Presentation on the topic of pets for adults. Presentation "pets" for middle group children

The immaturity of the phonetic components of speech, as well as secondary underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, create significant difficulties in the correction of phonetic-phonemic disorders. They are due to the complexity of the practical explanation of the characteristics of oral speech.

The computer provides ample opportunities for using various analyzing systems in the process of performing and monitoring activities.

In particular, visualization of the main components of oral speech in the form of images accessible to the child makes it possible to activate compensatory mechanisms based on visual perception. This is facilitated by the joint coordination work of the motor, auditory and visual analyzers when performing computer program tasks.

Underdevelopment of verbal memory and disturbances of attention in the form of its instability and low concentration in children with speech pathology make it necessary to carry out targeted work to overcome these disorders (Danilova L.A. 1977). And since preschoolers have well-developed involuntary attention, educational material presented in a bright, interesting and accessible form for the child arouses interest.

In this case, the use of presentations becomes especially appropriate, since it presents information in an attractive form, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.

Therefore, this presentation is intended as didactic material for consolidating knowledge on the lexical topic “Pets”.

Domestic animals and their young.

“Who is most needed” for the owner.

Correctional educational goals:

Learn to form complex words;
- learn to form possessive adjectives.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Expand your dictionary of antonyms;
- activate the dictionary, consolidate the use of nouns in the plural genitive case;
- develop inflection and inflection.

Corrective educational task:

Cultivate cognitive interest in the world around you.

Equipment: pet masks, pictures of domestic animals and their babies.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Game “Who is the most needed?”

The speech therapist gives children masks of pets (can be drawn), the children put them on their heads.

“One day, the pets started an argument about who was most needed by the owner.

The cow said (further said by the child, who has a corresponding mask on his head): “I am the most necessary, because I give delicious milk,” and the cat answered her: “No, I am the most necessary, because I catch mice that eat the owner’s supplies.” "

But the dog did not agree with them: “I am the most needed, because I guard the owner’s yard.” But then the horse intervened in the dispute and said: “And I transport heavy loads for the owner, so I am the most needed.”

They argued for a very long time, but could not figure out who was most needed.”

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Guys! Today we will talk about pets, and you should think about who is the most necessary for an owner.

3. Introductory conversation.


The very first animal that man made his friend was a dog. Time passed. Domestic animals began to differ greatly from their wild relatives both in appearance and character. They are peace-loving and flexible, are not afraid of humans, and are accustomed to receiving food, help and protection from him.

Cows, sheep, goats, horses and other large domestic animals are livestock. Cattle graze in the meadow in summer. There the animals eat fresh grass. They prepare hay for the winter. Cows and goats are milked every day and receive milk. Sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, butter, and cheese are made from milk. Rams and sheep are shorn when they grow wool. Threads are made from sheep's wool. Threads are used to knit scarves, socks, sweaters and make woolen fabrics. Cows and sheep provide meat. Horses help people in their work. They transport goods. All pets are beneficial.

4. Development of lexical and grammatical categories.

Guys! You know different pets. And what body parts of these animals can you name? (Children name body parts)

Game “Whose, whose, whose?”

Dog paws. Whose paws? - Dog. Cow's hooves. Whose hooves? -...Goat beard. Whose beard? -...Horse tail. Whose tail? -... The muzzle of a rabbit. Whose face? -...Cat paws. Whose paws? - … etc.

Game "Say the other way around"

Many animals have the same body parts, but they may differ in size, color, or may be opposite to each other. Look at the pictures and answer:
The cow has a long tail, and the pig... (short)
The pig has thick legs, and the sheep... (thin)
A pig has hard bristles, and a cat has fur... (soft)
The goat has sharp horns, and the ram... (blunt)

Game "Form a new word."

The cow has a long tail. What kind of cow? - Long-tailed.
The bull has sharp horns. Bull, which one? - Sharp-horned.
The pig has short legs. What kind of pig? - Short-legged.
The rabbit has long ears. What kind of rabbit? - Long-eared.
The horse has a long mane. What kind of horse? - Long-maned.
Sheep have soft wool. What kind of sheep? - Soft-haired.
A camel has two humps. Camel, which one? - Double-humped.

Physical education minute.

This is what a cat is like, (They walk with a “kitten” step)
Round face, (Stroke the face)
And on each paw (represent claws)
Claws are scratchers.
All his toys - (Jumping in place)
Cube and reel.
A cat is like a ball (They jump one after another in a circle)
Jumps around the apartment.
O. Vysotskaya.

Game “Guess what kind of animal this is?”

You have learned a lot about domestic animals, and now try to guess them by their habits and voice.

Guards, gnaws, barks (who is this?) -
Meows, laps, scratches -
Grunts, digs the ground, scratches -
Neighs, runs, jumps -
Bleats, butts -
Moos, chews, walks, gives milk -

Meows (who?) -
Laughs -
Grunts -
Moos -
Barks -
Bleats –

Game "Find the baby?"

Every domestic animal has a baby. Adult animals are on the right, and young animals are on the left. I have a task for you: you must unite the family: tell who has which baby and “take” (rearrange the picture) the babies to their mothers.

The cat has many kittens.
The mother rabbit has many rabbits.
The cow has many calves.
The horse has many foals, etc.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Who did they talk about in class?

Who do you think is the most necessary for the owner? (All animals are important and needed in their own way).

What new words about pets did you learn in class? (This refers to words from the game “Form a new word”).

Oksana Kostyleva, speech therapist

Marina Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova
Interactive game “Pets” (presentation)

Purpose of the game: introduce children to domestic animals and their young; learn to name and compare them by size; develop memory, attention, speech; enrich lexicon; Animals are called pets who live next to a person. He cares about them (builds a home, feeds, looks after). A animals They benefit people for this (meat, milk, lard, eggs, wool, fluff, and help cultivate the land and guard the house.

Dog is first pet, which was tamed by man. A guard dog lives in a special house - a kennel or booth. They are kept on a chain so that they protect the house and do not harm to a stranger. Dogs eat meat, special dog food, and cereal. Dogs help humans in everything. They serve in the police and army, there are guide dogs for blind people, and rescue dogs. Dogs communicate by barking. Loud barking warns the owner of danger.

Cow – very smart and affectionate pet. Loves human care and attention. The cows are fed grass and hay. They are kept in a special room - a barn. In the evening, milkmaids milk the cows - they take milk from the udder. Dairy products are made from cow's milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, kefir, etc. Cows communicate by mooing. Pig - pet with an elongated head - snout. They love to dig up the ground with their snout in search of edible roots. Pigs are kept in a special room - a pigsty. Pigs are omnivores animals, feed on both plant and animal food. Pigs give humans meat, lard, and skin. Pigs communicate by grunting.

Publications on the topic:

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Presentation "Pets" I bring to your attention a presentation on the topic "Pets". The presentation contains riddles about pets. Riddles are useful for.

Slide 1

Rare pets

Slide 2

Wildlife is a wonderful world and a special place in it is given to animals. People have long observed animals, acquired knowledge about their appearance, habitat, lifestyle, habits, and passed them on from generation to generation. Over time, books about animals appeared, and the science of zoology arose.

Slide 3

They say that a pet is the keeper of the hearth, who waits for us to come home, loves and pleases us.

Slide 4

Domestic animals evolved from wild animals living in the wild. Many wild animals can be tamed, especially when young, and even kept at home. Sometimes it happens that wild animals are easily tamed.

Slide 5

Rabbits became pets relatively recently. Dwarf rabbits are often kept as pets. Unlike ordinary rabbits, dwarf rabbits are very small in stature. The weight of a regular rabbit is 5-8 kg, while dwarf rabbits reach only 1-1.5 kg. Dwarf rabbits have a rounder face and much shorter ears than their larger brothers.
Simple rabbit
Dwarf rabbit

Slide 6

Mink is an unusually enterprising and strong predatory animal. She has very fluffy fur. Mink is an excellent swimmer. These animals love to bathe, so organize this pleasure for them by placing a basin or bath with water. Minks, like cats, love to play with rope, cord or leash.

Slide 7

1. An ungulate with a mane and tail 2. A very stubborn animal with long ears 3. A bird with a long beak and a red cap 4. A tail with a ring, sleeps under the porch, guards the house 5. A striped forest animal 6. A white-sided bird, a forest rattle, a gossip 7. Big, strong, with fangs, name is Pumbaa 8. Cunning red-haired cheat 9. Horned, curly-haired, gives us wool

Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about familiar pets. To foster children’s interest in books about animals. Objectives: to introduce children to the characteristic features appearance, behavior, lifestyle of domestic animals and their cubs; develop the ability to name domestic animals and their cubs; form a caring attitude towards pets; develop emotional responsiveness to works of art.

Preliminary work: Observing the lives of domestic animals; Looking at toys, pictures of pets; reading works of art: fairy tales: “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, adaptation by A.N. Tolstoy, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, adaptation by M. Bogolyubskaya, “Bull - black barrel, white hooves”, adaptation by M. Bulatov, “Goat” dereza”, adaptation by E. Blaginina, poems: A. Barto “Bull”, “Little Goat”, “About a Kitten”, V. Berestov “Bull”, stories: K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, V. Suteev “Three Kittens”, "Who said 'Meow?' solving riddles.

He eats grass, chews, is silent, and then moos for half a day: Stroke my sides - I’ll give you fresh milk

Who is this? A beard, horns. She has legs in her hooves. She produces excellent healing milk.

Sweet, good-natured, nose pointed, lying in a puddle, tail sticking out with a hook

She happily waves her tail when the owner comes into the house. Her destiny is this - to keep the house from strangers.

Who lives in our house? He drinks milk from a bowl. At night he chases mice. During the day he rests on a bench.

He gives us wool so that we can dress ourselves and keep warm in woolen clothes. He grazes in a flock in the meadow. What is that animal’s name?

Didactic game “Guess who is the odd one out?”

Didactic game “What are the names of young domestic animals?

Physical exercise “Kittens”.

Guys, let's listen to the poem: All day long, two girlfriends grazed near the pines - ME and MU. MEOW warmed his barrel in the sun, BE disturbed him all day. KRYA was swimming nearby in the river, Kukareku sang songs, GAV was lying on the porch, ONG was under a sniffle bush. And now, my friend, remind me, Call by name everyone who caught our eye on this hot afternoon. (T. Litvinova.) Children name pets

Didactic game “Who eats what?”

Listen to what a good poem the poet Roman Sef wrote about them: These animals live at home, That’s why they are called pets, We shelter them in warmth from the frost, We feed and water them, if necessary, we give them a haircut, We stroke them affectionately, we always take care of them, They They are attached to us, very obedient and not indifferent to our voice. The dogs diligently guard our house, All the cats, of course, live near the house And they guard our food from mice. Today we remembered our favorites. Let's remember who they are? (Pets).

Thank you for your attention.


Completed by: primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 62

Bazulina Irina Borisovna


Pets live near people: in the house, in special rooms designed for living and feeding animals. The person takes care of them. And animals for humans, in return, provide food and material for making clothes, shoes and homes, and bring joy.

He chews hay day and night,

Gives a lot of milk.

What benefits does a cow bring?

A cow gives a person milk, butter, cottage cheese, meat, and leather for making shoes.

I have known you for a long time,

I say: “Be-be-be!”

I have cool horns

There are legs in hoof shoes.

What benefits does a ram bring?

The ram gives humans meat, leather for making shoes, and wool.

With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not a bull,

They milk, not the cow,

With down, not a bird,

Lyko fights

But he doesn’t weave bast shoes.


What benefits does a goat bring?

A goat gives humans milk, sour cream, meat, leather for making shoes, wool

Champion in fast running,

Sometimes I drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats.

What benefits does a horse bring?

The horse gives humans meat and leather for making shoes. She is used to transport goods, “serves” in the police, and brings joy when communicating with her.

I'm an ordinary hen

The duck is my neighbor.

It's a pity, it's not easy for me to take off,

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Proud of his position

And the alarm clock bird screams

Early in the morning, at six in the morning:

"Hey, shepherd, it's time to get up!

Bring it out, ku-ka-re-ku,

The herd to the lush meadow!


  • Chickens and roosters provide humans with meat, eggs, and fluff. They wake you up in the morning.

He has four legs.

These paws are scratchy.

A pair of sensitive ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice.

What benefits does a cat bring?

The cat catches mice and brings joy when communicating with it.

A man's true friend,

I can hear every sound very clearly.

I have an excellent sense of smell

Keen eye and keen hearing.

What benefits does a dog bring?

The dog guards the house, “serves” as a guide for blind people, “works” in the police, brings joy when communicating with it, etc.