How to properly care for a kitten 2 months. How to care for a kitten: tray, filler and diet? For kittens of different breeds

And those who already had domestic cats, and people who first decided to have a tailed friend, need to know how to care for a kitten. This is essentially a child, which means that he has special needs that need to be met.

Even before you take a new tenant into the house, you should carefully prepare for his meeting. The kitten needs a lot of things that you need to stock up in advance.

You will definitely need:

  • tray and cat litter;
  • dishes (at least two bowls for food and water);
  • bedding, house or other device where the cat will sleep;
  • toys;
  • scratching post;
  • care items: combs, slickers (they should be selected based on the breed of the kitten), toothbrushes and pastes, nail clippers, shampoos (taking into account the type and length of wool);
  • food (be sure to think in advance how and what to feed the cat);
  • carrying (even if joint travel is not planned, it will be required for trips to the veterinary clinic).


First of all, the new tenant will need their own individual toilet. It is impossible to do without this thing, since no one canceled natural needs.

There are three types of trays on the market today:

  • closed;
  • open with grating (filler is not required);
  • open, intended for the use of a filler.

Closed trays are expensive, but very hygienic. For such a toilet, you will need a special filler, thanks to which there will be no smell in the apartment. These trays are comfortable, look good, but are quite large. If the apartment is not very large, then there may not be a place.

Open litter boxes are the most common sources of cat odor. Such a toilet can only be purchased if there is someone at home all the time, since after each trip the kitten “to the potty”, it must be rinsed immediately.

Periodically, such a tray must be thoroughly washed and cleaned using chlorine-based disinfectants.

The most popular among cat owners are open trays in which the filler is poured. Today, special fillers of various structures are produced, as a rule, absorbing most of the odor. Such cat litter can be purchased at a very affordable price, which is also important for most cat owners.

For a kitten, you can immediately purchase a large, adult tray. A small animal can easily get there through the sides, and it will be possible not to spend money on a small tray, but immediately purchase a toilet, as they say, “for growth”.

Toilet filler

Cat litter differs in principle of action and material. They can be clumping (liquid, being absorbed, forms a lump) or absorbent (do not change appearance but retain moisture and odor).

According to the material, fillers are:

  • silica gel;
  • woody;
  • made on the basis of paper or grain waste;
  • mineral or clay.

Each of the types has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of price, safety, absorbent and odor-retaining properties. However, the main criterion when choosing a filler should be the preferences of the four-legged owner of the toilet. The instinct to "dig" is present in all cats, and a small pet should enjoy digging to its heart's content.


The cat should also have its own dishes, individual. Ideally, there should be three bowls: for water, for dry food and for wet canned food.

It depends on what kind of diet is intended for the kitten.

It is best to choose bowls made of glass, ceramics, faience, porcelain, metal for the animal. Pets may not like plastic utensils.

scratching post

This item must be purchased in advance if you do not want to change the furniture in the apartment later. Claws sharpen all breeds of cats, this is also an instinct.

The kitten tears up the furniture in the absence of a scratching post not because he wants to annoy the owner. This is for him and charging, and the realization of instinct. A small animal should be immediately accustomed to a scratching post, show him what to do with it. Many products are already impregnated with special compounds that attract cats.

If you buy an odorless scratching post or make it yourself, then you can spray it with liquid catnip, this will attract the cat to the object.

Care and hygiene items

Pedigree or outbred, but the baby needs to take care of the coat, teeth, eyes, ears and claws. Only carefully taking care of your pet, you can save his health.

To hygiene procedures a small pet must be taught from the very beginning early age, as soon as he was in the house, then there will be no problems in the future: the animal will get used to washing, combing, caring for teeth, eyes and ears.

Every cat needs to be washed. Doing this too often is not worth it, because under the coat it accumulates sebum, the presence of which is necessary for proper thermoregulation. Some owners wash their pets once a month, others once every three or six months. You need to choose the frequency of washing depending on the length of the coat and the pet's attitude to the bathing process.

The pet should be combed once a week, long-haired kittens can have the procedure more often. During the molting period, the cat must be combed daily.

You need to use special combs, best with metal teeth or natural bristles. Plastic ones strongly electrify wool.

Most kittens are complacent about the combing procedure, enjoy it and run to the person when they see the comb. If mats appear in a long-haired pet, then they should be carefully untangled with your fingers, trying not to hurt the kitten.

The ear cleaning procedure is carried out monthly. Cats need to brush their teeth daily. It is necessary to accustom to this from a very early age, otherwise the procedure will cause discomfort to the animal. Regular cleanings will help avoid tooth and gum disease, which is common in various breeds. Nail clipping should also be done regularly, as needed.


All children love to play - this is a necessary element of education and development. During the game, animals teach their heirs to hunt, take care of themselves, and get their own food. To become a mentor for a kitten is his owner. Today you can buy a variety of toys for your little pet, but you can also make them yourself.

All kids love to chase rubber balls, run after candy wrappers on a string, wag soft toys. If the cat does not have pre-prepared fun, he will find them on his own: absolutely all things left unattended can become a toy. When he drives deep under the refrigerator golden decoration, do not be offended, the baby is playing, but does not understand the value of objects and will not understand in the future.


A cat needs a carrier: it is easy to carry it to the veterinary clinic, travel to the country or to distant countries. It can also become a house for a kitten, where he can comfortably settle down for a night's rest. In this case, he will perceive this item absolutely calmly and will not resist if his owners are going to take him somewhere.


Under normal conditions, breastfeeding lasts about a month, up to 5-6 weeks. After this, the child should be transferred to a normal diet, gradually introducing complementary foods. The first teeth appear, and the cat can already eat food on its own.

Take care of the issue of feeding should be in advance. Felinologists do not adhere to a single point of view on the issue of diet: you can feed an animal with natural food, but it is not forbidden to purchase industrially manufactured feed.

The only thing that all experts agree on is that feeding a cat with food from a human table is by no means worth it. Her gastrointestinal tract is not adapted to such food.

In addition, having made a decision once, you do not need to transfer your pet from natural food to store-bought food and back without special need. From an early age, his digestion is adjusted to a certain diet, and by changing it, you can cause serious discomfort to your pet.

If you decide to feed your pet with natural products, then it should be borne in mind that the lion's share of the diet (80%) should be meat products (lean meats, offal). Also, cats can eat eggs, vegetables, cereals with milk, cottage cheese.

It is not recommended to give fish, but occasionally you can pamper your pet with a boiled boneless fish. With a natural diet, it is recommended that you give the animal vitamin and mineral complexes so that its body is provided with all the necessary substances.

High-quality industrial feed contains all the necessary compounds. In addition, they are developed taking into account breeds and individual features cats, so finding the right food for a kitten is easy.

The basis of the diet should be dry food, once a day you can give the cat canned food. For kittens, special feeds have been developed: they contain smaller pieces, and the needs of a growing body are also taken into account.

Little kittens quickly adapt to a new environment, but this period should be made as easy as possible for your pet. At first, he will miss his mother, look for her, but after a few days he will start exploring the expanses of the apartment.

If you do not plan to let the tailed pet into your bed, then it is necessary from the first days to accustom him to the house or bedding.

The animal will choose a place for sleeping by itself, and there you should put a house or lay a special bedding.

Moving and separation from mom is stressful for a small animal. At first, he may refuse to eat and drink. You need to accustom him gradually, over time he will begin to eat normally.

The pet will also choose a place for going to the toilet for himself. He may begin to meow loudly, circling in one place. This happens if in the nursery or the breeder he has already been accustomed to the tray. Where he has marked a place for himself, a pot is placed. Sometimes a kitten can quietly pee in some corner, and the owner simply does not notice it.

In any case, it is almost useless to accustom a kitten to a tray placed in the place chosen by the owner: he will go to the place where he did it for the first time.

In this matter, a person will have to adapt to a small pet. If the cat is not accustomed to the tray, then he needs to be shown several times what this item is intended for: as soon as the animal begins to “dig” a hole for its business, you need to place it in the tray.

Newborn Kitten Care

If it so happened that you have to take care of a kitten from birth, then you need to take into account several points. A cat can give her child everything she needs, the task of the owner is to create comfortable conditions for the woman in labor and her offspring.

Newborn blind kittens should be placed in a warm place, without drafts. It is necessary to ensure the absence of bright lights, loud sounds and other irritants. The rest of the cat will handle itself. No need to take kittens while they are on breastfeeding: Depending on the character, the cat may refuse to feed them further, smelling extraneous odors.

Features of care

Gradually, the children grow up, their eyes open, they begin to explore this new world. They need a lot of care and proper care so that they grow up healthy and happy.

Per month

A monthly kitten needs a lot of care: he is weak, helpless and cannot provide for himself.

If the cat does not have enough milk or the kitten is left without a mother, it must be fed with milk food using a syringe without a needle.

You can buy special milk formulas and children food for kittens. Cow's milk will not be digested in their stomach. A week-old kitten needs to be fed only with special mixtures, and from 1 month you can start feeding. If planned natural diet, then you can gradually teach your pet to eat from a bowl, chopping food as much as possible.

When it is planned to feed the cat with ready-made food, you can slowly introduce dry food into the diet, after soaking it in water.

In cases where the kitten does not have a mother, then he needs to be massaged in the abdomen to help normal intestinal motility. The cat licks the kitten, massaging the stomach, but if the baby has lost his mother, then his digestion must be helped. Such artificial licking procedures should be carried out from birth until the moment the digestive tract works on its own.

Rinse your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in water or a special solution every day. In the same period, it is already necessary to accustom the kitten to the tray.

When a homeless baby appears in the house, then he definitely needs to be given drugs against worms.

At two months

Nutrition should be continued in the same way as in one month old. You can slowly diversify the diet with new products that you plan to feed your pet.

A two-month-old kitten is shown the first. At this age, the first vaccination is given against the most common viral diseases cats.

Rinse eyes with furatsilin or chamomile decoction, brush your teeth daily, and ears once a month. It also needs weekly brushing. Claws are trimmed as needed.

At 2 months, you can carry out the first wash. You should carefully monitor the temperature of the water, it should not exceed 38 degrees. Bathe the baby carefully so that the water does not flood into the ears. Better not to wet your head at all.

At three months

By the age of three months, the kitten is already quite independent, all systems have been formed in it. If he is brought up correctly, he is able to eat adult food himself, play, and is accustomed to the tray.

It is necessary to provide him with maintenance: make the necessary vaccinations, protect him from injuries, properly feed, care for the skin, coat, eyes, ears and claws.

At 3 months, you should continue to educate, accustom the cat to order in the house.

Sterilization or castration is carried out in the period from 8 months to a year, until the animal has awakened the instinct of reproduction.

Kittens without mother

If the kitten is left without a mother, he will have to be fed on his own. This will require a special mixture and a bottle with a nipple. After each feeding, as in small children, kittens must be provoked to burp. This is also done: the cat is placed on the shoulder, placing a hand under the tummy, and stroking and rubbing the back.

Feed should be scheduled: every two or three hours. After reaching the age of two weeks, feeding can be arranged less frequently: every three or four hours, and take a break at night (no longer than 6 hours).

To stimulate intestinal peristalsis, kittens are given a light massage, imitating licking. After dinner, the cat should be kept over the tray, wiping its crotch with a damp cloth (it is better not to use cotton pads, the fibers remain on the coat and skin). Movements should be done carefully, in one direction, so as not to damage the delicate skin.

After the kitten has emptied bladder and intestines, attention should be paid to the color and consistency of excrement. Urine should have a light yellow color.

If it is dark, this indicates a lack of moisture in the baby's body.

The feces should be light brown or yellowish in color, with a dense consistency.

If the feces are green, this indicates excess nutrition, while white feces indicate serious problems with digestion and absorption of nutrient compounds.

In this case, the baby should be shown to the veterinarian. You should also see a doctor if the kitten does not defecate at all, and as soon as possible.

Before the age of two weeks, the mechanisms of thermoregulation in a kitten do not work, so it should be warmed. The place for the cat must be determined as the warmest in the house, without drafts; in addition, you can use an electric heating pad. Over time, the baby's body will begin to regulate the temperature, and he himself will approach or move away from the heating pad.

To determine that the kitten is cold, you can touch the ears, pads on the paws or put your finger in your mouth. If these places are cold, the animal must be immediately warmed up: wrapped in a warm, dense cloth and pressed against its own body.

Shelter kitten

Kittens are usually taken from a cattery or shelter at the age of two months. To make it easier for the baby to adapt to a new place, you should take a blanket or bedding where the smell of mother and other kittens remains. A blind kitten can only navigate by smell so far, and in a new house he will be calmer if he can smell familiar smells.

By the time the baby gets into new house, all the necessary things should be prepared for him: food, dishes, a tray, toys. At first, a small beast will require a lot of attention, declaring itself with a squeak. At first, you need to pay as much attention to the new tenant as possible. Introduce him to the new space should be gradually the same as with the rest of the family. Lots of people, loud noises a large number of new and strong odors can cause severe stress in the pet.

The kitten is not able to contact other animals for up to two weeks, so if there are still pets in the house, then you need to introduce them to the new inhabitant gradually and only after two weeks of age.

For kittens of different breeds

Some breeds of cats require supplementation from a very young age. Scots, both long-haired and short-haired, as well as all cats with long or semi-long hair (Siberian, Persian, Norwegian) require regular combing and washing.

This is important to prevent the wool from matting into clumps and tangles.

Britons, who have short coats, may not be combed often, but simply run wet hands over their coats.
Canadian, Don and other Sphynxes do not have hair, so the skin requires additional care. Such cats need to be washed regularly, wipe the skin with special solutions. Be sure to provide the sphinx with a warm bed.

This happy day has come, and you have acquired a kitten!

What needs to be done to make your furry friend cozy and comfortable in a new home? How to properly care for a kitten?

Toys and other things for development and communication with a kitten

Do not forget about toys for the kitten. When buying toys, choose soft, resilient materials. It can be balls, fur balls, mice and much more. The main thing is that the toy does not have small parts that the animal can tear off and accidentally swallow.

Do not forget, a cat is a predator, it needs to constantly play, hunt, tumble and climb. A mobile lifestyle allows the animal to be in active form and good health. For kittens, this is especially true, because in the process of playing they develop their dexterity, flexibility and muscle activity. All this allows the kitten to grow and develop harmoniously.

To avoid trouble with damaged furniture, be sure to buy a scratching post. An animal cannot be weaned from this, it is in its genes, because this is how they take care of their claws and grind them down. So just give the kitten a special place to sharpen his claws.

Kitten care

Special care requires a kitten's coat, buy a special shampoo, taking into account the peculiarities of your pet's coat.

It is advisable to bathe a cat no more than once every three months. In addition to wet cleaning, there are also dry shampoos that are used once a month. They allow you to keep the coat clean without getting wet. To do this, you need to apply a special spray evenly on the kitten's fur, rub this spray with massaging movements and comb out the dirt from the fur with a comb.

Kittens should be brushed every day, especially for long-haired cats. You can train a cat for this in young age, then it can no longer be done.

Wool that has fallen into tangles can unpleasantly pull and tear out of the kitten's skin, bringing him unpleasant and painful sensations.

For combing, you need to select a brush depending on the thickness of the coat, its length and softness. The harder the wool, the harder the brush. For example, for a kitten's delicate fur, you can use a brush with rubber teeth.

Start scratching the cat from the back, from her neck. Try not to touch the ears, they are very sensitive in a cat. Then on the sides, changing sides in turn. Smoothly moving to the stomach. Turn the cat over on its back and comb the belly with gentle movements, the skin here is more sensitive than on the back, so do not make sudden and rough movements. Comb smoothly and gently.

If tangles have formed, carefully remove them at the base of the tangle formation.

Cats are combed in the direction of hair growth, exceptions may be some breeds, for example, Persian cats, which are sometimes recommended to be combed against the direction of hair growth first. Be sure to check with the breeder how to properly comb your kitten.

In addition to washing and combing, there are several other mandatory procedures for caring for a kitten.

Hygiene procedures or the so-called grooming include examining the eyes for the presence of purulent discharge in them, which a healthy kitten should not have. If there were purulent discharge You definitely need to come to the veterinarian for a checkup.
Usually in cats in the morning a dark coating accumulates in the corners of the eyes, it must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in plain water.
In addition to the eyes, you need to regularly examine the ears, at least once a week. The auricles of the animal must be clean, there should be no plaque, unpleasant odor or black sulfur residue (this is a sign of an ear mite). The sulfur of a healthy kitten is light and odorless. Ears are cleaned with ordinary cotton swabs, special solutions are sold for cleaning the ears.

Claws also require attention. Approximately once every two weeks, you need to inspect and trim the claws. Pay attention to the color of the nails; when cutting the nails with special scissors, it is very important not to damage the blood vessel in the cavity of the claw. And of course, let your pet actively use the scratching post.

All of the above tips and devices will make your kitten's life more convenient, but the most important thing for him is your attention.

Do not leave the kitten alone for a long time, your time is given to him, because he is your new friend and will want to get to know you better.

Caress, stroke your purring fluffy, cats often need tactile contact with their owner, so they establish contacts and connections. On the body of a cat there are small hairs - vibris, which are the organs of touch for a cat. If you stroke a cat in the direction of growth of these hairs, the cat experiences pleasure, if against growth - discomfort.

In addition, the places where the cat likes to be stroked the most highlight a special secret with which the cat marks its territory and, accordingly, you. If you pet her yourself in these places, you seem to mark yourself, this is perceived by the cat as your complete trust in her, which causes a lot of pleasant emotions in her.

Such sensitive places are: the abdomen, lower back, lips and chin, the angle between the lips and nose, the middle of the forehead between the ears, the area between the eye and ear.

Now you know a lot of secrets to be happy kittens. Nutrition, care ensure the longevity of pets.

You can learn even more and become real professionals by joining our program "Become a professional - take care of it right", available after registration on our website.

Here you can get training, test your new knowledge by answering tests, and also accumulate points that you can exchange for valuable prizes for you and your pet.

Love animals and let them love you back!

Caring for newborn kittens left orphans for some reason is a very difficult task. Of course, people cannot replace mothers for kittens, and besides, it will take 24 hours a day to take care of kittens. But if there is no other way out, because the cat is not feeling well and is not able to feed the kittens, you will have to take on this responsibility. Before you try to take care of kittens yourself, try finding a lactating cat for them at animal shelters. Some cats accept and feed other people's kittens. This is the best thing you can do for kittens. But if you couldn't find a lactating cat for the kittens, you'll have to take care of them yourself.


Creating a favorable atmosphere

    Learn how to hold kittens properly. Always wash your hands before taking a kitten. There are a lot of bacteria on the hands, and the immunity of kittens is very weak. When you pick up a kitten, be careful. You need to check as often as possible whether the kittens are cold (in this case, the paw pads will be cold). If the kittens are cold, they will begin to meow plaintively.

    • If you have other pets, try to isolate the kittens for at least two weeks. It is important to constantly monitor the kittens so that they do not climb into the litter box or into dirty water because babies can pick up various diseases.
  1. Keep kittens warm. Newborn kittens (up to two weeks old) receive warmth from the mother cat. You can't provide them with that much warmth, so use a heating pad. Wrap the heating pad in a towel and place the kittens on it.

    Make a crib for little kittens. Take a large box and put it somewhere quiet and warm. It is important that this place is free from drafts and other pets. Place a towel around the box so the kittens can rest nearby. The box itself should be half-covered with a towel to keep warm.

    Keep kittens together. No need to equip a sleeping place for each kitten separately. Make one bed for all kittens. Together they will be warm and calm. The sleeping place should be spacious so that the kittens can move around.

    • For example, if the kittens become hot near the heating pad, they should have enough space to crawl to the side.

    Feeding kittens

    1. Buy cat milk replacer. It can be Royal Canin milk replacer, you can buy it in veterinary clinic and a pet store or order online. This is a cat's baby food, the composition of which is similar to the composition of the milk of a lactating cat. Don't give kittens cow's milk because sugar (lactose) can cause upset stomachs in kittens.

      Before you feed the kittens, you need to prepare everything. Sterilize the bottle and nipple in boiling water and let them cool on a clean towel. Mix cat's milk replacer powder with water and mix well. Before giving milk to kittens, heat it to 35-37 degrees. Once the milk is hot, take a pipette and put a couple of drops of milk on your wrist to make sure it's warm enough.

      It is important to properly hold the kitten during feeding. Never hold it the way you would hold a child. The kitten's paws should be lowered and the head should look straight, as if he is standing in front of a cat. Take the kitten by the scruff and move the nipple to the side, and then to the baby's mouth. The kitten will choose the most comfortable position for itself. Let the kitten suck up the milk on its own, do not splash it or pour the milk into the kitten's mouth.

      Kittens need to be fed frequently. You will know that the kitten is hungry when he begins to meow plaintively and crawl around in search of a pacifier. In the first two weeks of their life, kittens need to be fed every 2-3 hours. For this, a bottle with a special nipple is best suited. Follow the instructions on the milk replacer packaging to calculate the amount of formula for each meal. If the kitten is full, he can fall asleep right during sucking, and he will have a rounded tummy.

      • If the kitten is not able to suck the milk out of the bottle on its own, take a pipette and gently drop the milk into the kitten's mouth.
      • After two weeks, breaks between meals can be as long as 3-4 hours, and at night - 6 hours.

    Kitten care

    1. Help the kittens to relieve themselves. Usually the cat licks the kittens after each feeding, so before and after each feeding you need to wipe the kitten's bottom with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. This stimulates the kitten's bladder and intestines. In the first few weeks, the kitten is not able to defecate on its own. Place the kitten on a clean blanket and turn on its back. With a cotton pad dipped in warm water, wipe the kitten's tummy and ass in one direction (not back and forth). After a while, the kitten will start to urinate or defecate, keep rubbing the tummy and buttocks until the kitten relieves.

    2. Wash the kittens. After you have fed them and helped them to relieve themselves, they need to be washed. To do this, take a cloth, soak it in warm water and wipe the kittens' fur. Then wipe them with a dry towel and put them in the bed.

      • If you notice dry stool stuck to the kitten's coat, gently lower the kitten into a bowl of warm water. Then carefully wipe the faeces with a cloth.
    3. Watch the weight of the kittens. Kittens should gain weight rapidly during the first few months. Weigh the kittens every day at the same time and record their weight. Usually a week after birth, the weight of kittens doubles. Kittens should gain about 30g each day a week after birth. If the kitten stops gaining weight or starts to lose weight, then something is wrong with the kitten's health. In this case, you need to take the kitten to the vet.

      • Kittens are usually born weighing around 90–110 g. Two weeks after birth, a kitten should weigh 200 g, and three weeks later, 280–300 g.
    • Many cities have programs and events to help homeless animals.
    • Contact your local animal shelter for advice. Most likely, there the kittens will receive the necessary veterinary care and help them find a new home. In some shelters, volunteers take care of kittens until a certain age and only then find new owners for them.
    • The best place for a newborn kitten is next to its mother. Wild kittens should stay with their mother cat for up to four weeks. Therefore, before you take the kittens to yourself, look around for a mother cat. Most often, the cat wanders somewhere nearby. Wild orphaned kittens will be dirty and unhappy, they will meow loudly from cold and hunger.
    • If you find orphaned kittens, but cannot take them for yourself, contact the animal shelter, there will be volunteers who will help the kittens. If you do not have the opportunity or time to care for kittens, take them to an animal shelter.
    • If there is only one kitten, buy a soft toy that he can hug and keep warm. Such a toy will remind the animal of his mother, brothers and sisters, and he will not be lonely.
    • When the kitten finishes eating, use a toothbrush - it mimics the roughness of his mother's tongue. In addition, having arranged a place for kittens, put a clockwork there - they will calm your little pets.
    • Let the kitten hide if he wants to. Don't force him to do anything against his will. In time it will open up to you. Find a large box and put warm bedding on the bottom so that the kitten can feel safe there.


    • Keep in mind that newborn kittens can die without a mother, even if you do your best to make the kittens feel good.
    • Never give kittens cow's, condensed, packaged or breast milk. The same goes for yogurt. The only things a kitten can eat are mother's (or foster cat's) milk, kitten milk replacer, kitten food, adult cat food (only for a short period of time), or, in extreme cases, goat's milk (again, feed they can't take long). If you don't have any of the above, give the kittens water until you get the food they need.

When deciding to get a kitten, you need to know about the principles proper nutrition and animal care. In the first months of life, the pet is actively growing. What an adult animal will become depends largely on genetics, but a complete diet also plays an important role. Sufficient intake of all the necessary substances in the body is the key to its proper development.

Features of feeding a two-month-old kitten

In the first days of life, mother's milk gives the kitten everything it needs. Usually complementary foods start from 4 weeks - sour-milk products (low fat content), liquid cereals, well-chopped meat. Products are introduced gradually, in portions of a small volume, allowing the baby's body to get used to the new food. A competent breeder usually transfers a kitten to the owner at the age of 2-3 months. By this time, the animal is already accustomed to "adult" food.

The owner of a fluffy baby immediately needs to decide on the type. The kitten's diet can consist of natural products or ready-made feeds of industrial production. Both types of food will be useful for him, and when making a choice, the owner should take into account only the taste preferences of the pet and whether he has enough free time to cook.

This little fluffy creature will grow up beautiful and healthy with proper feeding and care.

It is undesirable to mix two types of food. You need to decide - natural or ready-made (industrial) food. If the choice was made in favor of store feeds, then you need to choose a product from one manufacturer.

natural nutrition

Experts still cannot come to a consensus on which diet is better for an animal - natural or consisting of ready-made products. Proponents of natural nutrition will say that only natural, properly processed and prepared foods are acceptable for feeding a two-month-old kitten. The benefits of this diet include:

  • confidence in the quality and freshness of products - after all, the owner chooses them himself;
  • lack of chemistry, which can have an extremely adverse effect on the state of a fragile organism;
  • lack of dependence and addiction that can occur when feeding ready-made products.

The disadvantages of natural nutrition include the fact that with it the animal does not receive enough necessary vitamins, while in high-quality ready-made feeds all the necessary components are already present. It will not be difficult for a loving and responsible owner to solve this problem - he can purchase vitamin complexes in pet stores and enrich his pet's food with them.

It is a mistake to think that a natural diet for a pet can consist of dishes prepared by a person for his table. Such food, due to the content of salt and spices, is categorically contraindicated for a fluffy baby and can lead to malfunctions in the digestive tract.

When choosing a natural type of feeding, you should know which foods will benefit the kitten, and which ones should not be included in his diet. Allowed products include:

  1. Meat. Only low-fat (beef or poultry meat is suitable) and well chopped. Frozen raw meat can be given to adults, but it is better to boil it for feeding babies.
  2. Offal. Only boiled and not more than 2-3 times a week, liver - once a week.
  3. Dairy products (low fat). All of them must be fresh.
  4. Kashi. Rice, buckwheat or oatmeal should be well boiled.
  5. Plant food. Carrots, beets, zucchini, greens are useful for kittens. They should be added to meat products- so animals are more willing to use them.
  6. Fish. It is allowed to give only sea fish (low-fat), pre-boiled - cod, haddock, hake and no more than 2-3 times a month.
  7. Yolk. Before giving the product to a pet (1-2 times in 7 days), it should be boiled.
  8. Vegetable oils. They are allowed to be added to the main dish, but not every day and not more than 1 tsp. for one take. Useful for the kitten will be oils of olive, sea buckthorn, flax.

Useful for kittens, as well as for adult pets, special grass. Sprouting mixtures, consisting of various cereals, can be found in pet stores. Grass containing useful elements and helping to remove lumps of fur from the stomach that got there after the pet licked its fur should always be available.

All food for the kitten should be warm or at room temperature. Pieces of meat should be cut first into small, and then into larger pieces - as the animal grows older, it must train its jaw. No heat treatment other than boiling is allowed.

A kitten and an adult animal should not be given food from a human table.

If the pet receives natural food, it is necessary to regularly enrich it with vitamins and supplements. Without B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, and K, a pet's health and appearance can deteriorate. The best vitamin preparations for kittens are Beaphar Kittys junior, GIMPET Baby-tabs,
Phytocalcevit and Wolmar Winsome.

Feeding prepared foods

Ready-made feeds (both dry and wet) are balanced in composition and contain everything that a growing animal needs. Of course, if it is a premium or super-premium product, and not a food of the so-called budget category. Economy-class cat foods are not recommended by experts not only for feeding babies, but even for inclusion in the diet of adults.

Ready-made feeds of the premium or super-premium category are made from high-quality raw materials, have a high nutritional value, contain all the necessary elements and vitamins. Such products are completely absent or contain very small amounts of soy and cereals. They do not contain preservatives and dyes that are harmful to your pet's health. Premium and super-premium feed manufacturers include:

  1. 1st Choice. Suitable for fluffy babies from 2 months to a year. Despite the excellent quality, the food is affordable (compared to other super-premium products).
  2. Hill Science Plan. The assortment for babies includes two types of dry and one type of wet food for animals up to a year old.
  3. Royal Canin. For pets up to 4 months, canned food is produced, and for individuals from 4 months to a year, dry food.
  4. Happy Cat Junior. The food is specially produced for small pets aged from 5 weeks to a year.
  5. Purina ProPlan. The range of this manufacturer includes one type of dry food for babies from 6 weeks to a year and two types of wet food. The product is affordable.

The best ready-made products for cats are holistics - dry products, the production of which uses technology that preserves the juiciness and freshness of the meat as much as possible. They are ideal for a kitten's diet, but their disadvantage is the high cost. Manufacturers of such feeds include: Eukanuba, Orijen, ProNature, Innova Evo, Superpet.

Premium and super-premium ready-to-cook kitten food contains everything a small pet needs

Since the transition of kittens to solid food, it is necessary to gradually accustom them to drinking water. It plays an important role in maintaining the health and well-being of your pet. The water in the bowl should always be fresh.

The kitten “Scot” came to us at the age of two months. He was already eating solid food, but it seemed to us that the baby also needed milk. Not knowing that cow's milk is harmful, we gave it to our pet. As a result, the kitten began to have digestive problems - diarrhea and vomiting. Fortunately, after the elimination of milk from the diet, everything returned to normal. From the range of ready-made feeds, we chose 1st Choice - it is quite affordable and the pet likes it.

Growth rates and feeding regimen for kittens at the age of two months

A kitten that has just been born weighs from 70 to 130 grams; after a month, the baby's weight is approximately 500-700 grams. The period from a month to six months is considered the most active in terms of development and weight gain. At the age of 8 weeks, when the pet completely switches to “adult” food, its weight should be from one to one and a half kilograms.

The total daily amount of food that a pet should receive at 2 months is 180–200 grams. This amount of food should be divided into 5-6 servings. If the animal's diet consists of ready-made feeds, then the owner does not need to independently calculate the dosage - it is indicated on the product packaging.

Norms of development and feeding of kittens at the age of 3, 4, and 5 months

With age, the daily amount of food should be increased in accordance with the weight of the pet, and the number of feedings should be reduced. The frequency of feeding a fluffy three-month-old baby is 4-5 times a day. At this age, a healthy kitten should weigh between 1700 and 2300 grams. This indicator depends on the breed and gender - males usually weigh more than females.

At four to five months, the frequency of feeding can be reduced to 3-4 times. The daily food intake during this period should be approximately 200-240 grams. A healthy four-month-old fluffy baby weighs from 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms, and at five months the weight of a pet should be 3-4 kilograms.

It is necessary to regularly weigh the pet in order to notice deviations of its weight from the norm in time.

The weight of a British cat at 2 months can vary from 450 to 900 grams, and a cat of the same breed can weigh from 1 kilogram to 1 kilogram 700 grams.

During the period of active growth, you need to monitor the sufficient presence of protein and vitamins in the diet. The volume of meat food - the main source of protein should be 60-80%.

How to determine if a diet is right for a pet

It is possible to assess whether the food chosen by the owner is suitable for the animal about a few weeks after its introduction into the diet. A certain finished product may not be suitable physiologically - that is, it may not be digested well, the kitten may be allergic to it, or the pet may simply not like it. If everything is in order, then:

  • the animal is active and has a healthy appearance - the eyes and ears are clean, the coat is shiny;
  • the pet eats with appetite and eats up the prescribed amount of food;
  • the kitten has no digestive problems - flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, colic.

If you have an allergy or physiological problems feed should be replaced with another. If the symptoms recur, then the pet will have to be transferred to a natural diet. Accustoming to a new food should be carried out gradually. Within a week, you need to mix the new finished product with the old one, gradually increasing the amount of the new one. You should carefully monitor the condition of the pet. Some digestive problems may occur during the transition to a new food, but if the food is suitable, they should resolve within 2-3 weeks.

Features of feeding kittens of different breeds

There is no big difference in the selection of a diet for kittens of a particular breed. All members of the cat family love meat and are adapted to eating carnivorous food. When feeding an animal of a certain breed, one should take into account the tendency to certain diseases associated with nutrition, and adjust the diet accordingly.

Feeding cats of the British and Scottish breed

Kittens "British" and "Scots" are generally unpretentious in food. Due to the tendency to obesity, it is necessary to carefully monitor the weight of the kitten, starting from six months, when the period of active growth ends. If the animal is gaining excess weight, a diet of less high-calorie foods should be made. In the diet of the "British" or "Scotch" should be less carbohydrate foods, such as cereals, but there should be more vegetables, proteins and foods with calcium.

Maine Coon feeding

The diet of the Maine Coon, as well as the diet of other kittens, must be varied and must include meat and plant foods, dairy products, sea fish low-fat varieties, porridge. As an animal of this breed matures, it should receive more calories from food than a medium-sized cat. The daily volume of food for a two-month-old kitten should be 225-230 grams. For the Maine Coon, the frequency of feeding is important - the more often he eats, the better the food is absorbed. A sufficient amount of protein must be present in the diet of an active pet. Calcium contained in kefir and cottage cheese, phosphorus, which comes with sea fish, are involved in the formation of the animal's skeletal system. A varied diet is a guarantee of health and excellent appearance of the pet.

Feeding the sphinx

Sphinxes are distinguished by excellent appetite and are practically omnivorous. At the age of two to three months, the kitten should consume 150 grams of food per day, the frequency of feeding is up to 6 times a day. Starting from six months, it is enough to feed pets 2-3 times a day with larger portions. The diet of a two-month-old kitten should consist mainly of cottage cheese, mashed boiled beef or chicken. Starting from three months, the sphinx can be given not only boiled, but also raw meat, dairy products, vegetables and vegetable oil. It is enough to give offal, egg yolk and cottage cheese to the pet once or twice a week, cereals - every other day.

Video: cat feeding myths

We are what we eat. This statement is true for pets as well. A kitten in the absence of hereditary health problems will definitely grow up to be a physically strong and beautiful animal if the owner takes care of it. proper diet. Compliance with simple feeding rules is a guarantee of excellent health and beautiful appearance of a cat.

If a small pet has appeared in the apartment, the question of how to care for a kitten at home becomes relevant. The grooming process should begin as soon as the pet has crossed the threshold of a new home. Adaptation of the kitten occurs in a few days. It will take from several days to a week to adapt to new housing. To begin with, the kitten must be released and allowed to look around. He may get scared and start crying - in this case, it is preferable to be near the pet all the time.

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    Kitten adaptation

    It is better that the kitten sleeps on the first night in his house or in a place designed specifically for him. At first, the kitten may refuse food. You need to offer food gradually. It is better to feed him with the food he is used to.

    If the pet is previously accustomed to the tray, you must use the same filler. In case he is not accustomed to the toilet, you need to look after him. As soon as the kitten begins to walk around one place and meow, these are signs that he wants to go to the toilet. You need to put the pet in the tray. Such an operation must be done several times until he gets used to it.

    Selecting and purchasing a tray

    The tray is the first thing a kitten needs. And it is established from a very early age. If this device is not in the apartment or in the house, then the kitten will begin to relieve its immediate need wherever it wants. If he was abandoned by a cat, and he was picked up on the street, then it will be harder to accustom him to cleanliness. It is best to have time to train until the kitten is 2 months old.

    In total, baby trays are divided into three different types:

    1. 1. The first type is officially called "Eurotoilet for kittens", that is, a closed-type toilet.
    2. 2. The second type of tray is open with filler.
    3. 3. The third is open, but without filler. Grids are used instead.

    The first toilet has an aesthetic appearance, but is expensive. In such a device, experts advise using a helium filler. The benefits include neatness and elimination of unpleasant odors. There is only one minus: the dimensions of the tray are quite large. It is for this reason that many do not use this type of toilet.

    The second is open with the use of a certain filler. This tray is by far the most popular. It is recommended to buy a larger tray, because in the process of growth, the kitten simply will not have enough space. Large sides seem to be an obstacle for cats, but they are not.

    There are trays without the use of any filler. They can be used by those who are at home all the time. After all, the mesh must be washed frequently so that the negative smell does not spread throughout the rooms. This type of toilet will periodically need to be washed with special products.

    Types of filler for the tray

    Properly selected filler will help to care for the British or the Sphynx. It is necessary to pay special attention to this. There are three types:

    • locking;
    • clumping;
    • absorbent.

    If we talk about savings, then it is worth highlighting the so-called locking filler. The liquid flows down it and remains below, so the smell does not spread throughout the house. The top layers of such a filler remain clean and dry. Over time, it will need to be refreshed.

    As for the second type of filler - clumping, it can be dissolved by moisture. Due to this, it forms lumps. In order to eliminate them, use a special spatula. When the need arises, it is topped up. The filler should be updated every week.

    Absorbent type fillers are not only inexpensive, but also environmentally friendly. The production of such a device is carried out at the expense of sawdust, paper and other means. It is removed, like other analogues, as it gets dirty.

    Utensils for food

    The type of cat does not affect the choice of dishes for food at all. Whether it is a Maine Coon or a European Shorthair cat, you will still need to purchase three plates. Each bowl differs in its structure depending on the scope of the fixture.

    One must be deeper in order to have increased stability. This bowl is for water. The rest are needed for liquid food and for dry food, respectively. Bowls should be comfortable for the animal. In this case, you should choose those that are easy to wash, because you will have to do this quite often.

    Nail care

    Cat claws are a serious thing that should not be left unattended. It is imperative to purchase the so-called scratching post as early as possible. Otherwise, the cat will sharpen its claws on the sofa or other furniture. It is necessary to accustom your pet to a scratching post at the age of up to one month.

    In order for the accustoming process to take place faster, experts recommend using the so-called liquid mint, which attracts the cat's attention by smell.

    In addition, the nails need some care. They need to be filed, but you can not cut too deep, because the pet will be hurt.

    Hair removal

    You need to purchase a comb for a cat or a cat. A brush works great. If you use such a product to clean the cat, then the wool will not be scattered throughout the house.

    It should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to care for a cat's hair with ordinary human shampoo. After all, skin and wool are completely different from human. In veterinary shops and supermarkets, you can now find a huge amount of animal wash. You need to carefully study the range and choose what suits your pet.

    Plastic combs electrify wool, so they should not be used. It is important to know that the use of so-called slickers has a negative effect on the coat. In the people, such devices are called slickers. If the pet does not participate in exhibitions, then it is not worth exposing it to such shocks.


    At a young age, all children need toys, and kittens in this case are no exception. Such animals will look for entertainment on their own, if you do not buy something in advance. Everything that glitters will become a toy: rings, earrings and other precious jewelry.

    Based on this, it is better to purchase a toy in advance. Various balls or clockwork mice will do. It is good if they are fixed on a rope or a spring: this way the cat will be more interested, and the toy will not be lost. You can make a toy with your own hands - this will save money.


    In the process of feeding, there are prohibitions. It is strictly forbidden to feed cats or cats with milk. It is very difficult for even people to digest such a product, and it is even more difficult for the cat's body to cope with this.

    In addition to such a product as milk, cats should not:

    • various types of bones, both chicken and fish;
    • pork meat;
    • sausages;
    • salted and smoked products;
    • sweet foods;
    • potatoes and legumes;
    • protein in its various manifestations;
    • fish meat.

    Suitable Products

    First, it should be noted that food from the human table is not suitable for kittens of any breed. If you take the animal while still small, then it will have to be cooked separately. The following foods can be included in the cat's diet:

    • raw beef, if it is frozen;
    • boiled chicken meat;
    • offal from beef or chicken;
    • egg yolk;
    • porridge with milk;
    • dairy products;
    • raw or boiled vegetables.

    All this must be exceptionally fresh. When cooking, do not use seasonings, pepper and salt.

    You can feed your pet with special food. This will save a lot of time. All types of feed are balanced products. Essential Vitamins already present, they do not need to be added. But it is important to know that canned food is not suitable for small cats. Kittens can only be fed dry food. It is better to use a special diet for kittens.

    When buying food, you can not stop the choice on cheap offers. After all, it is these that cause various diseases in animals.

    Monthly kittens need their own diet, which must be followed. At home, cats need to be given food strictly according to the schedule. If the pet is not yet two months old, then feed it five times a day in small portions. As the cat grows older, the portion is made larger, and the number of meals is reduced to three times a day.

    Kitten health

    Every day you need to monitor the condition of the animal. If something is in doubt, it is best to consult a veterinarian. Some diseases go away without obvious symptoms, so a person needs to be careful. Also, do not forget about timely vaccination and deworming.

    In addition, there are parts of the body that require special attention. These are the ears, eyes and teeth of the animal. The owner can and should take care of them.


    Once a month they must be cleaned. To do this, it is possible to use baby oil or a hydrogen peroxide composition. The cleaning tool can be an ordinary cotton swab, which must be carefully swiped across auricle, collecting dirt and sulfur.

    In no case should you not get deep into your ears - you can damage it. With this procedure, the care of the kitten begins. It will be more correct and easier if the pet gets used to it with early childhood. To train an animal, after each cleansing of the ears, give it a treat and praise it.

    Kitten eyes

    The eyes of small kittens require special attention, if only because they have only recently opened. It is possible to purchase eye wash products at a veterinary pharmacy. They are applied as drops and are rarely used.

    Every day, the usual care of the eyes of kittens should be carried out - they must be wiped with a piece of cotton wool soaked in ordinary boiled water. This will help to avoid the accumulation of mucus and dirt in the corners of the eyes.

    Kitten dental care

    Another key hygiene routine for kittens is taking care of their teeth. At first, you don’t even need a special brush, although it’s better to buy it later. Q-tip you need to carefully run over the teeth, removing the remnants of food and plaque. This must be done at least once a week.

    And do not forget that caring for a kitten implies not only the implementation of absolutely all the rules, but also an attentive attitude towards the pet. Only the love and care of the owner will make the kitten's stay in the house comfortable and help to avoid numerous difficulties in the future.