Laminaria silver planting and care. Medicinal plant

Lamb yellow or greenfinch a fast growing groundcover for shady places under trees or on the northeast side of buildings. The species plant is quite aggressive and is mainly used to quickly cover any areas in the shade. But there are several varieties of this perennial with restrained growth and improved decorative qualities, suitable for a personal plot. Yellow lamb can be planted as a plant covering the ground between large shade-tolerant perennials and shrubs - rhododendrons, forest peonies, aconites and others. More details can be found in the article.

Lamb yellow

Lamb yellow or Zelenchukovaya (Lamium galeobdolon) - a plant up to 15 cm high, about 30 cm in flowering. Forms long shoots up to 1 m long. The leaves are oblong-ovate with a pointed apex, green with an indistinct silvery pattern, pubescent below. It blooms in May for about 15 days with yellow flowers collected in whorls at the ends of the stems.

As I already wrote, it is better to use varieties in the garden yellow cassava.


'Variegata' is a medium sized cultivar with more rounded leaves that have a pronounced silvery white pattern. The flowers are yellow.

"Germans Pride"

Hermans Pride (Herrmann's Proud) is a wonderful plant that does not form long shoots, but grows in a very compact bush and is decorative all season long with its unusual silvery leaves with dark green venation. The flowers are also yellow.

"Germans Pride"

Seeds are not formed, so the perennial reproduces only vegetatively (by cuttings and dividing the bush). This variety, unlike its counterparts, can be planted with a tapeworm, among stones, and on the front edge of a flower bed as a border. A very interesting and unpretentious plant, I recommend to take a closer look at it.


Lamb yellow loves partial shade, but with sufficient moisture it grows in the sun. It tolerates a short drought well when planted in a shady place.

Any soil, except sand, medium-acid to neutral.


If you need a low dense cover, you can cut or mow the flowering stems after flowering.

Yasnotka "Germans Pride" can be sprinkled with humus in the fall for better spring growth.

Winter-hardy without shelter. Leaves may die by spring, but the plant recovers very quickly.

Description: ornamental perennial herbaceous plant.

Dimensions: height of an adult plant: 20 - 25 cm, width: 50 - 70 cm.

Leaves: silvery with a narrow rich green or dark green border. The shape of the leaves is heart-shaped. The edges of the leaves are serrated.

flowers: white, located on peduncles.

Flowering period: end of May - June.

Fruit: each fruit is fractional, consists of four dark nuts with small seeds. The fruits ripen in the second half of July - August.

Winter hardiness zone: 4a (the plant is frost-resistant).

Light requirements: the plant is shade-tolerant, but it looks most decorative if it grows in sunny places or in a small penumbra.

Soil requirements: Prefers moist fertile loamy soil. The root system of the plant is superficial, so the plant is sensitive to strong soil compaction.

Features of agricultural technology: in the hot season, the plant needs moderate watering.

Laminaria speckled is a herbaceous, beautifully flowering plant. It differs from other types of claret in light dots, spots and stripes on the leaves and on the flowers. It is possible to plant a yasnotka to decorate and revitalize various corners of the site - both in its central parts and in the backyards, next to fences and buildings.

Some general information

Laminaria speckled is a perennial herbaceous plant, other types of laminaria are one- and two-year-old. Yasnotka is an excellent honey plant, besides, it has a rich chemical composition and healing properties which allows it to be used in folk medicine. It can be planted on the territory of the apiary, at the same time, it is good as an ornamental plant, and can decorate any garden, flower bed, plot.

In nature, the speckled lamb grows in Europe, Iran and the Middle East. There it can be seen not only in cultural plantings, but also in forests, shrubs and ravines. In Russia, it is a garden ornamental plant.

The height of the lamb reaches 70 cm, the stems are straight or spreading, tetrahedral, pubescent. The leaves are oval, opposite, with teeth along the edges. The flowers are small, bell-shaped, up to 10 in an inflorescence. Corollas pink - light or purple shades, with a spotted pattern on the lower lip. It blooms from May to October. After flowering, fractional fruits are formed, as if divided into four parts.

The flowers on the yasnotka fade quickly, but new ones immediately appear in the inflorescence, therefore, the fruits with seeds form from June to November, if there is no frost.

Cultivation of Laminaria

Although the lamb is a southern plant, it has taken root well in the Russian climate, endures cold, and is not demanding on soils.

It is necessary to plant a clear-cut at intervals of about a meter, because the bush grows rapidly, and it needs a lot of space. The flower will not disappear even if planted in a shady place, and this is its significant advantage over other ornamental plants that need a lot of sun. However, it is better not to place it directly under large trees.

Spotted lamb loves moderate watering, but does not die during the dry period. If it is not watered for some time, it becomes lethargic and unattractive, but with the resumption of watering, its decorative effect is quickly restored.

Feed the lamb with liquid fertilizers - a solution of mullein, bird or rabbit droppings, or a solution of mineral fertilizers. Too often, the plant should not be fed, it will begin to grow rapidly and drown out other plantings.

The lamb does not allow weeds to grow next to it, so there is no need to weed its growth zone. However, the soil under the plants must be loosened, without which the roots will not be able to breathe and function normally.

As the bushes grow, they are pruned, the basal shoots are removed. After flowering, branches with inflorescences are cut off, strongly overgrown shoots thickening the bush are removed.


Lamb can be propagated various methods- dividing the bush, seeds, and cuttings at the end of summer.

The simplest method can be considered the division of the bush. The shoots are separated along with the roots and planted in a pre-prepared place. As a rule, this operation is carried out in the spring, and already in the summer the rooted bush begins to bloom, and even gives new shoots.

When cutting, fresh shoots are cut and immediately planted in moist soil. In this state, he is supported long time- it should not dry out, otherwise the cuttings will not be able to take root. So that moisture does not evaporate, the soil must be mulched with sawdust or peat.

Seeds are sown in spring. To do this, dig holes, knead the earth to a powdery state, water and pour seeds. You do not need to deepen them, just press down a little, and then sprinkle with a thin layer of dry earth. The first shoots will have to wait a long time - more than a month.

The plant is highly cold-resistant, so you can sow seeds in mid-April or early May - depending on climatic conditions, it is not necessary to plant seedlings in a greenhouse.

Over time, the seeds will begin to disperse themselves, there will be many unplanned shoots, there will be no shortage of planting material.

Plant diseases

What problems can be found in the speckled tree growing in your garden? In rainy summers, its leaves can be affected by fungal diseases. During drought, insect pests attack - scale insects, spider mite, whiteflies.

Carefully observe the condition of the plant and, if necessary, take action - treat with fungicides or insecticides.

Lamb is a wild perennial herb. Europe, Iran, Asia and North Africa are considered its homeland. The lamb has many types. Some of them are considered weeds. However, there is a list of varieties that are used in landscape design.

One of these varieties is mottled lamb. This plant is used to create the most beautiful grass cover in gardens, on plots of private houses and cottages. The characteristics of this plant are presented below.

general characteristics

(Lamium maculatum) is also sometimes called spotted. It grows in the meadows and forests of the Caucasus, Europe and Asia Minor. This is a perennial plant. This species has hollow stems. They can spread along the ground in a lush carpet or grow straight. In the knots, the lucid tends to take root.

Shoots can reach a length of 30-70 cm. Branching is determined only in the lower part of the plant. All parts of the plant have sparse hairs. They give some pubescence to the claret.

Leaves grow on cuttings. Their shape is elliptical. Small teeth can be seen along the edge of the sheet. Sometimes a light strip can be found on the surface of the sheet.

The flowers are 2-3 cm long and can range in color from almost white to deep purple. On the lower lip of the inflorescence there are characteristic spots of light purple color. It is this feature that determines the belonging of the claret to the purple species. This is a honey plant.

Popular varieties

Today, breeders have bred many varieties of the presented plant. Very popular in landscape design today enjoys spotted lamb Beacon Silver, as well as Type Ronsdorf, White Nancy and many other varieties.

Gardeners also use varieties such as white nettle (deaf nettle), bearded, yellow. The first variety has small helmet-shaped flowers. They are white in color. Most often, this clematis is used in recipes. traditional medicine. The Friday variety is the most decorative. It has a yellow spot in the center of the leaf plate.

The bearded lamb is considered a rare plant in nature. It has fairly large flowers. They are painted in light pink tones. Laminaria yellow (zelenchukovaya) is most often found in the wild nature of our country. It has creeping shoots. The buds are collected in whorls of six flowers. They have a yellow pubescent corolla.

Breeding Features

Laminaria description which allows summer residents to conclude that it is advisable to grow it on their site, requires certain conditions for its growth. She prefers a shady, damp place. Laminaria grows best on the western and eastern sides of the garden.

The plant feels great under the bushes. However, it should not be planted under trees. After rain, its leaves will be wet for a long time. This is an undemanding plant. It has no special requirements for the composition of the soil. The soil should be loose, have a drainage system. If the substrate is rich in nutrients, the lamb grows strongly. Its decorative qualities in this case are reduced. Therefore, additional fertilization of the land is not necessary. Even on depleted soil, the plant develops quite normally.

Propagation is by cuttings, dividing the bush or seeds. At the same time, it should be checked that the place for the growth of the lamb is not exposed to direct sunlight. However, even in the dark, the lamb will not grow vigorously.


If the planting of the lamb is speckled will be carried out on its own site, then it can be propagated by the above methods. The simplest of them is the division of the bush. To do this, you need to pinch off part of it in the spring. After transplantation, the plant quickly takes root. New shoots are formed. In the very first year after dividing the bush, the claret blooms.

The spotted type of lamb is also propagated by cuttings. Young shoots are cut and immediately transplanted into the ground. This procedure can be performed during the entire growing season.

Seeds should be sown in the ground in the first months of spring after the snow has thawed. The soil at this time should be well moistened. It is required to loosen the soil. Sowing is carried out superficially. Seeds are slightly pressed into the ground. The plant is resistant to cold. Therefore, he does not need greenhouse conditions. Seeds can be sown independently. Therefore, excess seedlings should be removed.


Laminaria speckled, planting and care which is carried out by the summer resident on their own, requires proper watering, fertilizing. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture. Water should not stagnate in the area of ​​​​growth of the lamb. The plant can tolerate short periods of drought. Its decorative effect in this case will decrease.

After full watering appearance lucidum is quickly restored. If dry hot weather is established, watering should be increased. Top dressing should not be too carried away. If the lamb does not develop fully, you can add a small amount of mineral or organic fertilizers to the soil.

The size of the bushes must be controlled. The lamb should not grow too large. Otherwise, over time, an ornamental plant will become like a weed. After the flowering period is over, the extra stems need to be cut off.

Several interesting facts known mottled lamb. Application in medicine This plant has been produced for a long time. Flowers can be harvested from late spring to early autumn. They make infusions for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, as well as eczema, urticaria, diathesis and even boils.

Applications of flowers help with bruises, burns. They have a healing, hemostatic effect. Also, infusions of yasnitka help with colic, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and in gynecology. They drink it for insomnia, with nervous disorders.

In addition to the medical orientation, the use of the yasnitka can be food. Salads are made from its leaves, added to soup or borscht. The young shoots can be canned or pickled, and the roots are similar in taste to asparagus.

landscape design

It is used in the design of summer cottages, garden plots. Moreover, its ground cover qualities are important to designers. The plant looks good near the curbs, in the ground part of the bushes. It masks unseemly areas and corners, and can also grow in shady places near fences or buildings.

Lamb is well acclimatized near the stones. In landscape design, it is often used to decorate alpine slides. The descending shoots in flowerpots also look spectacular.

Next to the lamb, daffodils, hyacinths and dwarf tulips feel good. It is also grown in the vicinity of fern, lungwort.

Considering what features are different mottled lamb, You can use it to decorate your garden. At proper care This plant will decorate any personal plot.

On the edges of the forests and along the fences, bright green grass grows with conspicuous fountains of white flowers. Her leaves are exactly like those of nettles, but you can touch them without fear - they will not burn you. The people called the plant "deaf nettle", and in Latin - Lamium, nettle. The proposed article will talk about medicinal properties ah lucidity, application in landscape design, as well as recipes medicines based on this plant.

The name of this herb gave its name to the whole Lamiaceae family, which includes over 3,500 species. There are no more than 30 species of clarets themselves, they differ in the color of the flowers and the shape of the leaves. The most striking feature of these plants is the two-lipped flower. All five of its petals in the lower part grow together completely, in the upper part - partially, forming a kind of gaping mouth of a small dragon.

The tetrahedral stem characteristic of Lamiaceae bears several tiers of leaves arranged in pairs. In each tier, a dozen flowers are located in a circle. Their features allow you to distinguish plants from each other:

  • white nettle ("deaf nettle") - a perennial with small greenish spots on white corollas;
  • ("red nettle") - a perennial with purple flowers, the lower lip of which is decorated with a spotted pattern;
  • caucasian lamb - an annual with flowers of a pink-purple color, 2-3 per tier; has a pronounced honey smell;
  • yellow yasnitka, or zelenchukovaya - perennial with yellow flowers, differs in richer pubescence and marble pattern of leaves.

The whole genus is characterized by creeping rhizomes, low erect stems 15-45 cm high and long flowering from May to September.

Chemical composition and distribution of the plant

The leaves of plants of the genus Yasnotka are rich in carotene and ascorbic acid; in spring they can be consumed as a source of vitamins. The flowers contain the following useful substances:

  • saponins with surface-active properties;
  • flavonoids with the effect of vitamin P;
  • mucus based on polysaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

Nettle has a high degree of adaptability, so its range is very wide: almost all of Europe, the Middle East, Transcaucasia, China, Mongolia. In Russia, the plant is found everywhere, with the exception of the tundra zone and dry steppes.

The shallow root system of the lamb requires sufficient soil moisture, which is observed on the edges of forests, in the shade of shrubs, along the banks of ravines.

This perennial plant is found in vegetable gardens, gardens, willingly settles along hedges, in the shade of buildings, on compost heaps.

The use of laminaria

In some European countries, nettle is used in official medicine as a medicinal raw material for wound healing creams and vitamin dietary supplements for food.

Traditional medicine uses the plant yasnotka much more widely, since it:

  • helps a lot with colds and angina;
  • promotes liquefaction of sputum and its removal from the bronchi;
  • fights infection with inflammation of the urinary system;
  • promotes the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • stops bleeding with hemorrhoids.

Nettle is considered a natural antidepressant: it helps to overcome stress, neurosis, accelerates the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex. There is evidence that the infusion of flowers enhances the labor activity of the uterus.

Medicinal properties and harm of the lucid

Nettle is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, however, active research is underway on its medicinal properties and contraindications, there is evidence of the effectiveness of yasnitka preparations as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and hypotensive agent.

Useful properties of yasnitka are associated with its chemical composition. Tannins determine its astringent properties and the ability to cleanse the skin from hives, eczema, and various kinds of inflammation. The presence of mucus explains the expectorant effect of the plant on the human body, and flavonoids - the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries and lower blood pressure.

Poisonous compounds were not found in the grass and flowers, however, their preparations are not recommended for increased blood clotting, chronic hypotension. An absolute contraindication is pregnancy, as the plant increases the risk of miscarriage.

Collection, harvesting, storage and cultivation of cassava

The highest concentration of nutrients is found in the flowers of the plant, but their collection separately from the grass is difficult. When harvesting, the upper third of the shoots of the cassava is cut off during the flowering period, which lasts all summer. Then the flowers are plucked and dried separately in the shade or dryer, at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. Store in glass containers.

The use of lamb in landscape design is due to the fact that it is quite decorative and appropriate in certain flower beds: low-growing species as ground covers, larger ones in compositions of high flower beds.

The flower of the yasnotka is unpretentious, but it grows for a long time and steadily only in conditions of slight shading. Ideal options for him - a flower bed in the trunk circle fruit tree or completing the image of a hedge. There are more than ten varieties of the plant, such as Album with snow-white flowers or Silver with silver-green leaves.

The soil for this plant is selected moderately fertile so that it does not grow so quickly to the sides. It is especially important not to overfeed ornamental cultivars whose leaves have acquired a silvery color with green edges during the selection process. With an excess of nitrogen, the silvery color will give way to the natural.

Cultivation of cassava for the sake of medicinal raw materials is possible in open ground and in greenhouses. In any case, it needs timely watering and organic top dressing in the spring. In order for the bushes of the claret to be more lush, they need to be mowed periodically.

Folk recipes with clear

The simplest thing that is prepared from deaf nettle is vitamin tea .

  1. To obtain it, mix equal amounts of lucid and yarrow flowers.
  2. Pour a couple of teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 5-10 minutes - the tea is ready.

You can consume up to three glasses a day.

A similar infusion, but without yarrow, is prepared for baths beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. A tablespoon of dried flowers is poured with boiling water in a thermos with a capacity of 1.5 liters, insisted for half an hour. Baths with infusion of yasnitka are taken every day for a week.

For cooking decoction :

  1. A tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. 15 minutes languish in a water bath.
  3. Cool, filter, take for colds, tonsillitis, severe cough, 100 ml three times a day.

Alcohol tincture obtained by pouring 10 g of dry raw materials into 300 ml of vodka. Insist for a week, shaking every other day. Take with inflammation of the urinary system, 30 drops three times a day.

Lasatka is always ready to help a person cope with an infection. All summer she reveals her riches beneficial substances flowers. The plant is just waiting in the wings to official medicine recognized the healing power of "deaf nettle".