Butter marinated with garlic. Ingredients for preparing the dish "Oil for the winter with honey"

Mushrooms, common throughout our country, are boletus, known and loved by many. These are very tasty and nutritious mushrooms, which in addition have healing properties.

Butter or common butterdish, the Latin name of which sounds like Suillus luteus, is one of the species of the genus Suillus of the family of Oilers (Suillaceae) of the order Boletaceae (Boletaceae) of the class Agaricomycetes of the department of Basidiomycetes of the Kingdom of Mushrooms.

In various works on botany, there are such names for oil as: Boletus volvatus, Boletopsis lutea, Boletus luteus, Cricunopus luteus, Ixocomus luteus, Viscipellis luteus.

In Russian, an ordinary butter dish is called: late, real, yellow and autumn.

In addition, there are such local names for butterdish as: zheltyak, maslyuk, masleniki masleha.

External Description

An ordinary oiler looks like this:

  1. A hat with a diameter of about 3-14 cm has a semicircular shape at first, and later a rounded-convex, flat-convex and flat shape. The surface of the caps is very smooth and slimy. Found with skins of various shades of brown and yellow flowers. Its structure is radial-fibrous. And it can be easily separated from the fungus.
  2. The pulp is quite soft and juicy. It is painted in white and yellowish colors. And at the base it is painted in a rusty-brown tone.
  3. Ring. Has brown color.
  4. Legs. Reach three to eleven centimeters in height and 1-2.5 cm in width. This part of the mushrooms is continuous and longitudinally fibrous. Painted white.
  5. The hymenophore is tubular. The pores are small rounded.
  6. The spore imprint of oil is rusty yellow and light yellow.

What forests grow in

The common butterdish grows in groups and is found in those forests where there are a lot of:

  • pines;
  • birch;
  • oak.

They form mycorrhiza mainly with common pine, as well as with other coniferous pines. Butterhead loves:

  1. Moderate cool climate.
  2. Well-drained sandy soil.
  3. Sun.
  4. Glades, edges and near-road lands.
  5. The northern hemisphere, however, is also found in the forests of the subtropics and tropics.

It also grows in a dark place, but does not tolerate wet soil, peat bogs and swamps at all.

It grows together with russula, greenfinches, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms.

On the territory of our country is found: in the north-west of the country, in the forests of the North Caucasus, in the Siberian forests and in the forests of the Far East.

When they appear

The butterdish appears in June and grows until October. The optimum temperature for breeding oil is + 15- + 18 degrees Celsius. Mass fruiting occurs in September. At 5 degrees below zero, fruiting stops, and when the ground freezes by 2-3 cm, it no longer resumes.


In addition to the common butterdish, about 44 edible and inedible mushrooms belong to the genus butterdish. Here are the most common among them:

  1. Goat - Suillus bovines.
  2. Granular oiler - Suillus granulates.
  3. Larch oiler - Suillus grevillei.
  4. Variegated butterdish - Suillus variegatus.

Nutritional value and calories

The calorie content of 100 grams of pickled yellows is about 18 kilocalories.

Oils are 83.5% water, 2.4% protein, 0.7% fat, 0.5% carbohydrate, 1.2% fiber, and 0.5% ash. .

Chemical composition

Oils are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, chitin, dietary fiber, fungal antibiotics, biologically active and resinous substances.

They include: vitamins A, C, groups B and PP, metals: iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, iodine, copper, salts and fatty and resinous compounds.

Beneficial features

Yellow butterdish is characterized by such healing qualities as:

  1. Bactericidal.
  2. Painkiller.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Antitumor.
  5. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Removing salt.

Harm and danger

Ordinary oilers contain a huge amount of fiber, which are saturated with chitin. Such fiber interferes with the proper digestion of the body, and therefore is not recommended for violations of the digestive system.

The common butterdish has the property of accumulating substances harmful to our health. chemical substances. Therefore, eating mushrooms growing near an industrial plant or a polluted area is very dangerous. The greatest danger is a radioactive substance called cesium. Mushrooms collected in such areas must first be soaked in water several times before use, and then boiled also more than once in different water.


How to choose and where to buy

If it is not possible to collect fresh butterflies in the forest or in your country house, you can buy them in the markets. In supermarkets, as a rule, you can buy pickled butter in glass jars. Before buying, it is necessary to inspect the contents of the can from all sides and read the inscription on the can.

Here are a few signs of quality pickled butter:

  1. The jar itself and its contents must be cleaned of dirt and sand.
  2. There must be a label on the bank and full information about the manufacturer.
  3. Butterfly should be about the same size. The smaller the mushrooms, the tastier they are.
  4. Oil, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices should be indicated in the composition of the product. No flavorings, no preservatives, no dyes should be.
  5. The lid must be well sealed, otherwise the jar may contain substances hazardous to health.


Butter mushrooms are the most delicious edible mushrooms among the Boletovs. They are eaten boiled, fried, stewed, dried and canned. Soups, sauces, side dishes, salads, as well as fillings for pies, snacks, casseroles are prepared with them.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Butter - 5-6 liters.
  2. Water - 1 liter.
  3. Dry dill seeds - a pinch.
  4. Black pepper - 15 peas.
  5. Bay leaves - 6 leaves.
  6. Sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  7. Dry citric acid - half a teaspoon.
  8. Salt - 2 tablespoons.

Rinse thoroughly and scald the oil with boiling water. Put in a saucepan, and preferably in a cauldron, a little mushrooms. Pour water and a little oil into a bowl. In this case, the fire should be slow. Salt and add citric acid, bay leaves, dill seeds and pepper. Without ceasing to stir, add the rest of the oil. After the mushrooms run out, cook for 5-8 minutes. Then distribute among already sterilized jars. Screw on the lids and wrap the jars.


In this marinating recipe, oily mushrooms can be put both whole and cut into pieces, while the legs and hats can be marinated separately. For this you need:

  1. 2 kg of oil cleaned from the ground and leaves, rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Remove the film from the mushroom caps with a knife.
  3. Mix a large amount of water with salt.
  4. Acidify water with citric acid or vinegar.
  5. Boil mushrooms with this water.
  6. After 15 minutes, remove the mushrooms from the heat and drain in a colander.
  7. Slice 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  8. Distribute mushrooms with garlic in sterilized jars.
  9. Add 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3-5 black peppercorns, 2-3 cloves and other seasoning to taste in 500 ml of water.
  10. Boil everything for 3-4 minutes.
  11. Remove from heat and add 1.5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  12. Cool the marinade.
  13. Pour the marinade into the jars to the top.
  14. Close jars with capron lids.
  15. Put in refrigerator.


  1. Clean mushrooms from leaves, sand and dirt.
  2. Remove the top film and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  3. Cook butternut squash in lightly salted water for 15 minutes.
  4. While the mushrooms are cooking, peel one onion, cut into small pieces and fry until golden brown in vegetable or butter.
  5. In parallel, remove excess foam from the mushrooms.
  6. Then drain the water and add the mushrooms to the onions.
  7. Fry on low heat for another 15 minutes.

Fried mushrooms can be served with a potato side dish.

Frozen for the winter

In winter, oilseeds are a very valuable source of nutrients and useful substances. Since they are one of the few mushrooms that can withstand any kind of processing and at the same time retain their beneficial qualities. In order to use butter in winter, they can either be frozen or salted.

In order to pickle butternuts, you need to collect small mushrooms, larger mushrooms are suitable for freezing.


  1. Clean the oil from needles, leaves and dirt. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. When salting butter, you can cut off the legs and remove the top film. Each hostess makes such a decision at her own taste and discretion.
  3. Boil the mushrooms in lightly salted water for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the foam when it appears.
  5. Then throw them in a colander, rinse cold water and let it sit for a while for the water to drain out.
  6. Put a layer of salt on the bottom of the enamelware.
  7. Lay a layer of oil caps down.
  8. Put the bay leaves, dill, chopped garlic, pepper and sprinkle with salt again.
  9. Repeat layers. Don't forget to add spices and salt.
  10. When the oil runs out, cover with a plate and put something heavy on top so that the mushrooms release the juice.
  11. If there is not enough brine, you can add some boiled salt water.
  12. Leave the mushrooms for 24 hours at room temperature.
  13. After that, distribute the salted mushrooms among the jars, fill to the top with brine and tighten the lids.
  14. Salted butter dishes will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Application in medicine

Oils are used to treat headaches, arachnoiditis, gout, arthritis, and arthrosis. They also help with rheumatism, osteochondrosis and sciatica. In addition, they are used in the treatment varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis.

They are used to prevent stroke and heart attack.

Alcohol tincture

Prepared on the basis of oils alcohol tincture which is a powerful pain reliever. This tincture is able to remove salt from the body and eliminates all of the above diseases.

In order to prepare such a tincture, you need to take a liter jar, fill it to the top with butter hats and pour good vodka to the top. Then it is necessary to cork well and put in a dark place for two weeks. After this, the tincture must be filtered and squeezed mushrooms. Ready tincture should be kept in the refrigerator.

This tincture can be taken internally and externally. At internal application tincture take 1 teaspoon with chilled boiled water twice a day for half an hour before meals. For external use, rub into sore spots.

Treatment of gout

With gout, in addition to the tincture, you need to use the mushrooms themselves. From them you can cook various dishes, while maintaining healing property butter. Since the substance that affects patients with gout is not destroyed during heat treatment and salting.


Butterdish is grown both in industrial mushroom growing and in amateur. Cultivation in the first case is limited due to the lack of the necessary technology. In the second case, the cultivation of butter has been established for a long time and requires compliance with certain rules. An important and unconditional condition for the cultivation of butter is the presence coniferous trees- pine, cedar, larch or spruce, depending on the type of butter dish. The age of trees should not exceed 15 years. Oil cans are grown, as a rule, with the help of mycelium. In this case, the mycelium itself is preliminarily prepared and the soil is prepared.

In addition, there is a very simple and easy way oilseed cultivation. To do this, you must first start a pine tree in the garden or in the garden. Then collect old mushrooms in the forest and “plant” them under a pine tree. Sometimes they need to be watered from a watering can, loosening and weeding is not necessary. Harvest should appear in the second year. You can collect half of the young butterflies, half must be left for breeding.

The easiest way is to grow an oil dish under a pine tree

These mushrooms are called oil mushrooms because of the specific oily, slippery to the touch surface of the caps.

Fans of picking mushrooms know that butterflies appear only when the pine blossoms.

Butter mushrooms are one of the most common and favorite mushrooms. Despite laborious cleaning and a slippery oily cap that tries to slip out of their hands, mushroom pickers invariably collect full baskets of these mushrooms and make preparations for the winter out of them. Naturally, every mushroom lover has his own time-tested delicious recipes marinades, but sometimes you really want to experiment and cook something new, but no less tasty from familiar products. Butterfish can be stewed, boiled, fried and salted, but they are undoubtedly the most delicious in a pickled form. Pickled boletus will remind you of summer and delight you with its spicy taste throughout the winter. Pickled butternuts according to the recipes below will become a real decoration of your table.

Pickled boletus with lemon juice

5 kg fresh oil,
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1 bay leaf,
5 black peppercorns,
1 tsp Sahara,
100 ml vinegar 9%,
4 tbsp non-iodized salt.

Clean the mushrooms from debris, remove the skin from the caps, if the mushrooms are large, then cut off the legs, wash thoroughly. Cut large hats in half or quarters. Put prepared mushrooms in water with the addition of 1 tbsp. salt and lemon juice. After a while, rinse the butternuts thoroughly and transfer to a saucepan with clean water. Add 1 tbsp. salt, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Throw ready mushrooms in a colander. Prepare sterilized jars, put 1 bay leaf, pepper in them, lay the oil tightly on top. Prepare a marinade from 500 ml of water, 2 tbsp. salt, sugar and vinegar. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and immediately pour the jars with mushrooms, cover with lids and sterilize for 40 minutes, then roll up the jars, turn them over onto the lid and cover until completely cool.

10 l. oil pan,
7-8 bay leaves,
5-7 dill umbrellas,
15-20 black peppercorns
5-7 peas of allspice,
3-5 cloves,
small handful of mustard seeds
2 tbsp non-iodized salt
1 tbsp without a slide of sugar,
100 gr. vinegar 9%.

Clean the butterflies from grass and earth, rinse thoroughly without removing the skin from the caps. If the mushrooms are small, then you can put them in the pan as a whole, if they are large or medium, then you need to cut them. Fill a saucepan to the top with water and bring to a boil. As the mushrooms boil, you can add more water, while not forgetting to constantly remove the foam. Boil butter for 40-45 minutes, then add spices - bay leaves, dill, pepper, cloves, dry mustard grains, salt, sugar and vinegar. Salt and sugar can be added to taste, but the marinade should be a little salty. After the spices are added, cook the mushrooms for another 15 minutes and reduce the heat to a minimum. At this time, prepare sterilized jars and a ladle. Constantly stirring the mushrooms, pour the contents into the jars with a ladle and immediately roll them up with lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Jars of pickled boletus according to this recipe can be stored at room temperature!

Marinated boletus with garlic and vegetable oil

1 kg butter,
1 l. water,
2 tbsp Sahara,
4 tsp non-iodized salt
6 cloves of garlic
3 tsp vinegar essence,
1 bay leaf,
black peppercorns,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,

Peel the butternuts, remove the skin from the caps, wash and boil for 40 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam. Throw ready mushrooms in a colander. Pour 1 liter into the pot pure water, add sugar, salt, vinegar, bay leaf, pepper, cloves and vegetable oil. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and put the mushrooms in the boiling marinade. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20-25 minutes. At the end of cooking, add peeled and thinly sliced ​​garlic. Remove the pan from the stove, put the mushrooms with the marinade in sterilized jars, roll them up, turn the jars over onto the lids, cover with a blanket and let cool. Store pickled butternut squash in a cool place.

Pickled boletus with honey

2 l. jar of boiled butter,
1 bay leaf,
1 tbsp salt,
1 tsp honey,
100-150 ml of vinegar 9%.

Peel the caps of fresh mushrooms, cut off the lower part of the legs and clean the mushrooms of debris. Rinse the prepared mushrooms thoroughly and boil them three times for 15-20 minutes, each time completely changing the water and washing the mushrooms. For the fourth time, pour water into the pan to the finger above the level of the mushrooms, add the bay leaf, pepper, cloves, salt, honey and vinegar. Bring everything to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 1 hour, then pour everything into sterile jars, roll up, turn the jars over onto the lids and wrap in a blanket until cool.

Marinated boletus with onions and carrots

1 kg boiled mushrooms,
3-4 bay leaves,
3-5 black peppercorns
5 peas of allspice,
3-5 pcs. carnations,
2 gr. citric acid,
1.5 tbsp salt,
1 tsp Sahara,
2-3 tbsp vinegar 9%,
cinnamon on the tip of a knife
1 onion
1 carrot.

Mushrooms must be cleaned, washed and boiled in in large numbers water for 30 minutes. Put the boiled mushrooms in a colander and rinse thoroughly in running water. Peel the onions and carrots and cut them into rings or half rings, boil them for 5 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water. Add bay leaves, pepper, cloves, citric acid, salt, sugar, vinegar, and cinnamon. Put the boiled mushrooms into the resulting marinade and add water so that it is 2-3 cm higher than the level of the mushrooms. Bring the marinade to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Then taste the marinade, if something is missing, then add. Arrange the mushrooms along with the marinade in pre-prepared sterilized jars. Try to add the marinade so that it flows over the edge of the jar, then screw the lids on tightly, turn the jars over and wrap them with a blanket until they cool completely. Store in a cool place.

with bell pepper and celery

2 kg butter,
7 tbsp salt,
3 bulbs
1 bunch of celery
3 red bell peppers,
5 cloves of garlic
150 ml. vegetable oil,
150 ml vinegar 9%,
2 tbsp Sahara.

Peel the butternuts, rinse and cut into large pieces. Boil the mushrooms in boiling salted water for 10 minutes, then drain in a colander and cool. Peel the onion and cut into quarter rings. Finely chop the celery bell pepper wash, remove seeds and cut into strips. Pass the garlic through a press. Prepare the marinade, for this, mix vegetable oil in a saucepan, 3 tbsp. water, vinegar, sugar and salt. Bring the mixture to a boil and stir. Mix mushrooms, onions, garlic, bell peppers and celery, add them to the boiling marinade, mix, arrange in jars and close tightly with lids. Mushrooms are ready to eat as soon as they are completely cool. Store cooked mushrooms in a cool place.

with green onions

500 gr. refined oils,
1 bay leaf,
2 tbsp salt,
1.2 liters of filtered water,
½ tbsp Sahara,
1.5 tbsp vinegar 7%,
dill umbrellas,
3 cloves of garlic
2 bunches of green onions

Place the bay leaf, salt and 1.2 liters of cold filtered water in a large saucepan. Bring water to a boil and add peeled and washed mushrooms. Cook butternut squash over high heat for 15 minutes. At the same time, start sterilizing the jars and lids, this procedure will take about 15-20 minutes. Prepare the marinade. Taste the boiling water, check if there is enough salt. Add sugar and vinegar, try again. The taste should be unsaturated sweet and sour. Boil the marinade for another 10 minutes over high heat. Before the end of cooking, add dill umbels, cut into 4-5 cm pieces, garlic cloves and green onions, cut in the same way as dill, into the pan. Peel and scald a small piece of horseradish with boiling water, add it to the brine and remove the pan from the heat. Using a ladle, spread the mushrooms along with the marinade in sterilized jars. Immediately close all jars tightly and turn them over, wrap them in a blanket and check if the liquid comes out, if the marinade seeps out, then close the lids more tightly. After 8-10 hours, remove the mushrooms in a cool place.


Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
1/3 cinnamon stick
1 clove
2 peas of allspice,
3 peas of hot pepper,
¼ tsp citric acid,
2 tbsp vinegar 9%,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

Clean the oil from the film, rinse and boil for 10-15 minutes in water with the addition of citric acid. Then put the mushrooms in a colander, cool, cut the large butternuts into pieces, and leave the small ones whole. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour 400 ml of clean water into the pan, add cinnamon, cloves, pepper, sugar and salt. Boil the marinade for 15 minutes, then put the mushrooms in it and cook for another 10 minutes. Put the mushrooms together with the marinade in a jar, add 2 tbsp. vinegar, roll up the lid, turn the jar over and, after completely cooling, put it in a cool place.

In summer, you don’t want to think about winter at all with its cold weather and the lack of fresh vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. But it is in winter that a special comfort appears in the houses, when the whole family gathers in a warm, bright kitchen, and you cook a delicious dinner and open a jar of beautiful, fragrant pickled butter. It is difficult to resist the temptation, for sure, everyone will want to be in such an environment. To do this, now you need to take care of the blanks. Use our recipes to make marinated boletus, add ingredients to your liking, and let this year's marinated boletus be especially delicious.

Now there is a mushroom season and many people rush to the forest not only for the wonderful clean air and beauty, but also to collect mushrooms and prepare them for the future for the winter.

Wild mushrooms can be collected in great variety. Today we have oilers in the kitchen.

I love this forest mushroom with an oily sticky cap! Butter makes a delicious soup, fried butter is very tender, and I just love them with fried potatoes!

Pickled butterfish

With any method of preparation (stewing, frying or salting), butter hats are recommended to be cleaned, to remove a beautiful shiny skin. This is done so that the broth in mushroom soup or pickling syrup is clear, not cloudy and not too thick. It is very easy to peel butternuts when they are dry, the skin is removed by hand or with a knife. And then you can wash the mushrooms. One nuisance from processing these edible mushrooms is that your hands get very dirty. So, until this oily substance has dried up on the hands, it is easy to wash them off by moistening them first with lemon juice. Although many housewives do not remove the skin from the oil, they simply wash the mushrooms in water.

I would like to collect interesting recipes for making delicious pickled butter at home in one tab of our Notebook, in fact, this post will be about how to pickle butter. Dear readers of the site, if you have a desire to join us and write down your recipe here, you are welcome!

The first entry will be from our regular reader and my assistant Svetlana:

Marinated butternut squash with garlic

Svetlana Burova's recipe

My grandmother treated me to these mushrooms, picking them up in the forest.

The butterflies were selected, beautiful, so I decided to pickle these mushrooms for the future with garlic, basil, onions and allspice.

The marinade can be prepared to your taste, I like the mushrooms to be a little sweet, fragrant, and with some spicy spiciness.

From the indicated amount of mushrooms, I got 2 jars of pickled butter, with a volume of 0.7 liters. and 0.33 l.


  • Mushrooms - boletus - about 1.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Dried basil - 1 tsp
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves - for cooking; 10-15 cloves - for layering mushrooms.
  • Salt - 3 tsp with a slide
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l. with a hill.
  • Allspice peas - 20-30 pcs.
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 des. l.
  • Water - 1.5 liters. - for cooking mushrooms.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Cooking process:

    To begin with, we carefully clean the mushrooms from twigs and leaves, rinse the oil well in several waters and soak in cold water for 5-6 hours.

    Then we wash the mushrooms again, fill it with water and put it on the stove.
    Add salt, sugar, dried basil, ground black pepper, 3 cloves of garlic and a whole peeled onion to the oil.

    Cook the mushrooms after boiling for 20-30 minutes over medium heat, removing the foam that appears.

    We taste for salt and sugar - if necessary, add more to taste.

    At the end of cooking mushrooms, add vinegar and boil for another 3-5 minutes.

    When the butternuts are cooked, drain them into a colander and let them drain a little. We still need a marinade for harvesting mushrooms.

    Then we begin to lay in prepared sterilized jars in layers, shifting each layer with chopped garlic cloves, allspice peas and, if desired, boiled onions (which were boiled with mushrooms).

    When half of the jar is already laid, pour 4-5 tbsp into the jar. l. marinade in which mushrooms were cooked.
    Then we put the mushrooms up to the shoulders of the jar, add more garlic and sweet pea, pour a little more brine on top and add on top of vegetable oil.

    Jars of mushrooms should be completely cool, then they should be put in the refrigerator for storage or sent to a cold cellar.

    Such marinated butternuts are very tasty, and most importantly, they cook quickly. You can eat them the very next day.

    They can be used as an independent dish, as an appetizer, adding to the oils chopped with thin feathers onion and odorous vegetable oil, as well as adding to the usual boiled potatoes.

    I think these pickled mushrooms fast food everyone will like it, especially passionate lovers and admirers of mushrooms.

    Bon appetit to everyone wishes the most delicious and interesting Notebook!

    If there are no forest mushrooms at hand or you are afraid that you will come across a false butter dish in the forest, Svetlana offers to cook delicious pickled mushrooms.

    With the approach of autumn, mushrooms appear in the numerous stocks of hostesses: pickled, frozen, salted, dried. There are cute and tasty mushrooms on a yellow leg with a brown oily hat - butterfish.

    The Latin name for oil is Suillus luteus (late oiler or yellow), the word luteus means "yellow". The people call the mushroom differently: masluh, chalysh, maslyuk, the British call it "Slippery Jam". It got its name because of the oily, sticky hat, red-brown or dark brown color. In rainy weather, more mucus is secreted.

    The leg is golden yellow color or lemon. It reaches a height of 10 cm, up to 3 cm thick. Adult mushrooms have a white or grayish-purple ring. Above the leg ring white color, the lower part of the leg is brown. The color of the pulp is white or yellow, with a pleasant smell and sour taste. On the reverse side the caps of the young are oiled with a white film.

    Butterflies grow in pine forests near young pines. They love a sunny place, so they are not found in overgrown forests. It is easier to find on the edge of pine forests, on the roadside near a pine forest, on burners or old bonfires. Collection lasts from June until frost. Mass collection is in July.


    Oiler is an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. Professional mushroom pickers believe that it is second only to boletus, and is ahead of it in terms of fat and carbohydrate content. In terms of productivity in coniferous forests, oilers have no equal, they occupy the 1st place.

    Energy composition:

    • Carbohydrates - 46%
    • Fat - 18%
    • Proteins - 18%

    Butter protein is absorbed by a person by 75-85%. In young mushrooms there is more protein than in old ones, as in caps there is more protein than in legs.


    • boiled butternuts (as much as there is);
    • onion 2-3 pieces;
    • vegetable oil - 1/3 cup (preferably refined);
    • salt, spices - to taste.


    1. I pour the oil into the pan, heat it up. I spread the oil, cover with a lid and fry over low heat until they stop “shooting” (during cooking, you will understand what is at stake).
    2. I add the onion and continue to fry, adding a little fire.
    3. Fry, stirring occasionally, until there is no liquid left in the pan, and the mushrooms do not darken.

    Similarly, I make preparations for the winter, only I don’t add onions and fry longer, about an hour. I put it in sterilized jars. I put the mushrooms tightly, approximately on the “shoulders” of the can. To avoid mold (this happens from poor processing of cans or insufficient time for frying), I pour melted lard on top.

    Video recipe

    I don’t roll it under iron lids, but tightly close it with nylon. I store it in a cool place and for quite a long time. Serve on the table with potatoes or buckwheat.

    Pickled butterfish

    Pickled boletus with onions and herbs are included in the New Year's menu, becoming a traditional snack and a particle of home comfort.

    Recipe #1


    • for 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons of salt and 3 sugar;
    • 10 large peas of allspice;
    • 1-2 cloves;
    • clove of garlic;
    • a few pieces of bay leaf (for an amateur);
    • a pinch of dry dill seeds.


    1. I usually remove the skin from the hat for marinating. After cleaning, I rinse in a large container so that the sand settles and light debris floats to the surface. I wash in several waters.
    2. I cut large butternuts into several parts and boil them in salted water. I cook no more than 10 minutes. I first add a few drops of vinegar or citric acid to the water on the tip of a knife so that the mushrooms do not darken.
    3. I drain the water, fill it with the same composition, cook for 15 minutes.

    I put the oils tightly in liter jars (I pre-sterilize the jars and lids), pour the marinade, add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar. I roll up the lids, store in the cellar or basement.

    Recipe number 2

    For the next canning option you will need:

    • 1 kg oil is approximately the same size;
    • a tablespoon of sugar;
    • 10 large peas of black allspice;
    • citric acid (10 gr.);
    • bay leaf - 5 pieces;

    For marinade:

    • the third part of a glass of water;
    • 2/3 cup 3% vinegar;
    • a tablespoon of salt.

    I bring the marinade to a boil, put the pre-washed and peeled butternuts. I take off the foam. I turn off the stove as soon as the marinade boils again. I put bay leaf, citric acid, sugar, pepper, mix and let cool. I put the mushrooms in jars, pour the marinade and cover with parchment (it is better not to cover with metal lids). I keep it in the refrigerator.

    Salted boletus

    For salting, they oil it, like mushrooms, I use freshly picked mushrooms, not wormy and small in size. Leave large ones to freeze. Some housewives salt only the caps, the legs are cut off when the mushroom is medium or large in size. Someone salts separately hats and legs. As they say, the taste and color ... If the oil is small, I do not remove the film from the hat.


    • 1 kg butter;
    • 2 tablespoons of salt;
    • 5 peas of black allspice;
    • 4 pieces of bay leaf;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • fresh dill;
    • blackcurrant leaves (optional).


    1. Peeled and washed butternuts are boiled in a large amount of salted water for 20 minutes. As soon as they boil, I remove the foam.
    2. I wash the boiled mushrooms in cold water, put them in a colander so that the water is glass.
    3. I pour salt into an enameled pan or bowl and put the mushrooms with a hat down. I add bay leaf, pepper, chopped garlic and dill, sprinkle with salt. From above I make a layer of mushrooms and spices, so several times.
    4. When the mushrooms are laid, I put a flat dish on top and press it down with a yoke so that the butternuts release the juice and are completely in the brine. If there is not enough brine, I add boiled salt water and leave for a day.
    5. I put the mushrooms tightly in steamed jars so that they are completely covered with brine. For insurance, I pour vegetable oil on top and leave it in the refrigerator.
    6. Mushrooms will be salted in 3 weeks. Get strong and tasty.

    Butters for freezing

    I clean the mushrooms from coniferous needles and foliage, wash them in running water, put them in a colander for 20 minutes so that the water is glass. I recommend dipping with paper towels to dry faster.

    I cut large butternuts into pieces of 2-3 cm, put them in plastic bags or special containers. I do not advise putting a lot of oil in the package. Do not forget to sort the mushrooms: put the cut ones in one bag, the small ones in another. Put in the freezer. Stored for a year.

    You can boil or fry before freezing, but fresh frozen mushrooms retain more nutrients than boiled or pickled ones.

    How to defrost properly

    Defrosting is a lengthy process.

    1. Transfer the mushrooms from the freezer to the refrigerator and leave until completely defrosted. Remember, thawed mushrooms are used immediately, otherwise they will become a place for bacteria to accumulate.
    2. Do not defrost quickly. After a quick defrosting, they look unsightly and lose their taste.
    3. Let the butternuts get rid of the crust that formed during freezing, then you can start cooking. Boil thawed mushrooms in salted water for 15 minutes.

    Butterfish rarely act as a full-fledged and independent dish. More often it is an indispensable ingredient for giving a piquant taste. Of them

    Everyone knows squash and eggplant caviar. It turns out that this dish can be made from mushrooms. It is especially tasty from butter. Let's try to cook it.

    Caviar can also be made from mushrooms

    Mushrooms are quite heavy food for the stomach. Of all the abundance of mushrooms, it is butternuts that are distinguished by the ease of protein absorption. And if the dish is prepared in the form of caviar, it can be eaten even by those to whom mushrooms are usually contraindicated. Cooking mushroom caviar is a simple process, but it has its own characteristics.

    The addition of pepper and garlic to the mushrooms gives this dish a rich spicy taste. It can be eaten immediately, and it is very good to prepare for the winter, then spices are added to the jars.

    We will need:

    • 750 g butter;
    • a pair of medium-sized bulbs;
    • 3 cloves of garlic, but more can be;
    • 90 g vegetable oil;
    • a teaspoon without the top of salt and sugar;
    • a pinch of black ground pepper;
    • 1 clove bud, bay leaf and a pea of ​​allspice in each jar.

    Peeled mushrooms, and not only the membranous ring is removed from them, but also the skin covering the cap, are washed well in several waters, and then under the tap. Boil in lightly salted water for about 20 minutes. We strain well and scroll in a meat grinder. We choose a small grid. Onions also need to be chopped with a meat grinder. Stew it in a frying pan with oil until the liquid evaporates, add the scrolled mushrooms and simmer under the lid for another 40 minutes. Season with sugar, pepper and crushed garlic, salt to taste. We simmer for another quarter of an hour. The dish is ready to serve. In order to enjoy them all winter, we will decompose them immediately after cooking in a sterilized dish, on the bottom of which spices are placed. We store rolled cans in the cold.

    For better storage of canned food, it is good to add vinegar to them during the cooking process. In an acidic environment, the likelihood of developing botulism is much less.

    Spicy butter caviar with pepper and garlic

    Caviar with vinegar and herbs


    • 2 kg mushrooms;
    • 12 cloves of garlic;
    • 200 g vegetable oil;
    • 12 bulbs;
    • 60 ml of vinegar;
    • parsley and dill leaves 2 bunches.

    Fry the chopped onion with garlic, adding oil to the pan for 10 minutes. Boil the peeled mushrooms until tender. It is easy to determine: ready-made mushrooms will settle to the bottom. Grind them in a blender and add to the onion with garlic. Season with salt and vinegar. We simmer everything together for another quarter of an hour. Add chopped greens and simmer a little together over low heat. We pack in sterilized jars, roll up and store in the cold.

    In addition to the traditional use, this caviar can be an excellent filling for pies.

    If you add tomato paste and sweet pepper to the oils, you get a kind of salad with a mushroom taste, but with the consistency of caviar.

    Caviar with vinegar and herbs

    Butter caviar with garlic and tomato paste

    It is very good both as a winter preparation and as a dish for immediate consumption.


    • oil - 1 kg;
    • a pair of bulbs;
    • large sweet peppers in the amount of 3 pcs.;
    • the same number of spoons of thick tomato paste;
    • 6 art. spoons of vegetable oil;
    • a large head of garlic;
    • Art. a spoonful of salt;
    • the same amount of sugar;
    • a bunch of dill greens;
    • vegetable oil;
    • half a teaspoon of ground black pepper.

    Washed and peeled mushrooms are boiled in water with salt for half an hour. We strain well, scroll using a meat grinder. Its grill should be with small holes. We do the same with onions, sweet peppers and garlic. Fry a mixture of vegetables over low heat for a quarter of an hour with the addition of oil, put mushrooms on it, mix and continue stewing for another 30 minutes. Season the dish with tomato paste, sugar, salt, pepper. If we are preparing caviar for serving, you can turn off the fire and sprinkle it with dill. For winter harvesting, you will have to put it out with dill for another 10 minutes, immediately package it in sterilized dishes, roll up and insulate the jars for a day.

    You can cook such a dish with carrots and tomatoes. On the table, it will look very elegant.

    How to prepare mushroom caviar for the winter (video)

    Vegetables for her are rubbed on a fine grater.


    • 1 kg of already boiled mushrooms;
    • 4 large onions and the same number of carrots;
    • 500 g of tomatoes;
    • 2 large heads of garlic;
    • 6 art. spoons of vegetable oil;
    • one and a half st. spoons of salt.

    Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a fine grater. Fry the vegetables for 10 minutes, add the tomatoes cut into small cubes and simmer together for 5 minutes. We twist the boiled mushrooms in a meat grinder and fry separately for 20 minutes. We combine them with the vegetable mixture and simmer the same amount together. Season with salt and garlic. After several minutes of quenching, we pack in sterilized jars, roll up and wrap.

    If the dish is prepared for immediate consumption, after adding garlic, caviar can no longer be stewed.

    Mushroom caviar with carrots and garlic

    How to cook delicious mushroom caviar from butter

    Strong pleasant aroma and rich taste - the hallmark of all dishes prepared from mushrooms. Mushroom caviar is no exception. This dish can be served to any table as an appetizer, or you can cook delicious and mouth-watering sandwiches with it.

    Butter caviar classic

    It is not suitable for harvesting, but it will be just right for the table, especially if served with boiled potatoes.

    Products for cooking:

    • 500 g mushrooms;
    • a pair of bulbs;
    • a bunch of green onions;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
    • 70 g vegetable oil, can be replaced with butter.

    Stew peeled, washed and finely chopped mushrooms with the addition of part of the oil. We cut the onion very finely, sauté in the remaining oil until it becomes golden, add sour cream and heat for several minutes. We pass the onion with mushrooms through a meat grinder. Cool the dish, mix with chopped green onions and serve.

    You can cook butter caviar without sour cream, with the addition of carrots and ground red pepper. Such a dish will be a good preparation for the winter.

    Mushroom caviar from butter (video)


    • fresh mushrooms - 1 kg;
    • one carrot and one onion;
    • 250 ml vegetable oil;
    • ground red pepper, bay leaf, salt, if desired - coriander.

    We cut the carrots finely and fry with the addition of oil, after 5-7 minutes add the finely chopped onion and fry together for another 15 minutes. Boil the peeled butternut squash in salted water for 10 minutes, strain and grind through a meat grinder. We choose a large grid. Add them to the vegetables and simmer together for another 20 minutes. When the dish is almost ready, add the bay leaf, which we take out after cooking. We season the caviar with spices and salt and pack it in a sterilized dish. We store rolled cans in the cold.

    The addition of herbs de Provence and mustard gives the usual mushroom caviar a piquant taste. Such a blank will be a highlight even on holiday table.

    Caviar with red ground pepper

    Spicy caviar

    This blank will have to be additionally sterilized so that it is well stored all winter.

    To cook spicy caviar you will need:

    • fresh oil - 2 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 100 g;
    • mustard powder - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • 9% vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • a pinch of Provence herbs;
    • black ground pepper - tsp.

    We clean the mushrooms, cook until cooked, cut and fry with the addition of oil for 10 minutes. We cut the onion and fry everything together with mushrooms for another 10 minutes. Grind the mixture with a blender 2 times so that it turns into a puree. mustard powder dilute in vinegar, add it to the caviar along with minced garlic, pepper, salt and Provence herbs. We warm up the well-mixed mixture a little, lay it out in half-liter. jars and warm them in a water bath for an hour with a barely noticeable boil of water. We store rolled cans in the cold.

    If there are frozen butternuts in the refrigerator, you can cook very tasty caviar from them.

    Spicy caviar

    Recipe for delicious frozen mushroom caviar

    Mushrooms for this dish must first be defrosted. They eat such caviar as soon as it cools down a bit. If you put it on crackers and decorate with greenery, then on the festive table it will become a real decoration.


    • frozen mushrooms - 300 g;
    • bulb;
    • thick sour cream - 150 g;
    • vegetable oil or butter - Art. a spoon.

    Pepper and salt to taste.

    Fry the diced onion until tender with the addition of oil. Cook thawed mushrooms for 30 minutes. Finely cut, after straining. Fry until the liquid evaporates, mix with onions and sour cream. Pepper, salt and simmer together for about 5 minutes. The dish is ready.

    The addition of tomatoes and garlic will allow you to enjoy a completely new taste of butter caviar.

    Caviar from frozen mushrooms

    How to make mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms with tomatoes and garlic

    You can cook this dish for the winter, or you can serve it for lunch or dinner. Ingredients:

    • boiled mushrooms - 500 g;
    • one carrot and one onion;
    • one tomato;
    • clove of garlic;
    • vegetable oil.

    Lightly fry the finely chopped carrots in vegetable oil, add the onion and fry for another 10 minutes. Peel the tomato from the skin, chop and add to the vegetables. Season with chopped garlic and spices, add mushrooms chopped in a meat grinder and simmer together for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

    You can make caviar from mushrooms, vegetables and rice. This dish is eaten hot with boiled potatoes.

    How to cook chanterelle caviar (video)

    Cooking mushroom caviar from butter with vegetables and rice

    For this you will need;

    • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
    • 3 large sweet peppers;
    • bulb;
    • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
    • already cooked rice - 200 g;
    • salt to taste;
    • vegetable oil - 40 g.

    Boil the mushrooms until cooked, strain. Fry the diced onion for 5-7 minutes, add finely chopped pepper, and after 5 minutes peeled and chopped tomatoes, simmer until the vegetables are ready. Mushrooms, along with rice and vegetable mixture, scroll through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper and serve with white bread.

    Mushroom dishes are loved by many. A variety of soups, stewed and fried mushrooms have long become familiar. Mushroom caviar cooked according to original recipes, will open up new horizons in the use of a traditional product.

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