Vet clinic on Tsvetnoy boulevard official. Veterinary Clinic Center on Kuznetsky Most

What to do first after stepping over the threshold of your house home pet? Whether it's a kitten or a puppy, you urgently need to find a good veterinarian, preferably a 24/7 veterinarian with great reviews and recommendations. Then you can be sure that no matter what happens, you will be able to receive qualified medical assistance at any time. After all, as you know, trouble always comes at the most inopportune moment, late at night, on weekends or holidays. Today we want to talk about metropolitan clinics.

Modern realities

The choice here for pet owners is very large, in Moscow there are hundreds of large and small clinics that offer their services. However, only a few of them can boast of good equipment, the presence of experienced doctors and a human attitude towards a four-legged pet. Today the focus of our attention is on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. We are interested in the features of work and feedback from regular customers.

Briefly about the main

The clinic is located in a cozy pre-revolutionary mansion. It was opened quite a long time ago; for more than 25 years, furry pets of all ages and breeds have been welcomed here. Vet clinic on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is a real standard of what an animal clinic should be like. Each year of her work is an invaluable experience, new knowledge, as well as grateful animals and owners. Today, the clinic is no longer what it was in the first years after opening. It has changed externally, it has become very spacious and comfortable. But the main thing is the equipment. The veterinary clinic on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is a full-fledged hospital equipped with a laboratory and all diagnostic devices.

medical staff

Even the best equipment cannot replace the experience and intuition of the practitioner. It is in search of a true professional that the owners of a seriously ill animal sometimes have to go around dozens of institutions, wasting time and money. The veterinary clinic on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is actually a scientific center. 9 candidates of sciences work here, who simultaneously take part in the training of veterinarians. The clinic produced many scientific papers and created excellent atlases. The veterinary clinic "Center" on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is a close-knit team of enthusiastic professionals. In most cases, even the most difficult patients manage to get out here.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Legendary veterinarians worked here in the last century. This is Dr. Zimin and Paranich. And today there are regular customers who remember them at work. In 1990, a real enthusiast of his work became the head physician of the clinic. It was he who organized the first operating room for animals in the capital. Since 1990, the "Center" has reached such a scale that it has become the first place in the capital for advanced training for veterinarians and students. Many of those who have been trained here have subsequently opened their own clinics. A striking example is the White Fang chain, which is one of the best in the capital. And of course, every year the number of those who have been given a second chance at life by the veterinary clinic on Tsvetnoy Boulevard is only increasing. Feedback from regular customers suggests that here you can get qualified help and advice on any issue, at any time of the year. In addition, patients emphasize reasonable price tags and the correct attitude of the staff, which is also worth a lot.

Range of services

The veterinary clinic at 11 Tsvetnoy Boulevard offers its clients a wide range of medical services. Some small hospitals for people may envy the equipment of the "Center". The appointment begins with the therapist's office, with the exception of severe cases when urgent resuscitation or surgical intervention is required. It is here that a thorough examination, a survey of the owner, an anamnesis are carried out, after which the fluffy patient is sent to narrow specialists and for examination, if the case requires it.

Thanks to this approach good feedback received the veterinary clinic "Center" on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Reviews say that from the very first appointment you are pleasantly surprised by the warm atmosphere and willingness to help. Doctors try to find out the maximum information about the patient in order to provide him with full assistance, but at the same time they do not prescribe a useless and expensive examination in this case, which some private clinics sin.

Reception of specialists

In addition to receiving a therapist at the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, he provides his patients with a full range of qualified medical care. If you already had pets, then you must have come across the fact that when you come to a small clinic, you are forced to be content with the services of one specialist who simultaneously does complex operation on the intestines and a prophylactic vaccination for a month-old puppy, and then also advises someone on the phone.

Doctors with the following qualifications work here:

Contact Information

As we already mentioned, it is located on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The previously state-owned and now private hospital has the potential for further growth and development, but even today it has reached good heights. Without false modesty, it can be called the best in terms of the quality of equipment and the number of qualified specialists who work here. If you are traveling by public transport, then you need to get off at the Tsvetnoy Bulvar metro station. Go right 200 meters and turn into the courtyard, into the archway behind the restaurant. And in front of you - a house with a sign "Center". Reception around the clock and seven days a week.

Admission rates

Today, treatment is not cheap, it's a fact, but here the prices are average in the capital. Given the level and quality of service, this is more than an acceptable option. The initial appointment with a therapist costs 890 rubles, subsequent - already 490. Reception of narrow specialists costs about 1,500 rubles, ultrasound - 2 thousand rubles. We will not describe all the procedures; there is not enough space for this in our short article. But the sooner you seek help, the faster and cheaper the treatment will be. In some cases, an extension may be available. Typically, such a scheme is practiced when an emergency and expensive operation is required, for which it is difficult to find money immediately.

Opinions of regular visitors

Analyzing numerous reviews, we are surprised to note that there are practically no negative ones among them. Of course, there are bitter lines from owners who have lost their pet, but for the most part they also note that the doctors did everything they could. In general, people say that adequate and kind doctors, responsive and open, work here. Without distortions, unnecessary appointments and examinations, they try to alleviate the condition of your pet, and in most cases they succeed.

If necessary, you can leave the animal in the hospital. This is often much easier than carrying big dog in serious condition, especially after surgery, for dressings. You can come to visit your pet several times a day, each time receiving full information about the change in the state of your pet.

Please write a short review about the work of this organization, and evaluate your overall impression of cooperation with it - this will help other visitors to make the right choice.
Thanks a lot!

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Inna Zvyagintseva Score: 5 neutral feedback 02/28/2016 at 20:02

Natalia, exactly saw the description in another place. Of course, I understand that things are different. And I'm sorry about your pet. But there is also your share of guilt, probably it was worth contacting earlier. My cat and I had a slightly similar situation, after dry food he began to swell, stopped going to the toilet, and on the second day after he refused to eat, we ran without looking back to the Center clinic. They helped us almost from the doorstep. I don’t know what they did with the cat, I understand that the spectacle was not for the faint of heart. The most important thing is the result. Our cat is now eating, there are no problems with the toilet. True, we had to give up dry food completely, as a bonus we were also given a certain diet. That's why I want to say Thank you.


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Nataliya Rating: 1 negative feedback 02.12.2015 at 16:46

I will try not to be emotional, although it will be hard to do so. The first, most important, absolute indifference to animals, on the verge of rudeness. Doctors rightly believe that people who are distraught with grief will bear everything, and do not bother pretending that they are at least a little worried about the state of the animal. Leapfrog of indifferent doctors, new faces all the time, all the time from the beginning.
Second, it's just cynical...
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Julii neutral feedback 07/19/2017 at 14:15

I called this clinic and couldn’t get an answer to elementary questions, besides, I didn’t get it from the employee where the tests are done?! Why hide this, if the laboratory has no complaints, why isn’t she called?!
There are bad reviews for the vet test, but a very pleasant price list for cooperation, and I wouldn’t want to overpay for color and get tests from there (!)
It is better to drive directly to the laboratory, saving money and nerves!
At the first doubts, I would visit another clinic with a seriously ill animal, listen to different doctors, I would not wait for a deplorable result. They do an ultrasound, donate urine and blood
I'm sorry for those who lost their animals.


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Maria Score: 4 Positive feedback 09.11.2015 at 18:23

This clinic I have been going to for 15 years with my "bunnies". I treat my peaches only here, we also go here to vaccinate. I can’t even imagine that other doctors from another medical institution will examine my babies. On the one hand, this is a habit, and on the other hand, this habit has developed because the doctors here are excellent and experts in their field. I trust them.


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gray neck Score: 5 neutral feedback 08/13/2015 at 06:09

I read Lyudmila’s review and was surprised that people who have been to the Center clinic more than once, who liked everything there, whose animal was saved by doctors, treated and cared for, suddenly, because of one case, declare that everything, they have no more relations with the clinic do not want to have. Why so abruptly? I like the clinic, even if you look carefully, there are only a couple of such veterinary clinics that provide quality services in Moscow. Here, the staff is good, the doctors are highly qualified, they are constantly trained, that is, they are aware of all the new products. Here, all the medical equipment is modern, here, after all, the prices are average, not extortionate. So, I’m sure that you Lyudmila will cool down and will again take pets to this particular clinic. In general, of course, it’s better not to get sick))))


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Ludmila Rating: 1 negative feedback 07/09/2015 at 11:41

I have been a regular client of the veterinary clinic Center on Tsvetnoy Boulevard for 15 years, but I will probably have to look for another clinic. It got much worse. The quality of doctors has declined. Despite the presence of a mass of devices and devices for making a diagnosis, the diagnosis is not clearly made. A lot of people (much more than clients) walk around the clinic imposingly, slowly, picking their noses. No one is in a hurry to accept emergency animals, although they promise immediate help over the phone (7.07 York with a broken spine, 8.07 cavy Sema - filled out the questionnaire). Only one doctor works from 9 pm, although all the troubles with animals usually occur in the evening and on weekends. On July 8, at about 22-23 pm, a young intern simply got nasty to a client with a heavy cat Dulcinea from the hospital. I'm not talking about prices either. Well, okay, the prices, if they still help you, but if "you go, you go to school, and then, bam, the second shift" - they don’t help the animal. Set up discipline. Shake the staff. Maybe the pay is too good. I was very dissatisfied with my visits. I hope I don't come again. My dog ​​(after all the manipulations for 6 tr and a lot of time spent) was never diagnosed with diarrhea - probably worms ... I agree with the previous negative reviews. It was not possible to leave a review on the clinic's website.


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Denis Score: 4 neutral feedback 05/17/2015 at 19:39

I went to the clinic with my dog. Normal clinic, accepted quickly, practically did not sit near the office. True, we arrived at 7 in the morning. The doctor is sleepy, but quick, examined the dog, sent it for ultrasound, said that everything is fine, feed the dog correctly. Put food poisoning, prescribed medication and sent home. No heap of examinations, which they write about here, No one detained us here and did not pull money from us. For a moment it seemed that we were in an ordinary state veterinarian, only well furnished. I paid a total of 4 tons and that's it. The dog rested for a day, in the evening he galloped like a horse.


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The veterinary clinic "Center" is located in a pre-revolutionary mansion on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Doctors of the veterinary clinic "Center" have been treating dogs, cats and other pets for 25 years, and every year of our work is invaluable experience, new knowledge, and most importantly - grateful animals and their owners.

The clinic employs 9 candidates of sciences. Our doctors are lecturers of the Association of Practicing Veterinarians of the Russian Federation, they take part in the training of students in various universities of the country. Our clinic has published several scientific papers, atlases, published many articles in professional journals.

The clinic team is a close-knit team of enthusiastic professionals. In most cases, we manage to go out and “put on their paws” patients with the most complex diseases and injuries.

The clinic has everything you need for accurate diagnosis and successful treatment: first-class diagnostic equipment, its own laboratory that performs a full range of studies, a surgical unit, and an intensive care unit.

The clinic is equipped with the latest technology. Ultrasound, X-ray examinations, electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, a full range of laboratory research. Department of Surgery complies modern ideas veterinary medicine. Works as a dentist. The office is equipped with the necessary modern equipment.

Clinic in Novye Cheryomushki

In 2015, a new clinic "Center Plus" was opened. The clinic provides ultrasound, X-ray, hospital and surgical operating room. In our traditions, respect for the health of the animal and friendly attention to its owner.

Honored Veterinarian of Russia, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, President of the Russian Association of Practicing Veterinarians.

Hereditary veterinarian: Sergei Vladimirovich's parents are veterinarians, all close relatives also work as veterinary or medical doctors.

Director of the clinic from 1990 - 2011

Treating animals since 1922

The veterinary clinic "Center" is one of the first private clinics in Moscow. Since the beginning of the 90s, we have been accepting animals around the clock in a cozy mansion in the historical center of Moscow - on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, next to the Old Moscow Circus. Animals have been treated in the same building since the beginning of the last century.

Hello! Thank you for pointing out the errors in our work. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. We will definitely look into the current situation and take measures to avoid similar misunderstandings in the future.


Dear animal owner! Having considered your application, I would like to inform you the following. To study the situation, the management of the clinic carefully studied the history of Willis's disease, watched videos of the appointment, and received explanations from the veterinarians who examined your cat. Willis was taken to the clinic on 01/14/17. with complaints of lethargy, loss of appetite, profuse salivation, which were observed in him for 2 days. You reported that the day before, Willis may have drunk water from a toilet bowl with a detergent, and also ate the leaves of a domestic palm tree. On examination, it was found: condition moderate, hypersalivation, oral cavity: mucous membranes are pink, moist, shiny, without visible lesions and violations of integrity, abdomen: tense, liver enlarged, painful on palpation, rounded kidneys, painful on palpation, lungs and heart: no abnormalities were detected. A preliminary diagnosis was made: intoxication of n/I etiology, suspicion of triiditis, foreign body of the esophagus. Done: 01/14/17 . blood sampling for clinical and biochemical research, 15.01.17 Ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, 01/17/17, pH-graphy of the neck and chest. Blood tests were ordered to detect changes characteristic of a bacterial or viral infection, exclude anemia, thrombocytopenia, inflammatory process, to detect dysfunction internal organs, namely the liver and kidneys, metabolic disorders that can develop in response to intoxication or be the cause of its development. Ultrasound was prescribed to assess the nature of structural changes in the internal organs due to the increase and soreness of the liver and kidneys, as well as to assess the condition of the pancreas and intestines. RNography of the neck and chest area was ordered to rule out foreign bodies, neoplasms and other changes that could cause hypersalivation. As a result of the examination, it was revealed: a decrease in renal function, right-sided nephroptosis (descent of the kidney) and a decrease in renal perfusion, signs of triid (an inflammatory process in the pancreas, liver and biliary system, intestines, in particular in the duodenum 12). Also, your cat has been excluded dangerous viral infections: leukemia and immunodeficiency. To correct the condition, Willis was prescribed and carried out appropriate treatment: Reamberin, Ringer's solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution, syrenia, acylok, enterodesis was prescribed orally. Inpatient treatment recommended. On January 18, 2017, Willis was diagnosed with a tremor mandible and ulcerative lesion of the tip of the tongue. In connection with the emergence neurological symptoms and the lack of vaccination of the animal against rabies, the anamnesis of the cat's life was re-collected. In the process of collecting an anamnesis, the doctor was inaccurately provided with data on the possible contacts of Willis with other animals: first, information was provided about total absence such contacts were subsequently reported to have been in contact with other animals within the last 6 months. In addition, the owner’s representative, who was at the reception with Willis on 01/18/17, was not sure that she had full information about Willis’s possible contacts with other animals, because, according to her, other family members could take the cat out of apartments. Doctors Orlova A.V. and Zueva N.M. clarifications were given about the situation. The development of neurological symptoms may accompany a number of diseases. Rabies is a dangerous contagious disease that is fatal in animals and humans. Rabies is transmitted through contact between a healthy and a sick animal, rarely through objects or the external environment. If rabies was suspected in Willis, not only family members would be at risk, but all other people who have been in contact with the animal over the past 3 weeks, including clinic staff. In a special risk group are children, especially at the age of several months, because. conducting preventive measures if they are suspected of being infected with rabies, it is extremely dangerous for them, which must be taken into account by a veterinarian. Since absolutely reliable information about the contact of Willis with other animals was not provided, and Willis was not vaccinated against rabies, a receipt was taken to provide complete and reliable information about the absence of such contacts. Code Russian Federation on Administrative Violations and the Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offenses for non-compliance with mandatory requirements in the field of veterinary medicine and untimely vaccination of animals against rabies provides for administrative liability. In cases where the above offenses entail the spread of epizootics and other grave consequences, pet owners may be held criminally liable in accordance with Part 1 of Article 249 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. You are absolutely right in stating that animals suspected of being ill, and even infected with rabies, should be immediately isolated and quarantined. Willis was not sent to quarantine, because. he was not diagnosed with rabies, which the owner was told several times. However, this did not rule out the need to clarify information about the contacts of the cat with other animals. Treatment for the underlying disease to Willis did not stop, i.e. the examination and basic manipulations, including injections, were performed by the doctors, and a second appointment was scheduled for 01/19/17. This would also not be possible if your cat is suspected of having rabies due to the risk of rabies infecting the clinic staff. In connection with the appearance of an ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane of the tongue, the representative of the owner, who was at the appointment with Willis on January 18, 2017, was also asked to exclude viral infections: rhinotracheitis and calicivirus (which was done in another clinic). The treatment was also adjusted: treatment was additionally prescribed oral cavity miramistin and solcoseryl dental, stromogil. In connection with the identification of structural changes in right kidney, signs of decreased renal function, signs of triitis to assess the state of Willis in dynamics, it was recommended: control of a b / x blood test, ultrasound of the intestines, pancreas, liver and biliary system. Diagnostic and therapeutic measures carried out by Willis for the entire period of observation in the clinic were justified and consistent with the anamnesis data, the results of clinical examinations and other diagnostic measures. We are sorry that you had to endure several anxious days. However, doctors were required to warn you of the potential danger due to Willis's lack of rabies vaccinations. We also hope that in the future, preventive vaccination of Willis and other pets will allow you and your loved ones to avoid such a situation.


Good afternoon, I’ll say right away that it’s very cool that you respond to reviews and understand each case! I have no complaints about how many different tests he did - it was important to find the cause. But I do not agree that you were given incomplete information: when asked about contact with other animals recently, we immediately said that Ulysses had contact with a kitten (acquaintances asked to look after him for a week, just before Ulysses got sick, the kitten was just vaccinated). Most likely the problem is that each time we were examined by a new doctor and asked all the same questions. The last doctor asked if there were contacts in the last half a year (I talked to her by phone) - and I answered that if you take half a year, and not just the last time, then there was contact with another cat (who died of kidney disease recently). So I do not agree that this is the provision of incomplete information - when different people ask a hundred times, maybe the information circulates poorly between them, but whose fault is it then ?! Not ours, for sure. I was just talking to Anna Valerievna, she examined us in one of the last receptions. After she said that rabies was suspected and everyone who was in contact with the animal would die, she said that these symptoms could be due to a number of other diseases, but that she could not check for them, since she sent out to Potentially infectious material cannot be brought to the laboratory. Like - take the cat and wait for it to die. Just imagine our condition. I have a newborn daughter - and here it is. About the vaccination: Ulysses was vaccinated against rabies in 2013. There was no revaccination later, but the old vaccination still works, albeit to a lesser extent, which reduces the risk of infection. Moreover, getting rabies in an apartment - what is the probability ?! Of course, I agree that it is necessary to vaccinate and as soon as the cat recovers, I will do it. But is this a reason to put suspicions on such terrible diagnoses? If, as you say, such a diagnosis was not made, then why did they refuse to take an analysis for infection? In any case, all's well that ends well. And the doctors who examined Ulysses in the first two days (talked on the phone, but I don’t remember the names, unfortunately) were very nice and caring, despite the fact that they did not find the cause. Best regards, Alexandra


Dear Alexandra! During the reception of Ulysses on January 18, 2017, indeed, a lot of time was devoted to informing Elena Stanislavovna, who was at the reception with Ulysses on January 18, 2017, about the danger of rabies for animals and humans. This, apparently, was the reason for the formation of your opinion that Ulysses may be suspected of this disease. However, the doctors who examined Ulysses on 01/18/17 noted that the probability of Ulysses being infected with rabies is extremely low, and this disease is not suspected in him, therefore there are no grounds for quarantine measures. Information about possible contacts of Ulysses with other animals was provided in parts: initially such contacts were excluded, then it turned out about contact with a kitten of friends and another cat who died from kidney failure(these facts were reported by you in turn, during 2 telephone conversations with the doctor), as well as the fact of Ulysses leaving the apartment to the entrance of the house. In addition, Elena Stanislavovna, who was at the reception with Ulysses on January 18, 2017, was not sure that she had complete information about possible contacts. Realizing that it takes some time to fully restore all the events in 6 months, the doctor was asked to clarify all the facts of Ulysses' possible contacts with other animals and provide this information at the next appointment. Regarding sampling. Indeed, the collection, transportation and examination of biosamples from animals with infections dangerous to humans may require special conditions, but are not impossible or prohibited. In this case, the doctor considered it possible to prescribe treatment based on a specific symptom for calicivirosis - ulceration of the mucous membrane of the tongue: antibiotic (Stomargil) and oral cavity treatment with antiseptic (Miramistin) and wound healing (Solcoseryl dental) preparations. A recommendation was also given to examine the kitten with whom Ulysses had contact for chronic calicivirus. Perhaps it was he who was the source of Ulysses' infection, despite the presence of preventive vaccination. In addition, we want to inform you that vaccination against rabies protects animals from this infection for 1 to 3 years (depending on the vaccine used). We are glad that Ulysses is recovering. We also want to thank you for leaving a review. Proceedings on this issue allowed us to identify shortcomings in our work, which led to misunderstanding between the doctor and your family members, which, in turn, caused you so much anxiety. We also thank you for the constructive dialogue. Once again, we express our regret that this situation has developed. Sincerely, Center Clinic
