Consequences of lack of sleep: immediate and distant. Why chronic lack of sleep is dangerous and how to prevent its consequences? How to get rid of lack of sleep

The recommended sleep duration for an adult is 7-8 hours. This is how much time the body needs to recover. Chronic lack of sleep not only negatively affects the appearance, but also leads to a large number of health problems.

Causes of chronic sleep deprivation

Factors that provoke problems with night rest and do not allow you to get enough sleep are divided into internal and external. Internal factors include various physiological or psychological problems. External causes poor sleep are all sorts of circumstances related to the environment surrounding a person.


Stressful circumstances (problems in your personal or work life, financial or creative crisis, unpleasant memories from the past) are one of the most common reasons for a bad night's rest. Particularly affected are people with increased level suspiciousness that exaggerates the significance of negative events. It is common for a suspicious person to spend a lot of time thinking about and analyzing a problem, and, as a rule, they do this before going to bed. This leads to the fact that the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin) in the body decreases and the synthesis of adrenaline increases, which provokes overexcitation of the nervous system and problems with sleep.
It is possible to determine the fact that lack of sleep is provoked by stress by a number of factors:
  • fear that sleep will not come throughout the night;
  • nightmares, disturbing dreams;
  • superficial sleep;
  • for some time before sleep, a rapid heartbeat begins;
  • long process of falling asleep (more than half an hour).
Chronic lack of sleep due to insomnia can be a symptom of various mental disorders. These include neurosis, psychosis, prolonged depression, manic disorders. There is even a separate disease in which a person does not sleep at night because he is afraid of sleep. This disorder is called hypnophobia.

Not healthy sleep due to mental health deviations, it has a number of characteristic features:

  • panic and anxiety before going to bed;
  • frequent waking up at night;
  • a short sleep (as a rule, a person wakes up between 3 and 5 a.m. and cannot fall asleep after that).

Physiological diseases

Various diseases of the body are common cause sleep problems in the elderly. The manifestations of many diseases are aggravated in the evening or at night, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and makes you wake up at night. There are also some pathologies that provoke chronic lack of sleep in people in middle age and in children.

Diseases that can cause chronic sleep deprivation include:

  • diathesis (itching on the skin) - in children under the age of one year;
  • () - most often in preschool children;
  • hormonal failure (lack or excess of one of the hormones) - in women during pregnancy and after childbirth, it is also common in women during menopause;
  • restless legs syndrome (involuntary movements of the legs before and during sleep) - in men and women aged 20 to 40 years;
  • angina pectoris (pain in the heart) - in people of middle and older age;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure) - most often affects people aged 40 to 60 years;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) - in people over 50 years old;
  • obstructive sleep apnea (strong snoring) - more common in older people and in those who are overweight.

Violation of biological rhythms

All body systems, including the nervous system, function in accordance with biological rhythms. That is, it is laid down by nature in such a way that in the period from about 20.00 to 22.00 all processes begin to slow down, the body and nervous system relax, and the person falls asleep. If, for a number of reasons, for some time a person does not go to bed at the appointed time, his biological rhythm is disturbed. Subsequently, already having the opportunity to fall asleep in the appropriate period, he begins to experience sleep problems that lead to chronic sleep deprivation.

To provoke a violation of biorhythms can:

  • frequent flights in different time zones;
  • night mode;
  • the birth of a child and care for him;
  • regular visits to nightlife.
A sign that sleep deprivation is provoked by jet lag is severe difficulty falling asleep and difficulty waking up.

Signs of chronic sleep deprivation

From the point of view of medicine, chronic sleep deprivation is considered as a disease (sleep disorder) that has a number of symptoms. Since the body does not get the opportunity to fully recover, a number of negative changes occur in it, which affect the appearance, character and general condition person.

Symptoms from the nervous system

Violations of the functionality of the nervous system is the very first symptom of chronic sleep deprivation, since it is the nervous system that “suffers” most of all from the lack of night rest. As a rule, a disorder of the nervous system is manifested not by one, but by a number of signs that significantly reduce the quality of human life.

Dysfunction of the nervous system with lack of sleep is expressed in the following:

  • inattention;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • increased emotionality (inappropriate laughter or causeless tears);
  • apathy and depression;
  • cognitive decline (memory, speech, thinking).

With advanced forms of chronic lack of sleep, a fear of the onset of night can form, which causes the development of ritual behavior. This symptom is expressed in the fact that a person begins to take various measures that delay going to bed.

A person who suffers from sleep problems can be identified by a number of characteristic external features:
  • reddened whites of the eyes;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • swollen upper eyelids;
  • pale or earthy skin tone;
  • general untidy appearance.

Manifestations of lack of sleep on the part of other body systems

Chronic sleep deprivation is manifested by the following physiological symptoms:
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • nausea, excessive accumulation of gases;
  • dysfunction digestive system(constipation or diarrhea);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • decreased immunity, frequent colds.

Consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

The consequences of chronic sleep deprivation negatively affect social, personal, professional field human life.

The consequences of long-term sleep problems are:

  • relationship problems . Irritability and other character changes characteristic of lack of sleep lead to the fact that a person begins to fence himself off from others, becomes more withdrawn. This behavior negatively affects relationships with family members, friends, work colleagues.
  • Depression . The development of this disease is facilitated by the fact that with poor-quality sleep, the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for positive emotions, slows down.
  • Professional difficulties . Inattention, constant drowsiness, decreased performance, frequent lateness - all these factors contribute to the fact that a person begins to have problems at work. Lack of sleep is especially dangerous for drivers, as poor sleep quality and associated fatigue are statistically a common cause of accidents.
  • Deterioration in appearance . During sleep, collagen is produced, which provides skin tone. With lack of sleep, the synthesis of this substance decreases, as a result of which wrinkles begin to appear, the oval of the face “floats”, the muscles become flabby. In men, the amount of muscle mass decreases, since lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone somatostatin, which is responsible for muscle growth. In addition, poor-quality night rest contributes to obesity.
  • Disorders of sexual life . Lack of energy and a weakened overall tone lead to a decrease in libido (sexual desire). Also, men may have problems with potency.

Sleep hygiene rules

The concept of sleep hygiene includes a set of recommended measures aimed at normalizing night rest. Violation of one or more rules leads to the fact that the quality of sleep is reduced and chronic sleep deprivation develops.

To prevent this problem, read the rules of sleep hygiene:

  • a mattress of medium hardness (a hard mattress is recommended for osteochondrosis);
  • low pillow (for osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, you should choose a low pillow or sleep without it);
  • bed and underwear made of natural materials;
  • absence of irritating factors (drafts, ticking clocks, flashing electronic sensors);
  • refusal to read or watch stories with negative content;
  • refusal to use products containing caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks) 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • refusal of fatty and heavy foods (meat, confectionery) 2 hours before bedtime;
  • going to bed should be no later than 22:00-23:00 hours.
The main indicator that the cause of sleep deprivation is poor sleep hygiene is a poor-quality night's rest. In other words, a person may not have problems falling asleep and waking up, but at the same time he wakes up tired and lethargic.

Treating chronic sleep deprivation

Treatment of this disorder involves the elimination of the factors that provoke it. So, first of all, you should audit your sleeping place and correct all the points that are contrary to the norms of sleep hygiene. If the cause of lack of sleep is physiological or psychological problems, you should contact the relevant specialists.

Pass the medical examination should be in cases where there are no obvious reasons for you that could provoke chronic sleep deprivation.

There are a number of steps a person can take on their own to improve their sleep. It should be noted that all these actions are optional, since the primary task is to eliminate the root cause of poor sleep.

Take the following steps to improve your sleep:

  • give up daytime sleep, even if you feel too tired;
  • include more physical activity in your life (go in for sports, give up public transport, stop using the elevator);
  • master several techniques for falling asleep quickly (fast eye movement method, blinking method, mattress immersion method);
  • carry out procedures before going to bed that will help get rid of nervous tension (relaxing bath, calm music, watching humorous stories);
  • ventilate the bedroom before going to bed; if the air is too dry, put a humidifier;
  • keep a sleep schedule and try to go to bed at the same time;
  • do not use alcohol to combat sleep deprivation, as it can help you fall asleep quickly, but sleep will be superficial and heavy.

Folk remedies to improve sleep (video)

Ethnic medicine suggests using decoctions based on herbs that have a sedative (calming) effect to normalize sleep. Also, these plants can be used to prepare a special pillow for sleeping. For more information on which herbs will help with lack of sleep, see this video.

The cause of chronic lack of sleep can be various factors - from the wrong mattress to a latent serious illness. Therefore, if you experience regularly recurring sleep problems (for 1-2 weeks), you should determine the cause and take adequate measures to eliminate it.

Next article.

According to scientists, to restore human body Requires 7-8 hours of sleep at night. This duration may vary depending on individual features body, but prolonged lack of normal sleep is fraught with serious health consequences. Recognizing the symptoms of chronic sleep deprivation allows the doctor to develop the correct treatment strategy.

The concept of chronic sleep deprivation

If you can't get enough sleep for several days or weeks, it's too early to say that there is chronic sleep deprivation. Of course, lack of sleep will affect the state of a person, his appearance, but catastrophic violations will not occur.

You can fully feel the consequences of lack of sleep in six months, if throughout this period you suffer from insomnia, rest time is limited by external and internal factors. Studies have shown that a constant lack of night sleep leads to poor health.

How chronic lack of rest manifests itself

The systematic lack of the body's ability to recover is fraught with negative disorders. Harm is rendered to all systems and organs. Literally in a few days, this will be reflected in the appearance, and then it will be fully felt on yourself and the whole body.

Symptoms from the nervous system

The brain is the governing organ of our body. Every night, when he overcomes sleep, he actively begins to process the information that was received during the day. During the period of nocturnal sleep, active regenerative processes take place in nervous system If you deprive her of this, then the consequences will not be long in coming.

After a few days, lack of sleep will manifest itself in the following signs:

  • Lethargy. This symptom does not allow a person to make quick and adequate decisions.
  • Impulsiveness. This is the other side of the coin, when a person reacts in the exact opposite way. Makes rash decisions, as a result - serious negative consequences.
  • Irritability. It is difficult to admit on your own that everything around is annoying, but others will notice it right away.
  • Inability to concentrate. Constant lack of sleep reduces performance, a person is often distracted by extraneous things. When working on serious projects, this threatens with errors and problems.
  • Memory worsens. There is a realization that it is not possible to remember elementary things.
  • Drowsiness leads to clumsiness in movements. This is caused by brain fatigue, the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements, is unable to adequately perform its functions.
  • If a long time not give the body the necessary rest, then it will certainly begin to make up for this deficiency. The brain will simply turn off periodically, this is the so-called microsleep.

Attention! The danger of lack of sleep is that nodding while driving a car or while working with complex mechanisms can end badly for a person and others.

  • Depression. Chronic lack of sleep depletes the nervous system. This leads to aggression and irritability. Depression is replaced by bouts of anger and rage. Adolescence most vulnerable in this respect. The psyche during this period is unstable. lack of sleep constant fatigue lead to emotional depression, which is fraught with the appearance of suicidal thoughts.

Statistics say that chronic lack of sleep can lead not only to depression, but also to serious mental damage, up to insanity.

These symptoms are a serious reason to think about providing quality rest for the body.

Reflection of lack of sleep on appearance

All you have to do is not sleep for one night and everything will be reflected on your face. They say that a person's appearance can be deceiving, but not in this case. You can recognize a sleepy person by the following signs:

  • Red eyes. This is the first consequence of a sleepless night.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Dark circles appear under the eyes.
  • The eyelids become swollen.
  • Painful appearance.
  • Overwork from chronic lack of sleep makes a person look sloppy.

If, after a bad night's rest, you sleep at least half an hour during the day, then the person begins to look more fresh and rested.

The response of other organ systems to lack of sleep

Symptoms of lack of sleep after a while will become noticeable in the work of all other organ systems. This will affect the person's well-being. If the following symptoms are observed, then you can safely diagnose chronic lack of sleep, which will have to be urgently treated:

  • As a result of a lack of rest, immunity weakens, the ability to fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria is lost, and a person begins to get sick often.
  • The negative impact of lack of sleep also affects vision. It is quite common after several sleepless nights to notice that the letters are blurry, the clarity of the image is reduced.
  • rises arterial pressure. Such a manifestation is usually for people suffering from hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia. With VVD vascular system works with errors, and if you do not get enough sleep constantly, then the situation will worsen even more.
  • The person starts to get fat. It would seem that you sleep less, spend more energy, everything should be the other way around. But sleep deprivation will not work, the lack of rest disrupts the hormonal balance, you constantly want to eat, which leads to weight gain.
  • Sleep deprivation syndrome is fraught with early aging of the body. Miraculous anti-aging remedies, masks will not help if you regularly lack sleep. Chronic insomnia increases the production of cortisol, which leads to the formation of a large number sebum. Through his fault skin show much earlier signs aging.
  • After a few sleepless nights, a headache will certainly bother you.
  • Dizziness indicates vascular disorders.
  • The work of the digestive tract worsens, which is manifested by nausea, impaired stool.
  • With constant lack of sleep, thermoregulatory mechanisms suffer, which leads to chills. Body temperature may rise or fall sharply for no reason.

Depriving the body of proper sleep is a serious matter. Serious illnesses will not make you wait long. Timely measures not taken will lead to the need for long-term treatment.

Causes of chronic sleep deprivation

To decide what to do with persistent insomnia, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the violation of night rest. They can be completely different depending on gender.

But it should be noted that not only external factors but also internal problems.

Causes of sleep deprivation in women

It is noticed that the female sex is much more likely to suffer from insomnia. This is due to increased emotionality and susceptibility. That is why women are in the first place psychological reasons night sleep disturbances, not short-term, but long-term disorders.

Physicians refer to such provoking factors:

  • Prolonged stress. First of all, they can negatively affect the quality of sleep.
  • Conflicts in the family or at work.
  • Quarrel with a loved one.
  • Wedding preparations.
  • Carrying a baby and expecting a future birth.
  • Appearance of a baby.
  • Loss of loved ones.
  • Change of job or place of residence.

The vulnerable female psyche cannot perceive all these situations calmly, which leads to the development of chronic insomnia.

What prevents men from sleeping soundly

Men can be disturbed by both external and internal factors. Among the most frequently encountered are:

  • Problems at work. Considering that for the majority of males it is important to realize themselves in society, any malfunctions and failures are perceived sharply and painfully. Where can I deal with this and sleep well.

  • Workaholism or ordinary overwork. Often men, especially office workers, lawyers, come home and continue to work. The whole evening is spent at the desktop and computer. Is it possible to call a full-fledged sleep after such an overstrain of the brain.
  • Change of marital status. Men are very sensitive to changes in their lives. For them, the birth of a child, marriage or divorce are equally stressful.
  • Business. People who are busy with personal projects, running their own business are constantly worried about their future. Even going to the bedroom, the brain continues to think about the right decisions and appropriate moves.
  • Everyone knows that drinking and smoking is harmful, but they do not suspect that bad habits affect the quality of sleep. Sometimes it is enough to get rid of them so that the night's rest improves noticeably.

You can try to remove the listed reasons, then in the morning it will be accompanied not by a feeling of fatigue and weakness, but by cheerfulness and good mood.

Common Causes of Sleep Disorders

There are some factors that disturb sleep in everyone, both adults and children. These include:

  • Stuffiness in the room. Before going to bed, always ventilate the room to increase the concentration of oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide. During sleep, full-fledged cellular respiration will be provided, which will improve the quality of sleep.

  • An uncomfortable bed is the first thing that can disturb sweet Dreams. The choice of a bed should be approached thoroughly. It is better to purchase orthopedic models in order to maintain the correct position of the spine during sleep.
  • Many note that they cannot sleep in an unusual place, for example, at a party. Even the presence of silence and a comfortable bed does not help to fall asleep soundly.
  • Extraneous noises. It is desirable to sleep in complete silence. If the household is watching TV in the next room, you can use ear plugs.
  • Lighting. In the bedroom, it is better to hang dark and thick curtains on the windows so that the early dawn in summer, the sun's rays do not wake up ahead of time.
  • It is banal to disrupt sleep by drinking coffee, strong tea or a hearty dinner. After a night meal, the next morning you may feel sick, feeling weak.

If after eliminating all these factors, sleep does not improve, then the reason lies elsewhere.

Physiological causes of sleep disturbance

If all external factors are eliminated, and sleep does not improve, then the cause should be sought in diseases internal organs and physiological conditions. Insomnia can be triggered by:

  • Apnea. Night snoring disrupts the sleep of not only the household, but also the snorer himself. The danger of such a violation is that a short-term cessation of breathing can occur. In the morning, a person feels weakness, fatigue instead of cheerfulness.
  • Bedwetting, which often affects children. If there is a problem, it is necessary to visit a neurologist to find out the causes and prescribe adequate treatment.
  • Joint diseases can deprive a person of sleep. Nights become especially restless when the weather changes.
  • Increased blood pressure. If a person suffers from hypertension, then indicators can jump in the middle of the night, for example, due to stuffiness in the room, the presence of excess weight.

  • The culprit of chronic sleep deprivation can be a hormonal imbalance, which is often observed in female body during childbearing and during menopause.
  • Restless legs syndrome. May disturb at night if present diabetes, anemia, diseases of the joints. In a dream, a person makes restless movements with his legs and often wakes up.
  • The body lives according to its biological rhythms, if they are forcibly violated, then in response we get insomnia at night, and in the morning we look sleepy and in a bad mood. Violating biorhythms can: work on the night shift, changing time zones, entertainment in nightclubs.
  • Elderly people and in the presence of heart pathologies can wake up an attack of angina pectoris.

In medical circles, chronic sleep deprivation is a disease that requires serious treatment.

Consequences of lack of sleep

The body is a complex system where everything is interconnected. Violations in one place will certainly lead to negative consequences in other systems. Night sleep is necessary for recovery, if you deprive the body for a long time, then it will forcibly begin to demand rest. This will lead to falling asleep right at the workplace or, even worse, while driving a car.

  • stroke
  • obesity
  • loss of the ability to think sensibly;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic depression;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Interesting information is presented in the film about the dangers of lack of sleep. The pictures of the video film on the screen make you think about the importance of a full and healthy sleep.

Folk recipes for strengthening sleep

It is not always worth running to the pharmacy with insomnia and buying medicines to improve night sleep. Can be used folk remedies, which often turn out to be quite effective:

  • Before going to bed, it is useful to take a soothing bath with the addition of pine extract. It will help you get rid of headaches and relieve stress.
  • Herbal teas have a calming effect, for example, a drink with mint, lemon balm, oregano, chamomile. A cup of a pleasant drink can induce a deep sleep.
  • For chronic problems, it is useful to take vitamin preparations. They will positively affect the brain, activate cell regeneration, and improve skin condition.
  • Take a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey at night.

If folk remedies were already powerless, then you will have to take a pill to improve sleep. But the choice of the drug should be discussed with the doctor so as not to worsen the situation.

  1. If you want to lie down during the day, then you should not do this.
  2. Struggling with sleep at 9 p.m. can turn into insomnia after going to bed, so you should not overpower yourself and watch a movie by forcibly opening your eyes.
  3. In the afternoon, give the body physical activity.
  4. Eliminate heavy dinners and coffee before bed.
  5. Before going to bed, take off your day clothes and put on comfortable pajamas.
  6. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time.
  7. The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 18-20 degrees.
  8. Before going to bed it is useful to take a short walk.
  1. Make it a habit to read before bed, but the literature should be appropriate.
  2. You need to go to bed before 12 o'clock, it is noticed that sleep before midnight is better.

Lack of rest, if it occurs occasionally, negative consequences for the body will not bring. But systematic lack of sleep is fraught with serious complications, so if you can’t cope with the problem on your own, then you shouldn’t postpone a visit to the doctor. Remember, a full and healthy sleep is the key to the well-being of the body and youth.

The duration of sleep for an adult should be 7-8 hours. It is this time that the body needs for its full recovery. But how often a couple of hours are not enough to complete all the planned tasks. Naturally, this time is “stealed” at the expense of rest. The result is chronic sleep deprivation. What threatens the health of such a condition?

What is chronic sleep deprivation

Initially, let's figure out what condition can be attributed to this pathology. A person who does not get enough sleep every day for several days and even weeks suffers from a lack of sleep. But it's too early to talk about chronic pathology. Of course, he is faced with the first negative signs of this phenomenon. But chronic lack of sleep manifests itself in all its glory when a person limits his rest for several months.

Recently, a study was conducted at the University of Texas. It showed that residents who did not get the required amount of sleep for 7 consecutive nights had genetic changes. Such violations lead to the development of serious health problems. This disease is memory loss.

Therefore, people who sleep 6 hours a day, and sometimes less, should be aware of the serious risks they expose their body to.

Causes of constant lack of sleep

Insufficient night rest can be caused by both internal and external factors. To internal reasons include a variety of psychological physiological problems. And external are various circumstances that do not allow you to go to bed on time or fully relax.

Consider the most basic factors that most often lead to such a phenomenon as chronic lack of sleep.

Reasons for poor quality sleep:

  1. Stress. This is the most common reason for inadequate rest. In the nature of insomnia, there may be unpleasant memories, problems at work or in personal life, financial or these factors lead to a decrease in the production of melatonin in the body. Instead, the synthesis of adrenaline increases. It is he who leads to overexcitation of the nervous system and provokes problems with falling asleep.
  2. Mental illnesses. Sometimes insomnia is a symptom of various abnormalities. It can indicate the development in the body of psychosis, neurosis, manic disorder, prolonged depression.
  3. Physiological ailments. Very often they cause insomnia in the elderly. Although not protected from such pathologies, even children. Diseases can worsen in the evening or at night. This interferes with fast sleep. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms make you wake up at night. Most often, chronic sleep deprivation occurs against the background of the following diseases: diathesis, enuresis, angina pectoris, restless leg syndrome, hormonal failure, joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis), hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea.
  4. Failure of biological rhythms. All human systems are arranged in such a way that in the period from approximately 8 to 10 pm, the processes occurring in the body begin to slow down. This causes the person to relax and fall asleep. If this moment is ignored for a long time and the person does not go to bed at the appointed time, then a violation of the biological rhythm occurs. As a result, a person tosses and turns in bed for a long time and cannot fall asleep.

Main symptoms

With chronic sleep deprivation, a person's condition is a bit like alcohol intoxication. Such a person is characterized by drowsiness, she may have hallucinations and even confusion.

Doctors are considering given state as a sleep disorder. The body is not able to fully recover. This leads to a number of negative violations. First of all, chronic lack of sleep affects the appearance, general condition and character of a person.

Symptoms affecting the nervous system:

  • inattention;
  • depression and apathy;
  • irritability;
  • increased emotionality (unreasonable tears or inappropriate laughter);
  • inability to concentrate;
  • cognitive impairment (thinking, speech, memory).

Signs of lack of sleep, reflected in appearance:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes;
  • pale or earthy skin color;
  • the formation of dark circles under the eyes;
  • rather untidy appearance.

Symptoms affecting body systems:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • deterioration of the functioning of the digestive tract (diarrhea, constipation);
  • nausea, flatulence;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • decreased immunity;
  • susceptibility to colds.

What causes lack of sleep

This condition is quite dangerous. After all, the body can try to compensate for the lack of rest. In other words, a person can fall asleep at any moment, regardless of whether he is at work or driving.

However, this is not the only negative factor that chronic lack of sleep can lead to. The consequences of neglecting rest for a long time can be much more serious.

Doctors, carefully examining this condition, argue that chronic lack of sleep can provoke:

  • stroke;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • severe memory impairment (up to the loss of brain tissue);
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • the occurrence of heart disease;
  • oncology of the breast or intestines;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • occurrence of depression.

Now, knowing what chronic lack of sleep leads to, let's look at how to get rid of this condition.

  1. Choose a mattress with medium firmness.
  2. Use a low pillow.
  3. Underwear and bed linen should be made of natural fabrics.
  4. Eliminate annoying factors (clock ticking, draft, flashing electronic sensor).
  5. Avoid watching movies or reading negative books before bed.
  6. For 3-4 hours before the rest, give up caffeinated products (energy, tea, coffee).
  7. Do not eat heavy, fatty foods 2 hours before bed.
  8. Go to bed no later than 10-11 pm.

Basic Treatments

If all the symptoms indicate that you have developed chronic sleep deprivation, what to do in such a situation? Initially, the cause of this condition should be eliminated.

In most cases, the following measures are sufficient to improve sleep quality:

  1. Eliminate completely daytime sleep.
  2. Try to move more during the day (walk, exercise).
  3. Before rest, carry out procedures that can eliminate nervous tension (watching humorous films, calm music,
  4. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.
  5. Try to go to bed at the same time.
  6. Do not use alcohol to fall asleep. It provides heavy and superficial rest.

If chronic sleep deprivation is based on psychological or physiological problems, then it is necessary to turn to professionals. Those people who do not have obvious causes of poor quality sleep should undergo a full examination.

Folk remedies

Do not ignore ancient recipes.

Falling asleep and proper rest can provide such means:

  1. Peony tincture (10%). It is recommended to use it three times a day, 30 drops for 1 month.
  2. Green tea with honey. It should be consumed daily, preferably at bedtime.
  3. Warm milk with honey. This is another great tool that normalizes night sleep. It is recommended to drink 1 glass of the drink before bed.

If all the methods above do not help you get your rest, you may need a special drug treatment. Therefore, consult a doctor who will select an adequate therapy.

Our crazy age makes special, sometimes unrealistically high demands on a person. In an attempt to do as much as possible, we steal the time allotted for sleep. It is not so important what makes us neglect a good night's rest, provided for us by mother nature: perfectionism and the desire to have time to do more than others, or just banal disorganization. Day after day we go to bed long after midnight, promising ourselves to go to bed early tomorrow. However, tomorrow everything repeats itself. What are the consequences of insufficient time allotted for proper sleep? the site offers to learn more about the dangers of chronic lack of sleep?

Danger 1. Lack of sleep is the first enemy of beauty

It almost sounds like a slogan, and yet it's true. Nothing so quickly affects the condition of the skin, hair and the general impression that our appearance makes on others, like a sleepless night. And if high-quality and expensive decorative cosmetics help to hide an unhealthy complexion under an artificial blush, then it is much more difficult to disguise the loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of "bags" under the eyes.

When we struggle with sleep, our body begins to synthesize the stress hormone cortisol. side effect its effect on the body is the destruction of the protein compound, which provides the skin with proper elasticity.

Lack of sleep, which becomes systematic, inevitably leads to the appearance of symptoms premature aging. Given that this increases the risk of acquiring a few extra pounds, the prospect becomes completely sad.

Danger 2. When they don't sleep, they eat.

Alas, not only bear cubs and tiger cubs in the zoo eat when they are not sleeping. When we deny ourselves rest, ghrelin begins to be actively synthesized in the body. This is, as you may have guessed, another hormone. It "awakens" the appetite. And he does it at the wrong time: metabolic processes at this time are slowed down, goodies eaten at night, day after day are deposited in the form of fat deposits exactly where they are "used to" - everyone has their own problem area. Thus, depriving ourselves of sleep, we risk gaining excess weight, which provokes the development of many dangerous diseases.

However, not only food is dangerous, but drinks with which we have a habit of cheering ourselves up at night. Even "good old" coffee in large quantities can harm your health, and even the immoderate use of a variety of energy drinks, which young people prefer, can negatively affect your physical condition much faster.

Danger 3. Lack of sleep is a serious threat to health

Needless to say, chronic lack of sleep affects the normal functioning of the whole organism. Reducing the time of night sleep is a factor provoking the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension.

In addition, a violation of metabolic processes leads to an increase in sugar levels, which causes the release of additional insulin into the blood. The body, trying to neutralize the excess of this hormone, starts the processes that lead to the development of type II diabetes.

Since lack of sleep has an extremely negative effect on the balance of hormones, regular lack of sleep can cause a decrease in immunity and even the development of certain types of malignant neoplasms.

Statistics show that people who neglect a full night's sleep, average duration life is significantly shorter than that of those who sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Does it really make sense to work literally day and night, if this increases the risk of not surviving until retirement?

Danger 4. Loss of attention, concentration and memory

Needless to say, regular lack of sleep strikes, first of all, on the central nervous system. The ability to concentrate, concentration decreases, attention and memory deteriorate. And this is not surprising. After all, it is during sleep that data is “processed” in the brain. The information received during the day should be assimilated while you sleep.

In the absence or lack of time for sleep, memory deteriorates noticeably, because there is a violation of cognitive processes.

Information, of course, will be deposited somewhere, but it will be very difficult to extract it at the right time. Is it possible in this case to talk about successful studies and a brilliantly passed session, or timely and high-quality work?

Danger 5. Reduced sexual activity

Against the background of overwork caused by lack of sleep, there is often a decrease in sexual activity. Again, insidious hormones are to blame for everything: an overworked body inhibits the production of testosterone, and libido decreases. People who neglect sleep, as a rule, are not up to love experiences, the body saves energy. Perhaps sleepless nights full of love yearning are very romantic, but lack of sleep can have a very negative impact on the intimate sphere.

Danger 6. Lack of sleep is stress, depression, apathy

Insufficient sleep duration not only leads to memory impairment, but also slows down almost all manifestations of brain activity. The reaction speed decreases, a person begins to experience difficulties if it is necessary to compare data and draw certain conclusions, make decisions. In other words, regular lack of sleep is fraught with a decrease in analytical abilities. And this means that even if you are a very cool gamer, the lack of proper rest will soon backfire: it will be easier for a virtual opponent to defeat you.

I don’t even want to think about the more serious consequences of lack of sleep: a chronically sleep-deprived driver on the road is a potential threat to everyone who may be nearby, in a stressful situation it is extremely difficult to predict his reaction. The emotional sphere suffers no less: overwork caused by lack of sleep increases the risk depressive states, apathy appears. Don't want anything. At best, you want to sleep.

Danger 7. Overwork can cause insomnia

Even if your daily lack of sleep is caused by the most objective reasons, the overwork that accumulates day after day can cause serious problems with falling asleep. Paradoxically, it is the lack of time for sleep that can provoke insomnia. You may need to see a specialist and take sedatives. However, you should not assign them to yourself. If this is your problem, try:

  • before going to bed, do not read or watch anything that can upset your peace of mind;
  • take evening walks in the fresh air;
  • take a relaxing bath;
  • ventilate the room or leave a window open at night;
  • drink warm milk with honey (tea with mint, chamomile or lemon balm);
  • If you are fond of yoga, you can do relaxation exercises.

It is also worth considering in more detail the issue of managing your biological clock to address the issue of insomnia.

To make chronic sleep deprivation a thing of the past

You should not think that lack of sleep is the lot of disorganized, underachieving losers or young people who prefer night parties to normal sleep. All rhythm modern life pushes us to the fact that night is a time no less active than day. The Internet and TV are working around the clock, and a huge number of supermarkets do not close their doors at night. The rhythm of modern life often requires almost impossible things from us: work more, have more fun, get more information.

How to break out of the vicious circle and return to normal? Take a day off, go on vacation or sick leave. And give yourself, your loved one, the opportunity to sleep well. Be healthy, and, where you will find a lot of useful information about maintaining health, will help you with this.

And how can you not sleep without knowing this? - you ask. However, most of the signs of sleep deprivation are much more subtle than falling face down on your plate at dinner. In addition, if you have made it a habit to save on sleep, you may not even remember what it is like to get enough sleep for real, to really be aware of everything that is happening around you, to work and live with maximum energy and dedication.

You are more likely to be sleep deprived if…

  • You always need an alarm clock to wake up on time.
  • You constantly rearrange your alarm clock in the morning.
  • You have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Feel sluggish in the afternoon.
  • Get sleepy at formal meetings, lectures, or in warm rooms.
  • You usually feel drowsy after a heavy meal or while driving.
  • You need to sleep during the day in order to "survive" normally until the evening.
  • Fall asleep while watching TV or relaxing in the evening.
  • Sleep very long on weekends.
  • Fall asleep within five minutes of going to bed.

While sleep deprivation may not seem like much of a problem, it has a wide range of negative effects that go far beyond normal daytime sleepiness.

Effects of insufficient sleep and chronic sleep deprivation

  • Fatigue, lethargy and lack of motivation.
  • Capriciousness and irritability.
  • Decreased creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Inability to cope with stress.
  • Reduced immunity, frequent colds and infections.
  • Problems with concentration and memory.
  • Weight gain.
  • Impaired motor skills and increased risk of accidents.
  • Difficulty in making decisions.
  • Increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.

According to National Institute US Health, the average adult now sleeps less than 7 hours a night. In today's dynamic society, 6 or 7 hours of sleep may seem like the norm or even a luxury. In fact, this is a direct road to chronic sleep deprivation.

While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7.5 and 9 hours of sleep per night to be able to function really well. Children and teenagers need even more. And even though our need for sleep decreases with age, older people still need at least 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. Since older people often have trouble sleeping at night, daytime naps can help fill this gap.

Sleep needs and peak performance

There is a big difference between the amount of sleep that you can work with little to no yawning and the amount that your body can function optimally. Just because you can work with 7 hours of sleep a night doesn't mean you won't feel much better and get more done if you spend an extra hour or two in bed. If you get enough sleep, you will feel more energetic and focused throughout the day, from the moment you wake up until late at night. You will also do the same work faster and better, due to the higher speed of thought and better concentration.

Or maybe you're lucky?

Researchers from the University of California (San Francisco) have found that some people have a gene that allows them to live perfectly, giving only 6 hours of sleep a night. But such a gene is very rare - less than 3% of the population. For the other 97% of us, six hours is too little.