Mashed potatoes for a 6 month old baby. How to make mashed potatoes for babies

When to give mashed potatoes baby, how many months? There are disputes on this topic, and mothers are all in doubt. Potatoes very rarely cause allergies, are nutritious and healthy. However, it contains a large percentage of starchy substances, which causes difficulty in digestion in young children.

However, we should start talking about useful substances oh, a valuable vegetable, about when you can introduce potatoes into complementary foods, from how many months? Next, you need to choose the right cooking recipe in order to preserve the vitamins in the finished product as much as possible.

The value of potatoes is:

  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin C;
  • a large amount of potassium;
  • absence of allergens;
  • improvement of water balance;
  • removing toxins from the body.

The special value of potatoes lies in the protein, which is similar in its properties to the animal. The amino acids included in this protein are involved in the construction of new cells in the baby's body. That's why formula-fed/mixed-fed babies can be introduced to potatoes after four months.

Fiber helps to normalize the activity of the intestines and frees the body of toxins; Therefore, you need to give mashed potatoes for babies before dinner, so that he has time to waste the calories received.

Potatoes contain folic acid, which ensures the full development of the brain and balances the nervous system.

However a large number of carbohydrates can increase the weight of the baby, form fat folds.

Therefore, children who are prone to weight gain should limit their consumption of potatoes.

Possible harm

When can a potato harm a baby? It depends only on the terms and conditions of storage. If you make puree from green tubers, the child's body will receive toxic substances along with useful ones. Even if you use the right recipe, trouble cannot be avoided.

In some cases, introducing potatoes into the first complementary foods is not recommended. This is due to weak intestinal motility of the baby: constipation may appear. Even if you soak the fruits in water before cooking, the starch still remains. Potatoes can be given only in the absence of failures in the digestion of the baby.

Pediatricians set right time the first complementary foods - 6 months, when the baby has mastered fruits and cereals.

cooking potatoes for baby

First you need to choose the best tubers for cooking. The product must be:

  • from your region;
  • medium size;
  • not watery inside;
  • without sprouts and green spots on the skin.

The recipe for cooking a root crop differs from the “adult” one: potatoes are steamed without water. You can also cook on water, but boiling vegetables in water deprives them of a large amount of valuable substances that pass into the liquid.

Important! It is not recommended to add oil for the first feeding.

The second cooking method

If the baby is prone to gaining excess weight or does not absorb starch well, the recipe for cooking potatoes needs to be changed. How to make puree? To do this, the fruit is rubbed on a grater, the liquid is squeezed out and the mass is prepared in a slow cooker.

One more recipe. The potatoes are peeled, cut into slices and soaked in water for a couple of hours. Of course, many useful substances dissolve in water, but the vegetable is freed from starch. How best to cook, decide for yourself.

If you will boil the fruits in water, put them in boiling water. Cover the pot with a lid to help the potatoes cook faster.

Acquaintance of the baby with potatoes

How to start weaning? If the baby has just turned 5 months old, and he is already actively eating fruits and zucchini with cabbage, you can safely treat him with potatoes. First, give one coffee spoon for testing - do you like it or not? The consistency of the puree should be liquid, like milk.

If the baby liked the potatoes, the baby reacted positively to the new dish - double the portion daily. Starting from the fifth day, offer the crumbs already 50 grams of puree. On the sixth day - all one hundred grams, and on the seventh - 130 grams.

What vegetable should be replaced with potatoes? The new kind food is always introduced drop by drop and gradually. If you gave your baby zucchini puree for lunch, continue to give it. Add potatoes to the zucchini, gradually reducing the portion.

The method of replacing one product with another is the rule of all new complementary foods.

To get a tasty and healthy puree for a child, vegetables are not cooked for long, otherwise vitamin C will be destroyed. Also, to preserve the maximum amount mineral salts and vitamins, vegetables must be thoroughly washed and cooked not peeled, and it is even better to do it for a couple. Puree from vegetables is made from products that can be rubbed, and it must be consumed immediately after cooking. Puree cannot be heated.

In this article, you will learn 10 recipes for mashed vegetables especially for children under one year old.

Making delicious mashed potatoes for your child is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to bake washed potatoes (200-250g) in the oven or steam them. Then it is cleaned and rubbed hot through a sieve (you can beat it with a blender with a special nozzle) and again placed in a saucepan. After that, 100 ml of hot (not boiling) milk (0.5 tbsp.) Is poured into the puree, salted and, so that it turns out without lumps, white and lush, it is well beaten with a whisk, blender or even a table fork. Then, 5 g of butter (0.5 tsp) must be added to the puree ready for use.

This puree should not stand. If immediately after cooking it is not possible to serve it on the table, then the puree must be left steamed with the lid closed and hot milk poured on top. There is no need to whip milk and puree. Do this by adding butter before serving.

If the puree is intended for a small child instead of porridge, then it is bred with a large amount of milk.

Wash the 2nd 100 gram carrots with a brush. Then peel them, chop them, place them in a saucepan and pour a small amount of boiling water over them. After that, add 6 g of sugar (1 incomplete spoon) and simmer under the lid, not forgetting to stir and add water so as not to burn.

Stew the carrots for up to 40 minutes so that it becomes soft. Then, while the carrots are still hot, rub them through a sieve, season with 2 tbsp. cream, semolina porridge (liquid) or milk (50g). After that, salt and put on the stove together with the dressing.

Bring to steam. Then remove from heat and mix with plums. oil (0.5 tsp).

To prepare this puree for a child, vegetables (potatoes, rutabaga, carrots, cabbage) must be taken intact and fresh.

Wash the prepared 200 g of vegetables with a brush, peel (except potatoes), chop and stew in a saucepan in a small amount of hot water under the lid so that they are stewed with steam. To speed up cooking, you can add 1 tsp. (incomplete) sugar.

While the vegetables are stewing, wash the potatoes with a brush and, cutting off the peel as thinly as possible, wash (do not keep them peeled in cold water for a long time). Then coarsely chop the potatoes and add to the half-stewed vegetables. When they become soft (after about 30 minutes), rub them hot through a sieve. Then pour hot milk (0.5 st.) into the puree, salt a little (0.5 g or a pinch), stir and put on the stove again. In order for the puree to be without lumps, you should not boil it, but only bring it to steam. Add 6g plums to the prepared puree. oils (0.5 tsp).

To make baby spinach puree:

  1. Go through with special care 200g of spinach. At the same time, remove the brown parts. Then rinse it well with several water changes.
  2. Transfer the spinach to a saucepan and simmer in its own juice for 10-15 minutes. until soft, adding 5 g of sugar (0.5 tsp).
  3. When the spinach is soft, pass it through a sieve.
  4. Season spinach gruel with white sauce: melt 5 g of butter (0.5 tsp) in a saucepan and fry flour (0.5 tbsp) in it. After the flour boils in butter, add hot milk (0.5 tbsp.) There and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour the sauce into the spinach (mashed), salt and reheat on the stove until steam appears.

Before serving to the child, put 0.5 tsp in mashed potatoes. drain. oils.

To please your child with such a puree, thoroughly wash 150 g of potatoes with a brush and pour boiling water over them so that the water covers the potatoes. Boil the potatoes with the lid closed for 30 minutes. Then sort and rinse 100g of spinach, then discard it on a sieve. Then transfer it to a saucepan, add 0.5 tsp. sugar and, without adding water, stew in your own juice present. After the potatoes are cooked, peel them and push through a sieve (if there is water left after the potatoes, then it can be strained through cheesecloth into mashed potatoes). Then rub in the spinach as well.

AT ready-made puree add boiling milk (0.5 st.), add salt, turn on the gas (electricity) and beat it with a fork, whisk or blender until fluffy. In this case, do not bring the puree to a boil, but only to vaporization. After that, quickly put the puree on a saucer, add 5 g of butter (0.5 tsp) and immediately serve to the child. If you delay with serving, then the mashed potatoes will not be tasty. It is also not recommended to warm it up.

Spinach mashed in this way can be put in soup or semolina, and also served as a side dish, for example, with scrambled eggs or meatballs.

Spinach can be replaced with lettuce leaves.

Brain- a very useful product for every child. In addition, brains and vegetables can make a great puree.

Soak veal brains (about 60 g) to remove blood in water (cold and running) and dip in slightly salted boiling water. Then up to 15 min. cook the brains under a closed lid, then remove them and quickly dip them into water (cold). Then all the films must be removed from the brains and rubbed with well-cooked peeled hot vegetables (cabbage - 100g and potatoes - 150g). After that, mix with 50 g of hot milk (0.25 st.) or with broth and beat on the stove until steam appears. This will help to completely get rid of lumps. Then remove the puree from the heat and mix with 5 g of butter (0.5 tsp).

Cooking - 60 min.

This dish is great for children from 10 months.

To remove blood, 50 g of the liver (fresh steam room) must be soaked in water (preferably running). Then the film is removed into it and cut across the fibers, while cutting out the tubules. After that, the liver is quickly fried in a saucepan with a lid in oil. Then you need to add a little low-fat broth (you can use water) and place in the oven (in a saucepan) for a few minutes (5-10). Also, the liver can be stewed in oil beforehand, adding onion (5 g) to it. Grind the finished liver in a meat grinder.

Steam 150g potatoes and 100g carrots. Peel the vegetables and pass through a sieve (usually a hair sieve is used), and then mix with the liver chopped in a meat grinder. The resulting puree must be diluted with broth (necessarily hot), salt, mix, and whisk on the stove until steam is formed. At the end, add 5 g of butter (0.5 tsp).

From 100 g of low-fat chicken, you need to cook the broth, then strain it through a napkin (wet). Then they need to pour peeled and coarsely chopped potatoes (200g). In this case, the broth should cover it. Boil the ingredients for up to 30 minutes. under the lid.

Then take out the potatoes and pass through a sieve along with chicken, ground in a meat grinder without tendons, films and skins.

After that, mix with 50 ml of boiling milk (0.25 tbsp.) And beat well with a whisk to remove lumps. Then heat the mashed potatoes until steam appears and at this time beat it for fluffiness.

After removing from the stove, add 5 g of butter (0.5 tsp).

Potato and carrot cutlets for a child from 10 months.

For the good development of the child, he needs to be given cutlets from carrots and potatoes.

The main character of the film "Girls" could name a huge number of potato dishes. It is not surprising, because this root crop has long settled in the hearts and refrigerators of all Russians from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Potatoes in Russia are loved, respected and cooked not only in everyday life, but also on holidays. But is it possible to make mashed potatoes for babies?

Young mothers often find this product ideal for complementary foods. Soft, airy puree seems to them useful and easily digestible, but is it really so?

Is mashed potatoes healthy?

Unlike carrots, zucchini and pumpkins, potatoes contain a large amount of starch and carbohydrates. Small child because of the imperfect digestive system, it cannot digest all this, and therefore problems arise.

The main problems from the frequent and improper use of mashed potatoes by infants include constipation and overweight.

In addition, potatoes contain few vitamins and nutrients that a baby needs.

Based on the foregoing, many parents may decide that mashed potatoes for babies should not be introduced at all. But it's not. Due to the neutral pleasant taste, potatoes are good for complementary foods, children are happy to eat tender mashed potatoes, and many ask for supplements.

Talk to your pediatrician before introducing mashed potatoes to your baby's diet.

When can you give mashed potatoes to a baby?

Potatoes are one of the first foods for feeding along with cereals, broccoli and zucchini. But from how many months to introduce it?

It is possible to give pure mashed potatoes to a child when the baby is 6 months old (if the child is bottle-fed, potatoes are allowed from the age of five months). At the same time, it is important to properly process the potatoes in order to remove excess starch and nitrates from it.

If you want to mix mashed potatoes with other vegetables or meat, it is better to wait until 8-9 months.

Selection of vegetables for puree and pre-treatment

All parents want only the best for their child, and this also applies to food. There are several rules for choosing potatoes for baby foods.

  1. The root crop must be of domestic production. Ideally, if you yourself (or your relatives) grow it in your garden.
  2. It is better to buy potatoes in season, as this reduces the likelihood of buying GMO products, as well as vegetables treated with chemicals.
  3. Give preference to medium-sized potatoes - they have more useful than small and large tubers.
  4. Do not make mashed potatoes for babies with greenish potatoes.
  5. You should not feed your baby with potatoes with wrinkled skins, whitish coating, rotten barrels. The tuber should be smooth, firm, with an even skin.
  6. Pierce the potato. If juice starts to stand out from the puncture site, it is better not to give such a potato to the baby, since it contains a lot of nitrates.

Having chosen a natural high-quality root crop, you can start preparing complementary foods. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this - boil potatoes, mash and give to a child. But everything is not so simple. Potatoes must first be freed from starch and nitrates.

  1. Peel off the skin with a knife. Do not try to remove it in a thin layer. The more you cut, the better.
  2. Fill the tuber with water and leave for a day. This is necessary to remove excess starch and nitrates.
  3. Before cooking, cut the root vegetable into cubes.

Baby Mashed Potato Recipes

There are many recipes for mashed potatoes. There are single-component purees for six-month-old children, there are multi-component purees for children from 8 months and older. Let's consider several options.

Monocomponent mashed potatoes (for children 5-6 months)

  1. Boil potatoes (1-2 pieces) or steam them in a slow cooker. You don't need to salt the vegetable. To properly cook potatoes, they must be placed in boiling water and boiled under a lid over low heat.
  2. Place the finished root vegetable and a little potato broth in a blender bowl and beat until smooth without lumps. Instead of a decoction, you can use a little breast milk.
  3. A warm dish can be offered to the baby.

The first time will be enough half a teaspoon. Increase the portion gradually, while carefully watching the baby - if he has allergies.

Over time, other ingredients can be added to the mashed potatoes:

  • olive oil(1/2 teaspoon);
  • boiled yolk;
  • vegetable purees;
  • meat.

Vegetable puree with potatoes (for children 7-8 months)

You will need:

  • potatoes - 1 tuber;
  • carrots - ½ root;
  • olive oil - ½ tablespoon.

Optionally, you can include in the recipe other vegetables that the baby has already tried, such as rutabaga, white cabbage, cauliflower, turnips.

  1. Finely chop the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and, pouring boiling water, cook until tender.
  2. Then put the vegetables in a blender and grind into a homogeneous mass.
  3. You can add a little milk, butter, salt.
  4. Stir the mass and boil a little.

Mashed potatoes with meat and parsley (for children 8-9 months)

This recipe is suitable for grown-up crumbs when he has already tried meat.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • chopped meat- for 2-3 meatballs;
  • parsley root;
  • salt;
  • oil (butter or vegetable).

It is better to cook minced meat yourself, and not to take a purchased one. Choose meat (veal, rabbit, turkey) for minced meat with special care. It is better to give preference to farm products.

  1. Form meatballs from minced meat (no need to add salt, eggs and other products) and boil them in a slow cooker or on the stove.
  2. Cut the vegetables into cubes and cook them in a double boiler.
  3. Grind potatoes and celery in a blender. If the child does not yet know how (or does not want to) chew solid food, chop meatballs with vegetables.
  4. You can add a little salt and butter to the resulting puree.


Mashed potatoes are one of the most favorite children's dishes. It is soft, airy (especially if beaten with a mixer) and tastes good. The disadvantage of potatoes is the low content of vitamins, but their need can be met by other products.

Cooking potatoes for the first feeding of the baby

Potatoes occupy a strong position in the daily diet. It is difficult to imagine liquid hot dishes, delicious side dishes and salads without this vegetable. Therefore, the questions that arise in the mother are absolutely natural. baby: When can I start giving baby food from this vegetable? How many grams? Will he be allergic to it? What is the best way to prepare mashed potatoes for babies?

controversial root vegetable

Well-known pediatricians and nutritionists recommend introducing complementary foods from potatoes at different times. Some believe that this can be done at 4.5-5 months for artificial babies and at 6 months for babies. Others argue that it is impossible to include mashed potatoes in baby food so early. A serious argument to confirm this point of view is that this root crop contains an excessively large amount of starch, which makes the potato a “heavy” product for the digestion of an infant. Moreover, enzymes that are able to qualitatively digest this starchy root crop will begin to be produced in crumbs only at 9-10 months. So mom needs to know what's really early age the baby may be allergic to potatoes.

All children's doctors are similar in one thing: you can not start vegetable complementary foods with this particular vegetable. First, mashed zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower or carrots are prepared, and then potatoes can be added as a second component to a two-component complementary food or given as a separate dish.

The benefits of potatoes

This root vegetable has a lot of useful properties:


  1. has a strengthening effect on the heart, blood vessels and circulatory system
  2. regulates metabolism and general metabolism
  3. good for the digestive system

Potatoes are rich

  1. iodine
  2. phosphorus
  3. potassium
  4. iron
  5. calcium
  6. various vitamins

Choosing potatoes for an infant

  1. medium-sized young tubers - they have an increased amount of vitamins, and much less starch
  2. without sprouts
  3. uniform color without dark spots and greenery
  4. without putrefactive defects and phytophthora lesions

Ideally, potatoes are grown on their own plot in an environmentally friendly way, when various chemicals and harmful nitrates are not used. If this is difficult, then buy vegetables for baby food needed only in approved places.

Before cooking, peeled potatoes need to be poured for 2 hours, and even better for the whole day cold water. This simple trick will help remove a significant proportion of starch from the vegetable, due to which an allergy in a baby is possible. In the process of soaking, a small part of the vitamins and almost all harmful nitrates will leave the root crop.

How often can you feed the baby puree from this root crop?

For a balanced diet, subject to the daily presence of various vegetables in the infant's diet, the frequency of feeding this type of puree is 2 times a week until the age of 12 months. After a year, such complementary foods can be given 3 times a week.

In the diet of babies under 18 months, the proportion of potatoes should not exceed 1/3 of the total amount of vegetable purees and stews, since this vegetable is quite high in calories.

Cooking root crop

To maximize the preservation of nutrients, potatoes are best cooked in their “uniform” - steamed or in the usual way - in water. Then the finished tuber is peeled and crushed with a strainer or kneaded with a crush. It is not recommended to use a blender, because in this case the puree will be excessively sticky, which makes it difficult for the baby's body to digest.

Secrets of making mashed potatoes

For the first feeding, the dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. The root crop must be thoroughly washed and soaked in cold water.
  2. Then boil or bake in the peel until fully cooked.
  3. Clean and mash thoroughly
  4. Add a little milk or a specialized milk mixture to the resulting grated mass and dilute to an acceptable semi-liquid consistency
  5. Some pediatricians recommend adding a few drops of healthy vegetable oil.
  6. It is not recommended to salt the puree and add any spices to the product until 12 months.
  7. Mashed potatoes for babies should be homogeneous, without lumps, tender, fluffy, semi-liquid and always warm

The first acquaintance with complementary foods from potatoes should begin with half a teaspoon. Mom should see if the baby has an allergy to unfamiliar food. If the acquaintance passed without negative reactions, then at the next meal the portion can be increased to a teaspoon, and then gradually up to 50-70 grams per feeding.

For each complementary food, you need to prepare a fresh portion of the product, since mashed potatoes, which are stored for some time in the refrigerator, have much less useful properties than freshly prepared ones.

If the baby is happy to eat complementary foods from carrots or zucchini, but he didn’t like the potatoes, then you can mix it with your favorite baby food and give it in a new version.

vegetable soup recipe

Such a soup can be prepared for a 6-month-old peanut.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1-2 potatoes
  • 1 small carrot
  • 30-50 g cabbage
  • a few drops of vegetable oil


  1. Thoroughly wash the root crops, peel, cut and pour cold water for about 1 hour. chop the cabbage
  2. After an hour, drain the liquid, pour a glass of fresh water and cook for about 30 minutes.
  3. When the vegetables are ready, they need to be chopped with a blender, and the broth should be cooled.
  4. Dilute the resulting puree to a semi-liquid consistency with vegetable broth and add oil

After 12 months, this soup can be slightly salted and seasoned with sour cream.

mashed potato soup recipe

This option of complementary foods can be safely introduced into the diet of babies of 8 months.

Ingredients for its preparation:

  • 2 small tubers
  • 1 stalk leek
  • incomplete glass of milk
  • 1 spoon of butter

Here's how you can make this puree soup:

  1. Peel tubers, cut and soak in water
  2. Rinse the onion thoroughly, cut into small rings and stew a little in butter. Then pour half a glass of water and cover with a lid
  3. Add potatoes to the boiled onion and cook for about 30 minutes.
  4. Grind the prepared vegetables together with the broth with a blender, add hot milk, mix well, cool to a warm state and you can give the baby

If the baby has an allergy to cow protein, then milk cannot be added to the soup puree.

Unexpected Trouble

With all the beneficial qualities and properties of potatoes, some babies may develop a rash on the body after feeding - this is an allergy to starch. Then it is necessary to exclude the root crop from the diet of the little man until about 12 months of age. Mom should not worry about this, since the baby can be fed with other hypoallergenic vegetables, from which he will receive useful substances and important vitamins in full.

In addition, excessive “love” for mashed potatoes in its pure form can lead to constipation in an infant, and an increased amount of carbohydrates can cause an unhealthy weight gain in a toddler.

If mashed potatoes for babies are cooked correctly, and the baby is not allergic to vegetables, then this root crop can become a source of valuable minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that are available all year round, which means that your treasure will grow and develop properly.

Pay attention to the video recipe for potatoes with green peas and veal for the baby. Enjoy your meal!

How to lose weight after childbirth?

How to lose weight after childbirth?

Many women after childbirth are faced with the problem of the appearance of excess weight. For some, they appear during pregnancy, for others - after childbirth.

  • And now you can no longer afford to wear open swimsuits and short shorts ...
  • You start to forget those moments when men complimented your flawless figure...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

But effective remedy from being overweight! Follow the link and find out how Anna lost 24 kg in 2 months.

We expand the diet of crumbs: we introduce mashed potatoes

Sooner or later, the baby's diet has to be expanded by introducing a new product into it, the first complementary foods. Of course, it is better to consult a pediatrician about the advisability of introducing unfamiliar food into the crumbs menu.

But not all mothers do this, believing that they can make their own decisions. This is a personal matter for every woman and I don’t want to discuss this approach at all.

Today we will raise a slightly different topic: when can I give my baby mashed potatoes?

I want to talk about the root crop for one simple reason, in our country this product is very common, air puree is prepared not only for every day, but also on holidays.

And most mothers have a stereotype in their heads that such a tender, lovingly prepared dish simply cannot harm a small body. Whether this is actually the case remains to be seen.

Potato is exactly the product that is introduced into the baby's diet one of the first. True, unlike zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, the beloved by many root vegetables contain large amounts of starch and carbohydrates. These components are very difficult for the digestive system of an infant, which is still far from perfect.

Because of this, problems often arise: the crumbs have constipation and weight gain. Among other things, potatoes contain the minimum amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a little man.

After reading the above paragraph, some parents may decide that it is not worth giving baby puree at all. Don't be so critical. Due to the neutral taste, potatoes are liked by babies and are suitable for the first feeding. Many toddlers are happy to start eating mashed potatoes. By the way, it is recommended to cook potatoes for babies who are not gaining weight well, as well as for those who have problems with stools - diarrhea.

As mentioned above, potatoes are introduced into the diet of the little one in the forefront. If you determine the time frame, then the children on breastfeeding you can give puree in a “pure” form from six months.

Toddlers eating a mixture can be given a taste of the dish as early as 5 months.

Remember that babies 5-6 months old are given potatoes without additives, but older children, at 8-9 months old, can combine mashed potatoes with meat or other vegetables.

Before preparing a puree, it is important to choose the right root crop, remove nitrates and excess starch from it.

Every parent wants his little one to get all the best, and this applies not only to beautiful clothes, toys and other things, but also to food. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right potatoes for mashed potatoes.

  • Give preference to vegetables grown in the region where you live. Most the best option- potatoes from your own garden or relatives' plot;
  • It is wiser to buy potatoes in season. This reduces the risk of acquiring a vegetable treated with chemicals and other filth;
  • When choosing, give preference to medium-sized tubers;
  • It is impossible to cook mashed potatoes for babies from a greenish tuber. Also, do not boil a baby vegetable, the peel of which has already wrinkled, it has white coating or rotted side. For a child, you need to choose a beautiful smooth tuber that does not have signs of damage.

If you are satisfied with the appearance of the selected vegetable, then you can start cooking. Of course, at first glance, making a baby to start complementary foods is not difficult: you need to wash and peel the potatoes, boil, and mash. But this is not entirely true. The tuber must be prepared for heat treatment.

To do this, remove the skin from the potatoes and soak the root crop for 24 hours in cold water. Such manipulation will remove excess starch and nitrates from the root crop.

Before cooking, the vegetable must be cut into small squares.

There are a lot of recipes for making mashed potatoes for babies. For children 5-6 months old, the dish should be one-component. For crumbs older than 8 months, you can cook vegetable mixes or add meat to the puree.

Consider a simple recipe on how to make mashed potatoes for 5-6 months old babies. For the dish, take 1 medium-sized root vegetable, pre-soak it in water, and then boil or steam it. There is no need to add salt when cooking.

Place the finished vegetable in a blender, add a little potato broth, if available, and beat everything thoroughly. It is important that there are no lumps in the dish. Of course, you can also mash potatoes by hand - it's up to you. Some mothers add a little breast milk to the puree.

When the puree is ready, it needs to be slightly cooled and given warm to the crumbs. If mashed potatoes are given to babies for the first time as complementary foods, then ½ tsp will be the optimal portion.

Do not rush to increase the portion and do not forget to monitor the baby's reaction to a new product. If the child has allergies, problems with stools, or some other concern, then it is better to wait a little with the new product.

Some mothers note that their baby does not eat "clean" mashed potatoes and are very worried about this. Although you shouldn't worry too much. If the child does not eat, it means that he does not like something, he will grow up a little and everything will change. By the way, many peanuts with great pleasure burst multi-component dishes, which after 8 months can be prepared according to the following recipe.


  • 1 potato;
  • half a carrot;
  • half tsp olive oil.

If your baby's diet contains some other vegetables, such as zucchini, then you can also use it.

So, all the selected vegetables are thoroughly washed, the peel is removed from them, if necessary, they are cut into small pieces.

Prepared gifts of nature are sent to the pan, filled with water and boiled until soft.

After that, the vegetables need to be chopped with a blender until smooth, adding olive oil to them. The resulting puree is recommended to boil a little, then cool and give to the child.

As you can see, the recipes for preparing a dish are different, and the components that make up its composition directly depend on the age of your child. Therefore, introduce new foods into the diet of the baby, slowly, following the reaction of the small organism, and even better, do it after consulting with the pediatrician.

Good luck and health to you and your baby!

At what age can you give mashed potatoes to an infant + recipe

Young inexperienced mothers are very worried when it comes time to give the baby complementary foods. Food should be healthy and of high quality, because the taste preferences of the child in the future depend on this. Although mother's milk is the best food for babies, in some situations it is replaced by formulas. From solid food, mashed potatoes are very useful for babies. It is soft and delicious.

  • 1 Information
  • 2 Age
  • 3 How to enter into the diet
  • 4 How to choose
  • 5 Tips


Potato dishes are liked by both children and parents. Not surprisingly, many kids start using it at a very early age. Potatoes are available and easy to buy or grow locally. But it is important for a young mother to know how many months this complementary food can be given to a child. It is also important to properly cook potatoes, choose only fresh young fruits. Otherwise, an allergy may occur.

Positive properties of potatoes. Why is this product recommended for young children?

The formula for losing weight is simple - burn more calories than you consume. Mistake of all those who are LOSSIBLE! Girls, just lose weight, here's the recipe: before breakfast...

  1. Influence on the digestive and nervous system. The root crop is rich in iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus. Potatoes contain vitamins and minerals that are useful and necessary for a growing body. To save them, you need to properly prepare the product.
  1. Pleasant taste. Potatoes are never too salty or too sweet. The taste of mashed potatoes is unobtrusive, light, which children like so much. Such complementary foods are suitable for a nursing baby: it does not cause irritation. Mashed potatoes are best, but baked potatoes are also suitable.

There are also disadvantages. They can be avoided by choosing good fruits and monitoring the reaction of the child.

  1. Allergies may occur because the tubers are rich in starch. Therefore, the reaction of children must be monitored: this is especially true for the first complementary foods. Giving and preparing mashed potatoes for babies should be done carefully. If the baby becomes ill, nausea, vomiting, weakness appear, complementary foods should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted. Allergies in infants are more difficult, the help of a doctor is always required.
  1. Only light young fruits without specks are suitable for feeding. Green spots are dangerous: they can poison the baby with solanine. Mom should carefully choose potatoes to prepare complementary foods. Tubers grown on their own plot are useful, but they also need to be inspected: they can be damaged by worms.


At what age (in months) can you give your baby mashed potatoes? How old should the baby be? What is the best way to do this and how to make puree? At what age can you safely introduce it into the diet? These questions concern inexperienced mothers. There is a general opinion, but it is better to consult a doctor, since all cases are individual.

Babies who received only breast milk, potatoes are introduced into complementary foods from 6 months. If the baby is artificially fed, the first complementary foods can be started at 5 months, but it is better not to rush and wait up to six months.

Together with this product, other vegetables can be added to complementary foods: zucchini, cabbage. But this must be done carefully: allergies in babies at 6 months occur due to the wrong combination of products. It is better to consult about everything with a pediatrician. You should also carefully monitor the reaction of the child: his condition, mood, stool.

Some doctors say that you need to introduce potatoes into complementary foods after fermented milk products and porridge. Digestive system the baby will get used to mashed dishes, so it will be easier to digest the vegetable. You can first prepare a decoction, and only then move on to mashed potatoes. Thus, it will be possible to avoid eating disorders, there will be no allergies.

How to enter into the diet

How many months old should a baby be? To give a baby from 6 months a new dish should be carefully and gradually. You can first just give it a sniff, and then treat it with a teaspoon of mashed potatoes. If the baby reacted normally, the next time you can increase the portion. The child should have a good chair, it should not be discomfort. Therefore, after the first feeding, you need to wait for some time.

If the mother noticed bad signs in the mood or condition of the child, complementary foods should be postponed. Maybe mom just couldn't cook potatoes properly. When a baby develops an allergy, you should postpone such feeding or even consult a doctor.

Definitely do not give mashed potatoes before 5 months. At this age, the baby's body is not yet accustomed to such food. Experienced mothers advise mixing breast milk with mashed potatoes first. So it will be easier to digest.

How to choose

If an adult can eat any tubers, then with baby food everything is different. To give a baby at 6 months of complementary foods you need dishes made from young potatoes. Vegetables should be small and juicy. There should be no damage, stains, plaque. It is strictly forbidden to use and mash tubers damaged by insects.

Tubers from your own garden are most suitable. You need to buy store-bought with caution: they often add chemical substances for growth and storage. Potatoes grown in their garden are more useful, especially for a child.

There are also food banks. When a mother cannot determine the quality of a purchased product, you can also buy a canned one. For very young children, you can prepare a one-component puree that does not contain salt, cream, sugar, or additives.

When a mother decides to make her own puree and give it to her baby, she should not add anything other than water to the dish. Potatoes and plain water are the best ingredients for baby food. This may be the first complementary food. The recipe according to which the potato tubers were prepared is also important. They only need to be baked or boiled.

What recipe to use to make the most delicious and healthy puree? There are only two of them: bake and cook. Already prepared vegetables are crushed to the smallest state. Then add a little milk, preferably breast milk. This recipe is great for babies: tasty and satisfying.

There is a recipe for those who are artificially fed: with the addition of infant formula. There is also a recipe with vegetable oil and cow's milk. But he will not fit in the first complementary foods: it is better to give it to children a little older. And for the first time, it is better to use a recipe with breast milk.

Grind potatoes as finely as possible. The mixture should not be very liquid, but solid pieces should not come across. It is better to dilute the puree with mother's milk, and gradually transfer the child to cow's milk, otherwise an allergy will occur.

  1. Many mothers strive to preserve vitamins and often do not even finish cooking potatoes. It is undesirable to give such a dish to a child at 6 months of age: not only an allergy can occur, but poisoning can also occur. It is necessary to soak the tubers before cooking in cold water. Some vitamins will be lost, but starch can't hurt. How much to cook? Better down.
  1. The first feeding with mashed potatoes occurs without salt and sugar. There should be only water and potatoes. The recipe with a salted dish is suitable for older children.
  1. There is no need to abuse such dishes. Potatoes are healthy, have a pleasant taste, but contain starch: this substance can be harmful. You can give puree to the baby 2-3 times a week, but not more often. Otherwise, an allergy will occur.
  1. You need to cook and give meals to the baby right away. Even if it has stood in the refrigerator, beneficial features are lost, and the taste changes. They give the baby only a fresh dish that mom has just cooked.
  1. It is better to grind the potatoes yourself, and not in a blender. The latter forms gluten.
  1. It is recommended to cook potatoes in their skins, not peeled. Then the skin is removed, and the tubers are crushed. It can also be steamed.

Mashed potatoes for babies

Summer and autumn provide an opportunity to get a lot of "live" vitamins, which are rich in vegetables and fruits. One of the most popular vegetables consumed by adults and children is potatoes. Very often, it is he who is recommended by nutritionists and pediatricians to be one of the first to be introduced into the diet - after zucchini or cauliflower. Like all complementary foods, this vegetable must also be prepared for babies in the form of mashed potatoes. The method of preparing mashed potatoes is not much different from making mashed potatoes from other vegetables, but it has its own characteristics that will help mom feed her child deliciously.

To get a tasty and nutritious mashed potato for babies, you first need to choose the right vegetables. The root crop should be without greenery under the skin, signs of decay, not affected by phytoflora and without seedlings. Also, parents should avoid buying potatoes with nitrates, for this, either use a vegetable from their garden, or buy it in trusted places.

How to cook baby mashed potatoes?

  1. Soak in water for a day, after removing the peel with a thick layer (to remove excess starch).
  2. Cut and place in an enamel pot of boiling water. Cook covered and bring to a boil over low heat. Do not salt the water.
  3. Remove boiled potatoes and chop accessible way while they are hot.
  4. To form a semi-liquid puree, add a decoction of potatoes, milk.

Mashed potatoes for babies should turn out without lumps, fluffy, very tender and not thick. Served warm.

baby mashed potato recipe

Herb Mashed Potatoes:


  • 1pc potato;
  • 85g cabbage or greens;
  • 40g milk or mixture.


Cut the prepared potatoes into cubes. Put them in a saucepan with boiling water and cover with a lid, cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Then add chopped greens or cabbage there and cook until all vegetables are soft, another 5-10 minutes. Then drain the water and chop the vegetables with a blender or rub through a sieve, while adding milk, until a puree of the desired consistency is formed.

Be sure to remember that they begin to introduce the child to potatoes from a teaspoon, to check if the baby is allergic to it. If it does not appear, you can increase the portion. And every time for the baby, the mother must prepare fresh mashed potatoes so as not to harm his health.

Vegetable puree, as a rule, becomes the first food for the baby. They satisfy the needs of the growing organism of the crumbs in vitamins, vegetable protein, dietary fiber ... In a word, purees are very useful, especially if they are made with love at home :)

Mashed potatoes (from 5 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the potatoes well. Peel it off. Wash again. Steam the potatoes or bake in the oven until soft. Strain the still hot potatoes through a sieve or puree in a blender. While whisking the potatoes, gradually pour in the hot milk. Put the resulting puree on fire and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter. Cool down.

Cauliflower and courgette puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 50 g of cauliflower, 60 g of zucchini, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: Rinse the vegetables well under running water. Peel the cabbage, divide it into small inflorescences. Cut the zucchini into small pieces. Put the vegetables in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over everything so that the water completely covers the vegetables.

Close the lid and cook until fully cooked. Rub the still hot vegetables with the broth through a sieve until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree. Boil for 1-2 more minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished puree and mix.

Carrot-potato puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash carrots and potatoes well. Clean and wash again. Cut vegetables into cubes. Put them in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over so that the water covers the vegetables. Simmer the vegetables over low heat, covered, until tender.

Pass hot vegetables through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add milk, salt, vegetable oil to the puree. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.

Carrot puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, hot water, 2 tablespoons milk (breast milk or formula), 1/2 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: wash the carrots well, peel them, wash them again. Cut the washed carrot into cubes, transfer it to an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the carrots. Steam or simmer the carrots, covered, until the carrots are soft and the water is boiled away.

Rub hot carrots through a sieve until smooth. You can grind carrots in a blender. Add butter, hot milk and mix everything. Boil for another 2-3 minutes. Refrigerate before serving.

Zucchini and chicken meat puree (from 9 months)

Ingredients: 150 - 200 g of squash pulp, 50 g of boiled white meat of chicken or turkey, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the zucchini well. Remove the skin from it and cut into small pieces. Steam until fully cooked. Hot, grind the zucchini through a sieve until smooth. Mix with chopped poultry meat until smooth. Pour in hot milk, salt and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Add butter to the puree.

Cauliflower puree with milk (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g of cauliflower, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Ingredients: rinse the cauliflower well. Cut it into florets. Remove green leaves. Put the small cauliflower florets in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over it so that the cabbage is completely in the water. Close the lid and simmer until the cabbage is cooked and the water has completely evaporated.

Rub the hot cabbage through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to the puree and boil for another 1-2 minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished hot puree.

Apple-pumpkin puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g pumpkin pulp, 1 apple, 1 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: rinse the pumpkin and apple well. Peel off the skin, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces. Fill the pumpkin with water and cook over low heat under a lid until the pulp. Add an apple. Boil for 10 more minutes. Grate the still hot fruits on a fine grater together with the broth until smooth. You can use a blender. Boil puree for another 102 minutes. Cool, add butter and serve.

Puree from potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets and pumpkin (from 8 months)

Ingredients: 1/5 potatoes, 30 g of carrots, pumpkins, beets, white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash vegetables thoroughly. Peel them, cut into small pieces. Put the chopped vegetables in an enamel pan, add water, close the lid and simmer over low heat. Complete evaporation of water must not be allowed. When the vegetables are soft, rub them hot through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree and bring everything to a boil. Add vegetable oil.

Enjoy your meal!

It is difficult to imagine a more popular vegetable than potatoes. It is delicious in any form, fried, boiled and even in uniforms. Most children perceive it perfectly, especially mashed potatoes. Today we will talk about the benefits of this vegetable, the optimal period for its introduction into the baby's diet and precautions.


You are mistaken if you think that potatoes consist only of starch. In fact, it also has useful elements:

  • carbohydrates are a source of energy;
  • vitamin C - however, almost all of it is concentrated in the peel;
  • iron - although it is not as much as in apples, it is still present;
  • B vitamins - they are not only useful for nervous system, but also play an important role in metabolic processes, and are also needed for the prevention of anemia;
  • magnesium - good for the heart;
  • phosphorus - "nutrition" for the brain, is important for the development of the skeletal system;
  • potassium - has a positive effect on muscle cells, promotes their growth, reduces irritability.

Potatoes also contain chromium, molybdenum, copper, cobalt, and other useful elements. This modest vegetable will help replenish your reserves of vitamins and minerals and should not be taken lightly.

Are there any benefits to potatoes?

Many diets limit the use of potatoes, but children, fortunately, do not adhere to them, so we will discuss how this wonderful vegetable is useful for them. Main advantages:

  • Prevention of anemia. Thanks to the vitamin B6 present in the potato, iron is better absorbed, in addition, lipid metabolism is accelerated, it is also important for the processing of amino acids and the production of homocysteine.
  • Strengthens capillary vessels, improves immunity - this effect is provided by vitamin C.
  • Normalizes electrolyte and acid balance, as well as blood pressure.
  • Increases the digestibility of folic acid, proteins and carbohydrates, contributes to the saturation of the cells of the body with oxygen.
  • Serves to strengthen connective tissues, is important for the proper formation of the skeletal system.
  • Thanks to molybdenum, the body produces enzymes that are necessary for the processing of purines and pyrimidines, as well as for the absorption of amino acids containing sulfur.

Potato proteins contain all the amino acids plant origin, including irreplaceable ones. 300 g of vegetable is enough to get daily allowance potassium and phosphorus.

Important! Vitamin C is destroyed during storage, by the spring its amount is minimal, its content also depends on the method of preparation, it is best to steam it, so more vitamins are stored in potatoes.

Unlike many other vegetables, potatoes can be consumed even with exacerbation of certain gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcers or gastritis. Its juice is recommended for hyperacidity of the stomach. The potassium present in the potato helps to remove excess fluid, so it is recommended to include it in the diet of patients suffering from certain kidney diseases.

Potato is high in calories, it is the best of vegetables if you need to replenish energy reserves, and its protein in its structure and composition is as close as possible to proteins of plant origin. The amino acids contained in the potato are absorbed almost completely. There is another plus: due to the significant concentration of minerals, potatoes help to normalize the acid-base balance of the body.

Potatoes should definitely be included in the menu for diseases caused by acidity - gout and some others. The vegetable neutralizes acids. In addition to the healing effect, a rejuvenating effect is provided - the complex of substances contained in the potato accelerates the restoration of cells and slows down their destruction.

Introduction of potatoes to the diet of babies

Previously, potatoes were introduced to the menu as one of the first among vegetables. Today, the nutrition strategy for children up to a year has changed. Doctors recommend first accustoming the child to zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, and only then supplement his menu with potatoes. The optimal period for adding it to the diet is 7-8 months, and if the baby is bottle-fed, it can be a few weeks earlier - at 6-6.5 months.

Which puree is better: homemade or industrial? Of course, fresh, homemade, because it has more vitamins. Never cook a dish for two days, it is best to do it right before feeding. Other Tips:

  • after cleaning, purchased potatoes should be soaked in water for 30-40 minutes to remove nitrates;
  • wash the fruits before cleaning - this way you will avoid getting soil particles into the dish that eats into the pulp;
  • when accustoming to potatoes, offer the child semi-liquid mashed potatoes, later, when he gets used to it, a thicker consistency will do;
  • mashed potatoes should be diluted with warm milk, if the baby does not tolerate it - with vegetable broth, add the liquid gradually to avoid the formation of lumps.

A common mistake of young mothers is to give potatoes and dishes from it daily. This is not worth doing, because the baby's diet should be varied. Later, when your daughter or son gets used to potatoes, offer a combined vegetable puree, for example, add zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli, carrots to it, try to supplement the dish with onions - if the child does not like it, do not insist, because of the specific smell, it is far from All children are loyal to him.

For the first time, half a teaspoon of mashed potatoes is enough for a baby. Increase the portion gradually and bring it up to 80-100 g. Do not offer the baby potatoes more than 2-3 times a week. To save nutrients, follow our recommendations:

  • after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, it is best to pour boiling water over the potatoes - this will reduce the thermal exposure time, more vitamins will remain;
  • it is unacceptable to leave cooked vegetables in water, it must be drained immediately after cooking;
  • already on the second day, almost 2 times less useful substances remain in boiled potatoes, cook it immediately before serving;
  • Potatoes should be put into the soup no earlier than 15 minutes before the end of cooking.
    Fried potatoes are not allowed for children, even as an exception. Only baked (after one and a half years) or boiled.


Yolk mashed potatoes

Products: 200 g potatoes, 3-5 g butter, 30-40 ml milk, 1 yolk, salt to taste.

Boil the potatoes until tender, drain, rub through a sieve, gradually add milk, achieving the desired consistency. Add protein whipped with 10 ml of boiled milk to the finished dish.

Potato and cabbage casserole

Products: 250 g potatoes, 150 g white cabbage, a couple of tablespoons of flour, 1 small onion, 1 egg.

Boil potatoes and mash them with 1 egg, flour and salt. Chop the cabbage, cut the onion into cubes, stew all this until tender, salt at the very end - if this is done earlier, the cabbage will darken. Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then lay out half the mashed potatoes, then the cabbage. The top layer is mashed potatoes. Bake for 45-50 minutes.

Potato stew

Products: 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, 1 carrot, 50-100 g of beets or other vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini), 1-2 onions, herbs, salt.

Cut pre-peeled potatoes and carrots into small cubes, do the same with onions. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water, simmer until tender over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add greens and salt at the very end.

Precautionary measures

It is categorically impossible to cook green tubers - this color is due to the formation of solanine in them. Potatoes are also harmful to children suffering from certain gastrointestinal diseases. In rare cases, a vegetable can cause allergies, so be careful in the first days after introducing it into the baby's diet.