - cut balls or cut fruit into cloves, a crown, waves. If you like to create useful bouquets, then sets of knives will come in handy, which are stylishly packed in a roomy suitcase.

So, how to make a fruit bouquet?

Fruit masterpiece - step by step instructions for creating

The general algorithm for creating a fruit bouquet:

  1. We choose the freshest high-quality components - all fruits must be juicy, fresh, without defects. We wash them, leave them to dry or wipe them, rubbing them to a shine (apples, pears, quince). Vegetables are prepared in the same way.
  2. If this is a composition in a basket, then we prepare the base - we cut out the desired shape from a sponge or foam, knead a tight dough from water and flour, forming a ball, semicircle or other shape that fits the selected basket or bucket. We wrap the edges, the bottom of the vessel with matching paper to hide the base and sticks in finished form.
  3. If this is a bouquet of fruits, we prepare a mesh-frame for holding from wire (optional, but it helps to maintain the integrity of the structure longer).
  4. We cut sticks of the same length.
  5. We string fruits, vegetables, buds. To fix them, you can put on half a grape from below, then the desired fruit, and also a grape on top. Sometimes, so that the fruit does not slide along the stick, a ribbon is wound under it.
  6. Ready-made sticks with tops, cut to the desired length, collected in a bouquet of fruits or inserted into the base.
  7. Around we fill the voids with flowers, herbs, plant leaves, lettuce, cabbage leaves, parsley or celery sprigs.
  8. We wrap the bouquet with mesh or paper, decorate with bows, beads.

Delicious bouquets of vegetables and fruits with congratulations

In order for the composition to be a full-fledged gift, it must be adequately decorated plus supplemented with congratulations. As an option - a business card, and with reverse side- a short congratulations. Sometimes ready-made chocolate congratulations are inserted.

But everything will be better if an envelope with a postcard, which was manually signed by the congratulator, is attached to the handle of the fruit gift. Prose, poetry - the main thing is to congratulate the hero of the occasion as sincerely as possible. Ready-made congratulations are on the Internet.

Universal poems for a bouquet of fruits

There are ready-made rhymes, SMS congratulations on the network, but it’s also not difficult to compose - an elementary rhyme, a little information about the hero of the occasion, plus the name of the holiday, that’s the whole rhyme.

Happy Birthday to You!

For fun, we give a bottle of wine,

For a snack - an unusual bouquet,

And for joy - from friends from the university (from work, from the yard, from relatives) hello!

Do not despair and grieve -

Years go by for everyone, and with them we get older ...

But you, "name", unlike us -

you become more beautiful, wiser!

Accept an edible bouquet

The rest we will leave for later.

You are a great friend, boss, family man,

So do not be discouraged, we will always be there - you are not alone!

Cheer up, look what they gave -

Bouquet plus fruit basket - two in one!

We turned wishes into fruits,

Try and guess what kind words are hidden in it!

Yes, like an apple to be juicy and beautiful,

Like a tangerine - beloved and pleasant,

Like a pineapple desirable and elegant,

Like a pear - fragrant and native!

Give instead of short-lived and impractical bouquets gift baskets with fruit becomes the rule of good taste. It cannot be said that such a creative miracle will cost less than a decent flower arrangement, but that a basket will bring more joy, pleasure - that's for sure. Especially since it is customary to add something else to a festive basket besides flowers, herbs and fruits.

Additional "fillings" of fruit baskets:

  • Sweets- chocolates, packaged desserts, pastries, designer candies or just your favorite sweets, all this is exquisitely packaged and elegantly inserted among fruit buds.
  • delicacies- sausages, cheeses, caviar and red fish. You can complement the bouquet with very different goodies that the hero of the occasion prefers.
  • Alcohol- if the present is intended for an adult birthday person, then a bottle of wine, foreign champagne or old whiskey will definitely not spoil anything appearance nor the taste of such a gift.
  • Stuffed Toys- plush animals, felt decorations, felted freaks will appeal to both girls and children. By the way, products made of felted wool are very easy to put on a skewer.
  • Decorations- a ring or bracelet in a velvet box to match the bouquet will greatly enhance the emotional effect of presenting a fruit offering.

An exquisite bouquet of fruits, baskets, successfully replaces flower arrangements, combining unique qualities: the beauty of flowers, a pleasant surprise, a gift plus a treat, all in one gift bouquet.

Video: how to make a fruit bouquet with your own hands?

Perm florist Maria Patrakeeva- one of the first specialists in our region who began to create fashionable bouquets of fruits and vegetables. Instead of roses - beans, lettuce, garlic, chili peppers, and the main plus is that a delicious present will not fade and you can easily eat it.

Perm florist Maria Patrakeeva. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

“To make such beauty, you do not need to have any serious skills or be a master florist. Enough to show ingenuity. As a result, you will get a truly unique and bright gift for your loved one, ”says the girl.

To create a "vitamin symphony", you need to follow a certain technology. Maria clearly demonstrated the process for the readers of the AiF-Prikamye website.

Preparatory stage

First you need to understand what fruits and vegetables you want to use. It all depends on the imagination. Maria decided to make a fruity bouquet of grapes, apples, kiwi and pears.

First of all, the products must be washed, then put on the table.

The first step is to wash the food. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Fruit preparation

Then you need to put each product on a wooden skewer, these are sold in any supermarket. Why are we taking them? When in contact with fruits, they do not oxidize.

Then you need to put each product on a wooden skewer. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

With grapes, things are more difficult. To "glue" the fruits, use floral tape.

With grapes, things are more difficult. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Secure the base of the vine with it, then continue winding the skewer all the way to the end.

To "glue" the fruits, use floral tape. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

It will take about 10 minutes to process all the fruits. Some fruits, such as kiwi, can be cut on a skewer for greater beauty. Put the finished result on the table.

In the photo, products for two bouquets - vegetable and fruit. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

The final stage is similar to the process of assembling a vegetable bouquet, which you can read about below.

vegetable bouquet

As for the vegetable bouquet, Maria decided to make it from onions, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, radish and red pepper. The preparation stage is exactly the same as in the case of fruit.

Next comes the assembly step. Prepared vegetables are collected only in a spiral at an angle, while all the ingredients must be held in hand. Maria advises to carry out all actions in front of a mirror in order to see the process and correct shortcomings in time.

Assembly stage. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

The big difficulty is the heavy weight of the bouquet. Keeping products at a height while “twisting” them in a spiral is not an easy task. Therefore, you need to adapt and it's okay if nothing works out the first time.

The bouquet is half ready, now it remains to arrange it correctly.

The bouquet is already half ready. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Bouquet decoration

At the final stage, all defects are removed. First, wooden skewers sticking out at the bottom of the bouquet are cut off. A pruner is ideal for this; if there is no tool, either use "nippers" or carefully break.

First, wooden skewers sticking out at the bottom of the bouquet are cut off. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

To decorate the bottom of the bouquet, you need a ribbon and a bright fabric - decorate them one by one. The point is small - here, again, everything depends on the imagination of the creator.

To decorate the bottom of the bouquet, you need a ribbon and bright fabric. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

As a result, bouquets of vegetables and fruits are ready!

You can combine fruits and vegetables. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

“You can combine fruits, vegetables. Do not limit yourself in creative flight. And imagine how the bouquet smells delicious and fresh. No one will remain indifferent from such a gift, ”says Maria Patrakeeva admiringly.