What night of the week do you have prophetic dreams. Secrets of dreams: what days does a dream come true

Scientists have been studying dreams for a long time. different countries: explore them and study them. However, dreams still remain mysterious and

incomprehensible area of ​​our lives. Remains a mystery and such a phenomenon as " prophetic dreams". What do they mean, how to call them, what impact do they have on the future life and destiny of a person?

Expert opinion

Scientists confirm the fact that they really exist, but when they dream, it has not yet been established. According to the results of the research, it was proved that negative events (accidents, murders, illnesses) are predicted much more often than positive ones (holidays, weddings, the birth of a child). Their ratio is 80% to 20%. According to experts, during the day our subconscious mind captures all the information received and seen when consciousness is dormant. Dreams "configured" in this way are called prophetic. Quite often, they can be confused with those dreams that reflect your real desires.

When to expect a prophetic dream

There are many methods on how to find out when a prophetic dream occurs. For example, according to the lunar and solar calendar, according to the days of the week, according to the sign of the zodiac. On the influence of the moon on

Human energy has been known for a very long time. By its phases (full moon, new moon, and waning moon), you can determine when dreams are prophetic. So, it is believed that a high probability of such dreams falls on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th lunar day. But on the 2nd, 9th and 13th dreams are empty and mean nothing. Night visions on the new moon speak of problems and worries, thoughts about which a person devotes a lot of time; with a growing moon - inspiring dreams and talking about the imminent appearance of something new; on the full moon, we see the most extraordinary dreams, revealing to us the innermost secrets, about people and moments that concern us and evoke the most emotions; when the moon is waning, there are more dreams telling us about past events, if you see it during this period, you should expect trouble.

Dreams by day of the week

The dream book also predicts prophetic dreams regarding the days of the week: on Monday, those are possible, the fulfillment of which will be no earlier than a year later, provided that they are not realized in the next week; on Tuesday you can see your emotions in a dream. Execution wait from 7 to 10 days (most likely it will be Friday or
Saturday); midweek, Wednesday, can show you the next day's events; a dream on Thursday is considered empty and meaningless, and if it comes true, then in the next few days; visions from Thursday to Friday are traditionally considered prophetic, and they are fulfilled no later than 10 days; on Saturday there are everyday dreams that tell about the vanity and daily worries; Sunday dreams come true only before dinner.

Artificial prophetic dream

The question of when a prophetic dream is dreamed is rather controversial. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish whether it was he or just a double dream that imitates our desires and fears. There are supporters of artificial prophetic dreams, who believe that they can be called. To do this, you don’t need to eat a lot at night, you should take a relaxing bath in rosemary and lavender, smoke a room and say a conspiracy before going to bed: “Let me dream about what should come true. So I want!”. Remember all the details when you have a prophetic dream, and after waking up, write down everything you saw for a correct interpretation from the dream book.

It is believed that many of our night visions are the result of experiences and unrest in the daytime. Therefore, first of all, one should come to an understanding of what a dream really is, and which predictions should be treated more carefully, and which ones should be taken in the form of another viewing of a nightly “movie”. Note that there is a huge variety of interpretations and descriptions of our dreams by different authors, but we all first of all want to know which dreams are considered exactly, when you dream they, and how to perceive the interpretation if it turns out to be not entirely pleasant.

Sleep - a general definition of the concept

Did you know that the human brain is in constant tension. It always swarms with various thoughts and feelings. But, if during the day we are able to manage and coordinate them, then at night our consciousness limply connects them at will and discretion.

The result is a kind of documentary is our dream.

At what age do you dream

  • Every person, regardless of age, constantly "visits" such night cinemas.
  • It is believed that even a newly born and developing embryo in the womb watches dreams.

If at some period of time we stop seeing amazing films, then this only indicates a general overstrain and overwork. An exhausted body throws all its strength exclusively into recovery and rest.

  • To assert that a person really did not see anything in a dream, no one undertakes.
  • Sometimes dreams just don't register in our memories.

  • Sometimes you may find yourself haunted by recurring haunting visions every night.
  • Some attribute them to prophetic dreams, and pay special attention to nightmares. And this is understandable.
  • Being in the power of Morpheus, looking through episodic passages that mean nothing to us, we most likely wake up without even remembering them in the morning.
  • Keep in mind that the state of fear in a dream does not arise from nowhere.
  • Try to understand and appreciate your psychological condition during a nightmare.
  • If negative changes are expected in your life, which you are waiting for with apprehension and nervous tension, then the same impulses come to the brain during the night's rest.

What do inexplicable dreams mean?

When every night you see the same dream with an obscure chain of events, this speaks exclusively of your dreams for a better life. This explanation is provided by psychologists. They argue that people whose desires do not want to coincide with reality always see recurring night visions in which no logical meaning can be traced. To reveal what our subconscious tells us at such moments, pay attention to your feelings.

A calm state, not accompanied by any unpleasant symbols, means that you should not worry about this.

Dreams by day of the week what do they mean

  • If we consider dreams by day of the week, then what is seen from Thursday to Friday should be interpreted especially carefully.
  • At this time, there is a high probability of getting an accurate prediction.
  • Also, important fateful signs can be obtained during religious holidays or Christmas time.
  • In some cases, a person can remember an incredible dream that he had on his birthday or on the day of an angel, which also speaks of its importance.

Prophetic dreams when they come true

  • When grandiose changes are planned in your life, but you still do not understand what they will bring to you, then your thoughts again and again return to this upcoming event.
  • Therefore, it is likely that dreams will be filled with a sense of expectation, and harbor a certain meaning.
  • But when such prophetic dreams are dreamed, perhaps you should not take them too literally.
  • Trust your own intuition, putting together a chain of episodes from the realm of Morpheus and reality.

How to recognize a prophetic dream

Experts in the field of psychology believe that by carrying out the necessary magical actions, using conspiracies and fortune-telling, one can achieve a dream that predicts future changes in life.

At the same time, it does not necessarily have to portend failures, death or health problems, but also indicate happy events in life:

  • cash receipts,
  • addition to the family
  • meeting with the second half.

Believe it or not in a bad prophetic dream

What to do if you are not satisfied with the interpretation option, should a prophetic dream be attributed to the final verdict? Or maybe there is an opportunity to influence the course of impending events and change the course of the river of life in the direction you need?

On this account there are corresponding statements of experts.

Dreams of predicting the future

  • Numerous experiments conducted by scientists from different countries have confirmed that prediction dreams do visit us at night. But the exact chronology of such visits has not yet been proved.
  • At the same time, the ratio of negative predictions to positive ones is clearly established. It is 80% to 20%.
  • This means that most often you can predict negative events, for example, accidents, murders, natural disasters, and so on.

But information about the future positive Fate "does not spread" in our subconscious.

Doom's Warning

Throughout the day, a person experiences some emotions, he sees events that are clearly recorded in the brain while consciousness is dormant. As a result, at night, the information begins to “unzip” and “unpack”, connecting together and showing up as a prophetic dream. But in some cases, they can be confused with visions that reflect real feelings and desires.

When the expected dream will definitely come true

Several methods have been developed to determine when a dream seen will become prophetic. They are most often associated with the following concepts:

  • Moon phases,
  • Days of the week,
  • Zodiac signs,
  • solar calendar.

The influence of the phase of the moon on dreams

  • Depending on what phase the moon is in, we understand whether we will receive information about events of interest to us in the future at night or not.
  • Its influence on the energy environment of each person is quite large.
  • Do not forget about the folk wisdom given to us by our ancestors - the lunar calendar.
  • With its help, you will always determine the probability of the fulfillment of episodic night visions you remember.

The meaning of a dream depending on the lunar day

The meaning of a dream depending on the phase of the moon

Hints of Fate - how to understand a prophetic dream

It is believed that at night our soul leaves the body for a while and wanders in the universe.

And when she manages to “look” into the other world, elements of a prophetic dream appear in our brain.

  • At the moments when the soul is close to the bodily form, dreams are empty and mean nothing.
  • Most often, the subconscious mind shows us pictures of the current state of our affairs.
  • Sometimes it is very difficult to make out what the soul wants to show us, once in the world of secrets and mysteries.
  • To do this, you should study well what the symbols created over the centuries and transmitting information in encrypted form hide in themselves.
  • Each of these signs has its own purpose, understanding which you can determine full essence sleep.
  • And keep in mind that the fulfillment of everything you see is not expected in the next day or two, it may take more than a dozen years until a series of events begins to come true, the elements of which you put together from what you saw at night.

When dreams come true

Babies who are not yet a year old also see images in their dreams that show them what to expect from the future. It is unfortunate that prophetic dreams, when removed during this period of time, we cannot remember and reproduce. It is believed that if the baby smiles at night, then angels entertain him.

You should recognize what type your vision can be attributed to in order to understand whether or not you are puzzled over solving it.

Types of dreams Do predictions come true
  • The meaning of visions assigned to this type is always special.
  • It doesn't matter to them when you saw them.
  • Even daytime dreams always come true, so it is important to learn how to solve them correctly.
  • Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, evil spirits can appear to you in images.
  • Sometimes the sleeper himself can visit his deceased relatives.

If the prediction you see is rather unpleasant, in order to prevent its fulfillment, pour it into the water or take other measures.

  • Usually, in cases where you need to find out whether your plan will come true, you can perform a certain ritual that helps to get an answer to the question posed during sleep.
  • Such visions, as a rule, are always fulfilled exactly.
Signs It can be difficult to tie together the signs that your subconscious mind gives in the form of confused images.

To solve them, one should understand the language of our subconscious, consisting of certain designations.

Empty (flesh)
  • Their performance is questionable.
  • Usually, they carry our everyday experiences and memories.
  • If you are visited by a nightmare at night, do not be discouraged.
  • It is referred to as empty dreams.
  • Therefore, you just need to drink a glass of water and go to bed further.

What days do dreams come true by day of the week

The predictive load of each vision that visits us at night depends on the day of the week when we dreamed of it.

  • At the same time, do not forget about such an important factor that if you went to bed on Wednesday evening, then you had a dream on Thursday.
  • Each day of the week is ruled by a specific planet.
  • Knowing her astrological characteristic, you can understand what lies behind the signs that our brain sends us in the dead of night.

The meaning of dreams

Day of the week Planet The meaning of sleep
Mon Moon This planet is deceptive and fickle, controls the emotional state and sensuality, governs intuition.
  • Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the seriousness of what he saw.
  • This day of the week is generally not intended for various predictions and forecasts.
WT Mars Lord Mars

Firmness of spirit, inflexibility and inflexibility of character - all that can be said about Mars.

Pay attention to the clue signs from the dream in order to make the right decision and change your destiny.

SR Mercury Mercury brings serenity and peace.
  • If in a dream you are overwhelmed with anxious feelings, this suggests that you need to learn to be more calm, and a calm environment indicates the correctness of your decisions and actions.
Thu Jupiter
  • Businessmen and entrepreneurs, this is your day.
  • Jupiter's business acumen will show you what is better to change in your professional activity and what decision to make in a controversial issue.
Fri Venus Planet of love experiences and sensuality
  • Episodes from sleep will not push for certain actions and deeds.
  • They only reflect general state satisfaction or dissatisfaction from the union of two hearts.
  • If during sleep you are anxious and sad, this means that not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance.
Sat Saturn The wisdom and severity of Saturn will predetermine all the ups and downs of your life path and the changes that occur at the behest of a formidable fate.
  • A dream can carry information about what to expect in the coming period.
sun Sun Auspicious energy of joy, light and strength always comes from this luminary.
  • When by chance a dream that day seems too disturbing, then try not to do things that can only harm yourself.

If we talk about prophetic dreams, when to take off, then be sure to take a closer look at them during any church holidays. It is also noteworthy that their execution usually takes place before lunch of the current day.

  • They used to say so: “A dream on a holiday is always before dinner.”
  • What you see always comes true on the 3rd of every month.
  • And you should never believe the dreams that visit you on the 25th, they are empty or bodily.

Dreams for Friday

Foreseeing your future changes in Destiny entail episodes from the realm of Morpheus on Friday.

  • This day of the week is the most special. Remember at least Good Friday, when Jesus Christ was punished for all mankind.
  • Try not to plan anything important these days, because you still won’t be able to complete your plans.

Are dreams from Thursday to Friday considered prophetic?

The special significance of the images that appeared before us at night on the so-called nominal Fridays. This name comes from ancient times, when each described the corresponding event.

AT Old Testament lists all the acts that occur during this period of time.

Every Friday has its own purpose:

Good Fridays

Number Day and month Name
1st First week Great Lent
2nd 07.04 Annunciation
3rd the day before palm week
4th the day before Ascension
5th the day before Trinity
6th 07.06 Nativity of John the Baptist
7th 02.08 Day of Elijah the Prophet
8th 28.08 Dormition
9th 19.09 Day of the Archangel Michael
10th 14.11. Day of Saints Kuzma and Demyan
11th 07.01 Nativity
12th 19.01 Epiphany

When solving prophetic dreams, when you dream, the days of the week, do not forget about the time of day.

  • If in a light daytime nap you were visited by a vision, then all the episodes you see are usually empty and mean nothing. Especially if they point to your past.
  • When you first lie down, your soul begins to gradually leave the body to wander in the world of illusions.
  • In such evening or night moments flashing in your mind, it is very difficult to consider anything worthwhile and combine them into a narrative accessible to our understanding.

So, the most faithful will be the morning dream.

  • The distance between the soul and the body is already sufficient to take a break from worldly worries and look into the hidden corners of the other world.

Why don't we remember dreams

It is known that the dreams that you remember in the morning to the smallest detail are fulfilled exactly. But, waking up, we can remember that at night our brain sent us some important signs, but which ones cannot be put together. Don't worry, there are certain ways to help you cope with this difficult task.

How not to forget a dream in the morning

  • If you want to look a little into the future, do the following:
  • Waking up in the morning, without getting out of bed, squeeze the edge of the pillow with your teeth,
  • Put a small stone under your head at night
  • Try not to look out the window or at the light after waking up,
  • Pose for night sleep - right side,
  • Don't roll over on your stomach at night.

If you had a good dream

When the meaning of the unraveled dream completely suits you and you just need it to come true, try not to tell anyone about it for three days or even keep it secret.

What to do if you had a bad dream

When bad prophetic dreams are dreamed, it does not bring much joy. But there are ways to get rid of this negativity.

To do this, do the following:

  • Don't remember the vision
  • Touch your crown for a few minutes
  • Waking up, look out the window or at the fire of a candle, gas burner or match,
  • Knock on the window three times
  • When you wake up from a nightmare, change the position of your head support and turn the bedding inside out,
  • As many people as possible should know about your dream before 12 days,

Touch a piece of iron or wood and say:

Whisper over the water flowing from the faucet:

Drive out the bad dream with your left foot front door your house,

Say over smoke (cigarette or campfire):

Start your morning with:

Tell your vision to an ordinary stone

Make a charm from unhappy dreams with your own hands.

When thoughts constantly show you pictures at night that you want to put together in the morning, determining their meaning and meaning, then a dream book should be available in your house.

How to solve dreams

  • When the image seen in a dream is clear and clear, and dream books give conflicting testimony, focus and remember the smallest details of what you saw.
  • It is very important to try to feel the same that you felt and did during your nightly walks.
  • If it was easy and pleasant for you, then you should not expect anything negative.
  • But, if all the predictors unanimously say that the image presented is favorable for you, and you are scared, panicking and want to run away, then this interpretation should hardly be followed.

What does it mean when you dream of a wedding

Suppose, according to all "indicators", an ambulance wedding awaits you, but in a dream you experience fear. It can be assumed that an alliance with a certain person is possible, but it will not bring joy and happiness.

Or some event will occur that brings confusion and discord to the family.

Do you believe in omens

To determine which dream book you should use, be guided, first of all, by your own views. It matters what religion you belong to. It will be wrong for a Muslim to look for an interpretation of the symbols he sees in an Orthodox dream book. Materialists by nature, skeptical of all mystical events and phenomena, will prefer a psychological description of their dreams. Those who believe in omens and beliefs will understand predictions from folk creations or the teachings of the seer Vanga. Undoubtedly, consider the authority of the author, otherwise you can run into an ordinary charlatan who wants to make money by selling the dream interpreter he invented.

Interesting to know:

Do not try to completely trust what our Soul has sent us from the world on the other side of life. The clues can be found not only in the signs and symbols seen, but also in your personality, your life experience and the current state of mind.

How to learn to understand night images

The plots and episodes of the cinema seen on the night air can be documentary, that is, completely intertwined with the realities that are currently happening or expected.

At the same time, the same symbol carries a different scenario for the development of events for a child and an adult, a man and a woman, a young lady or an aged lady.

Listen to your heart

  • Take everything you see as a kind of forecast and prediction.
  • If you are satisfied with his prophecy, then try to turn it into reality on your own, and just erase the bad from your memory forever.

Throughout the day, we all experience different emotions. We cry, smile, rejoice, be sad, nervous, laugh, get depressed and so on. Our brain is arranged in such a way that it sorts our emotional state in its cells, highlights the most important and valuable ones for further use. And the subconscious, meanwhile, fixes even the most insignificant, in our opinion, trifles.

Learning to analyze your feelings and emotions under various life situations, you can easily interpret prophetic dreams when you dream and use the tips received to make the necessary amendments to your Destiny.

More interesting practices:

Sleep is an important and indispensable condition for maintaining human health. Sleep allows us not only to maintain vigor of the body and clarity of thought, but also warns, prompts, and sometimes even predetermines the future. When do prophetic dreams occur? What days of the week?

There are several types of sleep: actual and physiological dreams, dreams about desires and creative dreams, cue dreams and recurring dreams, warning and nightmare dreams.

Alone in this list are prophetic or prophetic dreams. Since ancient times, people have given prophetic dreams great importance because they give an idea of ​​the events that a person will soon have to experience.

These events can be favorable or unfavorable, but in both cases a person is unable to influence them, no matter how much he would like to.

Signs by which a prophetic dream can be determined:

  • A prophetic dream can only be seen in the second phase of sleep when the brain is freed from unnecessary information, and the body has time to rest;
  • Events in prophetic dreams follow a certain logic and develop gradually. A person who sees a prophetic dream himself is an active participant in what is happening;
  • Prophetic dreams make a deep impression and are remembered for a long time. They can unpleasantly strike, greatly frighten or extremely please. There are no halftones in a prophetic dream. All events have a bright emotional coloring.
In order to determine whether a dream is prophetic, you need to know when prophetic dreams occur - on what days of the week and on what special days of the year.

Days of the week on which you can see a prophetic dream

Every day of the week is subject to one of the planets of the solar system - so say astrologers. Possessing an invisible but powerful cosmic force, the planets are able to influence the events of earthly life. Knowing this fact, it is possible to reliably determine on which day of the week prophetic dreams occur.

  • Monday is ruled by the Moon, which controls the human psyche. Thus, any dream seen from Sunday to Monday will relate to the emotional and psychological state. Usually Monday dreams are associated with everyday life, family, small children.
  • Tuesday is ruled by martial Mars, which generates desires. Mars governs a person's own aspirations, encourages the fulfillment of his plan. Dreams that occurred from Monday to Tuesday indicate how invincible the willpower of a person is. contributing to the achievement of the intended. Mars is the planet of male warriors - which is why Tuesday dreams are usually associated with wars and revolutions; at a more philistine level - with conflicts and scandals.
  • The medium is "run" by Mercury, the intermediary planet. Light and airy Mercury evokes the same light and uncomplicated dreams that are easily eroded from memory. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday usually concern friends, buddies, neighbors - all those people with whom a person communicates daily.
  • Thursday is the day of Jupiter - the planet that controls the masses. Dreams seen from Wednesday to Thursday affect professional activity person. They point the right direction in the pursuit of success. The main characters of Thursday's dreams are usually bosses, sponsors, business partners..
  • Friday is ruled by sensual Venus. This is exactly the day of the week on which prophetic dreams are most often dreamed. Friday dreams affect a person's personal life, are associated with his creative activity and material wealth. Dreams that occurred from Thursday to Friday are usually easy to read and are directly related to what they carry.
  • Saturday is the day of the terrible Saturn. Dreams seen from Friday to Saturday impose restrictions, dictate rules, order to moderate your desires and abandon unrealizable dreams. From the dreams of Saturday, a person can extract information about how events will develop and how successfully the most daring plans will be implemented.
  • Sunday is ruled by the Sun - the planet of love, creativity and inspiration. Dreams seen from Saturday to Sunday indicate beloved and dear people whose company brings happiness to a person, and also encourages a new occupation. Sunday dreams are usually colorful, vivid and memorable. Even if the Sunday dream is gray and faceless, it still encourages a person to find a little bit of positive in the most hopeless situations.

Special days of the year when prophetic dreams are dreamed

There are not so many days in the year when prophetic dreams are dreamed.

  • In the old days, it was believed that most often prophetic dreams can be seen on Holy Week - from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany of the Lord (from January 7 to January 19, according to a new style).
  • On any other church holiday, you can also see a prophetic dream. The time during which it must come true is clearly limited - until noon (lunch) of the same day.
  • The third day of each month is the day on which the appearance of a prophetic dream is possible.
  • Dreams dreamed on Great (nominal) Fridays are given special significance. Dreams seen these days have a high prediction accuracy. In total, there are 12 nominal Fridays in a year. They are named by name because each of them corresponds to a specific event described in the Old Testament.
The Nativity of John the Baptist (celebrated on July 7, according to a new style) is a Christian holiday that coincides in time with the holiday of the Eastern Slavs on Ivanov's day (Ivan Kupala's day), is a special day of the year. This is one of the brightest holidays dedicated to the flowering of summer and fertility. The holiday is filled with rituals, games, omens and superstitions.
Kupala night (the night of July 6-7) has a special magical power. It is on this night that rituals are performed to protect the home from evil spirits, as well as to attract good luck and prosperity to the house. On the night of Ivan Kupala, prophetic dreams are dreamed.

What needs to be done to see a prophetic dream?

How to see a prophetic dream? Every person asks this question at least once in their life. But not everyone knows that it is not necessary to wait for a favorable day for the appearance of a prophetic dream. It can be artificially called. It won't be a big deal.

How to induce a prophetic dream? First you need to prepare:

  • It is advisable not to eat a lot of high-calorie foods at night; going to bed on an empty stomach is also not recommended.
  • The bedroom must be ventilated, then the room should be smoked with incense.
  • You must sleep alone.
  • Take a relaxing bath before bed.

To have a prophetic dream say 5 times such a conspiracy: “Let me dream about what should come true. So I want!”. Do not think about extraneous things, focus on what exactly you want to see in a dream.

You can achieve a greater effect if you perform a ritual on the waning moon on those days of the week when prophetic dreams are usually dreamed.

remember, that a prophetic dream conspiracy is only an assistant in business. If you have not prepared for the ritual properly, you are unlikely to see a prophetic dream.

Prophetic dreams are seen by everyone without exception. Some people attach great importance when they have prophetic dreams, others do not pay any attention to them. How to relate to a prophetic dream - everyone decides for himself, but one thing is certain - if the dream began to come true, you should take it seriously. Perhaps this is a warning sign sent from above so that you can change something in your destiny.

Many people analyze sleep by day of the week. And it is right. Because every day is controlled by the power of the interacting planets. They are believed by some to have their own power and unique hidden properties. And it affects everything that exists on our Earth. Dreams are no exception, so, in any case, esotericists assure. Well, the topic can be quite entertaining, so you can speculate about it.

Monday Tuesday

The interpretation of dreams by day of the week is different, and it’s worth starting from the very first. Naturally, this is a bunch of “Monday-Tuesday”. What can be said about this? Tuesday is the day of fiery Mars, which revives all human aspirations, gives him a certain impetus to action. After all, Mars is the planet of individual power. And the vision that a person had a dream from Monday to Tuesday should be interpreted based on their personal aspirations. Perhaps the interpretation will relate to some goals, tasks and something very important. Probably, not only meaning is hidden in a dream, but also advice, guidance for the future.

Usually visions promise an upcoming struggle and confrontation. And they will definitely have to go through, moving towards their intended goals.

By the way, when explaining any dream by day of the week, it is necessary to take into account its nature. If the vision was calm, then you don’t have to worry - any obstacles can be overcome with ease. And right now is the time when everything will work out. So do not be shy to use your strength and luck.

Tuesday Wednesday

What will the dream of that night mean? On the days of the week, the visions are explained in a very interesting way. So, they say that the environment is ruled by Mercury. It brings unusually diverse, bright and pleasant dreams. And usually they concern relatives, friends, buddies, relatives and friends. And they promise changes in life - however, insignificant. If the vision was supposedly real, real, saturated with bright pictures, then we should expect new acquaintances, which are very pleasant, too. But when the vision turns out to be “dry”, gray, primitive, then, on the contrary, the dreamer will experience a lack of communication.

It is considered a good sign if from Tuesday to Wednesday a person or just movement. This promises positive changes in life.

Wednesday Thursday

During this interval, it can also be seen interesting dream. On the days of the week, one of the most serious visions to think about is just them - appearing on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Such dreams are almost always a subtle hint or even a clear prediction regarding work. Often they indicate to a person the direction of his activity. Dreams can also symbolize superiors or embody subordinates in their images. It is worth paying attention to them, because often in them you can notice the solution of issues that have long been exciting. By the way, it is considered a good sign to see yourself in a dream participating in a major event or event. This is for success at work, in personal life and in social activities.

Thursday Friday

Talking about it is impossible to forget about this interval. These visions very often reflect the emotions and feelings of the dreamer himself. And, as everyone is well aware, they say that they are prophetic. In any case, they come true more often than others. Usually visions are associated with a person's personal life and experiences. It is important to memorize them in detail. If a person dreamed from Thursday to Friday how he receives money, then this is to the satisfaction of all his feelings and desires. Very soon he will have everything he dreams of. However, if he lost something in a dream and tries with all his might to get it, return it, the dream was not good. Personal life will worsen, financial situation - respectively. Hard, harsh everyday life will come, problems will appear, the solution of which will have to spend a lot of time, nerves and effort. It is worth pulling yourself together even if the dream was black and white. It doesn't bode well either.

Friday Saturday

And what about the visions that come to us during this interval, can the dream book tell? Dreams on the days of the week are very interesting, and they say that from Friday to Saturday we see what we need not only to remember, but also to learn. You have to listen to what you see. Saturday is under the auspices of Saturn - the planet of trials, fate and fate. The visions that were dreamed that night can tell a person something very important. About what will happen in the near future, how certain events will unfold, what needs to be done to implement the plan. If the vision was bright, this meant that everything planned would come true. There is no need to be afraid of obstacles. But seeing something gloomy, dull, black and white is not good. Plans may come true, but for this you will have to work, forgetting about everything. This, of course, repeats, the topic is very detailed - and it will not work unequivocally for each person to give a definition of this or that vision. But then everyone will know what to focus on approximately. By the way, in dreams that came from Friday to Saturday, you can often find out about your own fate. You just need to correctly interpret what you see.

Saturday Sunday

Often during this interval we see very pleasant and positive days of the week, as you can already see, they are distributed for a reason. Everyone has their own meaning. And the dreams that appear to us on the night from Saturday to Sunday usually tell us about what can make us happy. If the picture is bright, colorful, pleasant, has a positive character - this is a good interesting acquaintance with unusual people or even new relationships. Perhaps the dreamer will discover something new in himself - a talent, a hobby, a desire for something new. And in general, a beautiful vision that appeared to a person from Saturday to Sunday is a call to start doing something creative and unusual. But if it was gloomy, you should save your energy. Perhaps in the near future they will begin to ask the dreamer for help, support. Perhaps not the best period in life is approaching.

Sunday Monday

Above it was told on what days of the week what dreams are dreaming. But the last gap remains. And this is the night from Sunday to Monday. It is believed that Monday is a difficult day. It is ruled by the Moon. And all visions, whatever come to a person, are a reflection of his emotional and psychological state. It is usually associated with everyday life, family, work and the usual chores that accompany each of us daily. If the dream turned out to be short, mean - that's good. So, no special fuss is expected in the near future. A person will be able to be restrained, concentrated and focused. But to see a dream long and saturated with various facts and pictures is not good. Usually it promises a lot of work, trouble and worries. Routine and boring.

That, in principle, is all - the topic, of course, is detailed, but in short the essence can be quite understood. And now more detailed interpretation individual cases each person will find individually.

Each of us has come across dreams that then come true or have an impact on later life. It turns out whether there will be a "sleep in the hand" depends on many factors: the calendar day, lunar calendar or day of the week.

The moon, which affects many events in people's lives, also determines the possibility of prophetic dreams. However, many dreams are empty. Therefore, it is important to know if the visions in the arms of Morpheus are worth the effort of deciphering them. In our article, we will reveal the meanings of dreams by the days of the month and days of the week, so that you know what to focus on.

(Psychologist, expert in the field of dreams)

Dreams from Sunday to Monday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of the Moon)

The moon, the guardian of the first day of the week, is responsible for the emotions and spiritual world of a person. What does sleep from Sunday to Monday mean? Have you noticed that on "Monday, a hard day" people get annoyed and offended a lot? We are all to some extent dependent on our satellite, the ebbs and flows that the Moon rules on Earth and in our body.

The meaning of sleep from Sunday to Monday is purely pragmatic. What haunts in life (disturbances, anxious moments, minor problems) - all this can be resolved and overcome with the help of the prompts of the subconscious. If you saw water in all sorts of variations, this indicates the upcoming worries and troubles for loved ones.

Do dreams come true from Sunday to Monday? Most often in those born on the same day. But for other people, the possibility of implementation is much less.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of Mars)

Terrible Mars favors Tuesday dreams. What does sleep from Monday to Tuesday mean? The god of war patronizes purposeful and energetic people who are constantly moving forward.

The meaning of sleep from Monday to Tuesday is the personification of our desires, goals and aspirations. A restful sleep, leaving behind a pleasant feeling, will tell you that you are on the right track and that all obstacles are within your reach. A good stage of life will soon begin, without strong emotions and special incidents.

But a dream in heavy oppressive colors will warn of a future conflict, scandal or trouble. Any dream of a sharp object (scissors, an ax, a needle) suggests that you should be more active.

Do dreams come true from Monday to Tuesday? The critical period is 10 days. If after a decade an event from the dream book did not occur, then the probability of its implementation is very small.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of Mercury)

The patron of the day is air Mercury. What does sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday mean? Mercury loves sociable people who express their thoughts openly. It is on this day that visions are little remembered, because they are light and fast.

The value of sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is great - it will definitely give a hint about other people. Close environment always carries Additional information, and quite valuable. The main thing is to remember and decipher it.

A dream in which a series of pictures often replaces each other indicates positive changes. A boring, tedious and burdensome dream is interpreted as a lack of knowledge or information.

Do dreams come true from Tuesday to Wednesday? Only if they dreamed before 24:00. The dream before awakening is very rarely fulfilled.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of Jupiter)

This is the day of Jupiter, who took "under the wing" of successful business and good luck. What does a dream from Wednesday to Thursday mean? The social nature of the patron determines what happens in the future. Therefore, the meaning of sleep from Wednesday to Thursday is often associated with job prospects and career growth. If you listen to yourself, you can understand the direction that will bring the greatest benefit (and money). Bright and quick positive dreams will prompt prospects and opportunities for additional enrichment.

If you become a participant in some useful event on this day in a dream, then in life it will be successful. Dim and uninteresting dreams indicate stagnation (in thoughts and deeds). An episode that repeats the past pushes a person to turn to traditional family values.

Do dreams come true from Wednesday to Thursday? Yes, and quite often. In addition, it is on this day of the week that you can get a hint in resolving this or that confusing issue.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of Venus)

Friday is not in vain under the tutelage of Venus, which is responsible for love, feelings, beauty and harmony. What does sleep from Thursday to Friday mean? The meaning of sleep from Thursday to Friday will tell about your true feelings and motives, tell you the time for the fulfillment of desires.

It is on this night that there are great chances to see in a dream people who are not indifferent to us and for whom we feel sympathy. In addition, from Thursday to Friday, you can quite strongly feel the influence of our own creative energy. Therefore, the images seen in a dream should not be interpreted literally. In most cases, their meaning is veiled and not on the surface.

It is on this day that you can see in a dream those people whom we most strive to get closer to, and it is also on Friday that you can feel the influence of our own creative energy on dreams.

The appearance of any thing in dreams indicates the fulfillment of desires. And vice versa - the loss will prepare for new difficulties. Dreaming of gold, money, all kinds of treasures will improve your financial situation in the future.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday? If this is an event related to amorous adventures or a loved one, then it is a must.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of Saturn)

Saturn patronizes the first day off, symbolizes wisdom, life experience and common sense. What does sleep from Friday to Saturday mean? The meaning of sleep from Friday to Saturday is based on the clues of the subconscious - where one should limit oneself, what to refuse, in what cases to remain silent.

But it is on this day that the future can unfold before you: events, prospects and ideas. Such a dream will tell you about the implementation of plans, will give the necessary impetus.

If on this day you dream of a wall, closed doors - this indicates that there are obstacles in the fulfillment of desires, they either will not come true, or it will not happen very soon. In general, any obstacles (mountains, rivers, fallen trees) indicate some kind of difficulty.

Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday? Predawn only. By the way, often they crash into memory best of all.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday: what do they mean, come true or not? (Influence of the Sun)

The last day of the week is patronized by the Sun - a symbol of joy, life, energy and happiness. What does sleep from Saturday to Sunday mean? Dreams that leave a pleasant impression imply new acquaintances, changes, and the implementation of plans. The meaning of sleep from Saturday to Sunday helps to deal with the environment, make sure once again who and how treats you, in which direction you should move for a happy life.

Anxious and nervous dreams warn of difficulties that may arise. Most often, this is fraught with some kind of overwork, physical or mental. But in any case, this is a temporary stage and then a bright streak will surely come.

Do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday? If this vision is about entertainment, relaxation or travel, then it will most likely come true. The rest are not.

The meaning of dreams by the days of the month and their interpretation

Numerologists, astrologers and other scientists studying the digital series had a hand in interpreting dreams by days of the week and numbers. They noticed that the first last days calendar most often indicate well-being and luck. Also, your birth number (and in other months) will necessarily carry a certain semantic load. But the meaning of dreams by the days of the month on other days is not so clear.

Numbers are encrypted symbols that have their own power. Therefore, dreams on the dates of the month also have practical significance - it is good to have guidance in life, tips from your subconscious mind that will not let you down.

The interpretation of dreams by the days and dates of the month is not a 100% panacea in all life situations. But it's always good to know when to spend your time interpreting and when not to. I think that many will be interested in understanding the meaning of sleep by the days of the month, as well as knowing what it brings on a given day.

  • 1 day. The dream interpretation of dreams by the days of the month marks it as positive and contains all sorts of clues for further actions. With a high degree of probability, you can count on luck.
  • 2 numbers empty dreams are very frequent, and you can immediately forget about them.
  • 3 day The calendar promises that the dream will come true, and quickly. But in any case, it is worth remembering.
  • dreams 4 numbers talk about things that will not happen soon enough, in the far, far future.
  • AT Day 5 calendar dream book by the days of the month notes a lot of good, kind and positive dreams. They always contain some meaning, you just have to decipher it correctly.
  • Day 6. The dream book on the days of the week and the days of the month promises that the dream will come true, but only when you already forget about it. In this case, one should write down the visions and return to them from time to time.
  • dreams 7 numbers will be fulfilled only if you do not tell anyone about them before the events take place.
  • dreams 8 numbers can come true with a 50/50 chance. The dream book advises you to notice your feelings and listen to your intuition by the days and dates of the month.
  • 9th Warning stories are very common. It is important to isolate and understand the message of the subconscious and make the right conclusion.
  • AT Day 10 calendar nightmares are frequent. Dreams warn of misfortunes, troubles that may occur in the near future.
  • dreams 11th come true no earlier than 2 weeks later.
  • 12th most often the negative and all the bad things come true. And within one month.
  • AT 13 calendar day more warning dreams. At the same time, they can concern not only you, but also other family members, as well as acquaintances and relatives.
  • 14th frequent empty dreams. Despite any bright pictures, they rarely come true.
  • On dreams in 15th day dreams by the days of the month are advised to turn Special attention. They come true and pretty quickly.
  • 16th often empty dreams. They don't come true, so don't react to them in any way.
  • 17th often there are good dreams that come true in a month.
  • 18th dreams concerning the second half will come true.
  • AT day 19 months are often meaningful dreams. They contain various life clues, so analyze them in detail.
  • 20th dreams come true very quickly, the maximum period is a week.
  • dreams 21 numbers show a completely different view of the existing problem. And they help to reconsider their attitude or even change the situation radically.
  • dreams 22 numbers alert you to opportunities you might miss out on.
  • 23 numbers there are meaningful dreams. They contain tips and beacons of what needs to be changed in life in order to achieve your goals and objectives.
  • 24 numbers images from the subconscious come to life very rarely.
  • 25th there are non-essential dreams, and they almost never come true.
  • 26th there are visions that help solve problems and answer exciting questions.
  • But 27th the subconscious mind pushes us with all its might to decisive actions and steps.
  • number 28- this is the day when it is likely that the dream will come true in the next day. But for this you should analyze it immediately in the morning, do not look at the sky (through the window) and do not tell anyone about it.
  • 29th dreamless dreams that can be immediately forgotten.
  • dreams 30 numbers will show your hidden or disguised enemies, which you do not even know about.
  • 31 numbers often there are light dreams that confirm further good events in life.