When is it better to make brooms from birch. How and when to prepare brooms for a bath: harvesting terms, rules for drying, knitting, storing and steaming bath brooms, photos and videos

What could be better than a Russian bath? The Slavs visit the bathhouse to cleanse the body, relieve morale and relax, and a bath broom is an integral attribute of the procedure. Of course, you can buy a broom in a public bath, but connoisseurs prefer to prepare birch, linden, oak or nettle brooms on their own. About when and in what terms the procurement is made bath brooms, we will tell in this article.

When are birch brooms for a bath harvested?

Preparation of brooms is made depending on the breed of the plant from which it is planned to make a bath accessory. Traditionally, harvesting begins on Trinity Day, the date of which is floating:

  1. In 2015, it falls on May 31st.
  2. In 2016, Trinity Day is celebrated on June 19.
  3. In 2017, the holiday falls on June 4th.

The first 2 weeks after the Trinity, as folk wisdom says, are the most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. Leaves on trees and plants have accumulated juice and a high concentration of nutrients is concentrated in them.

Depending on the breed of the plant, the broom has a number of distinctive characteristics.

Linden bath broom and nettle broom: useful properties and terms of harvesting

Linden broom can be diluted with branches of alder, mountain ash or willow. Such a broom is harvested from the first days of July to the beginning of August, choosing trees that grow far from the industrial strip. Linden broom strengthens the skin, improves perspiration, and helps relieve headaches.

Nettle bath broom is truly healing. It is used to treat joint pain, breaking up salt deposits, skin diseases and muscle weakness. Nettles are harvested before or during flowering - this is approximately the middle of summer. Remember that a nettle broom can be used once, if you want to treat sciatica with it, then stock up on healing herbs during the season.

Advice! So that the nettle does not burn, a contrast bath is arranged for the broom, lowering it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then for 3 minutes in cold water, repeating these steps 2-3 times. To enhance the effect, the broom is steamed in boiling water and used immediately.

When oak brooms are harvested, and what they treat

An oak broom is a magic tool for oily skin, reducing the number of rashes and reducing the intensity of skin secretions. Regular use oak broom in the bath will give the skin dullness and freshness.

Proper preparation allows you to use a broom from this breed 3 times. Harvesting of raw materials begins in mid-August, continuing until mid-September.

Advice! For a bath broom, trees are selected from oak, under which burdock grows. It is believed that the leaves will not crumble during use.

How and when to harvest birch brooms

For the harvesting of raw materials, birch trees growing on wet lowlands are selected. Preparations begin to be collected after the Trinity until August 2 (Ilyin's day). It is better to cut branches from a young birch that has not yet had time to bud. The branches should be young and flexible, and their length is about half a meter.

For 1 birch broom, about 20-30 branches leave, which are folded in the shape of a fan so that the leaves lie in one direction. At the base, the broom is tightly tied with a natural rope, remember that the branches will dry out and they must first be tightly fixed. It is best to tie the broom in two places.

Broom has restorative properties, relieves muscle pain after a long workout, heals wounds and soothes skin irritation. With the help of a birch broom, lung diseases are “knocked out”, which is especially useful for smokers.

Fans of bath procedures tie brooms as needed, and the collected raw materials are folded in layers so that upper branches defended the middle. Such a sheaf is laid in a barn or on a warm balcony, covered with hay or natural cloth. Direct knitting is done like this:

  • The branches are selected in length and stacked. Thicker branches are placed inside, thin ones frame the broom. Where there will be a handle, the branches are leveled, sharp branches are removed from them.
  • A cord is applied and the broom is pulled together.
  • Next, a knot is knitted, a handle is formed. The handle is made with twine, then the ends of the branches are additionally wrapped with a cloth that will protect the attendant's hands from calluses.

The size of the broom is a matter of taste, but it should not be less than 40 cm, and not more than 80 cm. Otherwise, it will be simply inconvenient to use the broom.

How to dry ready-made brooms?

Drying is done outside, but brooms are hung in the shade. Under direct sunlight, the leaves curl, wither, lose their color and aroma. After steaming the “overheated” broom, all the leaves from it will fall off, and empty vines will remain.

It is most preferable to hang brooms on the veranda or under the trees on a simple rope. Note that drafts also have a negative effect on the broom branches. After drying, the brooms are removed, folded tightly to each other and sent for storage. As a result, the broom is flattened and during the bath procedures one gets the feeling that he "hugging the body."

How to steam brooms for a bath correctly?

Steaming determines the stiffness of the broom, and it is carried out in well-hot water, but not in boiling water. To get stiffness, the broom is lowered into a basin of water for 15-20 minutes, and for lovers of soft brooms, it recommends steaming for 40-50 minutes. After this procedure, the broom is slightly dried by hanging it over the stove. Attendants also recommend keeping a broom for about 20 minutes in cold water and then abruptly immerse it in hot water.

Important! The water in which the broom was steamed receives some of the beneficial properties, so it is used for fragrant steam in the bath, rinsing the hair and bathing.

If you dry the broom, then before using it, you should cover it overnight with a damp towel or dip it in a container with cool water.

Storage rules

Places with low humidity and temperature are chosen for storage. A barn, a garage, an insulated balcony will do, because under the pressure of high temperature, the broom loses its freshness and leaves.

You can also store a broom according to Finnish technology, exposing it to shock freezing at a temperature above -40 C. Beforehand, brooms are packed in hermetic bags, for example, cling film.

Preparation of bath brooms must be started within the specified time, otherwise you will get a broom with too young or old leaves that will fall off the branch on the way to the bath. Properly prepared brooms will give a charge of vivacity and health until the next season!

Oak broom for a bath: video

Bath brooms: photo

A real Russian bath, full of pleasure and healing, cannot do without a birch broom. This is a classic that came to us from antiquity, presented to us by our ancestors. Our heroic ancestors, who were famous for their strength of mind and strength of body.

Why exactly birch brooms better? When and how to prepare them so that the broom turns out to be correct: useful and healing? In order to multiply the pleasure from bathing procedures, it also becomes health-improving, giving strength for active life.

A valuable gift of their native land was received by the peoples in whose territories birch grows. Almost everything from this tree can be used for the benefit of man. No need to look for expensive advertised drugs and overseas remedies to get rid of ailments - an ordinary Russian birch can give a lot.

Our ancestors healed wounds with a decoction of birch.

Tincture of birch buds and leaves treated skin diseases, hair loss, joint pain.

Renal edema and bad sweats from prostuds are perfectly removed by decoctions of birch bark and leaves.

Birch leaf phytoncides are a kind of disinfection champions. Much faster than the leaves of other plants (in just three hours!) They deal with bacteria. It has been established that in birch groves, one cubic meter of air contains only 450 microbes, while even in operating rooms, under conditions of strict sterility, 500 are allowed.

And how to breathe in birch forests! As if the whole burden of worries and problems falls off the shoulders. Confidence in one's strengths, one's luck and victories settles in the soul.

That is why there is nothing better than a birch broom for bath procedures. A broom made of weeping birch, the one that grows near water bodies, is especially valued. Such a weeping birch is gaining in itself both the strength of the earth and the strength of water.

How to choose a birch for harvesting brooms

To prepare the right birch brooms, you have to be a kind of taster. You need to try on the tongue the upper part of the birch leaf. If it's rough, it's not good. This is the so-called "wilderness".

A broom made from such branches will be very tough. But if the leaf is soft, tender, as if covered with a velvety fluff - this is exactly what is needed for the most healing, giving both health and strength of a bath broom. It is also important to cut the branches from the descending, hanging parts of the tree.

When to harvest birch brooms

There is such a Slavic holiday - "semik". This is the end of May and the beginning of June. When the bread starts to rise. They say that best time for the preparation of birch bath brooms - this is when a nightingale can get drunk from a birch leaf.
This time just falls on the "Trinity" according to the Orthodox calendar or "semik" according to the Slavic. Trees and herbs are gaining strength, and, harvested at this fertile time, generously give it to a person.

Branches for brooms need to be cut in dry weather. Branches tied in bundles, future bath brooms, are dried only in the shade, with good ventilation. Once upon a time, special “drying” rooms were intended for this, and since then nothing is better for preserving healing properties when drying plants were not invented.

Modern living conditions force us to look for an alternative.
The attics of houses are somewhat worse for this purpose. because of the heat under the roof. But, if it is possible to arrange good ventilation, then you can use them.

True connoisseurs dry birch brooms in an open area, between layers of semi-dried clover and meadow grasses. The layers of hay are replaced every two or three days. This is troublesome and not easy, especially since all this needs to be done within a month. And only in autumn dried birch branches are collected in brooms. But these difficulties do not stop true connoisseurs.

Preserving birch trees during harvesting is the duty and obligation of everyone

It often happens that when harvesting birch brooms, especially young ones, ruthlessly break off not only from the sides. The tops of the unfortunate tree also become the prey of an unscrupulous harvester.


We must not forget about environmental protection.

When harvesting branches for a broom, do not break them at the level of your height and cripple the tree. Do not be too lazy to climb a birch, carefully cut off the side shoots, and not the crowns of young birch trees. This is barbaric and should not be allowed.
Harvest brooms from several trees, or from branches of old birch roots.

Such a preparation will not damage the trees, and next time you yourself, and your children, and your grandchildren, will come to this place more than once to prepare useful, healing birch brooms for a bath.

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A broom is the basis of the Russian bath, of course, it can also be purchased at a specialized store, but it is much better to prepare it yourself. Then there will be complete confidence that the raw materials are collected in accordance with all the rules and contain the whole range of useful substances. Knitting brooms for a bath can be combined with a trip to nature.

Harvesting must be carried out in a certain period of time, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. Many types of trees are suitable for a broom and medicinal herbs. The main requirement is the growth of the plant in an ecologically clean area, away from roads and settlements..

Which plants are suitable for knitting brooms: the period of collection of raw materials

One of the most popular plants in Russia is birch, but not only it is suitable for knitting brooms.

There are traditional types:

  • oak;
  • Linden;
  • Juniper;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • tansy;
  • Wormwood;
  • Rowan;
  • Nettles;
  • Spruce.

Each of them is endowed with different useful properties aimed at restoring body functions. The quality of the future broom and its durability directly depend on where and when the raw materials were collected.

Birch: collection time and useful properties

By right, this plant is considered the best participant in bath procedures. It renders soft action on the body. The beginning of the collection of raw materials falls on mid-June and continues until August 2nd. Young flexible twigs of weeping birch and curly birch growing on the banks of water bodies are best suited.

They cut with their own hands only side shoots about 50-60 cm long, without affecting the tops of the trees. Collection at the beginning of summer is quite justified - by this time the foliage has already absorbed enough useful substances and filled with essential oils.

What are the requirements for birch branches and leaves:

  • The age of the tree should not exceed 2-3 years;
  • The outer side of the sheet is tender and smooth, rough and hard broom will turn out of the rough ones;
  • The size of the leaves is small and medium;
  • There should be no knots on the branches.

Only a dry day is suitable for harvesting, if it rained the day before, you will have to wait a few days.

What effect do the substances contained in birch leaves have on the body:

  • Relieves aches in muscles and joints;
  • Eliminates irritation on the skin, cleansing it well;
  • Wounds heal several times faster;
  • Renders positive influence on the Airways- very useful for long-term smokers and asthmatics.

The infusion left after steaming a broom is very useful for the scalp - it relieves itching and eliminates dandruff.

Oak broom: when to collect

The second most popular tree after birch is oak. It is harvested in July-September, “winter” is most suitable - it does not shed leaves and, accordingly, is more durable. If you are lucky enough to find a tree growing in a dense dark forest next to large burdocks, then the branches from it are also suitable for collection - the leaves do not crumble from them for a long time.

The most popular species can be called pedunculate oak - this is the most common, it grows throughout Russia. Young trees 3-4 meters high are suitable, small plants should not be touched - they may die. Plants should be given rest and brooms should be harvested from them no more than once a year.

The earlier the broom is prepared, the more tender the foliage, but it will also be less durable. They are cooked until the first frost, then it is no longer possible. But optimal time ends in September, then the quality of raw materials falls.

To know how to knit oak brooms for a bath, you need to understand their useful properties:

  • Unlike birch, oak does not cause profuse sweating, therefore it is more suitable for owners of oily skin;
  • The skin becomes denser, tannins and essential oils clean, have bactericidal properties and give dullness and elasticity, preventing aging;
  • You can steam with such a broom for people prone to high blood pressure and heart disease - it calms nervous system and helps to reduce pressure;
  • It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Brooms are knitted in two ways: with a shovel and a ball. This does not affect the properties in any way and depends on personal preferences.

Features of harvesting brooms from other raw materials

Not only the usual trees and shrubs can serve as raw materials for bath brooms. For them, medicinal herbs are used, which are not necessarily used as decoctions or tinctures. One of the methods of treatment is "driving" them into the skin.

To do this, herbs are collected and tied into bunches by species or prefabricated brooms are made. For the correct selection of herbs, you need to know when to collect them and how to knit brooms for a bath, combining different raw materials. Everyone has it medicinal plant there is a collection period. It is at this time that it accumulates the maximum amount of nutrients.

For brooms, flowers and leaves are harvested on a long stem, so that it is convenient to tie them. They are harvested by hand, the plants must be without signs of wilting and grow away from roads.

Suitable for use in a steam room:

  • Tansy - collected at the end of summer, dried in the shade. Brooms from it contribute to healing skin diseases and pain in the joints;
  • Wormwood - brooms can be knitted all summer, but the best time to collect is the month of June. It relieves irritability and improves sleep;

  • Nettle - young plants are harvested in May. At this time, it is not particularly stinging and can be used even in fresh. The plant has a tonic effect;
  • Yarrow - harvested during flowering, used in combination with other herbs. Relieves irritation on the skin;
  • Chamomile - it is harvested in June. Bunches of a plant or linden. Soothes and disinfects wounds.

Medicinal herbs as brooms for only after consulting a doctor, and if there are no contraindications.

If the time for collecting medicinal herbs and other raw materials for brooms coincides, then they can be dried together with each other. You need to know how to properly tie a broom for a bath if there are several types of plants in it. Herbs are usually placed in the middle and hidden by the main branches.

Before harvesting and knitting brooms from different plants, you need to familiarize yourself with their useful properties, which are described in the instructions for use. Medicinal raw materials are dried and stored for no more than one year.

When brooms are knitted from needles and eucalyptus

branches coniferous trees it is pointless to harvest for the future, because when the needles dry, they fall off. Therefore, real connoisseurs and lovers of steam cut branches immediately before going to the bath. As a result, throughout the year you can use fresh brooms. The exception is juniper, but it is not stored for a long time.

How to knit bath brooms from coniferous plants so that excess resin does not interfere with steaming? It is necessary to compose them in a certain sequence: thick branches are laid inside, and on the outside they are lined with flexible and thin ones. It is useful to add branches of other plants and tie them with a tourniquet, they will close the handle and the resin will not get dirty.

Branches of some trees not growing in middle lane Russia, harvested until the end of November. For example, eucalyptus, whose leaves are just gaining full strength by this time. Dry raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees, in the shade. For greater safety, they are packed in paper or cloth bags.

Eucalyptus brooms help in the treatment of skin and colds, stimulate immune system. Since its branches are very thin and flexible, it is advisable to combine it with birch. The price for them depends on the size and length of the branches.


Bath brooms are used in medical and cosmetic purposes. The time varies depending on the plant, but to a greater extent it falls on May-September, with the exception of needles. It is during this period that the accumulation of useful substances takes place.

In order for bathing procedures to bring joy, it is important to correctly knit brooms and store them. The video in this article will tell you when and how to collect herbs and tree branches.

Our ancestors, a couple of centuries ago, treated bathing as a sacred act, the roots of which go back to pre-Christian, pagan times.

And brooms - these obligatory participants in bathing procedures in those days played an extremely important role, since it was believed that the souls of ancestors live in the foliage of a birch sacred to the Slavs.

It was this that they explained the magical properties of bath brooms - with their help they "expelled" the disease from the body, they were kept to give strength over the sick and dying, they were placed under the cradle to protect the baby from everything bad. In order to protect the house, birch brooms were hung out at the entrance to the hut.

Today, the Russian bath is perceived only as a useful health-improving and hygienic measure, but the attitude towards the bath and the bath broom among those who like to take a steam bath remains almost reverent. Choosing the “right” broom before visiting the bath remains almost a magical ritual, and making it is part of a big holiday.

And no wonder, because the most suitable time for this is two weeks after the Holy Trinity Day, which usually falls in the first half of June.

At this time, the leaf on the birches is gaining full size, it becomes fragrant, but still remains tender. In addition, during this period, insects have not yet begun to spoil the foliage. And after the earrings appear on the birches, birch leaf becomes completely “not the same”.

They prepare birch branches for brooms on a fine, clear day in the morning, after the dew has come down (a damp leaf will quickly curl up into a tube and fly around), but the heat has not yet come.

Branches for brooms are chosen young and fresh - the foliage on them is most fragrant. Branches 50-60 cm long are cut with a knife, secateurs or broken off. A few branches are taken from each birch so as not to damage the tree. In the old days, a birch broom was knitted strictly from 27 branches - 9 branches each from three different birches.

Do-it-yourself birch brooms

1. Immediately after the Trinity, we started thinning the site and removed a lot of birch trees, the fresh branches of which were used to make brooms.

2. For one good broom leaves from 20 to 30 branches, but no more: the broom should not be heavy when wet, otherwise the hand of the bather or attendant will quickly get tired.

3. Branches for each broom undergo preliminary preparation: highly branched branches are broken into separate thin whips. Then, on each branch, shoots and foliage are removed from the side of the lumps by 12-15 cm - for a comfortable handle.

4. Prepared twigs with cleaned lower parts are placed in a pile - a blank for the future broom.

5. If the side shoots deviate from the main stem at a large angle ...

6. ... they are twisted around the stem - this is the only way to get a dense compact birch broom.

7. During the final laying of the branches, it is necessary to ensure that they all lie with a bend in the same direction, so that the leaves with the matte side are turned inside the broom, and the shiny side is turned outward.

So the broom will turn out denser, and its leaves will not crumble at the first use in the steam room. The balls of a bath broom, bare from foliage, are tightly tied with a synthetic rope.

10 ... and carefully “cut” the broom itself, removing the shoots sticking out in different directions.

11. With our broom, even now you can go to the steam room! By the way, it is recommended to use the same broom in the steam room no more than three times.

Drying brooms

Brooms are dried in the shade in a ventilated place, direct sunlight does not fall on Judas (in the attic, under a canopy). If you dry the brooms in the sun, then the foliage will lose both color and aroma.

You can dry brooms by laying them out in the attic or hayloft. But at the same time, you need to turn them over daily - until completely dry.

You can store birch brooms by hanging them in a ventilated place or laying them out in layers also in a dry, well-ventilated place. In the latter case, the brooms are additionally crushed under their own weight and become denser.

In urban conditions, brooms are stored in paper bags.

12. Most often, ready-made bath brooms, connected in pairs, are dried in the shade in a well-ventilated place. Here you can also store them.

How to steam a broom

If the broom is fresh, they are steamed immediately, without steaming, otherwise it will become sour. Simply rinse it several times in warm water. A dry broom should first be lowered for 10-20 minutes in cold water, and then for 1-3 minutes in hot water.

A very dry broom needs to be steamed longer - pour hot water into the basin, lower the broom into it and close the top with another basin. Steaming in boiling water or longer than half an hour should not be: the leaves of the broom will become very soft and quickly fly around.

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Experts highlight next dates preparation of brooms: approximately from the 15th of June until about mid-July (after Peter's Day, i.e. after July 10), you can already safely prepare birch accessories for the bath. By this time, the birch is already fading, the earrings are falling, and this is an ideal condition for cutting the stems. The leaves are filled with beneficial nutrients and natural essential oils.

But there is such a thing as an individual climate of the area, when in each region of Russia birch sheds catkins at different times. For example, in one area the birch tree has already shed its catkins, and in another it has not even blossomed. The task of a person who plans to knit birch brooms is to track all these moments, choose the optimal period and, in compliance with all the rules, prepare brooms for a bath.

TOP 10 tips on how and when to prepare birch brooms for a bath?

  1. Give preference to twigs growing at the bottom of the tree crown. These are the youngest and most elastic stems.
  1. The best option for a tree is a young birch that has never bloomed. The leaves of this tree are soft, smooth and silky.
  1. The average length of birch branches is about 50 cm.
  1. The place where the trees grow plays a role. Those that grow near roads and industrial areas are not suitable. It is better to look for a suitable birch in a forest thicket or in a grove, and even better if the tree grows near a lake or river.
  1. Check the texture of the leaves. They should be silky and with a barely perceptible roughness.
  1. When to collect birch brooms for a bath? Cutting down stems are needed when the weather is dry. The fact is that wet leaves, when dried, change their color, twist into a tube, and then fly around.
  1. Branches for brooms are torn strictly in the first half of the day, approximately until 9 am.
  1. For cutting branches, a classic “weeping birch” is chosen - a tall tree with elastic, long, unbreakable and falling branches.
  1. Take good care of the tree. Ideally, when only extra branches are broken. Thus, you thin out the birch.
  2. June and July birch is good because the leaves already have enough juice, they contain useful material in high concentration.

In proven bath complexes, attendants work with properly prepared birch brooms. In our catalog of baths in St. Petersburg, you can choose a suitable institution in order to personally see such an ideal broom, and evaluate the quality of massage with an impeccable bath accessory.

5 simple steps to properly tie a broom from birch branches

  • « We reach the handle". Before the weaving procedure, the stems should be cleaned of leaves and small knots by about 15 cm in order to properly prepare future "handle".
  • We form a dense middle. Thicker and more resilient stems are laid as a basis, which will become a reliable “backbone” for the future bath accessory.
  • Creating volume. Around the base we lay out thin branches with bends inward. It is easy to check whether you have laid the stems correctly - the leaves should “look” at you with their glossy side.
  • We tie the “bath fan” with a textile rope, but not with wire. Experts insist on tying the stems with a string in order to avoid injuries and burns during broom massage. The ends of the branches can be additionally wrapped with braid, which protects the attendant's hands from chafing.
  • We dry the branches. Related brooms hung on a pole or rope. Note! The stems should not be under direct ultraviolet rays (the sun will provoke overheating and twisting of the leaves) - it is better to hang them in the zone of active air circulation (in a draft).

The best place for drying is a veranda or area in the natural shade provided by the trees. After drying, ready-made bath accessories are stored for storage.

After tying, evaluate the weight of the broom, hold it in your hand, perform a few strokes. It should not be too heavy, even if the stems and leaves dry out. On average, about twenty stems go to one broom from a birch.

Read also

Rulesdrying and perfect storage of birch broom

  • Classic drying. Brooms are hung on a rope in a row and dried for two or three weeks.
  • Dryin Finnish. The Finns offer their own technology of "shock freezing". According to this technique, the accessory is packed in a sealed transparent film and then frozen at a temperature of −40 °C. To defrost, it is enough to dip the broom in warm water already in the steam room and hold it a little over the stones.
  • Technique "broom in the hayloft". Old Russian method of drying brooms in a haystack. Birch brooms are stacked on a stack in a circle, while alternating with a layer of hay. With this technology, the broom retains its shape and acquires an even more intense aroma.

The best place to store a finished birch broom is an area with a positive temperature (up to -15 ° C) and low humidity. High temperatures and the lack of air circulation will cause the broom to lose its freshness or simply “suffocate”. To get it right keep brooms, choose a place on the balcony, veranda, in a ventilated garage, shed, on the attic floor of a private house.

If the broom has become very flat during storage, do not worry. When steamed, it will restore its volume. And he will definitely take his ideal form in order to “hug the body” of the bath guest.

Experts share their secrets. Answers to questions about the preparation of birch brooms

  • Does the color of the leaves on the stems that are planned to be cut play a role? ?

Yes, he is playing! If the leaf has a light green tint, it is too early to cut the branches. If the leaves have already gained a rich green tint, the stems are ready to be cut. Branches with yellow leaves are not suitable for bath brooms.

  • How to taste the readiness of birch branches for cutting?

Experienced bath attendants who make blanks do just that. If the leaf has a sweetish aftertaste, it is too early to cut the branches. And, if there is bitterness in the taste, this is what you need!

  • How many times will a well-tied and properly prepared broom last?

With this accessory, you can safely bathe two or three times. An impeccable birch broom, as if "playing" in the hands of the attendant. Using them is an incredible pleasure, the broom does not slip out of your hands, and most importantly, it brings maximum benefit to a person.

  • Is it possible to "mix" birch stems with other plants?

Not only possible, but necessary! When preparing brooms, experts advise putting branches of aromatic herbs inside: mint, yarrow, lavender, chamomile stems, currant twigs, thyme. The healing mix will create a great atmosphere in the steam room, and most importantly, it will provide a healthy massage.

  • How to understand that the broom is prepared according to the rules?

The leaves of the finished bath accessory have a rich green color, and the broom itself has an amazing aroma (something similar to balsamic oil), fluffy, voluminous. After steaming, the aroma will be even more intense.

We are sure that our advice will help you prepare the best birch brooms and get real pleasure from using them!