Eat sweet red apples in a dream. Comparison of interpretations of dream books

The interpretation of dreams is an ancient science, and to this day people look into dream books in search of answers. Often we see in our dreams symbols, signs, hints - something that you should definitely pay well-deserved, close attention to. One such explicit symbol is the apple. If you saw apples in a dream - what is it for? What to expect, what to hope for, and in general, how to behave?

Apples are the oldest of all existing symbols!

This is not an exaggeration. It is difficult to find in culture and history an older symbol than this fruit - after all, it was he who became decisive in biblical history. Forbidden fruit, child of the Paradise tree, symbol eternal life and true pleasures - the apple has been endowed with a sacred meaning from time immemorial. The apple tree itself is very ancient, but few people know about it - today the apple tree is too familiar for each of us. But earlier it was considered a sacred, sacred, powerful tree among many peoples, in particular, among our ancestors. The apple tree is a symbol of fertility, boundless natural strength, life and longevity. The apple is endowed with many meanings: up to the symbol of the Universe. Here is just a partial list of what this fruit means:

  • Strength;
  • Fertility;
  • Wisdom;
  • Reward;
  • Life;
  • Longevity;
  • Temptation, temptation;
  • Beauty and youth;
  • Luck;

It is not for nothing that such a huge number of ancient rituals and predictions are associated with an apple tree and apples. Without a doubt, seeing apples in a dream is not just that. An apple is too voluminous and important a sign to come in a dream for no reason. Through such a dream, the subconscious, or even the surrounding Nature, wants to point out something, suggest a way out of the situation, warn of the wrong path, or, on the contrary, point to the right action. That's just the interpretation of such a dream should be careful - after all, an apple is different for an apple.

Apples in a dream - what to expect?

Dream Interpretations can help decipher the meaning of sleep.

Apples in most cases appear in dreams for something good - rarely in any dream book can you find information about a bad omen if you dreamed about this fruit.

Most dream books indicate that eating apples in a dream is good luck, prosperity, wealth. And no wonder, because you are absorbing the sacred fruit in the world of dreams, and this is a good sign! The apple tree is a symbol of life and fertility, and it is also a female tree. It is female nature that is close to the apple tree, so such a dream is very good for women, girls, and especially for. For a mother to see apples in a dream is a guarantee of the health of the child, for a pregnant woman it is an assurance that the birth will go well, and the baby will be healthy and strong. Often, pregnant women dream of an apple tree with apples - and this is a very good symbol, obviously a good sign.

For a young person, an apple can mean temptation, temptation, forbidden fruit. Remember Eve - she could not resist the beautiful ripe fruit. If a virgin has such a dream, this is a clear warning from the Higher Forces - and advice to be chaste, careful and not to commit rash, reckless actions, not to rush. So a young lady who saw an apple in a dream should be especially careful.

For young man or men, an apple also has a positive meaning - it can mean victory, reward, recognition, and. Such a dream often means the approval of the Universe in all endeavors, which means that you are most likely on the right path, and luck favors you.

Red, green - there is a difference!

The apple color has importance in dreams. In general, colors have their own meaning, and the symbolism of various colors is a complex and extensive science. So, green has always been the color of kindness, friendship, cordiality, sincerity and honesty. This is a good, positive color. Therefore, we can safely say that if the apples in a dream are green, ripe, beautiful, this is a great sign. Probably, good, warm relations with loved ones await you, reconciliation is possible, the end of the conflict. You may receive an apology or make a new friend. If you recently started communicating with a new person, a green apple tells you that his intentions are pure and you can trust him.

As for the symbolism of yellow, everything is more complicated here. Yellow is strength, assertiveness, survival, firmness. A yellow apple is more likely to be dreamed of by a man, and will mean fruitful work, success in business relations, victory.

Red is the color of strength, passion, aggression, energy. If apples are red in a dream, this is a sign of fruitful friendship or cooperation, and maybe love, passion, the conception of a child. Often a red apple is a symbol of temptation, sensuality, which will not be in vain. Remember, an apple always means "fruit" and therefore a result. Which one is better for you.

An apple from an apple tree...

The apple tree itself is an even more powerful symbol than its fruit. Therefore, the dream "apples on a tree" is a particularly important, fateful sign. Sleeping with an apple tree often means the same thing as the apple itself, only multiplied many times over. If an apple is a good sign for a mother or a woman in labor, then an apple tree is simply excellent. In addition, an apple tree can mean a family reunion, a meeting with distant relatives.

Often dreams of apples in the form of a pie, baked or in other dishes. This is an important sign - most likely, the World wants to advise you not to exaggerate your expectations in any business. Otherwise, disappointment awaits you - after all, there will be fruits, but far from what you hope or expect.

If you had to pick apples from a tree in a dream - that's great, feel free to expect a generous reward for your work, new friends, or even love, recognition, money. What you truly deserve and sincerely desire will certainly come into your life!

An apple is rarely a bad symbol, but warning dreams do occur. For example, buying apples in a dream is a sign of deception or bad luck. Such a dream can speak of your own self-interest, insincerity, greed. Try to be more honest with people and in business.

It's even worse to steal apples in a dream- this is a clear hint from the Higher powers that you lack something important in life, while you think that you yourself are unworthy of it. If you stole an apple in a dream, you probably dislike, underestimate yourself in life, and this seriously hinders you.

To see rotten apples in a dream, or just lying on the ground, dirty, ugly, beaten, and so on is, of course, not a good sign. But he does not carry anything terrible. This means that someone close to you is not honest enough with you, or, on the contrary, you do not show honesty to loved ones. Also, rotten, spoiled apples can mean disappointment, lack of desired fruits from work or creativity - keep this in mind.

Dreams are different

When interpreting any dream, a very important factor should be taken into account. No matter what the dream books say, each dream is an individual, unique phenomenon that will never happen again. And each dream has its own energy content, atmosphere, mood. Learn to feel it, because the meaning of sleep can change from this factor! For example, you dreamed that you were taking a rotten apple and throwing it out the window. The dream interpretation says that this is a bad sign - disappointment, fruitless work, vain attempts and even illness. But in this dream, you felt uplifted, joyful, delighted, and woke up with a feeling of purification! How can there be such a contradiction? In fact, it can be very simple! If this happened, then feel free to interpret the dream differently: you threw out a rotten apple, that is, illness, failure and impotence - out the window, that is, out of your life! And, of course, they felt a surge of strength and joy. Make it real!

Having learned to feel the mood of sleep, you will be able to correctly interpret symbols and signs, and use dream books wisely. This also applies to good symbols - after all, it happens that you dream of something harmless, even, according to the dream book, good - and you wake up in fear and tears. Can there be such a negative, obviously bad state from a good sign? Of course, it is worth reflecting on the meaning of this dream.

Juicy fruit symbolizes endless life, love, fullness. Subconsciously, a garden with fruits reflects renewal, a cycle. What does it mean if you dream of an apple?

This is a rather complex symbol, which is closely related to the love, sensual sphere. The dream does not necessarily indicate sexual relations. It can communicate family or work relationships.

There is a red apple - pleasant communication can be deceiving. Especially when it comes to adherents of secular life. For the business sphere, this symbol is interpreted by the dream book as receiving promising offers. In personal life, picking a red apple or buying it is a sign of the “forbidden fruit”, a partner to whom one is attracted.

When the fruit is not alone

A lot of fruit - this is not the most best sign. If you dream of apples, get ready for conflicts. In all areas of activity there is room for contention. As an exception, there are large fruits that the dreamer is in no hurry to tear.

A walk in the orchard means that the relationship will be distinguished by harmony and tranquility.

Miller's dream book considers a lot of fruits on a tree from the position of a possible meeting of his soul mate, soul mate. It may turn out the realization of a secret desire, a personal project. But for this, Miller's dream book recommends being active and purposeful.

To see a lot of apples and pears is to experience pleasure, to realize your skills and knowledge, to face unexpected changes in life. The dreamer will be able to get a chance to participate in various events, get vivid sensations.

If there are a lot of fruits and they are in a bag, professional and spiritual development is required. There is not enough knowledge, wisdom to solve the tasks. If there are apples and pears in the basket, the dreamer is limited in his knowledge, which prevents him from moving up the career ladder.

What fruits did you see?

Picking a ripe apple, taking it as a gift or buying it - a promising offer will be received. This dream can symbolize a confession of feelings or a marriage proposal.


The color of the fetus is able to emphasize its belonging to personal relationships.

  • Red big apples that have to be torn from a tree or lifted from the ground - success awaits in love.
  • Seeing green fruits - the dreamer does not seek to show serious feelings.
  • Dreaming of apples yellow color? They symbolize good health. The fact that the dreamer wants to develop, strives for this, is evidenced by a dream where he reaches for a branch on which yellow fruits hang.
  • Dreamed of apples white color? Soon events will occur that the dreamer has been waiting for a very long time. For brides, such a dream informs about an imminent wedding, for entrepreneurs - about success in business.

Why dream of green apples? Miller's dream book considers a dream from a position of warning. A sleeping person is not ready to make responsible decisions regarding his future. The reason for this is the fear of making a mistake. This will cause problems in the future.

spoiled fruit

Why dream of rotten apples? The dreamer expects losses, disappointments. Dried fruits are a sign that hopes are not destined to come true. The projects will not be implemented.

Seeing a lot of rotten fruits in a dream - a series of failures will occur, you may encounter disappointments in the love sphere, hopes and beliefs will be empty. Sleep serves as an omen that the inability to get off the ground will lead to depression. Collect rotten, wormy apples - expect emotional devastation, negative thoughts.


Do you dream of apples that you have to collect from the ground? This is a symbol of the fact that an award will soon be received for the successful solution of the tasks set, for the dedication, activity and curiosity shown.

A dream where you had to pick apples and pears symbolizes that you will be able to achieve not only well-being, but also spiritual harmony. If you dreamed that you began to pick fruit from a tree, then there is a desire to build strong, reliable relationships, to achieve financial stability.

Stealing apples, picking them from a tree in someone else's garden - there is not enough determination in reality. Low self-esteem hinders progress. The dream speaks of psychological instability. The dreamer is not able to make responsible decisions. Take a few days off or leave, take a break from everything, now is not best time for action.

Do you have to wash apples? You need to constantly adapt to new, unfamiliar conditions. Maybe it has to do with travel. The dream suggests that the dreamer often shows doubts, slowness.

Do you dream about the apples that you started buying? Sleep is a reflection of the lack of communication, sensuality, attention from the opposite sex. A dream can also speak of the presence of potential, using which it will be possible to achieve dizzying success in business.

Treat with apples - you love to share your experience, positive with people around you. The dream symbolizes a gift, valuable advice. Miller's dream book pays great attention to the color of fruits. Reds represent emotions, greens are a symbol of knowledge, yellows mean help.

There is an apple in a dream - receiving information, analyzing it, understanding it. Juicy, large fruits hint that you will soon be able to move up the career ladder. However, this will require maximum effort.

Sweet apples symbolize receiving sensual pleasures. I dreamed of sour fruits - the love sphere will bring a lot of disappointment.

apple dishes

Jam made from apples symbolizes a sweet life, receiving good news, the possibility of a joint trip. Seeing a fruit pie will be a surprise that will bring a lot of joy. The dream says that soon fate will present bonuses.

FROM Onnik considers baked apples as a symbol of harmony. The dreamer is satisfied with absolutely everything in life. However, a dream can also symbolize fears, unwillingness to take responsibility.

Did you dream of pickled apples? So, you will be delayed in business, decisions. The reason may be hiding in stock negative thoughts, serious problems. Fatigue can also have a negative effect on business. It is recommended to take a break before making an important decision, to make a leap forward.

There are dried apples - an attempt to conceive a child this month will be unsuccessful. A dream may indicate the presence of problems in the financial sector. Perhaps the dreamer is suffering from loss of inspiration, poor health, lack of communication. You can’t devote all your attention to failures, you need to be distracted and devote time to yourself.

What else can fruits tell?

If the financial sphere is the most important for a sleeping person, the dream where you started buying or picking apples will symbolize success, which will help strengthen material stability.

If earlier you had to work hard and hard, pick large fruits or look at them, experiencing bright emotions - to receive a significant amount of money.

Why dream of an apple tree with apples? Blooming tree, hung with fruits, may indicate that the dreamer is expecting a change in life. A dream can also hint at the need to make a responsible decision.

Did you see a fruit tree in a dream? So, it's time to prepare for solemn events, success, prosperity. The apple tree is able to reflect the ancestral power. The strength of the support provided by relatives and close friends will depend on how powerful the dreaming tree was. Large, juicy, red apples are a symbol of well-being.

How are these dreams related to pregnancy?

Apples are usually identified with sin. However, there are dreams that can be associated with other areas of human life and physiological changes in the body. For example, with pregnancy.

A dream where you managed to see sprouted apple seeds may indicate that you will soon be able to conceive a child. A dream is trying to tell a pregnant woman that the baby will be born healthy and strong.

Why dream of picking apples? Fruits can serve as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, high potential, which must be passed on to future generations.

According to dream books, one of the most auspicious signs is to see apples in a dream. This is the rare case when most interpreters of dreams are unanimous in their interpretations. Of course, the plots of sleep, as well as their meanings, can be very diverse, but in most cases, to see apples in a dream - to happy changes in life, to wisdom, to luck and wealth, and also to love.

In many Russian fairy tales, apples were associated with health and strength. After all, it was not in vain that the king sent bogatyrs to faraway lands for. In addition, these fruits were considered a symbol of reward and knowledge. The one who happened to eat apples in a dream is waiting for an acquaintance with an older person who will give him all his experience and knowledge. In addition, if the apples are liquid and ruddy, nothing threatens your health in the near future, and if you are sick, you will recover very soon. And also, there are ripe apples in a dream - to wealth and good luck in business. If you ate baked apples, then this is a joy.

In addition, apples have always been considered a symbol of life. And therefore, to see apples in a dream means that you have a great love of life and know how to enjoy life and achieve your goals. Seeing apples in a dream surrounded by green foliage is a sign that the time has come to implement your plans. The dream advises to boldly move forward. If you have seen ripe red apples at the top of a tree, you may need to reconsider your plans, as they are not realistic. If you see an apple on a plate or on a saucer - in reality you have to become a participant in very interesting events. Well, if you roll this apple on a plate, you will soon find out someone's secret.

If you dreamed that you were holding it in your hands, universal love and recognition are guaranteed to you. If in a dream you are plucking from a branch, then in reality you are rushing things. Just right to remember the saying that advises not to pick a green apple, but to wait until it ripens and falls by itself. Seeing rosy and ripe apples in a dream in large numbers- to well-being. Such a dream also portends that in the future you can make some kind of discovery and, in general, will be held in high esteem by others. If one apple rolls towards you along the path in the garden - wait for guests in your house, and namely relatives. Picking apples in a dream is a good omen, which means that your dreams will certainly come true.

And, of course, do not forget that the apple also represents a symbol of temptation, temptation. After all, it was because of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. Sometimes seeing ripe and juicy apples in a dream means that soon a pleasant love adventure awaits you, which may end in a successful marriage. For a man, an apple - to a meeting with a very attractive person who will be of great importance in his future destiny. If a man sits under it, then in reality he dreams of being seduced by a charming girl, and if a woman offers him an apple, they are already trying to seduce him. If a woman dreams that she treats a man with an apple, in reality she is not averse to starting a relationship with him. If the apple that the woman is holding turned out to be wormy, she may be disappointed in her partner. To receive apples as a gift in a dream means that someone loves you.

If you dreamed of rotten apples

But not only good changes can portend a dream with apples. So, if you eat rotten or wormy fruits, you will be disappointed and annoyed. Such a dream often means losing, receiving false information. Cutting apples into slices in a dream is a discord, in addition, a dream means that you are in a delusion that you will have to pay for. Sometimes a wormy apple indicates a hidden disease. Fallen and rotten apples in a dream warn that you should not agree to a tempting offer. Cook jam from fruits - you will become a participant or witness of sad events, and there are unripe apples - to unpleasant news. And, if you are apples, then in reality you can commit an unseemly act, which will have disastrous consequences.

As a rule, a dream about apples promises well-being, especially when you dream of red fruits surrounded by green foliage. Seeing ripe apples on a tree in a dream, be sure: the time is coming when all your best expectations will come true. Therefore, prepare for it by considering your actions, and boldly get down to business. But if you see apples that lie on the ground - beware, someone from your environment is plotting against you and wants to harm you. Rotten apples speak of the futility of some of your efforts. There are spoiled apples in a dream - to trouble.

Why do apples dream - according to Vanga's dream book

Apples are a symbol of wisdom and reward. If in a dream you pick apples from the branches, it means that your life will turn in such a way that you will have a great interest in the essence of earthly phenomena, however, you must remember that it is not possible for people to fully understand God's plan.

There is an apple in a dream - to get to know a person who will become a source of wisdom for you. If you do not thank him for good science with your kind and respectful attitude, then trouble may happen to you.

To see a wormy apple in a dream - to false news. If you do not think about your next steps, you can lose. Cutting an apple into slices is a retribution for your mistakes.

Why do apples dream - according to Freud's dream book

There is a beautiful ripe apple in a dream - to unfulfilled hopes for an intimate relationship with some person. If you see wormy apples in a dream, then you suspect your other half of infidelity. However, nothing threatens your union, as your partner will quickly realize how dear your family is to him, and peace and prosperity will return to your house.

Why do apples dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing a large apple in a dream - to the imminent great discovery that the dreamer will make; rotten apple - to the unsuccessful end of some business that you are currently busy with.

There is an apple in a dream - to a fateful meeting with a beautiful woman. Also, this dream may portend that one day a woman will come to power in one of the countries, who will make her state the most powerful in the world.

Seeing a lot of apples in a dream - to the discovery on Earth of some amazing fruits similar to apples that will help people stay young and healthy for a long time.

Why do apples dream - according to the English dream book

The dream of apples is a very good omen. He promises a long and happy life, mutual love and success in official affairs. For mothers, this dream portends a worthy fate for their children.

Why do apples dream - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Apples in a dream promise trouble and illness. Collect them - to domestic troubles; there is - to disappointment and anger.

Why do apples dream - according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing apples on a tree in a dream - to many friends; to pluck - to joyful events; collect - to useful action; there are ripe ones - to joyful love unrest; eat sour - to the sadness and insincerity of a friend; to receive - to good events; cut - to separation from friends. Seeing rotten apples in a dream is a danger; paradise - for profit; drinking apple juice - to the disease.

Why do apples dream - according to Meneghetti's dream book

An apple is a symbol of life, so in a dream it represents success in life.

Why do apples dream - according to the esoteric dream book

Dreaming of a green, unripe apple is a sign that you have a young soul. If you see in a dream a fallen apple, or one that has gone bad before ripening, then your soul is aging beyond its years. A pouring, beautiful apple in a dream portends good health and optimism; wormy - to an internal disease, which may be invisible behind a healthy appearance.

Dreams in which you dream of apples, by most interpreters considered positive, however, there are also negative interpretations of these fruits in your dreams. The Assyrian dream book contains information that if you dreamed about how you ate pieces of apples, then you will always be successful in love affairs. The British in their dream book mark dreams of apples as a good sign. At the same time, the dream book says that your life will be filled with happiness, your career will go uphill, you will also be lucky in love. The English see a very good omen if a mother has such a dream, because she can count on the fact that her children will grow up outstanding and famous personalities. Usually gloomy Meneghetti reduces his interpretations to the fact that the apple can be considered the personification of a successful life and the pleasures derived from it.

However, there are also negative interpretations of dreams about apples, for example, in Tsvetkov's dream book. The interpreter is sure that these fruits - messengers of trouble or possible illnesses.

Collect and eat apples in dreams. What is it for?

Miller, in his dream book, considers dreams about apples, in general, as positive. Especially if in a dream you saw ripe, juicy red fruits. In his opinion, such a dream portends the imminent achievement of the intended goals, the realization of some of your hopes. Great importance it also matters whether you saw apples on a tree or on the ground. crumbled, they report that you may be harmed by the flattery or hypocrisy of others.

Vanga, in his interpretations, identifies apples with wisdom and reward. The dream in which you had to pick the fruits from the tree means that soon you will feel the need to comprehend some essence, communicate with people and long thoughts. If you dreamed that you ate an apple, the fortuneteller sees in a dream an indication of a quick acquaintance with a person older than you, from whom you can learn a lot if you answer him kindly for your knowledge and experience. Sliced ​​apple, according to the woman, will be a warning about a possible retribution for her own delusions.

Freud interprets dreams in which you ate a delicious, ripe apple as a signal that the person for whom you have some feelings will not be able to answer you in the same way because of his homosexuality.

The predictor Nostradamus notes that large and ripe fruits dream of future discoveries, and eating an apple in a dream in his understanding - promises a quick acquaintance with a woman who knows how to have a significant impact on your life. At the same time, the soothsayer is sure that such a dream can mean the coming to power in one of the countries of a woman who will be able to turn the state into world power No. 1 in the world.

Hasse's dream book also contains positive interpretations of dreams about apples. An apple tree with fruits dreams of making new friends, picking apples from a tree portends some kind of joy or doing something pleasant. If you dreamed that you were eating an apple, pleasant experiences regarding your personal life await you ahead. At the same time, in the dream book there is an indication that drunk in a dream Apple juice- a disease prophesies, a sour-tasting apple will warn of sadness and possible insincerity of friends, and cutting the fruit promises parting with a friend.

Esotericists in their opinion consider the apple to be the personification of your soul. Green apple in a dream it can testify to spiritual youth, which has fallen ahead of time, can indicate the tendency of the soul to early aging, a ripe and red apple - symbolizes a period of excellent health and unprecedented spiritual uplift. Modern dream book dreams of ripe, red apples, he considers as an indication of the speedy fulfillment of all desires.

Rotten or wormy apple in a dream

According to Miller's dream book, rotten apples will warn of the futility of the efforts made, and eating spoiled fruit the interpreter considers it a bad sign. Vanga's dream book says that a wormy apple in a dream is a harbinger of your receiving some kind of false information, the seer recommends carefully considering any of your actions. For Freud, dreams of wormy fruits serve as an indication of the possible betrayal of your significant other. However, the interpreter claims that there is no seriousness in this relationship and the partner who has been on a spree will soon return back with a huge sense of guilt. For Nostradamus, the dream of rotten apples is a reliable confirmation of the failure of the business on which you are now wasting your time and energy, and Hasse regards such dreams as danger warning like modern interpreters. For an esoteric dream book, a wormy apple is a symbol of a disease that sits inside you, without showing up in any way.

I dreamed of an apple tree

If you dreamed of an apple tree, interpreters offer a variety of dream meanings. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov considers such a dream a harbinger of a message about someone's death, while Hasse sees future success in business or receiving good news in a dream with an apple tree. Freud draws attention to the fact that dreams in which you shook the apple tree to get its fruits are directly related to your sex life. The interpreter advises to make more efforts in bed in order to please the partner. The modern dream book sees in dreams about an apple tree an indication of wish fulfillment soon, however, there is a clarification that those dreams in which you could not get the fruits from the branches of the tree warn of the impossibility of achieving the goal.

Specific interpretations

What does the dream of red apples mean - find out right now.

The interpretation of a dream about green apples should be carried out with the obligatory consideration of details.

What does the dream of many apples bring - joy or sadness?

How to use the hint correctly and avoid trouble after dreaming about rotten apples.

Do not miss the chance by correctly deciphering the dream about ripe apples, a lot can be achieved.

Why dream of yellow apples

Prosperity awaits you in family life. A promising marriage will develop into a real strong love that nothing can destroy. But be careful - you should not completely dissolve in another person, even if it is your dearest and closest spouse.

pick apples

To the expectation of joyful, pleasant news. You already feel that soon something good and positive will burst into your life. This is true, everyday life will make more sense than they have for you at the moment.

steal apples

Your love will be unrequited. You have to suffer unrequitedly for some person, moreover, having learned about it, he may begin to openly mock you and your feelings. Therefore, if possible, try to keep everything under wraps.

wormy apples

Changes in life will be completely bleak. Soon fate will present a black streak: everything, no matter what you undertake, will turn out to be impossible. By trying to solve the problems that arise, you threaten to incur even more trouble.

apple core

You have to take part in a business that will bring big profits. The only thing that can overshadow joy is that you think that your share is too modest, and you should receive much more, since you have put a lot of effort into promoting this cause.