Night sleep disturbances in a five-month-old baby. Night sleep disturbances in a five-month-old baby Causes of violations of the regime and their elimination

The birth of a child is a joyful and at the same time responsible event. To get enough sleep, parents will have to adapt to the baby’s regimen, because his well-being and development depend on the quality of rest. How much a child should sleep at 5 months we will tell in this article, and we will deal with the reasons for difficult falling asleep during daytime and nighttime rest.

The kid grows up - the rest mode changes

Many young parents are frightened when their child sleeps less during the day at 5 months than before this age. Don't panic. You need to calmly figure out how much time the baby needs for a good rest.

By the age of five months, a normally developing baby develops a certain type of behavior. The fact that the baby began to sleep less indicates normal development and growth, accompanied by the following age-related features:

  • the little man begins to be truly interested in what is happening around, and for this he needs more time to be awake;
  • mental and emotional development takes place, so the baby begins to master new movements, and gets used to sensations unknown to him;
  • the nervous system is developing intensively, so the sleep and wakefulness regime changes at 5 months;
  • the duration of rest is also affected by how the baby reacts to various stimuli. Something can scare him, or vice versa, greatly interest him;
  • the baby wants more attention, and he shows this with whims and refusals to sleep.

It is important for parents to understand that just lying in the crib for their growing baby is no longer interesting. During this difficult period, it will be especially difficult for mom or dad watching a child. To give a sufficient amount of time to a small family member, you will have to get tired more.

But, crisis periods, during the development of the baby, happen in every family. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to correctly allocate your time in order to have time to redo household chores, and at the same time take care of the growing child.

Proper sleep pattern

Although each organism is individual, the sleep schedule of a child at 5 months must be organized correctly. The child grows up, so the duration of rest changes, and there are fewer daytime short-term dreams. The baby devotes more and more time to the game, because of which the amount of rest also decreases. Babies can sleep 2 to 4 times a day.

How much a child sleeps at 5 months can be seen from the table, which shows the approximate daily routine:

Try to apply to the daily routine, the proposed sleep schedule of a 5 month old baby. Judging by the behavior of the baby, we can draw conclusions at what period of time he gets tired more, and whether two daily rests are enough.

To deal with the question of how much a child should sleep at five months, one should start from the following changes that occur during this age period:

  • the duration of daytime rest varies;
  • the baby does not sleep most of the day, but is awake;
  • it becomes increasingly difficult for the baby to lay down for the third time in a day.

If a child at 5 months sleeps 4 times a day, then this is also considered the norm. Daytime rest largely depends on the duration of night sleep.

If the child does not sleep well during the day

Many parents are faced with such a problem as disturbing sleep of the child during the daytime rest. It happens that the baby does not want to fall asleep at all. If a child at 5 months does not sleep well during the day, then there is no need to panic. This behavior is explained by the following points:

  1. the baby by this age begins to learn new movements, because of which the nervous system experiences increased stress, and daytime rest becomes disturbing. The growing body copes with new loads in about 2 weeks or 1.5 months;
  2. when a child at 5 months does not sleep during the day, then nighttime rest becomes inferior. Appears tearfulness, whims. Instead of resting calmly, the baby begins to cry and ask to be held. This indicates overexcitation caused by the development of new movements.

Starting from 5 one month old, many children are gradually moving to an adult type of regimen. It is by this period that the little man has sleep phases (fast and slow). It is still difficult for a child's body to cope with an unexpected awakening, when compared with adults.

Norms of children's rest

For each organism (adult and child), there is a specific mode of rest and wakefulness. You can determine how a child should sleep at 5 months, starting from the following circumstances:

  • when the baby is constantly naughty during the day, cannot concentrate on the game, rubs his eyes, then this indicates a lack of sleep. In this case, daytime sleep should be given more time;
  • if the baby is gaining weight normally, actively playing, then everything is fine with the daily routine.

When a baby is constantly sleep deprived, it affects his development. Parents need to review and change the child's daily routine.

How to put a 5 month old baby to sleep?

There is no single answer to the question of how much sleep 5 month old baby because every organism is different. A common moment for all children of five months of age is the process of falling asleep. The little one used to fall asleep quickly. But, approaching the age of six months, the baby first plunges into the superficial stage of sleep, during which he can easily wake up.

When a 5 month old baby is sleeping, he may suddenly wake up due to extraneous noises or conversations. Finally, the baby falls asleep 20 minutes after laying down.

To put your 5-month-old baby to bed as quickly as possible, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. to exclude overwork of the baby during daytime wakefulness. If a son or daughter begins to yawn, rub his eyes, refuses to play, then it is necessary to prepare the little man for bed. As soon as the moment is lost, whims with tears will begin, and it will be almost impossible to put the baby to bed;
  2. it is necessary to create certain conditions for the child so that when falling asleep it is not stuffy or cold. Put on your baby comfortable, soft pajamas that do not hinder movement.;
  3. Some babies start teething by 5 months. Then, before going to bed, it is necessary to apply a special gel to the gums so that the baby falls asleep peacefully;
  4. you need to develop a special ritual that would help you fall asleep quickly. The nursery should have subdued lighting and fresh air. To put a child to sleep at 5 months old, you need to sing a gentle song to him, tell a fairy tale in a quiet, calm voice, stroke his back a little or give him a light massage. By repeating the same movements every day before going to bed, you can teach your baby to go to bed at a certain time. These events will be perceived as a signal to sleep.

Important: a 5 month old baby should definitely sleep during the day. Daytime naps are essential for normal growth and development of the little man. A rested baby better learns the information and new skills necessary for his age.

Regardless of how much a baby sleeps at 5 months during the day, you need to prepare for a night's rest as early as possible. You can start putting your baby to bed as early as 19:30. Then night sleep will be stronger, longer and without interruptions.

One of the reasons disturbing sleep may be bad feeling baby. The child may be disturbed pain in the abdomen caused by the transition from breastfeeding to artificial. Allergic reactions of a different nature can be the cause of anxiety during rest. In any case, you need to listen to the little man, and watch his mood.

How much a five-month-old baby should sleep is decided by the parents individually. But, it is necessary to understand that only thanks to quality sleep the baby can develop normally. Appetite and mood, and hence the quality of life of a growing child, depend on quality sleep.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/25/2019

Newly-made parents are always interested in the question of how much their child should sleep at 5 months at night. After all, every baby is different. And the duration of sleep can vary. In addition, there are other nuances on which the full sleep of the crumbs depends. For example, the phase of daytime and nighttime sleep.

Features of the baby at 5 months

By the age of 5 months, the child is already gaining less weight. After all, he becomes very active due to his curiosity. On average, the weight of the baby is about 6.5 kg, and the height is 65 centimeters.

There is no particular difference between boys and girls at this age. They walk well, folding simple sounds into syllables. They love music. Those who are already sitting (and there are such nimble kids), having heard their favorite melody, begin to sway, as if dancing.

Children at this age show a special interest in multi-colored pictures. Therefore, they are happy to consider books where illustrations prevail over text. A five-month-old child is already good at picking up small objects in his hands and throwing them. Many kids can roll over from their back to their tummy.

How much does a baby sleep at 5 months

It is impossible to fit all the kids without exception to the general standards. But still there are average standards. If at 4 months the baby sleeps up to 18 hours a day, now this time has decreased. The daily duration of sleep is about 16 hours. Why is this happening? Because the baby is becoming more and more inquisitive.

Exploratory activity, the ability to become interested in a game or object for up to 10 minutes, reduces sleep time. If the child does not sleep well at night, spins, worries, it is necessary to calculate his daily sleep.

It is believed that during the day 5 monthly crumbs rest for about 6 hours with breaks. Thus, the frequency and duration of daily bedding is 3 times 1.5 hours. The rest of the time the child eats, plays, walks - in a word, develops intellectually and physically.

Based on these figures, the duration of a night's rest is 9-10 hours. Of course, there are little ones who sleep for 12 hours at night, but this is rare. As a rule, they have little rest during the day.

A very important aspect for a good sleep is laying down. It should happen at the same time every day. It is better that no later than 22 hours the child is already in his crib. Such a schedule will allow you to have a good rest at night and gain fresh strength for the next day.

The importance of sleep for a child

Pay attention to how a child of 5 months behaves if he does not sleep well at night. Constant breakdowns and capriciousness, tearfulness do their job. The child becomes irritable, uncontrollable. He has no time to engage in research activities. From here, scientists have identified several points why sleep is so important for a 5-month-old baby.

  1. Recovery of physical strength.
  2. Rest is not only for the body, but also for the brain. Mental activity is restored after an excess of information received during wakefulness.
  3. Cell growth is more active.

All this is very important for the full development of the crumbs. It has been established that with age, the child needs less rest. Therefore for 5 month old baby so you need a good sleep.

Determining the norm of sleep

Every baby has their own sleep schedule. It all depends on how much time a day the baby rests. Signs of lack of sleep are:

  1. Irritability and fatigue.
  2. During wakefulness, the child is not focused and constantly rubs his eyes.
  3. The constant thoughtfulness of the crumbs.

If a child spins in a dream, behaves restlessly, and wakes up in the morning and is naughty, it means that he does not receive his sleep norm. But some parents believe that this is the norm for a child: he doesn’t sleep well at night, which means he doesn’t want to or isn’t tired.

On the contrary, children who spend a lot of time in a dream can alarm parents. But it doesn't always have to be a concern. Here it is necessary to pay attention to how the baby behaves during wakefulness. If he is active and cheerful, easily interested in what is happening, then this is his time. It's not worth worrying.

Causes of sleep disturbance

Why does the child sleep so badly at night? If during the day the duration of rest does not compensate for the daily need of the baby, then something is bothering him. It is necessary to figure out which of the factors prevents the little one from falling asleep.

  1. Hyperactivity. Often, the baby does not sleep well at night because of its energy. He is constantly spinning, his sleep is light. In fact, this state of affairs requires expert advice. There may be a neurology of a weak or strong form, only a doctor will figure it out. Perhaps there is nothing serious. Soothing baths before bed will suffice.
  2. Hunger. At 5 months, the kids still wake up at night because of the feeling of hunger. Someone gets up once, and someone all 3. It is imperative to feed the little one with breast milk or formula, then the sleep will be stronger. But you can’t refuse the crumbs in night feedings. The body is still too young to experience such stress.
  3. Disease. Often, a baby that spins all night and sleeps restlessly wakes up the next morning with a stuffy nose. It is worth paying attention to the well-being of the child. After all, the sooner treatment begins, the shorter the disease will be. Even at night, you can put a drop of crumbs in the nose to relieve itching and itching. Don't be afraid to disturb him. If sleep does not bring anything good precisely because of the onset of the disease, you definitely won’t make it worse. If possible, you can also measure the temperature.
  4. Cutting teeth. For someone earlier, for someone later, the first tooth begins to peck. Therefore, it's time to stock up on cooling gels so that they are always on hand in such a case.

Whatever the reason, each deserves attention. A clear analysis of what is happening and monitoring the state of the crumbs is necessary. How can he be helped if the child behaves restlessly at night regularly?

Actions of parents

It is required to establish why the baby does not sleep well. This will depend on the actions taken. But there is also general rules, following which the child can rest.

  1. The bed should be warm and the room temperature comfortable.
  2. A schedule of rest and wakefulness must be observed. So, the little one will be able to regulate himself when it is time for him to go to bed. His biological clock will tell him.
  3. If the baby wants to sleep early, do not interfere with this. Put to rest. Perhaps he is very tired and needs rest. No need to distract the child with games. So you can interrupt sleep altogether, and the child will not fall asleep even when it is supposed to be on schedule. But laying before 20 pm, of course, is not worth the crumbs. You can distract the child with quiet games. Alternatively, stretch out the evening bath, followed by a relaxing massage.
  4. Do not play outdoor and active games before going to bed. The idea that this will tire the child is wrong. You need to move during the day, but not before bed. From this child will get excited and will not sleep well.
  5. Observe the rule that the interval between the last daytime and nighttime sleep should not be less than 4 hours. Then the little one will have time to get pretty tired.

These are activities carried out before bedtime for an infant who does not fall asleep well. But what if the child is already awake? How to calm him down?

  1. If he wakes up crying, you need to understand why this is happening. Remove the source of irritation. Something just disturbed his sleep.
  2. You need to quickly go to the crib and feel sorry for the baby. Don't let him run wild.
  3. You need to calm down quietly, be nervous, and even more so you should not be indignant.
  4. It is not necessary that a bright light burns in the room at night, choose a nightlight for this purpose. Remove all broadcast sources: reduce or turn off the TV, music.
  5. When the baby sleeps badly and anxiously, often wakes up, he needs to feel that his mother is nearby. A good soothing option is to hum a lullaby.

The main thing is that all parental actions should be quick, but calm. You can't panic or get lost. Kids with constant good sleep- a rarity. When the root cause is eliminated, sleep will be restored. You just need to wait.

Read more:

Every month of the first year of life is very important for the baby. New skills appear, all body systems gradually develop, and in connection with this, the routine of the life of the crumbs changes. The regimen of a child at 5 months is slightly different from the previous month, with the exception that the duration of wakefulness gradually increases, and sleep decreases.

A properly composed daily routine is the prevention of diseases, the key to good health and harmonious development. Its observance at an early age disciplines the baby.

The baby's daily routine includes: sleep, various hygiene procedures, massage, exercise, walking, feeding, playing or communicating with parents.

How much does a 5 month old baby sleep?

At 5 months, total sleep duration is approximately 16 hours. Of them: 10-11 o'clock at night and 5-6 hours daytime sleep(3-4 times lasting 1.5 - 2 hours). The rest of the time the child is actively awake and developing.

Babies are usually sound asleep at 5 months of age. However, during the period of teething, the emotional state of the baby is disturbed, which negatively affects the duration of daytime and nighttime sleep.

Daily routine table

The first daytime sleep of a child at 5 months begins 1.5 - 2 hours after waking up in the morning and feeding. Mom during this period of time can do her household chores. In the summer, you can plan a morning rest on the street so as not to walk in the afternoon with your baby on a hot afternoon.

daytime sleep scheduled after lunch. It is favorable to combine sleep with a walk.

Evening dream lasts from 17:00 to 19:00. If the child sleeps at this time, he will be able to stay awake until 10 pm and go to bed at the same time as the parents.

Each daytime or evening sleep of the baby lasts about 2 hours. If the rest time exceeds the norm, you should gently wake the baby. So you will ensure compliance with the daily routine, which affects the activity and vigor of the child, as well as his sound sleep at night.

Taking into account the duration of the child’s sleep, you can draw up a schedule by the hour, reflecting the daily routine:

In view of their physiological characteristics the duration of sleep of a 5-month-old baby is reduced, and the period of wakefulness increases. During this period, he understands much more and already remembers the people around him, so parents need to give him care and attention, actively and creatively communicate with him.


A 5-month-old baby drinks about 1 liter per day breast milk. It is necessary to reduce the number of attachments to the breast so that the baby does not sleep more than it should during the day. It is recommended to put the baby to bed during the daytime with the help of motion sickness or for a walk. However, when going to sleep at night, you can attach it to your chest: this way he will be satisfied, calm down and quickly fall asleep. With artificial feeding, the same diet is recommended. The number of feedings during the day is 5 with an interval of 4 hours.

For a 5-month-old baby, you can make the following feeding schedule:

It is easy to follow such a daily routine, while the child eats very well, is active during the day, so he gets tired and falls asleep easily.

Nutrition Features

At 5 months, pediatricians advise gradually introducing complementary foods.

You should carefully choose new products for the child, be sure to control the absence of allergies to them.

Usually introduced into the diet of fruit or vegetable juices, puree. The first serving is the size of a pea. Gradually, the amount of food tested is increased. Do not rush to add new food, because unfamiliar foods can cause negative reactions in the body.

The nutrition of a 5-month-old baby should consist of the following complementary foods:

  • apple juice;
  • cereals on the water from rice or buckwheat;
  • vegetable puree.

From 5 months, the child is taught to eat semi-thick food from a spoon and drink from a cup in the hands of an adult.

Leisure 5-month-old baby

Physical development

It is important to remember the physical development of the crumbs at 5 months. Constant exercises and new physical skills allow his body to develop fully and quickly. Be sure to provide free space for the movement of the baby, in which there will be no obstacles.

Never forget about safety. If the baby plays on the couch, then save him from possible falls. Do not allow the close presence of animals.

If there are no restrictions (for example, swaddling), then the baby can already perform simple maneuvers. The baby confidently holds his head, lying on his stomach, rolls over on his side and even tries to crawl.

At 5 months of age, the child is only trying to crawl. To form this skill, you need to encourage the baby to crawl to adults or a bright toy. Parents need to help the baby in this, exercising with him every day for a few minutes. Prolonged classes in the same activity lead the baby to overwork, thereby provoking whims. Try to switch his attention from one activity to another.

Games and toys

The leisure of a 5-month-old baby can be very diverse. Read him nursery rhymes and fairy tales, sing songs. Find games in which he can get acquainted with various subjects. There are games that help the baby roll over from side to side. The most favorite activity at this age is getting to know new subjects.

You should actively participate in children's games, showing your parental love. So the child will feel your care and attention.

Feel free to buy new toys for your child, as his interest in them is growing day by day. A variety of toys contributes to the formation of the necessary skills in the baby. Toys need to be not only updated, but also complicated. However, an excessive variety of toys can scatter the attention of the baby, so more than 2-3 toys should not be present at the same time in the field of view of the crumbs at the time of the game. Over time, they can be replaced by others.

An excellent option to amuse the child and carve out a minute for household chores will be play mat with arcs. Toys hung from the arcs will entertain the baby and will train the skills of grabbing and holding an object.

Baby emotions

During the wakeful period, it is very important to maintain a positive emotional state of the baby. In order to prevent overwork and to maintain activity, it is necessary to change the child's activities every 30 minutes. For example, after studying cards or reading books, practice crawling skills, then get carried away with playing with a rattle or tumbler.

You can calm the child after overexcitation or during crying by distracting with a bright toy or a new object. Do not rock or persuade him: the baby may be even more upset.

The environment around the child should be calm, this allows him to hear the speech of adults and listen to his cooing and babble.

Do not block your child's hearing with extraneous noise, such as the sound of a constantly on TV. Too much audio information can lead to emotional overload.

It is necessary to support the child's ability to occupy himself on his own, but this does not mean that the baby does not need the attention of an adult. Any activity of the baby should be under the control of parents or other family members.


Given the baby's daily routine, the mother determines the time for walks and their need, depending on weather conditions.

In the warm and bright season, it is advisable to walk 2 times. During the first daytime sleep the child is likely to sleep, but the second (from 15:00 to 17:00) to devote to the study of the world around him.

Walking is of the utmost importance for a 5 month old baby. After all, he is already much more awake during this period. He is interested in the world around him: new people, animals, different objects.

And although adults can relax during walks, it is still recommended to tell the child about everything that happens next to him. You need to point to specific objects and explain to the baby what it is. Do not think that he does not understand anything, the necessary information is gradually deposited in the memory of the crumbs.

Olga, 31, says: “I started calling Vitalik everything we saw on a walk when he was 5.5 months old. She took him in her arms and told him: here the boys are playing in the sandbox, the cat ran over there, the bird flew over, etc. Now he is 1 year 2 months old and he confidently shows where the sandbox is, where the cat runs, and where they play football.”

Walks contribute to the recovery of the baby, increase his immunity, have a positive effect on his emotional development, improve appetite and ensure sound sleep.

Why is the daily routine violated and how to deal with it?

A good night's sleep and a great appetite for your baby depend on different reasons. It is important not to forget about gymnastics, massage, outdoor games and daily walks.


Improper psycho-emotional load during wakefulness (excessive fatigue or overexcitation) can lead to whims, disruption of sleep patterns. In children, the period of excitation prevails over inhibition. Enough active games just before bedtime can lead to longer falling asleep and restless sleep.


Another very common cause may be teething, which prevents a small child from falling asleep. To alleviate this condition, special teething toys will help, which are given to the baby during the day to massage the gums, or a cooling gel sold in a pharmacy. If you are against medicines, then cooling teethers will come to your aid. They need to be kept in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes, then given to the child. Cold combined with gum massage will bring relief to the baby.

The introduction of complementary foods

The quality of sleep and time to fall asleep is also affected by digestion, which is disturbed due to the introduction of a large number of new foods into complementary foods at once. The baby can be tormented by pain in the abdomen, allergies, rashes.

Changes in the daily routine

If the baby is used to going to bed at the same time, and for some reason it will be missed, then due to overwork it will be more difficult for him to fall asleep. In addition, you need to remember about the bedtime ritual that has formed in the child: if he is used to falling asleep during feeding or in his arms, it will be difficult to put him to sleep in some other way.

Compliance with the daily routine of the baby requires great discipline from parents. They should monitor the time of feeding, walking, wakefulness, sleep and try not to change it.

It is important to feel the mood and desires of the child, and in accordance with this, make the necessary adjustments. To prevent violations of the regime, it is necessary to adhere to clear temporary rules - to alternate periods of sleep, feeding and wakefulness of the baby in a timely manner, to correctly distribute active and passive activities, to try to avoid various psycho-emotional overloads (long stay in an unfamiliar environment, for example, at a party). The harmonious development and health of the child depends on the discipline of the parents.

Sleep for a five-month-old child, as in previous months of life, remains the most important factor in growth and development. Babies need to sleep enough hours a day, for this, mothers need to know the sleep norms for their babies.

As they grow older, the time for children's rest is reduced. Knowledge of the world, communication with adults and games are increasingly occupied by babies. By five months, the child is awake for almost 12 hours a day, and night awakenings are becoming less and less. Children's daily routine is changing, and mothers have to adapt to the new needs of their children.

At five months, the child actively shows interest in the adult family members around him. In an attempt to imitate the intonations of the older ones, the little one hums amusingly, smiling. The attention of a baby at this age is attracted by rhythmic rhymes, perky songs, emotional speech. Babies already know how to roll over on their tummy, do not want to lie still and strive to sit down. They delight in noisy games with their parents.

The increased activity of the baby is very stressful nervous system, the child quickly gets tired and overexcited. A good healthy sleep helps him to relieve nervous tension.

The daily duration of sleep for five-month-old children ranges from 14 to 17 hours. But do not forget that children are different in temperament and need different rest periods. Some peanuts sleep soundly, and it is very difficult to wake them up, others are sensitive and anxious.

Here is a table that provides for three periods of daytime rest for a child of 5 months.

day rest Night rest Total time
1st dream 1 hour 10 – 12 noon 14 - 17 hours
2nd dream 2 hours
3rd dream 1 hour

daytime sleep

According to most pediatricians, at the age of five months, the baby should be awake during the day between periods of rest for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours. Then it should be put in a crib, give the child's body a rest, assimilate the information received.

In order for the child to sleep the required amount of time during the day, not to be capricious, to be active and cheerful, it is necessary to observe the daily routine. Food, play, walk and sleep - that's what life is made of little man. It is important that this happens at the same time every day.

The first day's rest falls on the morning hours, after the second breakfast, and most often does not last long. Lunch rest is the longest, in the warm season it is advisable for kids to sleep in the fresh air, this improves immunity and strengthens the body. The evening, third, rest gives children the opportunity to unload the nervous system, relax after a day full of impressions.

Mom sleeps with baby

Sleep at night

Children's doctors advise putting babies to bed at the same time, adhering to the daily routine. Optimal time going to bed - 8 - 10 pm, it depends on the children's regimen and family routine. A five-month-old child before a night's sleep should be bathed, fed and soothed (sing lullabies, turn on quiet music, talk affectionately with the baby).

Excessively active fun greatly excites the nervous system of babies, it is difficult for them to calm down and fall asleep. Usually a child at five months wakes up once at night, and the duration of his sleep is 10-12 hours.

How babies sleep

The sleep of babies, like adults, consists of two phases that replace each other. These are the phases of fast (superficial) and slow (deep) sleep. Putting the baby to sleep, you see how the eyelids tremble, grimaces appear on the face, arms and legs move. At this point, the child is dreaming. Scientists believe that children's dreams are bright and colorful, in which the children's brain experiences, comprehends and assimilates what they see during the day.

What positions do babies sleep in?

  • On the back - the most successful position for children who have been diagnosed with dysplasia hip joints". It is worth paying attention to the fact that children of the first year of life do not need pillows. Their head and shoulders should be in the same plane.
  • On the side - children who often and profusely spit up should sleep in this position. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the baby's hands lie in front of the face. In order to avoid accidental scratches when the little one is sleeping, parents should monitor the length of children's nails.
  • On the stomach - the most dangerous position baby body at night. Unsuccessfully turning, the baby may bury his nose in the mattress, which will cause difficulty breathing.


The duration of sleep for a five-month-old baby is 14-17 hours a day, 10-12 of which fall at night. A 5 month old baby sleeps three times during the day. Special attention you need to pay attention to the position in which he sleeps infant. So, children diagnosed with dysplasia can worsen their condition by lying on their side.

In order for children not to experience problems with falling asleep, it is important to adhere to the regimen, put the kids to bed at the same time. Sound sleep helps your baby grow and develop.

Every caring mother is interested in the question: at 5 months? "There are generally accepted norms, but do not forget that each child is unique, individual, including the body, physiology and psychology. It is also important to be able to distinguish between day and night. Their duration varies markedly .

Baby at 5 months

By this time, the child already weighs about 6.8 kg with a height of about 66 cm. Every day the baby begins to gain weight less and less, as he leads a more active lifestyle.

Boys and girls at this age develop almost identically. At 5 months, the baby should not only pronounce individual sounds, but also begin to gradually add simple syllables, hum melodically, looking at favorite toys or listening to music.

At this age, kids are already showing interest in colorful pictures, books. To strangers are treated with caution, restraint, to parents - with special awe and love, read in the eyes.

By this time, the child should independently entertain himself with toys for up to 10 minutes, take and throw small objects, roll over on his stomach, try to sit down, lean on straightened arms.

at 5 months

Generally accepted standards are not suitable for every child. So how much should babies sleep at 5 months old? Daily rate the baby is from 15 to 16 hours. At 4 months, the child could sleep for 18 hours. Now it begins to gradually prevail.

In fact, the regimen of a child at this age should consist of three processes: food, sleep and wakefulness. Each of them is directly dependent on the other two. How much should babies sleep at 5 months during the day? At this time of day, rest is allowed up to 6 hours. It turns out that between feedings, the baby can only dream for 1-1.5 hours. The rest of the time should be occupied by walks, gymnastics and games.

To the question “how much should children sleep at 5 months at night”, pediatricians still cannot give a unanimous answer. Some believe that a child can sleep up to 12 hours. However, the majority insists on the norm at 9-10 o’clock.

An important nuance have a nice rest is the laying time. It must be no later than 22.00 hours. Otherwise, sleep will not give the expected effect. Offset mode entails a violation psychological state baby.

Why is sleep so important

This process is extremely important for children under 3 years old. Good sleep helps to avoid overwork and mental breakdown based on hyper-fatigue. Thanks to this process, the brain activity of the baby and all its internal systems are restored, and cells grow faster.

It has been proven that if a child sleeps poorly for 5 months, then his mood deteriorates noticeably, his behavior becomes unpredictable. Also, scientists have found that the duration of sleep directly depends on age criteria. The older the person, the less sleep he should have. Therefore, a full-fledged long sleep is necessary for the child's body.

No wonder newborns sleep for days on end. For one-year-old children, the norm is a rest of about 13 hours. And for an adult, the optimal duration of sleep is almost two to two times less.

Determining the norm of sleep

Each child should have an individual day and night routine. For some, one time will be enough for optimal rest, while others will need twice as much. Therefore, you should pay attention to the behavior of the child and various additional aspects.

If a child sleeps little for 5 months, is very naughty, easily irritated, cannot concentrate, often thinks or looks at one point, then most likely he has a serious lack of sleep. These children are encouraged to be more in a state of sleep.

If a child sleeps a lot for 5 months, while optimally gaining weight and height, cheerful, active and attentive to details, then he gets his portion of rest. In this case, you should not worry - the mode is chosen correctly.

If the baby sleeps poorly for 5 months, often wakes up and constantly yawns and rubs his eyes while awake, you should radically change the daily routine. The reason for the problems is that the baby's body does not have time to recover during rest.

Causes of a poor night's sleep

One of the main sources of insomnia is the nature of the baby. If he is hyperactive during wakefulness, then the dream will be weak, sensitive. These kids are easy to wake up.

How much does a 5-month-old child with a diagnosis of hyperactivity sleep? On average, it is enough for such children for optimal rest for an hour more than the generally accepted norm. The fact is that the body requires a longer time to recover, since during the period of wakefulness it exhausts the entire supply of vital energy.

Another common cause of restless sleep is illness. How much does a 5 month old baby sleep at night if he has colds? It all depends on the presence and degree of complications of ARI. Fever and chills can be relieved with medication, but getting rid of a runny nose is almost impossible. In this case, the baby will be forced to suffer all night from a stuffy nose. Therefore, during a cold, a child can sleep only for a few hours with long breaks.

How to avoid nighttime awakenings

Often sleeps poorly due to hunger. That is why the baby should be put to sleep only on a full stomach. It is important to exclude sweets from the diet, as saccharides negatively affect general state child.

To avoid frequent awakenings, regular bed changes are recommended. Before putting the baby to bed, the sheet and blanket should be warm. Also, a child of 5 months does not sleep well due to a change in regimen. It is not recommended to shift the daily routine by more than 1 hour.

You can't interrupt a child's sleep. If he wants to sleep a little earlier, then you need to immediately put him to bed. This will eliminate the possibility of later development chronic lack of sleep or insomnia.

Before a night's sleep, the baby should be busy with active activities: swim, crawl, play, walk. This is necessary in order for the body to spend a large number of energy. In this case, the baby will be asked to go to bed in a few hours.

Between evening and night sleep should be at least 4 hours. It is not recommended to put the child to bed before 20.00.

Every baby should be sure that during the awakening, the mother will be there. Therefore, while crying, you should immediately go to the crib and calm your child.

In the first seconds, you can try to lull the little one with your voice. If this does not work, then you should approach him and let him know that his parents are nearby. It is not recommended to turn on the light, TV, scream or lift the child abruptly. In most cases, it is enough just to stroke him on the back, head, legs and quietly sing a lullaby.

If the baby often wakes up in tears, you need to determine the source of irritation. It can be the light from the window, and the creaking of the bed, and malaise. In any case, the baby should be calmed quickly and quietly, otherwise he will finally wake up.


If a child of 5 months does not sleep all night or often wakes up, then he may be worried about pain.

In the first place among the most common such causes are colic. Abdominal pain can occur in children up to 2 years of age. This is also related to the transformation digestive system, and with a change of power.

Often, sleep can interfere with teething. This is a very painful process. At 5 months, most children begin to lose their first milk tooth.

Sometimes bad dream occurs due to acute allergic reaction on salicylates contained in large quantities in aspirin, citrus fruits and some food additives.