When is it better to cut birch brooms for a bath. When are birch brooms for a bath harvested? How to tie a birch broom

Birch brooms are the most popular bath accessories. They are distinguished by the flexibility of the branches, the velvet surface of the leaves and the fragrant aroma., which together gives an aromatic and healing effect.

Birch brooms are the most common bath brooms, as they have various useful properties. An incorrectly assembled blank will lose all its healing qualities. The procurement procedure has its own characteristics and rules, compliance with which is mandatory.

Fragrant birch brooms have been used in steam rooms for more than one century. They possess distinctive features that make them versatile drug from all diseases.

Bath is an effective procedure for cleansing and healing the body, and together with a birch broom it becomes a prevention viral diseases, means of purification and complex therapy.

By their structure, they are soft, have a pronounced aroma, hold well during use and can be steamed more than once.

The benefits of birch brooms for the body are invaluable. They are not only used in cosmetology to cleanse pores and remove excess salts, but also have a strong medicinal effect. The porous structure of the sheets perfectly absorbs sweat.

The bark of the tree contains essential oils that have a cleansing effect: remove slags and toxins from the body, relieve excess salts in the joints and stimulate blood circulation. To preserve these properties, it is necessary to prepare and steam them correctly. They have a complex effect:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Cleansing.

When exposed to high temperatures, essential oils are released from the bark of the branches, which are especially valued in massage. They have a light texture, penetrate well deep into the skin and remove toxins, and also have a relaxing effect and remove excess salts. Oils intensely affect the surface of the skin, giving it elasticity and eliminating any inflammation and rashes.

Essential oils of birch have a beneficial effect on hair. They are absorbed into the structure of the hair and scalp, giving the hair strength, shine and density. Not without reason, birch decoctions are often used in cosmetology, because the substances in their composition are perfectly absorbed by the body and penetrate the skin, improving blood circulation and nutrition.

The composition of birch contains various useful substances, which are better revealed in the bath and have a more pronounced effect. These substances include:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, etc.;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Balsamic oils;
  • Fatty acid;
  • Flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Trace elements, etc.

Important! Birch brooms are a universal anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antimicrobial agent, but all these properties are lost if they are not collected according to technology.

Massage in the steam room: what are the health benefits?

Massage with a birch broom in the steam room allows the pores of the leaves to open, and the bark to give up all the oils, so the procedure has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

During the massage, the sheets stick to the body, but do not rush to remove them, they remove toxins and absorb salts along with sweat. Due to its elastic structure, it can be used more than once, and it will not lose its properties.

The main indications for the use of birch brooms in baths are diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, asthma), joint pain, inflammation of the biliary system, skin rashes etc.

Main medicinal properties:

  • Remove toxins from the body;
  • Increase the elasticity and tone of the skin;
  • Stimulate the work of the kidneys;
  • Remove mucus from the lungs;
  • Eliminate inflammation and acne;
  • Improve blood supply.

Using a birch broom in a bath is comparable to inhalation because birch oils penetrate deep into the lungs and stimulate expectoration. Massage with a broom improves blood circulation and improves skin tone. It has various useful properties, and under the influence of high temperature in the bath, all its properties are enhanced.

When to cut brooms for a birch bath

According to traditional custom, the period of preparation of birch brooms for a bath begins 2 weeks after the Holy Trinity i.e. in the middle of June. But this rule is not entirely accurate, because due to the peculiarities of the weather in different regions, by the time the right moment came, the birch leaves did not have time to get stronger, and the buds were already forming.

June-July is considered a suitable time, but experienced attendants they say that by the third week of July, birch leaves become stiff.

Attention! Harvesting is carried out only in sunny weather. Assembled wet pliers will have an unpleasant odor.

The time for harvesting birch brooms begins at the beginning of June, maximum in the middle. When to exercise from birch can be determined by the condition of the leaves.

For harvesting, you need tender, velvety, slightly fluffy leaves. If they have become rigid, it is too late to collect a broom. It will scratch and leave small cuts when used in the bath.

If, on the contrary, you choose too tender leaves, then they will fall off the branches during drying. And if the leaves do not fall, then the broom itself will become slippery and unpleasant to the touch.

Collection Rules: Key Points

Traditionally, collection made from the so-called weeping birch. These are trees of great height, with strong and long branches. The most suitable are birches that did not bloom, they have more elastic rods and velvet leaves. Choose branches that grow in the shade, their leaves are more delicate.

Advice! Choose trees that stand in the shade, near water bodies. Their branches and leaves are more juicy and tender.

Do not cut the entire bunch from one tree. Firstly, in this way, you harm it, and secondly, it will be impossible to use it for knitting anymore, as its branches will become stiffer and the leaves coarser. How to make a birch bath broom:

  • Collect branches from different trees in the same area;
  • Choose the branches that are lowest to the surface of the reservoir;
  • Do not cut branches where there are blooms, they will be tough;
  • Branches should be straight, no longer than 60 cm;
  • Branches cut in one motion, without damaging the structure of the branch;
  • Use sharp scissors and try not to damage the cut branches.

Before knitting a broom, you need to dry the branches a little in the shade.

Carefully! Do not use wire for garters, only thread, otherwise you will be scratched in the steam room. Do not tie the rods too tight, they will not dry out well.

How to dry properly so that the leaves do not fly around

Properly dry birch brooms should be in the shade in the open air. Brooms are hung by the base in the shade, on the veranda or in the garden, and dried in this position for 5-6 days.

Avoid sun exposure as it will dry out the leaves and cause them to curl.

When the leaves become brittle and breaking, it means that the broom is already dry and you need to immediately put it away for storage, otherwise the leaves will crumble.

Advice! Before drying, place the brooms under the press for several days, turning occasionally, so excess moisture will come out of the leaves and branches.

How to store birch brooms for a bath?

A prerequisite for their storage is a dark, cool, well-ventilated area with optimal humidity. The ideal option is a haystack. They are stacked inside with leaves so that the handles are outside and are placed in a circle.

Also, an attic is suitable for this purpose, but necessarily poorly lit. Can be stored in a dressing room. As an alternative, a glazed balcony is suitable, but sun exposure should be minimized and brooms should be placed in cardboard boxes.

Advice! You can extend the shelf life of brooms by sprinkling salt on top of them.

It is better to store them by the handle, so as not to damage the structure of the broom. Separate each from each other so that they are ventilated and do not "suffocate". Be sure to avoid drafts, otherwise, they may crumble.

The main mistakes in harvesting

If after the first steaming the broom crumbled, it means that a mistake was made during its preparation or storage. The main mistakes in the preparation of brooms are due to lack of experience and neglect of recommendations. Even the slightest non-observance of the harvesting rules can cause the fragility of a birch broom. Typical mistakes include:

  • Incorrect pickup time. Optimal time for collecting branches is determined by the leaves. If they are collected earlier than expected, or later, it will crumble. The best time to collect is mid-June, but you need to pay more attention to the leaves.
  • Improper drying. If you dry the branches in the sun, then by all means all the leaves will wrap up and crumble. The broom should dry for a week in the shade, otherwise the leaves will wither or dry out.
  • Use of wet branches. It is necessary to collect rods in sunny weather. If you use wet branches, an unpleasant smell will appear, and the branches themselves will become stiff.

Advice! Do not wash branches before harvesting. All dust will be washed off during use in the bath.

If you are making a blank for the first time, then it is better to tie a couple of brooms and, following all the recommendations, collect, tie and store them as expected, so as not to be upset if something does not work out.

Useful video - instruction

See how to make a birch broom for a bath:

How to choose the right one when buying?

If there is no opportunity to make a broom on your own, then you can purchase a ready-made one. They are inexpensive and you can find an excellent option for quality. To do this, you should know how to choose the right broom when buying:

  • Flip the bundle upside down and shake a little. If a lot of leaves crumbled, it means that the harvesting technology was violated.
  • Feel the leaf, it should be dry, but not crumble in your hand.
  • A high-quality beam should fit in the hand. Specially trimmed lower branches to be comfortable to hold.
  • Smell the broom: the presence of a smell of dampness or mold is a sign of improper harvesting and storage violations.

The bundle should be tight, but not very tight, so that the air circulates and the leaves can be ventilated.

How to competently steam a broom so that it lasts several times

To feel all the benefits, you need to know from birch. A dry beam can be steamed in two ways:

  • Put the leaves in boiling water and leave for half an hour. During this time, they should soften. If, when using the rods, they leave marks, then you still need to hold the bundle in boiling water.
  • Place the leaves in cold water and wrap in a wet cloth. Then the bundle must be placed in a bag for the night. Before the steam room, you should put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then you can use it.

Dry brooms need to be steamed well so that they do not leave marks on the skin, but at the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not become sour.

Advice! Do not pour out the water in which the broom was steamed. It can be used to rinse your hair.

How to steam fresh brooms?

Steaming fresh birch brooms is not necessary. Indeed, as soon as you have tied a broom, you can immediately use it in the bath. It can be soaked in water at room temperature for 5-7 minutes, but in no case in hot water. If you pour boiling water over a bunch, then fresh leaves will simply boil and fall off.

It is important to wet them a little, but not to allow them to gain a lot of moisture, which can also lead to shedding. Fresh blanks can leave painful marks on the skin, so you can hold it in the bath for a while. high temperature to open the pores of the sheets, and then immediately begin to use.

How to steam for health and pleasure

The process of using a birch broom is different from using beams from other tree species. This is due to the tenderness of birch leaves and the elasticity of the branches.

Birch should not be whipped hard, otherwise traces will appear. It must be used as a fan, which attracts heat. There are several recommendations to consider:

  • The broom in the bath should always be wet. Once it dries, it must be re-wetted with water.
  • Touches should be superficial and soft. No harsh slaps. They can leave burns and wounds.
  • You should hardly touch the skin with a broom and try to avoid blows with branches.
  • At temperatures above 60 degrees, you need to constantly keep the broom wet; if you do not use it, immediately put it in water.

To get the full benefit of birch, you should properly massage. With soft, light and painless strokes, it is necessary to work out the entire surface of the body. If discomfort is felt, then you need not to beat, but to stroke - the effect will be the same.

You can use bundles to collect warm air. To do this, lift it up and lower the air flow into the lumbar or back area. The broom should touch the body, at least a little. Otherwise, hot air will stagnate between the leaves and the body, causing burns.

Very useful are weak, but sharp, like a whip, movements with the tip of the branches. The procedure should be completed with light strokes that would soothe the steamed skin.

Contrasting is useful when, after a hot steam room, the attendant takes a chilled shower. Thus, blood circulation improves and the effect of using birch branches is enhanced.


Birch - perfect solution for a bath. It has all the useful substances, valuable components and healing properties, which are fully revealed in the steam room. If you are not a fan of birch brooms, then they can be replaced with bunches from other tree species. Great alternative to birch

  • Linden;
  • Oak;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Bamboo.

In their structure and properties, oak and linden are not inferior to birch. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, improve functionality. internal organs and help to remove toxins, salts and slags.

Eucalyptus will fill the steam room with a delicious scent of pine needles and enhance the inhalation properties of the bath. For the steam room, you can use any tree species, the main thing is that during use they do not leave marks, burns and do not cause pain, because the bath should bring, first of all, pleasure.

- a storehouse of useful properties. It has a healing effect, improves the action of the bath and helps to cleanse and improve the body. Properly assembled and prepared brooms will bring many health benefits.

- excellent massager. Very often used in SPA procedures. Widely known are such types of massage as: Creole and Starosamurai.

There is nothing complicated in preparing bath brooms, but, like in every business, there are some nuances: you need to know when it is better to knit bath brooms, which branches to choose, how long they should be, how to keep brooms for the whole year without losing quality .

  • 1 When to knit bath brooms
    • 1.1 When birch brooms are harvested
    • 1.2 Harvesting oak brooms
    • 1.3 When to cut lime brooms
    • 1.4 Preparation of coniferous brooms: spruce, juniper
    • 1.5 How to prepare nettle brooms
  • 2 How to choose branches for a bath broom
  • 3 How to knit brooms for a bath
  • 4 Proper drying
  • 5 How to store bath brooms
When to knit bath brooms

Our ancestors prepared raw materials for bath brooms in the first half of June - on Trinity Day after Green Christmas time. If you are far from church calendars and rituals, collect branches in early June, when the foliage has already grown and strengthened, but has not yet become faded and withered.

You can knit brooms for a bath yourself

For church holidays or calendar dates, you can only navigate by region: our country is large. Somewhere on Trinity it is already almost summer, but somewhere the leaves have barely hatched. So it’s better to focus on the state of the foliage.

When birch brooms are harvested

Not so much time is allotted for harvesting birch brooms: a maximum of a week. It is necessary to have time to prepare birch branches when the leaf has already turned green, and not light green, but before the earrings bloom. If time is missed, the foliage becomes very stiff and falls heavily in the bath. So the term for harvesting birch brooms is very short.

But time is not the only criterion. When choosing branches for a birch broom, you need to navigate by appearance sheet. It should have a dense green color, the plate should be even. There should be no aphids, no other pests or diseases. But, most importantly, there should not be earrings on the branches. And for a greater effect, you need to cut birch branches on a broom in the specified interval, but after the rain. Only the birch must already be dry, otherwise, when steaming, the leaf will darken and curl up.

More advice from the older generation: cut a broom when a leaf on a birch is no larger than an old five-kopeck coin, and it should be slightly glued to the touch.

For birch brooms, choose young trees growing in the sun on a hillock or near a pond

But with sticky leaves you get a "soap broom". It affects the skin just fine: it becomes silky and soft. But at the same time, leave the steam room with skin covered with mucus. Not everyone likes this feeling. So choose here: either a more comfortable feeling with more “mature” foliage or elastic skin.

Birch brooms harvested in May smell differently than summer brooms: they add a smell very similar to the smell of propolis. At this time, there are light stripes on the skin of the twigs, which give off this aroma. Not all branches have such stripes; they must be selected separately. Running your hand along such a branch, you feel the tubercles - these are the very resinous odorous secretions. If someone has not tried - try. Very pleasant sensations, although the sheet is sticky at this time.

Some sauna lovers especially appreciate birch brooms that grew near water - rivers or lakes (but not in a swamp). In such plants, the branches are long, elastic and flexible. Good twigs growing roots or stumps of birches. They are flexible, resilient and tender.

Branches for a broom should have two or three branches

On trees, the lower climbing shoots are considered the best. They are cut for a broom. It is better not to cut single young ones without side branches, even despite a large, beautiful and dense leaf: a whip is obtained. And this is not at all what is required from a bath broom.

If the tree is young, you do not need to cut more than two or three pieces - you can harm the plant. Know the measure - take care of nature!

Old people who love the bath say that even in a birch grove you can not take branches for a broom from every tree. But only from those whose birch bark on the trunk, as it were, shines a little. Moreover, the spots on the birch bark are not gray, but rather brownish. There are not very many such trees, but they do exist. Try to find at least a few and fold the branches separately. Then evaluate the difference and next time you will not regret the time.

Birch foliage when harvesting brooms should be dense and smooth. Someone advises to try birch leaf language. If it is rough, the branch is not good, if it is smooth and velvety, it is an excellent raw material.

Separately growing young trees are an excellent choice

You can navigate along the leg of a young birch leaf. If it has already become reddish, you can cut it, and if it is green, it’s too early.

The video shows how to choose birch branches and knit brooms from them correctly.

We prepare oak brooms

Harvest term oak brooms longer: starting from the end of June, and some harvest in August and early September. Depends on year and region. But even in the same region, year to year is very different. In some areas you have to hurry: later the foliage is affected by diseases, becomes lethargic or spotty. But sometimes, after being hit by diseases in August-September, the foliage on the oak grows again. That's when you can also get excellent brooms.

When harvesting an oak broom in summer, pay attention to the condition of the leaf: it should be an even dense green color, without spots. The main rule: there should not be an acorn yet. As with birch harvesting, branched shoots with a large leaf are taken.

But there are lovers who harvest an oak broom in September. In this case, the leaf turns yellow or yellow. They say it also works very well.

Bath gourmets value oak brooms made from tree branches, near which burdock grew. Their shoots are considered the most durable and flexible. Trees should grow in shady corners of the forest and be young: on old ones it is difficult to find non-knotted branches of sufficient length. Foliage should be large and abundant.

Chopped oak branches should lie down a little in the shade

The harvesting of oak brooms has its own specifics:

  • firstly, cut branches are folded for an hour and a half in a shady place, and only then they can be transported;
  • secondly, after the oak broom is tied, it is necessary to put oppression on it to give it the shape of a fan - this form is the most common, but some people prefer traditional spherical oak brooms.
When to cut linden brooms

If you want a linden broom with color, you have a week and a half to prepare. And that's at the expense different breeds blooming at different times. In general, the best period is when most of the flowers have already opened. The aroma then in the bath is amazing.

Linden with color smells amazing, but they won’t be able to “work” normally - the leaf is soft

There is a linden broom and a later harvest. He also has a deadline of two weeks - from August 15 to September 1. So say experts who claim that in the lime branches collected earlier, of course, there are more useful substances, but the sheet on them is too soft and, when steamed, twists and wrinkles so that it is absolutely impossible for them to steam.

Preparation of coniferous brooms: spruce, juniper

The "widest collection range" of conifers. There are no restrictions here. In Siberia, coniferous brooms are made both in the most severe frosts and in summer ...

Choose a warm, fine, dry day for harvesting. Cut off the branches begin after the dew dries. Choose young and flexible. There are no other recommendations.

It looks scary, but they say that with proper processing it is tolerated even by delicate skin.

How to prepare nettle brooms

Despite the "terrible" pungency, you only need to try the nettle broom. Then you will really like them to bathe. Harvesting them for the winter is problematic, except to insert a few branches into birch and oak trees. No other way. But fresh can be steamed all summer.

Cut off young shoots without color, about 40-50 cm long. It is made short and fluffy. It is better to work with gloves: it burns. It turns out it is quite soft: only for one person.

Nettle broom. Sounds even scarier than spruce. But the benefits are the sea

There are quite a few ways to park a nettle broom. Basically, they are dipped in hot (not boiling) water for 3-5 seconds, then in cold water. All.

The second option is to dip in cold water, then after steaming out, trample on it in the steam room with your feet, hold it over the steam, giving in a ladle of water.

Regardless of how you cook a broom, they need to “work” on the already steamed body. That is, you first need to steam out birch.

There is one point in using a nettle broom: it strongly stains the wood. Therefore, it is better not to put it on the shelves. Bring a mat, put it on it.

All other brooms (and what they are, and how they affect the body, read in the article “How to steam a broom for a bath”) are collected in the same timeframe as birch brooms until August 2.

If you want to tie a broom of herbs, you need to know the timing of its flowering - at this time they have the highest concentration of nutrients.

Brooms from medicinal plants spread a magical aroma and dry

How to choose branches for a bath broom

They cut branches from young trees that grow in sunny, wetlands, away from roads and enterprises with harmful emissions.

The length of the branches is selected depending on the selected size of the broom. Usually it is from 40 to 70-80cm. Who is comfortable. Similarly, the thickness of the handle is selected. The diameter rarely exceeds 5 cm - it is difficult to wave too large and heavy, although it is a matter of taste and habit.

The diameter of a comfortable broom does not exceed 5 cm

Branches should be smooth, free of disease and withered parts. The foliage is thick and juicy, not too hard. It is advisable to choose branches with two or three branches - the broom will not only be more magnificent and beautiful, it will also be denser, it will be good to “capture” the steam. Walking with such a broom over the body, you do not whip it, but massage it.

How to knit brooms for a bath

Having picked up suitable branches, they can be immediately collected into brooms. Some bath lovers advise pre-soaking them for several days in an unlit, well-ventilated place. They say the branches need to be “withered”. It is easier to work with them then.

Thicker shoots are located inside, thinner outside. If there is a bend on the branches (and most often it happens), then the bend should look inward. Also, make sure that the matte surface of the sheet is directed inward, and the shiny surface is directed outward. It should turn out so that their shiny side is directed in one direction. When folding, give the shape of a fan or "bouquet" - they do it differently. The broom-fan is more common: it seems to hug the body. Feelings are pleasant.

The easiest way is to tightly tie a broom with natural twine at the butt and at the beginning of the foliage

For the handle, the foliage is removed from the bottom. Its length is chosen individually, but the most optimal, established empirically, is two palm widths. It is also necessary to expose the butt of branches so that the brooms are better preserved during use. If everything is done correctly, then one broom can be enough for two trips to the steam room.

When folding the branches, they are turned over and shaken several times so that they are more evenly distributed. For knitting, it is better to use natural materials: dense twine, hemp rope, medical bandage or other similar materials. It is better not to use metal wire: it heats up in the bath and it is very inconvenient to hold such a broom in your hands.

There are several knitting techniques:

Used for knitting and clamps. Some are plastic, some are metal. They quickly tighten the handle, hold tight. And after shrinkage, it will be possible to tighten. So that all these puffs do not rub your hand, then they wrap the handle with a thick cotton tape: it is sold in hardware stores, sometimes in hardware or haberdashery. You can wrap the handle with a thick cotton rope (after using a broom, you can remove it and tie the next one).

There are many more ways to knit brooms. Someone uses marine knots, which make it possible to tighten the rope after shrinkage, someone puts two parts of the branches crosswise with butts, then ties them not very tightly, then connects the two parts with effort and ties them completely at the butt, and above. Almost every master has his own secrets. But they are very reluctant to share. Try simple methods first, then adjust as you like. There will be your personal method of knitting a bath broom.

Proper drying

No matter how you knit brooms, they still need to be dried. They are immediately stacked in a heap, one on top of the other. So they lie for a day or two. They flatten out under their own weight. Then they can be tied in pairs, and hung on a rope or pole in a dark, well-ventilated room.

If there is no attic, you can dry in the corridor: you can’t sunlight hit the leaves. But this method is available even to the townspeople.

If it is possible to hang brooms in the attic, they can be tied in pairs (without cutting off the remaining twine for tying) and hung to dry on poles. The best brooms are obtained under a double roof: the heat will not “burn” the sheet, but will dry it out. But ventilation must be good. If there is no such “luxury” as your own attic, you can hang a broom on a carnation in a well-ventilated place. In any case, you need to find a room where direct sunlight does not fall on it. Only in such conditions the leaf remains green and does not fall off.

Dry brooms hung on a pole or rope in pairs

With any drying method, brooms should not be placed close to one another - there should be free space between them. At first, in order for the branches and foliage to dry evenly, they need to be turned over once or twice a day. When they are completely dry, they can be stored away.

How to store bath brooms

Dried brooms can be stacked on a bookcase or shelf (again, the room must be dry and well ventilated). But from time to time brooms need to be shifted so that those that were below are in the middle or at the top. Moreover, light should not fall on the brooms: the leaf will turn yellow.

Brooms wrapped in film can be frozen. Good for those who have a freezer at home

If you have your own hayloft, you can stack brooms on dry hay, placing them loosely together. Top with dry hay. This is how our ancestors kept them.

For the inhabitants of apartments, there is also a storage method: make small holes in a cardboard box, put brooms into it without crushing, alternating the handle and crown. In this case, you also need to periodically shift them, lifting the lower ones up.

You can also store brooms in the refrigerator: they are packed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film, put on the bottom shelf, in a dark, dry corner.

As you can see, it is not difficult to tie a bath broom yourself. But this is only the beginning. Brooms, even the most wonderful, can be spoiled by steaming it incorrectly. How to avoid such trouble, read here. Do not forget to read the article, "How to take a steam bath in the bath."

We have built a sauna in our summer cottage and really want to start using it next season.

And, of course, we need brooms. Where is it better to take them, from what raw materials should they be? How to knit and store them?

Igor Sergeevich DUBOV, Pskov

Although they say that there are no generals in the bath, real bathers consider a broom as such. It enhances the effect of the procedure, contributing to a greater opening of skin pores, regulating the distribution of heat over the surface of the body, massaging its surface and removing even deeply embedded impurities.

AT right broom there are phytoncides - specific organic substances that destroy viruses and microbes. Evaporating, they enter the air of the steam room, making it possible to breathe the purest air. And the essential oils contained in the broom penetrate the skin and produce a rejuvenating effect. By the way, it can be strengthened by adding it to a broom medicinal herbs.

Now let's figure out where to get brooms. The simplest thing is to buy it near the bathhouse or in a specialized department of the store. However, there will be no confidence in the quality, because it is not known how and when the branches were cut, in what conditions the raw materials or finished products were stored. The best option there will be a purchase of brooms from "your" seller, the quality of which you have no doubts.

What are bath brooms made of?

Many people prefer to cut brooms on their own. But for this it is necessary to have conditions for their storage, as well as to know certain procurement rules.

First of all, you need to determine what to make brooms. Now birch, wild rosemary, oak, heather, linden, maple, chestnut, poplar, viburnum, willow, alder, hazel, mountain ash, ash, eucalyptus, conifers, juniper, laurel, currant, cherry, cherry, plum, lilac, bird cherry, nettle, Ivan tea. In addition, you can make all kinds of mixes (mixtures) both from traditional cultures and by weaving medicinal herbs into them.

Raw material collection time

Of no small importance is the time of cutting raw materials. In the Orthodox tradition, the period for preparing brooms is a period of two weeks after the Trinity (50 days after Easter), but I believe that since Easter moves annually according to the calendar, this landmark can be used conditionally - to the extent that you trust folk signs and traditions. In fact, it is necessary to proceed from the actual phase of crop development, which depends on a large number of factors (soil conditions, average temperatures, abundance of precipitation, etc.).

Since brooms are made from various trees and crops, the harvesting time will depend on the selected source material. For example, the last ten days of June and the first ten days of July are ideal for harvesting birch brooms - the leaves are in the juice itself, the concentration of nutrients is at its peak, and the branches are quite flexible and strong. For heather best time- from mid-May to mid-June, the same period is acceptable for the manufacture of viburnum brooms. The time for harvesting oak branches is August and September. Willow reveals its qualities best in May.

For maple, the best time is from late August to early September. Linden must be harvested before active flowering (May-June), then you can be sure of the maximum healing effect. It is best to harvest brooms from nettles at the beginning of summer, since later the plant coarsens and loses some of the leaves.

Juniper brooms are good because they can be harvested at almost any time. But if it is not possible to get to this plant in the winter, you can pick up its branches for future use during the summer. Alder is harvested from May to July, and mountain ash - in June and July, at the same time you can work on lilac and bird cherry.

It is better to prepare a plum broom in early June. Currants and cherries can be used the whole summer in fresh, and it is good to harvest in June-July. Personally, I use cherries for the entire period, while it is covered with leaves. I tear off a couple of branches and steam them together with the main broom, and when it's time to steam, I put a cherry on a broom from another culture.

Rules for the preparation of bath brooms

Most of the crops are best harvested in dry sunny weather - the branches collected at such a time hold the leaf better. The best time to go for brooms is in the morning, but after the dew has fallen. Remember that in the forest you should not stop at one tree and peel it off. what is called sticky: it can harm him. Therefore, do not spare time and your legs, walk and try to cut branches from as many trees as possible.

It is best to use the middle part of the tree, where the branches are already quite strong, but at the same time still retained elasticity. Preference should be given to biennial trees.

When harvesting branches, do not break them with your hands, but use a sharply ground pruner. Cut branches 50-60 cm long, although this will depend on your preference for the length of the broom and how the leaves grew at the time of harvesting.

There are two ways of harvesting brooms: the first is when the branches are not knitted immediately, but are collected in a large sheaf, which is stored in a special place, and only before going to the bath, part of the shoots is taken from it to knit a broom: the second method is an immediate “release® ready” products”, which is convenient to take to the bath without additional hassle.

"Firma" knits brooms

Regardless of the chosen harvesting method, before you start knitting a broom, you need to clean the branches from knots and leaves where the handle will be located (about a third of the length). Then they begin to assemble the broom - thicker and coarser branches are placed inside, they will serve as a core base. Then, smaller and thinner branches begin to be applied to it - be sure to bend inward (then the broom does not fall apart like that), do not forget that the resulting structure should be dense. Having finished with the assembly of the broom, we start knitting the handle: we wrap the ends of the branches with a rope (linen hemp works well), pulling it as tight as possible. After that, it is necessary to cut the edge of the handle so that no knots protrude from it. It is best to wrap the place for which you are going to hold the broom with a small rag. Do not use wire for knitting - you can scratch your hands or burn your skin.

Drying and storage of brooms

It is very important to properly dry the broom, it depends on how it will be stored, how much it will save beneficial features And how long will it last in the bath. Agree, it’s not very pleasant when a bought broom, beautiful in appearance, loses half of the leaves already during soaking, but you just have to hit them several times, as it turns out that there is nothing to bathe with.

Dry in a dry, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. The perfect place- an attic of a bathhouse or a barn. Brooms are dried in a suspended state, for this they are tied in pairs and thrown over a stretched rope or wire.

Highly important rule- use loosely laid brooms, then the drying process is faster and molding of the leaves is excluded. After a week of drying, when the brooms begin to rustle, they are tied more tightly and stacked in piles, pressing against each other so that they take the form of a fan. Then the finished products are stored in a dry, ventilated room. Villagers can store brooms in hay, while city dwellers can store them in paper bags.


On a note

If you are preparing brooms for the whole year, you need to store them either under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. Brooms need to be tied in pairs and hung on a pole crown down.

“In the bath, a broom is more expensive than money”


Someone will say what is so difficult here? I cut the branches, tied them into a bundle - and the main bath attribute is ready, but this is not so. While such a broom is stored, its branches dry out. Before going to the bath, the broom should be pulled with twine, otherwise it will simply fall apart. If you dry the broom incorrectly, then at the first blows to the body, the foliage will crumble.

A broom is knitted from branches of trees, shrubs and even herbs. Birch, oak, cypress, juniper, eucalyptus brooms are especially popular.

Often, in addition to tree branches, shoots of wormwood are added; after steaming, it exudes a bitter aroma, releases essential oils that enter the body through the respiratory tract and skin pores.

I will describe the process of knitting the main bath attribute using the example of the most common birch broom.

It's time to harvest brooms

You need to start collecting branches after the Pegro post (from June 24 to July 11). The harvesting season lasts no more than two weeks. By this time, the leaf on the trees is gaining full strength and subsequently holding up well. In August, the juices practically cease to flow into the leaves, they gradually begin to wither. It is better to use such a broom immediately, it is not suitable for drying.

For my brooms, I take raw materials from 7-9 year old trees, cutting off their lower branches, while forming the crown of the tree.

I cut branches no shorter than 50 cm and not all in a row, but such that at the end there are not only leaves, but also small twigs (photo 7). The more such additional branches, the fluffier and softer the broom will be. Bundle

On the branches, I cut off the lower branches and form a broom, stacking them on top of each other (photo 2). I make a butt with a diameter of at least 6-6.5 cm.

The formed broom must be properly tied. First, I determine the length of the butt - the most optimal is from 20 to 30 cm, but more is possible.

I intercept the lower part of the broom with two turns of twine and tie a knot, not strongly pinching the branches in such a way that, dividing the broom into two approximately equal knots, you can twist them with a force of eight with a couple of turns (photo 3). At this moment, the branches are so squeezed by the rope that they do not give slack during shrinkage.

Then I twist both halves together with a pigtail. At the foliage, I tie one half with twine to a knot at the very crown of the broom. With two or three turns of the same twine around the entire butt, I forcefully squeeze the second bundle together with the first. After crimping, I tie the main knot (photo 4) I cut off the bottom of the butt (photo 5) I slightly fluff the crown of the broom with my hands and shake it, giving it volume (photo 6)

Do-it-yourself broom for a bath - an interesting old-fashioned way

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Table of contents:

The main accessory for the Russian steam room has always been held in high esteem. In the days of Kievan Rus, bath brooms were valued so highly that they were accepted as tax payments. These were the only potent "drugs" available at that time that helped a person fight serious ailments. They are still relevant today. Agree, a bath with a broom is more pleasant than many modern medical procedures!

The success of treatment depends on a properly selected and manufactured medicine. We will teach you all the intricacies of the “brown” art, namely ׃

  • What are bath brooms

We list the most valuable and popular types of these "massagers", we will talk about their beneficial effects on the human body.

  • When to prepare brooms for a bath

Let's define for each species its own "golden" hour of blanks. We will indicate the exact time period when to cut the “bouquets” for the bath so that they have the maximum healing effect.

  • How to knit bath brooms

So that massage does not turn into torture, we will acquaint the reader with correct technique knitting these bath accessories.

  • How to steam a broom for a bath

We will point out the nuances of proper preparation for the work of the “massager” and the features of its storage.

You will learn how to choose the right "assistant" for the bath and even be able to make it yourself.

Choose your “health recipe”׃ which broom is better for a bath

At the core of the majority modern medicines there are extracts from herbs and plants, but when they are processed, some of the “usefulness” is inevitably lost. The Russian bath uses brooms for more profitable transportation of vitamins and other useful substances to the human body, they are carefully “preserved” and sent to the right place during the massage. It remains to choose a suitable herbal "cocktail" for the prevention or treatment of a particular disease.

Check out the most famous "recipes" of helpers, which are often used for therapeutic massage in a Russian bath


Birch is a primordially Russian tree, which is a real "storehouse" of health, because it is saturated with:

  • Vitamin C
  • essential oil
  • Provitamin A
  • tannins
  • Flavonoids

which gives the plant "medicine" anticonvulsant, expectorant, choleretic and diuretic effects.

A birch broom for a bath is unusually flexible, porous leaves perfectly absorb sweat, thanks to their roughness they fit well to a wet body and do not slip off. After the procedure, breathing is greatly facilitated, as there is a total "cleansing" of the fine bronchial "mesh". Birch brooms for baths also relieve pain in muscles and joints, well relieve skin inflammation (bites, pustules).

  • OAK

Oak is in no way inferior to birch in a set of useful substances, but its “ammunition load” is more aimed at combating depression, hypertension and shortcomings. oily skin. Oak bath brooms are saturated with coloring and tanning agents, which gives the skin a pleasant matte color after the massage. Large leaves perfectly absorb sweat and strongly catch up with heat, helping to thoroughly steam the body for deep cleansing and relieving skin inflammation. Steamed oak brooms for a bath emit a persistent aroma that reduces arterial pressure. After the procedure, a person quickly restores mental strength, since the secreted enzymes also have a calming effect on nervous system.

  • LIME

Linden is associated among the people with calm and balance. Lime brooms are a natural “pills” for headaches, since they are used to prevent and treat vegetovascular dystonia, which is the main “culprit” in the occurrence of excruciating migraines and insomnia. In addition to its calming effect, linden “massagers” gently cleanse the kidneys and heal wounds well.

Linden "bouquets" are successfully used in the fight against colds, since the aroma exuded by them has a beneficial effect on the condition of the upper respiratory tract of a person.


Eucalyptus tincture is included in the attendant's obligatory set and is intended for the preparation of watering for the walls in the steam room. The choice is not accidental, since eucalyptus has a powerful antiseptic effect, is used for inhalation and heating of the bronchi.

Eucalyptus broom maximizes healing effect for the upper respiratory tract, and also saturates the skin essential oil helping to fight bruises, sprains and inflammation of muscle tissue.

  • nettle

Thrill-seekers are invited to try nettle bath brooms. The action of the massager can be softened by soaking it for 2-3 minutes in hot water, or you can leave a noticeable “biting” effect by briefly lowering the broom into boiling water.
Due to the presence of formic acid, nettle perfectly fights rheumatism, sciatica and gout, has a pronounced analgesic effect. Nettle massage gives a powerful tonic effect, cleanses the skin of acne and boils, relieves inflammation and gives it elasticity.


Juniper and fir are the "orderlies" of the forest, so steamed coniferous brooms purify and disinfect the air in the bath, filling the room with a characteristic fresh smell. Such a massage gives strength, strengthens the immune system, treats sciatica, rheumatism and back pain, and is also an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases.


It is accepted that the best time for a bath is evening, as the procedure has a very relaxing effect on the human body. Do you want to take a steam bath in the morning and not lose your tone? Then you need a rowan broom for a bath. It excites the nervous system, gives vigor and strength, so even after the parks you can actively and fully join the work.


For Russian steam room this species"Massager" is exotic, but nevertheless confidently conquers his "client". The bamboo broom for a bath is made from young shoots of a bamboo or leaves of a smoking bamboo SASA. If in the first case it is a “bouquet” of thin sticks, then in the second it is more reminiscent of a classic bath “tool”, as it consists of long narrow leaves.

The main bamboo "usefulness" is the presence of a huge supply of silicic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It is a natural sedative widely used in the treatment of depression.

How much does a bath broom cost? This is an affordable and inexpensive accessory, so on average, popular types of native woods (birch, oak, linden, etc.) will cost you $3-5. As for more exotic species (needles, bamboo), the price of a “masseur” ranges from $10-20.

The secrets of the masters of steam business׃ making bath brooms

For those who want to directly participate in the manufacture of the "masseur", we will tell you how to make a broom for a bath on your own. Having collected a healing "bouquet" with your own hands, you will be 100% sure of its effective action.

Even our ancestors developed a technique for making bath attributes, and modern scientists only double-checked, confirmed and clarified some details. How could people without the proper equipment manage not to make mistakes in their calculations? They were helped by a deep understanding of nature - something that, unfortunately, modern man, enclosed in a concrete "jungle", has lost.

Fortunately, we have preserved detailed developments from our ancestors. Making brooms for a bath consists of several stages׃

  • Choosing the "Right" Tree

Proper preparation of brooms for a bath involves a high-quality selection of the desired plant. It is important to know the type and suitable appearance of the “candidate”, in which area it is better to look for it, so that the future “massager” has the best healing characteristics.

  • Preparation of bath accessories on time

For each type of tree, the collection of twigs for the bath is carried out at a certain time of the year, when the plant is especially saturated with all the "usefulness". A special drying technique carefully preserves the vitamin reserve and prepares the “massager” for future “work”.

  • Knitting brooms for a bath

So that in the end the bath attendant received not a bouquet, not a broom, but an easy-to-use “massager”, you need to know exactly how to knit brooms for a bath. correct form the working part of the "fan" will help to get the expected effect from the procedure.

Knowing the nuances of the procurement process, in the future you can do the independent preparation of combined “bouquets” consisting of a couple of plant species that will help in the fight against several ailments at the same time.

When to cook brooms for a bath ׃ we collect the “right” harvest

So, you live in an area suitable for harvesting. Trees of the desired variety are located away from industrial facilities or busy highways, sparkle with "health" and "show off" lush foliage. Only then brooms for a bath, the harvesting of which will be carried out at such favorable conditions, effectively participate in the improvement of your body. Otherwise, foliage littered with production waste will certainly transfer its “negative” to the steamer.

We will indicate the terms for harvesting branches for a bath for each type of tree׃

  • Birch

Harvesting of birch brooms for a bath is traditionally performed on the feast of the Trinity (end of June - beginning of July), but if the weather is cloudy on this day, then the harvest is postponed until the first sunny day.

Preference is given to weeping birch, which grows near water bodies. To determine the right tree, touch the foliage with your hand; rough and prickly - it means that the tree has not yet gained useful “power”, soft and velvety greens are an ideal candidate for collection. Choose thin branches adorned with lush leaves with lots of buds.

Preparation of oak brooms for a bath is carried out from June to September. There is folk omen, according to which they select suitable tree, - burdock should grow densely at the roots. Ideally, they are looking for a “winter” oak (the foliage does not completely fall off in winter), in which the leaves are particularly durable.

Preparation of linden brooms for a bath is carried out in early spring, when the tree blooms. Remember that linden especially draws in all the dirt. environment, so collection cannot be done in the urban area.

  • Eucalyptus

The preparation of massagers for a eucalyptus bath is organized in late summer - early autumn. A rod-shaped variety of wood is suitable for collection, resembling a weeping willow in appearance.

  • Nettle

A plant is harvested for a bath broom during the flowering period, when a persistent tart smell emanates from nettle thickets. Try to cut out the plants that are in the middle of the nettle "clearing".

  • Bamboo

This foreign guest is brought to our territory from Asian countries, where harvesting takes place in winter.

  • Juniper and fir

These are the only "fresh" brooms that are harvested all year round the day before use.

  • Rowan

Rowan brooms are harvested at the beginning of summer, choosing branches from the middle of the tree crown.

During harvesting, tree branches should be cut in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, when they are completely dry after a nourishing “shower”.

How to dry bath brooms? I dry freshly cut branches only in the shade, since the sun mercilessly burns out everything useful and necessary for the bath procedure from the foliage. They are tied to a rope, then put under load for one day and deposited.

How to store bath brooms? Ready-made “bouquets” are hung in pairs on a rope in a dark and ventilated room. But often with this method, the shape of the fan deforms over time and takes on the classic look of a broom. How to store bath accessories to avoid this effect? Harvested branches are folded into sheaves and covered with hay. Tie the "bouquet" just before use.

Proper storage of bath brooms will allow you to save all the useful components that are so necessary for healing during a massage in the steam room.

How to take a steam bath in a Russian bath? The most important thing here, in the words of a classic, is “a valuable broom”. About, how to prepare brooms for a bath when it is right to do it and will be discussed.

  • Brooms, like any medicinal herbs, should be harvested in dry, clear weather in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.
  • Try to take care of the plants, cutting off only extra branches. This is how you thin out the plant and allow the remaining branches to grow freely.
  • For brooms, you should choose young plants with flexible, well-bending branches.
  • Freshly cut branches should be dried in a shady place for an hour, spreading them out in 1 layer. It is recommended to transport them without packing heavily so that the leaves do not crumble from overheating.
  • After the broom is already tied, it should be put under pressure so that they take on a flat shape. After that, the broom is hung in a cool, well-ventilated room for 2-3 days.

When to harvest brooms, which trees are suitable

Birch broom for a bath

Traditionally, birch brooms for a bath are harvested in early to mid-July. First you need to choose a birch. It should be a tall tree with falling branches (weeping birch). However, many advise for brooms to choose very young trees that have never bloomed. Their branches are flexible, and the leaves are tender.

Having chosen a tree, try the leaf “on the tongue”. If the outer surface of the sheet is rough, such a birch is not suitable. The leaf should be tender and velvety. Branches need to choose thin, long, straight.

oak brooms

Harvesting takes place from June to August in moist shaded oak forests. One of the characteristics of such a "correct" place is large mugs under the trees. Having collected branches in such a thicket, you will get a durable broom, which is enough for several (3-4) visits to the bath.

Oak brooms are designed for hardy, healthy people!

Nettle broom

Harvesting time - mid-summer, immediately before flowering or during the flowering of nettles.

Steaming with a nettle broom is a special pleasure. Do not be afraid of "burning". Steaming with such a broom, a pleasant tingling is felt, and the body becomes ruddy and light. No blisters and burns - only undoubted benefits to the body. Among other things, having steamed with a nettle broom, you “risk” getting rid of sciatica, rheumatism, and gout.

The only drawback of such brooms is that they are disposable. But it is also easier to prepare them.

Cherry and currant

These brooms are not as durable as oak brooms or, but steaming with them is an incomparable pleasure due to their delicious aroma. In addition, they are very beneficial for the skin. Harvesting branches for brooms occurs in early June.

Young unnecessary shoots, root shoots are cut off. It’s good that you don’t need to go far for such brooms (unless, of course, you live in a private house or you have a dacha) - there are probably a few currant bushes and cherries in the yard.

Brooms from linden, mountain ash, alder, willow and other trees

In principle, brooms can be made from almost any tree. Don't get hung up on traditional.

Tree branches are harvested from early July to mid-August. The rules for choosing trees are the same - young trees with flexible straight branches.

Of course, it is impossible to collect them near the roadway or an industrial enterprise. The distance from "civilization" should be at least 3 km.

How to knit brooms

The side of the branch where the handle will be is cleared of foliage and knots. Then the required number of branches is tightly wrapped with twine. The thickness of the handle should be about 5 cm in diameter. When knitting brooms, thicker branches should be placed in the middle, and thinner ones around them. So the broom will turn out dense and it will last for several times.

There are no special rules regarding the length of the handle, but leave the handle long enough to be comfortable to hold and not slip out of your hands. It is better to cut the branches longer - after the broom is tied - the handle can be cut, thus trimming the ends.

Steaming rules

There are several ways how to steam a broom for a bath. The fastest of them is this: for 2-3 minutes, lower the broom into a basin with, then for the same time into warm water and, finally, into a basin of hot water (but not in boiling water). In this case, the pelvis must be covered so that it “steams”. When you take out a broom, you will know by the delicious aroma that it will begin to exude.

Do not pour out the water remaining from steaming: it can be diluted with water and poured over hot stones or walls to fill the steam room with aroma.

Attention! You need to steam only dry brooms. Fresh or dried, but not completely dry, do not steam, because. they become limp, become heavy, heat up quickly and can burn the skin.

Sauna is an incomparable pleasure, moreover, it is effective and healing. The main thing is not to forget about and take care of your health.

Ksenia Poddubnaya