How to plant sweet peas for seedlings. Sweet peas annual: description, varieties, growing from seeds

Gelenium flowers are a genus of 40 annual and deciduous herbaceous perennials in the Asteraceae family, native to America. Some of the species, especially autumn gelenium, have common name"sneezing weed". This name is based on the fact that in the past, the dry leaves of the flower were used in the manufacture of tobacco - when inhaled, it caused sneezing, which supposedly relieves the body of evil spirits. The largest species can reach a height of up to two meters. We bring to your attention a material that discusses the process of growing helenium flowers from seeds, with the rules for planting and subsequent care, photos and descriptions of some common varieties.
Some types of gelenium are used as a food plant for some Lepidoptera species, including Phymatopus behrensii.

Gelenium flowers are known to gardeners all over the world, but only in Russia, unfortunately, interest in it is lost. In the rest of the world, there is an unprecedented rise in the cultivation of this crop. This is mainly due to the visual appeal of the gelenium flower, as a result of which it fits perfectly into any design decision in your garden. Look at the photo of the autumn and hybrid gelenium and appreciate all the uncomplicated charm of a flowering plant:

Description of gelenium and its photo

Gelenium, judging by the description, is an annual or perennial plant, but in any case, its usual length can vary from 10 to 160 centimeters. It has long erect, simple or branched trunks, which can be either densely hairy or simply bare. Below are numerous photos of gelenium in various variations of colors and bud sizes:
The leaves are mostly cauline, petiolate or sessile. The lobes are mostly elliptical, lanceolate, linear, oblanceolate, oblong, ovate or spatulate. The foliage can be pinnate or lobed with smooth or serrated edges.

Helenium has brilliant yellow, brown, orange, purple, red or bicolor petals that form a spherical inflorescence with a brown cone covered with golden pollen. For growing gelenium from seeds, a variety of varietal colors are used, which can be successfully combined with other plants from the aster family.
In fact, gelenium flowers are not bushy in the sense that we put into this word. Since a bud is formed in place of the past root, from which a rosette of leaves with roots grows in the future.

Planting and caring for gelenium

Gelenium is planted in early summer or late autumn, depending on the type you choose. Numerous cultivars have been developed specifically for gardening, mainly Autumn Helenium and Bigelovia Helenium. It is preferable that these be gardens in those areas for which the flower is indigenous, but in the conditions of our country it will not be so difficult to grow gelenium from seeds.
The soil for planting gelenium must be fertile with a huge amount of organic fertilizer in the form of compost, manure or other rotten organic matter in addition to a full course of mineral fertilizers throughout the spring. In summer, only two or three top dressings are required. If you do not divide the plant for a long time, then the resulting rosettes will begin to freeze slightly, and the earth will be depleted very quickly.

It is advantageous to place the gelenium near fences and decorative elements that require additional decoration and are an important element of your garden or vegetable garden. The plant looks very good in an autumn bouquet, especially with asters.

Helenium should be grown in full sun (but can tolerate both partial shade and shade) with moist soil and good drainage. They are drought tolerant, but despite this, they must be watered regularly during planting and until full bloom. It is necessary to protect the plant bush from the winter cold and various drafts (but it is worth airing).
Gelenium care consists in timely watering, fertilizing with minerals and loosening the soil to a depth of up to 7 cm around each bush. Also, during the care of the gelenium, an attempt can be made to form a bush, but it is advisable to do this only with single plantings along the curbs.

Growing gelenium from seeds

by the most effective way growing helenium, gardeners unanimously recognize the branch of rosettes. But still, growing gelenium from seeds is also not inferior to its positions. You should know that the seeds of the plant in the northern territory have a very low germination rate. The best solution in such a situation is to start growing them in the winter, then the chances that the seeds will still take root are much greater. At the same time, you will still see the first flowers no earlier than two or three years later. Seeds are planted from the soil with organic fertilizers, covered with plastic wrap or glass and kept in this state until the first sprouts appear. Do not forget to water and ventilate the gelenium from time to time.

When planting in open ground, do not plant more than four or five bushes per square meter, as the roots need a fairly large space for life.
Propagation by cuttings will take less time, and even easier - at the growth stage, you need to cut off the cuttings and root them in the soil. You can even hold in a special mixture for root formation.

Helenium varieties

The most common varieties of gelenium include hybrid and simple views, which are obtained by breeders as a result of the selection of the most beautifully flowering plant specimens. Hybrid varieties of gelenium differ not only in larger buds, but also in the duration of their flowering period. As a rule, it exceeds the flowering period of simple flower forms by 1 - 2 months. Next, you can look at the photo of the gelenium variety and read their brief descriptions in order to choose the type that is suitable for your garden.

Autumn gelenium flowers

Helenium autumn comes from North America, including it is found throughout the adjacent territory of the United States and most of Canada. It is also popularly referred to as the "sneezing plant".
The flower can reach a height of up to one meter. In late summer and autumn, flower heads appear with jagged, curved flower rays. Autumn gelenium care is not much different from the agricultural technology of the whole species of these flowering plants. Regular feeding with mineral complexes with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus is required. These trace elements provide long-term rapid flowering.
The species is cultivated as a garden perennial flower. Varieties of autumn gelenium may vary in color and height. For example:

  • Pumilum Magnificum: yellow variety about 60 centimeters long;
  • Bruno: red-brown variety;
  • Kupfersprudel: yellow or orange;
  • Butterpat: golden. All three last varieties have a length of 90 to 110 centimeters.

Flowering time from August to October. Helenium autumn prefers full sun and moderate humidity. The flower is very attractive various kinds butterflies.
You should not give the plant an excessive amount of fertilizer during the care of the gel; some varieties do not need them at all. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to abundant flowering and an increase in growth by two to three times.

Helenium hybrid

Helenium hybrid includes a huge array of hybrids for the garden, the origin of which is unclear. Many botanists distinguish autumn gelenium as the main variety. They have different characteristics regarding color, size, leaves, etc.
The most popular varieties are Gartcnsonne, Gartcnsonne and Rothaut. They are all taller than one meter with inflorescences 3.5 to 5.5 centimeters in diameter. Color - yellow-brown.

Helenium rubinzwerg

Gelenium rubinzwerg is a very popular shrub variety. It has petals of red, almost ruby ​​color (which goes well with the name of the flower). There is some yellowishness at the end of the flower cones. The plant blooms from early July to late September and grows up to 60 centimeters and above.

Gelenium perennial

Helenium perennial, as the name implies, is just that perennial variety, moreover, having a height of about 89 centimeters. Moist soil with good drainage in a sunny position is preferred. If the soil is heavy, then the shoots will be very thin. It is necessary to regularly moisten the soil and the flower itself, as well as cut off the regrown shoots.

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Gelenium is planted in the background of flower beds, near ornamental shrubs, fences, buildings that need to be decorated with plants. Pairs wonderfully with perennial asters that bloom in autumn. Inflorescences are good in autumn bouquets.

Its most famous representatives:

Planting gelenium in the garden is carried out in a previously prepared hole, into which complex mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. It is recommended to apply about 1 matchbox of specialized mineral fertilizer for flowering plants under each bush. 1 - 2 cups of humus or matured compost can also be added. After the planting of the gelenium is completed, the soil is abundantly wetted with warm, settled water. Re-watering is done after 12 hours. It does best in fertile, moist soil. But it is not recommended to plant it all the time in one place, as it depletes the soil quite strongly. It is recommended to fertilize it 2-3 times during the summer.

Propagated by division and seeds. Gelenium hybrid and autumn is better to share in May. Gelenium is easily divided, when digging it breaks up into rosettes with roots.

​Chipperfield Orange​

Gelenium: planting and care, types and varieties, photo.

. The tongues are yellow golden, they are orange-red on the outside, with a reddish border around the edges, tubular flowers are yellow with brown. Flowering is plentiful.

Gelenium does not have a perennial rhizome. In gelenium, the stems die off with roots by the winter. And the buds formed on the underground part of the stem form a rosette of foliage with roots.

There are many beautiful flowers that adorn summer cottages, but there is one that is recognized as a garden favorite in Europe. This is a sun-like, bright and beautiful gelenium. The flower is well known to gardeners. It is unpretentious and easy to breed in a summer cottage. The perennial plant is native to North and Central America. Its stems are hard and strong. Flowers of very bright colors: yellow, red, variegated. Due to the variety of varieties, it is suitable for creating picturesque flower arrangements in flower beds or as a tapeworm (that is, it can be grown without mixing with other species). Gelenium will look very impressive in both cases. Its flowering time is August.

Types, varieties of gelenium

Helenium spring

In this section you will find posts on the care, cultivation, watering, reproduction of Gelenium. Community users share tips and secrets among themselves. A huge number of photos.​

Helenium hybrid

Brassingam Gold - height up to 1 m, bright yellow flowers;

Helenium autumn flower grows naturally in North America. In the people it is also called "sneezing plant". Autumn gelenium flowers can grow up to one meter in height. In August and November, you can see flowers in the form of heads with curved rays. When planning care for gelenium, it should be borne in mind that this is a moisture-loving plant, therefore, in the heat it requires abundant watering. Plants are frost-resistant. However, if you do not take measures to transplant and shelter, then it may not survive the winter. The flowers of helenium have one specificity: the buds, while still young, are formed annually higher up the stem, eventually they can be seen above the soil, where they freeze. In preparation for winter, it is useful to mulch the flower with sawdust. These are the basic rules for caring for gelenium. A plant is planted in the background of flower beds, next to ornamental shrubs, singly or in groups, near buildings, fences. Gelenium goes well with autumn flowering perennial asters. Beautiful inflorescences in bouquets. ​​"​

Helenium autumn


- plant 100 cm tall. Reed flowers are red-brown, and tubular flowers are yellowish-brown. Flowering occurs in July.

It is this socket that gives next year flower stalk. Therefore, the gelenium does not have a bush, but there are independent plants. The stems of the gelenium are straight, branched at the top, 1.6 m tall.

To plant a gelenium in your garden, planting and caring for a flower requires the following. One of the main conditions for the successful development of a plant is regular watering, which should be plentiful. If it is a hot and dry summer, moreover, do not neglect the frequent watering of flowers. Plants need to be fertilized several times during the season. The goal of our project is to share experience so that each project participant can learn how to care for a plant at home. Register.​ Bruno - height 1.2 m, golden brown-red; Look at the photo of the autumn gelenium on this page further:

Gelenium can be propagated both by seeds and rosettes or green cuttings. The multi-color garden plants, which are planted taking into account their botanical characteristics, can please the eye for a long period of time. Consider gelenium flowers, which are increasingly finding a place under the sun in garden plots. It is a perennial and annual flower. Family - Aster.- plant up to 1.8 m tall, orange, large inflorescences, blooms in August. ​​"​

Biedermeier North America is considered the homeland, it grows in swamps and damp meadows. ​ The leaves are arranged in the next order, they are lanceolate. Gelenium inflorescences are baskets, they are single or collected in a corymbose inflorescence. The flowers are orange, yellow, brown, purple or bicolor; central - brown or yellow. Gelenium needs a transplant. When the bushes grow strongly, they must be transferred to a new place. This is necessary, since the stems of the plant die off annually along with the roots. But there remain kidneys of renewal, which are located in the underground part. New, young rosettes develop from them. It is undesirable to transplant in the fall. If, nevertheless, it is planned to transplant the gelenium in the fall, planting and caring for it dictate the observance of the following rules. The stems of the plant must be cut. Their height should be ten centimeters. When digging bushes, it is necessary to protect the roots of the plant from damage.

​Latest in blogs​ Butterpatt - height 1 m, dark yellow; Petals have a reddish tint, almost burgundy. There is slight yellowing at the tip of the flower cones. Gelenium Rubinzwerg is an elegant plant that can decorate any flower garden. Looks great in group plantings in flower beds.​ Planting gelenium can be carried out both before winter immediately in the ground, and in the spring in seedling boxes. They grow, as a rule, in height, in connection with this it is possible to plant them on a segment close to each other (60-80 cm). Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks, and give color only for the next season.

​Introducing short description gelenium flowers and some photos of this plant in bloom. It grows naturally in Central and North America. It has shiny yellow petals that surround spherical brownish buds that are covered with slightly golden pollen. The leaves are pointed. Grows in the mountain meadows of North America.. Baskets 4 cm in diameter; tongues brown-red; tubular flowers yellow with brown. Blooms profusely.​"​

Rhizome perennial plant. Stems branched, straight, up to 1.6 m tall, woody, strong, leafy. Among the perennials that bloom in autumn, you simply cannot ignore the charming gelenium. Powerful bushes are strewn with inflorescences in red-yellow-brown tones that are in harmony with other autumn colors. Helenium can be propagated by seeds. Since it is not whimsical, it is sown both in boxes for seedlings and in open ground. Seeds germinate within two to three weeks. Expect when the gelenium blooms, planting and caring for which is carried out in the manner described above, should be as early as next season. Varietal plants are recommended to be propagated by division. Spring is considered the best time. You can also divide the bushes during transplantation, during flowering. To do this, cut the stems to accelerate the development of renewal buds. For planting a flower, it is better to choose areas of the garden well-lit by the sun, although it will grow well in the shade. The soil should be moist, neutral and fertile.​ I bought a bush of flowers at the market. The seller called it "chocolate chamomile", then found out that the correct name was gelenium. The plant can become a decoration of any flower bed. I grow about 70 cm high. Each stem has a small bouquet of chocolate daisies. Two years later, I divided the bush and transplanted. Now I have several...​

Helenium Gupes

Grimson Beauty - height 60 cm, yellow;

Flowering lasts from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The length of the stem reaches up to 60 cm, sometimes even higher. Stems are tall and straight. Suitable for cutting and arranging bouquets.​

Helenium location

The easiest way to propagate this flower is with rosettes. But remember that it is not recommended to divide it in the fall, because after that it will bloom later, and the roots will not have time to prepare for the cold. That's why best time for this - spring.

soil for helenium

Inflorescences in the form of baskets (single or in groups). Along the edge of the baskets, flowers are yellow, orange or red. There are also central flowers in the basket. They are tube-shaped and have a brown or yellow tint.

Gelenium Care

plant 90 cm tall. The stems of Helenium Gupes are straight, branched from above. The foliage is oblong-lanceolate, dense, gray-green. Inflorescences solitary, on long peduncles. Tubular and reed flowers are yellow. Flowering is abundant, lasts about 30 days. Fruiting.

Helenium reproduction

. Baskets 4 cm in diameter; tongues are yellow with a red stroke, tubular flowers are yellow. Gelenium "Biedermeier" 80 cm high. It blooms for about 40 days.

Using gelenium

Leaves sessile, small. Autumn gelenium inflorescences - baskets, collected in apical corymbose inflorescences. In autumn gelenium, reed flowers are yellow, red, tubular - dark yellow. Flowering occurs in July, lasts 60 days.

Gelenium flowers: planting and care - Internet magazine about garden and landscape design

Perennial rhizome plant. Straight stems, 1 m tall. The foliage is dark green, lanceolate. Inflorescences 7 cm in diameter. Reed flowers of gelenium are orange, tubular flowers are brown. Flowering begins in mid-May and lasts about 30 days. In Siberia it can winter without shelter. Fruiting.

Description of gelenium flowers and their photos

​If you have a gelenium growing in your garden, it requires almost no maintenance. The plant is not susceptible to diseases - fungal and bacterial, and pests are not afraid of it.


Riverton Jam - height 1 m, red-gold;

Leaves green, small. Grows up to 70 cm. Burgundy flowers. Cold-resistant.​

Growing gelenium from seeds: planting and care

It is not so difficult to propagate gelenium with green cuttings. For this purpose, young one-year-old shoots, reaching a height of 10-15 cm, should be taken into circulation in the spring. It is advisable to cut and root the upper part of the shoot 6-8 cm. For best effect it is advisable to cover the cuttings on top with banks. As soon as you see new leaves on the cuttings, remove the jars immediately. And on the remaining stem, new shoots will sprout, which will then be useful for cuttings in the summer, or simply leave them for flowering. After you have already planted the cuttings in a permanent place, carefully mulch them with peat or humus, cover with covering material.

The plant gives color in August or September. Gelenium blooms for a sufficiently long time. Flowers on the gelenium can be observed for 6 weeks from July to the end of August. It reaches a height of up to 90 cm, and in area the bush takes up to 60 cm. It is suitable for cutting and bouquet compositions.

The plant is photophilous, tolerates partial shade.


There are garden varieties with flowers of yellow-red coloring in different shades:

This includes most of the garden hybrids of unknown origin, but the main source species is the autumn gelenium. Varieties differ in size, height, shape and color of inflorescences, timing and duration of flowering. For example:​

Before the onset of cold weather, the gelenium is prepared for wintering. The bushes are pruned - short enough. This is necessary so that the stems of the plant do not interfere with the shelter of the plant. Then the flower must be mulched with moss or sawdust and covered with lutrasil.

Gelenium is annual or perennial. I have a perennial, but despite this, the stems die off by winter along with the roots, which scared me very much when the first wintering of my plant passed. In spring, a rosette of leaves forms from the underground part of the annual stem. The plant is tall 1.5 -1.7 cm. The stem is straight, branched ends ...

Helenium varieties

Windley - height 80 cm, yellow-orange.

Helenium spring and his photo

Know that gelenium grown in the above ways will bloom only after a year.

Autumn gelenium flowers and their photos

Look at the photo of gelenium flowers of various varieties:

Prefers fertile, well-cultivated neutral soil.

Gelenium Rubinzwerg


Helenium Gupes

Gardeners have in vain forgotten the beautiful gelenium, planting and caring for which do not present any particular problems. The flower is widely used by landscape and garden designers, as it has a rich variety of varieties and lush flowering.

Helenium hybrid

Aster family. It is believed that the family is named after Helen, the wife of King Menelaus, who, according to legend, was abducted by Paris. More than 30 species are known. The plant is native to North and Central America. Geleniums are perennial or annual herbaceous plants that do not have a perennial rhizome. By winter, flowering stems die off along with the roots. The buds formed on the underground part of the stem form by this time a rosette of leaves with roots, which gives a flowering stem the next year. That is, gelenium is not a bush in the generally accepted sense, but closely seated individual plants. Straight stems up to 160 cm high branched at the top. The leaves are lanceolate, the inflorescences are baskets. Marginal flowers of geleniums are reed, orange, yellow, purple, brown or bicolor; internal - tubular, yellow or brown. Powerful gelenium bushes are dotted with inflorescences in a yellow-brown-red color scheme, in harmony with other autumn colors.

Grows in the mountains of North America. Reaches 90 cm in height. Stems erect, branched above. The leaves are oblong, pointed, gray-green. The flowers of Helenium Gupes in the form of a pipe and tongue are yellowish. Flowering lasts about a month.

Currently, there are numerous varieties of gelenium in breeding, which differ in flowering periods, bud colors and their sizes. The following describes some common varieties of gelenium that can be grown in the backyard.

To obtain early and long flowering, a seedling planting method is recommended. Growing gelenium from seeds can be started on a windowsill or in a greenhouse from the end of March. For this, a light, structured soil with a high content of organic substances is prepared in advance. Helenium seeds are sown in small and shallow containers for growing seedlings. The first shoots appear after 2 weeks. Then they must be dived into separate peat pots with a diameter of 4 - 5 cm. This procedure is performed in phase 2 of true leaves.

In hot weather requires abundant watering. Responds well to feeding. The plant is winter-hardy, however, if you do not divide it for more than 3 years, then in winter the sockets can freeze. All due to the fact that every year the helenium buds are laid higher and become above the ground. You need to divide the gelenium because of the rapidly growing bush, it depletes the earth.

- Golden yellow inflorescences. ​



Helenium is native to North America. More than 30 types of gelenium have been counted. Annuals and perennials.​

Materials on Gelenium

Perennials delight the eye every year. However, in order for a flower bed with mixed plants to look harmonious and beautiful, it is not enough to choose perennials and plant them side by side. Only a skillfully selected combination of colors can turn a flower bed into a beautiful picture. One of the most important roles in the design of a flower garden is played by the placement of plants according to their growth ....

Geleniums are photophilous, but tolerate partial shade. They prefer fertile, neutral, cultivated and moist soils. In hot, dry weather, plants need abundant watering. During the summer, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 top dressing. If the plants are not divided for more than 4 years, the sockets may freeze slightly. It is also necessary to divide the gelenium because rapidly growing bushes deplete the earth. By shortening part of the stems in June, you can prolong flowering. Faded stems are cut to the ground for the winter. The plant propagates by dividing the bush and seeds. Young geleniums bloom next year.

Gelenium has a rather extensive characteristic. This plant is a representative of the Compositae family and has been found in culture since 1635. However, the flower was first described in the work of Carl Linnaeus in 1755. All plants of this species can have completely different heights of the bush, and depending on the variety, it can vary from 30 to 150 cm. The colors are always made in warm colors and can be either one-color or two-color, and even variegated. Leaves are lanceolate.

Gelenium is most widely used in North and Central America. Now in the world there are about 30 types of perennial gelenium, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult.

Did you know?People believe that the plant got its name in honor of the wife of Menelaus.- Helena, which caused discord and war between Troy and Greece.

Growing gelenium from seeds

Gelenium is a great solution for those who want to decorate their garden with autumn-colored flowers at a time when most plants have already faded (this is especially true when you consider that growing a flower from seeds is an easy way, although not very popular among flower growers).

The reason for the rather low interest in plant breeding lies in the fact that when helenium is propagated by seeds, its varietal characteristics are lost, which is often a significant disadvantage. As for the question "When to plant gelenium seeds?", Here, first of all, you should decide how exactly you will grow gelenium: sowing seeds for growing seedlings, or sowing seeds in open ground. When growing by seedling method, the time for sowing seeds is the end of February or the beginning of March, and when sowing seeds in open ground, it is early spring. We will talk further about how to properly propagate gelenium by seed.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to stratify them. This process lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. It is necessary to sow the seeds in the planting container and moisten the soil, then cover with foil and put in a cold, dark place (a refrigerator is best for this purpose) for 6 weeks. After a month and a half, the seed container must be moved to a warm place, the temperature of which is kept at +18 ... + 22 ° C. Seeds should be under artificial lighting (the fluorescent lamp will the best option). When 2-3 real, well-developed leaves appear on the stems, the seedlings can be planted in separate cups.

Important!Transplant seedlings from containersandnecessary without clearing the root from the groundwhere the plant used to grow.

When planting seedlings in open ground (preferably in May, when the earth is already warm), the depth of the planting hole should be two to three times greater than the size of the earthen coma. Before direct planting, the roots of the plant must be thoroughly wetted and placed at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. After planting, the beds are mulched with peat or humus.

Growing gelenium in seedlings will not bring you flowering in the first season, so you should be patient and wait for flowers for another year.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground

If you do not have the time or opportunity to germinate seeds for seedling propagation, you can sow gelenium directly into open ground. Preliminary work for this procedure does not require much effort. You just need to dig up a place for planting and fertilize it a little with humus, manure or tof, be sure to stratify the seeds. It is better to start this procedure in advance, because on average its duration is about a month. When carrying out stratification, the seeds in a separate container are mixed with wet sawdust and left in the refrigerator (or in another cold dark place) for a month. After that, the seed material is ready for sowing into the soil.

Did you know?The sooner the seeds are stratified and sown after harvest, the higher the quality of seedlings will be.

In the ground, you need to make grooves, or pits, 3-5 cm deep and sow seeds in them. The distance between such rows / pits should be at least 25 cm. The sown seeds should be mulched with peat or humus, which will protect the plants from temperature extremes and frost. You will notice the first shoots in 2-3 weeks.

Choosing a place to grow gelenium

Gelenium has a very decorative appearance and the main task in growing a flower is to preserve it, therefore planting and caring for this plant must be carried out in compliance with certain rules, the first of which is a good choice of a place for planting a flower. To make the gelenium feel comfortable, it is better to place it in a warm, well-lit area. However, the plant will not die in the shade or partial shade, although the abundance of flowering may decrease.

The combination of gelenium with other plants

Gelenium in landscape design can not only act as an integral part of the composition, but also "alone" decorate your garden. For example, tall geleniums are great for single plantings against the general background of the site. In addition, tall varieties are well suited for decorating fences, or creating "living" hedges.
If you grow undersized varieties, they can be used to decorate borders and garden paths. When breeding tall and short geleniums, they can be combined with roses, chrysanthemums and bluebells. Together, these flowers will create a wonderful ensemble of grace and simplicity. Low-growing varieties look great in the company of forget-me-nots: a combination of warm and cold shades will bring a little mystery to the design.

Did you know?Cut gelenium buds do not bloom in water, which should be taken into account when decorating.

How to care for gelenium outdoors

Caring for gelenium does not require much effort or material investment. It is enough to do everything on time, carefully adhering to the basic requirements, and then your flower will decorate the garden for a long time.

Proper watering

The main thing to know when growing gelenium is that it does not tolerate too dry soil. Therefore, when watering, one should take into account the natural conditions for the growth of gelenium and, in especially dry times, carry out fairly frequent and plentiful watering. However, at the same time, you should not allow stagnation of water in the soil, which will help to avoid rotting of the root system.

Timely loosening of the soil will help to avoid stagnation of water in the soil. It is advisable to carry out this procedure immediately after watering, so that oxygen enters the roots of the plant, along with moisture. Weeding is also necessary for the plant, and it should be carried out 3-4 times per season, because weeds deplete the earth and absorb moisture. To avoid the appearance a large number weed grass, each time you loosen the earth, you need to pour a layer of mulch under the bush, for the role of which peat or humus is perfect.

How often and how to feed

Gelenium, like any other garden plant, needs additional nutrients.

Fertilizers for gelenium need to be applied in 3 stages:

Did you know?It is impossible to "overfeed" the plant, as this will cause an active growth of green mass, while flowering will be less plentiful.

Pruning of inflorescences is necessary not for the formation of a bush, but in order to improve the quality of flowering. For this purpose, several inflorescences and shoots are cut off, but you should not remove them all. It is enough to cut the inflorescences from the youngest branches. Another trick: if you remove those buds that have already faded, then new flowers form in their place.

Important!If you want to make the bush more branchy, just pinch the tops of it.

How to deal with pests and diseases of gelenium

Despite the fact that gelenium grows in open ground, it is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. However, the most dangerous for the plant is the chrysanthemum nematode - a disease whose presence is marked by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and buds, and over time, the gilenium loses its ability to bloom. If you notice this problem on one plant, then you need to process all geleniums. To do this, they are doused with hot (up to +50 ° C) water, and the ground around the bush is sprinkled with lime or sulfur.

Another disease that often manifests itself in gelenium is rot. To avoid it, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of watering, and if there is already a problem, it can be eliminated by loosening the soil and treating the plant with fungicides.

As for insects, they are easily destroyed by treating the plant with a soapy solution (in the early stages) or insecticides (with a mass "attack").

Important!Maina step in the prevention of diseases and the appearance of pests is timely weeding, as well as cleaning the fallen leaves from under the bush, because it is in the weeds and fallen leaves that most bacteria and insects live.

When to Harvest and How to Store Helenium Seeds

If you decide to prepare seeds for propagating gelenium by collecting them from your flowers, then you need to do this quite quickly, because during heavy autumn rains they will simply rot. The degree of readiness of the seed material for collection will be "informed" by dark reed and tubular flowers, which by the time the seeds are ready will already be black. It is best to store the seeds in a linen bag, after placing them in a dry place. It is advisable to hang the bundle as high as possible or put it on a shelf so that mice cannot reach it.

Despite the fact that gelenium seeds are easy to find in modern stores, they can be easily collected with your own hands. However, most breeders tend to vegetative methods of flower propagation, because the germination of seeds is rather low, as well as the safety of "parental" traits.

Helenium wintering

So that you can enjoy the flowering of your gelenium after winter, the flower must be properly prepared. Helenium stems are cut so that no more than 10 cm can be seen from the ground. The beds on which the gelenium grows must be mulched with sawdust, peat or humus, laying a layer of mulch of at least 5 cm. If you live in a region with little snow, then you also need to cover the flowers with lutrasil, which instead of snow will protect the plant from frost.

Transplantation and division of gelenium bushes

Many gardeners, growing gelenium, are concerned with the question: "When to transplant a flower?". This procedure must be performed every three years, as this is the most acceptable period for a sufficient number of young shoots to form and so that the flower buds do not “get out” to the soil surface. The division of gelenium bushes is much easier to carry out than to perform a similar task with any other perennial, because as the growing bush itself is divided into rosettes. It will not be difficult to separate part of it from the mother bush: the plant is dug out of the ground and carefully cleaned of adhering soil, trying not to damage the root system. Then, in the places where the bush is divided, a cut is made with a sharp tool, immediately lubricating the cut with charcoal or treating it with garden broth, after which the gelenium is planted in the ground.

Cultivated types of gelenium

Of the 30 species of the described plant now known, only a few of them are actively grown in gardens, and each has its own advantages. We will talk more about the most popular varieties with you later.

Gelenium Bigelow (Helenium bigelovii)- is the least common. The homeland of this variety is the Western part of North America, where the plant reaches up to 80 cm in height. The leaves of this species are lanceolate, entire. The inflorescences are quite large - up to 6 cm in diameter. Tubular flowers are painted brown, and reed flowers are bright yellow. This variety begins its flowering in June, and it continues until July.

Helenium autumn- Helenium autumnale L.

Homeland - North America, where it is found in damp meadows and swamps.

Perennial rhizomatous plant. Stems erect, branched, up to 160 cm tall, strong, woody, leafy. The leaves are small, sessile, with a finely serrated edge. Inflorescences - baskets 3-5 cm in diameter, collected in large apical corymbose inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are yellow, reddish, tubular - dark yellow. Blossoms in July - September 60 days. In culture since 1635.

It has numerous garden varieties with yellowish-red flowers of various shades:

"Altgold"("Altgold"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow golden, orange-red on the outside, with a red border around the edges, tubular. Colors yellow with brown. Growth. Height up to 90 cm. Blooms profusely with 1-3.VIII within 40-45 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Augustsonne"("Augustsonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are sulfur-yellow, tubular, color yellow. Plant strongly leafy, high up to 90 cm. Blooms profusely from 2-5.VIII for 45-48 days Boarding and single planting, cutting.

"Biedermeier"(" Biedermeier "). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow with a bright red stroke but in the middle, tubular. Color yellow. Growth up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 1-3.VIII during 40-45 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Gartensonne"("Gartensonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow with a reddish bloom, tubular flowers. yellow with brown. Growth up to 120 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 35- 40 days Boarding and single planting, cutting.

"Herbstroth"("Herbstrot"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues variegated brown-orange; tubular flowers. yellow with brown. Growth up to 85 cm. Blooms profusely from 4-9.VIII for 44-48 days Bordeaux and single landings, cut.

"Glotauge"("Glotauge") - Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues brownish-red, tubular dark brown. Plant height up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 28.VII-5.VIII for 40-42 days Groups, and single landings, cutting.

"goldlakzwerg"("Goldlackzwerg"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are brownish-orange, yellow at the edges, lighter outside; tubular flowers yellow with brown. Growth up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 1-5. VIII within 40-42 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Goldfux"("Goldfucks"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright brown-orange with yellow strokes, tubular. Color brown. Growth up to 105 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 45- 50 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Goldfouchefrue"("Goldfushefruhe"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues light orange-brown, tubular yellow. Plant slightly leafy, height up to 100 cm. Blooms profusely from 3-4.VIII for 40- 45 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Granatstern"(" Granatstern "). Baskets up to 5 cm in diameter; tongues brown-red, tubular colors. yellow with brown. Plant height up to 150 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 54 days. Board and single planting, cutting.

"Sommersonne"("Sommersonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow, reddish on the outside; tubular flowers. yellow. Plant height up to 82 cm and up to 80 cm wide. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII within 45-52 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Sonnenberg"("Sonnenberg"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter, bright yellow tongues, tubular flowers. yellow. Plant height up to 70 cm. Blooms profusely from 1-3.VIII for 40-45 days. Board. and single planting, cutting.

"Katarina"("Katharina"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; pomegranate-orange tongues, tubular yellow with brown. Plant strongly leafy, up to 75 cm high. Blooms profusely, from 25-30.VII within 45-50 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Cockade"(" Kokarde "). Baskets up to 4.5 cm in diameter; tongues are scarlet-red, with a brown tint, yellowish at the edges, almost red towards the center; tubular. Colors yellow with brown. Plant height up to 120 cm. Blooms profusely from August 1-5 for 45-50 days Bordeaux and single plantings, cut.

"Kupfersprudel"("Kupfersprudel"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are red with an orange-brown tinge, tubular flowers are yellow with brown. Plant out. up to 120 cm. It blooms profusely from 1-5. 35 days Board and single planting, cut.

"Lichtgettin"("Lichtgottin"). Baskets up to 4.5 cm in diameter; tongues are bright yellow; tubular flowers. yellow. Plant out. up to 90 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 40-45 days. Board and single fit, cut.

"Rotgout"("Rothaut"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; brown-red tongues; tubular flowers. yellow with brown. Plants height up to 70 cm. Blooms profusely from 25-30.VII for 40-45 days. Board and single planting, cutting.

"Septemberzone"("Septembersonne"). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; uvulas sulfur-yellow, tubular yellow. Plant very powerful, strongly leafy, height up to 150 cm. Blooms profusely from 4-5.VIII in within 45-50 days Board and single plantings, cut.

"Shpetgoldkuppel"(" Spatgoldkuppel "). Baskets up to 4 cm in diameter; tongues are dark yellow, red on the outside; tubular flowers. yellow. Plant height up to 80 cm. Blooms profusely from 10-15.VIII for 45-50 days .Board and single landings, cut.

"Moerheim Beauty"("Moerheim Beauty") - a plant 90-150 cm high, bronze-red inflorescences, blooms in July - September.

"Bootgerpad"("Butterpad") - a medium-sized plant, golden yellow inflorescences.

"Chipperfield Orange"("Chipperfield Orange") - plant 150-180cm tall, inflorescences are large, orange, blooms in August - October.

Photo left EDSR
Photo right Olga Bondareva

Gelenium belongs to the genus of herbaceous annuals and perennials of the Asteraceae or Compositae family, in the wild it can be found in Central and North America. Some cultivars are commonly chosen for cultivation as an ornamental plant. The photo below shows this plant in bloom.

Family: Compositae.

motherland: North and Central America.

Stem: large, straight shape.

leaflets: alternate, lanceolate.

Fetus: in the form of seeds.

reproduction: dividing bushes and seeds.

Light: light-loving plant, some varieties tolerate partial shade.

Care: abundant watering.

: second half summer period and autumn.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Consider the main varieties of the Gelenium flower, which are basically grown by most gardeners today in open ground and not only:

  1. Helenium autumn

This variety has been popular since the 17th century. The main advantage of the variety is considered to be late and rather abundant flowering. Its bushes in the autumn period have a columnar shape. Strong, leafy and woody throughout the stems grow to a height of about two meters and are very branched in their upper area. Any of the branched shoots ends with a golden flower - a basket, the diameter of which is about 6 centimeters. As a result, up to two hundred flowers bloom on any stem. Its flowering period is from August to the end of summer. Only by October the seeds begin to ripen.

To date, there are a number of varieties that can be effectively used for landscaping. The photo below shows this variety in the garden.

Varieties with a yellow palette of marginal flowers:

  • Magnificum- this is an undersized variety that reaches 80 centimeters in height, baskets up to 6 centimeters in diameter, in the middle the flower has a yellow color; flowering period from July to August.
  • Gartensonne- this plant reaches a height of 110 cm, baskets are about 5 cm in diameter, the middle of the flower is brown; flowering period from the end of July.
  • Katarina- grows up to 140 cm, baskets - about 5 cm, the middle of the flower is brown; flowering period from mid-August.
  • Moerheim Beauty- this plant reaches 180 cm in height, the basket reaches 6 cm in diameter, the middle of the flower is yellow-brown; the flowering period begins in mid-August.
  • super boom- this plant reaches a height of 180 cm, baskets in diameter reaches 6 cm, the middle of the flower is yellow; blooms in August.
  • Septemberzone- this plant reaches 160 cm in height, baskets are 6 cm in diameter, the middle is yellow-brown; blooms in the second half of August.

Varieties with a yellow palette of marginal flowers with red strokes:

  • Altgold- this plant reaches a height of 90 centimeters, a basket in diameter reaches 6 cm, the reverse area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe marginal flower with red strokes, the middle of the flower is brown; the beginning of flowering - in the second half of August.
  • Altgoldrise- this plant reaches a height of 110 centimeters, baskets 4 cm, back side marginal flowers with red strokes, the middle of a dark brown color; flowering period - from mid-August.

Gelenium received natural distribution in damp, swampy areas. Its roots are superficial, very poorly developed. In the culture of the variety of this flower, it is possible to grow in a well-lit area in the garden in soils with good watering and with an indispensable garter of the plant to stakes. Shown in the photo. It is better to transplant and plant Gelenium in the third or fourth year. An excellent time for transplantation is early spring, the beginning of regrowth.

  1. Helenium Hupa

This is a Rocky rop plant. It has a powerful root system, large lanceolate basal leaves and strong stems that are highly branched in the upper region, about 80 centimeters high. Flower baskets are large with an orange color, they are collected in umbellate inflorescences. The flowering period is from June to July. You can transplant this flower both in spring and in August. The photo below shows this variety.

  1. Helenium hybrid

Many horticultural hybrids of unclear origin can be attributed to this, but Gelenium chupa is mainly considered the main initial variety. Varieties can be distinguished by height, dimensions, shape and palette of inflorescences, periods and duration of flowering. You can see it in the photo below.


Growing a plant such as Gelenium is possible with the help of branch outlets. However, its cultivation from seeds is also not inferior in its position. It should be noted that the flower seeds in the northern area have a rather low germination rate. The best solution in such a situation is to grow them in the winter, then the chances that the seeds will still take root are much greater. In addition, you can still see the first flowers no earlier than 2-3 years. We plant the seeds in soil with organic fertilizers, cover with plastic wrap or glass and keep in this state until the first sprouts appear. Do not forget to water and air the flowers sometimes.

When planting in a garden per square meter, we plant about 4-5 bushes, because the roots need a fairly large area for life. Propagation using cuttings will take less time, and even easier - during growth, you need to cut off the cuttings and root them in the ground. You can also hold in a special mixture for the formation of roots.


When placing Gelenium on a personal plot, you need to remember where and how they live in nature: moist fertile meadow soil, dense herbs.

They will grow well in a dense planting. Plant low-growing varieties in the foreground or in the border, tall ones in the background. Majestic bushes look great as a tapeworm against the background of the lawn. In this case, they need constant care in the form of watering, because they do not tolerate overdried soil.

Care also consists of watering and in dry and hot summers. The plant responds well to mineral and organic fertilizing, which can be done several times during the season. After 3-4 years, you need to think about transplanting - the bushes instantly age. In the autumn, it is not recommended to carry it out. If you nevertheless bought a flowering version at the end of the season, cut the stem to a height of about 11 centimeters before planting and try not to injure the root system of the plant.

The bush of this plant is only conventionally called a bush. Strictly speaking, this is a colony of independent plants whose stems bloom, like most perennial plants, live only for one season. However, unlike them, at the end of the season, not only the stem, but also the root neck dies off, and the renewal buds near the base of the stem quite often create small rosettes by this period. They are independent plants that have their own completely autonomous root system. If the winter period turned out to be snowy or without severe frosts, young plants winter well and do not need care, and in frosty and snowless ones they simply freeze out. This circumstance is exacerbated when we are dealing with other varieties, which were created using other types of Geleniums, especially the more heat-loving Gelenium Bigelow.

In preparation for winter, care consists of mulching the plant with moss or sawdust. Also, care should consist of shelter with lutrasil. For a better wintering, we cut and mulch adult plants. This was the main care for this plant.