Intrusive bad thoughts in the morning. Obsessive thoughts: causes and methods to stop them

Where do bad thoughts come from in the head: psychological and religious reasons. The impact of obsessions on the quality of life and ways to get rid of them. General recommendations, psychological tricks, prayer against bad thoughts.

The content of the article:

Bad thoughts are thoughts that are not of the most positive direction, which sometimes get stuck in the head for a long time. They may reflect obvious experiences or subconscious fears, but in any case they interfere with a normal life. They are difficult to control, they interfere with relaxation even in the most comfortable environment. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.

The influence of evil thoughts on life

Obsessive bad thoughts in the head can be compared with a worm inside an apple - it is inside, but it is difficult to get it. Only a worm spoils an apple, and negative thoughts spoil health. And mental as well. After all, it has already been proven that our life is what we think.

The constant scrolling of anxieties, obsessions tightens the knot of experiences even tighter. If you do not get rid of them, you can feel the full destructive power of negative thinking. It may appear as follows:

  • Blocking the future. Self-doubt, distrust of people, the meaninglessness of what is happening, reflections on the correctness of a decision over time occupy almost the entire mental space. Thus, there is no time or resources left for specific actions and plans. Exactly the same as for the people nearby. A person gets stuck in experiences, not moving forward.
  • Materialization of thoughts. “Cockroaches” in the head give rise to them in life: if you are very afraid of something and constantly think about it, there is every chance to meet your fear in reality.
  • Influence at nervous system . The nervous system becomes the first victim of gloomy reflections. She is very sensitive to thought processes with a “-” sign. Especially when these processes are in the recycling system. Therefore, the nerve strings are stretched, and irritation, suspiciousness, and irascibility appear.
  • Transition to pathology. Lingering bad thoughts can eventually transform and become obsessive. Then go into an obsessive state and give impetus to the development of mental illness.
Of course, constant anxiety also affects the physiological state of a person. He becomes twitchy, nervous. It is difficult for him to focus on something other than the problem that is troubling him. He has reduced self-esteem, mood, problems with sleep and concentration begin. Hence the problems both at work and in personal life.

Causes of bad thoughts

Many owners of mental "chewing gum" think that it comes from nowhere. In fact, every disturbing thought has its roots and its fertile ground.

The main reasons why bad thoughts in the head:

  1. Personal qualities. The tendency to worry about any reason and endlessly scroll through possible failures in your head can be a character trait. In this case, a person is engaged in soul-searching and looks to the future with pessimism since childhood.
  2. negative past. Sometimes guilt can fuel intrusive thoughts. It can be real guilt for some act or some mental messages. In a more complex version - imaginary, far-fetched guilt. In any case, she makes you think about her, remember and be afraid that a similar situation will still happen again.
  3. Lack of self-esteem. Doubts about one's strengths and abilities are another powerful source for bad thoughts. For an insecure person, every step, every moment of life is a test. He needs to make decisions, which means thinking. And here the “worms” of doubts and fears crawl into the process of thinking.
  4. suspiciousness. Anything can put anxiety and anxiety in the mind of suspicious people. It can be a story from TV or the Internet, a conversation with friends, or even a story you hear by chance. strangers, newspaper note or news feed. And that’s all: it’s scary to fly - you can crash, you can’t use mobile phones - you get brain cancer, etc.
  5. Internal contradictions. It happens that bad thoughts come into your head due to the fact that there is no inner balance. Uncertainty that the action being performed is correct and timely sows doubts in the head. They, in turn, force to sort out the situation “on the shelves”. This brings out all the possible solutions to the problem - both positive and negative. Makes you think about what choice to make. And worry about it.
  6. Helplessness. To settle in the soul and head anxiety and fear can be problems that we are unable to resolve on our own. That is, situations that you just need to wait out, hoping for the best. And it is the expectation of the result that gives rise to anxiety and makes you more and more nervous, drawing possible (not the most rosy) layouts in your head.

Important! Religion has its own explanations for the causes of bad thoughts. In this case, the source of experiences or obsessions are demons, evil spirits. It is she who puts fears, stupidity and filth into her head.

How to get rid of bad thoughts

Since the nature of anxious thoughts is diverse, there are also many ways to get rid of them. And this same nature will be the key to choosing the right method. But it’s worth starting with the fact that getting rid of bad thoughts - necessary procedure to improve life. Then comes the stage of determining the source of alarms and the method of dealing with it.

There are several universal ways to get rid of bad thoughts of any origin. They will help to balance the psyche on their own in mild cases of anxiety or enhance the effect of other methods in more complex ones. The main mechanism here is distraction. For example:

  • Sport. Physical exercise help not only to keep fit and relieve adrenaline. Regular exercise relieves the nervous system well. And if we return to the good physical form- it adds self-confidence. Therefore, such unloading in tandem with the awareness of oneself as an attractive person reduces the chances (and time) for experiences.
  • Drinking regimen and nutrition. Eating and drinking is what gives us the strength and resources to exist. Lack of fluid, hunger or an unbalanced diet deplete the body. This leads to fatigue. And it creates all the conditions for mental chewing even minor events or situations. So drink more water and healthy drinks(freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes, green tea), try to eat right. But the main thing - choose the most acceptable, tasty drinks and dishes for you. And do not forget about food antidepressants - chocolate, bananas, raisins, hazelnuts. What brings joy also brings joy.
  • Complete rest. Good vacation and quality sleep are guarantors that allow us to be in good shape. So - to solve problems, enjoy life and leave no room for fear and worries.
  • Music. You can drown out bad thoughts with the help of your favorite music. Find your favorite wave on the radio, your favorite music channel, create a playlist of your favorite songs in your gadget. And as soon as you feel that the disturbing "worms" begin to crawl into your consciousness - turn on the music louder or put on headphones. And stay positive.
  • Hobby. You can escape from overwhelming anxieties and fears with the help of a hobby, a favorite thing. This can be needlework, caring for indoor flowers, reading, etc. Any activity that brings pleasure.
  • Present day. Leaving the past behind and appreciating the present is a great way to fill your head with positive thoughts and memories. What has already happened cannot be changed, unlike what is happening now. Therefore, shape your positive past today.

Interesting! You can try to drive away stupid thoughts and not the most in a pleasant way- dirty work. That is, what you usually do not really like to do. For example, you can do a general cleaning, clean out the closet, wash the car, etc.

Psychological practice of suppressing bad thoughts

You can clear your head of mental garbage with the help of psychological practices: attitudes, techniques, trainings. We have compiled a selection of the most effective ways brain "cleansing", which can be carried out independently, without a specialist.

Psychological ways to remove bad thoughts from your head:

  1. calculation. To kill your enemy, you need to know him by sight. To get rid of bad thoughts - you need to calculate them. To do this, you can visit a psychologist, or you can take a piece of paper and write them down with your own hand. Dividing fears into two categories, real and fictional, will help a lot. Then, next to each item, write what you can do to prevent anxiety from materializing. For example, if you constantly worry about the iron not being turned off or the front door- double check this action before leaving the house.
  2. Adoption. It is impossible to get rid of disturbing thoughts forever. Therefore, you can’t tune in to the fact that even with constant work on yourself, they will never return. The attitude towards them is important here: this fear (anxiety, obsessive thought) has nothing to do with reality, so let them return to themselves. Develop a calm attitude towards them - do not be upset, do not analyze, do not be nervous. Do not try to enter into an argument with them and look for arguments against - it is well known that it is difficult to win an argument with your mind. You will only get more bogged down in worries and worries. So relax - if you do not attach importance to such thoughts, then they will leave the same way as they came.
  3. Indifference. Remember that emotions are the main food for fear and anxiety. It is the emotional component that widens the eyes of fear and brings anxiety to a peak. Therefore, learn to perceive obsessive "worms" in your head with indifference: if they don't exist - excellent, if they appear - it's also normal. But be careful in assessing your perception: if you are working on yourself, do not focus on when these absurd thoughts will go away. Do not turn the struggle with obsessive thoughts into another obsession.
  4. Confusing. Bad thinking can be interrupted by positive opposition. For example, with the help of the word "but". And as soon as some bad thought begins to disturb your consciousness, fend it off with a positive affirmation. Take a closer look, listen to yourself - any flaw in character or appearance can always be covered by virtues in the same areas. The fire in the eyes covers the wrinkles around them, the cheerful character - fullness, etc.
  5. Antivirus. Another psychological technique for getting rid of obsessive thoughts. It is based on the association of the brain with a computer, and bad thoughts with computer viruses. That is, install an “anti-virus program” in your brain computer that will calculate viral thoughts and immediately delete them.

    The answer of religion to the question of what to do if bad thoughts come into your head is unequivocal - to pray. Sincere prayer is recognized as the most powerful weapon against evil and obsessive thoughts. It establishes an energetic connection with the highest divine forces. Thus, they come into conflict with our inner demons.

    For your prayer to be most effective, it must be directed in the opposite direction of the suggested obsessive thoughts. For example, if you cannot come to terms with certain circumstances or situations, then the essence of your appeal to God should be precisely humility: “Thy will be done!”.

    If your problem is despondency or despair, you need to tame the pride or grumbling, the consequence of which such states are most often. And turn to the higher powers with gratitude. If the source of bad thoughts is anger or resentment towards another person, you need to forgive him yourself and ask for his forgiveness before God.

    In any of these cases, the work of evil spirits leads to the opposite result - to good. Therefore, they become unarmed, and their stay with you is useless. And they will leave you.

    You can cleanse yourself and your thoughts not only with the help of prayer. powerful weapon against evil spirits and demons within us - church sacraments. Confession and communion purify the soul and give strength to fight evil.

    To get rid of bad thoughts with the help of prayer, it is not necessary to turn to God only with well-known prayer texts and only in church. If you are sincere in your appeal, he will surely hear you, no matter where you turn to him from and no matter what words you pray.

    How to get rid of bad thoughts - look at the video:

    When choosing a way to deal with your inner fears, you need to remember that restoring peace of mind requires work. Psychological techniques or prayer is not a one-time pill for obsessive thoughts, but a medicine that needs to be taken for a long time and regularly. Therefore, work on yourself, and the “worms” in your head will lose their influence on your health and the quality of your life.

Hello dear friends!

Our brain generates hundreds of thousands of thoughts every day. Some of them are pleasant, filled with good memories and euphoria from the anticipation of the next portion of events.

But what to do with those thoughts that are similar to an obsessive, panic attack? Sometimes they can wake us up in the middle of the night and offer to think about our pain.

Such reflections remind me of the lyrics of a song that, like an "earworm", takes root in the subconscious and treacherously sings a boring refrain. How to get obsessive thoughts out of your head?

In today's article, I would like to discuss some of the features of the birth of such bullying of the subconscious over our common sense and logic. And also try to find a way to solve this interesting problem.

Walking in circles

Probably, such obsessions are familiar to many. They can occupy the mind and force endlessly suck on thoughts”, returning to the same experiences in a circle.

Constant experience in your head of thoughts, trying to resolve them or even influence what happened a couple of years ago, can drive any reasonable person crazy.

An attempt to untie a "tie-stranglehold" often turns into an even more frightening "suffocation".

And to the usual stresses, a newly acquired question, fueled by an inner voice, is added: “ How to stop it? Can't I do it? ».

Some can boast of such an acquisition since childhood. Sometimes we catch ourselves thinking that think and feel for something was not a prerequisite.

It would seem that you should sit your ass in the sandbox and make Easter cakes, but no, thoughts, like a hurricane, burst into our childish, impressionable, fantasy-gifted reality, and that's when the marathon of "cartoons" began, which is difficult to stop at a fairly mature age. Familiar, right?

brain habit constantly process information and "chew" ideas, situations and events, can be catastrophically aggravated against the background panic attacks and other psychological problems.

This in turn leads to insomnia, neuroses, nervous breakdowns and bags around your own bags under your eyes.

How to overcome the vicious circle of thought-walking and move to a new, subconscious level of correct perception of reality ?

First rule

First of all, you should learn the peculiarity of your own body. Thinking about intrusive thoughts is nothing but an emotion. Excessive emotionality or mishandling them expression, leads to such obsessive fiascos.

Thoughts originate from emotions, as well as from the subconscious, non-rational nature of adventure.

They are directly related to personally grown causeless fears , complexes and, of course, worries. It is for this reason that they have acquired the name obsessive.

Thinking, we emotionally color the thought in a certain tone of the narrative with a plus or minus sign. It doesn't seem to be bad, does it?

But! The signal they give is seen for us by the following, masterfully ciphered sentence: " Ay! Human! There's a problem, a problem! You urgently need to look for a solution, otherwise the fluffy animal will personally come to say hello! »

If you look from the other side, as I like to do, it can be noted small plus in obsessive states.

They signal to us that there is unsolved problem which you will definitely not forget! And you can't disable this notification or an option to stop the unbridled fun.

Again, our brain does not always adequately perceive what is happening. Ghostly phantoms of the inflamed and tired subconscious, customized to the standard set of alerts, fictional experiences.

And then, for example, taking care of your body can develop into hypochondria, and the desire to protect oneself is transformed into paranoia and a home bunker of blankets and a bed.

The conclusion I have drawn is the approach to the situation. Its essence is directed to understanding a key feature- you can not fight with the help of logic with annoying thoughts, because of their irrational roots of occurrence.

So how to develop a new attitude to the usual process of thinking?

Second rule

The right decision lies on the surface and launches rocket signals into the universe. First of all, you need to understand the nature of the origin of personal experiences. Are these real events or games of our mind? Do they have justified reason nervous and fussy?

It happens that chewing gum from thoughts brings you to white heat, but in fact - this is an empty exaggeration and is actually a fly, not an elephant.

You should consider whether there are the reasons for annoying thoughts? And immediately write them out on a piece of paper for visual study.

For example, do you think about the fact that you are terminally ill and this thought kills you without a weapon? Maybe the symptoms you are experiencing are true possible problem with health? If this is the case, then you should consult a doctor in order to debunk your fears and make sure that you notice the insidious disease in time.

In the case when you have passed all the tests, analyzes, x-rays and passed smears, and you have found a simple runny nose - forget it.

By checking this issue off the list and marking it as resolved, you can proceed to following paragraphs and feel like a hero of the MythBusters program.

Regardless of whether the problem is real or it is the fruit of your imagination, to concentrate their attention on it constantly - in advance an unfavorable outcome of events. You either solve it or you don't. heating up the universe with your own panic.

Third rule

elaboration weakening the grip painful thinking is possible when you are in optimistic mood and have inner peace. I think the morning before the main procedures can be ideal here.

Believe that scrolling thoughts one after another is pointless. The purpose of such bullying is to confuse and misinform you through deception and gigantic exaggeration.

  • realize absurdity panic state;
  • to solve the problem if it is possible to do so, forget- if the exit is not found;
  • remember, “thinking in a circle” is the repetition of an “old song” to a new motive;
  • need to recognize the need for calm reaction to panic at your own peculiarity;
  • practice subduing the volcano of emotions at a critical and stressful moment of life;
  • don't be afraid of fear, but work with him, because it is he who can make you better.

Help yourself affirmations to see the banality of the situation. Speak phrases when you feel the growing tension and the motives of a familiar song:

  • « I'm safe! - The tests confirmed that I am healthy (a)! »;
  • « Everything is already good! I am surrounded by positive and calm! »;
  • « I will complete all tasks on time! - I'm already solving a threading problem! Which means I'm smart!" etc.

Explain your position clearly and understandably. A long argument with repetitive reflections, doomed to lose, because complexes and fear, will win the battle with logic and even intelligence.

In conclusion, I will say that you will have to arm yourself patience and allow yourself to get new experience of daily work on yourself, which in turn will make your life more successful!

That's all. Friends, do not forget to subscribe to my blog update and recommend it to your friends for reading. Tell us in the comments about your way of dealing with obsessive thoughts! And have you experienced similar situations?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

15 ways to get rid of negative thoughts - it helped me! Have you ever been in a situation where you can’t get rid of obsessive thoughts about a person? About what he said or did, and how much it surprised or offended you? Sometimes when someone hurts us, our children, or loved ones, gossips behind our backs, or confounds us with their actions, we keep thinking about it for hours, sometimes even weeks.

You wash dishes, drive a car, walk your dog, but you can't forget how untruthful, angry or self-centered the words of your abuser were. His face, his words keep popping up in my head. Five hours, five days, five weeks later, he's still in your head - his face is in front of your eyes, even if you haven't spoken to him all this time.

How to learn to avoid such situations?

How to stop thinking about a person or an unpleasant incident - about what could or should have been done differently - when the same thoughts keep spinning in your head, rewinding and playing over and over again?

Maybe it's not about the person. The point is that you got or didn't get what you need, what you don't have, and what is wrong in your life. But most often we are tormented by thoughts about people who, in our eyes, are to blame for all this.

15 ways to get rid of negative thoughts. These thoughts poison our lives, because such experiences can cause both emotional and physical harm to a person. Research shows that toxic thoughts make our brain sick and unhappy. When our mind is constantly occupied with thoughts of bickering, resentment or loss, it begins to marinate in a sea of ​​harmful chemical substances and stress hormones, which are the catalysts for virtually every disease in the world. Scientists are increasingly reporting that negative thoughts play a big role in illnesses such as depression, cancer, and heart and autoimmune diseases.

Moreover, it's just plain annoying. It’s as if you are being pulled into a rotating carousel, on which it’s fun to spin a couple of times, but then you start to feel sick and your head suddenly goes around. You want to get off, but you can't.

We try very hard to avoid everything that is poisonous: we buy organic products, we try not to eat junk food, we get rid of chemicals. We look for the freshest products, use organic cleaning agents and natural cosmetics. But with all this, we pay very little attention to purifying our thoughts. How can you get rid of negative emotions and memories?

15 ways to get rid of negative thoughts. Choose the method that seems most effective to you and act:

1. Be silent and pause.

This will give you the opportunity to cool down a little, calm down and choose the most reasonable tactics for resolving the conflict. And sometimes, over time, what annoys us is forgotten on its own.

2. Wait and see what happens next.

In conflict situations, very often you want to stand up for yourself and give your offender a fitting rebuff. That is why we worry so much about what to say or do in such cases.

3. Do not play the game "Who is to blame?"

Taking apart events that happened in the past and trying to decide who is to blame (even if you blame yourself) is counterproductive. Bad things or misunderstandings most often happen as a result of a whole series of events. It's like a domino effect. In the end result, it is impossible to blame only one person. First one thing happens, then another, then a third. And so what happens happens.

4. Don't get into the other person's mood.

5. Start with the biggest problem.

Meditation teacher Norman Fisher says that no matter what happens to us, anger is always the biggest problem. It creates a cloud of emotions that makes it difficult to give a balanced and convincing answer. In conflict situations, the biggest problem is anger. Work on yourself - meditate, do gymnastics, go for a walk. Talk as little as possible and give yourself time to cool off. Do whatever you want - but before you deal with someone, deal with yourself.

6. Anger warps your mind.

It is impossible to think clearly and look for a creative and thoughtful approach to solving a difficult situation if you are angry.

7. Don't try to understand the other person's actions.

Ask yourself: if another person tried to understand what you think or why you do what you do, how close to the truth will their guesses be? Nobody but you knows what's going on in your head. So why try to understand what your interlocutor is thinking? Most likely, you will be wrong, which means that you are just wasting your time.

8. Your thoughts are not facts.

In other words, don't believe everything you think. Our body is acutely aware of our emotions - fear, tension, anxiety or stress. We experience emotions on a physical level and often take our feelings as confirmation that our thoughts are fact.

9. How can I use this situation for personal growth?

Meditation teacher and psychologist Tara Brach argues that dwelling on anger, getting offended by someone’s words or actions, judging the interlocutor, and getting angry at the way we were treated, we replenish our personal stock of suffering. Situation + our reaction = suffering. Dealing with our feelings and asking why we are so affected by this or that situation and what these feelings say about ourselves is a great chance to learn something new about ourselves. Situation + reflections + mental presence “here and now” = inner growth. Focus on your inner development.

10. Never let others confuse you. Even to himself.

11. What was, has already passed.

Remembering the past, we often try to understand what could have been done differently in order to prevent a quarrel and its unpleasant outcome. But what happened yesterday is just as much in the past as what happened a thousand years ago or during the time of the Mayans. We cannot change what happened then, and we cannot change what happened a week ago.

12. Learn to forgive.

For your own good. We are very devoted to our sorrows and thoughts about all the bad things that happened to us. Yes, it was. Yes, it was terrible. But is it really the only thing that shapes you as a person? We forgive others not only for their own sake. We forgive in order to free ourselves from our personal suffering, to stop holding on to the past, and to move on with our lives.

13. Transport yourself to another space.

Self-awareness teacher and psychologist Trish Magiyari recommends using visualization. Studies show that this method is very effective in helping to get rid of negative thoughts that inflame our consciousness. Personally, this image always helps me: imagine that you are at the bottom of a deep blue ocean and watch how everything floats by. Watch how your thoughts scatter.

14. Respond to the offender with kindness.

Here's what healer Wanda Lasseter-Lundi advises you to do in situations where thoughts about your abuser drive you crazy: “Imagine how you send a beautiful ball of white light towards this person. Put it inside this ball. Surround him with rays and keep the light around him until your anger evaporates.

15. Take a minute and a half break.

To free the mind, you need to break the train of your thoughts. Neuropsychiatrist Dan Segal states that “in 90 seconds, emotion will rise and fall like a wave near a shore.” You only need 90 seconds to get out of any state. Give yourself 90 seconds - inhale and exhale 15 times - to not think about the person or situation that upsets you. This will help break the vicious cycle—and with it, the power that your negative thoughts have over you.

Well, are you feeling better?

Almost everyone has experienced intrusive thoughts at least once. It could be a line from a random song, or it could be something more serious: an obsession with an idea. Let's pay attention to the last one. Learn from the article how to deal with stubborn ideas arising from the desires, anxieties of the individual.

The pathological manifestation of the phenomenon in psychology is called obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome, or (OCD). However, you don't have to be scared right away. I'm sure this is not your case.

Healthy people also sometimes get stuck. This is not about the fictional rituals that are characteristic of OCD. Healthy people become hostages of their desires, needs, phobias, expectations. Surely you have experienced something similar: you could not sleep peacefully, think about something else, until an important event occurred.

What is dangerous

Even a healthy manifestation of obsessive thoughts is dangerous for a person. Obsession interferes with life, distorts, does not allow work. Any, even pleasant, obsession gradually depletes the body. In addition, speaking of a pleasant expectation of something, it is worth mentioning such a possible option as disappointment.

Causes of obsession

Negative thoughts take over the mind more often than positive ideas. Most popular intrusive thoughts:

  • The world is dangerous, people are asocial.
  • Nobody loves me.
  • I don't know how best to proceed.
  • This is a hopeless situation.
  • What if I make it worse?
  • I can't get what I want.
  • Suddenly I'm being used.
  • Everyone wants me to benefit.
  • Why did I do this?

Behind every such negative reflection lies a psychological problem, anxiety and. “No one loves me” usually refers to one specific person. “I won’t succeed” is a typical attitude of a person with low, self-doubt. “The world is dangerous” is a consequence of personal negative experience.

The media also contribute: crime news, scary advertising. So adequate concern about one's health develops first into an obsessive thought, and then into hypochondria. Or a healthy fear for one's life - first into an obsessive thought, and then into social phobia.

How to get rid

It will sound trite and ridiculous, but you need not think about it. The more you fixate on the idea of ​​getting rid, the more you fixate on the obsessive thoughts themselves. And yes, “how to get rid of” is a new obsession. What to do? If the problem is real, then solve it. If far-fetched or you can not influence the situation, then accept and worry.

Action plan:

  1. You will have to suffer a little more, as you need to disassemble the thought into its components. Determine the basis of thought: need, condition. After that, work in the identified direction. There is no point in describing all possible options here. As for the need, make a plan to meet it. What tools do you have, what to buy, where to get them.
  2. Get distracted by getting your brain to work. Connect . It is better to engage in neutral activities, but if thoughts interfere, then engage in beating them. Your brain has only drawn one scenario for you. Take a piece of paper and a pen, draw or write down several possible scenarios. Special attention devote to a positive scenario, but do not build castles in the air. Be sensible about your abilities and adaptive abilities.
  3. Analyze the thought in four questions: “How true is this?”, “Am I 100% sure that this is true?”, “How do I react to these thoughts?”, “Who would I be without such thoughts?” This will help to realize the irrationality of what is happening.
  4. obsessive thoughts- the result of the work of the subconscious. Analyze if the situation is so terrible: write down all the real facts and your actions in response to each of them. If you find a hole, then think about whether the result depends on you. If yes, then determine where to get the missing knowledge, skills and abilities. If not, for example, you cannot bring some event, meeting, then it remains just to wait and live for your own pleasure.
  5. Try to see winning conditions for yourself. And think about whether the situation itself will be important in 5 years. Let's say you're worried about a conversation with your boss. You may be fired. But can't you find another place? You might even get promoted faster there.
  6. Write down on paper everything that brings you joy, satisfaction at the moment. This will help overcome negative thinking.
  7. If you doubt something, do not dare to act, then think about whether your current position will change in a situation of failure. If you have nothing to lose, then you need to try. If you can lose, then prioritize, determine the value of all the pros and cons.
  8. Think about whether and interfere with you. If that's the case, then it's time to get rid of them.
  9. Is your obsession based on negative past experiences? Find the cause of the fear and get rid of it. Recall a situation from the past that affects you in the present. Analyze it. What has changed in you and your life since then? Are you sure you still can't handle a situation like this? Think, for sure you have learned a lot and have changed a lot since then.

Since you are reading this article, it means that obsessive thoughts regularly torment you. Get to the bottom of the reasons. Determine what thoughts bother you the most and give them a name. For example, “what if I make a mistake, what if it doesn’t work out” is the fear of failure,. And “why did I say so” is excessive self-criticism, a tendency to introspection. Sometimes thoughts don't even need to be captured. They speak for themselves: I am ashamed, scared, hurt, sad.

Learn to perceive intrusive thoughts as a signal, a pointer to a problem. Identify the underlying emotion and its cause, fight it. Gradually thoughts will pass by themselves. If you can’t cope on your own, contact a psychologist. He will professionally study your subconscious, help you find the hidden emotion-cause.


An obsession is accompanied by a stressful state. - excitation of the body, accumulation of energy. Throw her out. Physical activity helps you think clearly, frees your mind, makes you work harder and find new ways to solve problems. In addition, sport increases self-confidence, stimulates the production of hormones of joy and anti-stress hormones.

In addition to this, try to get enough rest. A tired brain is capable of various pranks, including intrusive negative thoughts. Try meditating in the morning. To make the task easier, concentrate on the rhythm of the clock or the pendulum. As soon as you catch yourself in your old thoughts, forcefully return to the metronome. Gradually, it will be easier to concentrate, the psychophysiological state will improve.