Pantogam syrup - official * instructions for use. Pantogam syrup for children - reviews


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The drug Pantogam

Pantogamnootropic drug that improves brain function. It has a positive effect on mental activity and memory. Active substance Pantogam is calcium hopantenate.

Increasing the resistance of the brain to oxygen starvation and reducing the impact of toxic substances on it are the main properties of the drug.

Pantogam has an anticonvulsant and mild sedative effect. Along with this, it is able to gently increase performance (both mental and physical). Inhibits pathological tension of the muscles of the gallbladder and bladder.

Adult patients note the beneficial effect of the drug in chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, and stressful situations.

The price of the drug

Pantogam and its analogues are produced by many pharmaceutical companies in Russia.

Pantogam in tablets of 250 mg costs from 272 rubles. for packing.
Pantogam in tablets of 500 mg costs from 464 rubles. for packing.
Pantogam, syrup 10% - 100 ml costs from 286 rubles. for a bottle.
Pantogam Active in capsules of 300 mg - costs from 322 rubles. for packing.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.


Pantogam helped with stuttering and enuresis, and a more serious drug had to be used to develop speech. After 10 injections of Cortexin, the baby began to be interested in new words, became more attentive, assiduous. Now he is working with a speech therapist, who believes that within a year his son will catch up with his peers in development.

Pantogam helped stop ADHD in a 5 year old son. We drank two courses, plus we worked with a psychologist. Now the child is much more manageable, trainable, adequately responds to comments. Now, without fear, you can go to the garden and go to school.

With the help of pantogam, they got rid of the consequences of intrauterine hypoxia in the youngest daughter. They took the drug in the form of syrup, a teaspoon three times a day for two months. This was enough to get rid of tremors, restless sleep and bring all the reflexes of the baby back to normal.

She refused Pantogam due to poor sleep, overexcitation of the child. After the cancellation, the neurologist prescribed Cortexin. I had to inject the baby (she diluted the drug with novocaine). The course is 10 days, I made an injection once, in the morning. There is a result. Hypertonicity disappeared, signs of hypoxia were removed.

The first time we were prescribed Pantogam syrup for tone, it helped. The second time at the ZRR - again received positive result. Friends whom doctors recommended to give to children with the same problems were also satisfied with the treatment. So I advise.

Pantogam assigned daughter due to delay speech development. We drink the first course, we study with a speech therapist. The results are not yet very clear, but, most importantly, they are there: the child's speech has become a little more intelligible, perseverance and interest in classes have appeared. I really hope that everything will go on increasing and ZRR will be defeated.

Pantogam was prescribed for the treatment of stuttering in a child. At the moment, they drank the first course. The child has real improvements, his speech has become much smoother, he stammers much less often, only then he gets worried or in a hurry, the rest of the time everything is fine.

We were prescribed Pantogam syrup to our son at the age of 3 to remove the symptoms of hyperactivity. It turned out to be very convenient, because it’s simply not realistic to force my tomboy to drink pills. We took it for 3 months, although the positive result was already after the first. Allergy was not, as well as other adverse reactions. Would recommend to all parents with hyperactive children.

Due to speech problems, the neurologist prescribed us to drink Pantogam 2 times a day and work with a speech therapist. This treatment has given good results. vocabulary daughter became bigger, she even began to speak simple sentences. There were no adverse reactions, no allergies.

Last year, the son began to wet the bed, and he is already 5 years old. Tried different methods treatment, eventually settled on physiotherapy and taking Pantogam. As a result, in 3 months the problem went away, the child is healthy physically and mentally.

Pantogam was prescribed to us by a doctor after our previous drug caused severe allergies! This drug was much better tolerated and for 2 courses of administration there were no allergic or other adverse reactions. Yes, and the result of the treatment only pleased.

A real salvation for parents of hyperactive children with attention deficit disorder. This happened at our house, when a child lost his temper, the roof was completely blown away, in the kindergarten there were only complaints about behavior. The neurologist prescribed Pantogam, after a month of admission, the picture changed dramatically. And sleep has improved, and behavior, and attention. My only regret is that I didn't go to a neurologist earlier. But many thanks to pantogam for the current normal state of the child.

Pantogam was prescribed to us for the treatment of stuttering. As the doctor explained to me, this was necessary in order to remove the block in the child's brain that arose due to a strong fright. I think that pantogam helped us. Now my daughter speaks normally.

We were prescribed Pantogam, plus physiotherapy, when the child had enuresis. At the end of the course, a tangible result was noticeable. Now this trouble has long been forgotten. So I am completely satisfied with the treatment, there are no negative consequences.

I have read the reviews. How many people, so many opinions. Personally, pantogam really came up to us and helped. Appointed because of the hyperactivity of the child. Drank several courses. There was no side effect. But the benefits of treatment are clear: the child is now much more calm, obedient, accommodating.

But pantogam didn’t suit us, there was such excitability from him - just utter horror. We switched to pantocalcin, and straight to the earth and sky - no excitability, and most importantly, the buzzwords went.

Pantogam helped us adapt to l kindergarten. My son is a very impressionable boy, hard to perceive any changes whatsoever. Therefore, it was very difficult to get used to the garden - tantrums, sleep disturbances, tears for any reason. Pantogam helped to cope with the situation. After a two-month course, we go to the garden without any problems.

The son had a tone when they put him on his legs, he tightened his fingers, the neurologist prescribed pantogam. They gave it in the form of syrup, diluting it in juice or compote, the child drank and did not even notice, there were no problems with taking it. They also did a massage. It's all gone in a month. I was satisfied with the action of pantogam.

We were prescribed pantogam by a neurologist with a diagnosis of MMR. My daughter did not walk for a long time, she had severe hypotension, the consequences of hypoxia. Dosage per half tablet 250 mg twice a day. The dose had to be adjusted, because from a whole pill a day the daughter screamed like a cut one. As a result, they took half a tablet a day (a quarter per dose). The shifts are obvious after a month of taking the daughter began to walk by the handles) then there was a break for a month and again the course. At the end of taking the drug, the baby went by herself! I am satisfied with this drug, but when taking it I was very afraid of the consequences and carefully observed the behavior of my daughter. Particularly frightening are convulsions, which are only talked about on forums where parents of children with disabilities communicate. Moreover, many of them admit that it was precisely because of excessive stimulation with nootropics (including pantogam) that Epilepsy began in children, and now doctors shrug. One bout = a big leap backwards. And the children were initially with developmental delays, which could possibly be compensated without drugs, but our neurologist prescribes nootropics to everyone. In general, it was very scary, but we drank, as the problems were obvious. I thank God that there are no consequences and I hope that I won’t have to take it anymore) Although it’s not a fact, because soon we are 2 years old, and we don’t talk. It is very scary to do harm, but even without them we cannot do anything. I wish health to all parents and their children!

Pantogam is a nootropic drug with anticonvulsant effects. Improves mental activity, memory and concentration, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

The mechanism of action is due to a direct effect on the GABA receptor-channel complex. As a result, the drug increases the resistance of the brain to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances, stimulates anabolic processes in neurons, combines a moderate sedative effect with a mild stimulating effect, reduces motor excitability, and activates mental and physical performance.

Pantogam improves GABA metabolism in chronic alcohol intoxication and after ethanol withdrawal. It is able to inhibit acetylation reactions involved in the mechanisms of inactivation of procaine (novocaine) and sulfonamides, thereby prolonging the action of the latter. Causes inhibition of pathologically increased cystic reflex and detrusor tone.

Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, penetrates the blood-brain barrier, the highest concentrations are in the liver, kidneys, stomach wall and skin. The drug is not metabolized and is excreted unchanged within 48 hours.

Indications for use

What helps Pantogam? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Cognitive impairment associated with organic lesions brain (including those with craniocerebral injuries and neuroinfections) or neurotic disorders;
  • Cerebral organic insufficiency on the background of schizophrenia;
  • Cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral vessels;
  • Extrapyramidal (subcortical) hyperkinesis, which is accompanied by a number of hereditary diseases nervous system(including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, etc.);
  • Hyper- and akinetic extrapyramidal syndrome, which has developed as a result of taking antipsychotics (both for treatment and for prevention);
  • Epilepsy accompanied by slowing down mental processes(in accordance with the instructions, it is advisable to prescribe Pantogam as an addition to anticonvulsant therapy);
  • Reduced mental and / or physical performance;
  • With increased psycho-emotional stress;
  • Urinary disorders of a neurogenic nature (urgent urinary incontinence, pollakiuria, etc.).

AT pediatric practice(for children) the use of Pantogam is indicated from the first days of a child's life (in the form of a syrup). The drug is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Perinatal encephalopathy;
  • Various forms of cerebral palsy;
  • Mental retardation, incl. with behavioral disorders;
  • Psychological status disorders in children (manifested by a general delay mental development, specific disorders of speech, motor functions and their combination, violation of the formation of school skills, etc.);
  • Hyperkinetic disorders (for example, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder);
  • Neurosis-like states (including tics or stuttering).

Instructions for use Pantogam, dosage

The drug is taken orally. In the form of tablets, the drug is prescribed for adults and children over 3 years old, children early age it is advisable to use syrup.

According to the instructions for use, a single dose of Pantogam for adults is 0.5-1 g, for children - 0.25-0.5 g. The daily dose for adults is 1.5-3 g, for children - 0.75 3 g Course - 1-4 months (rarely - 6 months), after 3-6 months it may be repeated.

With mental insufficiency and oligophrenia, children are shown 0.5 g 4-6 times a day for 3 months. With a delay in speech development - 0.5 g 3-4 times a day for 2-3 months.

With neuroleptic syndrome, adults are shown 0.5-1 g 3 times a day, children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 times a day. The course is 1-3 months.

With epilepsy, adults are shown 0.5-1 g 3-4 times a day, children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-4 times a day. The course is up to 6 months.

With tics, adults are shown 1.5-3 g per day for 1-5 months. Children - 0.25-0.5 g 3-6 times a day for 1-4 months.

For urinary disorders, adults are shown 0.5-1 g 2-3 times a day (daily dose 2-3 g). children - 0.25-0.5 g (daily dose of 25-50 mg per 1 kg of body weight). The course is 0.5-3 months.

special instructions

Side effects

The instruction warns of the possibility of developing the following side effects when appointing Pantogam:

  • Allergic reactions: conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin rashes(these reactions require a reduction in the dose of Pantogam or its complete abolition);
  • Other: drowsiness or sleep disturbances, noise in the head (these phenomena are usually short-term and do not require discontinuation of therapy).

Due to the likelihood of drowsiness in the first days of therapy, care should be taken when driving and performing potentially dangerous species works.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Pantogam in the following cases:

  • with acute serious illnesses kidneys;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with phenylketonuria (in the form of a syrup, due to the presence of aspartame);
  • people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • tablets are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.


When used in large doses, signs of an overdose develop, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • increased irritability, disorientation in space.

Treatment with the drug should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor.

In case of accidental ingestion a large number tablets, the patient should induce vomiting on himself as soon as possible, rinse the stomach, give Activated carbon. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

special instructions

In the case of simultaneous use with carbamazepine, phenobarbital and neuroleptic drugs, the calcium salt of hopantenic acid prevents the development associated with the intake of these drugs. side effects.

Pantogam has the ability to prolong the action of barbiturates and potentiate the action of anticonvulsants.

Hopantenic acid enhances the action of anesthetics for local application(procaine), and its effect is enhanced by etidronic acid or glycine.

If it is necessary to undergo a long course of treatment with this drug, it is not recommended to prescribe it in combination with other nootropic drugs, as well as with drugs that stimulate the function of the central nervous system.

Pantogam analogues, price in pharmacies

If necessary, you can replace Pantogam with an analogue in terms of therapeutic effect - these are drugs:

  1. Ginkgo biloba,
  2. Lucetam,
  3. thiocetam,
  4. encephabol,
  5. gopantam,
  6. Calcium Hopantenate.

ATX code:

  • Amilonosar,
  • Vinpotropil,
  • Glycine,
  • gopantam,

When choosing analogues, it is important to understand that the instructions for use of Pantogam, the price and reviews of drugs of similar action do not apply. It is important to consult a doctor and not to make an independent replacement of the drug.

Price in Russian pharmacies: Pantogam tablets 250 mg 50 pcs. - from 396 to 473 rubles, syrup 10% 100ml - from 381 to 425 rubles, Pantogam active capsules 300 mg 60 pcs. - from 460 to 503 rubles, according to 592 pharmacies.

Store in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 ºС. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - by prescription.

What do the reviews say?

The drug receives mostly positive reviews from doctors. Pantogam confirms the high efficiency of the nootropic agent, especially in children with perinatal encephalopathy with hyperexcitability syndrome, hypodynamic syndrome, hyperactivity syndrome, delayed speech development, mild manifestations of enuresis, neurosis-like conditions.

In adults, according to doctors, the drug showed a good result as part of a combined treatment. anxiety disorders, panic attacks, anxiety depressions. Although the syrup is approved for use from the first days of life, some doctors advise using Pantogam in this dosage form for children older than 3 months.

The disadvantages of the drug mainly include the development of skin allergic reactions.

For babies, reviews are more diverse and do not come to an unambiguous opinion. The thing is that many parents do not trust their pediatricians and often do not follow their recommendations, preferring self-medication and the "natural" development of the child. It is worth noting that it is not uncommon that they are really right and the normal formation of the baby takes place without any medication.

Pantogam or Pantocalcin - which is better to choose?

In fact, Pantogam and Pantocalcin are synonyms, that is, the active ingredient in their composition is the same substance. Judging by the reviews, the effectiveness and cost of the drugs are almost identical, and therefore the interchangeability of these drugs is possible. The choice is yours and the doctor's.


  • a little expensive

My son turned one year old, and we went to a scheduled appointment with a neurologist, the doctor said that the child is very active and should speak 6-7 words a year, she prescribed pantogam pills or syrup for us to develop speech, sleep better, and become calmer. Although everything is fine with our speech and sleeps normally at night, I decided to buy it anyway, it costs 350 rubles. I’ve been giving for 3 weeks already, the speech is the same, I became even more active and capricious, I began to throw such tantrums. In general, I did not see a positive effect, we decided to finish the bottle and we will never take it again. Tastes good, baby loves it. In my opinion, an inconvenient measuring spoon

I read a lot about Pantogam, both good and not so good. We were prescribed it, we have problems with speech, we still only mumble, but we don’t want to talk at all, I gave it for 2 days and then just stopped, because the dream disappeared completely, although I gave it in the morning, we eat and so with the fight, we love to bite more, but here it was impossible to force it at all, our small and sooooo very active girl, and here it was just right to connect a dynamo to her and give light to underdeveloped areas. Although it was also prescribed to us for the treatment of, as it were, hyperactivity with attention deficit. Now, thank God, everything has calmed down, we’re sleeping, it’s normal, we didn’t want to do it, we don’t want to, but I decided not to force her for now, apparently the time has not come yet, she will start to take an interest in herself, we will support, she liked it in the last 2 days to collect children's puzzles, now we collect with pleasure, before that it was impossible to force at all.

And at the age of 3 weeks, after 10 injections of cortexin, we were prescribed to drink pantogam syrup 1.5 ml per day for a month. They drank for two weeks, everything was fine, and during the last four days a rash appeared on the cheeks, forehead and chin. So I'm thinking maybe I should stop taking it. Although I worry that only half of the course of treatment has passed. And by the way, it turned out to be very convenient to solder this syrup through a regular bottle nipple. I measured the required 1.5 ml with a syringe, poured it into the nipple and soldered it to the child. So my daughter willingly drank everything, but she doesn’t want to drink from a spoon and from a syringe - she pushes everything out with her tongue.

Positive reviews

Pantogam was prescribed to my daughter by a neurologist for nervous tics and rapid blinking. Although she was already 5 years old and she normally drank pills, she prescribed syrup. I liked it, fragrant, without sugar in the composition, my daughter drank without problems. I saw the result of the treatment already in the second week of admission, the blinking and tics were significantly reduced, and as a result of the course treatment, all the symptoms disappeared.

Our daughter has always been restless, indefatigable. She slept very little and restlessly. All our efforts (long walks in the air, outdoor games ...) did not bring the desired result. I already lowered my hands, reconciled. But on our life path we met a good neurologist, who appointed our girl Pantogam. It was this syrup that helped us, the daughter became less emotional, her sleep was stronger, longer and calmer. Therefore, I give Pantogam the highest rating, he deserves it.

emergency C-section during childbirth and hypoxia, unfortunately, did not pass without a trace for us. At first, the girl grew up like everyone else, but she spoke very little and indistinctly, and at the age of 3 she began to stutter. The neuropathologist diagnosed a delay in speech development, prescribed tests and a tomogram of the head, after the examination he prescribed Pantogam. When they started taking it, there were improvements. The words became more intelligible, the daughter began to talk more and try to build sentences. We drink courses, we have already drunk 3, the result is noticeable, the drug really helps!

Pantogam really helped


  • effective
  • inexpensive


  • did not find

I gave Pantogam to my baby when he was 3 months old - our chin with a sponge and hands were trembling, especially while crying. The doctor said that this is a sign of the immaturity of the child's nervous system and prescribed Pantogam for a month. They drank it in the morning so that there were no problems with sleep (the doctor warned about this). I was very worried that I would not sleep well, but in fact my sleep even improved, frequent night awakenings disappeared. The reception was well tolerated, no side effects were observed. We came to the next appointment at 4 months without tremor, the child became calmer, more smiling. From this I conclude that the drug is good and effective, and if a doctor recommends it, then there is every reason for this and there is no need to neglect treatment.


  • Effectiveness
  • ease of use for infants


  • Application duration

When my son was 1.5 months old, they went for an ultrasound of the brain. There we were diagnosed with hypoxia, they explained that this was due to the fact that during pregnancy there was a detachment of the chorion. Cortexin injections and Pantogam syrup were prescribed as treatment. The injections are very painful. The syrup is delicious, reminded me of the taste of cherry liqueur. The box has detailed instructions with dosages. It is convenient to give to a child, there is a special measuring spoon with convenient divisions. We have not had any problems with this medication. We drank it for exactly a month. Then they did an ultrasound and it showed that everything was normal. Great product for newborns, easy to use and very effective. The cost is average, an average statistical family can afford it.


  • effective.


  • did not observe


We were prescribed Pantogam from birth, they are diagnosed with agenesis of the corpus callosum, which of the parents faced this will understand what it is about. and my child was prescribed a drug in tablets for me it was flour to stick a bitter medicine from a spoon. At the pharmacy, I was advised to buy a syrup, and an insulin syringe was added to it, because it was small and neat, he filled it with the right dosage and poured sweet syrup into the child without any problems with a measuring spoon, we do not use it, although it is also convenient. In the first week after the breaks, we have agitation, we fall asleep badly at night and do not sleep during the day, and then everything is restored, I did not observe other side effects, rather, just the opposite. Convenient bottle Yes, and the price, I would not say that sky-high. We are satisfied with everything so far.

It tasted bitter, even though the pills, even though the syrup was not given for more than a week, I couldn’t immediately figure out what the matter was, but it took us a week to see the difference, I became more attentive and obedient, but the effect of the drug ended after a while, I don’t know how to give it now, but it helps Good

In a month and a half, as part of a medical examination, I brought my daughter to a neurologist. The doctor examined her carefully, my heart stopped every time she focused on something. Then she wrote something for a long time, said that she did not like the tone in her legs and prescribed us a course of massage and Pantogam for a month. After a course of massage with gymnastics, it seemed to get better, but the tone did not disappear at all, I took note of some exercises and massage techniques and continued to work with my daughter myself.

After a month of treatment with Pantogam, we again visited a neurologist, and she said that her daughter was doing much better, although I myself did not see this. And she appointed another month course of "Pantogam" after a month's break. That's when my daughter took the medicine for the second time, the result appeared, and it happened somehow suddenly, one fine day I was changing my daughter's clothes and suddenly realized that her legs were relaxed, and I could chat with them as I please. I was even scared, because from the very first day everything was different. At the appointment, the neurologist praised us and gave us a five for our success. But she said to complete the course of treatment.

My son was prescribed at 3.5 years old. The neurologist also diagnosed hyperactivity. Pantogam helped a lot. And the nervous system became stronger. And the child became more calm, balanced. I also had problems with speech. After the course of the drug, everything became much better. so don't worry. Pantogam will really help.

Photo of the preparation

The description is up to date 10.10.2014

  • Latin name: pantogam
  • ATX code: N06BX
  • Active substance: Hopantenic acid
  • Manufacturer: VIPS-MED Firm, PIK-PHARMA, Ecochem-Innovations, Obninsk chemical-pharmaceutical company, Technologist SKTB, Ozon OOO (Russia)


INN (international generic name) — .

Pills Pantogam

1 tablet includes 250 mg or 500 mg hopantenic acid - active substance.

Auxiliary ingredients according to the mass content active substance:

  • 3.1 mg or 6.2 mg - calcium stearate;
  • 0.8 mg or 1.6 mg - methylcellulose;
  • 9.3 mg or 18.6 mg - talc;
  • 46.8 mg / 93.6 mg - magnesium hydroxycarbonate.

Syrup Pantogam

1 vial contains 10 g/100 ml hopantenic acid - active substance.

Auxiliary ingredients:

  • 15 g - sorbitol;
  • 25.8 g - ;
  • 0.1 g - citric acid monohydrate;
  • 0.05 g - ;
  • 0.1 g - sodium benzoate;
  • 0.01 g - food flavoring "Cherry 667";
  • up to 100 ml - purified water.

Release form

The drug Pantogam is produced in the form of:

  • flat-cylindrical white tablets of 250 mg or 500 mg, scored and chamfered, 50 tablets per pack;
  • colorless or slightly yellowish syrup, with a cherry smell, 1 bottle of 100 ml per pack.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pantogam medicine has a spectrum of action due to the presence in its structure neurotransmitter GABA . Directly affects the GABA (subtype B) receptor-channel complex. It exhibits anticonvulsant and nootropic activity, increases the resistance of the brain to toxic effects and . Activates in neurons anabolic processes, reduces motor excitability, stimulates physical performance and mental activity of the body, combines moderate sedative effects with a mild stimulating effect.

With alcohol intoxication of a chronic nature, as well as with the refusal of alcohol, it improves GABA metabolism. Shows the ability to oppress acetylation reactions who take part in the mechanism inactivation of sulfonamides and () , as a result of which their action is prolonged. Prevents pathological increase bladder reflex and strengthening detrusor tone.

When taken orally hopantenic acid rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, has the ability to pass through GEB , creates the highest concentrations in the walls of the stomach, liver, skin and kidneys.

It is not metabolized and is excreted within 2 days unchanged. With feces, 28.5% of the drug is excreted and 67.5% with urine.

Indications for use Pantogam

Indications for the use of Pantogam tablets for adult patients and children from 3 years of age:

  • cognitive impairment in neurotic disorders , and also due to organic brain damage (including traumatic brain injury and consequences of neuroinfections);
  • extrapyramidal pathologies (hepatolenticular degeneration, myoclonus epilepsy, Huntington's chorea etc. . );
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency , provoked abnormalities in the vascular structure of the brain ;
  • prevention and treatment extrapyramidal syndrome (akinetic, hyperkinetic), due to the intake of neuroleptics;
  • , flowing with inhibition of mental processes (prescribed in combination with anticonvulsant drugs);
  • psycho-emotional excessive stress, decreased physical performance and mental activity, in order to improve memory and concentration;
  • neurogenic changes during urination ( , imperative urges);
  • organic cerebral insufficiency when ill ;
  • children from 3 years of age are prescribed Pantogam tablets with perinatal, mental retardation varying degrees severity, delayed motor, speech, mental development, or a combination thereof. Also in various forms , neurosis-like pathologies (tics,) , hyperkinetic manifestations (hyperactivity syndrome with an observed attention deficit).

Indications for the use of Pantogam for children from birth, in the form of syrup:

  • perinatal encephalopathy (assigned from birth);
  • cerebral palsy various shapes gravity;
  • mental retardation varying degrees of severity, including behavioral disorders;
  • psychological status pathology (delayed development of mental or physical, specific pathologies of motor functions, speech, as well as their combination);
  • development of school skills in children (writing, reading, counting, etc.);
  • in initial forms;
  • hyperkinetic abnormalities, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  • downgrade mnestic-intellectual activity because of arteriosclerotic pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • trauma, toxic or neuroinfectious effects on the brain;
  • neurosis-like states ( , nonorganic encopresis, tics );
  • cerebral organic pathology at schizophrenia (in combination with psychotropic drugs);
  • extrapyramidal diseases (Parkinson's disease , Huntington's syndrome , hepatolenticular degeneration, myoclonus epilepsy, etc.);
  • therapy and prevention extrapyramidal syndrome due to taking neuroleptics;
  • decrease in working capacity, both physical and mental, psycho-emotional overload, in order to improve memory and concentration;
  • with inhibition of mental processes and a decrease in cognitive productivity (in combination with anticonvulsants);
  • disorders of urination of neurogenic etiology.


Annotation for the drug Pantogam indicates the following contraindications to its use.

For tablets:

  • the age of the patient is up to 3 years;
  • period ;
  • period .

For syrup:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • , because of the content aspartame in syrup.
  • hypersensitivity to hopantenic acid or other ingredients of syrup or tablets;
  • acute pathology of the kidneys in severe form.

Side effects

As a rule, therapy with Pantogam passes without serious complications.

Sometimes there are side effects in the form (rashes on the skin,) . In this case, reduce the dose of Pantogam or cancel therapy with its use.

Also, it was observed noise in the head, sleep disturbances or daytime. These symptoms usually do not require discontinuation of treatment and are short-lived.

Application instruction of Pantogam (Way and dosage)

The medicine Pantogam in the form of syrup and tablets is prescribed orally (orally) after a meal, after 15-30 minutes.

The preferred time of admission is before 4 pm.

Pantogam tablets, instructions for use

Children from 3 years of age are prescribed tablets in a single dose of 250 mg to 500 mg, the daily dosage is 750 mg - 3000 mg.

The course of therapy usually takes from 30 to 120 days, in some cases up to six months. After a 3 or 6 month break, you can repeat the course of treatment.

With combination therapy epilepsy appoint Pantogam in a daily dose of 750 mg - 1000 mg, for a year or more.

At combined treatment extrapyramidal neuroleptic syndrome take up to 3 g of the drug for several months.

During combination therapy extrapyramidal hyperkinesis in patients with hereditary pathological conditions nervous system , recommend a daily dose of 500 mg to 3000 mg, for up to 4 months or even more.

To mitigate the consequences TBI and neuroinfections - 0.25 g (250 mg) of Pantogam taken 3-4 times a day.

To resume operation under conditions asthenia and excessive loads - 3 times a day, 250 mg.

For Therapy extrapyramidal syndrome due to acceptance neuroleptics , recommend adult patients 500 mg - 1000 mg, three times a day; for children, the recommended dosage is from 250 mg to 500 mg in 3-4 doses. Treatment lasts from 1 to 3 months.

Children with ticks appoint 3-6 doses per day at a dose of 250 mg to 500 mg, for 1 to 4 months.

For violations in the process of urination adult patients take Pantogam tablets 2-3 times a day, 500 mg - 1000 mg each; Patients childhood 250 mg - 500 mg each (the recommended daily dose varies from 25 mg to 50 mg per kilogram of weight). The course of therapy is carried out for 1-3 months.

Depending on age, children with various diseases of the nervous system are prescribed from 1 to 3 g of Pantogam.

The regimen is most often reduced to increasing the dose for 7-12 days, followed by the maximum dose of Pantogam for 15-40 days, with a slow decrease in the maximum dose (7-8 days) until the drug is completely discontinued.

If it is necessary to conduct a second course of therapy, the break should be from 1 to 3 months.

Pantogam syrup, instructions for use

Adult patients are prescribed a single dose of 2.5 ml - 10 ml, the daily dosage is 15 ml - 30 ml.

Therapy is carried out for 1 to 4 months, less often up to 6 months. Reappointment of Pantogam is possible after a break of 3-6 months.

  • from 0 to 12 months - 5 ml - 10 ml;
  • up to 3 years - 5 ml - 12.5 ml;
  • from 3 to 7 years - 7.5 ml - 15 ml;
  • older than 7 years - 10 ml - 20 ml.

The tactics of therapy recommend increasing the daily dose for 7–12 days, followed by the maximum dose for 15–40 or more days with a gradual decrease in the dose (7–8 days), until cancellation medicinal product. The course of therapy ranges from 30 to 90 days (in the treatment of certain diseases up to 6 months or even more).

With combination therapy epilepsy with parallel reception anticonvulsants appoint 7.5 ml - 10 ml per day. Treatment lasts for 12 months or more.

With combined treatment schizophrenia With joint reception psychotropic drugs recommend 5 ml - 30 ml per day, with a course of treatment from 30 days to 3 months.

During treatment neuroleptic syndrome , with accompanying extrapyramidal disorders, take a daily dose of the drug, up to 30 ml of syrup. The therapy is carried out for several months.

In the treatment of consequences TBI and neuroinfections appoint in a daily dosage from 5 ml to 30 ml.

At extrapyramidal hyperkinesis , for the treatment of patients with organic pathologies of the nervous system , recommend a daily dose of syrup from 5 ml to 30 ml. The course of therapy is up to 4 months or more.

Reception of syrup in order to restore working capacity with asthenia and excessive loads are carried out three times a day at a dose of 2.5 ml - 5 ml.

Children with urination disorders appoint 2.5 ml - 5 ml, with a daily dose equal to - 0.25 ml - 0.5 ml per kilogram of weight. The course of therapy lasts for 30 days to 3 months; for adults, the syrup is taken 2-3 times a day, 5 ml - 10 ml.


With an overdose of Pantogam, it is possible to increase the symptoms of its side effects, in particular: noise in the head, drowsiness or sleep disturbance.


Pantogam, when combined with barbiturates prolongs their action.

When used together with anticonvulsants enhances their effectiveness.

Prevents side effects , neuroleptics.

Potentiates the effects of drugs for local anesthesia ().

The action of Pantogam is enhanced by complex treatment With etidronic acid and .

Terms of sale

Available in pharmacies by prescription.

Storage conditions

To be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

  • tablets - 4 years;
  • syrup - 2 years.

Pantogam's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

When looking for alternative medicines, you may be offered the following analogues of Pantogam:

  • and many others.


  • Gopantam;


Pantogam for children in the form of tablets is used only upon reaching the age of 3, starting from birth, you can take the drug for children in the form of a syrup.

Reviews of doctors about Pantogam tablets, in the treatment of many neurological diseases in children from 3 years of age, in 99 cases out of 100 positive. They note the high efficiency of the therapy with minimal side effects. It is worth noting that the effect of the drug does not occur immediately, but most often, 1-1.5 months after the first dose.

Side effects of Pantogam in children are rare and most often consist of drowsiness or sleep disturbance. It is possible that these manifestations depend on the time of taking the drug, which is not recommended to be taken after 4 pm.

On user forums dedicated to drugs for the treatment of various childhood neurological pathologies, a discussion of Pantogam for children occupies a considerable place. Feedback from forum visitors hyperactivity, stuttering , mental and physical disorders, ticks , lack of attention, problems with urination, etc. mostly positive.

Recall that Pantogam in the form of tablets does not have a sufficient base clinical research, and also physically inconvenient for taking by infants, from which Pantogam tablets are not prescribed for children under 3 years old.


The drug Pantogam for newborns can only be prescribed by an experienced pediatrician, since it is very difficult to independently notice the shortcomings in the development of a child at this age.

Speaking about the effectiveness and expediency of prescribing Pantogam for newborns, the reviews of parents are rather contradictory. Some are grateful to the doctors for the timely discovered problem in the development of their own child and note its further full-fledged formation, others neglected the advice of the pediatrician and also did not feel any pathological changes.

In any case, even with an unreasonable appointment, Pantogam syrup practically does not show side effects, and in case of real problems, it will certainly help to solve them. After all, often the price of a medicine taken on time can be scanty compared to possible negative consequences inaction.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug Pantogam in the form of tablets is contraindicated in and.

Reviews about Pantogam

Pantogam tablets, for the treatment of various neurological disorders indicated in the instructions for use, receive positive feedback from doctors who use them in their practice. When taken by adults, reviews of Pantogam indicate excellent results of the therapy. 98% of patients are absolutely satisfied with the outcome of the treatment and are ready to trust this drug in the future.

When taken by children, reviews of Pantogam are no less positive, including reviews of tablets when taken by children from 3 years old, as well as reviews of Pantogam syrup for children starting from 0 months.

For babies, reviews about Pantogam are more diverse and do not come to an unambiguous opinion. The thing is that many parents do not trust their pediatricians and often do not follow their recommendations, preferring self-medication and the "natural" development of the child. It is worth noting that it is not uncommon that they are really right and the normal formation of the baby takes place without any medication.

Only an experienced and decent pediatrician is able to make a correct diagnosis for infants and conduct adequate treatment. One way or another, you make the decision to conduct any treatment for the child, so approach this with all responsibility, taking into account the opinions of several doctors and your own intuition.

Which is better: Pantogam or Pantocalcin?

In fact, Pantogam and are synonyms, that is, the active ingredient in their composition is the same substance. Judging by the reviews of experts, the effectiveness and cost of these drugs are almost identical. In this regard, interchangeability of these drugs is possible.

Pantogam price, where to buy

The cost of the drug Pantogam depends on its pharmacological form (tablets for adults and children over 3 years old or syrup for children), as well as on the region and pharmacy chain.

You can buy Pantogam in Russian pharmacies on average:

  • price Pantogam tablets 500 mg No. 50 - 550 rubles;
  • the price of Pantogam for children from 3 years old in tablets of 250 mg No. 50 is 350 rubles;
  • price pantogam syrup for children from 0 months 10% 100 ml No. 1 - 350 rubles.
  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Pantogam syrup 10% 100ml n1Vips-Med/Pik-Pharma

    Pantogam tab. 500mg n50

    Pantogam tab. 250mg n50PIK-PHARMA PRO LLC/PIK-PHARMA LEK LLC

    Pantogam active caps. 300mg n60PIK-PHARMA PRO LLC/PIK-PHARMA LEK LLC

Pharmacy Dialog

    Pantogam (tab.500mg №50)

    Pantogam Active (caps. 300mg №60)

    Pantogam (syrup 10% 100ml)

    Pantogam (tab. 250mg №50)

Europharm * 4% discount with promo code medical11

    Pantogam syrup 10% 100 mlPeak-Pharma PRO LLC

    Pantogam 500 mg No. 50 tab.Peak-Pharma PRO LLC

    Pantogam 250 mg n50 tablPikPharma-Lek OOO

    Pantogam active 300 mg n60 capsPikPharma-Lek OOO

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Education: Graduated from Vinnitsa National medical University them. N.I. Pirogova, Faculty of Pharmacy, higher pharmaceutical education - specialty "Pharmacist".

Work experience: Work in the pharmacy chains "Konex" and "Bios-Media" with a specialty "Pharmacist". Work in the specialty "Pharmacist" in the pharmacy chain "Avicenna" in the city of Vinnitsa.


Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Pantogam be sure to consult with your doctor.


Pantogam in syrup was given to a child with hypoxia. The effect seems to be good. But, at 2.5 years old, the baby was diagnosed with ZRR. They also prescribed the already well-known and proven Pantogam. Unfortunately, the doctors did not notice any effect. I had to choose another drug. The neurologist strongly recommended Cortexin injections. I am satisfied that I trusted the opinion of experts, although I did not want to give the baby injections. The result is impressive. Improvements came after the first course. Ahead is a repeated course and classes with a speech therapist.

Pantogam was prescribed for the complex treatment of enuresis. We drank two courses, each lasting two months. To date, the problem has been completely resolved. The child sleeps calmly if he suddenly wants to use the toilet (this does not happen every night), wakes up on his own and calls me, after we go to the toilet he falls asleep very quickly again.

Due to intrauterine hypoxia, the daughter had neurotic problems after birth (tremor, excessive excitability, constant crying, bad dream). Within a month they drank pantogam in syrup. Everything got better. Now the child sleeps well, generally calm, if he cries, then only on business (if the butt is wet or wants to eat).

With a delay in speech development, the neurologist prescribed pantogam syrup to his son. Until the age of 4, he spoke very poorly, little and indistinctly, after a two-month course of Pantogam, everything changed dramatically. And I'm glad. that we were assigned exactly it, since it is safe and very effective.

They took pantogam when the son after summer holidays could not return to the school process. The second grade, but he did not want to study in any. This drug really activates memory, and increases mental abilities. Now, without problems, in half an hour he can learn a rhyme, which used to take the whole evening. There is a small feature, the last reception must be done before 15.00. Then there will be no problems with sleep and evening activity.

I had a difficult delivery, complications, hypoxia… after some time, the child was prescribed Pantogam in syrup. To be honest, after reading the instructions, it was a little scary to give it to a child, but the doctor convinced me of its safety and the need for admission. He really did not cause adverse reactions, but a positive result was not long in coming. I recommend to others.

We drank pantogam in the form of syrup due to hypoxia during childbirth. At first, I was worried about possible adverse reactions, but the course of admission went well, the son tolerated the drug normally. Now we have no health problems, we are developing, like all our peers, well.

For no apparent reason, my daughter began to stutter. The neuropathologist prescribed Pantogam, also visited a speech therapist. Literally in 3 months there was no trace of stuttering. There were no problems while taking the drug, it was well tolerated by the children's body, without adverse reactions.

Last fall, the child went to kindergarten and it was very difficult to get used to it. There were constant tantrums, aggression. The neurologist prescribed a course of taking the nootropic Pantogam. Within the first month, the child's behavior improved. By the end of the course, the child became calm and obedient. In kindergarten, behavior has also changed for the better. As for side effects, we did not have them for the entire course. The correct dosage and time of administration is important here.

We have been taking pantogam courses with our youngest son (ADHD) for the second year. Only thanks to this, we are able to normally (without damage to the psyche) sit out lessons at school and successfully master the school curriculum. There are no side effects from the drug, there are no problems with taking it either.

The child, after a strong fright, began nervous tick: twitching of the left eyelid and head. By appointment of a pediatric neurologist, they drank a two-month course of pantogam. The drug helped a lot. Already in the middle of the course, the tick disappeared. Now (three months after the end of treatment) everything is fine too.

Pantogam was taken as prescribed by a doctor to cope with enuresis. The problem appeared unexpectedly when my son was 4 years old. Although there were no such reasons and prerequisites as such, the fact remains. Our bed was wet in the morning! Taken twice a day, strictly as prescribed by the doctor, for 3 months. It didn’t cause any side effects or allergies, but it helped to cope with the problem, now everything is fine.

It was very difficult for my son to get used to kindergarten. So hard that I had to seek help from a pediatric neurologist. It was he who prescribed pantogam. Already after two weeks of taking the drug, the child began to stay in the garden without tantrums, began to show interest in the children in the group, and by the end of the course he fully adapted.

Pantogam was prescribed to my son in the hospital, he had hypoxia. The intake did not produce any side effects, but now I know for sure that hypoxia did not affect development. We are growing up healthy, smart, a handsome boy. There is a great merit of Pantogam in this, because I know firsthand about cases when, with the same diagnosis, in the absence of treatment, children developed in a completely different way and not for the better.

My son had problems with the development of speech, he is now 7 years old. This worried us very much at one time, because. school could be difficult. At the age of 5, the doctor prescribed a course of Pantogam, followed the rules of application according to the instructions, the course lasted almost a year. No side effects were observed, the son is already studying, he is doing well, like all the children in the class, the teachers praise him.

They drank Pantogam once so that the child spoke normally. In addition to the speech therapist, who was visited for a year, before that, this drug was prescribed to us by a neuropathologist. Pretty quickly, the child spoke directly in whole sentences. Very satisfied with the results.

Pantogam helped us to adapt to kindergarten. When they took the child to the garden, it was a very difficult period for us, whims, tantrums began, against this background the child did not sleep well, and in the morning she could not wake up. We turned to the doctor for help, she advised me to drink pantogam. After a two-month course, the child changed noticeably, became more calm, found a common language with the children and teachers. The adaptation period was painless for us.

My son is 3.5 years old and we were also prescribed Pantogam. Increased muscle tone, and nervous overexcitability. They began to take it progressively and for the first week the child was very irritable, they even wanted to stop taking it, but then all the irritation slowly disappeared. We take a pill in the morning and a pill in the afternoon (until 4 p.m.). We sleep well at night.

Pantogam was prescribed to a child with enuresis, as it turned out, we have this ailment due to hyperreactivity. Have passed or have taken place two courses of treatment, and all has passed or has taken place. good remedy, the child became even calmer and more attentive. It was always taken in the first half of the day, the drug did not cause any negative effects, but coped with the problem.

We drink pantogam courses, there are no side effects. Started at 2.5 years old, due to speech problems. Helps in combination with other measures (classes with a speech therapist). If the neurologist prescribed, then it is better to drink a course. Problems become more difficult to correct with age.

Pantogam was taken in the form of tablets when the child went to first grade. We were diagnosed with hyperactivity with all the ensuing consequences - restlessness, inattention, behavioral disorder. And the doctor prescribed to take pantogam, first at an increasing dose for a week, then a month at 1.5 g per day, then the dosage went down and a break in treatment followed. After two courses of treatment, the child is unrecognizable. He studies well, attentiveness appeared. The teacher even began to praise us.

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Pantogam is a nootropic drug. This is the name of the means that affect the higher functions of the brain. Prescribing such drugs to a child worries parents: how safe is it to be treated with them? After all, not every intervention in the central nervous system remains without a trace. Let's see what children get from Pantogam more - benefit or harm.

Pantogam is used for neurological problems.

The action of the drug

In the instructions for use, the action of Pantogam is described as nootropic and anticonvulsant, i.e. this medicine:

  • stimulates mental activity, motivating the child to learn about the world around him and improving mental abilities;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state and provides a good rest during sleep;
  • prevents development;
  • contributes to the preservation of nerve cells;
  • restores damaged neurons and stimulates the formation of new ones;
  • improves cerebral circulation and promotes the removal of glucose breakdown products;
  • protects the brain from hypoxia and the effects of toxins.

The advantage of Pantogam is that chemical formula active substance - the calcium salt of hopantenic acid - is similar in appearance to vitamin B5. Therefore, the body perceives the main active ingredient as a useful element and does not prevent its penetration into the nervous structure. The constituent elements of the drug do not break down inside and do not combine with other substances. Therefore, quickly (in two days) are excreted in the urine and feces.

The drug is prescribed for speech delay, lag in communication and learning.

Indications for treatment with Pantogam

The versatility of the active component of Pantogam allows the use of the drug for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the central nervous system. Remedy allowed for children from 12 months(sometimes from birth).

The medicine is prescribed for:

  • disorders of cognitive activity and brain damage of an organic nature;
  • disorders caused by craniocerebral injuries and neuronal infections;
  • schizophrenia, combined with organic cerebral insufficiency;
  • accompanied by mental retardation;
  • urinary incontinence, the cause of which is neurogenic in nature;
  • mental and emotional overload, leading to a decrease in mental and physical abilities;
  • violations of behavior and mental development;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • various types of hyperactivity;
  • perinatal encephalopathy (manifested by hypertonicity or an overly excited or depressed nervous system);
  • lagging behind in the formation of the psyche and violations of the child's psychological status;
  • speech disorders and a delay in the formation of student skills (accounts and letters);
  • extrapyramidal disorders (neurological disorders - progressive myoclonus, Parkinson's disease and Wilson-Konovalov's disease);
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency (impaired blood supply to the brain due to atherosclerosis);
  • extrapyramidal syndrome developed during treatment with neuroleptic drugs.

Attention! Pantogam should not be given to a child if he has an acute kidney failure. At hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug, refuse to take it. With phenylketonuria (impaired metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine), the form in the form of a syrup is contraindicated.

The composition and form of release of the drug

Pantogam is available in two forms:

  • Syrup transparent without color or with a yellow tint and a cherry smell 100 mg/1 ml (content of the active ingredient in 1 ml of the drug) in dark bottles of 100 ml.
  • Tablets white round flat 250 or 500 mg (in a carton box 5 blisters of 10 pieces).

Children older three years tablets will do.

Pantogam syrup is recognized as effective only for the treatment of babies under 3 years old. Older children are advised to take pills because this form of medication is better absorbed.

Attention! Pantogam syrup and tablets have a different composition. Therefore, with the individual tolerance of certain substances, one dosage form may be suitable, while the other may not. Look at the table below to find out what substances are contained in each of them. If there is a “+” in the cell, then this component is; if "-", it is not present.

Rules for taking Pantogam

The drug is better absorbed if take it 15-30 minutes after eating. The instructions state that:

  • The minimum single dose for children is 250 mg in terms of the main active ingredient. This corresponds to 2.5 ml of syrup or 1 tablet of 250 mg, or half of 500 mg.
  • The maximum single dose is 500 mg (5 ml of syrup, 2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 of 500 mg).
  • The minimum therapeutic dose per day is 750 mg (7.5 ml of syrup, 3 tablets of 250 mg or one and a half of 500 mg each).
  • The maximum daily dose is 3000 mg (30 ml of syrup, 12 tablets of 250 mg or 6 of 500 mg).

Half an hour before taking the medicine, the child can eat tightly.

Treatment usually lasts from 1 to 4 months, sometimes up to 6. The drug is prescribed again 3-6 months after the cancellation. Accurate dosage and the duration of the course is set by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis and the severity of the disease. Strictly observe the reception time.

Side effects

With increased sensitivity to the composition, allergic reactions are possible:

  • skin rashes;

If you experience these symptoms, see your doctor. He will either reduce the dosage or replace the drug.

The medicine can cause allergic conjunctivitis.

When treated with Pantogam, children often develop:

  • noise in the head;
  • drowsiness;
  • insomnia.

Medicine recognizes these symptoms as safe, so discontinuation of the drug is not required.

Reviewed by Vitalina:

“A six-month-old daughter’s neck is constantly in tension,. After examination, the doctor said that it was muscle hypertonicity and prescribed Pantogam. On the first day, the daughter became whiny, and she completely left the dream. She gave syrup only for 3 days, then she decided to stop, but she did not tell the pediatrician about it. Sleep returned to normal, irritability disappeared. Heard it helps massotherapy. I invited a massage therapist to the house, and soon the hypertonicity passed.

Sleep problems may occur after taking the drug.

Valeria's review:

“At five months, my son was diagnosed. The convulsions were so severe that they caused mental retardation with a delay in mental and physical development. Convulsions became more frequent, their duration increased. The only goal of treatment in the end was only to get rid of his torment. The doctor prescribed Pantogam in the maximum dosage. Now Vlad sleeps a lot, convulsions have become rare and less strong. I think that the drug in our case is salvation.

Pantogam manufacturer and analogues of the drug

Pantogam was invented and produced in Russia. On the package with the medicine, the manufacturer is always indicated:

  • PIK-PHARMA PRO LLC - tablets and syrup;
  • OOO "VIPS-MED" - only syrup.

The price of both dosage forms approximately the same - they can be bought for 350-400 rubles.

If the pharmacy did not have Pantogam, you can buy another drug with the same active ingredient.

A brief overview of analogues:

  • Gopantam(about 300 rubles) - only in the form of tablets of 250 and 500 mg. It also has an analgesic effect.
  • Calcium hopanteonate(200-250 rubles) - only in the form of tablets of 250 mg. The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.
  • Pantocalcin. Tablets 250 mg - about 450 rubles. 500 mg - 600-700 rubles. In description side effects there are no sleep disturbances, drowsiness and noises in the head.

Pantogam's synonym is Pantocalcin.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Komarovsky refers Pantogam to drugs whose effectiveness has not been proven. He says that "at best, it will do no harm." The doctor claims that prescribe the drug solely for the purpose of insurance. This is necessary so that if the child’s health worsens, the parents do not come to the attending physician with a complaint: “This is all because you did not prescribe us anything.” According to Evgeny Olegovich, electrophoresis and therapeutic massage will bring more benefits.

Angela writes:

“Once entering school, my son became hyperactive. He did not adapt well to new conditions, school disciplines were difficult for him. We were prescribed a 2-month treatment with Pantogam. I strictly followed the time of admission and observed the recommended dosage. Soon teachers noticed that perseverance and academic performance increased. After 6 months, the pediatrician prescribed a second course to consolidate the effect.

Pantogam is a remedy with an ambiguous effect. Restoring some functions of the nervous system, it can cause a breakdown in others. Therefore, it should be given to children with caution. Monitor the child's behavior closely to judge whether the benefit outweighs the possible harm caused by the drug.

Alisa Nikitina