Fractional nutrition. Menu for weight loss for every day Fractional meals meal times

There are many options for various diets, the action of which is aimed at removing subcutaneous fat, and reducing body weight. As a result of such nutrition, a person begins to feel much better, hair, nails become stronger, the skin acquires a healthy look.

What is fractional nutrition and what are its benefits?

Fractional nutrition is a type of diet that provides multiple meals without starvation. That is, you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

It has been scientifically proven that this method allows you to fully assimilate everything essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements, accelerates metabolism, does not allow the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Consider the main factors proving the effectiveness of a fractional diet:

  • small portions do not allow you to overload the stomach;
  • food is easily and quickly digested;
  • in the stomach and intestines there is always a feeling of lightness;
  • no dysbacteriosis occurs.

The stomach is made up of muscle tissue and is easily deformed. That is, with a large amount of food at a time, it stretches. After a while, the volume of the stomach involuntarily increases and a person needs to eat more to eliminate the feeling of hunger.

If you train yourself to eat small portions, the stomach becomes smaller and a small amount of food will be enough to get enough and at the same time avoid extra pounds.

The principle of operation of fractional nutrition

The essence of fractional nutrition is to reduce calorie intake.

If a lot of time passes between meals and a feeling of hunger arises, the so-called “self-preservation” is produced in the body, in which fat accumulates under the skin “in reserve”. This is the first and main factor for which it is forbidden to starve.

And vice versa, if you eat regularly, then hunger will not arise, but on the contrary, all food will be quickly digested, since you need to eat in small portions. Due to this method, weight also falls, since the body is not in a state of hungry stress.

The principle of operation of fractional nutrition:

  • eat in small portions, but often;
  • try not to snack between meals;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • consume the minimum number of calories per day;
  • give up junk food.

By observing these factors, you yourself will be surprised how much has become slimmer figure and better health. In addition, due to the large interval between doses, hormones are produced that stimulate appetite.

Because of this, a person cannot control the portion, as he feels. That is, not to eat all day, and in the evening to eat the first, second and compote - this is much worse than snacking in small portions during the day.

Fractional nutrition is used not only to reduce weight, but also to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Many gastroenterologists prescribe this type of diet to their patients to activate the gastrointestinal tract. This method is considered the best for eliminating gastritis, ulcers or colitis.

What to eat with fractional nutrition?

With fractional nutrition, you can eat almost everything that is good for health. It is recommended to refuse fast foods, seeds, chips.

by the most best products the following are considered:

For a complete proper nutrition, some foods are recommended to be minimized:

Salt should be used in moderation, but avoid salt altogether. Also, some products need to be replaced. For example, instead of sunflower oil, it is better to use olive or sesame oil.

Fried meat or vegetables should be changed to stewed, steamed, or baked. Alcohol consumption during the diet is strictly prohibited.

The hardest part about starting a fractional diet is getting used to the miniature portions. The portion size for each person will be different, as each person has a different calorie intake per day. from 1200 to 2000.

It depends on lifestyle, availability chronic diseases, weight, health status, etc. Average, in one dose you need to consume 300 calories. From this it is worth starting from, forming portions.

For example, fish has 50 to 300 calories per 100 grams. Accordingly, consuming the most high-calorie tuna, 100 grams is enough, if there is a hake, then you can have another 100 grams of buckwheat and a vegetable, cucumber, for example.

Not all people know how to calculate calories, which is why it is recommended to contact a nutritionist, and he will make a fractional menu individually for each client.

Fractional nutrition rules

There are two golden rules in the fractional diet:

  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day. At the same time, the general remains the same as with normal nutrition. For example, if a person consumes an average of three times, then for 6 times he should get the same calories.
  • Avoid feeling hungry. If it occurs, immediately you need to eat something. It can be a fruit, a vegetable, some porridge, yogurt or a slice of bread. The point is that you do not need to eat a lot, the main thing is to eliminate hunger. You can not use sandwiches, sausages, sweets and other foods that are rich in carbohydrates for snacks.

There is another type of fractional nutrition, in which the diet is divided into 10 meals a day, since you need to eat every two hours. On the one hand, this is not very convenient, but on the other hand, it will definitely not allow you to experience the feeling of hunger.

The main thing is that at the same time, nutrition remains balanced and fortified, which is important for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This method of nutrition is often used by athletes who need to keep themselves in shape. Fat is deposited only when 2.5-3 hours pass between meals. If less, then there can be no talk of subcutaneous fat.

Advantages of the method

It has been repeatedly proven that fractional nutrition with proper diet and a competent approach contributes to rapid weight loss. Thus, you can get rid of several tens of extra pounds.

This type of diet is long-term, that is, the result will be noticeable in a month or more, unlike fast diets, in which you can lose 5-10 kilograms in a week. It's just that the secret is that when you return to a normal diet, the weight will return and the fat will also return, and with a fractional one, the figure remains slim and toned.

This method does not allow you to starve, overeat and become exhausted. That is, the body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are necessary for life processes and metabolism.

To achieve the desired result and at the same time not harm your health, it is important to observe which foods you can not eat, as they can be digested for a long time. It is better to give preference to fast-digesting foods - seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables (except potatoes).

Consider the main advantages of fractional nutrition:

  • improves digestion;
  • allows from slags;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restores microflora, neutralizes dysbacteriosis;
  • allows you to get rid of extra pounds.

For these benefits to work, it is important to follow a diet and regimen. It is also additionally important to sleep at least 8 hours a day and engage in at least some physical activity.

Disadvantages of a fractional diet

In addition to a number of advantages, a fractional diet may have some disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with before switching to this type of diet:

Now almost everyone has smartphones and tablets on which you can set a timer or a program that reminds you of meals.

Menu for a fractional diet

  • There are many types of menus for a fractional diet. The main thing to understand is that fractional nutrition is a method, not a recipe. That is, in this way you can eat as usual, the main thing is to divide portions into 5-6 times. In this case, you can use an omnivorous diet, vegetarian, dairy, cabbage, egg, and so on.
  • Even with an omnivorous diet, you will still lose weight, using the fractional diet method. To get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to combine this method with a separate diet. In this case, you must comply with the list of prohibited products.
  • In fact, you can eat everything. For example, meat can be steamed or grilled (but not in a pan), potatoes are best removed from the diet. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the amount of salt, it must be minimized. There is no special menu, that is, you can eat almost everything - cereals, vegetable puree, salads, fruits, raw vegetables. You just need to observe the calorie content and make sure that one serving fits in a cup.

For an example, see sample menu per week in the table:

Day Menu
Monday 1 breakfast: fresh vegetable salad and scrambled eggs.

2 breakfast: vegetable stew.

Dinner: vinaigrette and fish or meat.

Tuesday 1 breakfast: 100 grams of baked fish and fresh vegetables.

2 breakfast: 100 grams of cheese and tea without sugar.

Dinner: vegetable soup and a slice of bread.

Afternoon snack: yogurt and orange.

Dinner: porridge and meat.

Snack: tea and cheese.

Wednesday 1 breakfast: 100 grams of baked meat and fruit.

2 breakfast: fresh vegetables and grainy cottage cheese.

Dinner: omelet and vegetable salad.

Each organism is different, and some manage to lose weight on buckwheat with meat, while others need to consume exclusively low-calorie vegetables and fruits. Before you go to the gym or go on a diet, you need to go through medical examination, take tests, make sure there are no contraindications.

To lose weight quickly, effectively, without harm to health and without returning excess weight, it is better to contact a nutritionist who will help you make up, depending on individual characteristics organism.

Publication date: 07-06-2017

Fractional nutrition is often also called a fractional diet. In fact, it refers more to a special mode of eating, which allows you to reduce portions of food, adjust the diet and, in addition, lose weight well.

Most importantly, sticking to it is simple: you need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

Fractional nutrition has many advantages over other diets.

You don't have to stick to a rigid set of foods. You can eat whatever you like, just a little less.
You will not constantly feel hungry, because you need to eat with fractional meals often. This means that you will be less likely to break loose and eat in excess of what is allowed.
Regular fractional meals 5-6 times a day will speed up the metabolism, which means that your body will begin to burn more calories.
You can stick to fractional nutrition at any time. Usually, in 2-3 weeks of the diet, a good habit of eating right is formed, which allows you not to gain lost kilograms in the future.

Fractional nutrition can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Stage 1 - addiction;
  • Stage 2 - weight loss.

First stage

If you decide to stick to fractional nutrition, then first of all prepare for yourself a miniature set of dishes from which you will eat. From a psychological point of view, this will help you get used to the diet faster, because you will see that the plate is full, which means there will be less temptation to add more food.

At this stage, you do not need to reduce the calorie content of the diet, you first need to get used to the small portion sizes. The portion should not exceed the volume of a regular glass, i.e. about 200g.

Fractional nutrition should consist of dishes, foods and drinks that are familiar to you. Even sweet or high-calorie foods are allowed, but in small quantities. During the day, you need to eat 3 hot meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and make 2-3 snacks 3 hours after the main meals.

Key points you need to remember:

It is advisable to devote at least a week to the first stage. Do not worry, during the "addiction" you will already begin to lose weight by reducing portions.

Second phase

It is proposed to start this stage of weight loss by reducing the caloric content of the diet to 1300-1600 kcal, depending on your weight and lifestyle. Remember: the higher the activity, the more calories you should consume.

Another point: you will have to give up fatty, sweet, flour, smoked and canned (that is, harmful) in favor of healthy foods. If you think that this is too difficult, start gradually: replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream; replace sweets with fruits, dried fruits, nuts; white bread on whole grain; pork over lean poultry or fish. Try to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, cereals, low-fat dairy products.

But alcohol will have to be abandoned and preferably completely. In the most extreme case, you can drink half a glass of dry wine.

At this stage of fractional eating, your weight will continue to decrease. Most importantly, do not forget about water and continue to do exercises at home or do fitness in a sports club.

Sample menu for fractional meals

  • Breakfast: omelette of 2 eggs and a small amount of milk, tea without sugar.
  • Snack: any fruit.
  • Lunch: a small piece of cod, rice, a small cucumber, tea.
  • Snack: sandwich rye bread with cheese and ham.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with lemon butter dressing, 100 g stew.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir and a piece of low-fat cheese.

A huge number of books and publications suggests that best mode nutrition for weight loss is frequent meals 5-6 or more times a day - the so-called. This opinion has become so strongly entrenched in the minds of the townsfolk that when asked where to start losing weight, everyone will say - start eating often, but in small portions. At the same time, this approach is substantiated by supposedly “acceleration of metabolism” and a decrease in appetite. However, in fact, frequent meals do not have any advantages over the classic 3 meals a day. And there is good scientific evidence for this.

Consider the main myths and misconceptions about frequent meals.

"Acceleration" of metabolism

This misconception is based on the thermal effect of food and a small rate of increase in metabolic processes in response to food intake. The thermal effect is the release of energy during the digestion of food by about 10% of the calories consumed. That is, if you consumed 1000 kcal, 100 of them will go to the so-called thermal effect. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether you consume these 1000 calories per meal or divide them into 5 meals - in all cases, 100 kcal will ultimately go to heat production. Thus, eating 5-6 times a day does not increase energy consumption for digestion and heat production ( Study: Bellisle F et. al. Meal frequency and energy balance.Br J Nutr. (1997) 77 (Suppl 1):S57-70).

Infrequent meals slow down metabolism

The second misconception that justifies eating 5-6 times a day is the opinion that relatively long breaks between meals during the day will force the body to go into “saving mode”, slow down the metabolism and, as a result, slow down the consumption of subcutaneous fat. This also includes myths about the different importance of meals depending on the time of day - for example, breakfast causes the metabolism to "start" for the whole day, so skipping it leads to a decrease in metabolic rate.

The nature of these misconceptions stems from early studies in mice and rats, which indeed showed that a lack of food for a short period of time causes the body to reduce its overall energy expenditure, including the so-called "saving mode". However, such studies are not applicable to humans, since the life expectancy of animals, and in particular mice and rats, is much shorter. In addition, animals do not have large fat reserves, so even a slight calorie deficit during the day significantly affects the vital activity of their body. In particular, in very small animals, skipping a single meal can result in death.

In humans, the situation is quite different. So, for example, the metabolism of the human body may not decrease even during 3-4 days of complete starvation, and a number of studies show even a slight increase in the rate of metabolic processes. In addition, it takes 3-4 days for the brain to just notice a change in leptin levels, so skipping one meal will not affect anything.

Frequent eating burns fat better and preserves muscle

This myth is ubiquitous in bodybuilding and fitness. There is a strong opinion that eating 5-6 times a day accelerates fat burning and helps maintain muscle mass during dieting. However, this can only be realistic when there is an extreme difference in the number of meals and insufficient protein intake. If there is a lot of protein (and for athletes who are seriously involved in fitness and bodybuilding, it is at least supplied in sufficient quantities), then the frequency of nutrition practically does not affect anything. The exception may be professional athletes, whose life is enclosed in a rigid framework of training, sports regimen and taking steroid drugs.

Eating 5-6 times a day affects sugar and hunger

Another misconception is that frequent meals keep your blood sugar at a stable level. However, there is no reliable study confirming this fact. The most popular scientific publications compare, for example, the classic 3 meals a day with 17 meals a day, using tiny portions. Obviously, this experiment has nothing to do with reality, since in ordinary life such an approach simply cannot be repeated (not to mention the fact that it does not give any advantages).

With regards to the feeling of hunger, here too, not everything is clear. For some people, frequent meals help control appetite better, while others have noticed that eating 5-6 times a day feels hungrier than classic meals 3 times a day. ( Study : Ohkawara K Effects of increased meal frequency on fat oxidation and perceived hunger. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Feb;21(2):336-43).


Thus, scientific studies and studies do not confirm the benefits of 5-6 meals over 3 meals a day and clearly indicate that the number of meals does not affect either weight loss or muscle maintenance ( Study : Schoenfeld BJ et. al.Effects of meal frequency on weight loss and body composition: a meta-analysis Nutrition Reviews (2015) Vol. 73(2):69–82). Opinions that there is an optimal frequency of nutrition are erroneous and do not have reliable scientific justification.

Modern man has to eat literally on the go. In the morning you need to have a bite to eat as soon as possible in order to be in time for work. During the day, the boss does not give food - you have to do it in a hurry and most often dry. But in the evening, you can finally drown out all your problems that have accumulated during the day with food. The result is overeating at night, insomnia due to a full stomach and excess weight.

It is not surprising that in such conditions, most nutritionists and doctors suggest switching to fractional nutrition, which streamlines the regimen of meals and regulates the size of portions. It has recently been so praised that it seems almost the only correct system that allows you to lose weight and improves your well-being. Is it really so?

What it is?

Fractional nutrition is the frequent use of food in small portions by the hour. The researchers concluded that the three-time regimen (breakfast-lunch-dinner), to which everyone is so accustomed, is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the body. There is too much gap between them, which makes a person, outside of any schedule, fill it with small, but high-calorie snacks (cookies, sweets, ice cream, chips, nuts). As a result, with the daily calorie content - bust, on the scales - the same thing.

This is a whole system in which each element works to ensure that the body functions correctly. Despite frequent meals, they exclude overeating due to a small number of servings, the calorie content of which is calculated in advance and does not exceed daily allowance.

Basic principles of fractional nutrition:

  • frequency: 5-6 times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, dinner, sometimes shortly before bedtime);
  • small portions: the maximum size is 300 g, it is often recommended to measure the amount of food with a handful of your own palm;
  • by time: you should always eat at the same hours;
  • compliance with the principles of proper nutrition: excludes harmful foods, calls to minimize sugar and salt in the diet;
  • balanced menu: it implies a competent ratio of BJU, and not a bias in one direction.

Small portions, getting into the stomach, are digested faster. This does not allow the intestines to become clogged, which leads to the normalization of digestion in general. That is why fractional nutrition is used in therapeutic dietology: it relieves diarrhea, flatulence, heaviness, nausea, and bloating. The size of the stomach finally becomes normal, the bouts of hunger recede.

At first, it is very difficult to reorganize your schedule and the work of the body, under the new system of meals. But after the transition, health and weight quickly normalize.

Slimming mechanism

Fractional nutrition is used not only by doctors for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Nutritionists suggest sticking to its basic principles for weight loss. Theoretically, weight loss is explained very simply and scientifically.

  • Mode

The body gets used to the intake of food at certain hours and prepares for this: juice is secreted in the stomach, salivation increases (all this contributes to the quick and easy absorption of products). A slight feeling of hunger appears strictly by the clock, which eliminates the risk of unjustified snacks and.

  • Frequency

It is impossible to overeat with fractional meals, because between such frequent meals (maximum 4 hours) hunger does not have time to wake up.

  • Serving Size

For 1 time you need to eat no more than 200-300 g of food. This does not allow the stomach to overflow and significantly reduces the daily calorie content.

  • Product set

All harmful (and they are most often high-calorie) foods are excluded, they are replaced by healthy and dietary ones.

So it is quite possible to lose weight on fractional nutrition, but in practice this does not always happen for the following reasons:

  • incorrect transition (the body does not have time to rebuild, the stomach requires large amounts of food, which leads to a breakdown and overeating);
  • lack of motor activity;
  • busting daily calories due to the large amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • constant indulgences to yourself, your beloved, in the form of a piece of cake for the night or a burger for lunch;
  • individual characteristics of the organism.

Debunking Myths

Opponents of fractional nutrition debunk myths about the effectiveness and benefits of this system, trying to rely on scientific facts.


It is believed that a person can only speed up his own metabolism by 20%, since the speed of chemical reactions is laid in the genes from birth. Moreover, this can only be done under ideal conditions: with a clearly scheduled daily routine, with a level of physical activity calculated to the smallest detail, with a competently distributed rest and sleep regimen.

Proponents of fractional nutrition argue that it just activates the metabolism. And in confirmation lead experiments on mice. One group was fed small meals frequently throughout the day. The second group - rarely, but without control of the amount of food. A long period of time (7-8 hours) without food led to a sharp limitation in the use of fat reserves as energy in the second group of mice, in the first group they maintained their weight and even “lost weight”. Conclusions suggest themselves.

But opponents cite a refutation of this experience. The metabolism of mice exceeds that of humans by 4 times. And if we can live without food for up to 4 days, then for them this period is reduced to 1 day. Therefore, in the experimental subjects, processes arose in the body, as a result of which the metabolism switched to the energy-saving mode. Accordingly, according to the results this study it cannot be argued that a break of more than 4 hours in nutrition will cause the human body to experience stress and switch to a fat-saving function.

BJU ratio

In fractional nutrition, the ratio should be perfectly adjusted and balanced to the needs of the body. Few people can calculate it correctly. Often there is a bias towards carbohydrates, someone overdoes it with fats. A total mistake is the lack of protein in the diet. Opponents of this system once again remind that even with frequent appointments food in such a situation, fat will not go anywhere, because muscle tissue will be consumed. This process is called gluconeogenesis, when energy will be taken from the breakdown of protein into amino acids.

Calorie calculator

This is where the cold calculation comes into play. Let's say a woman of fairly heavy build eats at the rate of 2,000 kcal per day. With 6 meals a day, this is 333 calories for each meal, with 3 meals a day - about 666. Wanting to lose weight, our lady will gradually cut the daily calorie intake and bring it to 1,400 kcal. 6 receptions of 233 kcal is too little, according to opponents of fractional nutrition, and will eventually lead to starvation. And with a 3-time serving size, it will allow you to get enough to give up later on the nightly "duty" at the refrigerator.

Daily regime

And the last argument is not in favor of fractional nutrition. The schedule of the working day for most people does not allow you to arrange lunch and afternoon tea. The first falls at about 10-11 am, when planning meetings and meetings are held in companies, and this is the height of working days. How can you retire here in order to eat the same apple or drink a glass of cocktail? The second snack - and at all at 16 o'clock: either it's time to submit reports on the work done during the day, or at this time, many go home, which also makes it impossible to have a snack. And what about those who work on a rotational basis day after day in ...?

Possible harm

The most ardent opponents of fractional nutrition do not just refute the effectiveness of this system. Often they claim that it is harmful to health:

  • frequent meals harm the teeth: they wear out faster and are more at risk of caries (this is a fact!);
  • lack of hunger leads to loss of control over overeating (myth: if you weigh portions, this will not happen);
  • snacking destroys the circadian clock (cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of biological processes associated with the change of day and night) - a controversial issue, since many studies claim that it is quite natural for a person to eat during the day and in the initial segment of the dark period of the day;
  • high levels of endotoxins by the end of the day (in fact, this is observed only in those who allow themselves too much sweet and starchy foods for dinner);
  • losing weight with fractional meals is impossible, because insulin rises with each meal, which stops the breakdown of fat in the subcutaneous fat (this is only partly true, because the increase in insulin is very short-term);
  • it is impossible to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, and doctors recommend that diabetics adhere to 3 meals a day (this is true, but individual cases, especially clinical ones, should not be put at the forefront for healthy people).

So all these facts about the harmfulness, failure and inefficiency in their majority turn out to be myths. Numerous scientific studies and practice prove the opposite.

How to go?

It is very important to switch to fractional nutrition correctly so that a sharp change in diet and a jump in daily calorie content does not affect health. Therefore, do everything gradually. Step-by-step instruction will help you not to make mistakes.

Week 1

Step 1. 3 main meals should always take place at the same time, which is strictly forbidden to change.

Step 2 Accurately determine the calorie content of the food you eat and the portion sizes that you are satiating at the moment. For example, 2,000 kcal per day and 700 g per 1 meal. Write them down.

Step 3 Eliminate frying - replace it with a grill if necessary.

Step 4 Exclude 1 harmful product from the menu daily (see the list below).

Step 5 Start walking every day for half an hour.

Step 6 Organize the correct drinking regimen: bring the daily rate to one and a half liters.

An example of phasing out harmful products:

  • on Monday we refuse fast food;
  • on Tuesday - from semi-finished products (store frozen cutlets, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, etc.);
  • on Wednesday we remove carbonated drinks;
  • on Thursday - fatty meat;
  • on Friday we no longer eat sausage, sausages, etc .;
  • on Saturday - sweets;
  • on Sunday we say goodbye to sugar forever.

Week 2

Step 1. Reduce your daily caloric intake by 200 kcal. Divide it between meals.

Step 2 Include in the diet 1 of the snacks (lunch or afternoon snack).

Step 3 Reduce the size of each serving according to the new calorie calculation.

Step 4 Learn to determine the ratio of BJU, make a menu for the week in accordance with it.

Step 5 Continue eliminating 1 unhealthy food every day.

Step 6 Refuse the elevator - give preference to the stairs. Several stops to work and walk home.

Step 7 Bring the daily norm of drinking water to 2 liters.

Week 3

Step 1. Reduce your daily caloric intake by 300 kcal. Divide it between meals.

Step 2 Include another snack in the diet and decide on the last, 6th time.

Step 3 Reduce portion sizes due to new daily calorie intake.

Step 4 Start doing 15 minutes in the morning.

Continue to work according to this scheme until the daily calorie content reaches 1,200 kcal (for women) and 1,500 (for men), the serving size becomes no more than 300 g (this is the maximum and then only for lunch). But these parameters are for weight loss. If your task is to maintain a normal weight and transition to a simple proper nutrition, then the numbers should be higher: 1,500 kcal and 1,800 kcal, respectively (maybe more, depending on the intensity of physical activity and individual parameters).

To organize proper fractional nutrition, you need to follow its basic principles. Several useful advice will allow them to be implemented as comfortably and competently as possible.


You need to eat 5-6 times a day. Make an exact diet by the hour, try to stick to it. The maximum discrepancy should not exceed half an hour. If you constantly forget about it, set an alarm for the first time. The break between meals is no more than 4 hours.

The optimal size of 1 serving is 250 g (maximum - 300 g). It is even more correct to measure with a handful of your palm (this, of course, applies to solid foods). Daily calorie intake - from 1,200 (when losing weight for women) to 2,000 (for men who are actively involved in sports).

Monitor the ratio of BJU in the diet. Refuse harmful products. Make a menu for the week at once and strictly follow it. If you have already decided to stick to this system, there is nothing to be ashamed of: take snacks and a full meal with you to work in the absence of a canteen with hot meals.

If your goal is to lose weight, it is almost impossible to achieve it without movement and physical activity. Therefore, take daily walks in the evenings, give up the elevator, do exercises, do any sport or dance.

Drink as much as possible pure water(based on approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight). Water and drinks can be consumed either half an hour before a meal or half an hour later, but should not be mixed.

The diet should be varied, the menu should include as many new dietary and healthy meals. Chew food very carefully.

For every meal

Term: 4, 8, 12 days.

Result: 3 kg in 4 days.

  • Semyorochka

Weight loss scheme:

  • 1 week - cereals (no additives);
  • 2 - unsweetened fresh fruits;
  • 3 - any nuts and seeds;
  • 4 - cereals, fruits, nuts, vegetables;
  • 5 - ;
  • 6 - any products, as in normal nutrition;
  • 7 - vegetable food.

Deadline: 7 weeks.

Result: minus 10 kg in 7 weeks.

  • Diet of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The basic principle: fractional nutrition with a minimum portion size.

Main products: only the lowest calorie.

Deadline: 21 days.

Results: minus 8 kg.


A sample menu for the week will allow you to correctly compose your own diet. It can be extended for a month by repeating this option or changing it to suit your taste preferences.

This table is just a menu option that can be changed at your own discretion, but at the same time adhering to the basic unshakable rules of fractional nutrition. Focus on it - and it will be very easy to make a diet for the next week.


Low calorie but very healthy and delicious recipes help diversify the menu.

Omelet for breakfast


  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 fresh chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml of 1.5% milk;
  • a little natural olive oil;
  • baking soda on the tip of a knife;
  • a little greenery (a sprig of parsley, dill, a stalk of green onions).


  1. Beat the eggs with a mixer.
  2. Add soda to them, pour in milk at room temperature. Beat again with a mixer.
  3. Cut the pepper into thin strips, put on a baking sheet with oil.
  4. Pour the beaten egg mixture over the top.
  5. Cover.
  6. Keep in preheated oven for 5 minutes.
  7. Grind the greens, sprinkle with it the dish before serving.

Soup for lunch


  • 100 g pure (without spices) minced chicken;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • 2 small potatoes;
  • a bunch of different greens;
  • pepper;
  • any seasoning;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Cut potatoes into cubes, throw into boiling water.
  2. Pass the carrots through a grater.
  3. Chop half an onion.
  4. Throw them into the water.
  5. Add seasoning and chopped second half of the onion to the minced meat, pepper.
  6. Shape the minced meat into balls and throw them into the soup.
  7. Boil for half an hour.
  8. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

salad for dinner


  • 250 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 10 g of sesame seeds;
  • 50 g spinach;
  • carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • a bunch of any greens;
  • undiluted lemon juice.


  1. Shred the cabbage. Squeeze with hands until juice is formed.
  2. Chop spinach, herbs.
  3. Coarsely grate the carrots.
  4. Pepper turn into straws.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  7. Top with finely chopped herbs.

If you follow all the principles of fractional nutrition, be competent in matters of food intake and portion size, this system really helps to lose weight and improve well-being. In this case, you need to focus on the characteristics of your body and constantly consult with specialists when problems arise. This is just the case when reviews do not give a complete picture of whether such a technique is useful or harmful, because everything is too individual.

Fractional nutrition is a great opportunity not only to lose extra pounds, but also to improve your health. The diet will be especially useful for people with problems of the stomach, intestines and liver. Due to lack of time and fatigue, we eat improperly, often consuming very little food for breakfast, some fast food for lunch, and a huge portion of different foods for dinner. Because of this overload, problems often arise in the body, which even manifest themselves in the form of nervous breakdowns.

If you want to live life to the fullest and be as healthy as possible, you need to eat fractionally. This is actually not as difficult as it seems. Fractional nutrition system is not just a diet. If a person has already tried on such a technique, then it is always necessary to continue.

Diet fractional nutrition

Do not confuse fractional and separate meals. Fractional eating means eating small portions of food frequently. Small portions of food, getting into the stomach, are better and much easier to digest, and then clog the intestines less, which reduces the risk of diarrhea, nausea, bloating, feeling unwell and heaviness inside.

The principles of losing weight on a fractional diet

The principle of the diet is that the body gradually gets used to frequent and small portions of food, digestion improves, the normal size of the stomach is restored if it is distended, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver is stabilized.

It must be remembered that 3 meals a day is very little. Every 4 hours, another portion of food should enter the body. Maybe even more often. So, for example, we do not eat at night, but we need to consume food at least 6 times a day. At the same time, it is necessary to comply optimal dimensions servings: no more than 1 glass at a time.

It is difficult to rebuild your body, and after the transition period you will feel great. Moreover, you can eat almost anything. The main thing is to respect portion sizes and eat more often.

Doctors usually prescribe such a diet for ulcers and other patients with stomach problems. But if you yourself feel that you are not eating properly, then you should think about fractional nutrition until there are problems with the body.

signs malnutrition:

  • discomfort in the body
  • frequent vomiting or diarrhea
  • bloating,
  • colic in the abdomen,
  • pain and cramps in the intestines, stomach, liver.

You should not wait until it gets worse, you need to immediately change your diet. You need to start accustoming yourself to eat in portions. Firstly, you will definitely be able to stabilize your normal weight: 1-1.5 extra pounds go away in a week. And secondly, you will forget about what discomfort is after eating. Eating small meals will teach you how to learn how to eat small meals for the benefit of your body.

Fractional diet rules

The basic rules to follow are not complicated:

  1. Eat at least 5-6 times a day.
  2. A serving should fit in a glass (250 grams).
  3. You need to eat every 3.5 - 4 hours (and until the body is used to a new diet, you need to force yourself to do this, even if you do not feel hungry yet).
  4. Gradually reduce your daily calorie intake to 1200-1600.
  5. Monitor the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, especially fiber.
  6. Refuse fast food and other harmful types of snacks.

All these rules must be observed when drawing up the daily routine and your menu. You can’t be lazy, take pre-prepared food with you to work and set a reminder on your phone until you get used to your schedule.

Also, any diet system involves physical activity. At a minimum, you should increase the number and time of your walks, prefer stairs to elevators, and do morning exercises. To get the best possible result - add 2-3 hour workouts per week to your schedule, whether it's fitness, yoga, step or pool, it's not so important.

Diet products

The main products of the diet are low-fat, low-calorie meals. Basically, these are a variety of soups, dietary lean meat, chicken and fish, cereals, whole grain bread and cereals. Milk, kefir, yoghurts and cottage cheese of low fat content are also well suited. But such as condensed milk, sugar, chocolate, sweets, fast food is not recommended.

The main products of fractional nutrition

  • Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, white, Beijing and red cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, onion, carrot, asparagus, cucumber, tomato, radish, beet.
  • Fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, kiwi, pomelo, pomelo, peach, pear, pineapple, currant, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, blueberry, blackberry, watermelon, melon, strawberry.
  • Greens: spinach, sorrel, dill, arugula, parsley, lettuce, fennel, basil, celery.
  • Dairy products: yogurt, kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, whey, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Fish and meat: chicken, turkey, veal, pork liver, flounder, chum salmon, smelt, river perch, blue whiting, hake, cod, pike perch, tuna, squid, crab.

Prohibited Products

Under the ban is sugar, coffee, sweets (sweets, rolls, cakes, dried fruits, halva, condensed milk, chocolate, cookies, cakes). You should also avoid dishes fried in oil or smoked meats, they are very high-calorie and harmful to all organs of the digestive tract.

Fast food and frozen foods are strictly prohibited: cutlets, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings and other semi-finished products.

Dishes containing a large number of calories: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, herring, cod liver, fatty pork, lard, goose, lamb, rabbit, peas, soybeans, beans, lentils, dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

Carbonated drinks and store-bought juices in bags are also not to be drunk.

Fractional meals menu for the week

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with an apple, after half an hour you can drink a cup of tea with lemon balm or any herbal tea.
  • Snack: fat-free yogurt and bread.
  • Lunch: Chicken broth soup with vegetables, natural juice.
  • Snack: fresh vegetable salad: Beijing, onion, cucumber, 1 boiled egg, herbs, green tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew of eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper, tomato, cabbage, carrots and onions.
  • Snack: fat-free cottage cheese with honey, green or black tea without sugar.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with kefir, chicory or tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • Snack: pomegranate, apple.
  • Lunch: fish baked with vegetables, boiled rice, berry jelly.
  • Snack: grated carrots with an apple.
  • Dinner: chicken meatballs in tomato sauce, tomato, green or black tea without sugar.
  • Snack: bio yogurt

  • Breakfast: bran steamed with pear and kiwi, herbal tea.
  • Snack: vinaigrette, orange.
  • Lunch: pumpkin puree soup, a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Snack: boiled fish and cucumber.
  • Dinner: chicken salad, lettuce, tomato and greens, dressed olive oil, tea.
  • Snack: a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Breakfast: bio yogurt, bran bread.
  • Snack: a few peaches
  • Lunch: Boiled chicken breast, tomato, cucumber, fruit tea.
  • Snack: carrot and cabbage salad with olive oil and herbs.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with stewed fish, boiled beetroot.
  • Snack: mango or melon.
  • Breakfast: omelette of 2 eggs, sweet pepper, green or black tea.
  • Snack: kiwi and tangerine.
  • Lunch: Soup with meatballs and a slice of black bread, jelly.
  • Snack: fruit puree from an apple and half a banana.
  • Dinner: wheat porridge with gravy and a piece of turkey, herbal tea.
  • Snack: fat-free kefir and bread.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with muesli, chicory or any tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • Snack: 150 grams of tuna and a few tomatoes.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables and mushrooms, a few slices of black bread.
  • Snack: Boiled beets and 1 boiled egg.
  • Dinner: Chicken fillet baked with vegetables, unsweetened fruit tea.
  • Snack: fat-free cottage cheese with a spoonful of honey.
  • Breakfast: rice milk porridge or with pasta, green tea or chicory.
  • Snack: grapefruit
  • Lunch: stewed hake and Gornovka porridge, natural apple juice.
  • Snack: bio yogurt, bread.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, 1 boiled egg, a slice of black bread, tea.
  • Snack: grapes and pear.

Fractional Diet Recipes

Omelette with bell pepper


  • 2 eggs,
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 pepper,
  • a pinch of soda
  • a pinch of salt,
  • greens.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with milk with a mixer, adding soda and salt there. Drizzle a frying pan with oil and put the bell pepper cut into thin slices on the bottom, then pour in the beaten eggs with milk and reduce the heat to a minimum. Don't forget to cover the pan with a lid. The omelet will be fried for 7-10 minutes. When ready, sprinkle with herbs.

Soup with meatballs

  • minced chicken 100 grams,
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 potatoes
  • greens,
  • seasoning and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Take a small saucepan, pour water into it and put on fire. Finely chop the potatoes by pouring them into the water. Grate the carrots and cut half the onion, lightly fry, pour into the pan. Add a little salt, pepper and raw onion to the minced meat. Form balls of minced chicken by throwing them into boiling water. The soup is cooked for no more than 30 minutes. At the end, add greens.

Pumpkin Soup Puree:

  • pumpkin 150 grams,
  • potatoes 3 pieces,
  • onion 1 pc,
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • salt and seasoning.

Cooking method:

Peel all the vegetables, chop finely and pour into a saucepan, adding a small amount of water (so that the vegetables are covered with it and a couple more centimeters). Boil them over low heat and after they become soft (after 20-30 minutes), beat the entire contents of the pan with a blender. Then boil the puree, stirring thoroughly, for another 10 minutes and, when ready, add parsley, finely chopped.

How many kg can you lose weight on a fractional diet

A fractional diet was created not only for weight loss, but also to improve the condition of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. If you want to get rid of the unpleasant consequences of malnutrition: diarrhea, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, colic and cramps, you should resort to a fractional diet option. For a month of such a simple diet for health, you can get rid of 5-7 extra pounds.

And in six months it will take more than 20 kilograms. This is an excellent result, given that fractional nutrition is a principle for life, and not a one-time for weight loss. With this diet option, the weight will not come back and the unpleasant symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver will disappear.