What will be the full name of dasha. Daria: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and fate of a person

If you are the owner of the name Daria or want to name your child with it, I suggest that you read this article, from which you will learn what the name Daria means, which in abbreviation sounds like Dasha, and how it affects the fate of its bearer.

There are several versions of the meaning and origin of the female name Daria. Some sources say that it is derived from the masculine Old Persian, which came from the Greek Dareios, and the latter in Greek means "owner of the good." There is also a version that it is a modern name from the Slavic, Daryons, which means "gift, gift" in translation.

Little Daria can be called a sweet, prosperous child because she is obedient, respects adults and obeys everyone who is older than her. She is a little shy and slow. Dasha can play funny games with children, but she will never become their entertainer. But with children, to whom she is already accustomed to communicating, she can even show a leadership position.

Is a diligent student, has a craving for knowledge, moderately curious and assiduous, which helps her well in her studies. Teachers can imbue her with great confidence and entrust some things, she can do them, but such an occupation will not bring joy to her, because the girl herself is a little slow and lazy.

In household chores, she also manifests herself and will not become an active assistant for parents.. She has personal interests and hobbies. She loves to knit, sing, and is prone to learning foreign languages. If you pay attention that the name Daria means "kind", then you can see that this character trait is inherent in her at any age.

Adult Dasha behaves more actively, quick-witted, quickly and easily absorbs any information. She can live and quickly adapt to any conditions, is easy-going and capable of self-giving. She also has such character traits as self-confidence and lack of fear in difficult situations. The girl knows how to live with taste, looks good and takes care of herself. She tends to get into various situations and enjoys it.

The positive qualities of her character are high dedication, ease of climbing, quick response, high temperament and enthusiasm.

Negative character traits include maximalism, straightforwardness and a certain cruelty.. She can become a member of the scandal even with men. The secret of the name Daria can be considered a weak intuition that she could develop, but does not attach importance to this.

Adult Daria is feminine, slow, sociable. He loves society, surrounds himself with interesting people. He often analyzes his actions. It retains the childish spontaneity and in adulthood. Responds anxiously to criticism or increased attention.

Daria is very feminine.

Also, the date of birth affects the fate of Daria.

  • A girl born in winter is laconic, phlegmatic, she will become a good coach or teacher.
  • Spring Daria is even more silent and mysterious, but she will make a good leader. More successful will be women with patronymic Tikhonovna, Andreevna, Grigorievna, Viktorovna, Borisovna.
  • Sociable and positive are girls named Daria, born in the summer. They are quite attractive, endearing to people, can build a career in sales, service or work with children.
  • Dasha, born in autumn, is very sociable. She can make a good speaker. She is well versed in creativity and art and can build a career in this area. Women with a patronymic Egorovna, Yakovlevna, Glebovna, Leonidovna, Eduardovna, Georgievna, Vladimirovna, Kirillovna will become more successful.


A little girl can get sick. Her health is not much different from the health of her peers. With problems with him, she will bring a lot of trouble to her parents. It is recommended to increase the child's immunity by playing sports or dancing.

Adult Daria should take care of her lungs and bronchi. It is forbidden to smoke and get involved in alcohol.

Marriage and family

A girl named Daria is a little lazy and in a relationship. She rarely goes out with her friends, so she has few guys at that age. She is shy in relationships, often embarrassed, and this can influence her sometimes inappropriate behavior. Despite outward calmness and slowness, she can manifest herself from a side that her young man does not even know about.

Marries late, is a faithful and trusting wife. Perhaps this credulity will be similar to naivety, because even in her thoughts she does not allow deception on the part of her beloved. She is a great hostess and jack of all trades. Often with her husband she makes a duet under her leadership.

Daria is a good hostess, she cooks with pleasure.

She is a good housewife, keeps the house clean and tidy, loves to cook and do household chores. He loves children and attaches great importance to their upbringing.

The meaning of the name Dasha entails older men who seek her favor, and they are also higher in social status. Build a happy family life with, Nikolai, Stepan, Nikita, Peter, Yuri, Vladimir.

Career and hobbies

Daria will choose the profession that will interest her initially. She scrupulously understands all the details, will be able to correctly relate to the tasks assigned. But if it catches fire to reach a certain goal, it is ready to go ahead, thereby surrounding itself with enemies.

Daria can easily master the profession of a journalist.

She can build a successful business if she analyzes and corrects her behavior a little. In general, she is ready to do absolutely any job, even men's. She will make a good journalist, lawyer, researcher.


There are many women in the world named Daria who have become famous and have built a fairly successful career. Let me give you an example of some of them.

  • Daria Dontsova, Russian writer, author of "ironic detective stories".

Daria Dontsova (Russian writer, TV presenter and screenwriter)

  • Dasha Mikhailova, known as Dasha Sevastopolskaya, the first military sister of mercy, the heroine of the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War.
  • Odarka Romanova, Ukrainian writer.
  • Daria Zykova, opera singer and others.

Daria Zykova (opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Opera Company)

Other options

So you learned what the name Dasha means and how it affects the fate of a person. If you have not made your final choice yet, I suggest that you consider some more names for your baby, which are on this site.

  • It has strong patience and is ready to go for a long time to the goal. Fair to herself and others and appreciates these qualities in people. She is a good friend, pays special attention to her appearance and strives for leadership.
  • Endowed with a soft character. She loves home comfort and can create it. He treats people kindly, but he is hard pressed by resentment and lies. She will make a good friend, a faithful wife and a loving mother.
  • In appearance, the fragile has a strong character and is quite stubborn. She has been a gifted child since childhood and will carry her craving for knowledge with her throughout life. If you direct it in the right direction, it can achieve great heights in life.

Dear readers, I hope you have discovered a lot of new and interesting things about the name you are interested in.. Write in the comments what other names you are considering for your child and what your final choice turned out to be.

The strong, sonorous and beautiful name Daria was at the peak of popularity in the early 2000s. And today, parents are happy to call their daughters by the name of Dashenka, Daria and Daria. At one time, the name Daria was considered philistine, and was undeservedly forgotten.

Before the revolution, children were called Darias both in peasant families and in noble families. After all, this name has a strong energy, and the meaning of the name plays an important role in the character and fate of the child. Where did the name Daria come from, what does it mean and what character does it have? We will reveal the secret of the name Daria: the history of origin and its meaning.

Persian origin of the name Daria

The history of the name Daria is quite ancient. Maybe that's why there are several interpretations of the name. Moreover, each of them is associated with a translation from a particular language or origin.

Most often, the female name Daria is associated with the Persian male name Darius.

This name was popular in ancient Persia as early as the 6th-4th centuries. BC e - that was the name of the three kings of the Achaemenid dynasty.

In a short translation, it sounds like "great fire."

To figure out what the name Daria means, you will have to figure out the etymology of the male name Darius. It comes from the name Dareios, which in tarnscript sounds like Darius, Darios, Dareus.

How is the name Daria or Darius translated from the ancient Greek? In Greek, it has 2 meanings, as it comes from the Persian Dārayava(h)uš, which consists of two parts.

The first part of the name Daria - "gift" means "one who owns or owns." The second part "wow (sh)" is translated from Greek as good or good, which means wealth, value or property.

Therefore, literally the name Daria can be translated as the owner of the good or rich.

But you can find the short meaning of the name Daria and Daria - the winner.

In addition, there is another description of what the name Daria means - the meaning of the name is associated with the moral aspects of the interpretation of the second half of the name.

In this case, the meaning of the name Dasha or Daria is translated as positive, kind or good.

In the modern interpretation, the male name is Dariush or Doriyush. The name Darius is found in the Catholic calendar. The female full name Daria can be pronounced like Daria.

The second derivative of the male name Darius - the female name Dara is independent, not a diminutive.

What is the meaning of the Slavic name Daria

There is also a Slavic version of the origin of the name Daria. The roots of Slavic etymology lead to the names Darin or Daren, Daryana.

Related to them are the names Daromila or Daroljuba.

In this case, the characteristics of the name Daria and the meaning are associated with the concept of "gift".

Therefore, the female name Daria among the ancient Slavs has the meaning of bestowed or a gift.

Of no small importance is the church name Daria.

It is found in Orthodox Christmas time more than once and has its patrons.

Read more about Daria's name days and patrons in the material: Daria's name day: dates and patrons.

Daria: rare meanings and nature of the name

However, the linguist Max Vasmer interpreted in his own way what the name Dasha or Daria means.

In his work "The Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language", the description of the name Daria is associated with a short form of the common Russian name Dorofei.

There is also an Irish explanation for the meaning of the name Daria. It comes from Darina, as a form of the name Darren. Translated means low or rocky mountain.

Dara, as a derivative of the name Daria, is also associated with the male Darius.

But you can find an explanation related to geographical names.

It is found in Mesopotamia, as the name of a fortress, and also in Syria, as the province of Darra.

By the way, the word Daria itself is often found in geographical names.

The name Daria is carried by rivers in the Stavropol Territory, Moscow and Sverdlovsk Regions. It is part of the name and other rivers:

  • Aksu-Darya;
  • Fayuk-Darya;
  • Amu Darya;
  • Syr Darya;
  • Vavkent-Daria;
  • Maimanak-Darya (Kashkadarya);
  • Vakhandarya;
  • Karshi-Daria;
  • Dzhany-Daria;
  • Kara-Darya;
  • Dushanbe-Darya.

In this capacity, Daria means the word Daryo - "stormy, big river." It is found in the north and among eastern peoples.

Brief description of the name Daria

The meaning of the name Daria is also manifested in the character of its owners. One of the meanings - strong, victorious, characterizes her features well.

The name is cheerful and sonorous, but at the same time impulsive and firm, energetically strong.

The origin and meaning of the name Daria for a girl lays the features of a leader since childhood.

She has emotional strength and self-confidence. Never does anything halfway.

If he screams, then so that all the neighbors hear, if he plays with children, then only in the role of leader.

But how striking are the changes when Daria decides to think with concentration. You will never know what she is mumbling about and why the child is suddenly quiet.

But you won’t have to find out about Daria’s attitude towards others. After all, she is able to show her dislike even without words in movements, gestures.

Therefore, peers are often afraid of the owners of this name for their harsh statements and originality.

Although Daria herself is of little concern.


Meaning: The name Daria is Persian in origin. It comes from the male Persian name Darius. The literal interpretation of this name sounds like "good-natured." According to another version, it can be interpreted as "keeping the good" or "defending the Good." By the way, this name can be replaced by a similar one - Darius.

By the way, the female name Daria today is no longer as popular as it used to be, but is still listed in the hundred of the most popular female Russian names. It has a very strong energy, promises a lot of good, and no less important, it has very good compatibility.

Conversational options: Dasha, Dashulya, Daryushka, Daria

Modern English counterparts: Darina, Daria, Odarina, Tarja

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Daria is very interestingly interpreted. By giving, it can endow the wearer with a whole bunch of important and necessary characteristics. Daria, this is usually a slow, unstable and insecure lady, but sensitive, wanting to command, with high self-esteem and very developed intuition. She knows how to adapt, leads an active lifestyle, tries not to waste time, and appreciates every minute of her life. And Daria does not like criticism - any criticism can make Daria depressed.

The main drawback of all Dashas, ​​without exception, is that these ladies rarely finish what they started. But on the other hand, all Dashas are emotional and at the same time keep all their emotions under the strictest control.

Advantages and positive features: kindness and generosity, diligence, activity and efficiency. All Dashas, ​​without exception, have a developed imagination and excellent intuition, any business is given to them quite simply, and in everything they achieve success. These girls only have problems with communication ...

Daria treats badly people who try to criticize her, because she hates criticism more than anything in life. And Dasha will never be seen in the company of a person who was once caught in a lie or betrayal.

Interesting about the name Daria: This name is present in the names of many European states, but has long been considered obsolete in Europe and is not used.

The nature of the name Daria

If in general, then the character of the name Daria is such that, first of all, it endows with qualities that repel people from the bearer of this name form - only closer to maturity can other traits be presented, on the contrary, attracting people to her personality. And it is also assumed that there is a tendency to whims, moreover, both in childhood and in adulthood. In other words, the character of such a girl is so difficult that sometimes it is easier to refuse to communicate with her than to continue it.

But there are many advantages - her character suggests the presence of a cheerful and kind disposition, and this only means that if Daria wants to, she will become the soul of the company, a person with whom it is pleasant to spend time. But again, much, including character, depends on additional factors, in particular, on astrology.

Early childhood

In early childhood, Daria becomes the owner of a complex and rather controversial character. And yes, it's pretty complicated on its own. It is difficult to predict her, and it is also difficult to guess her mood. And in general, the girl named so has a difficult childhood, at least in most cases, and not through the fault of her parents, but only through her own fault - firstly, this is how the meaning of the name suggests, and secondly, the fault lies with her character , promising eternal discontent to everyone without exception.

Although, on the other hand, there is a lot of good in it, for example, such traits as kindness, sincerity, gullibility, good nature, a desire to help everyone around, curiosity and activity. True, there is one huge minus - it lies in the excessive desire to be the first in everything without exception.

But Daria treats her parents very well and will treat them the same way throughout her life.

As for peers and communication with them, everything is not as simple as we would like - it is difficult for her to get along with children for one simple reason, which is the desire to be the leader of society, which is not always possible.


The meaning of the girl's name Daria in adolescence has an equally strong effect, although already at this stage the influence of a bunch of astrological factors, in particular, the sign of the zodiac, the patron planet, and the elements, usually begins to manifest itself. Already as a teenager, Daria can learn to take other people's opinions more calmly, she can grow up less quick-tempered, and this will have a positive effect on everyone without exception, both in school, in communicating with classmates, and even in relationships with parents.

And yet, the meaning and energy of this name can endow at this age with such characteristics as touchiness, capriciousness, diligence, assertiveness, self-confidence, integrity and arrogance.

Daria easily achieves all her goals, both her own and those set by someone else, but she needs support in any business, approval from the outside.

grown woman

Adult Daria is an organizer, a leader, a person with an outstanding mind, able to analyze what is happening around her in a way that no one else can. Able to become an excellent leader, boss, entrepreneur. But there is also a huge drawback in the form of distrust and secrecy - he will never devote anyone to his own affairs and problems, will not share experiences, always hides everything from the eyes of strangers and tries to look like a leader worthy of this title in public. Although this is not without pitfalls - everything can turn out differently, depending not only on the strength of influence that matters, but also on the animal patron according to the eastern horoscope, and other factors.

The interaction of the character Daria with the seasons

Spring - born in the power of the meaning of spring, the bearer of the name Daria will in addition receive such character traits as charm, cheerfulness, secrecy and a desire to achieve perfection. Such a representative of the weaker half will look for a chosen one for a long time, but in the end she will find the ideal one with whom she will live until the last day.

Summer - and newborns of summer origin have a sentimental nature and a simple character. They are active and inquisitive, adore traveling and learning new things, dreamy, and have a good attitude towards illusory things. In adulthood, being can become a serious and respected lady.

Winter - a winter girl will be calm and thoughtful. She is simple and cheerful, loves to think and dream, she is the first to reconcile, but there is a drawback - she is too painful for betrayal and any troubles (often she hides under a blanket of depression). She is not very successful in family ties - she will definitely find a soul mate, but she will take her choice extremely responsibly.

Autumn - and this will be domineering, a true leader striving for perfection. She is responsible and responsive, has a tolerant character, is always ready to help those in need. She will be faithful and devoted to the chosen man, not capable of betrayal, but she will never allow the chosen one to rule over her.

The fate of the name Daria

The fate of the name Daria is one of the most undisclosed topics. Although researchers have raised it more than once. It was thanks to this that it became known that since childhood, Dasha’s relations with representatives of the opposite sex would be quite good. For example, little Daria should love her father more than her mother (high probability), and as for playing with children, everyone will be equal for her, both boys and girls.

But in the future, having reached the teenage stage, Daria is likely to become the favorite of the guys - such is her fate. However, it is not fate that is to blame, but its essence, the inner world, filled with cheerfulness, kindness, care. Truth. this girl also has a “BUT” - Daria, she is a lover of command, which means that only the guy who can endure it can make her a couple.

As for such a parameter as fate in marriage. So everything is simple here - a happy marriage will only be if a compliant, sometimes weak-willed man, but at the same time ready for heroic deeds and taking responsibility, becomes her soulmate.

Love and marriage

Daria is not chasing a pink dream of a prince on a white horse. She believes that human qualities should always play the most important role when choosing a soulmate. For her, the appearance and material well-being of the spouse is not as important as the fact that he is a truly good person. Most often, Daria finds one single love for life.

Daria, as a prudent girl, conducts quite serious preparations for marriage and clearly knows exactly how she will behave in family life. She makes every effort to ensure that each member of the family feels part of one large and unified organism.

Dasha gently and unobtrusively shows her qualities as a leader in the family. She, as it were, protects the independence of everyone, but at the same time, she surrounds all family members with her love and care. In her family, she creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. She will skillfully act as an organizer of all family meetings, celebrations of various celebrations and a simple visit of friends. Despite her leadership and a secret desire to command, Daria tactfully and gently reminds her husband from time to time that he is considered the main breadwinner in the family.

Daria as mother

As a rule, Daria becomes just a great mother. She clearly plans when it is best to get pregnant and bear the baby. In her family, children are more often not unexpected, but rather, on the contrary, desired and long-awaited.

Dasha plunges headlong into motherhood, she enjoys every minute spent next to her children. She easily manages to take care of children, engage in their upbringing and development, while managing to keep order in the house and her own appearance.

She surrounds her children with so much care that for some time they are afraid to even take a step without her. Over time, Dasha understands that it is necessary to educate in children not only obedience, but also independence.

Her children are always properly and well educated, diligent in their studies, responsible and obligatory. Surely they will achieve a lot in life, of course, not without her help.

Horoscope named Daria


Daria, whose symbol is such a zodiac sign as Aries, is prone to rash acts, but only because she believes that the whole world should “crawl” before her. This is a person with high self-esteem, amorous, but not created for pure love and relationships.


Taurus is a stubborn and self-sufficient person named Daria, who knows how to use her own advantages in the name of manipulating the opposite sex. She can endlessly twist novels, make new acquaintances and change friends, but sooner or later she will change to the edge ...


Gemini is active and restless, loves movement and change, does not consider it necessary to sit still, and this even applies to family and career. It will be surrounded by fans, skillfully charms, but it will be difficult to find a chosen one for life.


Cancer - and here, who received the name Daria, she is completely apathetic and simple, prone to passive action, does not like to be active. Sensitive, touchy, but prefers to experience grievances on their own. Love and relationships with not her strong point - this is offset by an incredible love for children.

a lion

Lioness - this girl can clearly stand up for herself. Rejects help from people, hates sympathy, flirting, empty promises and fantasies. Prefers to move towards the target through obstacles. In family relationships, a clear leader.


Virgo will grow up as a prudent and prudent person with a tough character by origin, she will do any business with 100% accuracy as needed. Scrupulous and pedantic. Compatibility can be achieved with almost all zodiacs, except for the lion.


With the sign of the scales, Daria is born with an overestimated level of diligence. The goal is to work and achieve results. Loves communication. Patient with friends. The one who gets her love and trust will doom himself to family happiness.


Scorpio is unpredictable and sensitive, thin in soul. Intelligent, constantly ready to change in everything, including work and place of residence. Traveling and endless activities are what gives pleasure.


Sagittarius will grow up as an energetic and courageous girl, a person who is able to positively influence the world around her, tune it to her own wave and persuade her to respect her own “I”. It is difficult for her with men - they avoid her ...


Capricorn is secretive and reserved, trying to hide his hot and sensitive nature from the world. Too receptive to what is happening around - rejects potential liars as soon as she begins to suspect. It is difficult to win her heart, but it is worth it - everything will be given to her beloved.


Aquarius - born by this zodiac sign is prone to idealization. Dreamer, dreamer, prone to illusory joys. Loneliness hates, often ready to plunge into a depressive state. The choice of the chosen one will be treated with special responsibility.


Slaves - and here, named Daria will be a woman with a capital letter, one that knows how to use her feminine advantages to the fullest. Capable of captivating anyone. With hatred, she treats rudeness and arrogance, she will look for a companion similar to her character.

Compatibility with male names

Daria has the best compatibility in love with such male names as Gleb, Gordey, Dmitry, Leonid, Julius, Vissarion, Trofim, Sevastyan.

As for the creation of a family and marriage. so the following male names would be ideal here: Alfred, Efim, Semyon, Zakhar, Osip, Konstantin, Nathan, Tikhon and Timofey, Valentin and Eugene.

And in no case should Dasha contact Philip, Yaroslav, Jan, George and Albert - there is absolutely no compatibility here.

Find out what the name Daria means, what is its origin, who will be the patron saint of a girl with that name when she has a name day.

Daria is one of the most popular female names today. Many call their daughters that way, paying tribute to fashion. They don't think much about what the name means. But, "whatever you call a ship, so it will float." Sounds harsh, but fully reflects reality. There is a well-founded opinion that the name affects the character and fate of a person. Therefore, having decided to name your daughter Daria (Dasha), find out what this name means, what its origin is, what it gives to the girl or woman who wears it.

What does the name Daria mean according to the church calendar? When is the name day, Angel Day at Daria according to the Orthodox calendar?

Choosing a name for a child, based on the Saints, is again fashionable today. Thus, the baby acquires a guardian angel.

IMPORTANT: The name of Darius appears in the Saints. If your girl's name is Daria, then they will baptize her a little differently, changing one letter. Darius is also baptized Darin.

Martyr Daria Zaitseva.

If we consider the Orthodox Menologion, we can see that several saints and great martyrs were called Daria, respectively, Dasha has name days several times a year, in April and August.

Darius of Rome.

Patron saint named Daria

The patron saint of Dash is Daria Rimskaya. Here is her story:

  1. Daria was originally a pagan, she served in the temple of Pallas Athena. The marriage with Chrysaphan, a Christian, changed everything. Then Daria was still very young. The young man's relatives, dissatisfied with his religion, wanted the pagan beauty to turn him away from Christ. But quite the opposite happened.
  2. The first wedding night for the young was not quite usual: instead of carnal pleasures, Chrysaphan told his wife about Christ, thereby converting her to his faith. Both spouses agreed to keep their virginity. They made their house a Christian temple for men and women. The couple called for piety.
  3. The ill-wishers did everything to destroy Darius and Chrysaphan. The man was imprisoned and had to be tortured, then thrown into a fetid pit. But in both cases, the miraculous power of God kept him intact. The woman was sent to a harlot, but God did not send her protection for a lion that had escaped from the menagerie. The house with the woman and the beast was set on fire, but the lion managed to escape, and Daria remained unharmed.
  4. In 283, the spouses were still executed, buried alive. On the site of their martyrdom, a temple was soon erected by ordinary people. But its history was also bitter: by order of the authorities, the entrance to it was covered up, killing all the worshipers.
    In the 18th century, Pope Stephen II ordered the brothers Warinus and Armenia to write the Life of the Holy Martyrs Chrysaphan and Daria. Their memorial day is April 1st.

Holy Martyrs Chrysaphan and Darius.

VIDEO: Life of Saints Chrysaphan and Daria

What nationality is the name Daria? Daria - deciphering the name from Greek. Name Daria, Dasha: origin and meaning, popularity

The name Daria or Daria has several variants of origin.

  1. If we consider the name of Darius (as well as Darin, Daren, Daromila) as Old Slavic, it comes from the word “gift” and can mean “gift”, including from God. You can shorten this name as Dasha and Dara.
  2. The name Darius may have an ancient Greek origin. Then it is derived from the male name Darios, by which the famous ruler was named. The meaning of the female version is the sovereign, the winner, the rich or the owner of the good.

IMPORTANT: In his “Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language”, M. Vasmer introduced the name Daria as a short form of the name Dorotheus.

The meaning of the name Daria.

The name Daria is common among the Slavs at all times. Before the revolution, it was predominantly peasant, but sometimes merchants were called Dashas. In the first half of the twentieth century, the popularity of the name subsided somewhat, and in the 70s it increased significantly.
From the 2000s to the present day, the name Daria (Daria and Darina) has been one of the most sought after, constantly in the top five, constantly competing with Maria and Sofia.

For the past 10 years, the name Daria has been in the top five most popular.

The secret of the name Daria. Daria: the meaning of the name character and fate, intuition, intelligence, morality

Let's see what the name Daria gives:

  1. As a child, Dasha immediately stands out for her sociability. She easily finds a common language with peers and adults (the latter never cease to be amazed at the artistry of the baby). In a team of children, Dasha strives to be a leader, she often commands in games, often becomes a participant in conflicts, and does not hesitate to solve them with her fists. Daria hates to play alone.
  2. Daria from an early age is a friend and helper for her mother.
  3. Studying can be difficult for Dasha. The girl is smart and quick-witted, grasps everything on the fly and remembers well, but sometimes she lacks perseverance and concentration. Daria will never do what she is not interested in.
  4. Already in childhood, Dasha demonstrates good taste in music, art, clothing and more.
  5. Dasha has a strong will and a heightened sense of responsibility for others.
  6. Daria cannot be criticized. And the critic himself will "receive", and Dasha's self-esteem will be damaged.
  7. The impulsiveness of Daria plays into the hands - the girl is not vindictive, excited, she prefers to immediately express everything in the eye.
  8. Dasha's intuition is weak.

The secret of the name Daria.

Name Daria: sexuality, marriage

  1. Daria is amorous in her youth, but quickly burns out. At a more mature age, she is already more clearly aware of what she needs, often marries for some reason, but only for a person she likes.
  2. In marriage, Dasha often pulls the blanket over herself, striving to be the main one. She is not prone to cheating.
  3. She doesn't mind having many children.
  4. Sex for Daria is a painful topic. Firstly, very often she is not sure of her beauty and attractiveness. Secondly, acting impulsively, a girl can end up in bed with a random man, and then torment herself with remorse.

Daria is a faithful wife.

IMPORTANT: Daria can have a strong alliance with Alexander, Anton, Ivan, Eugene, Sergey, Yuri. From marriage with Oleg, Semyon, Fedor, Philip and Alexei, she should not expect anything good.

Name Daria: health and psyche

  1. Although the newborn Daria behaves restlessly, young parents do not need to worry much: the girl is not sickly. Like all her peers, she will suffer from colds in childhood.
  2. As an adult, she should pay attention to the health of the bronchi and lungs, they are weak in her.
  3. Other diseases that Darius can suffer from: tonsillitis, croup, whooping cough, scarlet fever, chickenpox, scoliosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, constipation.

A woman named Daria is strictly forbidden to smoke.

Dasha's nervous system is unstable, which can lead to neurosis and depression. Again, on impulse, she can act aggressively. She should constantly work on her own stress resistance.

Name Daria: hobbies, activities, business

Dasha always has a purely female hobby, to which she devotes enough time. It's either cooking, or fashion design and sewing, or embroidery, or knitting. Girls with that name rarely have musical talents.
But Dasha can choose a “male” profession - a lawyer, a journalist, a military man, a scientist, a researcher, and so on.

A woman named Daria can make a good career. In the team, she manages to be a leader, and the money seems to flow into her hands.

Daria will make a good boss.

Daria: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

In short or diminutively, Daria can be called:

  • Daryushka
  • Daryusha
  • Darina
  • Dashulya
  • Dashunya
  • Dashuta

The character of a girl named Daria.

Name Daria, Dasha in English, Latin, different languages. How is the name Daria spelled in the passport?

Since there is no name Daria in English, it is translated according to the rules of transliteration and looks like DARINA. That is how it is entered in the passport.
And this is what the name Daria looks like in other languages.

What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Daria: compatibility with male names

You can name your daughter Daria if your spouse's name is:

  • Alexander
  • Alexei
  • Andrew
  • Artem
  • Vadim
  • Daniel
  • Denis
  • Dmitry
  • Kirill
  • Konstantin
  • Maksim
  • Matvey
  • Michael
  • Novel
  • Sergey
  • Timothy
  • Philip

What zodiac sign does the name Daria fit?

The name Daria is suitable for the zodiac signs Aries and Virgo.

Zodiac signs for Daria.

Stone talisman to the name Daria

The stone-talisman of a woman named Daria is a bloodstone.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Daria

Plants - the talismans of a woman named Daria - anemone, mountain ash and thyme.

Plant - a talisman for Daria - mountain ash.

Totem animal named Daria

Totem animals for Daria are a giraffe and a mosquito.

Daria's totem animal is a giraffe.

Numerology Of The Name Daria

The number of the name Daria is 6.

Numerology Of The Name Daria

Nickname for Daria

As you know, an alias to any name can be anything. But, if you choose similar to the name or consonant with it, for Daria the most suitable are:

  • Dolce
  • Darcy
  • gifted
  • Delaria
  • Divine, others

Famous people, celebrities named Daria: photo

Daria Astafieva, singer.

Daria Verbova, model.

Daria Dontsova, writer.

Daria Melnikova, actress

Daria Shkurikhina, gymnast.

Tattoo with the name Daria, Dasha

A tattoo with the name Daria is done by women in honor of themselves and their daughters, men in honor of their lovers and daughters. Such tattoos are often located on the inside of the forearm and wrist.

Pendant in the form of the name Daria.

Daria will be delighted with the pendant with her name or the letter D.

Song named Daria, Dasha

Maxim Leonidov - Vision (Dasha)

Lolita and Prokhor Chaliapin. Dasha

Dasha Mikhail Shufutinsky

Congratulations on Angel Daria's Day short in verse and prose

Daria is a life-affirming and sonorous name. One of the main character traits of the owners of this name is stamina. Such a girl is open and sociable, easily converges with people, prefers to solve all problems and disagreements in a peaceful atmosphere, can adapt to any life circumstances.

Name origin

The name Daria does not have a single version of the origin. Some researchers believe that this word is Persian. As confirmation, they cite the ancient male name Darius, popular in the old days among the Persians. In the original, it is written like this: Dārayava(h)us. This word consists of two parts: "gift" - the one who owns, "vaush" - good, value, prosperity. That is, the name Daria is interpreted as "possessing benefits."

Other scientists are sure that this word is Slavic. They claim that Daria is a modernized form of the names Darin, Daryana and Daryon (bestowed). Linguist Max Farmer calls such a word a shortened version of the name Dorotheus.

In the 17th-19th centuries in Russia, girls were called Darias mainly in the families of peasants and merchants.

Forms of the name Daria

Name abbreviation:

  • Dasha;
  • Dasha;
  • Danya;
  • Daria.

Diminutive forms:

  • Dashunya,
  • Dashulya,
  • Daryushka;
  • Dashenka;
  • Dasha.

Related name - Darina.

When writing poems about a girl with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Daria - feathers, wings, stakes, Dasha - a bowl, loss, aerobatics.

Photo gallery: name forms

Daria - the full form of the name Dasha - the most popular short form of the name Daria Dashenka - the pet form of the name Daria Dashulya - an affectionate appeal to Daria Dashka - a colloquial version of the appeal to Daria

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - DARIA.

The church form of the name is Darius.

Table: name in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Daria:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Maksimovna;
  • Sergeevna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Dasha can use the following nicknames:

  • darka;
  • dasha;
  • d_a_r_i_a;
  • daha;
  • dashenka.

Patron saints of Daria, name day dates

Saint patronesses of the name:

  • Rev. Martyr Daria Zaitseva;
  • martyr Darius of Rome;
  • martyr Darius;
  • righteous Daria;
  • New Martyrs Daria Sushinskaya, Daria Timagina and Daria Ulybina.

Video: Holy Martyr Daria of Rome

Daria celebrate name day:

  • March 14th;
  • April 1;
  • April, 4;
  • August 17;
  • 18 August.

On Daria Gryaznoprorubka, on April 1, the ice near the ice holes (where they remained) begins to melt sharply, the water turns yellow because of the mud.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits of girls named Daria:

  • energy;
  • enthusiasm;
  • charm;
  • dexterity;
  • dedication.

Negative qualities:

  • maximalism;
  • incontinence;
  • rancor;
  • illegibility in communication.

Dasha in childhood

Dasha has shown a strong character since childhood, stubbornly defending her beliefs. To achieve what she wants, she may even resort to the use of force. At the same time, she cannot be called a fighter, the baby only defends justice and achieves a respectful attitude towards herself. Dashenka cannot stand loneliness, she loves noisy and active games with friends.

Dasha is pampered as a child, parents give all the best to their beloved daughter. She grows up as a benevolent and well-mannered girl, practically does not give mom and dad any trouble. Dashenka does not play pranks, in case of refusal of a new toy, she does not throw tantrums. But her love for order and cleanliness does not appear immediately. If another child appears in the family, little Daria may be jealous of her parents for a newborn brother or sister.

As a child, parents pamper Dasha, give her all the best

Dasha teenager

In her youth, Daria captivates everyone with her attractive appearance. Gifted with natural beauty, she uses little to no makeup. Despite the fact that she is indifferent to fashion, the girl has her own unique style of clothing that complements her already charming image. Dasha perfectly combines beauty and restraint, the ability to reason and make plans.

Dasha is open and responsive. But if someone decides to take advantage of the kindness of the girl, nothing will come of it. She has great instincts. Daria will easily expose someone who tries to ingratiate herself with her for selfish purposes.

The owner of this name is a very inquisitive girl, she devotes most of her time to study and self-development. She is in no hurry to start a romantic relationship, young Dasha strives to get a good education in order to build a career in the future.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pierre Rouget, Daria is vulnerable, phlegmatic and slightly infantile. In a relationship, accommodating and flexible, can adapt to any circumstances. Likes to communicate with other people and go to visit. He takes criticism to heart, is very worried about the opinions of others, may be in long thought about whether she was treated well or badly. Such a girl has analytical thinking, she has an excellent memory, but she treats learning without much zeal. Very vulnerable and touchy, hard to endure betrayal. The owner of this name is extremely unpredictable, do not be misled by her equanimity and silence. Dasha can act emotionally and impulsively.

Daria seems calm and unflappable, but in fact she is able to act impulsively

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Daria is cheerful and energetic. In business, he tries not to give vent to feelings, but to act logically and consistently. Serious in her work, she performs her duties conscientiously. True, those around her regularly listen to her complaints about how tired she is of all this. This girl does not tend to get hung up on one thing, she is able to quickly switch. Dasha will not hide her attitude towards others, she expresses her respect or dissatisfaction directly, in words or non-verbally.

Mendeleev claims that Daria is a kind, bright and brave girl. Her name is very positive, slightly cheeky. Dasha is generous and generous. This is a devoted friend who will always come to the rescue in difficult times. The owner of such a name will not conflict with a person just because they did not agree. She lacks femininity and grace, but nature has awarded this lady with a strong character and prudence, with the help of which she can easily find a way out of any situation on her own.

Talents and hobbies

Daria strives to always look perfect. Such a girl has excellent taste, which is manifested in her manner of dressing and furnishing her house. Dasha loves animals, several pets can live in her apartment at once.

The owner of this name prefers outdoor recreation, especially if there are some reservoirs nearby (river, lake, pond).

Daria at work and in business

For an adult Daria, in the first place are romantic relationships and creating a family, so she does not spend most of her time on her career. At the same time, a girl with that name is a serious and purposeful person who is able to independently achieve great success in any field of activity. Often realizes his talents in creative professions:

  • journalist;
  • writer;
  • painter;
  • musician.

Daria can become a successful journalist

Dasha can perfectly prove herself both as a subordinate and as a strict and responsible leader. She is proactive, can make the workflow easier and more productive. At work, the bearer of such a name is a respected and valuable employee, she is able to quickly and efficiently perform her duties.

Daria's rapid career growth is ensured if her strengths and efforts are directed to the area of ​​activity that will bring the girl not only a good income, but also moral satisfaction. In business, she is prudent, does not make hasty decisions. Despite the penchant for adventurism, he will not take risks and enter into dubious deals.


Since childhood, Daria is prone to colds, which can lead to various complications. In adolescence, he suffers from chickenpox and whooping cough. Such a girl has a high risk of lung diseases, liver disorders. She is strictly forbidden to smoke.

Due to distraction and inattention, Dasha is prone to various injuries. It is important to be careful to minimize the risk of dislocations and fractures. You should also pay attention to posture, possibly curvature of the spine.

A girl with this name, born in February, has very weak immunity. She often suffers from colds. In December Dasha, disorders of the nervous system can be observed, a tendency to depression often manifests itself.

Daria in love and marriage

Dasha is flirtatious and wayward. If a girl accepts courtship and gifts, this does not mean at all that she is going to build a serious relationship with this particular man. Boris Khigir claims that Daria tends to share the concept of love and sexual attraction. She can have many sexual partners and still not have deep feelings for them.

Daria is unpretentious in choosing men. For such a girl, it is not so important what the social status of her chosen one is, the moral qualities of a man are much more important. When meeting, she pays attention to his mannerisms and how he expresses his thoughts and feelings. Often the owner of this name falls in love once and for all.

If Daria falls in love, usually this feeling lasts a lifetime.

Marriage for the owner of such a name is a new stage in her life. In marriage, she reconsiders her priorities, relations with the people around her may change. Dasha is not ready to accept a marriage proposal right away, she tends to reason and calculate everything. She dreams of love and understanding in the family.

Daria in family relationships tends to show leadership qualities. In some cases, she prefers not to devote her loved ones, preferring to find a solution to the problem on her own. Such a girl is a loving and attentive wife, a caring mother, a hospitable hostess. She loves to cook and invite guests to her house. Dasha treats her husband with respect, tries to support him in everything, gently pushes him to important achievements. She is non-conflict, prefers to resolve all controversial situations in a quiet, peaceful environment.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship Features
Alexander70% 50% This couple has many common interests. They like to spend time together. Daria and Alexander prefer outdoor activities, their union is full of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. Not a single day spent together is like the previous one. Spouses treat each other with respect, try to make life together colorful and varied.
Dmitry70% 90% The relationship between Daria and Dmitry is passionate and romantic. They are united by similar preferences, passionate feelings and sexual attraction. But falling in love and passion can cool down over time, and the future of their union depends only on the partners.
Sergey60% 80% Both partners are independent, tend to show leadership qualities at work and in the family. In professional activities, the desire to dominate can be one of the main qualities that will lead to rapid career growth. But if Sergey and Dasha desire power in marital relations, conflicts in the family cannot be avoided.
Andrew70% 60% Harmonious relations reign in this family. Andrey and Daria are ready to make concessions, seek compromises. There are no special outbursts of emotions in their relationship, the spouses practically do not conflict with each other. They are always able to negotiate and find a solution that will satisfy all family members.
Alexei60% 80% Completely different people. It seems like they have nothing in common. Alexei is freedom-loving and domineering, used to discipline and order. Daria, on the other hand, takes life with ease, will not tolerate control over her actions. But they are able to complement each other and create a happy and close-knit family.
Evgeniy50% 100% Very harmonious and stable relationship. Everything goes well with this couple both in everyday life and in sexual preferences. And over time, their marriage will only get stronger, as spouses tend to develop and never stop there. Therefore, they try to gradually realize their desires.
Maksim60% 80% The relationship of this couple is built on understanding, mutual sincere and pure love. Spouses completely share the interests of each other, not forgetting about personal space. Partners tend to constantly develop. Daria and Maxim are ready to compromise and do what is best for all family members. This couple has every chance to create an ideal union in which everyone will feel like a happy person.
Vladimir50% 30% Partners look at each other for a long time. Most likely, sympathy does not appear immediately. They strive to get to know a person better and not rush things, including in terms of intimate relationships. Daria and Vladimir prefer to wait for time to understand that the desire to be together is mutual.
Denis50% 40% An ardent and passionate relationship. Partners are not used to holding back their feelings. There is no stability in their union, quarrels can often arise, but Denis and Daria are not inclined to harbor a grudge. They quickly reconcile. The intimate relationship of this couple can be rude and tough, but this is how the spouses get emotional release after another quarrel.
Paul60% 80% A man in these relations takes the initiative, giving signs of attention to Daria in every possible way. She willingly responds to courtship. Pavel is strong-willed and serious, he is ready to take matters into his own hands. The modesty and shyness of the girl allow him to show care and tenderness. Conceived such a marriage is happy and durable.
Artyom70% 80% This couple has every chance to create a happy family. They are similar in many ways, including in beliefs and expression of thoughts. Daria and Artyom have a romantic and tender relationship, even after the wedding they do not stop discovering something new in each other. Therefore, their family ties will become stronger every year.
Novel60% 90% A strong union of two loving hearts. The spouses do not stop there, but together they try to improve the quality of life both spiritually and materially. They completely trust each other and are used to solving all problems in a peaceful environment. There is no main thing in the family of Roman and Daria, they are building their happy future together.
Vitaly60% 80% In this union, partners look at each other for a long time and are in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. Their preferences are similar, but neither of them makes plans for a joint future. If none of them takes the initiative, Vitaly and Daria will remain just acquaintances or friends.
Igor70% 50% The relationship of this couple cannot but be envied, as the partners experience tenderness for each other and truly sincere, reverent feelings. Daria and Igor are able to create a joint business that will bring good income over time. The spouses respect each other's opinion and try to make every effort to make their plans come true.
Oleg60% 40% In this family, the spouses take care of each other in every possible way. In the relationship between Daria and Oleg, not only feelings are important, but also spiritual development. With the advent of children, partners will strive to provide them with everything necessary and instill in them the best qualities.
Yuri50% 30% Both are stubborn and extremely intractable. Partners do not want to put up with each other's shortcomings and do not take seriously the opinion of their soul mate. These are people with completely different beliefs, do not seek to strengthen family relationships. Often such a union is doomed to parting.
Egor60% 70% Such a union can be considered a marriage of convenience, since the opinions of others are important to partners, and they only create the appearance of a happy married couple. All they really care about is money. If financial problems arise, their relationship will come to an end.
Valery70% 80% A strong union in which partners are attentive to each other. Their relationship is built on mutual understanding, trust and sincere love. Daria and Valery are responsible and purposeful, they are not afraid of any difficulties.

Important years of life

The most significant events take place in such important years of Dasha's life:

Songs with this name: "Dasha" by Lolita Milyavskaya, "Dasha" by Mikhail Shufutinsky, "Either a girl, or a vision" by Maxim Leonidov.

Video: song about Dasha Maxim Leonidov

Table: name matches

PlanetMarsStrong character. Active, energetic, persistent personality. Sometimes - overly aggressive, rude and irritable. No obstacles can stop a person, whose patron is Mars, on the way to his goal.
Zodiac signAriesSuch people have no sense of tact. If they do not like something, they express it directly in person, not caring about the feelings of another. Defend their interests to the end. At the same time, they are persistent and enterprising, thanks to which they achieve success in a career or business.
ElementFireBrilliant leaders. Creative, optimistic and bold. Their impulsiveness leads to the fact that they commit actions that do not bring positive results. Smart and active, it is interesting to communicate with them, but you should be prepared for outbursts of aggression and selfishness.
Number6 Disciplined and responsible. They often act as a reliable support for friends and family, you can rely on such people. They have a heightened sense of justice, strive to help others and do it for free.
ColorBrownThe main advantages are good nature, diligence and responsiveness. However, such people are characterized by waywardness, imbalance. Such qualities make it difficult to build harmonious work and personal relationships.
totem animalGiraffeKind, gentle and caring. Strive to excel in everything.
WoodRowanRepresents fertility. In ancient times, it was believed that the rowan branch protected the premises from evil spirits.
PlantAnemoneSymbol of loneliness. If you carry a dried plant in a bag with you, it helps you get out of even the most difficult situations with honor.
StoneBloodstoneThe personification of wisdom and courage. A talisman with this stone stops bleeding, accelerates wound healing.
MetalLeadMetal of strength and masculinity. Lead amulet protects against witchcraft, including love spells.
auspicious dayWednesday
bad dayFriday

The meaning of each letter of the name

D - tend to make rash decisions, make many mistakes. Anyone can be blamed for what happened, but they will never admit their guilt. Extremely quick-tempered and unbalanced people. At the same time, they are quite liberated, romantic and attractive.

A - people with this letter in their name tend to show leadership qualities. They lead a healthy lifestyle and strive for spiritual development. Show initiative in the activities in which they are of great interest.

R - have needlework skills. They have wonderful instincts. Delicate and patient, but only until their pride is hurt.

b - they show good nature, appeasement, delicacy even in cases when they have to communicate with unpleasant people. Very diligent, they are not tired of monotonous work. Prudent, attentive and efficient.

I am talented and diversified people with a rich inner world. Strive to achieve universal recognition. They are not inclined to commit risky acts, it is important for them to maintain their reputation.

The name Daria has five letters. This means that the inner world of such a girl is rich, she has a pronounced ability in the humanities and art. Often the owner of this name makes a hobby a matter of her life.

When was Dasha born?

Winter Daria is a dreamy and romantic person. She will not impose her opinion on anyone, and in the event of a dispute, she will prefer to politely walk away from the growing conflict. Although many may call such a girl too thoughtful and focused on something of her own, this is just an appearance. In fact, Dasha, who was born in winter, is simple-hearted and cheerful. The big disadvantage is her excessive anxiety for any reason.

Spring Daria is attractive and graceful. She is sociable, easily converges with people. This is a good-natured girl, she is able to infect everyone around her with her positive. I'm not used to talking about my personal life. Even if she has major problems, Dasha, born in the spring, will not show her appearance. She will hide sadness and anxiety behind a friendly smile. The choice of a life partner is taken seriously. It is important for her that the future spouse fully shares her interests.

Daria, born in spring, is positive, good-natured and attractive

Summer Daria is energetic and impressionable. Prefers an active lifestyle, restless, likes to travel. Such a girl usually has a lot of things to do, it is almost impossible to find her at home. Talented, can be in groups of creative amateur performances. In adolescence, she is capable of rash acts, but in adulthood she becomes serious and extremely cautious.

Autumn Daria tends to show leadership qualities. Very domineering and proud nature. She can be a great leader. She does not want to achieve her goals by deceit and cunning, her success is the result of hard and painstaking work. Daria, whose birthday falls on one of the autumn months, is open and sociable, always ready to help or give practical advice in anything.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesWindy and straightforward woman. May be selfish towards other people. Not inclined to do good deeds just like that, if she decided to help you, there is no doubt that this action was preconceived. Daria-Aries is capable of experiencing passionate feelings for men. She can feel attraction almost from the very first meeting, but falling in love fades away as quickly as it appears.
TaurusA charming and authoritative woman, easily converges with people. It is very popular with men. Despite the numerous crowds of fans, Daria-Taurus wants to find the only one with whom she wants to spend her whole life.
TwinsTemperamental and energetic. Strives to take only the best from life. If she believes that the union no longer has prospects, then without pain and regret she will break off relations and start new ones. The same girl acts in the professional field. She is able to change jobs several times a year, without worrying at all that she will not be able to reach her potential 100%.
CrayfishGloomy and phlegmatic nature. He does not want to change anything in his life, is not capable of taking risks, rarely takes the initiative. He does not set high goals for himself, does not seek to overcome difficulties, always hopes for a chance. Only her own children can inspire Daria-Rak to great accomplishments.
a lionProud and confident. Never let yourself be offended. Always striving to be independent. In any situation, she tends to rely only on her own strength. Daria-Lev is a strong-willed and purposeful person, no obstacles can make her turn off the path, she stubbornly goes to her goal. In relations with the opposite sex, she is honest and straightforward. Does not build relationships with a man with whom he does not see a joint future.
VirgoDisciplined and pragmatic. He is very responsible for the execution of any work. Daria does not tend to commit rash acts, she always carefully plans her actions. Even in relationships with men, he studies the character of a person for a long time before fully opening up to his chosen one.
ScalesAdventurous, hardworking woman. He can start several things at once and bring each one to the end. Daria-Libra is very caring and friendly to her friends and loved ones. The chosen one of such a girl should show patience and delicacy towards her acquaintances and like-minded people. In return, she will give him love and loyalty.
ScorpionTemperamental and flighty, her actions are unpredictable. Daria-Scorpio can make a decision at one moment and change her image, work and even place of residence. Smart and charming, like men. As a life partner, such a girl will choose a slightly old-fashioned person with an extraordinary character.
SagittariusActive and cheerful personality. Has the gift of persuasion. He performs his duties quickly and efficiently. She tries to do everything perfectly, if she becomes a leader, requires complete obedience and fulfillment of her requirements. In work, he can achieve great success. In her personal life she is often unhappy. Men do not like being taught and trying to command them, so this woman is usually alone.
CapricornA closed, modest and imperturbable woman. Behind the screen of indifference to everything, Daria-Capricorn hides a quick-tempered and temperamental character. At heart, she is sensual, prone to empathy. Such a girl is very worried about the opinions of others about herself and her actions.
AquariusHonest and kind. Very trusting, thinks about people better than they really are, because of this, Daria-Aquarius often feels disappointed in people. A dreamy and sensitive nature, strives for perfection in everything. He has great prestige in society.
FishSmart and charming, able to easily achieve her goals. In communication she is kind and friendly. For any man, Daria-Pisces can become an ideal wife. The chosen one of such a girl should have a good upbringing and share her interests.

Famous women with this name

There are many women with this name who left their mark on history:

  • Daria Lieven - a "socialite" of the first half of the 19th century, a secret agent of the Russian government in London and Paris, nicknamed the "diplomatic Sibyl";
  • Daria Dontsova - Russian writer, author of "ironic detective stories", member of the Writers' Union of Russia;
  • Dasha Mikhailova - the first military sister of mercy, the heroine of the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War of 1853-1856;
  • Daria Domracheva - Belarusian biathlete, bronze medalist of the 2010 Olympic Games, the best biathlete of 2010 according to the Biathlon-Award;
  • Daria Astafieva - Ukrainian model, singer and TV presenter, actress;
  • Daria Nauer - Swiss track and field athlete;
  • Daria Vasilyanskaya - Bulgarian artist;
  • Daria Polotnyuk - Ukrainian writer;
  • Daria Khalturina - Russian sociologist, anthropologist, demographer, public figure;
  • Daria Zykova - opera singer (soprano), soloist of the Bolshoi Opera Company.

A poem with the name Daria - "Black-eyed Cossack" by I. Selvinsky.

Photo gallery: famous Daria

Daria Astafieva - Ukrainian model Daria Domracheva - Belarusian biathlete Daria Dontsova - Russian writer Daria Zykova - opera singer Daria Lieven - secret agent of the Russian government in London and Paris Daria Khalturina - Russian sociologist

Daria is a delicate and educated woman. In business, he does not like haste, he prefers to think through and plan everything carefully. She is able to find a way out of even the most difficult situation. The owner of this name is sociable and energetic, usually she is surrounded by interesting and friendly people.