Chocolate with red pepper recipe. Hot cocoa chocolate with pepper

One of the most ancient drinks preferred by gourmets all over the world is chocolate with pepper. Its piquant and unusual taste affects all human taste buds. The combination of the properties of cocoa beans and hot peppers results in an amazing note that makes traditional chocolate something special.

You should definitely try this composition of flavors, as it is a wellness nectar. Such a product is prepared quite easily, while it will be able to compete with expensive and original drinks and surprise guests.

ancient recipe

The discoverers of the properties of cocoa beans are the tribes of the ancient Aztecs. It was in their time that a chocolate drink appeared that could cheer up and cure illness.
The Maya Indians ground cocoa beans, corn and chili peppers into powder, and then added water, whipping the foam. For such chocolate, vessels with a special spout were used. The drink was drunk not only for pleasure (usually in hot weather), but also to cure various diseases, as well as to give strength.

Centuries have changed, but the excellent qualities of cocoa still remain valuable to people. Since cocoa beans were very expensive and were even used as currency, this drink was considered a gift from the gods. Only rich people, mainly from royal families, could afford it.

Europeans abandoned pepper as an ingredient, making chocolate a sweet drink. However, after some time, the ancient recipe was revived.

Beneficial features

By mixing chocolate with red pepper, it is safe to say that their union will bring great benefits to the body. Chocolate contains many trace elements, antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids. Pepper is also not inferior to chocolate in terms of the amount of nutrients. Its positive effect on the body is similar to cocoa beans.

In addition, pepper accelerates blood circulation, regulates metabolism, promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. This property allows you to deal with excess weight and many diseases.

Cook at home

To make chocolate with chili at home, you need to remember some rules.

  • It is not recommended to use ground pepper, because instead of a refined note, you can feel a strong bitterness. To prepare the drink, you should use fresh pepper, from which you need to extract the seeds.
  • Cooking is recommended to be carried out with gloves, since burning microparticles are not washed off with water. It is advisable not to touch the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

For two servings, you will need 45 grams of dark chocolate, 2 cups of whole milk, 1 pepper, a cinnamon stick and half a vanilla stick.

  1. Pepper with milk put on a small fire, add vanilla and cinnamon.
  2. Chop or grate the chocolate, add to the milk mixture and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Let the drink brew for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary for the full interaction of all components.
  5. Strain the chocolate.
  6. Pour hot. Those who like it hot can reheat the drink a little on the fire, avoiding boiling.

You can make chocolate without milk. To do this, you need brewed ground coffee (for 4 teaspoons of coffee - 300 ml of water and 2 teaspoons of sugar) and chocolate melted in a water bath (200 grams). Connect all the ingredients and enjoy the finished drink!

Improvisation with additional ingredients is welcome. You can add ground ginger, rum or cognac. Or put aside the culinary delights and buy a chocolate bar with pepper from the Lindt company.

Pepper chocolate has long been a popular treat. From history it is known that the Indian tribe of the Aztecs is considered the founder of the cult of chocolate. Among the Aztecs, this drink, and in those days chocolate was just a drink, was considered divine. Over time, it has gained immense popularity around the world. It is known for certain that pepper was not common in America before the arrival of the Spaniards. Who and when came up with mixing pepper and chocolate is not known. The presence of hot pepper in the dessert is not strongly felt due to the content of milk in it. The combination itself is very spicy and extremely unusual.

Hot peppers are now extremely common in Mexico and South America. It is added to many dishes, especially such a variety as chili. This is one of the most popular spices today. Its burning taste contributes to the release of happiness hormones in the human body. Hot pepper is versatile, used in many dishes, including desserts and chocolate. This pepper can burn your hands during picking and handling. It should be remembered that pepper should not be washed down with water, but it is recommended to seize with cheese. Many peoples believe that eating pepper gives them longevity and good health.

Hot pepper is quite useful for the body: it improves digestion, reduces the content of harmful carbohydrates and fats in meat. Hot pepper accelerates the metabolic process, prevents the formation of blood clots, and has a beneficial effect on the blood. Eating hot peppers in food promotes the growth of nails and hair, and is useful for diseases such as tonsillitis. By accelerating the process of splitting fats, there is an improvement in metabolism and the removal of harmful substances from the body. All this allows us to say that the regular use of hot peppers in food contributes to weight loss.

Peppers lead in vitamin A content (even compared to carrots). It also contains vitamins B, C, PP, zinc, iodine, calcium, phosphorus. Such a useful composition makes pepper indispensable in the fight against anemia, osteoporosis, beriberi. Regular consumption of it is useful for diabetes, stress, insomnia and many other diseases.

When using this product in any form, it must be borne in mind that it is contraindicated for people who have problems with digestion, the gastrointestinal tract, suffering from gastritis, as it causes severe irritation of the stomach lining. Chocolate with red pepper should be excluded from the diet in the presence of diseases such as ulcers, colitis, liver disease, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, arrhythmia, epilepsy.

Several recipes for making an original dessert

Pepper flavored hot chocolate is easy to make at home. there are several recipes. You can try different options and find the most suitable for yourself. The easiest way to download a book with recipes for making chocolate. Books usually contain large, colorful illustrations that increase download time. The easiest way is to download the torrent first, and then the recipe book itself. You can also watch video tutorials on how to make chocolate desserts.

The main secret of preparing such a savory drink as chocolate with pepper is that only fresh, not ground pepper is suitable for any recipe, it is he who will not allow excess bitterness in the drink.

To prepare an original delicacy, you need to take:

  • a little less than 2 glasses of milk;
  • half a vanilla pod;
  • 1 chili pepper without seeds;
  • 1 crushed cinnamon stick;
  • bitter chocolate - 45 g.

Pour pepper, vanilla, cinnamon in a saucepan with milk and bring to a boil. Cook for 2 minutes over low heat. Add chocolate, dissolve it completely, remove from heat, leave for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture. Chocolate with pepper should be served hot in small cups. This recipe has enough ingredients for 2 people.

Recipe variations involve using a whole pod of pepper without seeds, adding ground ginger, cream and vanilla sugar instead of capsicum vanilla. Milk reduces the hotness of pepper, so the amount of the latter can be safely increased in the recipe to a whole pod to obtain the necessary piquant taste.

You can try to make coffee, which includes chocolate and pepper. This will require the following products:

  • 300 g of clean cold water;
  • 200 g of milk or dark chocolate;
  • 4 teaspoons of ground coffee;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 chili.

The resulting product is enough for 2 people. First of all, you need to dissolve the chocolate with a water bath, finely chop the fresh chili pepper. The drink is brewed in a coffee maker, like regular coffee, to which you need to add all the other ingredients except chocolate. After preparing the coffee, strain and mix with melted chocolate. Serve warm or hot.

The Mexicans were the first to prepare a chocolate drink with the addition of hot peppers, the dessert was used as a medicine to increase male strength. Moreover, the drink was served cold and had a sharp, spicy taste. But the true recipe for delicious chili peppers has a velvety peculiar taste, but not bitter at all!

To prepare "spicy" hot chocolate-chili, you need to take:

  • 300 ml. milk,
    half a vanilla pod
    1 pc. fresh chili and cinnamon sticks
    45 gr. dark chocolate.

Wash the chili, cut the pepper lengthwise, remove the "tail" and seeds. Grind cinnamon, if there is no stick, you can replace this spice with cinnamon powder. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, but if you don't have one, you can use regular vanillin, but remember that the flavor will not be as spicy. Break the chocolate into small pieces.

Combine milk, vanilla, cinnamon and chili and bring mixture to a boil. Then turn down the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes over low heat so that the milk mixture is completely saturated with the ingredients. However, milk and heat treatment "reduce" the hot taste of pepper, so do not worry that the dessert will turn out "fire-breathing".

Now it's time to add the chocolate pieces and dissolve them until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, while the mass must be constantly stirred. Remove from heat and let the drink brew for 10 minutes under the lid. Then strain the drink, pour into cups and enjoy the excellent taste! Do not forget that the variety of pepper affects the sharpness and spice of the drink. Therefore, in the process of cooking peppers, you can periodically taste the milk mixture, this will help determine the degree of spiciness, and then remove the chili pod. If you get a hot fiery chocolate drink, you can add a teaspoon of cognac and brown sugar, add grated dark chocolate and whipped cream. And then the dessert will "play" with a new taste and unique aroma.

Here is such an unusual recipe for hot chocolate.

And another recipe for hot chocolate with chili peppers.

To prepare this drink, we use 90% bitter chocolate, but you don’t have to worry about it - it will turn out from any chocolate.

  • Time: approx. 15 minutes
  • Servings: 2-3


  • 150 gr. bitter chocolate
  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 ml cream
  • 1 chili pepper
  • a pinch of vanilla
Step 1.

Cut the chocolate into small pieces, cut off the tip of the chili pepper and pour out the seeds.

Step 2

Heat the milk together with the cream (you can use only milk, but it tastes better with cream). Add chocolate, vanilla and chili pepper to hot milk. Continue heating until the chocolate has melted. Attention! on the second day, the chocolate becomes more spicy! :)

Who doesn't love hot chocolate? Perhaps this is the best companion for watching romantic movies on cold autumn or winter evenings. In addition, few hot drinks can compete with hot chocolate on New Year's Eve. Probably only mulled wine can compete with this delicacy.

Have you ever tried chili hot chocolate? Despite the fact that for many this idea will seem very unusual, it is still worth trying this option.

The fact is that when added to milk, pepper partially loses its hotness, but its warming effect is enhanced. As a result, the drink turns out to be warming due to both its temperature and pepper. By the way, such chocolate can relieve a sore throat during a cold.


  • 50-70 grams of dark chocolate without additives
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 0.5 vanilla pod


Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the fragrant seeds.

Cut the chili pepper and remove the seeds. If you like spicy dishes, you can leave the seeds.

Pour the milk into a small saucepan or ladle. Send vanilla beans, pepper and cinnamon stick there.

Put the milk on the fire and bring it to a boil, then let it boil for 4-5 minutes. Make sure the milk doesn't run out. Then strain the milk through a sieve.

Break the chocolate into small pieces.

Pour the strained milk back into the bowl and send the chocolate there. Put the ladle on the fire and stir the liquid so that the chocolate melts evenly.