Baby doesn't sleep all day. The newborn does not sleep and screams: possible causes of the problem

Sleep is very important for a baby. After all, it is in a dream that the little one grows, gains strength to know the world. But, like adults, young children have very individual needs for rest. And since young parents are just beginning to recognize their baby, the sleep pattern day and night (not the same as that of a neighbor's baby who sleeps for 12 hours without waking up) raises a lot of questions and concerns. Let's look at the features of sleep in newborns and infants, and also find out what is hidden behind the phrase "the baby does not sleep well."

Sleep norms from birth to 5 years

It is interesting. European somnologists, having observed 10,000 thousand people of different sex and age, came to the conclusion that the duration of sleep, in addition to external factors and biological rhythms, influenced by genetics. So, in the presence of the ABCC9 gene, a person needs to spend an hour more time in the kingdom of Morpheus than someone who does not have this gene.

The number of hours of sleep is individual for each child

A newborn sleeps 16–20 hours a day, interrupting sleep to satisfy physiological needs and explore the world around him. With age, the pauses between visits to the possessions of Morpheus are reduced, and by the age of 7 the child has been sleeping for about 12 hours. As we have already found out, the needs for rest are different for all children, but it is still possible to single out average indicators.

The amount of daytime sleep according to the normsThe norm of daytime sleep in a child in hoursThe norms of wakefulness in a child in hoursThe norm of a night's sleep in a child in hoursThe daily norm of sleep in a child in hours
Age 1-3 weeks
The baby does not sleep according to a strict schedule and may wake up earlier or later than the allotted time.8–9 hoursAbout 4 hours10-12 hours, wakes up 3-4 times to eat18-20 hours
Age 1–2 months
4 day naps and 1 nightApproximately 8 hours (2 times 2-3 hours and 2 times 30-45 minutes)4 hours10 hours with 2 breaks18 hours
Age 3–4 months
4 day naps and 1 night6-7 hours (2 times 2-3 hours and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-45 minutes)7 o'clock10 hours17-18 hours
Age 5–6 months
3-4 napsAt 5 months - 6 hours (2 times for 2 hours and 1 time for 1–1.5 hours), at 6 months - 5 hours (2 times for 2.5 hours)8–9 hours10 hours15-16 hours
Age 7–9 months
2 naps2 times for 2.5 hours9-10 hours10-11 hours15 hours
Age 10–12 months
2 naps2 times for 2 hours10 hours10 hours
Age from 1 year to 1.5 years
2 day2 times for 1–1.5 hours11 o'clock10–11 am14 hours
Age 1.5–2 years
1 day nap2.5–3 hours11 o'clock10–11 am13 hours
Age 2–3 years
1 day nap2–2.5 hours11 o'clock10–11 am13 hours
Age 3–5 years
1 day nap2 hours12 hours10 hours12 hours

When to worry?

The data given in the table are indicative, but if the deviations from the norm are 4-5 hours up or down, then this is a reason to consult a neurologist. In other cases, you can look for the cause yourself.

Eats often

It happens that the little one often wakes up to eat. In this case, the problem of malnutrition is on the face. If the child is on breastfeeding, you may need to add mixtures to the diet or reconsider the mode and quality of mom's nutrition. For artificial people, the problem is solved by increasing the portion. In any case, you need to report your observations to the pediatrician and only after that take any action.

Doesn't sleep right after feeding

Have you noticed that the baby does not sleep after feeding? Perhaps he overeats, and this prevents him from surrendering to sleep.

Cause bad sleep may be hungry or overeating

Imagine that you are put to bed after a hearty and plentiful dinner, and how will you fall asleep? In this case, it is better to reduce the dose. True, many pediatricians defend the opinion that a breastfed baby should be left at the breast until he quits. Antagonists convince young mothers not to keep the baby at the breast for more than 20 minutes, they say, he is already full and will simply overeat or play. Whatever point of view you support, reconsider your diet. After all, some products are difficult to digest even by the body of an adult, what can we say about a baby. Formula-fed babies should slightly reduce the portion of the mixture and observe its behavior. If the sleep mode is not restored, then the reason is probably different.

Can't sleep after swimming

Water procedures can also cause the baby to not go to bed. As a rule, peanuts love water - it reminds them of the natural environment in the womb. So such negative consequences from bathing are most likely the fault of the parents. So, the reasons may be the following:

  • too hot / cold water (the optimum temperature is 37 degrees, but for some babies it is too hot, and for some, on the contrary, too cold) - reduce / increase the temperature by 1-1.5 degrees and look at the reaction;
  • prolonged bathing (many adults like to stay in the water for a long time and a priori transfer it to the baby) - keep in mind that the baby does not get dirty yet to be in the bath for a long time - 2-3 minutes in the first weeks is enough, by the year we bring it up to 10 minutes;
  • many spectators (caring grandmothers, grandfathers, girlfriends and children of girlfriends, of course, out of good intentions go with you to the bathroom, but such entertainment is not clear to the baby) - make the evening bath an intimate procedure.

If you watch TV, you probably see a lot of advertisements for baby bath products with lavender, lemon balm, "extracts healthy sleep and other marketing ploys. It's up to you to believe them or not, but remember that baby's skin is not laboratory material. If you decide to use any special bathing products, then consult a pediatrician or dermatologist.

Why does a newborn sleep poorly during the day or at night: causes of sleep disturbance and ways to solve the problem

Sleep is one of the most important elements of the health of the child and his mother. It must be developed from the first months of life. And if something interferes with this, then the problem must be solved immediately.

There are many reasons why a baby may not sleep well.

Factors of sleep disturbance that do not fit those described in the previous paragraph can be divided into two categories:

  • caused by physiological reasons;
  • provoked by external factors.

Let's consider them in more detail, providing instructions for elimination.

Physiological causes

It is interesting. One of the most common reasons why a baby does not sleep is teething. The task of parents is to alleviate unpleasant manifestations with ointments, creams and ... be patient.


When the little one screams or eats, he swallows air. Accumulating, it causes painful sensations. You need to know that colic usually appears at 3 weeks of a child's life and disappears by 3 months. To alleviate the symptoms, you can give the little one dill water or drugs designed to relieve colic. Assistance can also be provided

  • changing the position of the baby's body;
  • providing him with warmth;
  • putting a gas outlet pipe;
  • making an enema.

To relieve colic, you need to change the position of the baby's body

It is interesting. Remember that symptoms of colic do not include vomiting and diarrhea. These manifestations can be triggered by serious health problems in the child. Therefore, you need to immediately seek medical help.


In the first days of life, the crumbs are especially sensitive to hunger. In other words, if the child wants to eat, they will never fall asleep. But immediately after he feels full, in the absence of other irritating factors, he will fall asleep with pleasure.


If the diaper is full, the baby is wet, it no longer sets you up for sleep. And if diaper rash has also formed, it’s not at all up to a pleasant nap. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a good diaper is not a rule, it is a requirement that ensures healthy sleep and excellent skin condition for the soft, appetizing parts of the baby's body. Be sure to change diapers on time and monitor the condition of the skin using special products: creams, powders. A clean and dry toddler will sleep in a serene sleep.


Violation of the biological rhythm

Or simply the child confused the day with the night.

The baby has not yet developed a biological clock, so he can confuse day with night

A fairly common cause of sleep disorder. However, there is nothing wrong with this: it’s just that the baby’s biological clock has not yet developed. True, the reason may also be the parents who stayed up with the guests, played the little one at night while watching or watching an interesting movie. To solve the problem, efforts will have to be made by all family members:

  • walk with a toddler in the fresh air (Dr. Komarovsky insists that nothing can replace fresh air for a healthy sleep of a baby);
  • play and put the baby to sleep in compliance with the correct regimen;
  • observe the “30-minute trick” (if you gently and gently wake the child 30 minutes earlier than the time when he should wake up, then he will want to fall asleep 30 minutes earlier - this will gradually level off the regimen).

External factors

Failure to comply with the temperature regime

If the child is hot or cold, he will not sleep. The optimum temperature in the room should be from 18 to 22 degrees, and the humidity level should not be lower than 60%. It is also useful to ventilate the room well before going to bed to provide a healthy microclimate.


It is difficult to put a baby who has played out to sleep, and even Morpheus cannot guarantee that he will sleep for the required number of hours.

Before going to bed, no active games - this rule should apply to a child at any age. You need to lay the little one in peace and quiet. At the same time, there should not be anyone in the room except for mom and baby. The only exception is for dad.


Mother and baby are closely related. Any experience of a woman is reflected in the state of health of the child. So avoid negative emotions, do not let yourself be upset, and your little one will sleep much calmer and better.

It is interesting. Dr. Komarovsky admonishes all mothers and fathers: “More than anything else - more food and drink, more sleep and fresh air - a child needs healthy, rested and loving mom and dad.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that the sleep schedule for a child should be convenient for parents. And it does not matter at all, it will be from 21.00 to 05.00 or from 23.00 to 07.00! It is important that you strictly follow this regimen.

Sleep in the fresh air perfect solution to normalize the regime

Tip #1

First of all, you need to analyze the feeding regimen. The baby should not be hungry.

Tip #2

Sleep should become a conditioned reflex. And this is facilitated by the observance of a special, only yours, ritual. For example, a walk, a meal, a bath, a bedtime story and a dream. And not the last role in this bunch is played by bathing. It should be in cool water, in a large bath. Before hygiene procedures, it is useful to have a relaxing massage, and then dress the baby in comfortable warm clothes.

Tip #3

Monitor the condition of the child and, at the slightest sign of fatigue, put him to bed. If you miss the moment, then, having played out, putting the baby to bed will be a difficult task.

Tip #4

Don't be afraid to wake up! If a child at 6 months old, with a daily norm of 15–16 hours, sleeps 9 hours during the day, then 6–7 hours will remain for a night's rest - and you won’t have to count on a long sound sleep. So try to keep within the framework of daytime sleep to ensure a full night.

Tip #5

Monitor the cleanliness of the room and the temperature in it. Keep comfortable with comfortable clothing that won't get hot or cold, plus soft, laundered baby powder, and well-rinsed bed linens. As for the latter, Dr. Komarovsky supplements this requirement as follows: a dense and even mattress (so that the baby’s body does not bend it) and a pillow only after 2 years (60 by 60 cm in size, equal to the width of the baby’s shoulder).

Tip #6

The right company. A child under 1 year old must sleep in a crib in the parents' room, from 1 year old - in a crib in the children's room. And staying at night in the parent's bed has nothing to do with healthy sleep.

Video. how to improve baby's sleep and sleep for parents - Dr. Komarovsky's recommendations

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.

Reading 7 min. Views 1.2k. Published on 03.03.2018

Good afternoon, dear moms and dads.

You all know that without proper rest, a baby cannot grow and develop normally. But what if the baby does not sleep well, it is difficult to put him down during the day and in the evening, he constantly wakes up, tossing and turning? Familiar situation? Still would! After all, he won't let you sleep.

Is this problem solvable? Let's try to find out, and after that we can count not on a good rest, but on its likeness.

Causes of poor sleep

The baby does not sleep well, what does it mean? According to the recommendations of pediatricians, children under 3 months old should sleep 17-18 hours, gradually the duration of sleep decreases, and by six months it is already 15 hours, by the year - 13-14. If your baby sleeps significantly less, wakes up frequently, this may be due to external causes, or testify to various failures in the child's body.

The baby's anxiety often manifests itself in the phase of active sleep, the child groans, tosses and turns, his face and limb muscles tremble - such phenomena are not considered a pathology. Convulsions should alert you - rhythmic twitches of the arms, legs or the whole body that occur at regular intervals and look like trembling. If you see something like this, visit a neurologist.

The reasons why the baby does not sleep well at night, often wakes up:

  1. External factors - excessively dry and hot air in the room, too warm clothes, noisy neighbors, all this negatively affects the quality of a child's sleep. If you don’t observe any other deterioration in your baby’s well-being, just try to ventilate the bedroom more often, it’s easier to dress the baby.
  2. Problems with digestive system- one of the main reasons for frequent awakening in infants. Colic, bloating, pain occur against a background of imbalance intestinal microflora, malnutrition mothers, some congenital features.
  3. Wet diapers, diapers - bowel movements contain many toxic substances that irritate the delicate skin of the baby.
  4. Hunger. The appetite of a child is a rather individual parameter, children with an accelerated metabolism need to be fed more often - after a snack they fall asleep again. Overeating may also be the cause.
  5. Strong attachment to mother - this problem often occurs in children who are constantly carried in their arms. In such situations, you will have to gather all your will, and not run to the baby on demand. An ignored baby calms down within a few minutes.
  6. Teething - this problem becomes relevant when the child is six months old. The process of the appearance of milk teeth is often accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being, an increase in temperature, the gums hurt and itch - there is no time for sleep.
  7. The child confused day and night - a situation familiar to many parents. To fix it, you need to be patient, wake the child during daytime sleep, walk more.

If you have eliminated all negative factors, and the baby often still wakes up often, the cause of restless sleep may be the incorrect development of the cerebral cortex. In such cases, consultation with a pediatric neurologist is indispensable.

Daytime sleep problems

The baby should sleep soundly not only at night, but also during the day, but precisely with daytime sleep problems occur most often.

The baby does not sleep well during the day - we identify the reasons:

  1. Overwork - at six months, babies become very active, inquisitive, trying to learn everything around. Sometimes they don't even have time to eat properly. It would seem that from severe fatigue, the child should fall asleep instantly, sleep soundly and soundly. But due to the fact that the brain has to intensively sort all the information received, sleep disorders often occur.
  2. Low activity - among babies there are often little philosophers and thinkers, they are immersed in themselves, the world around them is of little interest to them. There is no need to panic and run to the doctor, just find an activity that will be interesting for your child - look at and rearrange the pictures, lay out various bright objects - these activities are not very active, but they make the baby get out of his own world. Gradually he will be drawn into cognitive process, sleep will improve.
  3. Lack of mother's attention - modern mothers have to keep up with everything at once, sometimes it is not possible to fully communicate with the baby. If this is your problem, try to devote every free minute to the child, talk to him, look into his eyes more often. Smile. You can record a song or a fairy tale on a voice recorder so that he can listen to your voice all the time, even in a dream.

Basically, the causes of poor daytime and nighttime sleep are similar, and equally dangerous for the child.

What is the danger of sleep deprivation for a child

If the child does not sleep well, failures in different systems begin to occur in the body, which negatively affects the mental and physical development of the baby.

Complications of sleep deprivation:

  1. Lack of sleep is the first step towards being overweight; with any stress, the body begins to actively accumulate fat reserves, which are quite difficult to get rid of.
  2. Studies by Austrian scientists have shown that children with chronic deficiency sleep reduces brain activity, which negatively affects the ability to learn, memory, IQ. The character of such babies also worsens, they become nervous, irritable, aggressive, prone to tantrums.
  3. Due to the fact that the sympathetic nervous system does not completely relax, problems arise with the digestive system, the child's body reacts poorly to medications. Consult with a neurologist, psychotherapist, at the initial stage of the development of pathology, physiotherapy will help to eliminate negative symptoms.

Now you know how dangerous a regular sleep deficit is for a baby, in order to avoid serious consequences, you need to make every effort to establish daytime and night sleep baby.

The baby sleeps poorly and little - what to do

To begin with, accustom yourself to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room, temperature within 18-20 degrees, humidity - 50-70%. These simple manipulations will help you avoid many problems not only with sleep, but also prevent the development of nasopharyngeal diseases.

How to improve your child's sleep:

  1. Be sure to take long walks outdoors.
  2. Before going to bed, play calm games with your baby, read, you can watch cartoons an hour before rest.
  3. Change your diaper right before bed.
  4. In the evening, you can take baths with mint, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, they perfectly relax and soothe.
  5. Teach your baby to fall asleep not in your arms, but in your own bed, you can put your favorite toy next to it.
  6. Do not put the baby in the parent's bed when you shift the baby, it is likely that he will wake up.
  7. Children also have dreams, so they may grunt or cry, but this does not mean that the baby has woken up, most often he calms down on his own rather quickly. But if this did not happen, you need to come up and calm the baby.
  8. Massage is a good relaxing procedure. But for some children, it has a tonic effect, so instead of a sleepy baby, you can get a cheerful and active child.
  9. Ritual before going to bed - if you perform the same actions all the time in a certain order, say the same phrases to your child every day before going to bed, he will soon fall asleep faster on his own, and the quality of sleep will improve.

Do not wrap the baby up, children have poor thermoregulation, so they can quickly overheat in warm clothes.

To swaddle or not to swaddle, that is the question?

There is an opinion that if the child is swaddled, he will sleep better. But here everything is also very individual, many babies do not tolerate any restrictions from birth, so they will only be nervous in diapers. Look, observe, draw conclusions.

Sleep with or without light?

Psychologists say that a good rest is possible only in complete silence and darkness. But if your child cannot live without light, buy a subdued night light.


Now we know why the baby does not sleep well day and night, we have learned to recognize and eliminate the main provoking factors.

From the moment a child is born, a mother's life changes drastically. All her time will now be occupied by caring for the baby, his upbringing and development. But the newly-made mother at the same time does not cease to be a wife, mistress, and a woman in principle - in addition to taking care of the baby, she has many more things to do, from which no one has exempted her. Therefore, one of the most common questions asked by pediatricians in the maternity hospital: how many hours does a newborn baby sleep (should sleep) during the day, what is the norm of his sleep, and what to do if a newborn baby who is not even a month old does not sleep or sleeps very little afternoon?

Baby sleep - duration of daytime sleep

Since the regime baby not yet, then this number of hours is evenly distributed over the day and night. Here a lot depends on how you feel - this is the main indicator of the norm, or on the temperament of the baby. If the child feels well, he is not tormented by unpleasant symptoms that occur in the first months of life, such as increased intracranial pressure, colic in the abdomen, then his sleep can continue continuously for a couple of hours in a row. Then follows a period of wakefulness, and again a dream.

During sleep, the baby may wake up for feeding, or may skip the next milk intake. If the child does not wake up to eat within four hours, this is an alarming symptom. Hunger in infants in the first months of life can be compensated by sleep. Therefore, after 3-4 hours of sleep, if the baby has not asked for food, wake him up and feed him. Feeding is preferable to offer the baby on demand, and not by the clock. Then the duration of sleep will be longer, the child will sleep more peacefully.

But a mother may encounter such a phenomenon as sleep disturbance in a child. If you notice that a newborn baby does not sleep all day, then you should pay attention to this Special attention and try to understand whether there really is a sleep disorder in an infant.

Causes of sleep disturbance in a newborn baby

Let's say right away - the opinion that a newborn should sleep constantly for the first weeks of life, interrupted only by feeding and bathing, is wrong. From the first days of life, the baby learns the world, and during periods of wakefulness he is curious, although he still does not distinguish all colors and the perception of objects is not at all the same as that of an adult. But there are these periods, and they should be, so do not be surprised if every half an hour or an hour the baby wakes up and groans, tosses and turns, opens his eyes. It is worth talking about sleep problems in cases where:

  • The total amount of sleep per day in a newborn baby is less than 15 hours ;
  • The child is awake 4-5 hours in a row without slumber and sleep;
  • The baby is clearly overexcited, restless, falls asleep with difficulty and wakes up every 5-7 minutes .

Why does a newborn sleep poorly:

Factors affecting lack of sleep

  1. The child feels uncomfortable. Check if the baby is full, if his diaper is clean. Wet diapers and hunger are the first cause of sleep disturbance. There are patient kids, but most feel very uncomfortable and let them know.
  2. The room temperature is abnormal. 20-23 degrees Celsius - this is the temperature that is considered optimal in the room for a newborn baby (). The baby should also be dressed accordingly - do not wrap up, but do not keep completely naked. Active movements of the baby with legs and arms, sneezing will tell you that the child is cold. And an increase in body temperature, rosy cheeks - that the room is too hot.
  3. sound background. In general, the baby in the first weeks of life does not react too emotionally to sounds (). But when falling asleep, sharp knocks, noise, loud music can interfere with falling asleep.
  4. Too light in the room. Bright daylight irritates the baby and prevents him from falling asleep. Use blinds or shutters to darken the room.
  5. Pain in the tummy (intestine) of a child. Colic and a large accumulation in the abdomen of the child give him pain and discomfort. To make it easier for the baby, put a warm, ironed diaper, a heating pad on his tummy, or do a light massage (?).
  6. Loneliness. The baby after birth experiences the first emotional shock. He no longer hears his mother's heartbeat, he is not rocked by her steps, movements. And of course, he really needs affection and love. In the arms, the baby will sleep comfortably and comfortably, but there is also an excellent device - a sling. It allows the baby to feel calmer, and this miracle thing frees up mom's hands and gives her the opportunity to do business, while her beloved baby remains under close supervision.

What to do if the baby does not sleep during the day

  • If you really feel something is wrong, then seek the advice of your pediatrician. It’s better to play it safe once again, because sometimes a sleep disorder is a symptom serious illnesses. These include diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system), respiratory disorders, increased VHF, etc.;
  • Make sure your child takes regular walks and sleeps outside. The lungs are filled with oxygen, the baby easily falls asleep to the sound of foliage, the rocking of the stroller. Make it a habit to walk constantly twice a day, avoiding only cold days and bad weather;
  • Create all the conditions for a comfortable sleep at home. No nervousness in the family, a calm and relaxing environment will help the baby fall asleep;
  • Healing decoctions of herbs can be added to the water for bathing the baby- . They will have a relaxing effect, providing the baby with sound sleep;
  • Sew yourself a small sachet with a filler - valerian grass. Put the sachet in the baby's bed. Sleep will be more restful and sound;
  • After sunset, exclude all active games, loud music. Preparation for sleep should begin several hours in advance so that the child is ready to fall asleep and not emotionally overwhelmed.

Sleepless nights scare many parents. Some mothers have learned from their own experience that a child can not sleep not only at night, but also during the day: the baby just falls asleep for half an hour and wakes up again. And this situation can continue for at least a year after birth. Adults complain: colic, teeth, problems with the tummy, all this is the cause of restless sleep. But if the baby is constantly sleeping - this is a dream. However, doctors pay attention: there are situations when a long sleep of a newborn during the day signals a problem. Therefore, parents need to be careful not to miss the alarm bells. In some cases, a calm, long sleep is a joy, and in which it is vice versa. Let's try to figure it out.

How to understand that the baby sleeps more than normal

Of course, all parents want the baby to be healthy and happy, sleep more and cry less. Therefore, if the baby sleeps long enough, mom and dad do not stop rejoicing. But doctors explain, you need to learn to understand: the baby is just a sleepyhead, nothing bothers him, so he sleeps sweetly, or the child does not have the strength and energy for active pastime. Last situation must be of concern to adults.

A newborn baby sleeps about 20 hours a day. The body adapts to the new world, environment. The organs and systems of the child are tuned to work: breathing, digestion of food, etc. The brain, perceiving and processing such a huge amount of information, also needs a long rest.

However, you should know that the baby must wake up every 2.5 - 3.5 hours for feeding. After all, the body needs nutrients for the full development and replenishment of energy reserves.

Doctors advise parents to study information about the norms of children's sleep different ages. In this case, it will be easier for them to navigate in a given situation. Indeed, if for an infant of the first month of life twenty hours of sleep a day is the norm, then for a three-month-old baby this may be a cause for concern.

Video: the importance of sleep for a child

Table: sleep norms for children under the age of one year

In the first month after birth, the baby may wake up up to 4-5 times a night to eat. This is normal, because colostrum in the first few days, and then milk is very quickly absorbed in the stomach of the crumbs and after a few hours the baby is hungry again. However, with the establishment of lactation, a certain feeding schedule is also established. Some children can sleep five to six hours straight at night without waking up for a snack. And it is also considered normal if:

  • the baby is active during the day: strive to perform different physical exercises is interested in toys;
  • gaining weight according to the norms;
  • growth rates are also normal.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the norms of children's sleep

Why so: the reasons why newborns and children under one year old sleep a lot

At the first and subsequent scheduled examinations, which take place once a month for children under one year old and are mandatory, the pediatrician must measure the height of the baby and weigh him. He also asks parents about the habits of the crumbs, his behavior during wakefulness. Based on this, the doctor draws a conclusion about the health and developmental standards of the baby. However, if parents notice that the baby is losing his appetite and eating poorly, lethargic, constantly sleepy, inactive, this is a reason to immediately contact a pediatrician for advice.

Prolonged and difficult labor

Not always labor activity goes the way nature intended. In some cases, childbirth begins before the due date or is delayed. And then doctors are forced to use drugs. It could be painkillers pharmacological drug to stimulate labor, etc. Moms of babies who have gone through this long and difficult process often note that the baby sleeps a lot in the first few days. This is a kind of reaction to the action of drugs.

Some drugs can adversely affect the development of the sucking reflex. As a result, the newborn does not receive enough nutrients, eats little and loses strength. The lack of energy and strength is the reason that the baby constantly sleeps and eats little.

If the mother noticed that the baby is constantly sleeping and practically does not wake up for feeding, you need to contact a neonatologist or pediatrician. This is especially true for premature babies: their sucking reflex is poorly developed, primarily due to a fragile body.

Nutrient deficiency

most common cause long sleep baby is malnourished. The fact is that from the moment of birth, the child's body begins to grow and develop. And this is noticeable every month, every week and even every day. The most intensive growth of the child's body occurs in the first twelve months of his life. But for full development, the child must receive essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And all this is in breast milk or adapted infant formula. But the less the baby eats, the less useful substances and nutrients enter the body. And if this situation continues for several days, the child simply does not have the strength to spend time actively, so he constantly sleeps.

Doctors insist that it is best to accustom the baby to the daily routine from birth so that he knows what time to eat, sleep and play. Dr. Komarovsky insists that the harmonious development of the child depends on the established daily routine, when the brain gives signals about the need to eat, sleep or take a walk.

First of all, parents need to determine why the baby refuses to eat. Various reasons can affect this:

  • the child does not take the breast correctly: the mother may have an incorrect structure of the nipples, so the baby cannot grab the nipple as needed. As a result, the baby spends a huge amount of energy on getting milk, but nothing happens or very little nutrient fluid enters the body. In the process of sucking, the baby is exhausted and falls asleep hungry;

    Doctors recommend that young mothers consult with a gynecologist, neonatologist or breastfeeding consultant who will show how to properly attach the baby to the breast so that he receives enough milk. In some cases, special nipple pads help well.

  • Mom's non-compliance with the diet: not all women are of the opinion that during breastfeeding you need to limit yourself in many foods. However, it is worth remembering that some foods can affect the taste. breast milk. For example, garlic or onions make milk bitter. Of course, the baby, having tried such food several times, will refuse it and, as a result, will be malnourished;
  • poor lactation: in the first month after the birth of a child, the woman's body does not yet know how much milk is needed to feed the baby. Some mothers have so much of it that the baby chokes on it during feeding, so it turns away from the breast and does not want to eat anymore. Others have catastrophically little milk, so the baby remains hungry;
  • infant illness: the most common causes are rhinitis and otitis media. With a stuffy nose, the baby cannot breathe during feeding, so he cannot eat much, is naughty and refuses the breast or the bottle with the mixture. Otitis also causes inconvenience to the baby: pain in the ear does not allow to concentrate on the process of obtaining food;
  • physiological features of the structure of the palate: in some children congenital pathologies palate. Therefore, the baby cannot suck normally during feeding.

In order to establish a diet, it is necessary first of all to solve the problems that have arisen. To do this, it is better to consult a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations. In some cases, a woman does not have enough milk and the doctor advises switching to mixed feeding. Do not give up this option: a lack of nutrients can lead to a lack of body weight. This is a very serious situation, which often causes a child to lag behind physically and psychologically. If the baby is bottle-fed and refuses to eat, it is worth switching to another mixture. However, it is not recommended to solve such issues on your own. It is better to visit a pediatrician and consult with him.

Today on the shelves of stores and pharmacies a huge selection baby food, mixtures that are enriched with vitamins, minerals and probiotics. Perhaps the baby has an intolerance to cow's milk and a mixture of goat's milk is suitable for him. The doctor will tell you the best option.

Mandatory vaccinations

Many mothers note that after vaccination the child sleeps for a very long time. Pediatricians explain that such a reaction of the body is normal. The fact is that in response to vaccination, the baby may have a fever, so experts recommend giving the baby an antipyretic. Such drugs have a sedative property. Therefore, if after vaccination the baby sleeps longer than usual, do not worry.

Problems in the first year of life: colic and teething

Almost no child can do without it. If colic can bypass some children, then teeth are cut for everyone. Even if the baby's body does not react to this process with an increase in temperature, a sharp pain in the gums and ears, the baby can still sleep restlessly at night, wake up often and ask for a breast or a pacifier. It is at night that the discomfort from teething gives the child the greatest discomfort, so his sleep is restless, weak, often superficial. The body did not have time to properly rest during the night, so during the day the baby can sleep longer than usual. This is a kind of compensation for lack of sleep at night.

This situation is the norm, because the body is trying to restore strength and strengthen the immune system, which is weakened against the background of physical discomfort from colic or teething.

Serious illnesses

No matter how much parents want their babies to always be healthy, it is not always possible to avoid diseases. During the cold season, the baby can catch the flu virus or catch a cold. The gastrointestinal tract, which is still not strong enough, cannot adequately fight the rotovirus, and newborn babies are often diagnosed with jaundice even in the maternity hospital. To fight the disease, the child needs a lot of strength and energy, so the baby sleeps a lot. Doctors keep repeating that sleep for a baby is the best medicine. So the body recovers faster after an illness.

Doctors draw the attention of parents to the need for adequate nutrition of the baby during illness. This is especially true for rotavirus and poisoning. Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so the baby should get enough fluids: breast milk, formula and water.

It is also important to establish the feeding process immediately after birth. In the first days of a child's life, bilirubin must be excreted from the body. In order for this process to proceed normally, a sufficient amount of fluid must be supplied during feeding. If the baby does not eat well, due to lack of fluid, the concentration of bilirubin in the blood does not decrease, but increases, which leads to the development of physiological jaundice.

If the child has heat, vomiting, diarrhea, wheezing during sleep - this is an occasion to urgently call a doctor. The doctor will appreciate general state crumbs and prescribe a treatment regimen. Do not risk the health of the child and self-medicate. Doctors note that prolonged sleep during or after illness should not cause concern for parents if:

  • the child breathes normally in a dream, there are no wheezing and breath holding;
  • body temperature is not higher than 37 degrees;
  • the baby's skin is pinkish, not too red, not pale or bluish.

External stimuli

Babies still have a weak nervous system, so children are very sensitive to quarrels between parents, the constant operation of the TV, bright lighting and other factors. The body, as it were, turns on a protective mode, trying to abstract from these stimuli. However, such a dream is restless, superficial, children may even often cry or sob during rest. As a result, the body does not restore strength sufficiently and the child continues to sleep for a long time.

Of course, this does not mean that the baby should be laid in a completely dark room and in absolute silence during the day. But parents should create optimal conditions for a peaceful baby sleep: sunlight should not shine directly into the eyes of the baby, it is better to turn off the TV or make it at minimum volume.

Calling an ambulance: when to worry

Of course, in some cases, prolonged sleep is a variant of the norm, but parents must constantly monitor the condition of the child. After all, deterioration is possible at any moment and the main thing is not to miss the time. Doctors identify several symptoms in which it is mandatory urgent care baby:

  • the child sleeps for more than 5 hours in one position and does not wake up;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • the baby's mucous membranes are dry, the skin becomes blue;
  • the baby sleeps for several hours in a row and cries in a dream, but does not wake up;
  • difficulty breathing or its delay;
  • the baby has rare urination: less than five diapers are used per day. This indicates dehydration.

To wake up or not to wake up: that is the question

Often parents are happy if their baby sleeps for a long time and is not naughty. However, it is worth keeping track of the time so that the baby does not remain hungry, because each feeding is very important for a growing organism. Doctors note that at night a child can sleep without waking up for 6 hours, and during the day - no more than four. If the baby does not wake up after this time period, it is recommended to wake him up and feed him. As soon as the child replenishes the supply of nutrients, he may again want to sleep. This is normal for newborns and babies.

Dr. Komarovsky has his own point of view on this matter: each child develops at an individual pace, so the body itself knows how much time it needs to sleep. Parents should not wake up the baby every three hours to feed him. But this rule only works if the baby is completely healthy, eats well and gains weight. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor who can determine the cause of such a long sleep and explain to parents the procedure.

Often there are situations when the baby simply confused day with night: during the daytime, the child sleeps most of the day, but at night it’s the other way around. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky insists that the baby must be awakened during the day, actively spend time with him, so that by the evening the baby is tired and sleeps peacefully at night. As soon as the body adjusts to a normal sleep and wakefulness regimen, the baby will wake up on its own at the allotted time.

Video: is it worth waking up a child

How to wake up a child

You need to wake up the baby calmly and carefully, because the baby can get scared and start crying. We do not need such stressful situations. Experts insist that you need to wake up the crumbs in the superficial phase of sleep. It is easy to identify by several signs:

  • the baby's eyelids twitch a little, you can see how the eyeballs move under them;
  • the baby can laugh or whimper in a dream, facial expressions change;
  • legs and arms may move slightly;
  • the baby can perform sucking movements with the lips.

In this case, the child can be awakened. How to do this, each mother decides for herself. Some babies wake up quickly when their parents pat them on the back or arm, while others open their eyes when they smell milk or formula. Here are some ways to help wake up sleepyheads:

  • start changing diapers;
  • if the room is warm, you can open the baby and start undressing him;
  • gently massage your baby's arms or legs;
  • stroke the tummy or back;
  • bring a formula bottle or breast to your lips. Children smell milk instantly. If the baby does not wake up, you can drop milk on the baby's lips;
  • sing a song or talk to the baby.

The main rule is that actions should not be abrupt and accompanied by a strict and too loud voice so that the baby is not scared.

What parents say

Parents' opinions about long sleep differ. Some mothers and fathers do not even suspect that such a long sleep can signal serious health problems for the baby. Others believe that the baby should be awakened every 2-3 hours for feeding, regardless of whether the baby wants to wake up or not. From the experience of previous generations, many mothers and fathers have concluded that a child’s long sleep can be a hereditary factor, so you should not worry and wake the baby. Pediatricians today don't insist on hourly feeding for breastfed babies, so on-demand feeding may include longer breaks.

But doctors recommend not to lose sight of the obvious facts: if the child eats little and sleeps a lot, is lethargic, has little interest in the surrounding stop, does not respond to the voice of mom or dad - this is a reason to seek help.

It happened to me with my daughter, I had epidural anesthesia. I’m not sure that these are its consequences, since my daughter rarely cried in infancy and for about three months she slept all night from 10 pm to 6 am. The first month I was generally surprised at her calmness, the only thing is that we lost a little weight, since I tried to feed on demand - but she did not demand! The doctor said - wake up and feed.

I slept very well for the first month, woke up to eat after 3-4 hours, slept at night from 12 to 6 in the morning, it never occurred to me that this was not normal 🙂 Then I began to sleep less, but I still eat 🙂 p.s. the increase in the first months was 800-1000g

My amazing “spit” was 🙂 At first, they also advised to wake me up for feeding, but this option did not work. Until the age of 2, he slept 2 times a day, and for an hour and a half or two.

I'm making plans

Mine used to sleep for 8 hours, and my son now sleeps for 7 hours at night .... mom says I was the same .. apparently, heredity


I always slept a lot. At night, however, I woke up to eat. But I didn’t cry. But during periods of wakefulness I was always quite active, so I didn’t bathe. Well, he likes to sleep. I also love, but you can’t ((

anna antonova

Doctors do not stop repeating that each child is individual: someone sleeps more, someone less. Not only rest, but also the full development of the baby depends on healthy sleep. After all, the body perceives so many new things and it takes time to process the information and prepare for the next discoveries. But there are situations when prolonged sleep is dangerous not only for the health of the baby, but also for his life. Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby every day. If something worries about the behavior of the child, it is better to contact a pediatrician or a neurologist. Do not self-medicate and endanger the life of the baby.

Why does a newborn sleep little? This question is asked by many mothers who have given birth to their first baby. Sometimes they don't know anything about him. How much he should sleep, eat, stay awake - these and other questions are on the agenda every now and then. One of these problems is why the newborn sleeps little. We will talk about how much a healthy baby should sleep day and night, and also give advice on how to improve the sleep of children in the first month of life.

Some mothers do not know anything about their baby. Sometimes it seems to them that he sleeps very little. Although in fact the numbers are quite within the norm. So, how much should a newborn baby sleep?

Pediatric neonatologists - specialists in newborn babies - say that crumbs in the first month of life should sleep for about 18-20 hours. This segment is divided approximately in half between day and night: 9-10 hours each. The periods of wakefulness are not too long. They are mainly spent on food and hygiene procedures.

The older the baby gets, the more less sleep he needs. During the day, children sleep less and less, and the main rest begins to shift to the dark time of the day.

It’s not scary if the real figure differs from the norm by an hour or two in one direction or another. For example, if the baby slept 16 hours a day, this is not a reason to panic. All children are different from birth. Some of them initially need a little less sleep than everyone else. This is normal and no treatment is required. You need to be wary if the sleep time deviates significantly from the norm: by three or more hours. It becomes a cause for concern if the newborn does not sleep at all during the day, or, on the contrary, at night. Let's look at the most common causes of sleep disorders in infants and tell you how to eliminate them.

Newborn babies sleep almost around the clock. Their wake periods are very short. Sleep is essential for proper development nervous system. As kids get older, they sleep much less.

First you need to make sure that the child does not have enough sleep. Sometimes it seems to the mother that the child does not sleep at all. This impression is formed when the baby falls asleep for short periods of time - 15-30 minutes. Then he wakes up, and again he has to be fed and laid down. The hardest thing for a mother becomes if during sleep the baby prefers to be at the breast. However, if you add all these periods of time together, it becomes clear: total time sleep is not so small. Some children, falling asleep each time for no more than 15 minutes, manage in this way to perform daily allowance by sleep. This is rare, but it happens. If this is your case, you just need to be patient. When the baby grows up, he will sleep longer, and fall asleep without the slightest effort.

If the calculations showed that there really is not enough sleep, you need to take measures to normalize it. What could be the reasons?

These reasons are the main factors that interfere with the sleep of a newborn baby. Here are some tips on how to make your child sleep better.

If the problems persist, contact your pediatrician for help. Rarely, but it happens that you need medical help.

Most often, infant sleep disorders are associated with inappropriate conditions. Make sure your newborn is comfortable while sleeping. So the baby will rest on his own and let his mother rest.

We found out the reasons why a newborn baby sleeps little. What should be done to eliminate them?

As you can see, it is not so difficult to establish a sound sleep of a newborn. If all the recommendations are followed, but there is no improvement, contact your pediatrician. You may need specialist help.

The most important thing is to provide comfortable conditions for sleep. All kids are different. Watch your little one carefully. This way you will understand what helps him fall asleep.