Acidic fruit juices. Purifying fruit and vegetable juices

Foods that cause acidosis. It turns out that the most consumed and, it would seem, safe products, actually give an acidic reaction in the body and lead to the greatest loss of bone mineral density and muscle mass.

These include dairy products, animal proteins and grains.

Why doesn't high dairy intake prevent osteoporosis? What is the real cause of osteoporosis? And how to change the diet to eliminate the conditions for osteoporosis?

(Read Why Acidic Foods Cause Osteoporosis)

Four causes of nutritional acidosis. How does body acidification occur?

When looking at diets associated with acid-producing foods, some of the scientific evidence seems counterintuitive at first glance. For example, foods that taste sour and alkaline are often not classified as acid- or alkali-forming foods.

There is a subtle but significant difference between the products. Acidic products are those that create a lower or more acidic pH. (Recall: acids have numbers below pH7.0, and alkalis have numbers above pH 7.0. The very same pH value of 7.0 is neutral).

C Itrus fruits and tomatoes taste sour, but they have an alkaline PH that is safe for the kidneys. Thus, if foods taste sour, they do not necessarily make the pH of the body acidic, why does acidosis occur?

Firstly, fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium salts and are a natural buffer against acidification of the body..

Some of the foods that we often consume now deprive us of potassium, a mineral that protects against hypertension and stroke. According to research Dr. Loren Cordain (link - author of "paleo diet", previously people consumed foods with a ratio of potassium to sodium of 10:01, and he considers this ratio to be optimal for our health.

Today, due to the consumption of high amounts of salty processed foods and fast foods, combined with a low intake of fruits and vegetables, the ratio has become 3:1 in favor of sodium. This destroys the normal pH acidity of our body and makes us dependent on potassium.

Secondly, there is also a similar change in consumption of naturally occurring bicarbonates.

(e.g. potassium bicarbonate) in foods and an increase in their chlorides(mainly in the form of sodium chloride or table salt). Bicarbonate is alkali-forming while chloride is acid-forming.

Chloride also constricts blood vessels, which in turn reduces blood circulation, says Sebastian (Source: Sebastian A, Frassetto L.A., Morris RC. Acid-base effects of the modern Western diet: an evolutionary perspective. Eds: Alpern RJ and Heber SC).

Due to the fact that the functioning of the body depends on a healthy circulation, vasoconstriction contributes to heart disease, stroke, dementia (decreased intelligence), and probably any other degenerative disease.

Third, large amounts of animal protein (including meat, poultry, and seafood) release sulfuric acid.

And the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids also contributes to an even greater acidification of the body.

This acid shift can be offset by a higher intake of fruits and vegetables (rich in potassium bicarbonate). But then again, most of us undereat these foods or skimp on them.

Fourthly, grains such as wheat, rye and corn are exclusively acid-forming (i.e. acidifying the body),

no matter how you consume them (in the form of white bread, breakfast cereals, pasta or whole grains.)

“Grains are the most commonly consumed plant food of almost the entire civilized population,” says Sebastian, “and they account for 65% of the plant foods we eat. “In addition to their acidifying properties, grains are crowding out more nutritious fruits and vegetables,” he adds.

“Indeed, consuming a lot of grains is one of the many causes of alkaline deficiency and acidification of the body,” says Sebastian.

CONCLUSION: People eat a lot of acid-forming animal proteins, dairy products and grains..

The missing elements that alkalize the body are found in fruits and vegetables.

List of acid-forming and alkali-forming products:

p/p Some acid-forming foods p/p Some Alkaline Foods
1 Some berries and fruits: cranberries, plums, prunes, currants, blueberries 1 Berries: strawberries, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants
2 Cereal cereals (wheat, millet, rice, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, etc.) Flour products in any form: bread, rolls, pasta, cakes 2 Citrus fruits: orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, kumquat, tangerine, tangerine, pomelo, etc.)
3 Dairy (milk, cottage cheese, butter, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cream) 3 Fruits: apples, pears, grapes, apricots, pineapple, mangoes, bananas, figs, dates, cherries, pomegranates, raisins, kiwi, peach, persimmon, quince, and their juices
4 Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, beans) 4 Legumes: soy, chickpeas
5 Some vegetables: rutabagas, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, asparagus, pumpkin, spinach, corn, rhubarb, squash 5 Vegetables: sweet potato, onion, leek, tomato, eggplant, cucumber, zucchini, squash, melon, artichoke, bamboo (shoots), water chestnut, mustard, ginger (fresh), kale, kohlrabi, horse chestnut, cabbage, kale, onion, leek, cucumber, okra, parsnip, pepper (sweet), tomato, radish, beetroot, turnip, cauliflower, chicory
6 Eggs, Meat (all types), Fish (all types) 6 Seaweed
7 Sugar, vinegar (most types) 7 Greens: celery, spinach, lettuce, dill, arugula, parsley, etc.
8 Nuts: cashew, peanut, walnut, Brazil nut, pistachio, hazelnut, macadamia, pecan, dried coconut, 8 Nuts: almonds, fresh coconut, chestnut, pine and cedar seeds,
9 Drinks: all alcoholic, coffee, black tea, carbonated, kvass from barrels, 9 Herbs: Alfalfa, red clover, mint, sage, plant juice - chlorophyll, green tea,

How to bring the PH-acidity of the body back to normal

Research shows that most of us - between 68% and 91% - do not eat the five recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables (1 serving = 200-250g). By changing your eating habits in the direction of increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits, you can bring the PH value back to normal.

The main factor in the formation of the internal environment of a person is the diet. There are "acidic" foods, that is, those that increase the acidity of the body, and "alkaline" foods that increase the alkalinity of the internal environment of the body. Acidic foods include: meat and meat products, dairy products, fish, sugar, eggs, bakery products, beer. A human diet, constantly consisting of the above products, will eventually lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as bronchitis, pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity, prostatitis, sinusitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and other diseases associated with inflammatory processes. Such a person often catches a cold, "all his drafts." The body does not have time to cope with the huge amount of incoming lactic and other types of acids, it accumulates in the organs, and chronic diseases begin to develop there. inflammatory diseases. In men, the predominance of acid leads to infertility and impotence, since spermatozoa can only survive in an alkaline environment. Increased acidity of the body reduces the activity of livestock, which leads to male infertility, and subsequently to impotence. In women, increased acidity of the body also threatens the development of inflammatory processes, overweight and leads to infertility. In this case, the acidity of the vagina increases (in the normal state it is slightly acidic), and the spermatozoa, falling into the woman, die before they reach the uterus. And if sperm motility is reduced by the increased acidity of the male body, then conception is out of the question. Of course, the reason described is not the only reason why fertility in men and women is currently declining. Consider demographic issues modern Russia and the world as a whole is necessary in a complex, but close attention should be paid to the issue of healthy nutrition of the nation.

However, if a person eats exclusively alkaline foods, and these include vegetables (fresh and in salads seasoned with vegetable oils), fruits, cereals, whole milk, honey, red and white dry wine, canned vegetables, then this leads to an excess of calcium in the body. and the development of diseases of the joints, the deposition of salts, which, in turn, can cause diseases of cardio-vascular system, urolithiasis, the appearance of stones in the liver, kidneys, gallbladder. As we can see, a balanced diet is necessary for human health.

If a acid-base balance violated

Acid-base balance is the primary task of a person on the path to health. Scientists have discovered that each product has another important indicator that can have a beneficial or, conversely, detrimental effect on human health. It's about the acid load of the food. The acid-base balance depends on the ratio in the product of the components that form acid or alkali in the process of metabolism. It is useful to know which foods have an oxidizing effect on the body, and which foods have an alkalizing effect.

Acidifying foods: peanuts, lamb, ham, beef, dried peas, goose, green onions, turkey, cocoa, sour cabbage (note: all other types of cabbage give an alkaline pH), semolina porridge fast food, chestnuts, cashews, gluten (starches), candies, grape seeds (note: all other parts of grapes have an alkaline pH), coffee, crabs, crackers, rabbit meat, cereals, corn (cereals, quick breakfast, starches), chicken, lobsters, salmon, pasta, peanut butter, shellfish, milk, wholemeal flour, oatmeal, rye flour, perch, lobster, pecans, walnuts, halibut, buttermilk, millet, crayfish, cabbage pickle, canadian rice (water puff), brown rice, polished rice, rye, raw sugar, refined sugar, pork, herring, syrups, spaghetti, pike perch, crackers, roquefort cheese, tapioca, pressed cottage cheese, veal, eel, vinegar, oysters, duck, white beans (attention: all other types of beans are alkaline), lima beans, trout, bread, turtle, lentils, chocolate, pike, lamb (meat of a young lamb), eggs, barley.

alkaline products: apricots, avocados, pineapples, vegetable broth, grapes, cherries, blueberries, peas, grapefruits, mushrooms (camelinae), pears, cantaloupe, netted melon, blackberries, gelatin (vegetable), coffee substitutes, meat substitutes (soy), tea substitutes , herbal teas, strawberries, figs, white cabbage, broccoli, green cabbage, kohlrabi cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, kiwi, strawberries, cranberries, goat's beard, coconuts, watercress, lime, kelp (brown seaweed), lecithin , lemons, beet leaves, loganberry (a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries), onions, leeks, alfalfa (a leguminous plant, the most common source of chlorophyll), raspberries, chard (leaf beets), olive oil, soybean oil, honey, almonds , goat milk, soy milk, carrots, peppermint (leaves), cucumbers, dandelions, olives (ripe), papaya, parsnips, peaches, parsley, tomatoes, rhubarb, radishes, radishes, turnips (tops), wheat germ, head lettuce , endive lettuce, lettuce, saturia, celery, plums, currants, vegetable juices, fruit juices, soy malt, soybeans, pumpkin, Ulva (algae), beans (sprouts), common beans, green beans, dates, persimmons, chicory, candied fruit, zucchini, blueberries, prunes , garlic, spinach, sorrel, apples.

In order for effective reactions to take place in the body, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of not only alkalis (reducing agents), but also acids (oxidizing agents).

Please note - alkalizing foods (for example, fruits), consumed with sugar (a strong acidifier), acidify the body (blood).

Products that acidify and alkalize the body, the degree of their action, we note the number of pluses:

Some foods that acidify the body: sugar! (+++), game (++++), oysters (++++), crayfish (++++), veal (+++), eggs (+++), chickens (+++) , fish (++), mussels (+++), coffee (+++), jam (+++), baked beans (+++), beef liver (+++), lean pork (++) , skinny bacon (++), ham (++), pickled plums (++), green bananas (++), dried peas (++), white flour (++), barley groats (++), hominy and corn flakes (++), starch (++), peanuts (++), hard cheese (++), white bread (++), boiled lamb (++), stewed lamb (+), black bread ( +), dried beans (+), soft cheese (+), cream (+), beef (+), fatty bacon (+).

Some foods that alkalize the body: figs (++++), fresh beets (++++), celery (++++), berries (++++), grapefruit (++++), lettuce (++++), mushrooms (++++), fresh tomatoes (++++), dried apricots (++++), fresh apricots (+++), pears (+++), sea buckthorn (+++), lemon ( if it is consumed without sugar) (+++), orange (+++), watermelon (+++), melon (+++), prunes (+++), pepper (+++), fresh beans ( +++), currants (+++), cabbage (all kinds) (+++), pistachios (+++), cucumbers (+++), dandelion (leaves) (+++), parsnips (+ ++), plums (+++), peaches (+++), whole milk (+++), koumiss (+++), milk whey (+++), ripe bananas (++), apples ( ++), grapes (++), cherries (++), raisins (++), dates (++), onions (++), green pea(++), radish (++), almonds (++), carrots (++), peeled potatoes (++), cranberries (+), asparagus (+), pork fat (+).

- Milk whey (up to 5 hours of freshness)- the most unique alkaline product in the world. It has everything that was useful in milk, but there is nothing allergenic (casein, lactose, etc.). The product is 100% dietary. Very useful for women of all ages. Whey can be obtained by making homemade cottage cheese, which also belongs to the list of alkaline foods. One of simple recipes cooking homemade cottage cheese: heat 1-2 liters of fermented milk (over low heat) in a water bath, after pouring it into a wide saucepan (you can also leave it in a glass jar of the right size by laying a cotton rag on the bottom of the saucepan with water). We heat until the whey (yellowish liquid) and cottage cheese of the desired consistency (for an amateur) separate. In time, this process takes 1-2 hours. We separate the cottage cheese from the whey, and you can eat. Let me remind you that up to 5 hours of freshness they have an alkaline reaction. Whey should be drunk without added sugar. It can also be used to make bread, pancakes, pancakes and any other baked goods.

On the pH side, almost all freshly squeezed juices are slightly acidic, that is, they have a pH between 7 and 5. The most acidic in terms of pH are cherry, kiwi and apple juices. Slightly less acidic are currant and orange. Close to neutral is the pH of carrot, tomato and banana juices. Almost alkaline are apricot, grapefruit, fig juice, white cabbage juice. Beetroot juice has a true alkaline pH.

In order for fresh juice to be beneficial, you must adhere to several rules for preparing and drinking freshly squeezed juices.

You need to prepare juice immediately before taking it, since after a few minutes it is biologically active substances contained in it begin to break down; the exception is beetroot juice, it must first be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 hours, then substances that have a harmful effect on the body will be destroyed in it.

You need to drink juice 30–40 minutes before meals, then it will be most useful, as it will be absorbed very quickly in an empty stomach and immediately enter into biochemical processes; after eating, it is better not to drink juice (especially fruit juice), because, mixed with food, it will cause the release of a large amount of gases in the intestines.

It is better to drink juice through a straw, and then rinse your mouth with water - there are a lot of organic acids in juices that soften and destroy hard tissues teeth.

Vegetable juices (with the exception of tomato) should not be drunk in large quantities, it is better to add them to fruit juices, such as apple juice; it is better to get used to beetroot juice gradually, starting with small amounts diluted with water.

Fruit juices containing stones (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) should not be mixed with any other juices. Juices of fruits and berries, inside which there are seeds (apples, grapes, currants), mix well with other juices; for example, apple juice goes well with vegetable juices such as carrot, beet, and cabbage.

- "Natural" or "100%" or "real" juice are juices reconstituted from concentrates. To prepare the concentrate, juice is first produced - it is squeezed from fresh vegetables, berries or fruits. This is the juice of the first pressing. Then this juice is evaporated to a concentrate, reducing the volume several times to make it more economical to transport. When evaporated in juice, vitamin C is destroyed, some amino acids and carbohydrates disappear, beneficial to the body essential oils and enzymes. Then the concentrate is diluted with water to the initial volume. This is how “natural”, or “100 percent”, juice is obtained.

- Nectar is a drink made from reconstituted juice. That is, they take reconstituted juice - its content must be at least 25%. Then water, sugar, citric or ascorbic acid, natural flavors are added to the restored juice - nectar is obtained.

Juice drinks are one step further from juices: they have less juice, more water. Juice-containing fruit drinks should contain at least 10% juice. The remaining 90% is water, sugar, dyes and flavorings. For the production of juice-containing drinks, it is allowed to use artificial flavors, dyes and preservatives (for the production of juices and nectars - it is not allowed). Juice drinks have a lot of sugar and acid added to create flavor.

If a juice, nectar or juice drink is labeled "no added sugar" or "low sugar" on the packaging, it means that the sugar has been replaced by artificial sweeteners. Sugar, dyes, preservatives - all this lowers the pH of any product.

Juices with acidic pH have a particularly unfavorable effect on young children: they cause diathesis, neurodermatitis, numerous allergic reactions. If with food little child will receive more acids than bases, his body will either seek to remove them through the skin (hence allergic manifestations: diathesis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.), or will try to neutralize incoming acids, "withdrawing" bases (minerals) from their own reserves (and these are mainly bones and teeth) . When the body is oxidized in children, it suffers greatly the immune system - the child often catches a cold, picks up almost any infection, so try to give the child fresh juice. Be sure to give your child alkaline mineral water after the juice. If you give your child packaging juice, be sure to measure its pH(!). Do not give children who are prone to immune-allergic diseases foods and drinks with a pH below 5 ...

Measure the pH of not only juices, but also other products and buy for yourself and your child those products whose pH is more alkaline. These rules are a reliable prevention of many diseases: diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, allergies.

It is necessary to help the body very competently in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. medicinal plants. What is good for one person may be bad for another. This is the answer to the question why this collection of herbs helps one person and harms another. When compiling prescriptions for a medicinal nature, the stupidly alkaline and acidic group of herbs are mixed, resulting in neutralization medicinal properties both individual herbs and the whole composition.

1. Alkalize the body: immortelle, oregano, elecampane, centaury, nettle, burnet, linden, raspberry, coltsfoot, mint, dandelion, plantain, birch and pine buds, leaves; motherwort, chamomile, marsh cudweed, cumin, yarrow, thyme, succession, celandine, eucalyptus, chicory, licorice, etc.

2. Acidifies the body: calamus, actinidia, aralia, lingonberry leaf, heather, ginseng, lure, wild strawberry, clover, gooseberry, leuzea, lemongrass, burdock roots, white mistletoe, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhodiola, dill, horsetail, wild rose, eleutherococcus, sweet clover, pine needles, aloe, garlic.

In order to neutralize the acid, the body is forced to resort to its alkaline reserves - minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium). At the same time, when the blood hemoglobin iron is used to neutralize the acid, the person feels tired. If calcium is consumed for these needs, insomnia and irritability appear. Due to the decrease in the alkaline reserve of the nervous tissue, mental activity is disturbed. The connection between the decrease in the alkaline reserve and depression- a disease, especially progressing today in the country.

The removal of alkaline mineral elements from the bones of the skeleton inevitably leads to their painful fragility, and the leaching of calcium salts from the bones to neutralize acidity is one of the main causes of osteoporosis.

Cells in acidosis also sacrifice their own mineral reserves. The internal environment of the cell itself also becomes more acidic. In such an environment, the activity of most enzymes is sharply reduced. As a result, intercellular interactions are disrupted. In an acidic environment, cancer cells feel great and multiply well.

Acidosis is a constant companion of diabetes. The use of proteins in the form of energy fuel in diabetes leads to an increased formation of nitrogenous substances and, as a result, to oxidation - acidosis. When fats are used as an energy source, acetoacetic and hydroxybutyric acids accumulate in the blood plasma. For a person, this is a poison that causes a sharp shift in the pH of the blood to the acid side, an acidotic coma occurs, and death occurs within a few hours.

Most people are familiar with the symptoms of acidosis, but tend to underestimate them. First of all, these are emotional signs: criticality, cynicism, inability to succeed, indecision, inability to distinguish truth from lies and physical signs: fatigue, irritability, neck and shoulder muscle tension, arthritis, stomach pain, nausea, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, rapid physical and mental fatigue, bitterness in the mouth, gray coating on the tongue, flushing of the face, dark circles under the eyes.

With severe acidosis, bile becomes acidic - pH 6.6–6.9 (normal pH 7.5–8.5). This impairs digestion, which leads to poisoning of the body with decomposition products, the formation of stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys. In an acidic environment, opistarchosis worms, pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, etc. live quietly. In an alkaline environment, they die.

In an acidic body, saliva is acidic - pH 5.7-6.7, which leads to the slow destruction of tooth enamel. In an alkaline organism, saliva is alkaline - pH 7.2-7.9, and teeth do not decay. To treat caries, you need to take soda twice a day so that saliva becomes alkaline.

If the acidosis is of "dietary" (food) etiology, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of consumption of acidic foods and exclude them from the main meals. Studies have shown that the degree of erosion of the tissues of the tooth is directly related to the time the teeth are in contact with acid, so acidic drinks, such as juices and sodas, should be drunk quickly, and not slowly sipped or drunk through a straw. Vitamins should be taken in the form of capsules by mouth.

With excessive acidity of the internal environment, the appointment of any pharmaceuticals that do not take this circumstance into account will not be effective, because the body will spend a large number of energy not to prevent the symptomatic manifestations of the disease, but primarily to restore the acid-base balance.

Signs of acidification of the body

General condition: lack of energy, weakness, chronic fatigue, low body temperature, chills and a feeling of cold inside the body, weak immunity ...

Emotional state: sadness, black thoughts and depression, lack of joy, irritability and nervousness, etc.

Head: pallor of the face, headaches, inflamed eyes ...

Reproductive system: discharge, inflammation of the urinary tract…

Stomach: increased acidity of the stomach, sour eructations, spasms and pains, hyperacid gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers ...

Intestines: cramps and pains in the abdomen, anal fissures, inflammation of the intestines.

Kidneys and Bladder: Sour urine, burning in bladder and urinary system, kidney stones, inflammation of the urinary tract…

Airways: frequent bronchitis and runny noses, sore throats, laryngitis, adenoids, a tendency to allergies and a desire to cough ...

Skin: sour sweat, dry skin, skin redness, local irritation increased sweating, acne, all kinds of eczema, most often dry ...

Nails: thin, flaky, broken, streaked nails and white spots.

Muscles: leg cramps and spasms, lumbago, rheumatic pains, aches…

Bones and joints - demineralization of the skeleton: osteoporosis, rickets, softening of the bones, tendency to fracture, crunching in the joints, joint pain, gout, pain in the ligaments and back ...

Circulatory system: low blood pressure, chilliness, tendency to anemia, tachycardia…

Endocrine system: exhaustion of glands, except for the thyroid, which, on the contrary, tends to increase ...

Mouth: acidic saliva, exposed tooth roots, sensitive gums and enamel, inflammation of the tonsils and nasopharynx. Caries, crumbling of teeth, soreness during the use of sour or cold foods ...

The first sign of an increase in the acidity of the body is the appearance of shadows under the eyes.

A strong "acidification" of the body is determined by touching any grounded object, for example, a water pipe, or a radiator. With a strong acidification of the body, you will be “shocked”. When shifted to the alkaline side, you will feel a burning sensation of the tongue, there will be a salt coating in the oral cavity, as well as pain in the joints and throughout the body.

One of early signs oxidation of the body is soreness of the trapezius muscle. It occupies a superficial position in the back of the neck and in the upper back. If, when you take it with your fingers, pain occurs in the neck area, this is a sign of oxidation of the body.

The state of acid-base balance is easy to determine by the color of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelids in both eyes). The bright pink color of the conjunctiva indicates that the pH is normal. A pale pink color of the conjunctiva indicates acidosis, while a dark pink color indicates alkalosis.

Even in ancient times, yogis diagnosed the acid-base balance in the body by breathing. An easy way to compare and find out which nostril breathes easier. Cooling lunar breath has the left nostril and warming, sunny breath has the right nostril. Cover the right nostril with your finger, take a slow breath and exhale with the left; then close the left nostril, inhale and exhale with the right. If the left one breathes easier, the acid reaction prevails in the body, and if the right one, then the alkaline reaction. The principle is simple: when overcooled, the body forms an alkaline environment, and when overheated, it forms an acidic environment. Approximately the same breath of the nostrils indicates that the acid-base ratio in the blood is normal.

According to the state of the sclera, that is, the white of the eye, one can judge the health of a person. Cellular structures in the physical part are semiconductors, the excitation of which accompanies the glow. That is why the healthy person brighter and whiter sclera. If the sclera acquires a darkish tint, then in human body an inflammatory process occurs, a yellowish or bluish tint reflects functional disorders.

Nikolai Dannikov

Everyone knows how beneficial juices are for our health. If possible, each person should regularly include them in their diet. Vegetables, fruits and berries are of great importance in human nutrition. However, keep them long time in fresh unfortunately, it's just not possible. In this case, juices come to the rescue, which are able to preserve the nutritional value of these products. Great importance, which determines the benefits for human health, plays the acidity of juices. This is what we want to talk to you about today.

Juices are of great value as sources of vitamins and minerals, from which it is possible to extract, first of all: salts of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Juices also contain acids, sugars, essential oils, tannins and pectin substances. And in the form of juices, all these useful components are better absorbed by our body. This is explained by the fact that the juice is easily digested, its components are very easily absorbed through the intestinal walls.

It should be noted that vegetable juices are not as popular as fruit juices. And in our stores they are traditionally presented in a narrower assortment. However, these juices are no less useful, so do not neglect them.

Unfortunately, the juices that are sold in our stores today are difficult and even impossible to call natural. All of them undergo serious industrial processing. In addition, almost all of them contain too much sugar. Even if the label says that they do not contain sugar, they usually add a few tablespoons of refined glucose.

What acids are found in juices

Let's now talk about the acidity of juices. Many vegetable juices differ from fruit and berry juices in the composition of organic acids. In fruit juices, malic, citric and tartaric acids are predominant, and in vegetable juices - succinic, acetic, formic and oxalic acids.

Apple, blueberry, plum, peach, apricot and pear juice also contain quinic acid. Apple juice also contains chlorogenic acid. The juices of cherries, blackberries, currants and sweet cherries contain a small amount of isocitric acid.

Minerals are the most important constituents of fruit and vegetable juices. Moreover, vegetable juices contain more of them than fruit juices. Vegetable juice contains a lot of potassium and sodium salts, which stimulate water metabolism in the body. They contain less sugar than fruit juices. They have a neutral or slightly acidic taste, so it is better to drink them before meals, and not after.

Due to the rather low acidity of vegetable juices, it is not so easy to preserve them at home, because. there is a danger of preservation of microflora in them. For this reason, when pasteurizing vegetable juices, it is recommended to add acidic juices. To do this, you can choose apple, cranberry, red currant juice, or you can simply use citric acid. Some vegetables can be stored fresh almost all year. These include beets, carrots and cabbage. These vegetables are best juiced before drinking.

What are the benefits of acidity

How can you use the acidity of juices? The presence of acid in fruits makes it possible to carry out heat sterilization of such juices at a relatively low temperatures. These acids have various beneficial properties. They are able to delay the development of microflora, which leads to spoilage of the juice. They also have a bactericidal effect. They can destroy many microorganisms in a fairly short time.

Why is the acidity of juices useful for our health?

In addition, fruit acids have an irritating effect on the digestive system. They enhance the action of the gastric glands, which facilitates the digestive processes in the human body. Mucus is secreted in our intestines, to which food residues adhere. They dissolve better in the presence of acids. This kills bacteria that are not native to the digestive system. Acids help to improve blood and lymph circulation, they stimulate blood circulation and the removal of harmful substances from the body. Organic acids, such as malic and citric acids, affect the activity of the digestive glands, improving the absorption of food by the body.

Juices are also useful for people suffering from certain diseases that are accompanied by low acidity. gastric juice. They are able to partially compensate for the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Juices are an easily digestible dietary and medicinal product. They can be taken for preventive purposes and for the treatment of various diseases.

More about freshly squeezed juices

The most useful is considered freshly squeezed juice prepared and immediately drunk. If the juice turned out to be too concentrated, then it can be diluted with water, but it is better to use mineral water for this, rather than boiled. Such juice should be drunk immediately, it should not be stored, even in the refrigerator. The exception is beetroot juice, which must first stand for a couple of hours. Freshly squeezed juices, unfortunately, spoil quickly.

It is very good to combine vegetable and fruit juices, which complement each other perfectly. It is better not to drink freshly squeezed juices immediately after a meal, otherwise they can lead to bloating. Consume them between meals.

Contraindications for sour juices

You need to know that the acidity of juices imposes significant restrictions on their use. So, acidic juices, such as apple and cranberry, can cause heartburn, so you should not drink them when peptic ulcer and pancreatitis. After all, they contribute to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

People who are obese or diabetic should not consume grape juice. This juice is high-calorie, in addition, it has a lot of glucose. It is also contraindicated in irritable bowel syndrome.

It must be remembered that many juices have a laxative effect. Therefore, people with irritable bowels should not abuse juices. By the way, freshly squeezed juices in large quantities can harm the body rather than help it.

Medicinal properties

Natural juices are a dietary product. They do not contain heavy fiber, but there are many useful substances that our body easily absorbs in this form. The minimum amount of time and energy costs from the body is required for this. Therefore, juices have therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Their regular consumption can improve health and prolong life.

Juices not only have a general strengthening effect on the human body, but also act as biogenic stimulants. They strengthen the immune system and increase efficiency, have a choleretic, laxative and diuretic effect, saturate the body with vitamins and other necessary substances.

Juices improve digestion, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and the activity of endocrine glands. They help to eliminate toxins from the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, can tone up and lower blood pressure.

Drink natural fruit and berry and vegetable juices in reasonable amounts, be always healthy!

Freshly squeezed juice assumes that the vegetables, fruits or berries used to make it are not thermally processed. Ideally, it is best to squeeze the juice from vegetables and fruits mechanically by rubbing them on a grater (its surface should not oxidize - look for graters made of stainless steel or high-quality food-grade plastic). This, of course, is a more time-consuming and time-consuming process, but for fresh products it is better when they are rubbed by hand, rather than crushed in a juicer. After all, the more technologically advanced the device, the more fiber is damaged, and the higher the speed of rotation and the sharpness of the knives, the more destroyed liquid molecules as a result. Another thing is if the juice is strained (the so-called clarified), then its method of “cooking” does not really matter. But still, it is better to drink juices that have not been passed through any filters - then we get the necessary fiber almost in full.

So, the ideal option for fresh juice is a good grater, skillful hands and fresh produce from the garden. But in the morning, when there is a catastrophic lack of time, it is better to use automation than to give up juice altogether.

When is the best time to drink fresh juices - for breakfast, lunch, dinner or between meals?

It must be clearly understood that freshly squeezed juices are not a drink. This is food.

Therefore, they can be drunk at any time of the day, but you need to separate meals and juice intake. If we drink fresh for breakfast, then they can replace, for example, a salad. If we supplement the juice with whole grain porridge boiled in water, this is already a complete breakfast for a woman. But for a growing organism, weakened after an illness, or if there are any health problems, this will not be enough. For a man who works hard physically throughout the day, a glass of juice and a serving of porridge may generally seem like a “ridiculous snack”, but for a woman to get the necessary amount of energy, vitamins, trace elements and fiber before lunch, this will be absolutely enough.

Can all vegetables and fruits be combined in fresh juice?

The foods we eat and drink should not be mixed. Even medicinal herbs that we brew for medical purposes are best used without impurities. Because vegetable, berry and fruit juices, unfortunately, contain a large amount of allergens. And people prone to allergies, taking a juice mix, will not be able to recognize which product in this drink irritates their mucous membranes.

If a person has never had allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then almost everything can be mixed, if this does not harm the taste of the product. The only thing is not to mix juices containing beta-carotene (carrot, pumpkin, persimmon) with each other. Fat-soluble provitamins A, D and E, which they abound in, are better broken down and absorbed if a drop of vegetable oil is added to the juice (this may not only be popular olive oil, but also sunflower or corn) - the main thing is that it be unrefined.

The combination of sharply acidic juices with juices rich in beta-carotene is also undesirable. So, carrots and lemon should not be mixed. But at the same time, a sour apple can be safely combined with carrots, because vitamin C contributes not only to the absorption of iron, which is found in an apple, but also beta-carotene and vitamins A and E, which are found in carrots.

How to treat purchased juices?

These are completely different things - it's like asking a person to choose where to breathe fresh air: go out into the forest or open a window in the room. This is exactly the same with us and with juices that are sold in supermarkets. In stores, it is rare, but you can find juices that are prepared from natural concentrates (either from frozen juices or from dried concentrates from which the water was taken). In any case, this juice has been accurately squeezed, precisely processed, precisely frozen or subjected to high temperature. That it has lost 80% (maybe more) of its nutritional value is for sure. But if you choose the lesser of two evils, then it is better to drink juice from a package that says “100% natural juice reconstituted from concentrate” (this information is indicated by decent manufacturers), if it does not contain ascorbic acid, sugar, any other sweeteners, flavors etc. than carbonated sweet water. Also beware of fruit drinks and nectars: they contain a lot of water and sweet additives!

Is it true that you can only buy tomato juice from packaged juices?

it clean water prejudice. Orange, grapefruit, apple, grape and tomato juice reconstituted from frozen concentrates. But, for example, peach or apricot is rarely prepared from reconstituted. Somewhere in them there is a little juice, and everything else is water, flavors and taste, "identical to natural."

Diets and fasting days based on fresh juices

Vitamins, trace elements, fiber, enzymes contained in juices are only good for us. But if there are even hidden problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, hepatitis, enteritis), then you can drink fresh juices only after consulting a doctor. Because juices are quite an irritating product. Acidic foods are contraindicated in acute gastritis with high acidity, and vegetables that have a choleretic effect (beets, celery) are not recommended for cholelithiasis. Juices are rich in fiber, and this strains the work of the pancreas, which is very undesirable for pancreatitis.

Therefore, a juice diet is great if a person is healthy. And if you are not completely healthy, then you can go on a diet only after the doctor said: this juice is possible, but this one is not. Perhaps he will advise interspersing some juices with foods that soothe the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, the juice diet gives amazing results if approached wisely.

Between juice intakes (200 ml each), a woman who wants to lose weight using a “juice diet” should additionally drink 1.5 liters of pure water, because, despite the fact that fresh juices contain liquid, it is not enough to saturate the cells water, so that they fully undergo the metabolic process. The only thing is that the juice diet cannot be long, a maximum of 5-7 days. After that, you need to introduce the lightest foods into the diet: cereals on the water, stewed vegetables, then light protein in the form of dairy products, then heavier protein - fish and eggs, and only then meat.

What juices are best for breakfast, lunch and dinner during a diet?

For breakfast, it is better to drink juices containing beta-carotene and fat-soluble vitamins, with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil. We get everything that is in the juice, plus the energy of the oil. So we saturate the body with a large number of antioxidants. These are substances that prevent peroxidation, a process that causes damage to cells throughout the body. After all, if a person does not consume foods containing antioxidants, he quickly ages. These miracle substances promote recovery, and ideally, do not allow cell damage at all.

At lunch, you need to take juice that contains a large amount of pulp, rich in fiber, unfiltered and unclarified. For example, carrot, beetroot, celery and even ... kiwi juice. Kiwi is a unique fruit, and despite the fact that nutritionists are not very fond of exotic vegetables and fruits in their daily diet, nevertheless, we have been using these products for so long that the body is already slowly getting used to it. And if we take mango or kiwi for comparison, then the latter is better absorbed. In its structure, it is a bit similar to an apple, a strawberry, and a gooseberry. And this distant “affinity” gives our body the opportunity to cope well with it. But again, there is one limitation: the increased acidity of gastric juice. "Dinner" juice should be light, which means that it should not cause fermentation in the intestines (like grape juice, which is very rich in glucose and fructose).

All fruit juices should be drunk during the day - it is better not to leave them at night (the exception is sweet apple juice). With pear and plum juice, you need to be extremely careful. They contain a large amount of glucose, fructose and coarse fiber. Plum seriously excites the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In people suffering from constipation, and those who are prone to them, the addition of prune juice restores bowel function very well, but even here the measure must be observed.

In the evening, you should drink juices that do not provoke violent peristalsis, in order to avoid stress on the digestive organs during sleep. These juices are made from common foods that we consume every day, such as potatoes. It may not be very tasty (although this is not for everyone), but it is amazingly useful. If you cook a fresh juice and immediately drink it, then the starch contained in the potato juice will not go to the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

It will only work to protect all mucous membranes. Freshly squeezed potato juice will soothe all the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract - heal small cracks, sores, wounds of the oral cavity, lubricate the esophagus well and restore its walls, protect the gastric mucosa from hydrochloric acid. Potato juice will be very popular with our duodenum, because its alkaline environment "impatiently" awaits the contents neutralized after work of the gastric juice. But potato juice should not be mixed with anything: it is better to drink less of it, but without any impurities.

Beetroot juice acts quite aggressively on the pancreas - you need to be careful with it. But cabbage, on the contrary, is ideal. You can also make an unusual mix - from celery and parsley. By the way, green juices are remarkably absorbed in combination with all vegetable juices.

How to properly plan a fasting day on juices?

Juices are a complete food, and in order for them to fulfill the unloading function, they must be diluted by half with water. Pure spring water is ideal, but if there is none, then you can dilute it with mineral water, after releasing the gas from the bottle.

Juice can be diluted with water, or you can drink it - the result is the same. Diluted juice will make it possible to hold out energetically for the entire fasting day and not gain a drop of excess weight. It will help to relax all internal organs (pancreas, liver, gallbladder). The liver loves such “juicy” days very much, because then it analyzes what is happening inside the body without wasting its strength and capabilities.

What are the best juices to drink in winter?

Juices from vegetables and fruits should be drunk as the products ripen. Limited conditions occur only towards the end of winter. When nothing is growing yet, it is recommended to make juices only from what has been preserved (pumpkin, beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, apples). Keep in mind that potatoes with sprouts and greens under the skin are not suitable for freshly squeezed juice. Potatoes, carrots and beets must be properly stored: wrinkled and dry vegetables are best not used. Pumpkin retains 90% of its nutritional value until early spring, so drink "antioxidant" pumpkin juice more often in winter.

The degree of acid in the stomach is one of the most important indicators of the normal functioning of the digestive system. It is thanks to the gastric juice that all the food that enters the stomach is transformed. Moreover, the main role in this process is played by hydrochloric acid, the content of which in the stomach is not constant: its amount can vary depending on the time of day, as well as due to various pathologies of the digestive tract. Such pathologies can develop as a result of infection entering the gastrointestinal tract, or after undergoing surgical interventions and malnutrition.

If the specific gravity of hydrochloric acid in the gastric environment is equal to or exceeds 0.5%, then we can talk about an increase in acidity in the stomach. To determine this indicator, it is necessary to undergo a PH-metry procedure.

The most striking sign of increased acidity in the stomach is heartburn - a feeling of discomfort, burning in the area of ​​​​the passage of the esophagus. Even after the heartburn has stopped, the discomfort continues to disturb for some time. Of the accompanying signs, sour belching can be distinguished, which occurs more often against the background of heartburn, after taking the “wrong” food.

An increase in the acidity of the gastric environment is already a diagnosis, and it must be treated. However, the use of drugs alone is not enough here: in order to achieve positive results in treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. Fatty, spicy, salty, fried foods should be excluded from the daily menu, the patient should switch to fractional nutrition and avoid overeating.

Can fruit snacks be used for hyperacidity?

Healthy eating includes not only the correct and balanced main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), but also healthy snacks. What are we used to eating? Of course, cookies, crackers, chips, sandwiches and cola. Unfortunately, it is this kind of nutrition that can provoke the development of stomach pathologies, and, in particular, a change in the acidity of the gastric environment.

Healthy eaters know that proper snacks should contain fruits, vegetables, dairy products. But what about the use of fruits with high acidity?

You can eat fruits with a tendency to an overly acidic environment of the stomach. But you should choose non-acidic varieties of fruits: bananas, pears, sweet apples, etc., both fresh and in the form of dried fruits. Sour oranges, tangerines, pineapple, grapefruit are prohibited. The same goes for orange juice.

Orange juice contributes to the disruption of the coordination of progressive muscle contractions of the esophagus, which can lead to spasm, especially if the esophageal walls are already actively irritated by gastric acid. No matter how much you love orange juice, with increased acidity, you should reduce its use to 40-50 ml at a time, diluting the juice well with water or fresh vegetable juice.

In general, with regard to fruit juices, it is important to note that juice from apples, grapes, oranges or lemons increases the secretion of the stomach, and juice from raspberries or cherries, on the contrary, lowers it. Fruit juices diluted with water are considered the most useful, as they serve as a stimulant for pancreatic function. Undiluted juices inhibit its function, which can lead to heaviness in the stomach and indigestion. This applies to natural freshly squeezed juices. Store-bought packaged juices are completely undesirable, especially with increased acidity: such drinks contain citric and other acids, which will only aggravate the condition of the gastric environment.

Chew well when you eat, including fruits. It is necessary to take food slowly, and after eating you should not immediately go to bed: keep the vertical position of the body for at least 40-50 minutes. This will protect you from the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus and prevent heartburn.

What fruits can be eaten with high acidity?

People who suffer from an increase in the acidity of the gastric environment should use fruits and dishes from them with caution, especially sour cherries, sour apples, currants, gooseberries, citrus fruits. If it’s completely unbearable, you can use a small amount of them, but only half an hour after eating, otherwise the effect of fruit acid will lead to an increase in the already high acidity of the gastric environment. This can be an impetus for the development and exacerbation inflammatory process walls of the stomach, or to the formation of ulcerative pathology.

Sweet varieties of fruits or berry mixtures, fruit marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows on pectin, homemade jam and fruit jam are allowed for use.

  • Pears: stimulate digestion, increase appetite, have a diuretic effect and lower the temperature during fever. Fresh pears contain a large amount of coarse dietary fiber, which enhances motor function intestines, so pear fruits are useful for constipation and are not recommended for diarrhea. Pear combined with honey is an excellent remedy for anemia and bronchitis. True, there are some features of the use of a pear: it is not recommended to eat it on an empty stomach, as well as drink it with raw water. One ripe pear contains up to 10% of daily allowance the use of vitamin C, about 4 g of pectin.
  • Melons: not exactly a fruit, but very useful for hyperacidity of the stomach. However, one should not eat unripe melons, and also combine melon with fermented milk products and alcoholic beverages - this can provoke indigestion. It is not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach: the best solution would be to eat a few pieces of fragrant pulp in between meals, as a snack. Among the many useful properties melon also has a laxative effect, and also helps to fight extra pounds.
  • Kiwi: one or two fruits consumed after a hearty meal can serve as a kind of folk "mezim" - they will relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, relieve heartburn, stop belching. Curiously, eating kiwi fruit after an abundance of fried foods reduces the harmful effects of carcinogens on the body. It is not recommended to eat kiwi at the same time as dairy products - this threatens indigestion and flatulence.
  • Apples: With an increase in acidity in the stomach, it is preferable to eat ripe and sweet varieties of apples. During the acute course of gastritis, apples are also allowed to be consumed after cutting off the peel: in this form, they can be baked or mashed. It is especially tasty and healthy to eat apples in combination with carrots. To neutralize excess stomach acid, you can cook honey on apples: peel a few sweet apples, remove the seeds, chop finely and boil over low heat for about three hours, adding a little water. When the puree becomes thick and turns brown, the dishes should be removed from the heat and cool. In the cooled mixture, add a little honey to taste and take a few tablespoons for heartburn or belching. Also good effect observed when using apple compote with the addition of cinnamon.
  • Bananas: contain starch in their composition, therefore they are able to envelop the walls of the stomach, eliminating irritation of the mucous membrane. You should not eat rotten bananas, but brown spots and dark pulp must be removed. It is also not recommended to consume too many bananas in one sitting: in this way you will overload the pancreas, which will provoke difficult digestion of food and an increase in the level of acidity in the stomach. In the end - all the same heartburn. Remember that everything is good in moderation (after all, we don’t even eat vitamins that are so necessary for the body with spoons). If you ate only one banana, and after that you were tortured by heartburn, this means that high acidity is not the only problem that your stomach suffers from. Check with a medical specialist.

So, to summarize: fruits with high acidity can be consumed, but:

  • not on an empty stomach;
  • not sour;
  • ripe and fresh;
  • preferably separate from other types of food;
  • without overeating.

You should not give up fruits, it is better to give up unhealthy and unhealthy foods. If in doubt whether or not to eat any fruit or berry, you can consult a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

Fruits with high acidity are not prohibited, only if you properly approach the issues of daily nutrition.