Lucky number by name. Famous people and the birth of numerology

As we already wrote in one of our articles, numerology was invented by the ancient Greek mathematician and versatile scientist Pythagoras. Possessing many occult and mystical knowledge, he himself was engaged in divination, forming his own club on the island of Croton, where his enthusiastic students and followers came.

It was Pythagoras who compared the letters with their numerical expression. The scientist believed that not only the date of birth has a huge impact on a person, but also his full name.

Why did people believe Pythagoras? Yes, because he was an amazing person with an amazing destiny. Even when he was in the womb, the local soothsayer foretold that the birth of a great child who would have extraordinary wisdom and reveal many discoveries to the world. And so it happened. From childhood, Pythagoras was very inquisitive, received an excellent education, because his family came from a noble family of leaders.

And the father of Pythagoras was engaged in jewelry business. Parents surrounded the little philosopher with love and affection, especially since the child had extraordinary beauty, although he was playful beyond measure.
However, there was something to love him for - already at the age of 3, the baby stood out significantly among his peers not only with his beauty and mischievous character, but also with the art of recitation - already in early age he memorized the entire Iliad and the Odyssey and recited them so expressively that everyone admired him.

Parents hired the son of the most prominent teachers of that time - famous philosophers, sages and priests. The boy also studied music and playing instruments, the art of painting and proper physical development.
Pythagoras himself was aware of his greatness and tried to stand out among his peers by not cutting his beautiful golden curls, which he wore for a very long time.

Name Numerology

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From the time of his childhood, Pythagoras strove for the sciences and mysticism, as well as expressing himself through them. Thus, having a huge store of knowledge and wisdom, being an excellent mathematician, he created a whole science that expresses letters in numbers, and then deciphers their meaning.

This science is called numerology.
Numerologists are sure that if people have the same numbers in their code, then their fate and character traits will be similar to some extent.

Surname Numerology

A surname, for example, carries information that came to a person from his family. The name affects his current life, it is only necessary to turn all the letters in the name and surname into numbers and calculate the result. Generic information is extremely important in the later life of the individual, because we are all a product of our ancestors and accumulate in ourselves not only their advantages, but also their shortcomings.

Having identified the negative qualities of the family, you can begin to eradicate them in yourself, transforming them into virtues, and learn how to use them to your advantage. Having received his generic information, a person acquires unique opportunity make a plan to work on your personality and improve your own life, directing it initially in the right direction.

If the individual takes advantage of the opportunity, he has a chance to achieve high results in life (much higher than his ancestors) and give his children a much more favorable start in life than he himself had.

Numbers are the basis of the universe

Middle name numerology

The patronymic shows what family traits and problems came to you from your father. There is also a huge field for activities to improve their lives and the future fate of their descendants.

Numbers are the code of the future

By date

Pythagoras also understood that the numbers of our birth are not just numbers, they are a special encrypted code by which you can find out almost everything about a person: character, preferences, inclinations, abilities and the whole path of life.
You just need to add up the numbers of your date of birth and calculate the main number that controls your life.

For example, you were born on 09/18/1977. We do not add zero.
We make calculations: 1 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 7 \u003d 42. Next, we add the two resulting numbers: 4 + 2 \u003d 6. We get 6 - this is the control number of your life.
Next, we bring everything into a special square, and draw conclusions.

Numbers are your destiny

Table calculation

This table shows the correspondence of letters and numbers when calculating the numerical expression of the surname, name and patronymic.

How to calculate?

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What does it mean?

Here you can see the interpretation of the received numbers for calculating your name:

I must say that the formation of a person's character is also influenced by the environment in which he is brought up. If your number is the number of a born diplomat, and your parents are used to "cutting the truth" in the face, then you will most likely do the same. Do not be upset, as soon as you change the environment, the innate qualities themselves will manifest themselves in full.

Many believe that with the help of knowledge of numerology, one can somehow influence fate and events in life. Actually, this is a delusion. Knowing himself, his inclinations and character traits, as well as having the ability to calculate the right time to implement his plans, a person can improve his life by mitigating unpleasant events in it, become more successful, but this also requires high-quality work on himself.

In addition, by calculating the numbers that control your destiny, you can get information about your family as a whole, about similar character traits and problems in the life of your ancestors' families over the centuries. Also, based on this knowledge, you can draw up a work plan for the purification of tribal karma.
Sometimes to get additional information it is required to calculate the number of the week in which the person was born, as well as the number of the apartment number where he lives.

It happens that if the personal number of an individual and the number of an apartment conflict with each other, then numerology is advised to change their place of residence in order to avoid troubles in life.
Document codes are also calculated: birth certificates (shows how the child will interact with the outside world before he receives his own passport), international passport (will tell all the information about the trips that a person will make), grade book, diploma (these documents will open information about how a person studied and how he related to this process), a work book (will give out all the information about the attitude of a person to work).

Numerology is an interesting science that will open the doors to the mysterious world of the mystery of the name. We all know that the name of a person has an influence on the fate and character of its bearer. The numerology of a name can show its true meaning, show hidden talents and inclinations, aspirations of a person.

Table of correspondence between letters of the name and numbers

Number Letters
1 A I C b
2 B Y T Y
3 V K U L
4 G L F E
5 D M X Yu
6 E N C I
7 Yo O Ch
8 W P W
9 W R W

For example, let's calculate the name "Tatiana":

T - 2
A - 1
T - 2
b - 3
I am 6
H - 6
A - 1

As a result, we get 2+1+2+3+6+6+1= 21, we will reduce this figure to a simple number 2+1=3
It turns out the number of the name "Tatiana" - 3
Have you already learned your name number? Let's find out what this figure carries.

Calculation results

  • Leadership is embedded in the numerology of the name of this person. A person with such a name number is ambitious, ambitious, energetic, courageous, self-confident. Such people need to occupy leadership positions, or run their own business.
  • The person is active, but he needs the help of a partner. Number 2 people are peace-loving, they are family-oriented, such people get along well in teams. They need to find themselves in working with people, their professions are teachers, doctors, psychologists.
  • Threes are talented, well-rounded people who love to be the center of attention. They are great optimists, often the soul of the company. Their forte is the world of arts, so they will make excellent writers, singers, musicians, speakers.
  • Stability, reliability, honesty are the main features of fours. Such people are workaholics, prone to painstaking, responsible work, they are very punctual. Fours are excellent accountants, architects, and engineers.
  • Extraordinary, independent people with their own outlook on life. Numerology speaks of such people that they are not afraid to rush into the abyss of novelty, they easily abandon outdated stereotypes. Fives constantly strive for intellectual development. Such people will be comfortable working in tourism, in jurisprudence, journalism.
  • Sixes have a heightened sense of justice, honesty, and responsibility. They are very demanding of themselves, for which they are respected by others. They can be entrusted with any business that requires trust and responsibility. The profession of name holders with a calculated "1" is social workers, educators, doctors.
  • Such a person is constantly striving for knowledge, he will collect Interesting Facts, to check whether the theory corresponds to practice, while he likes to share knowledge with others. Since sevens do not really like physical labor, their professions are philosophers, scientists, inventors.
  • Eights require attention and recognition. They are in constant pursuit of new victories and achievements. Such people are practical and seek profit always and everywhere, while waiting for recognition in their deeds. The ideal habitat for Eights is finance, commerce, administration, construction.
  • Man-harmony. He is kind, patient, seeks peace. Such people usually protect the rights of the disadvantaged, they are for world peace. The nine man will always come to your aid in a difficult moment. Professions of nines are teachers, nurses, social workers, writers.

We hope that we have lifted the veil of secrecy related to the calculation of the numerology of the name. Check your name and maybe you will learn something new about yourself. Read also about

All people know they exist lucky numbers that can help a person in a given situation. Some simply know them from their own observations, while others know how to calculate them. Now I want to talk about how you can arm yourself with this knowledge - calculate the number of first and last names.

A bit of history

Such a science as numerology has existed for quite a long time, and people even of ancient times knew how to correctly find out their code. But at that time in the Hebrew, Arabic and Greek alphabets, each letter had its own numerical value and definition. However, Pythagoras decided to simplify this task somewhat by reducing the table to nine numbers, to which he assigned certain letters.

How did he manage to do it? It's simple: using the method of the most simple transformation of complex numbers into simple ones by adding their components. Here's what it looks like: for example, the number 123 will result in a six by adding (1+2+3=6). Such numbers in numerology are called vibrating.

Why is this needed?

Why does a person need information on how to determine the number of a name? This is necessary in order to get to know yourself better, to know your certain type, your hidden capabilities and nuances. In any case, such knowledge will never be superfluous, even if a person does not listen to the conclusions received. An interesting fact is that each of us has two of his own vibrating numbers, which can be calculated not only by name, but also by date of birth. If everything is very clear with the second option, then in order to find out the number of the name, to calculate it, you need to have some tables in which the letters will be assigned a certain number.


Finally, the moment has come when it is already possible to present certain ciphers, thanks to which you can find out your name number. The constituent letters of the full name, i.e. full name, will help to calculate it. This will be the official number, which will turn out to be the person's code. Which numbers are assigned to which letters?

1 - a, i, d, b, s, b.

2 - b, f, k, l, r, w, i.

5 - e, e, n, x.

7 - h, o, h, u.

It is worth noting that you can count not only on the name that the parents named the child on the passport. They also practice calculation by the name that people around call a person. If the boy's name is, for example, George, and he is called Yura, then it is still better to calculate the two numbers of the name and choose what suits the character more and it will still be more reliable. Again, it is important to recall that if a person has a two-digit number, it must be reduced to a single-digit number by simply adding adjacent numbers (as was done for the example a little higher). Having your name number, which is absolutely not a problem to calculate, you can now learn something new about your character and your person as a whole.

1. Sun

If a person eventually got a one, his planet is the Sun. This is the beginning of all living things, all things. The same applies to people: they are luminaries, leaders by nature, people with excellent managerial and business qualities. They are able to lead the crowd, being a signpost for them. However, if you do not correctly use all your qualities, a person may have a conflict with the outside world. You need to be open. Moreover, the ones are generous, kind people, but with a keen sense of justice and honesty.

2. Moon

Two is the next number of the name, which can be calculated quite simply. So, these are the people of the moon, who are characterized by openness and emotionality. These individuals often seek independence while trying to stand behind a stronger person. It is important to say that deuces are often creative individuals, these people have well-developed intuition. If you do not competently take advantage of all the opportunities, then such persons turn into closed, alienated people who try not to show themselves at all to the eyes of others.

3. Jupiter

Three people are optimists to the roots of their hair. They are cheerful, open, always positive and able to find something good in any situation. It is not surprising that others are always drawn to such people, trying to become infected with their positive attitude. It is important to say that these people often delve into themselves, trying to find what else needs to be improved and developed. They are always in some kind of search, getting more and more new knowledge in various fields.

But apart from all of the above, threes tend to be indecisive. They are not able to defend their point of view in a dispute, they do not get into a conflict at all, and when they witness one, they try to resolve everything peacefully as soon as possible.

4. Uranus

What can tell the next number of the name - four? These people are wayward, with non-standard thinking and decisions. Such persons never live by the rules, they only need them to break them. These are excellent reformers and revolutionaries. They are strong in spirit, have a sense of justice, are always ready to compromise and communicate with the team. Fours are always on good terms with everyone, even with people who, it would seem, should be enemies. They are good organizers and hard workers. A negative character trait is excessive nervousness.

5. Mercury

These are definitely smart people. Living persons, initiators in any situation. They are ready to take risks and do everything to get their way. However, often over time they can lose interest and not bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Fives are able to quickly and competently make decisions, cope with problems, and look for ways out of difficult situations. From failures, they can become discouraged and even depressed. They get along well with everyone, but they are not too economic.

6. Venus

Six is ​​the next number of the name. Numerology says that people of this type are sensual, they are always loved by everyone. Probably, thanks to this, they can easily bypass all the pitfalls that happen on the path of life. The problems of the sixes resolve themselves as if by themselves. However, these people need to be careful with money, this is their great weakness.

Sixes are players, they are able to lose everything in an instant. But even despite this, they always have something to live on and, by the way, not very poor. Often sixes are married to a financially secure partner. As for the character, these are enterprising peace-loving people who always get along with everyone, as they are simply unable to notice various stupidities and "inconvenient" details.

7. Neptune

These are people of fine mental organization. Often they are religious or philosophical. They think a lot, have a huge number of great ideas, but very rarely give them life and bring everything to its logical conclusion. As for the financial situation, for sevens it is most often deplorable. Also, they are mostly physically weak people who simply do not accept quarrels or conflicts.

8. Saturn

Knowing how to calculate the number of a name, you can end up with a figure eight. What kind of people are these? So, these are people who are often lonely, although in their hearts they desire love and warmth. It's all to blame for their coldness and outward impregnability. As for prosperity, such people achieve everything by honest work, respecting the rules and laws. By old age, they are often financially secure, but all the benefits are obtained solely thanks to their own strengths. people who love order in everything. They are hardworking and mostly achieve their goals by stubbornly following their dreams.

9. Mars

Nines are conquerors by nature. They are ready to achieve everything by force and their strong-willed qualities. They do not tolerate objections, they are often tyrants. But thanks to these qualities, they also reach the desired heights and mostly occupy high positions. They are excellent organizers and leaders. It is simply impossible to be subordinate to the nine, in such a situation these people become unbearable and often lose their jobs. They are proactive and energetic, but they do not get along with everyone.

Numbers play a special role in the meaning of the name, patronymic and surname, along with those that indicate the date of birth. They play a key role in the design of a life path, numbers give direction to the talents and abilities inherent in a person. It is only necessary to properly dispose of what fate has given to everyone. A person with the same birthday number and name has the opportunity to achieve harmony with himself.

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    How to calculate the number of a name?

    Since ancient times, when people learned to count sunrises and sunsets, the concept of numbers has appeared. Their energy subjugated dates, events and destinies. There is an ancient Chinese legend, according to which, on the shell of a turtle that crawled out of the Lo River, in 2005 BC. e. people have discovered mysterious symbols. These signs were later transformed into a magic square, and on its basis the philosophy of Feng Shui arose. The father of the European numerological school is considered to be Pythagoras of Samos (570-490 BC). The square he created symbolizes the unity of numbers and their influence.

      The numerical values ​​​​of the name, patronymic and surname carry predestinations of fate and character, no less important than the date of birth. The moment of birth of a person cannot be programmed, but you can choose a name by calculating its energy using numerology. It should be borne in mind that the numbers of patronymics and surnames influence fate and character. Therefore, the obtained values ​​are eventually summed up and form a total. Calculating numbers is very easy. There is a table in which each number from 1 to 9 corresponds to certain letters.

      The numerology of the name indicates the character of a person, his abilities and pronounced features. Each letter of the alphabet has a specific meaning. To calculate the number of a name, you need to add them.

      Natalia: H = 6; A = 1; T = 2; A = 1; L = 4; b = 3; I \u003d 6. These numbers are summed up: 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 6 \u003d 23. The result must be converted into one digit, for this, 2 and 3 are summed up and get 5. The value of the name Natalya is 5. For example, you can calculate a few more female names:

      • Victoria - 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 7 + 9 + 1 + 6 = 32, add up the resulting numbers 3 + 2 = 5;
      • Anastasia - 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 6 = 20, hence 2 + 0 = 2. The number "0" does not matter in numerology;
      • Daria - 5 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 6 = 24, calculate the sum of the received digits 2 + 4 = 6.

      The same algorithm calculates the number of patronymic and surname. The calculation of the number of the name indicates the character of the person, the patronymic - to the karmic destiny, and the surname - to the impression that the person makes on others.

      Amount values

      Each number carries its own energy, semantic coloring, endowing a person with certain properties of character. The number obtained as a result of the summation determines the main character traits given to the person along with the name. The meaning of each number is interpreted in this way:

      • 1 - indicates leadership qualities and explosive character. Such a person will never agree to remain unnoticed. He is able to lead other people, to take an active part in all the events of the team. Such individuals make smart businessmen or freelance artists. Owners of one do not accept submissions. The talisman of number 1 is the Sun.
      • 2 - endows a person with diplomacy and good disposition. He does not criticize others, he treats everything with understanding. If, when summing up the patronymic, a favorable number is also obtained, then such a person will become a good leader, and he will be respected by his subordinates. Twos have oratory skills and can easily convey the right information to people. Talisman 2 - Moon.
      • 3 - endowed with creative talent, an extraordinary approach to life, extraordinary activity. These originals are rapidly moving towards their goal. Knowing how to speak well, they will always make it clear to others that it is they who deserve to become a leader, a leader, a leader. There are always a lot of ideas in their heads, and original and bright ones. Talisman 3 - an isosceles triangle.
      • 4 - at first, such people may seem too serious and even boring. Pessimism makes them good performers in the service. But this is only an external impression. Knowing such a person closer, anyone will understand that these people, possessing incredible calmness, are very reliable. And their waywardness and stubbornness help to defend their own interests. Talisman 4 - cross, cube, quatrefoil;
      • 5 - defines successful person. But such people have a hard time due to the variability of character, and they have to earn their authority. Most people around do not understand the freedom-loving nature of the fives. People whose number is 5 do not tolerate routine work. They know how to find a rational grain in everything. Talisman 5 - a five-pointed star.
      • 6 is a sign of charming and sweet people who are loved by the whole world. Easily achieve success. Impeccable taste and a good reputation distinguish fives, but this is the problem: they constantly have to meet the level at which society puts them. Talisman 6 - hexagon.
      • 7 is a sign of people of original, unusual creative professions. Such people may seem slightly eccentric to those around them at first. Sevens easily become ringleaders and the soul of the company. They are characterized by inconstancy and good intuition. Talisman 7 - treble clef.
      • 8 - being a symbol of infinity, this number endowed people with regularity and constancy. Such individuals are very responsible and executive. Talisman 8 - fastened rings, the planet Saturn.
      • 9 - symbolizes people who are wise and understanding, not devoid of leadership qualities. Nines will always come to the rescue, you can count on them in any situation. Therefore they have many friends. Talisan 9 - a flower with nine petals.

      Knowing the meanings, you can consider their interpretation with examples. The name of Amir in total gives the number 8. The owner of this name will become a good worker, and her life will be calm and measured. For the name Irina, the sum of the numbers will be the number 9. The girl named Irina will be able to succeed in life thanks to her sociability and wisdom.

      Digit ratio

      It is impossible to consider the received values ​​as bad or good. The name number value 1 goes well with 8, 6, 9 and 4 patronymic, last name or date of birth values. Each of the presented values ​​can complement each other. Twos go well with the numbers 6, 9, 2, 7. Threes go well with the numbers 1, 5, 9, 6. If you look closely at the values, you can understand why this happens. For example, by nature, calm and even somewhat shy 2 needs originality, and the number 7 will help with this. Nine will provide her with a social circle, and six will love those around her. The deuce in combination with the deuce will enhance diplomatic qualities, add sensuality and emotionality. A harmonious combination of numbers is given in the table:

      Such a relationship will give a person the most optimal qualities. But numerology only suggests the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. If a woman, about to get married, wonders if she should change her last name, a simple calculation will help. He will tell you what will bring her new meaning and how it will affect her career and life.

      Summing up all the numbers of the first name, patronymic and last name, you need to add the number that the date of birth gave in the amount, and you get general meaning. It will determine the fate of a person and tell you where and in what to find success. Date of birth numbers are added in the same way. Example: a person's date of birth is January 17, 2003. The numbers are summed up: 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 14, and then 1 + 4 = 5. The birth number is subordinate to five. Adding it with the number of the first name, patronymic and last name, they get the total number that affects fate. When choosing names for their business projects and companies, many of the entrepreneurs turn to numerology.

As in Western numerology, in the Vedic system of numerology, the Name Number is obtained by adding the numerical values ​​of the letters of the full name.
In most cases, people are known by their first and last names. The numbers obtained for each of these two components of the full name are also important, but the name that is used officially and documented, i.e. full name (full name), priority. Thus, we have three significant numbers:
- name number
- last name number
- the number of the full name (full name).
The influence of these three numbers appears under three different circumstances. The influence of the number of a name appears whenever that name is used, i.e. a person is called only by name, without patronymic and surname. The influence of the number of the surname is manifested when a person is called by his surname. And the influence of the number of the full name is manifested in all other cases. In general, the full name that is used in society, in a passport, birth certificate, is the name that symbolizes the numerological Name Number.
Each name contains a certain number of vibrations, so important that it affects the mind and personality of the person who wears it. The name is a way of expression, it is a channel that can be called the channel of life. It gives the opportunity to manifest human activity and leads to success or defeat. Any single name contains certain vibrations, such as:
1) The family name, that is, the surname - bears hereditary features.
2) The first name, known as the active name, dominates the person's career.
3) Passive name, father's or husband's name - appears when only initials are written.
4) The name of fate is the full name given at birth.
While the Name Number has a rather strong influence on personal life, it does not affect Soul Number and Destiny Number. The number of the Name plays a key role in the social life of a person. This is the reason why, after the wedding, the name of the husband is added to the name of the bride. It is believed that adding the family name to the bride's name will create harmony with the husband, and the woman will share the achievement of the name of the whole family. But although adding a family name (husband's last name) can indeed achieve a little harmony, such an addition often changes the number of a woman's name to a hostile number, creating problems for her in social relations and work. Often there is a leveling of the individual merits of a woman, her falling into mental slavery. Therefore, before carrying out any operations with your full name, you should carefully consider everything, be sure to consult a numerologist (especially if your life was wonderful with your old name). Do not succumb to the pressure of relatives: think about what is more important - to please the dogmatic mother-in-law or to ensure yourself good luck and happiness for many years to come. If the husband continues to insist that you take his last name, it is worth considering whether he has fallen under the influence of demonic entities whispering to him the right way to get a new victim. For true love and a happy family life, if it is prepared for a couple, it does not matter at all whether the wife takes her husband's surname or not. Forcibly adding someone else's name changes the individuality of a woman and completely changes the encoding of her bioenergetic matrix.
Before adding or dropping words or letters from a name, it is necessary to check the future estimated Number of the Name. In some cases, adding may bring good luck, and in others it may not. The name number plays a very important role in professions such as a writer, poet, architect, politician, because the influence of the Name Number of these people (and not the numbers of Destiny and Soul) continues to affect even after their death.
The first letter of the full name is more important than all other letters in the name. According to the Indian system, the first letter of the name is associated with a rashi (zodiac sign) or a nakshatra (constellation). There are also differences between people who have an even and an odd Name Number.
People who have a Name Number odd- shy, calm, reserved, with a hidden creative potential that needs to be released. Some consider such people strange, others - mysterious: both are due to shyness. However, they persistently achieve their goal.
People with even The number of the Name is of a bohemian type, mysterious, gifted to the point of genius, capable of penetrating the meaning of ancient treatises and philosophical works. Ability to study and control astral forces is possible. In this case, it is equally likely to fall under the influence of both dark and light forces. Often these people are endowed with the flair and talent of a playwright. Actors by nature, they successfully use these abilities. In adulthood, they tend to commercialize their activities. This is a type of people with a mathematical mindset and abilities for the exact sciences. Equally easily overcome and again create difficulties for themselves. It is often difficult for others to understand such people, but they respect them for their mental abilities. Sometimes they can become the founders of new areas of alternative medicine.
The name of a person emits certain vibrations. It is necessary that the vibrations of the birthday (Soul Number) and the vibrations of the name be in harmony. To achieve a harmonious correspondence with the Number of the Soul or the Number of Destiny, the Number of the Name can be changed. The harmony between Name Number and Soul Number creates a good environment for friendship and social relationships. The one whose Name and Destiny Numbers are in harmony will be remembered after death. The number of the Name creates vibrations by which a person is distinguished from others during his life. In some religions, it is customary to change a person's name at death so that evil spirits cannot harm the dying person, and so that he can survive.
People who come to see a numerologist often complain about certain delays that are observed in their lives, about not achieving any results. Having examined their cases, the numerologist usually finds that the vibrations emitted by the date of birth (Soul Number) and their names are not in harmony with each other; thus, the total vibrations of their personality lose their force. In this case, it is necessary to make changes in the name so that its vibrations correspond to the vibrations of the birthday. It turns out that the simple replacement of letters in the name itself already leads to the desired results.
In this section, using the form below, you can calculate your Name Number and compare it with the Soul Number (birthday number) and Destiny Number (date of birth number). If, after reading the interpretation of the Number of the Name, it turns out that it is not in bad relations with the Number of the Soul and / or Destiny, then you can continue to use your full name without making any changes to it. But if it turns out that the Number of the Name is not in harmony with the Number of the Soul and / or Destiny, then you better think and determine what change should be made in order to achieve the desired harmony. You can use the same form to gradually check the combination of different names with your patronymic and surname and carefully look to see if digital value of the new Name Number to harmonize with your Soul and Fate Numbers. Once you find the right one, you should think about officially changing your name, as well as repeating your new name up to a thousand times a day or writing it on paper for 5-10 minutes. According to Vedic numerologists, then your life will become much easier and more enjoyable!

In order to know your Name Number and receive its interpretation, enter your first name, patronymic and last name received at birth.
Please note that this form will right processed only names using Russian alphabet(Cyrillic letters must be entered). The result obtained by entering names in transliteration or any foreign languages won't be correct! Letters " E" and " Ë " have a different numerical value, so you cannot replace one of these letters with another.