Lecho from bell pepper for 3 liters. Lecho for the winter: classic step-by-step recipes

In the season of conservation, preparations for the winter, and a variety of autumn vitamins, we strongly advise you to cook and roll up an amazing, vitamin and invariably popular dish of all feasts - bell pepper lecho.

The constant components of lecho are sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and then it all depends on your desire - you can add carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and other vegetables.
There are a great many recipes for lecho, as you can see by reading our article. And each housewife has her favorite option, or even more than one, of preparing this dish. Someone prefers a delicate taste, others like the spicy option.

Recipe for spicy lecho

Lecho is originally a dish of Hungarian cuisine, which is famous for its "sharpness". For its original taste and satiety, lecho quickly appeared on the menu of the countries of central and eastern Europe, and today it is one of the most popular preparations for the winter.
Often lecho is made from zucchini and eggplant, but we will be true to the classics and share traditional recipe lecho, based on tomatoes and bell peppers.
tomatoes - 3 kg;
bell pepper - 3 kg;
hot red pepper - 1-2 pods;
salt - 4 tablespoons;
sugar - 1.5 cups;
apple cider vinegar 6% - 60-80 ml;
2 bay leaves;
peppercorns 6-8 pieces;
vegetable oil - 200 ml.
We twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, then add salt, sugar, vegetable oil, put chopped peppers there and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. After that, add peppercorns, lavrushka, vinegar and boil for about 5 minutes more. Arrange in sterilized jars and close.
At the last stage, we put the closed jars upside down, “wrap up” and leave to cool completely for 1-2 days.

Sweet and spicy bell pepper lecho

The main ingredients for any lecho are fresh tomatoes and fresh bell peppers. At the same time, it is much better to take the most ripe tomatoes than unripe and hard ones - they will still be ground into juice.
It is advisable to take peppers for lecho in different colors. The fact is that in peppers different color contains a different amount of certain vitamins and useful elements. Therefore, lecho from green, red and orange peppers will be much more useful than exclusively from red or exclusively from green peppers.
The ratio is 1 kilogram of pepper to 2 kilograms of tomatoes. Garlic, hot pepper and other spicy ingredients - to taste. It is advisable to take a fixed amount of salt and sugar - this will make the lecho moderately sweet. In the traditional version, half a glass of sugar is taken per kilogram of bell pepper, and a teaspoon of salt is enough for this volume.
Tomatoes must be crushed in any accessible way, having previously removed the peel from them, scalded ahead of time with boiling water. Blender, grater, meat grinder - any method will do. The main thing is that the tomatoes turn into tomato slurry.
Bulgarian peppers, on the other hand, need to be cut into small pieces (although some people like it when almost a quarter of whole peppers float in the lecho). Peeled garlic should be cut into small pieces.
After that, vegetable oil must be poured into the tomatoes at the rate of 50 grams per kilogram of tomatoes. Pour in all the garlic and mix well. After that, the resulting mass must be poured into a saucepan or cauldron and begin to cook over high heat, after the start of boiling, reduce the gas. After boiling, add sugar and salt to the tomato juice, stirring the mass well again.
Next, you need to add all the bell peppers to the tomatoes and wait for the mass to boil again. After that - pour in a little more oil (30 grams per kilogram of tomatoes) and add a little vinegar - for preservation.
The resulting mixture must be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Lecho should stand in a dark and relatively cool place. Cans cannot be left in the sun - otherwise they will explode, decorating the room with cheerful divorces and streaks, as well as refreezing - then the taste will not be so saturated. The approximate shelf life of such a lecho is about eight months.

Quick lecho from bell pepper

Bell pepper lecho is a wonderful appetizer on the festive table and an excellent sauce for main courses.
To prepare lecho from bell pepper, the fruits of red and yellow color, thanks to which this dish has a truly bright and festive look.
This is a paprika lecho, slightly sweet in taste, moderately sour and not spicy.
5 kg of bell pepper,
4 kg of tomatoes,
1 glass of vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar,
1 cup of sugar,
3 art. spoons of salt.
Wash all vegetables well.
Grind tomatoes in a blender or in a meat grinder.
Peel the bell pepper from the seed box and cut into wide strips.
Place tomato puree in a large saucepan, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil.
Then add bell pepper to the tomato mass and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add vinegar to the lecho and mix.
Arrange bell pepper lecho in sterilized jars and roll up.
Turn the jars of lecho over, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely.
Store bell pepper lecho in a cool place.
Ready-made bell pepper lecho can be added to soups, as well as served with a potato and rice side dish or with pasta.

Red bell pepper lecho recipe

Lecho is very tasty served in winter as a sauce for second courses. Despite the fact that the lecho recipe contains a lot of vinegar, which not everyone likes, this dish always diverges with a bang.
The lecho recipe is affordable and easy to prepare.
Lecho is very tasty served in winter as a sauce for second courses.
Despite the fact that the lecho recipe contains a lot of vinegar, which not everyone likes, this dish diverges with a bang at the festive table. Usually guests ask for another supplement, and thrifty housewives will definitely take note of the recipe from you.
3 kg of red (possibly with the addition of yellow) bell pepper, 3 kg of tomatoes, 1 head of garlic, 10 black peppercorns, 1 glass of vegetable oil, 1 glass of sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons of salt.
Wash all vegetables.
Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder (or blender) and strain from the cake.
Remove the core and seeds from the bell pepper and cut into strips about 1 cm thick.
Add oil, sugar, salt to the tomato puree, bring to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.
Place the bell pepper in the tomato juice and cook covered.
Keep in mind that the longer the vegetables are cooked, the softer they become, so you can choose the cooking time yourself depending on your taste.
If you prefer crispy peppers, then according to this recipe, lecho limit yourself to 7-10 minutes of cooking peppers. If you are a fan of soft vegetables, cook the pepper for 20-30 minutes.
Add chopped garlic, black pepper, vinegar to the lecho and cook for another 5 minutes.
Pour the lecho into sterilized jars and roll up.
Turn the jars over, cover with a towel or blanket and leave to cool completely.

Tender lecho with carrots

Tomatoes - 2 kg,
Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
Carrots - 1 kg
Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
Vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar (sand) - 5 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Water - 1 glass.
Preparatory stage. If you want to make significant supplies for the winter, then all jars for lecho must be sterilized (as well as metal seaming lids).
Take care of the marinade. To do this, wash the tomatoes, remove their stalks, cut into pieces and twist in a meat grinder. After receiving a certain amount of tomato juice, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil there. Put the tomato juice on low heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, the mixture should continue to stand on a very slow gas for another forty minutes.
Take care of vegetables. Wash carrots and bell peppers. Remove the top layer from the carrots and cut off the back parts, remove the seeds and stalks from the bell pepper. Cut the carrots into long strips, and the peppers - large enough, but so that it is convenient to eat.
Add the vegetables to the boiled tomato juice, bring it back to a boil and keep it for another twenty minutes. After that, you need to add vinegar essence to the lecho and mix well.
Pour the lecho into prepared jars and roll up immediately. Cool jars with lecho should be upside down, wrapped in a blanket or sweater. This product can be stored even at room temperature, but always without access to direct sunlight.
This is just a basic recipe for how to cook pepper lecho. If desired, you can (and should!) Add a variety of different components there, providing a brighter and more expressive taste. For example, you can add a certain amount of garlic, spices or fragrant herbs there. It would be very appropriate to look like hot pepper, peeled from seeds and cut into very thin half rings - it will make the lecho much piquant and spicy.
The main danger of this recipe is that carrots can boil in tomato juice, become lethargic and amorphous. This can be easily prevented by frying the carrot sticks in a separate pan for two to three minutes over high heat.

Lecho with cabbage

Taste the rich summer vegetable taste of bright lecho with bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and spices.
tomatoes - 3 kg
cabbage - 1 kg
carrots - 1 kg
onion - 1 kg
Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
sunflower oil (glass) - 1 pc.
vinegar - 125 gr
sugar (glass) - to taste
salt - 3 tbsp
greens - to taste
black peppercorns - to taste
Grind tomatoes in a meat grinder. Boil, boil for about 20 minutes. Cut the onion into half rings. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Pepper cut into strips. Shred the cabbage. Add everything to the tomato, mix well. Add salt, sugar, butter, spices, herbs. After boiling, cook for another 20 minutes. Pour in the vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes. Arrange in prepared clean, dry, sterile jars. Roll up. Wrap in a blanket and leave for a day, until cool.

Lecho for the winter in a slow cooker

The original recipe for lecho with cucumbers. This sauce has a fine structure and moderately spicy taste. A multicooker will help to cook it.
Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg
Garlic - 25 gr
Hot pepper - to taste
Tomato juice - 500 ml
Salt - 1/2 Art. l.
Table vinegar 9% - 45 gr
Sugar - 100 gr
Vegetable oil - 100 ml
cucumbers - 2 kg
Finely chop the bell pepper, removing the seeds in the process. Cucumbers cut into circles with garlic and hot pepper. In a separate bowl, mix tomato juice, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. We throw sweet peppers, cucumbers, garlic, hot peppers into one bowl, mix and put in a slow cooker. Leave in the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes. Half an hour after the start of stewing, add tomato sauce. We boil water in a slow cooker. We put banks on sterilization. Boil the lids. Boil in a saucepan for 5 minutes. The resulting lecho is poured into jars. We roll up the banks, turn them over to cool.

Bell pepper lecho for the winter is harvested as often as. And surprisingly, again, I don’t remember that my grandmother or mother canned lecho. Here is the fact that we bought it in a store, and it was a Bulgarian lecho, or rarely a Hungarian one, I remember that for sure.

Bulgarian lecho has not been in stores for a long time and I'm not sure that it is made on an industrial scale in Bulgaria. But Bell pepper can be purchased at any time of the year. True, from such a pepper, lecho does not turn out as tasty as before.

Therefore, everyone is trying to make his preparations during the mass ripening of vegetables in open ground. And they do it right. From such vegetables, lecho turns out to be the most delicious and is stored for a long time.

Recipes for cooking lecho from tomatoes and peppers, carrots and onions for the winter at home

How to cook lecho. We will now consider the simplest recipe, but very tasty, if I may say so, the classic lecho recipe for the winter, as well as the lecho recipe from peppers, tomatoes and carrots.


  1. Pepper and tomato lecho is simple and tasty


Our glass = 250 ml

  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 kg
  • Onion - 10-12 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Table vinegar 9% - 100 ml.
  • Salt to taste


1. Wash vegetables and let dry or blot with paper towels.

2. We clean the tomatoes from the stalk, cut into large pieces and scroll in a meat grinder. We have thin-skinned tomatoes, so we don't peel them. If you have such a need, pour tomatoes for 2-3 minutes with boiling water, then cool cold water so as not to burn yourself and then the skin will be removed from the tomatoes very easily.

3. Cut the pepper into strips about 1 cm thick. Try to take multi-colored peppers. So your lecho will look much more beautiful.

4. Onions can be cut into half-rings, quarter-rings, according to prescription rules, all vegetables in one dish are cut in the same way. But we will cut into cubes, I like it better.

5. We will also need a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of sugar, 100 ml. table 9% vinegar and salt to taste. Usually we take 2 tablespoons for such a quantity of vegetables. Salt take large, stone, it does not contain any additives.

We put the jars to be sterilized. After washing the jars with soda or mustard, put them in a cold oven, turn on the oven at 120 ° -130 ° C and after heating to the set temperature, warm it up for another 7-10 minutes. Turn off the oven, open the door and leave the jars there until needed.

Pour boiling water over the lids and leave for 5-7 minutes.

We start cooking lecho

6. We put a basin with tomatoes on fire. Pour in sugar, pour in vegetable oil and add salt. You can add a spoon and a half, then add salt if necessary. Add chopped onion, stir and bring to a boil.

7. After boiling, cook for 1-2 minutes and add chopped pepper. Stir and bring to a boil again, stirring occasionally. After it boils, cook for about 15 minutes. The pepper should be soft, but not overcooked. So try it, you may need a little more time or less.

8. Somewhere 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar. Let it boil and our lecho is almost ready. We will definitely try and at this moment we can add what we think is missing. Think salt.

Arranging in banks

9. Pour the lecho into jars and roll up or screw on the lids that you have prepared.

10. Turn the jars upside down. Checking for leaks anywhere. Wrap with something warm and leave to cool completely.

We usually store such lecho in a cool place, but I think that it can be stored at room temperature.

Well, here we have prepared with you a delicious lecho of bell pepper for the winter.

Bon appetit when you open it!

  1. Bulgarian pepper lecho with tomatoes and carrots for the winter


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Pepper - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 0.5 kg.
  • Carrot - 0.5 kg.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 200ml.
  • Sugar - 200g.
  • Salt - 100 gr.


1. We use homemade tomatoes, they have a thin skin, so we do not remove it. Wash all vegetables first. We clean onions and carrots.

2. Cut the tomatoes into large slices.

3. We took multi-colored peppers. We clean from the stalks and seeds with partitions. Cut the pepper into strips and send to the tomatoes.

4. Grate carrots for Korean carrots. Well, if there is none, we rub it on a large ordinary grater. We also send carrots to tomatoes and peppers.

5. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the vegetables.

6. Put the vegetables on the fire and bring to a boil. After the salad boils, cook for another 20 minutes.

7. After 20 minutes, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar. Mix everything well and boil for another 40 minutes.

8. During this time, we sterilize the jars and put the hot lecho into hot jars. Turn the jars upside down. Do not place jars on a table and especially on a metal surface, they may burst. Can be installed on a towel or wooden board.

9. Let the banks cool and send for storage.

In winter we get it, enjoy the smell of summer.

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Video - Pepper and tomato lecho for the winter. Classic recipe

Enjoy your meal!

Good day.

We continue the conversation about what food can be considered right for weight loss, and what is not. This article was prompted by the controversy over the fact that various dressings and sauces for main dishes carry a lot of calories. And in general, it is not clear what they are made of there. You read the composition - everything seems to be fine, but in fact there is no certainty that it corresponds to the label.

Today I want to offer you such an option as lecho. Yes, in our country it is more often used as a sauce and addition to the main dish. For example, lecho can be mixed with spaghetti and you get very personal. Do you know that in the rest of the world bell pepper lecho is eaten as a side dish? And that doesn't go against the principles at all. proper nutrition. See for yourself - lecho is based on bell peppers, tomatoes and onions. All of these products belong to . Add a portion of lean meat to lecho and get a tasty, original and low-calorie dish rich in fiber and protein. If you are watching your diet, then this is a great option.

Well, in order to be sure that you are eating a “clean” product, you need to take everything into your own hands and cook lecho yourself. And while the vegetable season is in full swing, it is necessary to stock up for the winter. To provide yourself with homemade preparations until spring.

The recipes I offer, of course, take time. It is necessary not only to do it, but also to roll it into banks. I tried to choose the simplest recipes in terms of choice and availability of products, but at the same time the most delicious. Lick your fingers, as they say. Instead of tomatoes we will use tomato paste or tomato juice to speed up the process.

Bell pepper lecho with tomato paste

Let's start with the classic recipe, and along the way we will bring our own "chips" to the recipes.

To prepare a classic lecho with tomato paste, you will need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2kg
  • Tomato paste - 500g
  • Water - 0.5l
  • Vegetable oil - 200ml
  • Vinegar 9% – 100ml
  • Sugar - 150g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.

It is better to use refined oil so that there are no “foreign” odors


Wash and cut peppers. Remove pulp and seeds. It can be cut into both cubes and straws. From the form, neither the taste nor the consistency of the finished dish will change. Do as you please. Get a pot that's the right size to hold all the ingredients. Throw in the pepper.

In a separate bowl, combine water, salt, sugar and tomato paste. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Then pour the resulting dressing into a saucepan with pepper, add vegetable oil, mix everything well and put the saucepan on a slow fire.

After the lecho boils, the cooking process should continue for another 15 minutes. Do not forget to stir it periodically during this time. When 15 minutes have passed, pour the vinegar into the pan and let it boil (it will take about 5 minutes), after which you can remove the pan from the heat.

We lay out the still hot lecho with a spoon in pre-prepared sterilized jars. From the amount indicated in the ingredients, 5 half-liter jars will be obtained. You can use jars with a twist-on lid, or you can roll them up the old fashioned way.

In order to check the tightness, the jars need to be turned upside down, placing them on a cotton towel. After making sure that everything is fine, you need to wrap the jars and leave them to cool completely. Then store them in a cool dark place. Do you have a cellar?

So, after spending no more than one hour, you can cook not just a winter supply of vitamins, but a full-fledged dietary side dish.

Bell pepper lecho with onions and carrots

The following recipe can hardly be called a classic, but it is very popular with us. In it, carrots and onions are added to the pepper. I don’t know where this variant originated, but it is also very tasty. I suspect that it appeared at a time when pepper was not yet a ubiquitous vegetable and the rest of the ingredients were sent in order to get more product in the output. However, this variant is very successful in terms of flavor combinations and is therefore very popular.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots - 1kg
  • Tomatoes - 2kg or tomato paste - 500g
  • Onion - 4 pieces of medium size
  • Sunflower oil - 150ml
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 7 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp

If you want to use tomato paste instead of tomatoes, then prepare another half liter of boiled water to dilute it.


If you use tomatoes, then first of all you need to make tomato juice from them. To do this, simply pass them through a meat grinder using a disk with the smallest holes, or a juicer. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to peel off the skin, everything will be ground and you will have additional fiber in the lecho. If using tomato paste, then dilute and stir it in warm boiled water.

We cut the pepper into petals, carrots not into thick rings, but onion into half rings. No need to try to cut vegetables as small as possible, you are not cooking caviar. They should keep their shape after processing and not fall apart when it comes time to take them out of the can.

Pour the tomato paste (or the tomato juice you have) into a large saucepan and add sugar, salt and sunflower oil to it. Once again, mix everything well and put the pan on the fire.

On high heat, bring the mass to a boil and, as soon as it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and add pepper and carrots to the future lecho. At the same stage, you need to pour vinegar into the pan and mix everything.

In general, the more often you stir, the better. Will not burn

After the mass boils again, you need to detect another 10 minutes, then add the onion and, if desired, a small handful of black peppercorns (10 things).

After that, cook lecho for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

After that, remove the pan from the heat and lay out the still hot mass in sterilized jars. We fill to the very top and close or roll up the jars. We turn them upside down and put them on the lid until they cool, wrapping them in a cotton towel.

The most convenient volume seems to me to be 0.5 liter cans. From the amount of ingredients that I gave at the beginning, you get 8 half-liter jars of delicious homemade lecho with onions and carrots.

Bell pepper lecho with zucchini

But such a lecho can really successfully replace a side dish for meat. Because, in fact, it will not turn out to be a lecho, but a vegetable stew made from rich foods, which will have a beneficial effect on digestion in the short term and on the figure in the long term. In this case, the zucchini will be the main component of the dish.


  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3pcs (300g)
  • Tomatoes - 1kg or 500ml tomato paste
  • Carrots - 3pcs (250g)
  • Onion - 3 pcs
  • Sunflower oil - 150ml
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tbsp
  • One hot pepper for those who like it spicier


First of all, let's prepare the zucchini. For lecho, a well-ripened fruit is quite suitable. Remove the peel from it, cut it lengthwise and remove all the seeds. Then cut it into small sticks.

Then prepare the bell pepper. We remove the stalk, cut it, remove the seeds and partitions and cut into cubes or straws.

Then finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots.

The difference between this recipe and the previous ones is that before you cook lecho, you must first fry the zucchini. Therefore, a thick-walled pan should be used as a container for cooking. And ideally - a cauldron.

We put it on medium heat, pour sunflower oil into it and add zucchini. Next we send carrots and onions.

Fry the mixture for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After 40 minutes, pour tomato paste prepared in a blender into the pan, or store-bought from a can, diluted in half a liter of boiled water. And then we fall asleep bell pepper.

At the same time, add sugar and salt and mix everything thoroughly. After that, leave the mass to stew for 15-20 minutes.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar to the lecho. Let it boil for the last time and remove from heat.

After that, we lay out the still hot mass in pre-sterilized jars and close it with boiled lids.

Next, we perform the usual actions, turn the jars over to make sure they are tight, cover them with a towel and leave it like that until it cools. Then they can be sent to a dark and cool storage place.

Is it possible to make lecho without vinegar

Vinegar is perceived by many people as a spice, designed to give winter preparations a characteristic flavor that we have been accustomed to since childhood. But he plays a much more important role. Vinegar is needed in order to prevent bacteria from developing in the jar and to prevent spoilage of the product. If your jars began to explode and shoot off the lids, then the bacteria still managed to survive in them and the fermentation process began with the release of carbon dioxide. And the product is broken.

In the case of lecho, all products undergo heat treatment and it seems like bacteria have no chance. But there are still banks. Where is the guarantee that the sterilization took place under ideal conditions? It is very difficult to create them in the kitchen.

The acidic environment created by vinegar does not allow bacteria to develop and allows the contents of the jars to be preserved for a long time. This is good. The bad thing is that such products are not recommended for people suffering from high acidity of the stomach, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, you can replace acetic acid for lemon at the rate of 1 tbsp per two-liter jar. Citric acid is milder in taste and less irritating to the gastric mucosa.

If you decide not to use either one or the other, then you run the risk of being left without your supplies in a couple of weeks.

Video lesson of cooking bell pepper lecho with zucchini

Well, for those who, after reading the article, wanted lecho right now - watch the video from the first channel on how to cook lecho so that you can enjoy it right now.

Well, that's all I have for today. Bon appetit and stay healthy.

Bell pepper lecho is the same preparation that every housewife prepares every season. The end of summer and the beginning of the velvet season are rich in full baskets of fresh vegetables and fruits. It's time to cook delicious and healthy spins, among which sweet bell pepper lecho is the fastest and most inexpensive. five lungs and healthy recipes lecho are presented on this page. it the best blanks for the winter, which can be combined with one expression: “Eat and lick your fingers!”

Classic bell pepper lecho - a recipe for the winter

The classic lecho recipe includes the most affordable and inexpensive products. Bulgarian pepper blanks for the winter are beautiful and very fragrant, and in terms of taste and benefits, they are much superior to store spins.

For cooking you will need:

  • multi-colored Bulgarian pepper - 3 kg;
  • red and brown tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • table vinegar (9%) - 100 ml;
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp.


Before cooking lecho, cut the tomatoes into slices, get rid of the stalks and scroll through a meat grinder. Thick tomato sauce can also be obtained using a blender or any chopper.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut into strips of about 1 cm.

Remove the skins from the onion and chop into medium cubes.

Advice from a housewife! Banks desirable sterilize in advance. To do this, wash them thoroughly and put them in a cold oven. Then raise t to 140 degrees and hold the jars for 5-7 minutes. It is enough to pour the lids with boiling water and wait until it cools completely.

Let's start cooking lecho. We put the tomato sauce on the fire, add sugar, salt and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly. Then add the chopped onion and cook for a few minutes after boiling.

Then we fall asleep chopped bell pepper and mix a beautiful vegetable mass.

After boiling, boil for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. The pepper should soften, but not lose its color and shape, which means that it should keep all its beneficial features.

2 minutes before readiness, pour table vinegar. We try the dish for salt, spiciness and sweetness, if necessary, add your favorite spices. Pour hot fragrant vegetable mixture into jars. We roll up the lids, turn it over on the “head” and put it under a warm fur coat until it cools completely.

Bell pepper lecho is ready! Tasty and healthy preparation for the winter will be a great addition to meat, poultry and any side dishes.

Lecho for the winter from bell peppers with tomatoes

So that there is always a rich variety on the table, the hostesses stock up for the winter with tasty and useful blanks. Letcho from Bulgarian pepper with tomatoes will be an excellent addition to meat, fish and other hot dishes. Its recipe is as simple as possible, and cooking will not take much precious time from the hostess.

Let's stock up on the ingredients:


1. Ripe tomatoes must be carefully chopped in a blender or rubbed through a sieve to obtain a slurry. Add butter, sugar and salt to the tomato sauce, mix well and put on fire.

2. Peppers are pre-cleaned from seeds, cut into slices or rings. Add to the tomato mass and after boiling, boil the vegetable mixture for about 25-30 minutes.

On a note! If foam forms on the surface, it can simply be mixed and not skimmed off.

3. For 2-3 minutes before readiness, add vinegar and a little allspice-peas to the lecho. It is important to ensure that the bell pepper is cooked, but at the same time remains crisp and does not lose its bright color and shape.

It is advisable to immediately pour hot lecho into clean jars! First, it is better to put peppers in jars, and then add liquid. The rest of the sauce can be used in hot dishes and soups as a fragrant gravy.

Lecho from bell pepper with tomato paste for the winter - you will lick your fingers

To the pickles and jams on the shelves, more and more new preparations for the winter are constantly added. Caring housewives find interesting recipes, delighting family and friends with delicious and healthy meals. Bell pepper lecho with tomato paste from the category of dishes "you will lick your fingers"! Such a bright addition to everyday dishes is sure to decorate the family table and bring a summer touch to a rich winter diet.

To prepare lecho you will need:


  1. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, rinse and cut into large cubes.
  2. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add spices and tomato paste. Mix the marinade thoroughly and pour the prepared pepper into it.
  3. Bring the lecho to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and make sure that the vegetables do not lose their color and crunchiness.
  4. During cooking, you can prepare sterilized jars in the oven (5 minutes at t = 120 o).

The finished product does not need to be insulated or cooled, the jars can be stored in a closet on the balcony or on the windowsill so that they are always at hand. Lecho is a great treat for any holidays and a delicious summer addition to everyday family dinners!

Lecho with tomato juice and bell pepper for the winter

Every meal is a delicious spicy addition! Someone likes pickled cucumbers, and someone likes hot chili seasonings. Lecho with tomato juice and bell pepper can please everyone! A bright preparation for the winter is suitable for meat and vegetable dishes, decorates festive table, and satisfied guests will unanimously ask for more.


Pour 1 liter of juice into a large saucepan, add spices and salt to taste. For those who like it sweeter, 1 tablespoon of salt will be enough, garlic is added at the end of cooking for piquancy and flavor retention.

Bring the marinade to a boil on the stove and immediately throw in the chopped pepper.

Pepper can be thrown in portions or all at once, depending on the size of the pan and the size of the pieces. Cook no more than 10-15 minutes.

Put the boiled pepper in sterilized jars and pour hot juice over it. It is enough to put 1/2 teaspoon of chopped garlic on a half-liter jar.

Roll up the finished lecho, wrap it up and wait until it cools completely. It's nice to open such a bright jar in the cold winter and celebrate a merry New Year!

Lecho for the winter from bell pepper with carrots - you will lick your fingers

Many housewives prefer to close the lecho for the winter according to the Bulgarian recipe. It necessarily includes colored peppers, carrots and add more granulated sugar. It turns out a wonderful fragrant dish with the inscription on the jar: “You will lick your fingers!”

Let's prepare the ingredients for making such a lecho:

The cooking process is presented in visual step-by-step photos:

We pass ripe tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop in any chopper.

Peel the bell pepper and onion, cut into half rings, and rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Housewife Uses Korean Carrot Grinder!

Add butter, sugar and salt to the tomato sauce, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Add all the vegetables to the boiling sauce and boil for about 30 minutes more.

2 minutes before readiness, pour in the vinegar, mix and taste the dish. Pour the finished lecho into sterilized jars, wrap and leave to cool completely.

From this amount of prepared products, 6 full jars were obtained. Vitamin preparation for the winter will surely appeal to all households, lecho goes well with rice or hot boiled potatoes.

I suggest you watch the video recipe for cooking bell pepper lecho

Good luck with your preparations and until new recipes!

Hello, to all crazy (in a good sense of the word) lovers of preparing delicious salads with tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and other vegetables for the future for the winter. I have already dashed off several dozen different cans, and now it's the turn to cook bell pepper lecho for the winter. I will share my cooking recipes.

Lecho appeared in Hungary - it was there that they came up with a delicious salad of tomatoes and peppers. Remember jars in the store in Soviet times? The taste is amazing sweet and sour. Ideal as an appetizer, delicious with meat and potatoes. All useful properties are preserved in this dish. In addition to tomatoes and bell peppers, housewives cook lecho with carrots, onions, eggplants and other vegetables.

To make the taste of the salad rich, you need to choose ripe fleshy tomatoes. Size doesn't matter. Pepper is preferable to take a red hue, but you can also multi-colored. The main thing is that the pulp is juicy and sweet. We do not take unripe fruits - from this the taste will not be the same.

I always try salad when cooking. The pepper should remain firm enough not to turn into mush. When biting, the characteristic crunch of a fresh vegetable disappears, but at the same time it does not fall apart. This means that he has reached his necessary state.

Lecho from bell pepper for the winter

I took the recipe for bell pepper lecho for the winter from my old cookbook. He's in the front row there. And once upon a time I cooked according to it, until I found out other recipes. But about them below.

We take five kilograms of sweet red pepper, and prepare the marinade from the following products:

  • 2 liters of ground tomatoes in a meat grinder or replace with the same amount of tomato juice;
  • One glass of sunflower oil;
  • One glass of granulated sugar;
  • 6 pcs. lavrushki;
  • 3 peas of black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar essence;
  • A bunch of parsley.

How to cook:

  • As you already understood, the tomatoes were passed through the grate of the meat grinder. The skin was removed first. To do this, the tomatoes were first dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then in cold water. I don't make any cuts. And everything is so easy to remove. I have a ladle of water on the stove on a quiet fire, and I periodically change cold water, because. it heats up quickly;
  • Cut the red pepper into strips and simmer for 30 minutes in water;
  • We prepare the marinade from the recipe list and boil it over low heat for 30 minutes. Before turning off the fire, pour in the essence;
  • We prepare banks in advance. I usually take small, half a liter. Rinse with soda, drain;
  • Drain the water and put the pepper in jars. Pour the marinade on top and set to sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Roll up, cool under a warm blanket.

Lecho for the winter - a classic recipe

According to the classic version, at least once, but everything was prepared. It was then that skilled housewives invented a lot of other options based on it.


  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 3 kg (peeled from seeds and stalk);
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Onion - 10 pieces of medium size;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Salt to taste - I have about 2 tbsp. topless;
  • Table vinegar - 100 ml.

Cooking process:

  • Tomatoes are peeled and punched (meat grinder, blender or cut into small pieces);
  • Cut the onion finely, pepper into strips or small pieces;
  • Pour in the oil and simmer the onion until translucent, but do not brown;
  • We send tomato puree along with sugar to the same place and warm it for about five minutes. We interfere so that it does not burn;
  • Then sweet pepper and from the moment of boiling we count 15 minutes. Pour salt to taste and vinegar, another minute and remove from heat;
  • We lay it out in jars, close it with metal lids and send it to cool under a blanket.

Lecho for the winter - recipes "Lick your fingers"

This is my favorite option. I usually make it for the long winter. The ingredients are the simplest, easy to cook, but it turns out, you just lick your fingers.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg of meaty and tasty tomatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of pepper (red, yellow, orange);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of black ground pepper;
  • 1 glass of sunflower oil;
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook:

  • We wash the tomatoes, drain them (we don’t need extra moisture) and scroll through a meat grinder. I usually don’t peel the skin, but if it is very tough, I still recommend doing it. How to do, I already said above;

  • I cut the pepper lengthwise into fairly large pieces. We tried to make it smaller, but, oddly enough, it did not respond to taste in the best way. Perhaps, with smaller cuts, it is necessary to reduce the cooking time and then everything will work out. Experiment if you like;

  • In one bowl I combine pepper and tomato puree, add all the remaining products from the list, except for vinegar and cook for one hour;

  • At the end of cooking, add table vinegar, add salt and mix. I distribute to banks. I sterilize in an air grill for 10 minutes, roll it up and send it upside down under the covers.

A simple recipe for lecho

If you think all the previous recipes are complicated, then here is the easiest one to make, but not inferior in taste.

Products for lecho:

  • Peppers and tomatoes - one kilogram each;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water (as needed)

You can use tomato paste instead of tomatoes. It will be required in this case 500 grams.

Cooking steps:

  • We bring the tomatoes to a homogeneous mass in a way convenient for you (meat grinder, blender, juicer, or simply chop into small cubes);
  • We cut the pepper arbitrarily, to whom, as you like (straws, slices);
  • Stew the tomato mass (or tomato paste) until boiling. Those. to let the water boil off a bit. If the tomatoes are fleshy, then it will take less time;
  • Then pepper, salt and sugar are added. If the mixture is too thick, then dilute with hot boiled water to the state you need and cook for another 30 minutes;
  • Lay out hot in jars and cool without sterilization under a warm blanket.

Lecho with tomato paste for the winter

There are some subtleties when preparing lecho with tomato paste. Always take delicious tomato paste, as it is one of the main components here. If you don't like the pasta for any reason, change to another option. They also come with added salt. In this case, reduce the amount of prescription salt.

A great point is the possibility of preparing a salad without sterilization. This shortens the cooking process.

So, we need for a small portion of products:

  • A kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • Gram 250 tomato paste of good taste and quality;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Sunflower oil - half a glass;
  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp.


  • We breed tomato paste (I have Kukhmaster - 270 grams. I didn’t measure anything, I used the entire volume) with water, we also send salt, sugar and butter there. Bring all this mass to a boil;

  • We clean the pepper from seeds and stalk, cut into strips, straws (as you want);

  • We lower the pepper into the boiling filling and cook for 20 - 25 minutes over low heat;
  • Do not forget to pour vinegar into the container at the end and boil for another five minutes;
  • The jars were pre-washed, calcined in the oven or microwave and cooled;
  • They put it in jars, rolled it up, and cooled it upside down under a warm blanket.

Lecho for the winter with carrots

We don't stop at simple recipes. We, experienced housewives, are interested in diversifying the menu with other vegetables. Moreover, now in the fall there are more than ever a lot of them.
Add carrots and onions and get a completely different salad.


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg;
  • Onion - 1 kg;
  • Carrot - 1 kg;
  • Sunflower oil - 300 ml;
  • Coarse salt - 80 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g.

How to cook:

  • Cut the tomatoes into small cubes or pass through a meat grinder;
  • Chop the onion, cut the pepper into strips, grate the carrots on a Korean grater. You can, of course, both on a shredder and on a regular grater, but it will be more beautiful this way. This is also important;
  • Mix everything in one container and put on fire. Here, the rest of the ingredients of the recipe and simmer for one hour;
  • Arrange in jars until cool, and sterilize for 10 - 15 minutes. Roll up, wrap and cool.

Lecho from bell pepper for the winter - video

Be sure to watch the video on how to make delicious paprika lecho. You will definitely see subtleties that the text will not convey.

Well, well, today we have prepared bell pepper lecho for the winter with you. I hope that you liked the recipes I suggested, and they will be fixed in your book of preparations for the winter. Run for a delicious smell - there will be a lot of interesting things. With love ... Svetlana Malysheva.