It is necessary to collect birch brooms. Bath brooms: types, useful properties, harvesting rules, terms

Going to a Russian bath and not taking a broom with you means deliberately depriving yourself of a unique therapeutic massage. Biting touches of a broom increase blood circulation, contribute to the full opening of skin pores, cleanse the body of toxins. Moreover, phytoncides evaporating from leaves and branches destroy pathogenic bacteria, which means that a sick person, having taken a steam bath, has every chance of recovering. The healing power of the “broom” massage in the Russian steam room is enormous! And in order to try it on yourself, the first thing you have to do is acquire its main attribute - a broom. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but real bath attendants prefer to knit bath brooms with their own hands. So, now you will learn this too.

What broom is better for a bath?

First you need to decide from which tree you will cut the branches for the broom. In other words, which broom is better for a bath - oak, birch or even juniper? All of them are good, but it is still worth choosing based on what kind of healing effect you want to get.

For example, oak brooms for a bath are good for owners oily skin, as they contribute to its good cleansing and removal of inflammation. Birch brooms eliminate muscle and joint pains, juniper brooms have a bactericidal property, therefore they are useful for those suffering from colds.

Preparation of branches for a broom and knitting

Now, after you have decided on the material for making your broom, it's time to go for the branches. They should be cut from the tree in dry weather, preferably in the morning, after the dew has dried. As a rule, this is done on Trinity, that is, from the end of May to the end of June.

The branches are selected flexible, not dry, it is possible with branches - so the broom will turn out to be more fluffy.

Bringing home a bunch of cut branches, start knitting. For this:

1. Go through the branches and prepare them

To begin with, review all the branches again - you may have missed some “marriage”. Put aside everything that is too lignified, “liquid”, as such material is not suitable for a broom. Leave only densely leafy branches of approximately the same length, within 40-70 cm (it is brooms of this length that are recognized as the most convenient).

On the remaining branches from below, cut off all the leaves so that there is a bare trunk for the broom handle. For each person, the optimal length of the handle is different - on average, two palm widths. Naturally, picking off the leaves, focus on your palm.

2. Fold the branches into a bundle

It is also necessary to place the branches in the broom correctly, both the shape of the product and the convenience of further use will depend on this. Large and thick branches are placed in the center of the beam, and thinner ones are placed around, forming a "fan". How many branches should be placed in a broom? Here it is worth focusing on your own tastes regarding the density of this bath attribute, as well as the size of the handle. Its diameter should be approximately 3-5 cm.

3. Tie branches

When knitting brooms for a bath, they try not to use synthetic and potentially hazardous materials. It would seem that it is very convenient to bandage the broom handle with metal wire. However, this is absolutely impossible to do: in the conditions of high temperatures of the steam room, the metal will heat up and will mercilessly burn your hands. Therefore, for knitting branches, natural dense twine, hemp rope or medical bandage are usually used.

The branches collected in a bundle are tied up twice: the first knot is made at the upper border of the butt, the second - not reaching 3-4 cm to the bottom edge.

Now we can say with confidence that a bath with a broom is provided for you. The prepared broom can be used immediately, in fresh and can be dried. For example, hanging in the attic on a rope in pairs or laying in a haystack.

How to steam a broom for a bath correctly?

Brooms can be steamed in different ways, usually depending on how dry they have been.

A broom made from fresh branches does not need steaming. As a rule, it is enough to hold it for a couple of minutes in warm water so that it reaches the desired condition. Such a broom cannot be dipped into boiling water, as the leaves will quickly boil, stick to the skin and burn it.

Unlike fresh ones, dried brooms must be steamed before use. Some of the many ways this can be done are shown in the following video:

And you can do it this way: a well-dried broom is first dipped in warm water, and then in hot water for 10-15 minutes. In order to better steam the broom, you can cover the basin with water with a lid. Here it is important not to overdo it and not dip the broom into boiling water, otherwise all the leaves from it will fly around after a couple of visits to the steam room.

With an overdried broom, they act differently. To begin with, it is dipped in hot water for a minute, and then placed on the hot stones of the heater. At the same time, a healing herbal aroma will spread throughout the steam room, and the broom will become soft. If after this procedure it still remains dry, repeat the cycle of actions again.

A very simple method can be applied if there is time before going to the bath - at least half a day. First, a dry broom is poured over cold water(it’s easy to do just under the tap or in the shower), then hot, after that they dip it in warm water and again in hot water. Next, the broom is hidden in a plastic bag, where it will be saturated with moisture until going to the bath.

Properly prepared and steamed broom is not a disposable "massage". As a rule, one broom is enough for 3-4 visits to the bath.

Birch broom - the most important attribute of the Russian bath

We choose a place and a tree for harvesting brooms

The long, strong, flexible branches of the weeping birch have long been considered the best raw material for bath brooms. But it is recommended to pay attention to young trees that have never bloomed. They are valued for the very delicate structure of the leaves. Gardeners are well aware that the removal of root young shoots is good for the tree, and they use it to harvest brooms.

For cutting branches, it is desirable to choose a tree that is even and beautiful, without growths. In a sick birch, the branches are weakened. The product of them will turn out to be unsuccessful, and will not bring any benefit.

It is not necessary to collect blanks from trees growing near roads, in polluted areas. They will do more harm than good. It is best to go to collect branches in a grove or forest. The best option is birches growing near water bodies.

The preparation of brooms by specialists begins with a test of the lower part of the sheet "on the tongue". The surface of a good, suitable leaf is velvety to the touch. Branches with rough leaves are not suitable for use. They make rough products.

Preparation of birch brooms, terms

The quality of the broom, its softness, aroma, service life is affected by the correctly chosen moment of collecting the blanks. If you do it at the wrong time, too soon or too late, then later it will become slippery, will not last long, and quickly fall apart. Correctly and timely collected branches will provide a quality product with useful reusable properties.

Since ancient times, it has been customary in Russia to collect blanks a couple of weeks after the Trinity. At this moment, the leaves have already grown enough, gained the right amount of essential oils, young shoots appeared, with high elasticity. However, when choosing the moment of harvesting, one should take into account the peculiarities of the climate and place of residence.

Harvesting birch brooms is a process perfected by our ancestors and requires special preparation. First of all, you need to know about the birch ripening period, since the quality of the product depends on certain properties of its foliage.

It is important to understand that the development of the leaf has a clear time frame, and other factors can also affect its structure: heat, rain and wind. Based on these criteria, experienced attendants determined that the most suitable time for collecting branches for a broom: when the leaves got stronger, but flowering did not begin - that is, the earrings did not appear. Depending on the region and weather conditions, it can be any spring month. In the Moscow region, you can start harvesting in mid-May.

Birch brooms - harvesting and storing video

To get a good birch broom, harvesting should be carried out early in the morning, when the dew has already disappeared. Only in dry weather. Branches with wet foliage are not suitable. When dried, their structure will collapse, the foliage will darken and curl. If it rains, you need to wait a few days. Ignoring these nuances will not lead to the desired result. The resulting products will lose most of the useful properties.

As practice has shown, the branches of a two-year-old tree growing closer to the ground have better properties. Of these, brooms are the strongest. You can cut them with a knife, but it is more convenient with secateurs. Collectors with great experience for convenience climb a birch, tilt it, and tie it to a tree growing nearby. Such an approach, with appropriate skill, will not harm the birch, as this tree is flexible and durable.

If brooms are not knitted immediately, storage conditions are provided for the blanks - for this, attics and hay are used. In the conditions of the city the best option- mezzanine, balcony. But first they need to be wrapped in paper.

Most effective method- drying on the roof, for example, outbuildings:

  • We spread hay on the surface;
  • We lay blanks on top with small gaps between them;
  • Cover with hay
  • We turn over the blanks for a month, every two to three days.

Knitting birch broom

  • Before knitting, the dried blanks are laid out on burlap, left to lie down for a couple of days - to “breathe”.
  • The size is selected according to individual preferences. Recommended length: 0.4-0.8 m. Larger or smaller products are inconvenient to use.
  • The place for the handle is thoroughly cleaned of knots and foliage, processed with fine sandpaper.
  • Prepared branches are collected together, give them a flattened shape.
  • Thicker branches are placed inside the product, and thin ones are laid out along the edge, bending inward.
  • Distribute the branches in a fan, leaves in one direction.

The handle is made as follows. Gather the cleaned blanks and fasten them tightly with a rope closer to the foliage in order to improve the quality of the product. Fabric is wrapped around the handle to prevent blisters from forming. The recommended handle length is 15 cm.

When assembling the product to improve its qualities, you can add branches of chamomile, thyme, red currant. If there is a desire to add conifers and nettles, then it is better to place them in the middle so as not to damage the skin during use.

Drying and further storage of brooms

Experts recommend not to tie the branches too tightly. Otherwise, the foliage will darken and burn. A properly dried finished product has fragrant, bright green, matte foliage. We offer several sure ways to achieve the desired result.

Beams in limbo

Products are hung under a canopy, in a well-ventilated place so that direct sunlight does not fall. They dry well within a week. After the brooms can be tightly laid out on shelves in a well-ventilated, dry place, such as shelving in a garage or storage. They can also be left hanging.

Fan-shaped on the surface

It's believed that good broom shaped like a fan. Therefore, it is recommended to put fresh products on the floor. Turn daily until dry. Otherwise, the products may dry out or dry incorrectly.

You can dry birch brooms only in the shade!

From the sun, the foliage curls and burns out, the aroma is lost, it deteriorates appearance. An improperly dried broom will crumble as soon as it is steamed. Strong drafts are also unacceptable. They can also affect the quality of the product.

It is recommended to store brooms carefully, in a cool, ventilated area. Drying using fresh, dried hay preserves the color, shape and aroma of the product as much as possible. Brooms are stacked in stacks, foliage in the middle. This will give the tree additional beneficial features, it will become even more fragrant. In the conditions of an apartment, finished products are stored in bags, paper or plastic.

Steaming the broom before use

Before use, as a rule, the broom is steamed. With a freshly made product, this procedure is not done. It can sag. There are at least two traditional methods of steaming.

Option one. The dried product is placed in cold water for fifteen minutes, and then in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Too dry brooms are kept in boiling water for a longer time, covering the container where they are located with another container.

The second option is suitable for fresh or recently harvested brooms. The product must be soaked in boiling water, and put on the stones. In this case, it is necessary to periodically rotate, shaking the broom, so as not to burn. A couple of such approaches for two minutes will be enough, and you can start bathing procedures.


The quality characteristics of a birch broom are influenced by such factors as: the choice of birch, the condition of the branches, drying and storage, knitting. If everything is done following the rules, you will get strong and beautiful products that will bring maximum benefit to your health. If possible, seek help from specialists, and make the first broom with their help.

What could be better than a Russian bath? The Slavs visit the bathhouse to cleanse the body, relieve morale and relax, and a bath broom is an integral attribute of the procedure. Of course, you can buy a broom in a public bath, but connoisseurs prefer to prepare birch, linden, oak or nettle brooms on their own. About when and in what terms the preparation of bath brooms is made, we will tell in this article.

When are birch brooms for a bath harvested?

Preparation of brooms is made depending on the breed of the plant from which it is planned to make a bath accessory. Traditionally, harvesting begins on Trinity Day, the date of which is floating:

  1. In 2015, it falls on May 31st.
  2. In 2016, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 19.
  3. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th.

The first 2 weeks after the Trinity, as folk wisdom says, are the most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. Leaves on trees and plants have accumulated juice and a high concentration of nutrients is concentrated in them.

Depending on the breed of the plant, the broom has a number of distinctive characteristics.

Linden bath broom and nettle broom: useful properties and terms of harvesting

Linden broom can be diluted with branches of alder, mountain ash or willow. Such a broom is harvested from the first days of July to the beginning of August, choosing trees that grow far from the industrial strip. Linden broom strengthens the skin, improves perspiration, and helps relieve headaches.

Nettle bath broom is truly healing. It is used to treat joint pain, breaking up salt deposits, skin diseases and muscle weakness. Nettles are harvested before or during flowering - this is approximately the middle of summer. Remember that a nettle broom can be used once, if you want to treat sciatica with it, then stock up on healing herbs during the season.

Advice! So that the nettle does not burn, a contrast bath is arranged for the broom, lowering it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then for 3 minutes in cold water, repeating these steps 2-3 times. To enhance the effect, the broom is steamed in boiling water and used immediately.

When oak brooms are harvested, and what they treat

Oak broom is a magical remedy for oily skin, reducing the number of rashes and reducing the intensity of skin secretions. Regular use of an oak broom in a bath will give the skin dullness and freshness.

Proper preparation allows you to use a broom from this breed 3 times. Harvesting of raw materials begins in mid-August, continuing until mid-September.

Advice! For a bath broom, trees are selected from oak, under which burdock grows. It is believed that the leaves will not crumble during use.

How and when to harvest birch brooms

For the harvesting of raw materials, birch trees growing on wet lowlands are selected. Preparations begin to be collected after the Trinity until August 2 (Ilyin's day). It is better to cut branches from a young birch that has not yet had time to bud. The branches should be young and flexible, and their length is about half a meter.

For 1 birch broom, about 20-30 branches leave, which are folded in the shape of a fan so that the leaves lie in one direction. At the base, the broom is tightly tied with a natural rope, remember that the branches will dry out and they must first be tightly fixed. It is best to tie the broom in two places.

Broom has restorative properties, relieves muscle pain after a long workout, heals wounds and soothes skin irritation. With the help of a birch broom, lung diseases are “knocked out”, which is especially useful for smokers.

Fans of bath procedures tie brooms as needed, and the collected raw materials are folded in layers so that upper branches defended the middle. Such a sheaf is laid in a barn or on a warm balcony, covered with hay or natural cloth. Direct knitting is done like this:

  • The branches are selected in length and stacked. Thicker branches are placed inside, thin ones frame the broom. Where there will be a handle, the branches are leveled, sharp branches are removed from them.
  • A cord is applied and the broom is pulled together.
  • Next, a knot is knitted, a handle is formed. The handle is made with twine, then the ends of the branches are additionally wrapped with a cloth that will protect the attendant's hands from calluses.

The size of the broom is a matter of taste, but it should not be less than 40 cm, and not more than 80 cm. Otherwise, it will be simply inconvenient to use the broom.

How to dry ready-made brooms?

Drying is done outside, but brooms are hung in the shade. Under direct sunlight, the leaves curl, wither, lose their color and aroma. After steaming the “overheated” broom, all the leaves from it will fall off, and empty vines will remain.

It is most preferable to hang brooms on the veranda or under the trees on a simple rope. Note that drafts also have a negative effect on the broom branches. After drying, the brooms are removed, folded tightly to each other and sent for storage. As a result, the broom is flattened and during the bath procedures one gets the feeling that he "hugging the body."

How to steam brooms for a bath correctly?

Steaming determines the stiffness of the broom, and it is carried out in well-hot water, but not in boiling water. To get stiffness, the broom is lowered into a basin of water for 15-20 minutes, and for lovers of soft brooms, it recommends steaming for 40-50 minutes. After this procedure, the broom is slightly dried by hanging it over the stove. Attendants also recommend keeping the broom in cold water for about 20 minutes, after which it is sharply immersed in hot water.

Important! The water in which the broom was steamed receives some of the beneficial properties, so it is used for fragrant steam in the bath, rinsing the hair and bathing.

If you dry the broom, then before using it, you should cover it overnight with a damp towel or dip it in a container with cool water.

Storage rules

Places with low humidity and temperature are chosen for storage. Suitable barn, garage, insulated balcony, because under pressure high temperature broom loses freshness and leaves.

You can also store a broom according to Finnish technology, subjecting it to shock freezing at a temperature above -40 C. Beforehand, brooms are packed in hermetic bags, for example, cling film.

The preparation of bath brooms must be started within the specified time, otherwise you will get a broom with too young or old leaves that will fall off the branch on the way to the bath. Properly prepared brooms will give a charge of vivacity and health until the next season!

Oak broom for a bath: video

Bath brooms: photo

There are invariable attributes used in the steam room. One of them is a broom. It performs many functions, helping to better warm up the body, producing a massage, as well as providing an aromatic and relaxing effect.

About when to prepare birch brooms, you should find out before preparing to accept procedures.

Properties of a birch broom

A broom in a bath has been used for many years as a universal tool that helps a person to steam in the best way, to reach the deepest layers of the skin.

It also performs massage functions, dispersing blood through the body. The smell emanating from the branches and leaves aromatizes the room, and also heals the body. After all, it is not in vain that so many people have cured many physical and spiritual diseases with regular visits to the steam room.

In order to maximize all the useful properties, you should figure out when birch brooms are harvested. It depends on what effect it will have on the human body.

When preparing birch brooms, it should be noted that this remedy helps with pain in the back, muscles and joints, helps to relax the body after long physical activity. If you add a few viburnum twigs to birch branches, you can save the skin from itching after mosquito bites.

Soaked and steamed birch brooms cleanse the airways.

The number of the beginning of the preparation of brooms

There is a tradition of collecting branches to form birch brooms for a bathhouse after the Trinity holiday. It falls on a different date each year. Therefore, the date when they begin to harvest birch brooms shifts every year from the end of May to June.

Our ancestors had many traditions based on church holidays. Even long-term weather forecasts for the season were made based on an analysis of the state of nature on such key days of the calendar.

Therefore, the collection of herbs, branches, flowers medicinal plants always associated with such special dates.

To answer the question of when birch brooms are harvested, the date of the beginning of this event is correlated with the Trinity. In 2015, the collection started on May 31. From that moment, according to tradition, the period of harvesting birch brooms for the bath began.

In 2016, this period begins on June 19. Folk legends say that the collection of material is carried out in the next 2 weeks from this date. It is then that flowering and herbage occurs. The leaves of the plant have already gained the necessary strength and aroma.

Branch picking period

However, it is important not only what date birch brooms are prepared for the bath, but also what this day itself is like. It should be sunny and warm. Leaves that are wet from rain do not dry well and may deteriorate.

The best time to collect branches is between June and August. An important factor influencing the readiness of birch is the weather. The hotter were last days May, the earlier it comes. The leaf should reach its maximum size and hold firmly on the branch. If the broom was collected early, the leaves will scatter and slide over the body in the process of visiting the bath.

The end of the collection period is marked by coarsening of the branches. Late collected, they will fall out of the general bundle. It will be unpleasant to massage with such a product. Essential oils will stand out to a much lesser extent.

time of day

To collect birch brooms for the winter, even the time of day it was made matters.

The most suitable time of day starts at noon. When preparing birch brooms for a bath, the sheet is evaluated for the presence of moisture on it. There may be dew on it in the morning. The broom collected during this period may deteriorate during drying.

After noon and until evening on a sunny warm day, the branches dry well. This is the best way to collect them.

If the place where the branches are collected is quite far from home and they will have to be carried by hand without the help of transport, it is better to do this after 3 pm. Direct sunlight can dry out cut leaves and shoots. Toward evening, the sun becomes less active and will not harm the future broom.

If near the house is Birch Grove, the collection is allowed to be made even at noon.

How to assemble a broom

Birch, like oak, brooms are harvested in the same period. Raw materials are collected in ecologically clean areas, away from roads and cities. The leaves absorb all the contaminants, so when steaming, such substances will be released along with essential oils. There will be little benefit from the procedure.

When preparing birch brooms for a bath, they do not break many branches from one tree. It is necessary to try to harm the plant as little as possible. Biennial shoots are best suited. They are closer to the ground. Branches should be cut with secateurs up to 60 cm long.

How to form a broom

There are two ways to store cut shoots. The first involves collecting branches in a sheaf. The upper ones retain the inner ones. From above, the entire workpiece is wrapped in hay. As needed, the inner shoots are taken out, and a broom is tied from them.

The second method involves storing the material in assembled form. When preparing birch brooms for the winter, they perform a certain sequence of actions.

First, cut branches are laid out on burlap. After a couple of days, the dried shoots begin to be folded into armfuls. The length of the broom can be from 40 to 80 cm. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to use it.

In the place where the broom handle will be, the branches are cleaned of knots and leaves. Folding the product, it is given a flat shape.

When birch brooms are prepared and made for a bath, stronger branches are left to form a frame. Small thin shoots are used on top of the product.

The handle is wrapped with twine and cloth. This broom can be steamed up to 3 times.

Product drying

When birch and oak brooms are harvested, they are dried in the shade. In the sun, the leaves may turn yellow and curl. Fragrant essential elements disappear, and the benefits of such a broom will be minimal.

The place for drying should be dark, dry and obstructed. Brooms are hung or laid out on the surface. They should be turned over every day.

First, the branches should be twisted loosely. After 6-7 days, they can be folded more tightly. Properly dried broom has matte dark leaves and a persistent aroma.

How to store a broom

A properly dried broom should be stored in a cool, dark place with good ventilation.

Attics, garages or sheds are ideal for these purposes.

Careless storage will cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. A dry broom should not be frequently moved, thrown, or placed on it with various objects.

When birch brooms are harvested, they are often stored in hay. It adds even more aroma and useful qualities to the product. This method is more suitable for rural residents. In the city, brooms can be saved in paper or plastic wrap, as well as in vacuum packaging. With proper storage, the product will not lose its positive qualities for a long time.

Harvest errors

To better understand when birch brooms are prepared for a bath and how they are made, you should consider the main mistakes that you should not make in this matter.

There are miscalculations in the time of harvesting branches. Harvested shoots too early or too late degrade the quality of the final product. Therefore, you should pay attention to the appearance of the leaves, to their characteristics readiness.

A common mistake is drying the material in the sun. This speeds up the process, but reduces the quality of the birch beam. The broom should dry out gradually, being in the shade.

It is wrong to collect branches immediately after rain. This omission will lead to darkening of the leaves. It is also unacceptable to wash the broom at home from dust. To get rid of the dust that has settled on the leaves, you should immediately scald the broom before visiting the bath. This will clean it of possible contaminants and help open the whole gamut of natural aromas.

When preparing brooms, you should provide for such a number of them that each time you take a new bunch with you. Each of them should be applied once. Every time it will give a fresh aroma and maximum benefit for people in the steam room.

Having become familiar with the rules that allow you to create right broom from birch, it will be enough just to prepare the required amount for the whole year. Adhering to the considered recommendations, you can get the maximum benefit from visiting the bath. When birch brooms are harvested, weather conditions, time of year and even days are taken into account. A scrupulous approach to the collection and storage of material is a guarantee of a good and useful pastime in the steam room. The right birch broom will cure many diseases and prevent future health problems.

Most best time for harvesting birch brooms - this is the beginning of summer. It is generally accepted among the people that it is possible to tear branches from a birch for a broom immediately after the Trinity holiday, which is also celebrated in June. But this calendar principle cannot be taken as a basis, since weather conditions change every year. Sometimes the heat sets in from the very beginning of May, and sometimes the real summer does not yet come until the end of June.

It is the weather that influences the formation of birch foliage. This factor should be taken into account in the first place. Branches for a bath broom must be selected flexible and thin, and most importantly - elastic. Otherwise, the broom in the steam room will either break or whip painfully over the body and cause discomfort instead of pleasure. The leaves on them should be bright green, still quite light. The color indicates the age of the leaves, they should be fresh, not old.

Attendants are advised to determine the suitability of birch leaves for a broom not only by color, but also by taste. A good, correct leaf should not be bitter. If so, don't fret. You just have to wait a little more.

The most important thing is that the foliage is young, but already gaining summer energy. There is a lot of juice in such leaves, so a birch broom is well suited for giving them a massage in the bath, patting a person on the back with not strong, but frequent movements. A broom tied at this time will last a long time. If you pluck branches with already mature leaves, they will fall off very quickly, and you will have to buy a new broom.

There are other types of brooms - oak, fir, eucalyptus. However, birch is the most common tree in Russia. Therefore, birch brooms are so loved in Russian baths.

Good broom - good day

Birch brooms are used in the bath not only to adjust the temperature, to add heat directly to the body in order to steam the skin well. Bath in Russia has always been the main hospital. Here people got rid of ailments and ailments. And birch strengthens the body, disinfects, helps with colds, diseases of the kidneys and lungs. Therefore, it is also important to properly harvest birch brooms so that they do not lose their useful properties.

It is not only the time of year that matters, but also the time of day when you cut branches. It is best to do this in the afternoon, in the late afternoon. Morning dew on the leaves causes them to darken. And it is even better to choose a day not rainy, dry. Properly plucked branches can be dried. You can't just do it in the sun. Drying should occur naturally in a closed area.