Veterinary clinic Chertanovo. Veterinary clinic north chertanovo Vet clinic chertanovo south

Balaklavsky prospect, central - Varshavsk. sh-se, Moscow Ring Road, Rossoshanskaya and Rossoshansky proezd, as well as many others.

Industry In the modern district, which has become part of the Southern District of the capital, two mechanical plants and many motor transport enterprises are actively functioning.

Each district of Chertanovo has its own administration. Chertanovo Yuzhnoye is today managed by Nikolai Viktorovich Shcherbakov. He is receiving citizens in this building, located on Podolskikh Kursantov street, 4a. The Chertanovo Central administration is located on Dnepropetrovskaya street, 16, building 8. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mikheev is the head of the administration. Chertanovo North is under the strict control of Alexander Evgenievich Demin. The administration building is located at 116 on the Warsaw highway.

Problems of the area An urgent problem of modern Chertanovo is an acute shortage of specially equipped veterinary clinics to provide assistance to animals at the proper level. The population of the region has exceeded 100,000 people, so the issue needs to be resolved immediately. Veterinary clinic Chertanovo is open around the clock.

PRICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS (all prices are in Russian rubles)

Treatment of animals. Cost in Moscow.

Vet clinic on Chertanovskaya street - price list for services

Examination and reception of the veterinarian
Animal blood sampling 200
Veterinarian consultation 300
Home visit by a veterinarian in Moscow 500
Calling a veterinarian at home in mo 1000
Reception of exotic animals (by appointment) 1200
Specialized veterinary appointment (ornithologist, ratologist, herpetologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, dentist) 1000
Ultrasound cat/dog abdomen) 2500
Ultrasound cat/dog (one organ) 1200
Animal manipulation therapy
Injection to a cat in / in the introduction of a jet butterfly / catheter 200
Injections to the dog i / m and s / c administration of the drug 250
Eye drops for a cat/dog 150
Ear instillation for dogs/cats 150
Put on a bandage 250
Put on a plaster cast 450
Hemotransfusion (blood transfusion): dog 1520
Hemotransfusion (blood transfusion): cat 1250
leather processing ( skin diseases animals) 300
Treatment of wounds, stitches 350
Cleansing enema for cat/dog 400
Dropper for dog/cat 360
Washing Bladder 850
Placement of an IV catheter in animals 350
cat nose wash 360
Bandage Removal 320
Placement of a urinary catheter in a dog 1200
Placement of a urinary catheter in a cat 1000
Cleaning the paraanal glands: cat, dog, ferret 350-600
Tick ​​removal (one tick) 300
Vaccination of cats/kittens 800
Vaccination of dogs/puppies
Treatment of cats
t Oxoplasmosis in cats treatment 1250
L treatment of ticks in cats 900
L isai in cats treatment 1260
FROM diabetes mellitus in cats 2500
cystitis in cats 1500
D ermatitis in cats treatment 1800
Urolithiasis disease 1700
Feline leukemia 1700
urethrostomy in cats 1500
Treatment of urolithiasis in cats 1550
G red cat removal 2100
B eating in cats 1500
Panleukopenia 1500
H Umka in cats treatment 1500
P ancreatitis in cats 1200
And infectious peritonitis 1300
dog treatment
Vaccinations for dogs 1000
G astritis in dogs treatment 3230
C itis in dogs treatment 1400
O dog poisoning, help 1200
Distemper in dogs 1500
Enteritis 1100
Dermatitis 1250
Worms 1400
Animal surgery
Castration of a cat 1500
Spaying a cat 2500
Sterilization of a cat (laparoscopy) 3000
Male castration 2000
Spaying a dog 3000
Sterilization of animals at home 3000
Castration of animals at home 2500
Removal of sebum 2000
Hernia removal 2000
A haircut. grooming
Dog Grooming 2000
Hygienic dog grooming 1200
Bird trimming 600
Nail clipping: cat, ferret, rabbit, cavy, parrot 500
Dog nail trimming 500
Haircut tangles / combing 500
Grooming a cat without anesthesia 1200
Grooming a cat with anesthesia 1500
Fixation of an aggressive animal 400
Cat ear cleaning 400
Dog ear cleaning 500
Ear cleaning (ferret, rabbit 300
Trimming teeth in rodents 400
Bird trimming 400
Other veterinary services
R odes in cats, help 1200
R odes for dogs, veterinarian help 1500
Sleeping a cat 2000
Dog euthanasia 2500
Cremation of cats 3000
dog cremation 4000

Vet clinic on Chertanovskaya street

Professional veterinary care with home visits to any point in 45 minutes. More than 15 categories of veterinary services! Search for the nearest clinic and register online. Call the veterinarian at home. All types of veterinary care at your home, affordable prices. Call! Veterinarian at home from the veterinary service. All vets. All veterinary services. Available. All veterinary clinics SWAD. Painless euthanasia of pets. Export and cremation. We will quickly euthanize the cat under anesthesia. We'll take the body for cremation. Contact us! Euthanasia, cremation, funeral services for pets in Moscow.

Vet clinic on Chertanovskaya street - we are located near the metro

Treatment of animals in the veterinary clinic 99 lives. Cost in Moscow.

In a metropolis, a very popular service is the call of a doctor. A veterinarian is called to the house in various situations. Due to the high qualification of the employee veterinary center able to perform most of the available procedures. Moreover, you can call a veterinarian to examine a pet in a variety of cases. Today, most metropolitan residents can afford to start their own family Aibolit.

One of the subdivisions of the mobile team of veterinarians is emergency veterinary care. This is where pet owners come into contact with endangered animals. life situation. An urgent call to the veterinarian at home is necessary if the pet is bleeding, convulsing, and cannot be born. Urgent service doctors go to the place immediately, sometimes not even half an hour passes, and the doctor is already examining the injured pet.

Benefits of home treatment

In Moscow, a veterinarian comes to your home around the clock. The function is very convenient for residents of various areas. Sometimes it’s not easy to find transport, get through traffic jams to the right clinic. Traveling with a seriously ill pet can be very dangerous. Choose a round-the-clock home veterinary service when:

  • A preventive inspection is required.
  • Babies need to be vaccinated.
  • There are strange, disturbing symptoms.
  • The animal is in severe pain.
  • There are open wounds, blood flows, pus.
  • The pet is lethargic, weak, apathetic, refuses to eat.

Don't delay calling the clinic! Remember, the sooner the veterinarian arrives at the house, the better for the animal. Many diseases develop rapidly, leaving few chances for salvation if treatment is late. Little pets get sick at lightning speed, so don't hesitate!

How to call the veterinarian?

Calling a doctor home is very simple. Call the clinic and inform the doctor on duty visible symptoms. Specify the exact address, leave contacts. Prepare a free space for the arrival of the veterinarian. Cover it with a towel or diaper. The place for inspection should be bright, warm. If the animal is convulsing, bleeding, do not touch it until the doctor arrives.

Calling a veterinarian at home can save a lot of time. And the ability to call him around the clock gives hope to critical pets. At home, you can carry out the following types of veterinary procedures:

  • Part of abdominal operations - castration, sterilization, removal of the tumor.
  • Vaccination, catheterization, microchipping.
  • Teeth brushing, haircut.
  • Preliminary treatment of diseases.
  • Collection of analyses.

The cost of the described services corresponds to the current price list. Calling a veterinarian at home in Moscow is inexpensive, it is 1000 rubles. The final price depends on the number of services performed. After work, the veterinarian will describe in detail the cost of each action. Our clinic has a transparent pricing system.

Veterinary clinic 99 lives - other services

Veterinary clinic metro Khovrino
Veterinary clinic of physicians 16
Monino veterinary clinic number 1

Our veterinary clinic Chertanovskaya street provides services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in pets. Professional veterinarians with extensive experience practical work cope with almost any task.

Veterinary clinic Chertanovskaya street is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows for high-quality research to establish and confirm the diagnosis.

Our laboratory conducts:

  • general biochemical analyzes blood and urine of animals;
  • determining the level of hormones;
  • sowing with a test for the sensitivity of microflora to various drugs;
  • and much more.
  • In the veterinary clinic Chertanovskaya street there is an X-ray room, ultrasound examinations and ECG are carried out. This allows us to provide high-quality veterinary care to animals in the most various occasions from trauma to childbirth.

    The cost of a number of services is lower than in most veterinary clinics in Moscow. We also guarantee the reliability of studies, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the qualitative selection of the appropriate treatment in each case.

    The veterinary clinic Chertanovskaya street works around the clock, we also provide services to help animals at home.

    Calling a veterinarian at home

    A qualified specialist can solve many problems related to animal health at home, which eliminates the need to transport the animal to the veterinary clinic and eliminates waiting in line.

    At home, you can carry out the whole range of preventive treatments. The veterinarian will bring the vaccine in compliance with the temperature regime, carry out planned deworming, and perform microchipping.

    At home, the procedure of castration and sterilization, obstetrics, examination and sampling of biomaterial for laboratory research are also carried out.

    In severe conditions of the animal, when it will be difficult for the pet to transfer the trip to the veterinary clinic, calling the veterinarian at home becomes the only way out. First of all, it concerns serious injuries, poisonings and dangerous infectious diseases.

    In some cases, a trip to the veterinary clinic cannot be avoided. X-ray examinations or laparoscopy require massive equipment. Most therapeutic surgeries can be carried out at home, droppers, bladder catheterization, professional cleaning teeth and more.

    Examination of an animal in its usual home environment significantly increases the reliability of the data, since any transportation is a serious stress for the pet, leads to the release of adrenaline, increased breathing and heart rate, growth blood pressure, distortion of pain reactions and so on.

    As in most veterinary clinics in Moscow, we provide pet euthanasia services. Euthanasia of hopelessly ill animals is carried out in a quick and painless way, both at home and in a veterinary clinic. It is highly recommended to consult with a veterinarian before making a decision to euthanasia, as even with most incurable diseases, there are ways to alleviate the condition of the animal and prolong its comfortable existence.

Our veterinary clinic Severnoe Chertanovo provides services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in pets. Professional veterinarians with extensive practical experience cope with almost any task.

Veterinary clinic Severnoe Chertanovo is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows for high-quality research to establish and confirm the diagnosis.

Our laboratory conducts:

  • general biochemical analyzes of blood and urine of animals;
  • determining the level of hormones;
  • sowing with a test for the sensitivity of microflora to various drugs;
  • and much more.
  • The veterinary clinic Severnoe Chertanovo has an X-ray room, ultrasound examinations and ECG. This allows us to provide high-quality veterinary care to animals in a variety of cases - from injuries to obstetrics.

    The cost of a number of services is lower than in most veterinary clinics in Moscow. We also guarantee the reliability of studies, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the qualitative selection of the appropriate treatment in each case.

    Veterinary clinic Severnoe Chertanovo works around the clock, we also provide services to help animals at home.

    Calling a veterinarian at home

    A qualified specialist can solve many problems related to animal health at home, which eliminates the need to transport the animal to the veterinary clinic and eliminates waiting in line.

    At home, you can carry out the whole range of preventive treatments. The veterinarian will bring the vaccine in compliance with the temperature regime, carry out planned deworming, and perform microchipping.

    At home, the procedure of castration and sterilization, obstetrics, examination and sampling of biomaterial for laboratory research are also carried out.

    In severe conditions of the animal, when it will be difficult for the pet to transfer the trip to the veterinary clinic, calling the veterinarian at home becomes the only way out. First of all, it concerns serious injuries, poisonings and dangerous infectious diseases.

    In some cases, a trip to the veterinary clinic cannot be avoided. X-ray examinations or laparoscopy require massive equipment. Most therapeutic surgeries, IVs, bladder catheterizations, professional teeth cleanings, and more can be done at home.

    Examination of an animal in its usual home environment significantly increases the reliability of the data, since any transportation is a serious stress for the pet, leads to the release of adrenaline, increased breathing and heart rate, increased blood pressure, distortion of pain reactions, and so on.

    As in most veterinary clinics in Moscow, we provide pet euthanasia services. Euthanasia of hopelessly ill animals is carried out in a quick and painless way, both at home and in a veterinary clinic. It is highly recommended to consult with a veterinarian before making a decision to euthanasia, as even with most incurable diseases, there are ways to alleviate the condition of the animal and prolong its comfortable existence.