What to do so that a bad dream does not come true. How to make sure that a bad dream does not come true, but a good one comes true What to do so that a prophetic dream does not come true

How often does it happen that we wake up in a cold sweat, not realizing what it was - an ordinary nightmare caused by shattered nerves and old phobias, or a bad and at the same time a prophetic dream.

Or vice versa, we smile and do not want to open our eyes, so as not to frighten off a beautiful vision-dream. And so I want everything that I dreamed of good to come true. And what scared - sunk into oblivion.

Here's how to do it, we'll talk today. Just remember that you must truly believe in any action, then it will be the way you want. And further. If the same negative dream comes to you several times, then you should not try to get rid of it, it is much more important to write it down and try to analyze it so that you not only know where to expect troubles, but also how you can get rid of them in real life.

How to make a bad dream come true

If you were frightened by a dream, then immediately after waking up, say: where the night is, there is a dream. Then get up and repeat the same phrase in an open window. Then, without talking to anyone, go into the bathroom, let cold water, wash your face with it three times and hold your hands under running water, repeating these same words three times.

Then go to the kitchen, pour a glass of water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it. While doing so, say: as this salt has melted, so my dream will not come true. Then turn your back to the sink and splash this water over your left shoulder.

You can also, waking up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say: Resurrect the good, and crack the bad in half.

If you are a deeply religious person, then in order to bad dream did not come true, read the prayer in the morning: Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the Life-Giving Cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will be saved by the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, dry myself with a cross towel, I will swaddle myself with the veil of the Lord. Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like smoke disappears, let them disappear, like wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross. Amen. Amen. Amen. And cross yourself three times.

In no case do not tell anyone the meaning of the one that scared you. You can do this only in one case - if the person you are going to trust is an interpreter of dreams and can explain to you what this dream means and how to avoid its consequences. True, there is a completely opposite opinion on this matter - some believe that a bad dream must be told to three people, then the dream will allegedly lose its strength. However, it should not be discounted that the fears and troubles dressed in words seem to be fixed in real life, they gain the right to exist and begin to “grow into flesh” in some way, so that later they materialize at the most inopportune moment. So it's better not to experiment and keep your bad dreams under your own control, and not "gift them to the real world."

The person becomes nervous, irritable, he begins to be haunted by a feeling of anxiety and intrusive thoughts. However, this is far from the worst. Sometimes a dreamed horror becomes a prophetic dream. You can save yourself from a waking nightmare with the help of an effective technique.

Today, everyone knows that thought is material. Therefore, the more time you devote to remembering a bad dream, the more likely it is to come true.

Therefore, the first thing to do if you had a nightmare is to let go of negative experiences and tune in to a positive wave.

Bad dream conspiracy

If you have seen a nightmare, and especially if such dreams often haunt you, you should read strong conspiracy. Waking up in the morning, say the words:

“Good dreams - come true, nightmares and horrors - don’t torment me anymore. Lord God, save and save your servant (name). What I saw / saw in a dream will never come to me. Amen".

This conspiracy will help you lock up all the negativity and prevent a bad dream from coming true. Say these words every time you have nightmares.

Ritual to end nightmares

If you had a bad dream and during the day obsessive thoughts about it do not leave you, an effective ritual will help, which with its power will save you from heavy thoughts, nightmares and the embodiment of sleep. The most important rule is not to tell anyone about what you dreamed about.

To perform the ritual, you will need a metal, wooden or stone object. You should be all alone or do magic while everyone is sleeping. Touching the object that you have chosen as a talisman, you should repeat the words three times:

“Where the night is, there is the dream. Behind me stands the holy Guardian Angel, able to protect from evil forces and bad thoughts. May the Lord help Him intercede for my life and return a bad dream to where it came from. May it be so. Amen".

Prayer so that a bad dream does not come true

Hieromartyr Cyprian will help you protect yourself from corruption, witchcraft and black magic. And prayers for the coming dream will save you from the consequences of a bad dream. The prayer should be read in front of the icon of the great martyr, with sincere faith and trembling in the soul:

“Oh, saint of God, great martyr Cyprian. You respond to all prayers that call for your help and intercession. Hear the words of the unworthy servants of God and pray before the Lord for our sins. Ask for me (name) before the Lord of Heaven souls of strengthening, in prayer of healing, in sorrows of consolation.

You, Saint Cyprian, are able to guide us on the true path, deliver us from the captivity of the devil, unholy spirits and other people's influence. Do not renounce our prayers and descend with your light in our lives. Praise the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

What to do to make a dream come true

Don't tell anyone about it. Don't try to interpret it. Take it literally, "as it is." If you are a believer, pray to the God (or gods) of your religion that the dream come true. However, there is an opinion that dreams seen on certain days from the new moon do not come true under any circumstances, but it’s still worth a try. In fairy tales and legends of different peoples, there are references to the fact that a happy dream can be bought from the person who had it. In this case, the dream will come true for the buyer - but only if he does not tell anyone about it.

What to do so that the dream does not come true

The famous Siberian sorceress Natalya Stepanova recommends the following: “In order for bad dreams not to come true, you need to wake up without looking out the window or saying one of the spells:

1. Where the night is, there is a dream.
2. Good dream Resurrect, crack the bad one in half.
3. What I saw in a dream, I will not see in reality.

In addition, a bad dream must be immediately "exchanged", i.e. tell as many people as possible. All these remedies are considered necessary and useful, although they can only weaken the influence of a bad dream, but cannot completely abolish it.

In order for a bad dream to have no consequences at all, you need to "work it out"; in one form or another to repeat the events of a dream in reality. After that, the dream will be considered to have come true, and the events predicted by him will no longer occur.

The notes of ethnographers and missionaries often report similar rites among "primitive" peoples. Thus, the case of an Iroquois warrior who dreamed that his enemies took him prisoner is widely known. Waking up, he hurried to his neighbor and persuaded him to "take him prisoner" for fun. For three days he sat tied up behind his wigwam, after which he regained confidence in himself and was released.

Here is an example from very recent times. For some time now, one woman began to dream disturbing dream: as if she is walking with baby and all of a sudden it gets dark. When the dream recurred three or four times, she became alarmed and went to "grandmother" for advice. She suggested that she actually go out for a walk with the child at sunset and return to the house when it was completely dark. After that, bad dreams stopped, and nothing terrible happened to the child.

What to do with imaginary dreams

Dreams are a perishable "product": already in the first seconds after waking up, sleep is often destroyed by 80, or even 100%. Trying to remember our dream, we often think it over, giving the events a logical coherence and "finishing" hopelessly forgotten episodes. In addition, some people have a habit of frankly falsifying their dreams, telling others what they did not really dream about. Why do they do this - God knows, but the question is different: is there any point in interpreting such dreams? And can they predict the future?

Experienced interpreters of all countries and backgammon answer this question in the affirmative: of course, such dreams can also predict the future. As an example, let me give you the famous story of a highly variable dream that happened in China during the Three Kingdoms era (220-264 AD).

One day, a man came to the dream interpreter Zhao Xuan and said, "Last night I saw a straw dog in my dream. What does that mean?" The interpreter said that he would soon be invited to a sumptuous dinner.

And so it happened. After some time, the same person came to the same interpreter and said that he again saw a straw dog in a dream. Zhou warned him: "Be careful: you can fall off the wagon and break your leg!" Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. The man then came to Zhou again and told him the same dream. Zhou replied: "Be very careful: your house may catch fire!" And there really was a fire. Finally, this man came to Zhou and confessed that he had never dreamed of a straw dog, he was just testing the interpreter. To this, Zhou replied: "So what? Anyway, the spirits made you think of a straw dog, and in what way they did it is by no means important."

But why were the interpretations so different? Zhou explained that the straw dog was a sacred symbol used by the ancients as a sacrifice to the gods. At first, it was placed on the table during an important ceremonial meal. When the ceremony ended, it was thrown onto the road and run over by a cart, and then burned. All this happened to a man who "had a dream" three times in a row about a straw dog.

Dreams and fantasies originate in the same brain and flow from the same source, which is called the subconscious. Therefore, any invention and fantasy of a person can be interpreted according to the same rules as a dream, and obeys the same laws. Sometimes "invented" dreams come true verbatim: remember that Pushkin, like Lensky, was killed in a winter duel, which he himself started; that all the circumstances of Lermontov's death were described ahead of time by him in "A Hero of Our Time", and the author of "Notes of a Madman" at the end of his days almost went crazy.

All our fantasies someday come true, and their only difference from dreams is that we can consciously influence their form. But their content is still dictated by something beyond consciousness.

What to do to make a dream come true



Sometimes we wake up from the horror that has seized us, and do not understand that it was a nightmare born of old phobias and shattered nerves, or a bad prophetic dream.


If you were frightened by a dream, then immediately after waking up, say a conspiracy:

"Where the night is, there is the dream."

Then go to the window and say the same words through the open window. Then, without communicating with anyone, enter the bathroom, open the cold water tap, wash yourself three times, and then hold your hands under running water and repeat the plot three times again.

After that, go to the kitchen, fill a glass with water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt (a teaspoon) in it and say:

"As this salt has melted, so my dream will not come true."

Then turn your back to the sink and throw water into it over your left shoulder.

There is another ritual that will not allow a bad dream to come true. After you wake up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say:

“Rise the good, and crack the bad in half.”

By the way, no one should tell the plot of the dream that scared you. A bad dream can only be told to a person who knows how to interpret dreams and can explain to you what it means and how to avoid the trouble that it can bring. However, there is also a completely opposite point of view on this matter. Some believe that a bad dream must certainly be told to three people, then it supposedly will not come true. Nevertheless, one should not neglect the fact that the retold troubles and fears seem to take root in real life. They acquire the right to exist, and in some way begin to “grow into flesh”, in order to then be realized at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is better to keep bad dreams under your own control, not letting them go into the real world.

If you are often disturbed by bad dreams, then before going to bed, you should put an open container with clean water, but better - with a saint. Water will absorb all the negativity and protect you from bad dreams. Water should be changed every day, in the morning empty the vessel with “used”, and in the evening, before going to bed, pour fresh.


If you can change the course of events in your dreams, then you can neutralize a bad dream. As soon as you realize that any image or symbol frightened you, that it promises you trouble, try to immediately "intervene" and "get rid" of it. So, if you dream of a black cat, and you understand that this promises great trouble - you should not be scared, try to “imagine” that in a dream you had a brush with white paint in your hands. Turn a black cat into a white one. In addition, tie a huge bright bow around her neck. Then in real life you will easily cope with the blow, moreover, you will be able to turn an unfavorable situation into a winning one.

And if you dream that you are flying into the abyss (a symbol of trouble), then imagine that you have wings and you fly over it. Then in real life you will be able to rise above a dangerous situation, look at it differently, and find a non-trivial way out of it. Then they will say about you: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.”

If you dream that you fell ill or one of your relatives fell ill, then try, without waking up or not fully waking up (balancing on the verge of sleep and wakefulness), imagine yourself or a person close to you energetic, healthy and cheerful. Do the same with other dreams that frighten you.

And most importantly, when you finally wake up, do not look for coincidences with your dream in real life, do not be afraid of similar details - in this way, you attract the bad and give a bad dream a chance to come true. The more often you remember a bad dream, the more it will materialize. Abstract from it, forget about it and never remember!

Prophetic dreams predict fate, and sometimes in a dream you can see something that you don’t want at all.

What to do so that the dream does not come true?

bad dream should be forgotten as soon as possible. But it's easy to say, but try to put it into practice.

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