Poses for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. Pleasant dreams or how pregnant women sleep in the later stages

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman, as a rule, completely and completely reconsiders the rules of life that were inherent in her until the moment of conception, and does everything possible to protect her pregnancy and the unborn baby from the influence of any kind of trouble. Pregnancy also leaves its “imprint” on the intimate life of future parents: a woman, worrying about a baby growing in her tummy, often does not allow herself or her partner to fully experience the traditional joy of physical intimacy, fearing something will damage the fetus or negatively affect the course pregnancy.

And it’s completely in vain - you don’t have to worry about the crumbs at all, because he is safe in his mother’s tummy. But, nevertheless, even if the doctor allowed, in the absence of contraindications, to freely indulge in physical love, you still have to take care of yourself a little. Namely - to exclude the possibility of pressure on the mother's tummy, which will now gradually increase, and also to avoid deep penetrations when making love. And now it’s very useful to know which ones will give you the opportunity and the joy of intimacy to fully experience, and will not entail any unforeseen consequences. And there are quite a few such poses, as it turns out.

Poses for pregnant women - man on top

You will have to forget about the classic missionary position in the happy time of bearing a baby - you must avoid pressure on the stomach, which can provoke undesirable consequences. But at the same time, the usual posture can simply be slightly “diversified”: “modification” suggests that the woman lies on her back, and the man enters her from the side, thus avoiding pressure on the stomach.

In addition, the classic missionary position can be practiced with a woman throwing her legs over a man: when the expectant mother lies on her back and puts her legs on her partner, in this way the man has the opportunity to control the depth of penetration.

Poses for pregnant women - woman on top

The “Rider” position is convenient during pregnancy, as it allows a woman to independently control the depth of penetration and rhythm. There are various options for this position: a woman can sit on a partner facing him, or she can turn her back. The convenience of this position also lies in the fact that a man can provide a woman with support: supporting with his hands, substituting his hips or knees. In addition, in the “woman on top” position, physical intimacy can be done traditionally on a love bed, or maybe on a chair in a sitting position - the chair will support the weight of two bodies and make sex comfortable.

Poses for pregnant women - reclining

This position suggests that the woman lies on the bed, closer to its edge, while the man penetrates her, kneeling by the bed and moving close to his beloved. In this position, a man can control the depth of penetration and the frequency of frictions, and besides, he can freely caress a woman, since his hands remain free.

Positions for pregnant women - on the side

A very comfortable position during the period when the “pregnant” belly is already large enough. In this position, the woman lies on her side, and the man “attaches” behind her, also on her side. This position eliminates pressure on the belly of the expectant mother and frees the man's hands for caresses. If there is any inconvenience or difficulty, the man can lift and hold the woman's leg with his free hand.

Positions for pregnant women - kneeling

The “doggie-style”, beloved by many, also takes place during pregnancy, it is only desirable that a woman during sex does not take a knee-elbow position, but rests on her hands. In addition, at a later date, when the stomach is already large enough, it is worth putting a pillow under it so that the woman does not feel hard.

Pregnancy is by no means an obstacle to love pleasures, provided, of course, that there are no special doctor's orders to limit sexual activity due to the presence of any. And a sufficiently large variety of positions for pregnant women makes it possible to experiment, choosing the most convenient one, not to stop feeling a partner and getting the most out of life.

Specially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Yoga is a set of exercises for athletic women, and for women who have never practiced at the gym or at home. Postures during pregnancy can be adapted to changes in the female body during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Poses help expectant mothers to stretch, strengthen and relax not only the body, but also the mind. With yoga, you can keep fit and prepare for childbirth.

  1. Stimulates circulation by increasing blood flow.
  2. Facilitates breathing and promotes better oxygenation of the unborn child.
  3. Strengthens muscles and joints that prevent back pain.
  4. Regulates the endocrine system.
  5. Prepares the body for childbirth by strengthening the muscles of the lower abdomen, groin, inner thighs.

Yoga during pregnancy is a great way to improve your fitness and mood. It is necessary to seek the advice of an experienced trainer so that he chooses the right set of asanas for pregnant women for you.

If your pregnancy is going well, the yoga system is the ideal postures for you.

These exercises relax the body. Proper breathing during pregnancy helps relieve stress. The functioning of the whole organism improves, and more importantly, women become more resistant to stress and fatigue, gain self-confidence. But before you start practicing yoga, you need to visit a gynecologist for a consultation and identification possible contraindications to do this type of exercise.

  • Attention - listen to the voice of your body, breath and intuition, do nothing in spite of yourself.
  • Consciousness is simply to remember. That you move and breathe with the child, you can feel for him, how he feels, how he moves.
  • Natural breathing - always breathe freely and naturally, at your own pace.
  • Freedom - to avoid dynamic and tiring methods that increase the heart rate and cause rapid breathing, let the movement be always conscious.
  • Move with pleasure - it is better not to stick to a tense posture, you need to "go with the flow", enjoy the sensuality of movement.
  • You can eat something light before exercise to keep your blood sugar stable.
  • Pleasure - to receive grace and joy in movements, breathing and relaxation.

Rest - Always rest if required.

What not to do

  1. Inappropriate asanas - avoid inverted positions and deep turns, jumping, practicing Mula Badhi (tension of the pelvic floor muscles) for more than one breath, warming up pranayama, and any postures that bring discomfort in the abdomen.
  2. Don't lie on your stomach.
  3. Do not lie on your back after 30 weeks (or when you are uncomfortable).
  4. Rest lying on your left side.

How to practice yoga

It is best to practice 2-3 times a week at the same time. Better time in the morning, right after waking up or before going to bed. Exercise during pregnancy should last between 20 and 60 minutes. But the session should start from 20 minutes for the body to adapt.

If you are one of those who have never practiced yoga, you should start with the simplest exercises that do not require preparation.

  • Asanas for pregnant women should be practiced slowly, slowly, observing the reaction of the body.
  • The rhythm of yoga exercises each expectant mother should adapt to herself.
  • The position of the body is also important. If you are doing the exercises on your back, make sure that your shoulders, arms, and buttocks are in good contact with the floor.
  • During sitting exercises, the buttocks should be slightly tilted to the side. When assuming standing positions, the feet should be placed hip-width apart with the toes pointing inward. The foot is firmly planted on the floor.
  • It is important to straighten your back and pull the shoulder blades.

For classes, you should choose a place and time so that no one interferes. You can play your favorite CD to help you relax.

Performing poses for pregnant women should begin with deep breaths taken from the diaphragm. Then lie down or sit comfortably. The next step is to relax the muscles. It is also important to draw in air through your nose to free your mouth. Breathe slowly, smoothly.

Types of yoga exercises for expectant mothers

AT last years is very popular physical exercises from yogic complexes. What are the best positions for pregnant women? Each pregnant woman can choose for herself the one that best suits her and pregnancy 3, 2 or 1 trimester.

Tailor's pose

Helps to relax the ligaments and joints of the muscles of the pelvic region of the thigh.

  • Sit on the floor and straighten your back.
  • Bring your feet closer to each other as close as possible.
  • Relax your shoulders and neck. Breathe deeply.
  • Relax your hips and hip joints. Press your knees to the floor.
  • Maintain the pose for a few seconds.

Tree position

Promotes calmness and helps stretch the thigh muscles, improves balance and coordination.

  • Stand straight and look at one selected point.
  • Shift the weight of the body to the right leg, bend the left at the knee and rest the foot on the inside of the right thigh.
  • Bring your hands together in namaste at chest level. If you have problems with balance, lean against the wall.
  • Keeping focus on the chosen point, maintain the pose for a few seconds and then switch legs.

Relaxation of the pelvis

Helps relax the pelvic muscles.

  • Get on your knees, lean on your elbows.
  • Tighten the muscles of the anus, vagina and labia.
  • Hold for a few seconds and relax them.
  • Repeat the position about 15 times.


The exercise helps to expand the pelvis and the baby to take the correct position before childbirth.

  • Take a standing pose with legs wide apart. Feet look to the side.
  • Slowly bend your knees until you are fully squatted.
  • If necessary, you can hold on to something with your hands.
  • Fold your palms at chest level. Elbows and knees look apart.

cat's ridge

Designed to relieve pain in the sacrum.

  • Get on all fours.
  • Relax your neck by resting your head on your shoulders.
  • Pull in your stomach and arch your spine.
  • Count to 5 while maintaining deep breathing.
  • Repeat the pose several times.

Round after round

Relaxes the muscles of the back and hips.

  • Relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders, put your hands on your stomach.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Lower your arms to your sides and slowly raise your hips (inhale), lower your hips (exhale).
  • Repeat four times.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees.
  • Squeeze your vaginal muscles and hold the pose for about 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise several times.

Time to rest

After completing the positions, you rest.

  • Lie on your side with one leg bent.
  • Pillows can be placed under the head and between the legs.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax.
  • Stretch slowly and stand up very slowly.

Exercise in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is a great way to relieve some of the symptoms of pregnancy and improve well-being in the future. By doing yoga exercises regularly, pregnant women are less prone to stress and the development of gestational diabetes.

If a woman was active before pregnancy, nothing prevents her from exercising during pregnancy at the same level, only adequate exercise must be performed.

Calm postures during pregnancy, when performing asanas, heart beats should not exceed 140 beats per minute. If the expectant mother did not practice before pregnancy, she can start after consulting a doctor.

Exercise in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the embryo has not yet fixed, should not burden the pregnant woman physically in any way, should not lead to an increase in abdominal tension - this can provoke a miscarriage. Low intensity exercise is recommended. During the first three months, breathing and corrective posture exercises should be performed, as well as exercises for the arms and legs in a wide range. They should be performed from the very beginning of pregnancy, as correct posture reduces stress on the spine.

Exercise should be avoided, especially during periods during the first three months of pregnancy, so as not to promote miscarriage.

Examples of exercises that can be done during the first trimester of pregnancy

Exercise 1

  1. A woman sits on a chair, stool or ball.
  2. The palms lie on the hips and in this position performs head turns to the right and to the left.
  3. Tilts the head back (inhale), forward (exhale).
  4. Tilts of the head when turning to the left and then to the right.
  5. Perform all movements slowly and carefully.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on a chair, stool, or ball with your legs wide apart.
  2. Perform unclenching and clenching of the fingers, clenching and unclenching the palms into a fist, causing the blood to circulate in the wrists, forearms and shoulders.
  3. Raise your arms up in front (inhale) and lower them through the sides (exhale).

Exercise 3

The purpose of the exercise is to prevent drooping of the shoulders and rounding of the back.

  1. Sit on a chair and spread your legs wide.
  2. Put your hands behind your back, connect them bringing the shoulder blades together and pushing the chest forward.
  3. Tilt your head back and inhale.
  4. Exhale as you return your hands to the starting position.

Exercise 4

The pose strengthens the muscles of the shoulders and chest.

  1. Sit on a stool or ball and spread your legs wide.
  2. Put your palms up high chest and pull them hard.
  3. Exercise can be performed with the ball in hand.

Exercise 5

  1. Sit on a chair.
  2. Interlace your fingers in the lock and place them on the back of your neck.
  3. Pull your elbows back.
  4. Return to starting position.

Exercise 6

Sit on a stool, chair, or ball with your legs wide apart.

  • Raise your arms up through the sides.
  • Place your palms on the back of your neck and lift your shoulder blades.
  • Raise your chest and tilt your head forward (inhale).
  • Lower your arms through your sides and relax (exhale).

Exercise 7

  1. Sit on a stool. Legs are widely spaced to the sides.
  2. Raise your right hand, bend it at the elbow and place it behind your head.
  3. Put your left hand behind your head, crossing with your right. The palms lie on top of each other.
  4. Tilt your head back slightly (inhale), drop your elbow down and tilt your head (exhale).
  5. Repeat the exercises by changing the position of the hands.

Exercise 8

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Straighten your legs.
  3. Perform forward and backward bends.

Second trimester of pregnancy (4-6 months)

In the second trimester of pregnancy, you usually feel better than at the beginning, so exercising at this time is designed to relieve back pain and prevent the development diabetes. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the center of gravity of the body moves forward. Such a silhouette creates an additional load on the spine and abdominal muscles. Often changes lead to pain in the sacrum and lower back - swimming during this period greatly relieves pain and unloads the joints.

Starting from the sixth month, asanas requiring lying on the back should be avoided. In this case, the uterus will put pressure on the portal vein, which makes it difficult to breathe and outflow of blood from lower extremities.

Women entering their second trimester of pregnancy should remember the following principles:

  • Before carrying out physical activity, you should consult a doctor.
  • During training and after training, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Practice in a ventilated cotton suit to prevent overheating.
  • Practice is contraindicated in febrile diseases.

The proposed set of exercises should be done one after the other without a pause. Repeat 8-12 times each. After each round, take a three minute break. Practice at your own pace, listening carefully to your own body language.

Attach to them those that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor (walking back and forth on the buttocks), and to increase elasticity and mobility hip joints(alternating leg movement).

Positions for the second trimester:

Exercise 1

  1. Sit on a chair. Place your hands on your stomach around your navel.
  2. Perform sitting with legs crossed or standing with legs wide apart.
  3. Breathe in through your nose to accentuate your "big belly" belly.
  4. Exhale through your mouth slowly drawing in and making a “small belly”.

Exercise 2

  1. Stand facing the back of the chair.
  2. Keep your hands on the back of the chair, stand straight.
  3. Lower your torso while inhaling through your nose, focusing on the “big belly” and lifting your head.
  4. Exhale through your nose, and make a "small belly", pull your head into your shoulders.

Exercise 3

  1. Stand behind a chair with your hands on the back of the chair.
  2. Place your feet with outside so that the feet are firmly planted on the floor.
  3. Bend your knees slightly so that they do not go beyond your toes.
  4. Raise the right heel once, the left heel another time. Remember to keep your head at the same level.
  5. Keep your head in one position.

Exercise 4

  1. Stand behind a chair with feet 30-40 cm apart.
  2. Turn your feet in opposite directions. Rest on the floor with the entire surface of the foot.
  3. Sit down so that your knees stick out significantly from behind the back of the chair.
  4. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 5

  1. Take a position lying on your back, hands on both sides of the body.
  2. Bend your knees, feet firmly on the ground.
  3. Alternately straighten the right leg first, then the left, perpendicular to the body.
  4. Repeat the position 10 times on each side.

Exercise 6

  1. Posture: lying on the back.
  2. Put your straight arms behind your head.
  3. Bend your knees, feet firmly on the ground.
  4. Put your legs closed together once on the right side, one on the left side, turning the torso.
  5. Repeat the position 2 times for 15 repetitions in two directions.

An exercise

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Bend your torso forward so that the palm of your right hand touches your left foot.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. Repeat for the other half.

Third trimester of pregnancy (7-9 months)

For many pregnant women, the third trimester is remembered for fatigue and back pain. The problem can be alleviated by regular and not very intensive yoga classes. Benefit for health:

  • stress reduction;
  • reduce the risk of developing diabetes;
  • reducing pain in the spine.

The most important at this stage are relaxation postures, which allow you to rest, relax and concentrate.

The 3rd trimester is also characterized by the fact that, along with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of the body of the pregnant woman is greatly shifted. Wanting to maintain an upright position, the expectant mother constantly strains the muscles around the spine.

Exercises can be done with your feet or shoulders against a wall, which relieves the spine and helps maintain balance.

Exercise 1

Unloading the muscles around the spine.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair and lean back.
  2. Take weights in your hands (maximum 0.5 kg). Slightly bend your elbows and lower down.
  3. Tilt your head to the floor and slowly raise your arms to shoulder height and slowly lower.
  4. Repeat the exercise 8 times in three sets. Take 4 deep breaths after each set.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on a chair with your back straight.
  2. Hands bent at the elbows, place on the shoulders.
  3. Do circular motions arms and shoulders. Hands up (inhale), down (exhale).

Exercise 3

Prevents pain in the lumbar region and increases the range of motion of the spine.

  1. Sit astride a chair, put your hands on your hips.
  2. Tilt your body to the right left hand overhead).
  3. Lean to the left ( right hand overhead).

Exercise 4

For stretching.

  1. Get on your knees on the blanket.
  2. Clasp your hands behind your back - lengthening your spine.
  3. Open your chest, shoulders, relax your legs.
  4. Focus on your breath.

Exercise 5

  1. Stretching the inner thighs and perineum
  2. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and spread apart.
  3. Connect the soles of the feet to each other. Grab your feet with your palms.
  4. Press your elbows on your knees (inhale), return to the starting position (inhale).

Exercise 6

  1. Sit on a blanket with your legs crossed.
  2. Focus on lengthening your spine.
  3. Relax your knees, your hips.
  4. Work with your breath, breathe evenly, quietly and calmly.

Exercise 7

  1. Lie on your side. Place a blanket or pillow under your head and under your knees.
  2. Relax, breathe calmly and evenly.


Before practicing yoga, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • Get permission from your gynecologist to practice yoga.
  • During the pose, make sure that the breathing is normal, even and calm.
  • Don't exercise after meals.
  • Practice in a well-ventilated area or outdoors in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Avoid exercises with strong body stress: jumping, jumping. Strength training and weight lifting.
  • Move from simple asanas to more complex ones. Choose a time of day when the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees.
  • Always keep a drink on hand (chilled still mineral water).
  • If any position or exercise makes you uncomfortable, replace it with another one.
  • The most favorable position is sitting and lying on the left side and with support.

Pregnancy creates restrictions, but most families do not stop being sexually active. And although there are a number of contraindications, in most cases, correctly selected positions during pregnancy make sex safe.

When is sexual rest necessary?

You can not have sex in all cases when it is prohibited by the observing gynecologist.
- The ban is introduced in the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy, low placentation, as well as in cases where a woman has a multiple pregnancy.
- Sex on early dates it is better not to practice pregnancy during periods in which, if pregnancy had not occurred, menstruation should have occurred, and in all cases, sexual rest is necessary during the interruption of previous pregnancies, if this has happened before.

The best positions for sex during pregnancy exclude pressure on the woman's stomach, there are actually not many of them. Which positions during pregnancy are right for you depends on many factors, for example, on the duration of pregnancy, general condition and activity of women.

You will have to come to terms with the fact that your sex life will not be full in the coming months, but at the same time, excessive caution is not needed. A healthy pregnant woman often enjoys sex more than before pregnancy, and should not be perceived as a terminally ill person.

The best position during pregnancy is one that is comfortable for both and does not carry the risk of harming the baby.

Safe positions during pregnancy:

Pose woman in knee-elbow position, man behind. Many people love her at the usual time, but during pregnancy she does not tire the woman, prevents pressure on the stomach, and allows the man to completely control the situation. It is convenient to put pillows under the woman's chest, so you will be more comfortable.

Pose on the side, the man behind. Many find it intuitively, and it is she who is considered the safest. Do not lie on the right side, on the left side is preferable. In addition, this position is not tiring for a pregnant woman, and it allows for additional caresses of the clitoris and breasts. Usually they begin to practice it in the second trimester, when the tummy already significantly limits the possibilities.

Rider pose. This is probably one of the most famous sexual positions, practiced not only by couples in an interesting position. Many continue to practice it until childbirth, but it provides deep penetration, and for this reason should be used with caution. In addition, it requires a significant amount of activity of the woman and can lead to fatigue.

All other comfortable positions during pregnancy are variations of these three.
It's an oblique pose when the man is behind and the woman lies on her side, the position on the edge of the bed, which is a variant of the knee-elbow position, and some others.

Sex during pregnancy can be a lot of fun if you treat each other with understanding.

A man should remember that it is necessary to avoid deep penetration, rough caresses of the chest (this leads to the release of oxytocin and can provoke contractions), and you should not demand excessive activity from a woman.

At the same time, you should not treat her as if she were sick, she is healthy, and you will not interfere with the baby. During sexual intercourse, the child is reliably protected by amniotic fluid, a mucous plug in the cervix, he cannot be physically disturbed.

The only thing to avoid is positions with pressure on the abdomen, especially in late pregnancy, the position on the back and on the right side.

Listen to each other's desires and be happy.

Time "in an interesting position" for girls is the most difficult period in life. After all, bearing a long-awaited child is associated with discomfort and limited movements.

Sleep for the expectant mother is the key to the health of the baby. Inadequate rest has a bad effect on both the mother and her child. Correctly chosen sleeping position during pregnancy will help to solve this problem.

Mother's womb, for a child, is like a whole universe, he grows there, gains strength, plays. But the mother herself experiences discomfort and pressure in the abdominal region. But the torment does not end there, the girl is often tormented by heartburn, intestines, frequent urination, especially at night. This entire list is complemented bad time sleep during pregnancy, especially in the last stages.

The hardest thing is for girls who like to sleep on their tummy. When the tummy appears, it is forbidden to be on it, you can harm the child, or harm his health.

In the presence of pathologies, expectant mothers are strictly forbidden to be even on their backs from the first months. During sleep, the body must be relaxed in order to restore the forces expended during the day, and pregnant women must control their position all night. Because of this, lack of sleep appears, so pregnant women are often tired, sometimes even angry. Such behavior negatively affects the psyche of both mommy and the little one.

Healthy sleep during pregnancy is essential. To do this, you need to know what position for sleeping during pregnancy will be optimal. After all, a tired mom harms not only herself, but also the baby. On this we will figure out how to choose the right posture for sleeping.

A comfortable sleeping position for pregnant women when the whole body is resting!

The first trimester is comfortable to sleep even on your stomach!

It is difficult to choose a position for sleeping during pregnancy, it all depends on the period at which you are. In the first weeks, every mommy can sleep without thinking about anything. The only obstacle is toxicosis and psychological stress.

The body itself refuses healthy sleep. Comes at night depression and tired during the day. Hormones do not give a minute of rest, but it is during this period that there is a chance to enjoy rest on the tummy - this is a comfortable position for sleeping during pregnancy. But the first trimester is not so long, in the second period you need to carefully choose positions to relax.

The second trimester is the time to change habits!

At this time, toxicosis subsides, morale stabilizes, and it would seem that everything is fine, you can sleep strong and healthy sleep. But, this period is overshadowed by the rapid growth of the baby, respectively, and the abdomen.

At this time, it is time to change all your habits. You need to start walking more carefully, holding the womb, rest more often, choosing positions so that the body rests, not carrying heavy things. In the second period, you can no longer lie on your tummy and back.

Third trimester - you have to be patient!

A very difficult period is the third trimester. Abdomen increases as much as possible, it is not only impossible, but also impossible to sleep on it.

The position "on the stomach" and "on the back" is strictly prohibited, it can greatly harm the health of the little one. The ideal position for sleeping during pregnancy, according to gynecologists, is the position on the left side.

Not a single person can lie motionless all night, doctors advise to alternate between themselves, the left and right sides during sleep. It is advisable to get used to lying on the left side, with the letter C, starting from the first months, so that later it will be easier.

With swelling of the legs, doctors recommend placing a pillow under the legs. For have a nice rest it is advisable to buy a special pillow, it will be a great helper when choosing a position for sleeping. It is suitable for all stages of pregnancy. With its help, it will be comfortable to rest, the spine will rest from heaviness, the pressure will go away. Bladder and intestines. If you do not want to spend money on a special pillow, then take the simple ones. Put one of them under the stomach, the second between the knees. In this position, you cover the tummy, relieve pressure from the spine. If slightly uncomfortable, try in this position, bend your right leg, straighten your left.

Choose the most comfortable position for you and your child. If through sleep or during rest, you feel that the baby starts to kick, this is a signal that you urgently need to change your position. When the little one does not have enough oxygen, he gives signals that the pressure needs to be reduced.

Lying half-sitting is easy to relieve tension from the body, and fall asleep. When choosing sleeping positions during pregnancy, expectant mothers will have to experiment all the time and choose positions that will suit your baby, provide a good supply of oxygen and nutrition to the fetus. The nutrition of the placenta and the baby depends on this.

A roller will help a lot. Place it under your back, near your lower back, to relieve pressure on your spine. After a long day, due to carrying weight, it is necessary to unload the body and give it a good rest.

These positions should be avoided during pregnancy!

In order not to harm the baby, you need to remember a few simple rules and follow them. From the first months, resting on the abdomen and back should be avoided.

In the first trimester, you can still sleep like this, but it’s best to develop a habit right away, because when the tummy gets bigger, you always want to lie on it. Being on the womb is prohibited because of the pressure on the child. The weight of the mother is much greater than the weight of the child, sleeping on the abdomen puts a lot of pressure on the baby.

It is also impossible to lie on the spine. Indeed, during a night's rest on the back, the uterus presses on the spine, intestines, arteries and other organs. Also, this position limits the supply of blood, oxygen, nutrition to the placenta and fetus. long time sleep, on the back, leads to swelling of the legs and pain in the vertebrae. You may even wake up at night due to severe pain in the waist. This means that it's time to lie down differently. Make sure you spend very little time on your back. There is no need to make a cult out of this and come up with supernatural poses, because the most important thing is your comfort and healthy rest. If you used to have a very hard surface, then buy a softer mattress. We also do not recommend sleeping on the right side. Temporarily, changing the left to the right side - you can, but not all night. Your little one will warn you about this. If it is convenient for you, you can calmly lie in this position, but if blood circulation is disturbed, and arteries are compressed under the pressure of the uterus, the baby will start to kick, and you yourself will change position.

No need to torment yourself with insomnia and try to control every movement. The sleeping position during pregnancy is also controlled by nature. female body it is so arranged that if your child does not like something, he will warn you about it with painful jerks. Basically, the pregnant woman herself will not be able to lie on the right side for a long time. After all, the position of the child in the tummy is such that he often kicks in the right side. Therefore, the choice of posture on the left side arises even from a physiological factor.

Pregnancy is an amazing period of life, if the position can harm your baby, then the mother herself will not be able to be in such a position. This is why you need to learn to listen to your body.

Comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy!

The best and most comfortable rest for expectant mothers is sleeping on special pillows.

Many people think that this is a waste of money, but they really work. Those who once tried to sleep on them will no longer be able to refuse them. The shape of these pillows has been designed to relieve the pressures associated with pregnancy. There are several types of them, many girls who decide to buy face a difficult choice of which pillow to choose.

Pillow with the letter U - supports the womb and props up the back at the same time, its size is large, and it is comfortable to sleep on it even for short periods. It well relieves tension from the muscles of the back, makes it possible to fall asleep easily.

The letter C - created to support the abdomen during rest. It helps to sleep on the left side all night and support a growing tummy.

There are also pillows I - they are also designed for sleeping on your side, but appearance roller-like. It can be used not only for the abdomen, but also under the back. It is not large, and designed to lie exactly under the stomach.

Bagel pillows - have the shape of a U pillow, but are more compact, have smaller sizes. There is also a pillow with the letter G - it was created according to the type C and I, but it has a significant difference. It can be used both under the head and under the stomach at the same time.

The best of these options are U-shaped pillows, of course, it’s up to you to choose, but with them, any position for sleeping during pregnancy will seem convenient and comfortable to you. It is suitable from the first trimester, and in the future it can be used for feeding, and for locking the baby.

Choosing a reclining sleep

In recent weeks, it is especially difficult for expectant mothers to sleep. After all, the stomach has reached its maximum volume, the weight of the baby with amniotic fluid is not small, it is difficult to breathe, due to the great pressure of the uterus on all organs, very frequent urge to go to the toilet and moral stress about the upcoming birth, do not allow the expectant mother to sleep at all. And it seems that no matter how you lie down, everything is wrong. But it is at this time that a woman needs a good rest in order to have strength for the upcoming birth. This period is very stressful, because childbirth can begin at any time. The expectant mother is in dire need of recuperation. Therefore, doctors recommend sleeping in a reclining position. The pillow should be placed under the back, and take a reclining position. In this position, shortness of breath, which all the time causes discomfort to a woman, becomes minimal. The baby sinks a little, the uterus does not act on the diaphragm in the same way, this allows you to sleep peacefully. Also try putting another one under your feet to relieve tension in your legs. This is the correct position for sleeping during pregnancy at the end of the term. Only a full-fledged sleep time, without awakenings, fully restores strength.


During pregnancy, 80 percent of mothers feel discomfort. And only women can understand how difficult this period is. But all this pain is worth it. The right position for sleeping during pregnancy will give more strength and energy. No need to be afraid to experiment, choose a comfortable sleeping position, then your pregnancy will pass easily and quickly. And after you see your long-awaited baby, you will forget about all these trials that have passed up to this point.

Author of the publication: Alisa Egorova

The correct position for sleeping during pregnancy is not a whim of women and not a requirement of doctors, but a necessity. It has been proven that the position of the body during a night's rest while waiting for a child affects the physical and mental state of the expectant mother, the development of the baby, and the course of pregnancy in general. What are the most correct and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy? Let's look at them by trimester.

Pregnant woman sleeps on a special pillow

First trimester

In the first three months of gestation, the baby is so small that you can sleep in any familiar and comfortable position. The expectant mother does not need to worry about possible discomfort for the baby. In the earliest stages, there are enough of their own worries: toxicosis, hormonal changes, fatigue, increased psychological stress associated with the coming months and childbirth.

You can also sleep on your stomach during this period of pregnancy. The fetus is reliably protected from any pressure by the bones of the pelvis and pubis. There is only one moment that can affect this position during sleep and cause discomfort. it hypersensitivity mammary glands.

Second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is calmer: the manifestations of toxicosis, as a rule, have ended, psychological condition returned to normal. However, it became more difficult to sleep. By the end of the third month of bearing a child, he begins to grow rapidly. The uterus, increasing in volume, protrudes beyond the boundaries of the pubic articulation (at about 18-19 weeks).

Although the baby is protected by amniotic fluid, a fatty layer, the position on the stomach can put unwanted pressure on him. Since it is impossible to maintain the same position during sleep, you can lie on your right side or back. However correct posture for sleep during pregnancy in this period will be the left side of the body.

third trimester

The uterus increases even more due to the increased growth of the child. Resting on your stomach is not only impossible, but almost impossible. Not recommended in the third trimester and night rest on the right side of the body. The child puts pressure on internal organs. As a result, in right kidney congestion may occur, which will cause pyelonephritis. Such sleeping positions for pregnant women at this time are undesirable.

Another, not too favorable position is on the back. The uterus, pressing against the spinal column, exerts pressure on the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the lower body towards the heart. This condition prevents the free flow of blood, it stagnates in the veins.

In the supine position, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava

This can lead to the following phenomena:

  • development of hemorrhoids;
  • the occurrence of varicose veins;
  • violation of the blood supply to the placenta (as a result - the development of hypoxia in the child);
  • pain in lumbar spine;
  • violation of the digestive process;
  • decline blood pressure, which will lead to nausea, dizziness, weakness.

This issue is often discussed on the forums, because in a dream it is difficult to control yourself, and many women roll over on their backs without knowing it. Among the most common advice you can hear is this: put a pillow under your back. However, in reality, it helps few people, and the method of sewing a tennis ball into the back shelf of nightwear turned out to be the most effective.

The correct sleeping position for pregnancy during the third trimester is on the left side of the body. It is recommended to occasionally change position, turning to the right. But the baby has already grown up enough to make it clear to his mother that he is uncomfortable.

The safest sleeping option for pregnant women is to sit on your left side

To ensure comfort, you can put a pillow, for example, under the bent knee right foot by straightening the left. This will remove some of the load from the pelvic area, and also prevent the occurrence of edema of the lower extremities. This position will be the best sleeping position for pregnancy in the third trimester.

How to sleep during a complicated pregnancy?

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always proceed without complications. For example, the baby may not be positioned correctly in the womb. If the presentation is transverse, it is recommended to sleep on the side of the body to which its head is directed. If pelvic, then rest on the left side should be preferred.

With frequent heartburn, shortness of breath, a pregnant woman should sleep in such a way that the upper body is elevated. In case of varicose veins or a tendency to edema, the feet and lower leg should be in an elevated position.

Is it possible to sleep reclining during pregnancy?

The reclining sleeping position is more suitable for women who are in their last weeks. The belly is already large, the uterus presses on all the internal organs, so finding comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy is becoming increasingly difficult. A large pillow (two small ones) should be placed under the back, rise slightly. As a result, it becomes easier to breathe, as the load on the diaphragm is reduced.

At the same time, you can put a roller or another pillow under your feet. This position contributes to the most complete relaxation, relieves the load from the spine, tension from the lower extremities, provides good dream. The child will also feel comfortable.

Pillow for sleeping in pregnant women

Pregnancy pillows come in different shapes

To provide pregnant women with maximum comfort and good rest during sleep, a special pillow has been developed. The device may have different shape, fill up different materials, so every expectant mother can pick up best option.

What are pregnancy pillows made of?

There are several types of pillow fillers for pregnant women.

  • Holofiber. It is a hollow artificial fiber. It does not cause allergies, it is well washed and dried. The material is highly resistant to creasing and recovers quickly.
  • Styrofoam. Reminds me of styrofoam. It has a fairly rigid structure, high strength and environmental friendliness.
  • Sintepon. May cause in a pregnant woman allergic reaction. Loses shape quickly. In addition, it contains harmful impurities (glue) that can harm both the expectant mother and the child. Typically used in cheap pillows.
  • The fluff is artificial. Holds its shape for a long time, quickly recovers after crushing. Easy to wash and dry. Does not lead to allergies. Has elasticity. The product based on it is very light.

Maternity pillow shape

Pillow in the form of a bagel with an additional bend

Pillows that are produced in the form of an alphabet will help ensure comfortable positions for pregnant women during sleep.

  • G. Suitable for large bed. It performs several functions: it allows you to throw your leg back on it, supports the stomach, is a support for the head, and prevents turning over onto your back. It will allow you to choose a comfortable sleeping position at 31 weeks of pregnancy and beyond, in a reclining position.
  • U. Similar in function to the previous version. For a spacious bed.
  • V. Despite its compact size, the pillow can provide a comfortable sleeping position. She supports the head and stomach. It can be placed between the legs. Allows you to take a comfortable position when feeding.
  • L. Also has a small size. It is placed under the head, while the long roller does not allow you to roll over on your back.

Kind of pillow for pregnant women

  • I. Convenient in that it can be twisted at will. Suitable for small bed.
  • C. It has a dual purpose: it can be used for comfortable sleep and also as a feeding aid. Elbows folded on the sides of the pillow relieve tension from the shoulder girdle. The form allows you to leave the child unattended for a while, placing him in the recess. In the future, she will support his back in the process of sitting down.

The choice of pillows that will help ensure a comfortable position during sleep during pregnancy is wide. If you don’t want to spend material resources on such a device, then it’s quite possible to get by with several ordinary pillows of different sizes.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy should not be attempted to be completely controlled. This can eventually lead to insomnia. First of all, it should be comfortable for both the baby and the mother. Nature has decreed that the child will definitely let you know if he becomes uncomfortable. You just need to listen to him and your body, and a compromise will be found by itself.