Sample menu for hypertension for a week. Nutrition for hypertension and obesity

People with high blood pressure should first of all reconsider the daily regimen and nutritional conditions, because the way of life directly affects blood circulation. During the preparation of a diet for hypertension, it is necessary to carefully balance the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Basic rules of nutrition for hypertension

To prepare a diet, you should use the recommendations:

  1. Reduce salt intake up to 5 g per day.
  2. Limit use easily digestible carbohydrates (jam, sugar, honey).
  3. To maintain water balance it is enough to manage 1.2-1.5 liters per day (plentiful drinking provokes swelling).
  4. Butter and include sour cream in the menu in small portions.
  5. Potato, legumes, bread of dark varieties to use in limited quantities.
  6. The main part of the diet should be fresh vegetables / fruits and cereals.
  7. From meat, the use of chicken breast is allowed, rabbit, turkey fillet.
  8. heat treatment carried out mainly by boiling or steaming, it is allowed to bake dishes in the oven.

Diet for weight loss with hypertension

The diet for hypertensive patients is distinguished by the use of easily digestible food, which has a common context with a diet table for weight loss. Therefore, there are types of diets with a double action. Subject to a certain diet, there is not only an improvement in well-being, but also a decrease in body weight.

The products used are low-calorie, and a balanced diet helps to stimulate the digestive process. Eating a large number of vegetables is accompanied by cleansing the intestines from toxic substances and decay products that poison the microflora.

The formation of a healthy environment improves metabolic functions at the cellular level. Reduced salt intake or refusal of it has the effect of releasing the body from excess fluid, which affects weight. Restores vital systems vitamin complex.

After the regulation of metabolic processes, there is an accelerated breakdown of fat. A poor diet stimulates the body to look for the missing calories in the fat layers.

The most famous dual action diet is DASH, developed by American nutritionists and doctors. It includes all the necessary rules for blood circulation control and weight loss. She managed to be called the most popular and effective.

Some patients managed to defeat hypertension and acquire beautiful figure outlines. Among other things, a dietary table reduces the risk of stroke, removes stones from the kidneys, prevents the formation malignant tumors some species, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Basic Rules:

  1. Distribute the daily ration for 5-6 receptions in small portions. Eat food according to the schedule. Stop eating any food 2 hours before bedtime.
  2. Maintain the ratio e major nutrient groups. The daily intake should contain:
    • proteins 90 g (of which 50 g of animal origin);
    • carbohydrates 350-400 g (preference is given to vegetables, berries, fruits);
    • fat 80 g (of which 25 g plant origin);
  3. When compiling the menu include plenty of vegetables and fruits rich in magnesium, potassium and vegetable oils.
  4. Consume dairy products daily low Fat.
  5. Prohibited Products should be completely removed from the menu.
  6. Water balance throughout the day replenish with rosehip broth, mineral non-carbonated water, freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables.
  7. To cook can be in many ways, except for frying. The food served should not be too cold or hot.
  8. Restrict or completely eliminate the addition of salt.
  9. Effectively complement the dietary table complex with the necessary group of minerals (A, B, C, E, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium).

List of allowed and prohibited products

Allowed products:

  • cottage cheese (up to 5% fat);
  • eggs (no more than one per day, soft-boiled);
  • garlic in any form;
  • lemons, ;
  • fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  • compotes from berries, dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices, rosehip decoctions;
  • kissels, jelly;
  • milk and dairy products with low fat content;
  • cereals;
  • meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • homemade vegetable and fruit sauces;

Prohibited products:

  • fish and meat of fatty varieties;
  • nuts;
  • concentrated broths;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • smoked meats;
  • drinks containing dyes, preservatives, gas, alcohol;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • sausages;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • coffee, cocoa, strong teas;

In addition, you should significantly reduce the use of salt or refuse to use it. Various seasonings and spices usually have a combined composition of herbs and seeds, many of which affect blood circulation. Therefore, during a diet and in everyday life, it is better to abandon their use or reduce consumption to a minimum.

Sample menu for the week

The daily diet is divided into 5 doses.

1 day:

  • omelet with onion and tomato, herb tea;
  • an apple baked in the oven;
  • vegetable soup, chicken cutlets steamed, rice, dried fruit compote;
  • yogurt;
  • steamed fish meatballs, vegetable salad, tea with milk;

2 day:

  • soft-boiled egg, tea.
  • freshly squeezed juice from spinach and carrots;
  • hake fish soup, buckwheat porridge, vegetable slices, kissel;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • boiled chicken breast, tea with milk;

3 day:

  • oatmeal, tea;
  • fruit jelly, dried fruits;
  • soup with rabbit meatballs, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote;
  • kefir;
  • fish with vegetables baked in the oven;

Day 4:

  • cottage cheese casserole, milk;
  • fruit jelly;
  • vegetable stew, boiled chicken breast, tea;
  • kefir;
  • steamed rabbit cutlets, vegetable mix;

Day 5:

  • omelet, tea;
  • vegetable cocktail;
  • vegetable puree soup, rabbit in cranberry sauce, jelly;
  • yogurt;
  • steamed fish cakes, vegetable mix, tea with milk;

Day 6:

  • oatmeal, herb tea;
  • fruit cocktail;
  • fish soup, buckwheat, vegetable salad, compote;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken breast with vegetables, cooked in the oven, tea;

Day 7:

  • cottage cheese casserole, milk;
  • vegetable smoothie;
  • vegetable stew, steamed fish, jelly;
  • fruit jelly;
  • rabbit cutlets cooked in the oven, vegetable mix, tea;


Fish with vegetables

Rinse the pollock fillets and season with a little salt. Grate carrots on a coarse grater, and onion cut into small cubes or half rings. Saute vegetables in vegetable oil for 3 minutes. Put a pillow of vegetables on a baking sheet, cover with fish fillets on top.

vivacity drink

Pour cooled boiled water into a pitcher. Add the juice of 1 lemon, a few mint leaves, a little chopped ginger and dried apricots. Infuse for 2 hours at room temperature. Drink 150 g between meals.

homemade sweets

Grind dried fruits in a blender, add crushed biscuit cookies and mix thoroughly. Shape into small balls and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Meat with vegetables

Cut the chicken fillet into thin layers. Salt a little. Cut into small cubes tomato, onion, herbs. Mix vegetables. Put meat, vegetables on a baking sheet, sprinkle the top with grated hard cheese. Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 180°C.

Refusal of salt

Excess fluid is considered one of the causes of high blood pressure. The use of salt provokes the retention of water in the body, so it is important to significantly reduce its use in cooking. Average daily rate for healthy person is 15 g.

When following a diet for hypertensive patients, it is worth reducing the rate to 5 g or completely abandoning the salt supplement.

When compiling the menu, it should be borne in mind that ready-made products already contain salt, in this regard, it is necessary to reduce the recommended amount.

The opinions of experts about the complete rejection of food are ambiguous. There is a high risk of attacks of weakness, dizziness and other negative manifestations. In addition, muscle tissue weakens, the appearance of which after weight loss is flabby and unsightly.

During fasting, toxic substances are activated that are harmful to health.

Therefore, it is worth weighing the expected result and the threats.

If it is recommended to apply, then most often they use a one-day refusal of food with the obligatory use of water and vitamins. More long-term treatment hunger is prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his supervision.


Compliance with the diet and a comfortable rhythm of life will replenish the body with useful minerals and create conditions for the restoration of metabolic processes.

If you follow this diet for a month, you can achieve the following effects:

  1. Cleanse the intestines from toxins and waste.
  2. Remove excess liquid.
  3. Stabilize blood pressure.
  4. Improve work digestive system.
  5. Reestablish exchange functions.
  6. Reduce weight from 4 to 12 kg.

Low-calorie food will help rebuild the body to a new mode, thereby changing the quality of life. A set of exercises approved by the doctor will give you the opportunity to feel a surge of strength and energy.

Essential hypertension (or hypertension, arterial hypertension) is a serious pathology for a person of any age. High blood pressure negatively affects internal organs, whose vessels and tissues begin to collapse, and in combination with obesity, the condition worsens even faster. To stop the pathological processes, a diet for hypertension with excess weight is prescribed in combination with the main methods of therapy. The treatment table helps to reduce body weight and arterial pressure(AD) without compromising health.

With hypertension, you can not self-medicate. Independent attempts to radically change your diet and lifestyle without medical advice can significantly worsen your health. In each individual case, the doctor takes into account the degree of pathology, excess weight, concomitant diseases, and so on. Thanks to the right diet and regular exercise therapeutic gymnastics(exercise therapy) reduces the need for taking antihypertensive drugs and there is no need to increase their dose.

By choosing a menu adjusted for the degree of obesity and hypertension, you can effectively reduce high blood pressure and overweight.

Features of the diet for hypertension

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life is a qualitative prevention of many diseases, the prevention of their exacerbation. Weight management through diet prevents the progression of hypertension.

With hypertension, the diet includes foods rich in potassium and magnesium.

The macroelement Mg has an anti-stress effect, positively affects the functioning of the brain and promotes the restoration of its cells, relieves vascular spasms, has a vasodilating effect, which gently lowers blood pressure. With a deficiency of potassium, the level of sodium increases and fluid is retained in the body, weakens muscle tone, the contractility of smooth muscles decreases, which immediately negatively affects the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.

A special menu should contain a lot of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, rutin, calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants, flavonoids, proteins, amino acids, omega-3. In combination, they normalize metabolic processes, saturate the body with the necessary components, reduce side effect from drug therapy and activate active ingredients medicines.

The third feature of the diet is the control of the amount of salt consumed.

Its daily dose is 4-6 g, depending on the degree of hypertension. In order not to be mistaken, it is recommended to add salt to food not during cooking, but when eating food. At specialized points of sale, you can buy salt in which sodium ions have been replaced by magnesium, potassium, and iodine ions, so you do not have to strictly adhere to the daily dose.

What not to eat hypertensive patients with excess weight

People with hypertension and increased body weight should strictly control (or rather exclude from the diet) the amount of consumed foods containing caffeine, tannins, animal fats, a lot of calories. You need to stop eating all culinary dishes that increase blood pressure.

Blood pressure products:

  • hawthorn;
  • offal;
  • mustard, horseradish;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach.

With hypertension in in large numbers it is allowed to use natural coffee, black tea, but with the obligatory addition of milk. It softens the effect of caffeine and tannin, so the drink does not have a significant effect on pressure, if you do not get carried away with it.

Overweight hypertensive patients should not eat pastry, confectionery, fatty meats and fish, spices, mayonnaise, lard, cook in concentrated broths. Radish, radish, high-calorie dishes are excluded from the menu. All types of alcohol are prohibited.

What to eat for hypertensive patients with excess weight

Diet at high blood pressure and the risk of developing obesity should include lactic acid products and dishes prepared from fresh fruits and vegetables (salads, fruit drinks, fruit and berry juices). Be sure to use lean meat and fish, cottage cheese, kefir, cereals, vegetable and cereal soups. With hypertension, the body needs a lot of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, other elements and vitamins.

A large amount of the macronutrient Mg is found in products:

  • lentils;
  • wheat bran;
  • rosehip broth;
  • buckwheat;
  • figs;
  • corn grits;
  • barley;
  • pumpkin and flax seeds;
  • nuts;
  • greens;
  • cabbage;
  • sage.

Fresh vegetables and fruits Green colour, raisins, dried apricots, mushrooms, potatoes, citrus fruits are rich in potassium. Phosphorus is involved in the breakdown of fats, reduces the size of cholesterol plaques, and is an essential component of bone tissue. Sea fish, cheese, meat are saturated with this microelement. Calcium strengthens the bones and walls of blood vessels, which prevents their spasms. It is found in large quantities in dairy products, oatmeal, nuts, fresh fruits.

  • blackcurrant;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • apricots;
  • cherries;
  • tangerines;
  • lemons;
  • carrots;
  • red beets;
  • pumpkins;
  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes.

Vitamins improve metabolism, vascular elasticity, increase the tone of the blood walls. Most of them are found in raw vegetables, fruits and berries, a little less in frozen ones. Products that have undergone heat treatment contain only a small part useful substances.

How to make a diet for hypertension

People who are overweight in combination with high blood pressure should consume more vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates. Hypertensive patients are prohibited from strict diets, as a sharp weight loss can cause dysfunction of the body systems or collapse, disrupt metabolism.

The high blood pressure diet includes daily intake of foods:

  • fruits, vegetables up to 4 times;
  • low-fat dairy products 2 - 3 servings;
  • protein food 3 times (200 g);
  • cereals, whole grain bread 250 g;
  • liquids at least 1.5 l;
  • salt maximum 1 tsp;
  • sugar or honey 30 g.

Eat small meals 5-6 times a day fractional nutrition), so as not to provoke an increase in blood pressure due to abundantly taken food. After lunch, the weight of portions is less than in the first half of the day.

Diet for weight loss hypertension should contain fresh foods and food, steamed or boiled.

It is also allowed to stew or bake. It is not recommended to eat fried, salty or canned foods.

Sample daily menu for hypertension for weight loss

The daily menu for losing weight hypertensive patients should be varied. Properly selected food normalizes metabolism, blood pressure and body weight. On a diet, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sample daily menu:

  • 120 g cottage cheese, 150 g potatoes, 250 g tea;
  • 100 g pilaf with raisins, bread 30 g, 1 tbsp. rosehip decoction;
  • 100 g baked apples, 250 g low-fat yogurt;
  • 250 g of cereal soup, 55 g of boiled chicken, 150 g of carrots, 1 tbsp. compote;
  • 85 g of steam fish, 150 g of semolina, 250 g of herbal tea;
  • 250 g fat-free kefir.


Being overweight can lead to hypertensive crisis because obesity makes it harder to work of cardio-vascular system. Correction of body weight and pressure is exactly what people of any age should strive for. A person at risk of developing hypertension is recommended. Losing weight with exercise therapy will only increase its effectiveness.

Meals should be built according to special rules. Maintaining a diet helps the treatment in many ways, the condition quickly stabilizes, which in the future helps to avoid hypertensive crises and other adverse consequences. At all, it is enough to correct nutrition and change lifestyle to normalize well-being.

So, hypertension: what diet is prescribed for this disease, features of therapeutic nutrition for hypertension and a crisis.?


What can you eat

For beginners who are just going to build a diet after a diagnosis, a list of allowed foods will come in handy. Many of them are alternatives to more unhealthy foods:

  • Lean meat. It is no secret that hypertensive patients have high cholesterol, and it is the plaques and deposits that appear on the vessels that greatly increase blood pressure due to obstruction of blood flow. That is why veal, rabbit, beef, turkey and chicken are the best choice for meat dishes.
  • Seaweed.
  • Dairy products low fat.
  • Vegetables, especially beets, carrots, cabbage. Fiber contributes not only to excellent digestion, but also to lower cholesterol.
  • Dried fruits. Like many vegetables, they have a fairly large amount of antioxidants, and they also contain potassium and magnesium, which are especially important for the heart.
  • Seafood. Special attention it is worth paying attention to lean fish.
  • Fruit.
  • Kashi.
  • Greens.

This video also talks about the products allowed for hypertension:

What not to eat

  1. smoked meats,
  2. muffin,
  3. fatty creams and sauces,
  4. any fatty foods
  5. prepared food,
  6. salo,
  7. cheeses,
  8. butter.

For men

Men are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, so it is necessary to minimize the amount of salt consumed daily. Puffiness and constant moisture retention in the body leads to an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body, which entails an increase in blood pressure. Sufficient sodium can already be obtained from food, so more than 3 g of salt per day should not be consumed.

Will have to refuse, of course. In general, to exclude the influence of many bad habits desirable, because their cancellation will only improve the body.

For women

Given how indifferent women are to various diets, you need to warn them that fasting negatively affects the body with hypertension. Undoubtedly, being overweight is just as bad, however, it is also undesirable to drastically remove any foods from your diet, as well as fasting.

Women also consume sweets more often than men, so the recommendation to limit it in many respects concerns them. In general, any carbohydrates from the easily digestible category should be completely removed, replacing them with healthy cereal bars, natural dried fruits or nuts.

Strong teas, including such a popular green variety, will also have to be left in the past. Undoubtedly, it has a sufficient amount of useful substances, but provokes vasospasm. With systematic use, even green tea can increase the load on the heart.

Diet for hypertension

Eating habits are quite difficult to change, but you still need to revise your usual homemade recipes, stop frying dishes.

  • Preference should be given to quenching.
  • Salads should not be seasoned with excessively large amounts of even healthy olive oil, it is better to use lemon juice, apple, wine, balsamic vinegars.
  • For many, after switching to a new diet, lean meat, which is not yet so abundantly salted, seems insipid.

Hypertensive patients should experiment more with spicy spices (do not overdo it!), As well as herbs. In this way, you can significantly “revive” the taste of any dish, and gradually new eating habits will no longer seem like something terrible.

It's worth eating in moderation. This principle of building a diet will allow you to constantly feel full and will greatly help patients with excess weight in reducing weight. It is on the tips described above that nutrition should be built for any type of hypertension.

The following video tells in more detail about the features of dietary nutrition for hypertensive patients:

For essential hypertension

When dieting, it is necessary to build according to the general postulates described in the article, be sure to make adjustments for your taste preferences, as well as individual characteristics. To begin with, it is worth calculating the calorie content that the body needs for full functioning. If you are overweight, you will need to cut 250-300 calories from this number. This will be enough for gradual weight loss, since a sharp change in the numbers on the scales can adversely affect the state of hypertension.

For convenience, below we have sample menu for a week for a diet for hypertension, these recipes will make proper nutrition not only useful, but also delicious. It is useful to take it as a basis, replacing some dishes.

DayBreakfastSnack timeDinnerafternoon snackDinner
MonWhipped egg white omelet with skimmed milkGreek yogurt.lentil porridge,

Turkey fillet,


Baked apple.Whipped cottage cheese with berries,



Rosehip decoction.

Apple.boiled or baked potatoes,

Fish stew with vegetables,


Ryazhenka.Fish steak with lemon sauce




Sandwich with whole grain bread, avocado and lean fish.Lean veal soup


Whole grain bread.

A mixture of nuts and dried fruits.Mashed potatoes,


ThuBaked apples with cottage cheese and honey,


Ragout or sautéed vegetables

chicken breast,



jellied fish,

Vegetable salad,


FriFruit salad with yogurt


Sandwich with fruit or fish.
Vegetarian borscht,


Bread and yogurt.Stuffed pepper,

Vegetable Salad.

SatMushrooms stewed in sour cream



Salad of beets and cabbage.vegetable pilaf,

Steamed fish cakes,


Milk.Cheesecakes or cottage cheese pudding. It is allowed to eat with low-fat sour cream.
sunOatmeal with dried fruits

Decoction of mountain ash and wild rose.


A piece of boiled meat


Rabbit, turkey or chicken,


This is the diet arterial hypertension, now consider the nutrition menu for (after) a hypertensive crisis. For dinner, it is better to plan a protein meal, but hypertensive patients should eat fruits in the first part of the day.

With a hypertensive crisis

- This is enough dangerous disease, which can lead to very serious consequences for the body. That is why, along with in a medical way treatment is required to follow a special diet. Salt is completely banned, more vegetable fats should be consumed, while the amount of animal fats should be reduced. Nutrition should include enough vitamins and proteins.

An approximate diet might look like this:

For each subsequent day, the diet should be similar.

The most important thing is that no more than 100 g of bread mixed with bran and 30 g of sugar should be consumed per day.



For breakfast, oatmeal is the best. There can be 2 ways to prepare it, one of which is traditional, and the other is called “lazy”. Because the classic recipe known to everyone, we will tell you more about the other.

It will take 0.5 tbsp. dry oatmeal flakes. They are placed in a jar or put on a plate, after which they are poured with low-fat drinking yogurt (1 tbsp.). If desired, honey is added in a small amount, berries or nuts. After the jar should be left overnight in the refrigerator and enjoy breakfast in the morning, which has retained all the useful properties.


For second breakfast, it is not forbidden to make sandwiches with bran or whole grain bread. It is desirable that it be of its own manufacture, as there are too many harmful additives in the finished one.

Avocado is laid out on it in thin slices, and on top - small pieces of fish or meat. By the way, they can be successfully replaced with fruits. From above, for the taste of avocados, pour a little olive oil and pepper, and it is better to lightly pour honey on the fruit.

The following video will tell you how to cook a heart-healthy fish roll, great for eating with hypertension:


Lunch should be as satisfying and nutritious as possible. Good for a full meal lentil porridge, which, moreover, is an excellent source of vegetable protein. For the recipe you will need:

  1. bulb,
  2. lentils - 1 tbsp,
  3. Bay leaf,
  4. carrot,
  5. ground pepper,
  6. some salt.

It is not necessary to soak the lentils, just fill it with liquid so that it covers it well on top and set it on a slow fire. At this point, coarsely chop the onion, put to the cooking beans. By the end of cooking, it should be taken out and thrown away, because it will give away the most important thing - taste and smell.

Chopped carrots are also added to the saucepan. After boiling, spices are put to the lentils, salted, it is permissible to add no more than 1 tbsp. l. oils. After 15 minutes, the dish is ready, it is left to infuse for 10 minutes and served.

afternoon tea

For an afternoon snack, a baked apple is good. Preparing it is quite simple: wash the fruit, get rid of the core and sprinkle with a little honey. They are put in the oven for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the variety of apples. For flavor and a richer taste, sprinkle them with cinnamon before baking.


The ideal dinner for hypertensive patients is cottage cheese. From it you can cook almost any dish. One of the easiest and quickest dinners is grated or whipped cottage cheese, to which you can add almost any filler.

If hunger arises after that, then it is permissible to have a snack and drink kefir. It is undesirable to indulge yourself with fruit before going to bed.

Half of hypertensive patients, according to medical experts, are not even aware of their high pressure. The patient's blood pressure is over 150, but he does not feel it. Until a heart attack...

At the first stage of the disease, hypertension does not often come for a consultation with a doctor, but arterial hypertension is main reason serious complications that lead to stroke, hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, kidney failure, cardiac pathologies. Hypertension is usually accompanied by a disorder of cholesterol metabolism in combination with atherosclerosis.

These indicators (both cholesterol and blood pressure drops) can be corrected by a balanced diet. Only it will not be a one-time experimental diet, but in fact - a new way of life.

Principles of rational nutrition

The choice of dietary products for hypertension should take into account the degree of its severity, concomitant diseases. The energy value of the diet is ideally adequate to the energy consumption of a person with certain adjustments for atherosclerosis and a high body mass index.

These conditions suggest that a therapeutic diet for weight loss for hypertensive patients should be selected together with a nutritionist or your therapist, an endocrinologist. But the basic principles of its compilation are universal, they can be followed from today.

Here are 10 ground rules healthy eating for patients with hypertension:

  • Niacin, which dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow in the kidneys, brain, coronary blood supply;
  • Ascorbic acid, which accelerates recovery processes and lowers cholesterol;
  • Riboflavin, which is involved in the normalization of tissue respiration and the production of ATP, which controls metabolic processes;
  • Pyridoxine, which helps neutralize cholesterol;
  • Bioflavonoids, which strengthen blood vessels, prevent the penetration of cholesterol;
  • Potassium, which enhances the contractile ability of the myocardium in case of circulatory disorders (there is a lot of this mineral in beef, vegetable products);
  • Magnesium, which accelerates inhibition in the cerebral cortex, reduces vasospasms that provoke an increase in blood pressure;
  • Iodine, which has an anti-sclerotic effect (it is abundant in seafood).

The most important condition for a rational diet with high blood pressure is fractional nutrition. You need to eat 4-6 times / day, have dinner - 3 hours before bedtime.

Types of therapeutic diets

You can get an idea about the basics of nutrition for hypertensive patients from diet No. 10, which is relevant, first of all, with poor blood flow.

Diet number 10 for hypertensive patients for weight loss: daily menu

  1. Cheese (120 g), semolina porridge (150 g), tea (1 cup);
  2. Apples (100 g), low-fat kefir (1 cup);
  3. Barley soup (250 g), meat, carrots (55/150 g), compote (1 cup);
  4. Rosehip drink (1 cup), 1 slice of whole grain bread;
  5. Fish, potatoes processed in a double boiler (85/150 g), pilaf with dried fruits (100 g), tea (1 cup);
  6. Kefir (1 glass) - before going to bed.

The daily norm of bread is 250 g, sugar - 50 g. If the weight is above the norm, in addition to the diet, fasting days will be useful (with salads, rice, watermelons, apples).


The abbreviation DASH stands for simply: dietary approach to the treatment of hypertension. The principles of nutrition of this type were developed by Harvard scientists. Today it is the most popular diet in Europe. The authors claim that the foods offered in the diet lower blood pressure and the likelihood of stroke, remove stones from the kidneys, and prevent the formation malignant neoplasms. An idea about DASH can be obtained from the sample menu:

  1. Orange juice (1 cup), cereal (from corn, oats, barley) - (2 cups), margarine (1 tsp), low-fat milk (1 cup);
  2. 2 slices of bread, fat-free ham (70 g), a slice of cheese, lettuce (2 leaves), tomato (half), mustard (1 tsp), apple;
  3. Chicken with rice, buckwheat, or barley porridge, peas (½ cup), small whole-grain bun, low-fat milk (1 cup);
  4. Dried apricots, nuts (50 g each), 1 grapefruit - for snacks.

The main focus is on foods enriched with vitamins and microelements. Food is fractional. Salt intake should be gradually reduced to a minimum. With hypertension, this diet is recommended as the main one.

potassium diet

Potassium in hypertension is often prescribed additionally or a special diet is recommended. Such a selection of products relieves swelling, lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow. Its features: low calorie content, sodium reduction, absence of extractive ingredients, saturation of organs with potassium in a ratio of 8:1 - 14:1 (in relation to sodium). You can evaluate its capabilities using the example of a one-day menu:

  1. Potatoes (200 g), coffee, milk (1 cup), rice water (1 cup);
  2. Fresh cabbage (100 g);
  3. Soup and mashed potatoes and cabbage (200 g each), jelly;
  4. Rosehip drink (100 g);
  5. Mashed potatoes (300 g), rosehip infusion (100 g).

Bread without salt - 250 g, sugar - 30 g. Heat treatment of food raw materials: boiling, cooking in a double boiler or oven. All dishes for hypertensive patients are prepared without salt, they are slightly salted already ready, before eating.

The light diet is supplemented with foods enriched with potassium: dried fruits, fresh and baked apples, rosehip infusion, potatoes, cabbage.

magnesium diet

Magnesium regulates the work of the central nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle, neutralizes vascular hypertonicity, which is very important with high blood pressure, especially with a complication in the form of atherosclerosis. Therefore, hypertensive patients are prescribed magnesium medications that lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, or a three-day diet composed of appropriate products.

Its feature is low calorie content, salt and liquid restrictions, enrichment with potassium and magnesium. Meals are six times a day. The norm of bread is 125 g / day. An idea about this type of diet can be obtained from an approximate one-day menu.

  1. Buckwheat porridge with bran (150 g), tea (1 glass), a slice of lemon;
  2. Apricot juice (100 g);
  3. Borscht on bran broth (250 g), pilaf with dried apricots and rice, blackcurrant compote;
  4. Rosehip infusion (100 g);
  5. Cutlets from carrots and apples (200 g);
  6. Warmed milk (100 g).

With a magnesium diet for hypertensive patients with weight loss, the focus is on foods that contain this mineral: buckwheat, oats, millet, nuts, greens, legumes.

Fruit and vegetable diet

This type of therapeutic nutrition is prescribed for vascular atherosclerosis, with symptomatic hypertension, overweight. Diet reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves kidney function, normalizes weight and blood pressure.

In terms of energy value, a hyposodium vegetarian diet can be considered optimal. Restrictions apply to refined carbohydrates, salty foods, liquids and extractive ingredients that aggressively affect the gastrointestinal tract and other vital centers.

The table is rich in vitamins and fiber, which breaks down fats. Juices, soups, salads, compotes, mashed potatoes, vinaigrette are prepared from vegetables and fruits. Meals - five meals a day, with snacks. An example table on a vegetarian diet might look like this:

  1. Heated infusion of wild rose or dried currants (1 cup), apple-carrot salad with butter;
  2. Fruit juice (½ cup), vegetable puree;
  3. Vegetarian soup with croutons (250 ml), vegetable salad with sour cream;
  4. Nuts (100 g), salad of grated vegetables (carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumbers - 150 g);
  5. Heated infusion of wild rose or dried currants (1 cup) can be sweetened with 20 g of sugar or honey;
  6. Vinaigrette with butter (200 g), dried fruit compote (1 cup);
  7. Before going to bed - juice (1 glass).

How it works

When adjusting the diet, in addition to the advice of your doctor, use the general recommendations:

  • Control the salt rate - up to 5 g / day;
  • Reduce the proportion of fast-digesting carbohydrates;
  • Fatty dairy products are added to the diet in small portions;
  • Limit the amount of black bread, legumes, potatoes;
  • Not every meat is suitable - only rabbit, chicken, turkey fillets;
  • Heat treatment eliminates frying;
  • The main focus of the menu is fresh cereals and vegetables;
  • Control the water balance (1.5-2 l / day).

The menu for hypertensive patients is easily digestible dishes, similar to a diet for losing weight, so it has a double effect: it corrects weight and pressure. Low-calorie meals and a balanced diet stimulate digestion.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 19 2016


Scientists have proven that obese people suffer from hypertension much more often than those who have slim figure. This disease, with improper functioning of the body caused by excess weight, leads to very serious consequences. A diet for obesity and hypertension will help normalize the condition. Eating right, you can normalize blood pressure and reduce body weight.

Basic rules of nutrition for hypertension

If you are obese and your blood pressure rises from time to time, then follow these recommendations:

  1. No more than 6 g of salt should enter the body per day.
  2. Drink at least two liters of water per day.
  3. Saturated fats are strictly forbidden to you.
  4. The diet for hypertension does not provide for restrictions on the consumption of proteins, if you do not have disorders of the heart or other organs.
  5. Eat more vegetables, fruits.
  6. Refuse foods with fast carbohydrates that contribute to obesity: sugar, jam, sweets.
  7. Focus on foods rich in potassium and magnesium.
  8. Eat less of what promotes vasoconstriction, blood clotting: sour cream, cheese, salted fish.
  9. Everything that stimulates the cardiovascular and nervous systems is strictly forbidden to you.
  10. Eat small.

Table of allowed and prohibited products

Try to choose a diet according to this memo for hypertension with obesity:


Limit use


  • lean soups;
  • boiled, baked lean meat;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • lean boiled fish;
  • buckwheat, millet porridge;
  • dried fruits;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • currant;
  • rose hip;
  • greens;
  • chicory drink (greatly reduces pressure).
  • semolina, oatmeal;
  • cabbage;
  • products containing caffeine (weak tea, coffee);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • juices;
  • bread made from coarse flour without salt;
  • eggs (no more than one per day);
  • salo.
  • alcohol that can increase blood pressure;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • spices;
  • spicy dishes;
  • offal;
  • products with animal fats;
  • sour cream, cream;
  • cucumbers;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • legumes;
  • white bread from first-class flour.

Features of the diet for hypertension against the background of obesity

With this disease, diet number 8 is recommended. It is worth noting that obesity and atherosclerosis often cause hypertension. Normalization of the diet helps to alleviate the course of this disease. Sometimes patients with hypertension are assigned table number 10. Fasting and other severe restrictions are strictly prohibited. The best option- diet number 10 or 8 according to Pevzner for each degree of hypertension.

It is important to understand that each extra kilogram contributes to an increase in pressure by one point. If you are looking for a diet for obesity and hypertension, then you should pay attention to those nutrition systems that contribute to the normalization of the water-salt balance and direct weight loss. You should categorically refuse alcohol, pay attention to foods rich in potassium and magnesium.

Sample diet menu for the week

The following table presents exemplary diet at high pressure for hypertensive patients with obesity for seven days:

Day of the week



Oatmeal with dried apricots, rosehip drink.

Banana or apple.

Soup with vegetables, steamed chicken meatballs, vegetable salad with a slice of black bread, compote.

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit.

Baked fish with vegetables.

Cottage cheese with bread and tea.

Yogurt, orange.

Ukha, steam cutlet from low-fat minced meat, millet porridge.

Fruit jelly.

Turkey fillet, baked in the oven, vegetable salad, juice.

Oatmeal with raisins.

Lenten borscht, a slice of black bread, boiled chicken, tea.

Any fruit.

Fish cutlet, baked potato.

Baked apple with cottage cheese, tea.

Bread, kefir.

Fish soup, chicken meatballs, beetroot salad.

Any fruit.

Chicken pilaf, vegetable salad.

Oatmeal with fruits, rosehip broth.

Light soup, beans with a piece of meat and vegetables.

Cottage cheese casserole.

Fish in tomato sauce, vegetable stew.

Cottage cheese with honey, black bread toast.

Fruit salad, yogurt.

Baked potato, chicken soup, vegetable salad.

Kefir with fruits.

Buckwheat, vegetable stew with lean beef.


Oatmeal with nuts, herbal decoction.

Fish soup, millet porridge, chicken steam cutlets, Vegetable Salad.

Baked fish, vegetables.

Diet Recipes

Peppers stuffed with barley:

  • bell pepper - 2 pcs. medium;
  • pearl barley - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - a quarter of the head;
  • parsley - a couple of branches;
  • vegetable broth - 50 ml;
  • salt, oil - in minimal quantities.
  1. This dish is ideal for a diet for obesity and hypertension. Remove seeds from peppers, rinse. Pour boiling water over them and remove the peel.
  2. Soak the barley for several hours in cold water.
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion, put it in vegetable broth with butter. Add barley, salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of water. Cook until the cereal thickens.
  4. Remove from heat, stir. Stuff the peppers with the resulting mixture, bake in the oven until cooked at 180 degrees.

Rabbit in sour cream sauce:

  • rabbit - 100 g;
  • butter - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 20 g;
  • vegetable broth - 15 ml;
  • flour - on the tip of a teaspoon.
  1. Finely chop the rabbit, wash and fry in butter.
  2. Heat flour in a pan, add vegetable broth, keep on low heat for half an hour, strain. Add sour cream and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the rabbit with sour cream sauce, simmer until soft. Rabbit is perfect for those who suffer from hypertension and obesity.

Beets stewed with apples:

  • beets - 150 g;
  • sour apples - 60 g;
  • flour - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 25 g;
  • vegetable broth - 30 ml;
  • butter - 5 g.
  1. Boil the beets, peel and cut into slices.
  2. Chop the apples.
  3. Sift flour, fry in a pan, add oil, vegetable broth, sour cream, mix. Boil 10 minutes, then strain.
  4. Pour apples with beets with sour cream sauce and simmer for a quarter of an hour. The dish is useful for an obese child.

Video about nutrition for hypertension and obesity

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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