Game guide “Geometric rugs. Game manual "Geometric rugs Geometric shapes rectangle middle group

Municipal educational institution
additional education children
"Center for Children's Creativity of the Belgorod District
Belgorod region"

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics
development of children 4-5 years old
"Introducing the Rectangle"

head of the structural
Sanina Yulia Vladimirovna
Belgorod 2013

Program content:
1. Introduce children to the rectangle, learn to distinguish it;
2. Repeat counting up to 5;
3. To consolidate the ability to compare three objects in size;
4. Develop thinking.

Activate the words in children's speech: square, rectangle, one, two, three, four, five, the largest, medium, smallest.

Cultivate interest in the occupation, the desire to engage.

Equipment: a rectangle and a square of paper according to the number of children, 5 butterflies, 4 flowers, 3 dolls, 3 baskets, 3 apples, boxes with counting sticks according to the number of children.

Methodological techniques: a surprise moment, questions for children, practical actions, comparison, encouragement, evaluation.

Lesson progress:
Introductory part:
Teacher - Oh, children, someone is knocking on our door! Hello Bunny! Children say hello and you and Bunny.
Children - Hello Bunny!
Teacher - Oh, guys, look what Bunny brought us.

Main part:

1 task. Geometric figures.
Teacher - Look, this is a geometric figure, it is called a rectangle.
Teacher - Masha, tell me what is the name of this geom. figure?
Dasha - Rectangle.
Teacher - Well done, Masha! Correctly.
Teacher - Pasha, now tell me what is the name of this geom. figure?
Pasha - Rectangle.

Teacher - Guys, tell me, what does a rectangle look like?
Children - To the square!
Teacher - Right. Let's see how a rectangle and a square are similar to each other.
Teacher - Let's count how many corners a rectangle has?
Children - One, two, three, four, four!
Teacher - Right. Sasha, how many corners does a rectangle have?
Sasha - Four.
Teacher - Right. Well done!
Teacher - Now let's count how many sides a rectangle has?
Teacher and children - One, two, three, four. The four sides of a rectangle.
Teacher - Andryusha, tell me, how many sides does a rectangle have?
Andrew - Four.
Teacher - That's right! Well done.
Teacher - Now look at the square. Let's count how many corners a square has?
Teacher and children - One, two, three, four. Four!
Teacher - That's right, the same four.
Teacher - Katya, tell me, how many corners does the square have?
Katya - Four.

Teacher - And now let's count how many sides a square has?
Teacher and children - One, two, three, four. Four!
Teacher - Well done guys, the same four as the rectangle. And who will tell me now what are the similarities of a rectangle and a square. Wow try it.
Vova - A rectangle has four corners and a square has the same four corners.
Teacher - That's right, well done Vova!
Teacher - And who else will say how they are similar? Anya try it.
Anya - And a rectangle has four sides and a square has the same four sides.
Teacher - Well done Anya, right!
Teacher - And now let's put a rectangle on a square. The lower sides of a rectangle and a square are equal, and the upper sides of a rectangle and a square are also equal. But the left and right sides of a rectangle and a square are not equal.
Teacher - Guys, let's bend the square from corner to corner, like this. What we see is that all sides of a square are equal.
Teacher - And now let's bend the rectangle. For a rectangle, the top and right sides are equal, and the left and right sides are the same. It turns out that the opposite sides of the rectangle are equal. Julia, tell me, which sides of the rectangle are equal?
Julia - A rectangle has opposite sides equal.
Teacher - Well done Julia, right.
Teacher - Vanya, tell me, which sides of the rectangle are equal?
Vanya - Opposite sides.
Teacher - That's right, well done. A rectangle has opposite sides equal.

2 task. Let's count butterflies and flowers.
Teacher - Guys, let's count the butterflies.
Teacher and children - One, two, three, four, five, five butterflies in total.
Teacher - Well done, Galya, count the butterflies. How many?
Galya - One, two, three, four, five, five butterflies in total.
Teacher - Well done. Now count the flowers.
Teacher and children - One, two, three, four. Only four flowers.
Teacher - Andryusha, count the flowers. How many?
Andrew - One, two, three, four. Only four flowers.
Teacher - Well done. Guys, tell me what else?
Children - More butterflies.
Teacher - Right, but what is less?
Children - There are fewer flowers.
Teacher - Well done. Which number is greater, five or four?
Children - Five is more than four.
Teacher - Right. Which number is smaller, five or four?
Children - Four is less than five.
Teacher - That's right.

Phys. minute: There is a hut in the dark forest (children are walking)
Standing backwards (children turn)
There is an old woman in that hut (they threaten with a finger)
Grandmother Yaga lives (they threaten with a finger of the other hand)
Crochet nose (point with a finger)
Big eyes (show)
Like embers are burning (shake head)
Wow, what an angry! (run in place)
Hair stands on end. (hands up)

3 task. Didactic game "Help the dolls"
Teacher - Guys, look, dolls came to visit us. Katya, which of these dolls is the biggest?
Katya - This doll is the biggest.
Teacher - Right. We will put it first. Sasha, tell me, which doll is the largest of the remaining ones?
Sasha - This doll is the largest of the remaining ones.
Teacher - Well done, right. We'll put it next. Masha, tell me, what doll is left?
Masha is the smallest.
Teacher - Well done, right. We'll put it last.
Teacher - The guys, the dolls on the way to us, accidentally dropped the baskets and mixed them up. Let's help the dolls find theirs. Katya, which of these baskets is the biggest?
Katya - This basket is the biggest.
Teacher - Well done, right. We'll put it in first.
Teacher - Andrey, tell me what is the largest basket of the remaining ones?
Andrei - this basket is the largest of the remaining ones.
Teacher - That's right, well done. We'll put it next.
Teacher - Anya, tell me, which basket is left?
Anya is the smallest.
Teacher - Right. We'll put it last.
Teacher - Guys, but here's another problem, when the baskets fell, apples scattered and the dolls could not find their apple. Let's help them find it.
Teacher - Galya, tell me which of these apples is the largest?
Galya - This is the biggest apple.
Teacher - That's right, we'll put it first.
Teacher - Vanya, tell me, which apple is the largest of the remaining ones?
Vanya - This apple is the largest of the remaining ones.
Teacher - That's right, we'll put him next.
Teacher - Julia, what apple is left?
Julia - The smallest.
Teacher - That's right, we'll put it last.
Teacher - And now let's give the dolls their baskets and apples.
Teacher - Katya, tell me which doll you will give the biggest basket.
Katya - The biggest.
Teacher - That's right, well done.
Teacher - Zhenya, what kind of basket is this?
Zhenya - Average.
Teacher - And what doll will you give it to?
Zhenya - Average.
Teacher - Well done, right. Kolya, what kind of basket is left?
Kolya is the smallest.
Teacher - Right. Which doll are you giving it to?
Kolya - The smallest.
Teacher - Well done, right. Ira, tell me what kind of apple it is.
Ira - The biggest.
Teacher - Right. What basket are you going to put it in?
Ira - In the biggest.
Teacher - That's right, well done. Marina, what kind of apple is this?
Marina - Average.

Marina - In the middle.
Teacher - Well done, right.
Teacher - Misha, tell me, what apple is left?
Misha - The smallest.
Teacher - Right. What basket are you going to put it in?
Misha - In the smallest.
Teacher - Well done, right.
Teacher - Guys, the dolls thank you for your help, they really enjoyed playing with you, and they will definitely come to visit you again.

4 task. Exercises with counting sticks.
Teacher - Guys, take a box with counting sticks and take out 6 sticks. Make a house out of them. Now move 2 sticks so that you get a flag.
Teacher - Well done.
Teacher - Take 4 more sticks and make three squares out of all the sticks. Now take 2 more sticks and add them so that you get four squares.
Teacher - Well done guys, everyone coped with this task.

Final part:
Teacher - Children, Zaika really liked how you coped with all the tasks and he will definitely come to us again, let's say goodbye to him.
Children - Goodbye Bunny!

List of used literature:

1. Beloshistaya A.V. Formation and development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers. Publisher: M.: Vlados, 2003 - 303s.
2. Erofeeva T.I., Pavlova L.N., Novikova V.P., Mathematics for preschoolers. A book for a kindergarten teacher, Publisher: M.: Prosveshchenie, 1997 - 175 p.

Theme: Secrets of trees.

PURPOSE: To introduce children to the features of trees. Learn to see the relationship of trees with environment(water, sun, soil, animals, insects). Activate the ability to examine the cut part of the tree with the help of various analyzers. Fix the names of the parts of the tree. Continue to teach children to put forward hypotheses, ask questions, define the concepts of November, conduct experiments, draw conclusions. To form an idea of ​​the importance of trees in human life, to give an idea of ​​paper making. Cultivate respect for trees, ecological culture.


Q: Children, how does the morning begin?

D .: From morning exercises, from a smile, from washing, from breakfast. What words begin new day? The morning starts with a greeting. Let's smile and say hello to the guests, give everyone a good mood.

Q: What time of year is it now? Please prove that it is autumn now.

D: It's cold outside. Cold wind is blowing. The sun doesn't shine like it does in summer. The days are getting shorter and the nights longer. The ground is often covered in fog. Adults and children dress warmly. The birds have flown to warmer climes. The animals are getting ready for winter. People are harvesting. Heavy rains are coming. The grass dries up. Leaves are falling from the trees.

V .: Autumn (what?)

D: Golden-haired, playful, variable, rainy, dark, gloomy, crimson, quiet, productive, dull, foggy, cold, dreamy, charming, sad, generous, industrious, rich.

What month is autumn now? Why is it called that? (November).

And today we will consider everything related to the trees and phenomena of November.

Didactic game "Who is friends with trees?"

Need to choose illustrations with tree friends and explain why they are friends? (Create a diagram).

Exercise "Do trees look like people?"

Q: Children, do trees look like people?

D: Trees have children and people have children.

Yes, they are alive and breathing.

Their branches look like human hands, and the trunks look like legs.

They move, rustle the leaves.

Q: Trees grow like people.

D: No, because people can walk and talk, but trees can't.)

Q: - Do trees have noses? Can they breathe?

D .: - No, there are no noses, but they, like us, breathe. The leaves help them with this. Each sheet has small holes for air absorption. The leaf inhales polluted air and emits clean air.

Q: Do trees have eyes? Can they see?

D: No, which means they can't see.)

Q: Do trees have mouths? How do they eat?

D: - Trees get the necessary nutrition with the help of roots. Roots absorb nutrients dissolved in water.

Q: What are the parts of a tree?

D .: - root, trunk, crown, branches.

V .: - We will turn into explorers and explore parts of the tree, sit down in your seats.

Experience 1. "Signs of a tree."

V: What is it? (Part of a tree, stump). Examine the cut part of the tree. What does she feel like? (Hard, warm, smooth, rough). What color is she? (brown). Smell. What does the tree smell like? The tree keeps heat, so houses are built from it.

Experience 2. "The age of the tree."

Q: How can you find out a person's age? And how do you think, how can you find out how long a tree lives? Generally, the older the tree, the thicker it is. If a tree is cut down, then rings will be visible in the sawn place, by which they determine how old the tree is. They are also called annual rings: a year has passed - one ring has been added.

Experience 3 "Measuring the thickness of the trunk with a rope."

With the help of a rope, children measure the thickness of the sawn parts of the tree, on which they make a mark with a felt-tip pen. Straighten both ropes, compare them in length. Determine who has a thicker stump (work in pairs).

We have determined the age of the tree, and now we will play a little.

Didactic game "Autumn leaves".

1. The leaf is yellow, like ... (dandelion, chicken, sun, gold)

2. The leaf is light, like ... (fluff, feathers, snowflake, gossamer)

3. The leaf flies and circles like ... (bird, butterfly, color petal)

4. The earth is covered with autumn leaves, like ... (carpet, blanket, bedspread)

Exercise “Why is this so?”

Q: Explain why leaves fall?

D: 1. Trees do not absorb water, which causes the leaves to become brittle and fall off.

2. It's getting cold, the leaves are drying up.

3. There is little light in autumn, the days are short, so the leaves turn yellow and red

V .: And now let's come up with a fabulous explanation why the leaves are falling.

1) The wind does not want to be friends and plucks the leaves.

2) Autumn comes and enchants the trees until spring.

3) Autumn is boastful, shows off before summer, spring, winter, has very beautiful outfits, so it becomes gray.

4) Trees love summer, when autumn comes, they do not obey it and shed their leaves and fall asleep.

5) Autumn wakes up an evil wind, it blows and tears off the leaves.

V .: Today we will get into a fairy tale and find out why the leaves fall. To do this, say the magic words.

Viewing fairy tale-dramatization:

"The Tale of the Girl Marinka"

Marinka: Why are the leaves rustling? Why does it turn yellow in autumn?

Oak: My leaves whisper because they rejoice in the sun. Green, because each leaf has many, many green grains. The grains are so small that you can't see them. But each grain is like a plant, hidden under the skin of a leaf. These plants prepare food for the entire tree.

Marinka: No, the roots feed the tree.

Oak: You can’t live without roots either, it works like pumps pump water from the ground. Many necessary substances are dissolved in this water, but this is not enough. So the little green plants that are in the foliage get to work. They take dirty air from this air, water extracted by roots, seeds-plants make building material for new twigs, buds, roots.

Marinka: I didn't want to wake you up, I clung to the leaves, otherwise the last ones would fall off.

Dub: Oh you! It's time for me to rest. Now the days are getting shorter, there is less and less light, so it's time for the trees to sleep. In the leaves, the green plants disappeared, dissolved. Like sugar in water, because they love warmth and generous sun. There were no green grains, the leaves became yellow and red, because yellow and red grains appeared. And then the leaves dry up and fall.

Marinka: What will you do without leaves? Who will feed you in winter?

Oak In winter, trees neither eat nor drink. In winter, we do not grow, we do not bloom, we only sleep.

V .: I propose to return to the kindergarten and test it on experiments, as the oak told Marinka and us.

You should wave your hands, circle around yourself

Get down and up, get into the fairy-tale world.

Q .: Look at the green leaflet on which it is depicted? (Green leaf with plants).

What benefits do plants bring to a tree? What does it take to make these factories work? (The sun, light - the most important thing for the leaves).

Why are the leaves turning yellow? (There is little light in autumn, because the days are shorter. Green grains in the leaves - the plants disappear, only yellow and red ones remain).

Experience "Why is the leaf green"

V .: Put a leaf in a white cloth, tap on it with a cube. What appeared on the fabric? (Green spots). It is this green substance that colors the leaf. When autumn comes, it gets colder, less sun. This green substance gradually decreases until it disappears altogether. What happens then to the leaf. (It turns yellow, red, purple, orange).

Q: Guys, what are the benefits of trees? (They are a decoration of the park, give fruits to people and animals, purify the air, a home for animals, birds, give people shade, coolness, treat, make furniture, dishes, paper out of it).

Paper making.

Q: What is paper made from? To make good paper, you have to cut down trees. People have learned how to make paper from used, unwanted paper in order to save trees.

V .: First we need to tear the paper into small pieces. Let's put them in a blender. Pour everything with hot water and beat everything in a blender. I will do this myself, because hot water can burn you, and a blender is an electrical appliance, when using which you must follow safety precautions. We've got a "slurry". Add PVA glue, gouache of any color. We get a solution.

We begin the most interesting thing - making a sheet of paper.

V .: In front of each of you lies a towel on an oilcloth covered with a cloth, sponges and a hoop with a mesh. Take the hoop, dip into the "slurry" of paper. When there is enough mixture in the mesh, cover the hoop with the "slurry" with a cloth and a sponge to collect excess moisture. Decorate with leaves, flower petals and leave to dry. (Children make paper, the teacher helps).

Q: The paper will be ready for use when dry. I made paper in advance, dried it and now I'll show you. Remember, used paper should be recycled - this will help save the lives of many trees.

Lesson summary: simple and no problems.

Math class in middle group"Introducing the Rectangle"

« Getting to know the rectangle»

Math middle group

Target: introduce children to the rectangle and teach them to distinguish rectangle, square and triangle; continue to learn to lay out objects in a row in ascending order in width; develop an eye.

Demo material: rectangle, square, triangle.

Dispensing material: each child rectangle, square, triangle of different colors;

three strips, equal in length, decreasing in width.

Lesson progress

Children today Petrushka came to us. He brought us figures, but he does not know what they are called. Let's help him figure it out.

I show the children rectangle and square different color.

What's this? (square)

Let's circle it. Get your fingers ready. The finger goes from left to right, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from top to bottom, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from right to left, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from bottom to top.

What did we circle? (square)

What's this? (rectangle)

Let's circle it. Fingers are ready...

What is the difference rectangle from square?

I put a square on rectangle

See one side they have the same, and the other two sides are different, they have rectangle is longer than a square.

Children take a square in plates and rectangle, put in front of you.

Let's circle the square.

What did you circle?

Circle rectangle.

What did you circle?

Let's compare your rectangles and squares. Place a square on rectangle.

What can we say about the sides of the square and rectangle? (One side is the same, two sides are rectangle is longer than a square).

Move the square to the other side. What can we say about the sides of the square and rectangle?

Guys Petrushka brought us not only squares and rectangles, remove the triangle from the plates. Arrange in front of you rectangle, square and triangle. Now we'll play a game "show a figure like mine"

show one by one rectangle, square and triangle

What figure did you show me?

What color is she?

And I have rectangle(square, triangle) what colour?

And now collect all the figures on plates and rest a little.

Fizkult. minute

So that the head does not hurt, we rotate it to the right to the left

And now we twist our hands and there will be a warm-up for them

We pull our hands to the sky, we part them to the sides,

Turns left and right smoothly

We bend down and easily reach the floor with our hands

Pulled shoulders, backs, and now the end of the warm-up

Remove the strips from the plates and arrange them in order from the narrowest to the widest.

Where will we trim the stripes? (up)

Which stripe is the narrowest? (green)

Which stripe is the widest? (gray)

Which stripe is already green or orange? (green stripe narrower than orange)

Which stripe is wider orange or green? (orange stripe is wider than green)

Which strip is already orange or gray?

Which stripe is wider gray or orange?

List the stripes from narrowest to widest. (points with a finger - the narrowest, wider, widest).

Tell me what geometric figure we we met in class today?

What geometric figure are we comparing rectangle?

How do we lay out the stripes?

You guys were all great, coped with all the tasks and helped Petrushka deal with geometric shapes.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 10" Altynchech ", Aznakaevo, Aznakaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Getting to know the rectangle
outline plan FEMP classes in the middle group
Prepared by Karieva R.F.
Educator 1 sq. categories
Lesson duration: 15 minutes
Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to recognize and correctly name the rectangle.
Program tasks:
Introduce children to the "rectangle", teach to recognize and name it. Continue to develop the ability to compare two objects in size (width, height).
Develop auditory memory perception.
Types of activity: motor, game, perception of the artistic word.
Implementation forms: didactic games, physical activity.
Demo material: square, rectangle; pictures depicting a multi-storey building of different heights.
Handout: one square and one rectangle each, a sheet with the image of a rectangle, pencils, two strips - wide and narrow.
Lesson progress
- Children, Petrushka came to us today. He brought us 2 figures, one of them he knows and the other he doesn't. Let's help him figure it out. Show the children a square and a rectangle. - What is it? (children's answer is a square) - Let's circle it. Get your fingers ready. The finger goes from left to right, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from top to bottom, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from right to left, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from bottom to top.
- What did we circle? (children's answer is a square) - What is the name of this figure? Answer 1-2 children (rectangle) - That's right, it's a rectangle. Let's do it all together. - Let's wrap it around. Get your fingers ready. The finger goes from left to right, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from top to bottom, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from right to left, reached the corner, turned, the finger goes from bottom to top.
What is the difference between a rectangle and a square? I put a square on a rectangle. - Look, one side of them is the same, and the other two sides are different, they are longer in a rectangle than in a square. - Children take a square and a rectangle in plates, put in front of you.
Let's circle a square. - What did you circle? (square) - Circle the rectangle. – What did you circle? (rectangle) - Let's compare your rectangles and squares. Place a square on a rectangle.
What can we say about the sides of a square and a rectangle? (one side is the same, but two sides of a rectangle are longer than those of a square).
Physical education minute
So that the head does not hurt, we rotate it to the right to the left
And now we twist our hands and there will be a warm-up for them
We pull our hands to the sky, we part them to the sides,
Turns left and right smoothly
We bend down and easily reach the floor with our hands
Pulled shoulders, backs, and now the end of the warm-up
Game "What does it look like?"
- Look around and name objects that look like a rectangle.
What shape do these high-rise buildings look like?
- On a rectangle
- How do they differ?
- One house is high, the other is low.
You have on the tables leaflets with the image of a rectangle. Finish the drawing so that you get some kind of rectangular object.
Gymnastics for the eyes.
We looked up at the wheelbarrow - the first drop fell - drip! (blink right eye)
And the second came running - cap! (blink left eye)
We looked at the sky
Droplets drip-drip sang. (blink both eyes)
We looked for bushes and ran away from the rain!
Game "Garden"
We need to help the bunny to plant vegetables in the garden. We will plant carrots on a narrow bed, potatoes on a wide one. - Remove the strips from the plates - these are our beds, compare them, which one is narrow and which one is wide (compare the strips by overlapping each other).
On a narrow strip we draw - carrots, on a wide one - potatoes (show their stripes).
- Guys, did you like our lesson? What did you like the most?
What geometric figure did we meet today?
And I, like Petrushka, liked the way you answered. Well done!
Everyone tried.

Attached files

Current page: 5 (total book has 13 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 9 pages]


Software tasks.

Continue to teach children to cut narrow strips along the folds of paper into pieces; fold the strip twice to get four squares or rectangles; symmetrically arrange the elements of the pattern at the corners and sides of the square; distinguish between two shades of the same color.


Square flannelgraph and figures for laying out patterns: large squares and circles, small squares and rectangles; strips for showing folding and cutting along the folds; character Parsley; for children, sheets of tinted paper 15 × 15 cm, ready-made large molds 3×3 cm and two strips 8×2 cm(for squares) or 1.5 × 12 cm(for rectangles). Some children have large figures and stripes of the same color but different shades (red and dark red, green and dark green, etc.).

Course progress.

A flannelograph is placed in front of the children. Petrushka appears: “Hello! What are you going to do?

Educator. I want to show the kids how to make a pattern of large and small squares on this rug.

Parsley. May I try to make a pattern?

Educator. Try Petrushka.

Parsley is haphazardly attaching figurines on a flannelgraph.

Educator. Children! Is this a pattern? No, Petrushka (takes the figurines off the flannelgraph). The pattern will turn out when the figures are located in certain places. Look. I will place identical squares in each corner of the rug. Here are the big ones. And on the sides there are two small ones.

Parsley. Yes, it turned out beautiful! Can kids make patterns?


Educator. Children, who wants to help me make a pattern with other figures?

He calls a child who wants to, gives him mugs and asks where they can be placed on the rug (in the corners).

Parsley. Now I know where to put those little rectangles.

Educator. Where?

Parsley. On the sides of the rug. Right here, right here...

The teacher and the child make a pattern on the flannelograph.

Parsley looks at the pictorial material of the children and says: “But children cannot make such patterns. They don't have little squares and rectangles."

Educator. But they have stripes. They will fold them and cut them with scissors. Like this. First, fold the strip in half, then again in half, unfold and cut it along the folds.

Invites children to fold and cut strips. He asks what figures they got. Confirms that some children have small squares, while others have small rectangles. Then he offers to lay out a pattern from large and small figures on his sheets of paper. Those who posted correctly are allowed to stick the pattern. Gives advice, instructions to children on behalf of Petrushka (“Petrushka asks ... Petrushka says that ...”). At the end of the lesson, he puts the children's work on the stand.

Parsley. How beautiful patterns, and everywhere large figures - circles or squares - are pasted at the corners of the rug, and small ones - on the sides. I now understand what a pattern is. But why are there large and small figures of different colors on some rugs, and the same on others?

Educator. Yes, they are the same color but different shades. Now the children will explain to you Parsley.

He addresses the children: “Tell me, what are the big squares on this rug? (Red.) And the little ones? (Dark red.) What are the circles in this pattern? (Dark green.) What are the little rectangles? (Light green.) Etc. You see, Petrushka, our children know that each color can be of different shades.

Parsley. Aya figured out what to do! You can stick these small rugs on a large sheet of paper, and you get a large carpet for dolls. And in the doll room will be very beautiful!

Educator. You thought well Parsley. We will do this in our spare time. The dolls will have a beautiful carpet!


Software tasks.

To teach children to convey in the drawing the differences between square and rectangular shapes; continue to teach how to paint over a drawing with pencils, with a continuous back and forth movement, in one direction, without going beyond the contour; navigate on a sheet of paper - depict several objects at the top of the sheet; encourage making additions to the drawing that enrich its content.


The teacher has a picture of a hedgehog-washer from the fairy tale "Uhti-Tukhti", a doll towel and a handkerchief, a sheet of paper and a colored pencil to show drawing techniques. Children have sheets of paper 1/2 of a landscape sheet and colored pencils.

Course progress.

The teacher places a picture of a hedgehog in front of the children and says: “A hedgehog lived in one forest. She was a forest washerwoman and washed clothes for forest animals. Her name was Uhti-Tukhti. And they called her that because when she was washing clothes, she always puffed: "Wow-wow, wow-wow." Once the animals came to her and asked her to wash their towels and handkerchiefs. The towels were like this (shows a doll towel). Which? (Rectangular.) And the handkerchiefs were like this (shows a handkerchief). Which? (Square.)

Only the white hare had white towels and handkerchiefs. Other animals had towels and handkerchiefs of the same color as the animals themselves. At the frog ... (children show: “Green”), at the bear cub ... (“Brown”), at the fox and squirrel ... (“Orange”), at the little chick ... (“Yellow”). The diligent Uhti-Tukhti washed handkerchiefs and towels clean, but she had no ropes to hang these things to dry. And she asks you children to hang towels and handkerchiefs on your slips of paper to dry.”

The teacher shows how to draw a horizontal line (rope) on the top of a sheet of paper, and draw a rectangular towel on it. To do this, you need to draw a long line down, stop, turn the pencil and draw a short line to the side, stop again and draw a long line from the bottom up. It turns out a long rectangular towel.

Next you need to draw a handkerchief. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that when drawing a scarf, all lines should be the same in length, then the scarf will turn out to be square.

He invites children to draw several handkerchiefs and towels on a rope and color them with pencils of such colors so that it is clear whose things they are, what kind of animals.

During the lesson, you need to follow the technique of coloring with a pencil. Encourage children to add additions to the drawings (grass, sun, a basin of linen, etc.).

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites one or another child to come out with his own drawing, and the rest of the children guess who the towels and handkerchiefs may belong to. Draws attention to the drawings, where the shape of the objects is well conveyed (“You can immediately see where the handkerchief is and where the towel is”).

In conclusion, you can call the hedgehog Ukhti-Tukhti (again put a picture with her image in front of the children) and thank the children for their help on her behalf: “Without you, I would not have been able to complete the order of the animals on time.”



Software tasks.

Continue to teach children to distinguish and depict square and rectangular shapes; depict objects of a quadrangular shape, focusing on the shape of the "cells" of the box; exercise in painting over figures in one direction, without going beyond the contour; independently choose the color when painting objects in the picture.


The teacher has a sheet of paper divided into square and rectangular cells, a cube and a brick. Children have sheets of paper drawn into square and rectangular cells - “boxes” with a different number of “cells” (from 4 to 6 pieces), colored pencils.

Course progress.

The teacher tells the children that in one toy factory the craftsmen made many cubes and bricks. Shows a cube and a brick and traces one of their sides with a finger. The story continues: “And other craftsmen made such boxes with cells for building material (shows). Before the workers had time to put the cubes and bricks into boxes, a car arrived to take them to the store for sale. The driver was in a hurry, could not wait, and said that he would bring the building material and boxes to the kindergarten, and there the children would sort it into cells. Hear the signal? It was a truck."

You can act out a scene with a driver and a car, or go out the door and come back with boxes (lined sheets of paper) and distribute them to the children. Offer to consider the boxes, determine the shape of the "cells" (square and rectangular). Ask in which cells you need to put the cubes, and in which bricks.


Next, you need to show the techniques for drawing a square and a rectangle by placing them in the appropriate cells on your sheet of paper. When showing, explain the drawing techniques (draw the forms in continuous motion, stopping at the corners and turning the pencil).

Invite the children to show with the back, unsharpened side of the pencil how they will draw a cube, and then a brick in the cells of the box. Recall that in the cells of the bricks, two sides are long and two are short, and the cube has all the same sides.

Give the children a task: draw ("decompose") cubes and bricks into boxes into cells.

In the process of drawing, encourage children to draw and paint over the shapes with different colored pencils. Follow the correct painting techniques.

At the end of the lesson, place the children's drawings on the stand and say that now all the cubes and bricks are in boxes. In square cells lie ... (cubes), and in rectangular cells ... (bricks). There are bricks and cubes very well painted. Children can show such evenly, in one direction, filled-in shapes and name their color.

You can beat the end of the lesson like this. Call the driver, tell him that the children put the bricks and blocks into boxes. Let him come for them and take them to the store.


Software tasks.

To teach children to convey in the drawing the rectangular shape of the car and the square shape of the windows; draw an object large, in accordance with the size of a sheet of paper; follow the rules of painting with paints (paint over in one direction with the whole brush, tearing it off the paper and each time bringing it to the contour); independently choose a color for drawing and coloring the car; encourage children to make additions to the drawing that enrich its content.


The teacher has a picture depicting a steam locomotive and a wagon, a game character: a bear or Petrushka, a sheet of paper to show image techniques, small flags. In children, sheets of paper in the form of an elongated rectangle (approximately 25 × 17 cm), gouache paints, brushes.

Course progress.

Parsley says that all the little animals and dolls wanted to pick mushrooms in the autumn forest. The forest can only be reached by train. The animals and dolls have only a locomotive and one carriage (places pictures in front of the children), but there are many animals and dolls, and there is only one carriage. All won't fit.

Children have helped dolls and animals more than once, and they hope that this time the guys will help them.

Educator. Children! Let's help our dolls and animals? How can we help?

Parsley. Do the children know what shape the wagons are?

Educator. Of course they do. After all, they themselves traveled on a real train, in real wagons, to the sea, to their dacha, to other cities.

Parsley. Your children correctly identified the shape of the wagons, but do they know the shape of the windows on the wagons? (Children answer.)

The teacher attaches a sheet of paper to the easel, shows how to paint a rectangular wagon with square windows. Draws the attention of children to the shape of a sheet of paper (rectangular), to the sequence of drawing. First, they draw the outline of a rectangular car, then paint over it with the same paint. When painting over, it is necessary to emphasize the difference between the methods of painting with paints and the methods of painting with pencils. Explain that while the paint dries, you need to draw the wheels, stepping back a little from the edges of the car. Draw one square window with blue or gray paint and say that the children will draw several more such windows on their car.

In the process of drawing, the teacher monitors the technique of the image, helps on behalf of Petrushka with advice and instructions. He says that the cars can be of different colors, so they can be painted with whatever paint they want. Encourages those who make additions to the drawing.


As soon as they are ready, children's drawings are applied to the locomotive so that a long train is obtained. You can make a train of drawings on the floor. Note that the train turned out to be fun, because it has a lot of bright, colorful cars. Ask the children about the color of the wagons. On behalf of Petrushka, give several children small flags and offer them to mark those wagons that have a rectangular shape and square windows.

Parsley says that he will go to the little animals and dolls with good news, let them gather in the forest for mushrooms.


Software tasks.

Continue to teach children to depict objects consisting of rectangular and square parts; independently choose for the image one of the proposed options for houses and the color for painting the walls and roof; to fix the techniques of painting with paints in one direction, with the whole brush, with a separation at the contour of the picture from the paper; encourage children to make additions to the drawing that enrich its content.


The teacher has two samples of the house: one with three windows, the other with a door and two windows, a piece of paper with a painted wall of the house, painted over 2/3; game character teddy bear or someone else. Children have rectangular sheets of paper, gouache paints, brushes.

Course progress.

The lesson is held in the form of a game.

A bear appears with samples of two houses and an unfinished drawing under his arm. The bear greets the children and the teacher.

Educator. Where did you come from, bear, and what did you bring?

Bear. I was in another kindergarten. There, the children drew beautiful houses for the dolls. Like these ones!

The teacher takes samples from the bear and places them on the stand (board).

Bear. I really want children to draw such houses for our dolls. I don't know if they can do it?


Educator. Don't worry, bear. I will teach the children to draw such houses, and you will help us.

Bear. Have the children take a good look at these houses. Children, do you know what shape you need to draw a wall near the house (he circles the wall of the house with his paw)? And the windows? (Outlines the windows.) That's right, the walls are rectangular, and the windows are square. Guys! Look at the roof. It is longer near the wall than at the top, and inclined on the side (outlines). From such a roof, snow and rain will quickly roll down, and the walls will remain dry.

Educator. Bear, what is this sheet of paper that you brought along with the drawings?

Bear. It was I who wanted to draw the same house, but failed.

Educator. Now I will show you and the children how to draw a house. Mishka, you didn't even paint over the entire wall of the house. Children, who wants to show how to paint over a drawing?

Calls a child who, with two or three broad lines, laying the brush flat, finishes painting the wall. During his work, the teacher explains the rules for painting with paints.

Next, the image of the remaining parts of the house is shown: the roof, the windows. When drawing windows, children's attention is drawn to the sequence of their placement on the wall of the house. First, draw a window in the middle of the wall, and then windows to the left and right of the first. This technique will help children evenly distribute the windows on the wall of the house.

The teacher says that each of them will draw a house for the doll and paint the wall and roof with whatever colors they want, and paint the windows with blue (gray) paint. Everyone will decide for himself whether he will draw a house with three windows or with a door in the middle and two windows.

In the process of drawing, the educator specifies, if necessary, methods for depicting rectangular and square shapes, methods for painting with paints. Reminds that windows should be painted only after the paint on the wall has dried. While it dries, you can draw the roof and make additions to the drawing (something near the house, above the house, on the house).

In conclusion, it is necessary to note the different colors of houses, evenly spaced windows, the shape of houses and windows, and praise those who made interesting additions to the drawing. For example: “A flower (bush, tree) has grown near this house. And here they made a fence, and here grass grew near the house. The sun is shining in the sky. Smoke comes out of the chimney of this house, which means they are heating the stove, ”etc.

These features are noticed by the bear and dolls when choosing a house in which they would like to live.


Software tasks.

Continue to teach children to cut wide and narrow strips along the folds in different ways; learn to make a pattern of squares, alternating elements in size and color, independently choose a color for the elements of the pattern; place the pattern in a certain place of the product (on the lapel of the cap); to consolidate the skills of accurate gluing.


The teacher has a silhouette of a hat made of velvet paper, squares of two sizes of different colors, glued with reverse side flannel; narrow and wide strips of paper, 4–5 cardboard rims (according to the volume of the child’s head), paper clips. Children have silhouettes of hats of different colors (the width of the hat at the bottom is 28 cm), strips of paper in two sizes: 3×12 and 1.5×6 cm, matching hat color. For each child, 3-4 paper strips of different colors are prepared for self-selection of the color of the pattern, scissors, glue.

Course progress.


Rice. 23. Hat silhouette for decoration.


Rice. 24. Strips for cutting into squares

The teacher says that now the weather is cold and the children, when they go for a walk, put on warm woolen hats. Hats can be decorated with a pattern. He places a hat cut out of velvet paper on the easel, says: “I have squares of different colors and sizes (shows). Let's make a pattern out of them and decorate the hat. Where is the best place to place a pattern on a hat? (Bottom on the lapel.) To make the pattern beautiful, I will alternate the squares in size: large - small, again large - small ... (applies the squares to the cap). What a beautiful hat! What color are the squares on the red hat? I specially picked up the squares of this color so that they make a pattern, beautiful and in color.

Children, you can lay out a different pattern from the same squares if you change their position. Now I will put the small squares in the corner. The pattern has changed.

And who wants to put large squares in the corner? Perhaps the pattern will change again.”

Calls the child to the board to show a new version of the pattern.

The teacher asks the children to show from which strip they will cut out large squares and from which - small ones. Emphasizes that wide strips need to be cut differently than narrow ones. Narrow ones must be cut with one movement of scissors, and wide ones - with slow movements of scissors, without closing the blade to the end (shows). "Who wants to show you how to cut wide strips again?" the teacher asks.

Offers to run your finger over the place on the cap where the pattern will be located. Reminds you that the squares in the pattern can be arranged in different ways. Removes the sample.

In the process of work, the teacher monitors the correctness of the methods of working with scissors when cutting wide and narrow strips. If necessary, reminds you how to fold the strips to make four squares (half and half again). It also reminds you that before sticking, you should lay out the pattern on the hat. Encourages to spread different variants pattern. Monitors accuracy in working with glue.

For children who completed the work faster than others, the teacher may offer to cut another narrow strip into squares (or give ready-made small squares) and stick them on large ones.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher puts the hats on the stand and offers to play in the store: “I will be the seller, and you will be the buyers. brought to our store beautiful hats with patterns. Hats are different colors, and the patterns on them are also different. Who wants to buy a hat? What color hat do you like? What pattern is on this hat?


Rice. 25. Pattern options

The selected cap should be attached with clips to the rim and put on the child's head. Call three or four more children to buy hats. Invite them to tell about the hat they would like to buy. Name its color, the color of the squares in the pattern, their location (the squares are glued straight or with corners). To say that the store is closed for a break, but in the evening it will open again and then everyone will be able to buy hats.