Nika as a full name. Nika: the meaning and history of the name

Many people think that Nika is just an abbreviation for the more common Veronica, but this is not at all the case. It is short, feminine and quite independent, which came to us from ancient greece, and meaning of the name Nika fundamentally different from the interpretation of the characteristics of Veronica.

From childhood, she does not particularly strive to be in the spotlight, and you can even call her somewhat passive. The main meaning of the name Nika for a girl is cheerfulness, sociability, liveliness, and it will not be difficult for parents to put a smile on her face, because she attaches importance to a pleasant little thing, and big gifts generally delight her.

Often, girls named like that are distinguished by their gentle, pure beauty. They are also moderately mobile, open to communication, easy-going. It is rare to hear the question “why” from little Nikushka, she does not attach importance to the deep meaning of phenomena and events, she looks at everything superficially.

Because of the unwillingness to delve deeper into the explanations of teachers, in school years the girl does not show much success in her studies, and her knowledge is rather mediocre, limited only to what she really likes.

The area where this short but sonorous word came from is ancient Greece, and its meaning in Greek is victory. The etymology of this word also personifies the victory that the sister of Power, Strength and Envy carried in herself.

Story ancient world particularly mentions the goddess Nike, daughter of the gods Styx and Pallantus, whose name was so popular that it was minted on gold coins. This goddess was depicted as a beautiful woman with large wings and a laurel wreath.

The nature of the name Nika

Courageous, kind, strong, honest and fair Nika is always ready to help those who really need it. This woman will never help someone who pursues a goal out of self-interest and greed.

Nika combines a sober mind and a very developed intuition, so in her statements one can often hear the words: “it seems”, “I feel”. It is worth noting that Nika's predictions almost always come true. Nika loves divination, palmistry, divination, as a rule, she is seriously interested in the occult.

This is such a cheerful woman that others are also charged with love of life. Nika is very sensitive and receptive, but the emotions she experiences are usually superficial. This woman should not be vindictive, then she will be able to develop her intuition to the abilities of a psychic.

AT professional activity Nika is a responsible worker with a developed imagination and rich imagination. The owners of this name make excellent artists, decorators, actors, researchers and scientists.


Love in the life of a mature girl is especially great importance, because such a sensual nature needs affection, various manifestations of feelings, and she needs gentle touches like air.

Thanks to her very soft, light character, she gets along well with all men, but not everyone can stay with her, as some representatives of the stronger sex consider communication with her too uninteresting, “insipid”.

Therefore, the chosen one of the girl will approximately coincide with her in character and intellectual abilities. Often, men with a heightened sense of justice fall in love with her, who want to protect this fragile woman. This means that it is precisely this version of the relationship that suits the characterization of the name Nick, and with a strong man she will have a particularly strong union.

When creating a family, this woman attaches particular importance to the warmth and romance of relationships, it is very important for her that her husband be affectionate and gentle with her. Often, married life brings her deep disappointment, but her desire for constancy does not allow her to break the marriage bond.

The hostess from a woman is not very diligent. This means that she may not cook dinner, not wash things, for her this is the norm, and her husband must put up with this. You can deal with such a situation only by making comments, to which she will react very sharply, and try to correct the situation for the better.

She will be gentle and loving mother for her children, but she will not be engaged in their development, upbringing in the proper amount. In her opinion, the kids should develop on their own, and therefore she lets everything take its course, not attaching much importance to their upbringing.

Business and career

At work, she is very responsible and diligent, which means she is always in good standing with her superiors, but great thoughts often do not visit her, and therefore career growth is an unattainable goal for her, however, she does not attach any importance to this, everything suits her anyway .

She will feel great at work, where she does not need to work mentally, the repetition of daily actions, constancy and stability are dearer to her. Therefore, she will be an excellent seamstress, accountant, cashier, designer.

The secret of the name Nick

Nika has a cold and sober mind that helps her analyze every situation. Such a woman also has excellent intuition, thanks to which she can avoid many mistakes in life. Nika can often anticipate some situation.

She is very impressionable. Such a woman can easily fall in love with a man and immediately consider him ideal. She praises him to everyone and believes in the created fairy tale. But later, Nika is disappointed in her chosen one and breaks off all relationships, looking for a new love.

Winter Nika marries very early, and summer Nika remains alone for a long time.

Nika loves fortune-telling and believes in them. She willingly visits fortune-tellers and seers. She is an interesting woman with whom many willingly spend all their free time.

  • Stone - Sapphire.
  • Name day - March 23, April 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aquarius.

The owners of the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles.

They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, the "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their strongest points. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Holders of the number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Nika

H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
And- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
To- endurance, derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life's credo "all or nothing."
BUT- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Characteristics of the name Nick according to B. Higir

Translated from Greek - "victorious". The character of women named Nika surprisingly combines a sober cold mind, the ability to analyze everything and draw unmistakable conclusions with a highly developed intuition.

Nika often says: “It seems to me”, “I feel”, and her premonitions almost always come true. In addition, she has a very rich imagination, a vivid fantasy, a passion for exaggeration. Talking about some event, Nika is able to paint about such details that were not even mentioned.

Carried away, she begins to believe in it herself and infect others with her faith. Nika is impressionable and amorous: if she meets, as she believes, the man of her dreams, then without hesitation she rushes into the pool with her head. However, later, having cooled down and disappointed in the object of his passion, he just as decisively breaks with him.

The latter relates more to winter Nicks, while those born in summer very sparingly open their inner world, so that even relatives do not always know what is happening in their souls. If winter Nicks do not stay long in brides, then summer ones are in no hurry to get married, fearing to get burned.

Nika has a weakness for various fortune-telling, palmistry, divination, she herself can get carried away with the occult. Undoubtedly, these are interesting women with whom, as they say, you will not get bored. There is so much vitality in them that its sparks cannot but ignite those who are nearby.

Nika is quick-witted, practical, smart and not without cunning. She sets herself big and noble goals and tries to achieve them at any cost.

Negative traits of the name

Nika gives the impression of being self-confident, not doubting her innocence, but in fact, under this mask, she often hides her insecurity. Nika is intolerant and impatient. And although she is "destined" to become a celebrity, she cannot accept the fact that success and fame do not come immediately.

Choosing a profession by name

Nika is reckless, so she often chooses the career of an athlete or a politician. She knows how to command people, and social activities bring her great joy.

The impact of the name on business

Nika is only busy with her career and success, it may happen that the whole family will be on her financial support.

The impact of the name on health

Nika may have diseases of the trachea, bronchi, bronchial asthma is likely.

Name psychology

Nika is proud and arrogant, at worst selfish. She will have little interest in the problems of others. Nika, brought up in the spirit of patriotism, can devote herself to serving the interests of her Fatherland.

Name Forms

The abbreviated name Nick is often used to call Veronica, Dominika, but this is quite independent, full name. Name derivatives are more common in European countries than in Russia: Nicole, Nikolina and Nicoletta.

If desired, you can use a diminutive for him, for example - Nikushka, Nikusya, and very affectionately - Nikonka.

This in itself is a short name, and it is rather difficult to come up with an abbreviated name for it, and such variants of the name as Nicky or Nick are more often used for men. Name declensions are made in accordance with all the rules of the Russian language.

According to the church calendar, the name Nika can be found in the story of Saint Nike of Corinth, who, along with her followers, was thrown into the sea for preaching Orthodox teaching.

But thanks to their fierce faith, none of the abandoned people drowned, they walked like Christ on water and blessed the Word of God until the last moment in their lives. The end of this story is sad, all believers were caught up and subjected to torture and execution.

In ancient times, it was customary to name the first-born in honor of grandparents. Today, every parent strives to give their child an unusual, unique name. But it is important, first of all, to get acquainted with its interpretation. What does the name Nika mean? What is the origin and history of the name Nika?

The meaning of the name Nika

Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. This is a warlike woman, fearless, strong in spirit. The sign of the zodiac that patronizes Nike is Taurus. He gives the character of the girl even more stubbornness.

The planet that rules Nike's life is the Moon. The girl becomes dependent on the lunar rhythms, can have a changeable character. The color that best suits Nike is blue.

The tree that will become a talisman for her is chestnut. The plant that will heal her spiritual wounds is violet. The patron in the animal world is an eagle. The stone that will become Nike's talisman is sapphire.

Origin and history of the name Nika

Nike is the ancient Greek goddess of victory. The meaning of the name Nika is victory. This is a man who never backs down. Nike was depicted on many ancient frescoes, temples were erected in honor of her. The Greeks and Romans worshiped her, they asked her blessings to win the battle.

Today, the name Nick is not widely used. Veronica is often abbreviated as Nicky. At the same time, Nika also has shortened forms - Nikusya, Nicoletta, Nicole. Angel Nick Day is celebrated on the twenty-sixth of April.

The character and fate of Nicky

It is worth highlighting the positive character traits of Nicky:



Sense of humor;



Nika is so purposeful that she may not even notice the obstacles in her path. As a child, Nika demands heightened attention. At the same time, the girl tries to understand all life processes herself.

The girl is not recommended to scold, with early age it is better to have conversations with her, to argue her position. Then she will really become obedient, the best friend for her parents. If there are older brothers and sisters in the family, she will definitely compete with him. At the same time, everyone around Nicky is crazy.

Nika grows up as an affectionate and gentle girl, whose strictness and capriciousness hide a sharp mind and ingenuity. She tries to learn everything from adults. Parents should not worry if Nika speaks or walks later than her peers. She's just in the process of learning that skill.

Nicky is a very creative person. Creativity in a child is manifested from an early age. Nika is very impatient. Can fuss and scream, stomp their feet and demand their own. Parents and relatives are very worried about the difficult nature of the girl. In fact, she just needs attention. If capricious Nika is caressed and praised, she will become the most obedient child.

What does the name Nika mean? Victory, which is why parents have high hopes for it. This can be a burden on the girl, as her parents send her to all kinds of circles, trying to teach her everything at once.

From such huge loads at an older age, the girl may nervous breakdowns. She does not find herself. He tries to do everything and everywhere, not to upset anyone. Nick doesn't know how to lose. She needs to be the center of attention. Peers do not support such an initiative and often envy her.

The character and fate of Nika determine the choice of profession. Since Nika easily manages people, she chooses a career as a politician, public figure, teacher. She is very mobile, so she easily realizes herself in sports.

Nika loves to be the center of attention, loves to live luxuriously. Parents try to make her childhood full and happy, so Nika strives to earn a luxurious life in her adult life.

She excels as a businesswoman. He will build his own business and even be able to financially help all members of his family. It will not be difficult for Nika to get several higher educations, but only those that she likes.

In working with subordinates, Nika will always have difficulties. She has no flexibility. She is pragmatic and prudent. The more responsibilities are placed on her, the easier she achieves her goal.

In submission to Nika, it is uncomfortable to work. She seeks to escape from the yoke of leadership. May not follow orders, while generating new ideas, bringing profit to the company. Nika is valued as an employee and they try to provide the best working conditions for her.

Love Nicky

Nika is unlikely to be happy in love. She has great ambitions and a restless disposition. It is very difficult for men with her. She almost never agrees with her soulmate. Filled with doubts and the search for a better life.

If Nika connects her life with creativity, this will make her more distracted and inattentive. She will not be able to concentrate on everyday trifles and will be in the clouds. Niki may have nervous breakdowns against the backdrop of failures in love. She will marry later than all her peers. And it's not that Nika does not fall in love, she has a complex character, men do not like it.

If Nika devotes herself to work, it will save her cancer from decay. Then she will transfer all ambitions and charisma to the work process. Nika loves children, but is in no hurry to have them. She strives to stand firmly on her feet and help loved ones.

If an understanding and affectionate man turns out to be next to Nika, their cancer will be long and happy. Nick is overly honest. She is rarely ready to remain silent. A man who appreciates such qualities of her character will receive for himself a wonderful wife and a loving mother.

If Nicky's personal life is not going well, it is difficult for her to build a career. Therefore, she often withdraws into herself and does not even show that something is wrong. Only close people know all the subtleties of her character. Appreciate her for who she is. In any case, Nika will grow up to be a successful woman. She would make a wonderful wife if she wanted to. The main thing is to understand that she is able to realize everything on her own.

The name Nika came to us in Greece, in ancient times that was the name of the goddess who brought success. Accordingly, the meaning of the name Nika is victory. If we draw an analogy with other countries, then the Roman goddess Victoria can become its analogue.

This name can stand on its own or be an abbreviated form of other names, such as . It is interesting that men are also named after Nika - the short form, Nikolai, Nikifor and Nicodemus. In the Orthodox faith, this name is associated with the martyr Nika, who was tortured and died for the faith of Christ.

A woman named Nika gives the impression of a self-sufficient and absolutely self-confident person. But in fact, this is nothing more than a mask, she hides real emotions deep inside herself, and only a few people know what is happening in her soul. If we talk about positive qualities, then we should note her practicality, composure and well-developed intellect.

The owner of the name Nika loves to set tasks for herself and complete them with full dedication. Here the true essence of the name is well manifested - to achieve results at any cost.

But at the same time, Nike is terribly intolerant of the weaknesses of others, she can't wait, she needs everything right now. From the outside, it may seem that she is firm in her judgments and actions, but this is not always true, it's just that Nika is used to masking her true feelings.

The name of Nick endows his mistress with incredible strength, kindness, honesty and justice. Nika will always come to the aid of those who really need it. But if Nika realizes that they want to use her, she will immediately stop all attempts.

There is another feature, women with the name Nika often feel the future, they can predict certain events like prophets.

Sometimes it concerns someone close to them, and sometimes they themselves. Maybe that's why they're so drawn to everything secret and inexplicable, Nicky. believe in fate, divination, signs from above, often addicted to the occult sciences. The name Nika endows its owner with powerful intuition, if you develop it, you can achieve the level of a psychic. However, there is an important condition - a woman should not be vindictive, only in this case she will succeed.

Childhood and youth

Since childhood, Nikulya has stood out among her peers, she is a clear leader in the team. A strong, brave and patient girl, she never complains or whimpers.

She treats adults with respect, tries to learn, but those who do not always perceive her harshness adequately, so disputes arise.

Due to the not entirely childish nature, Nika does not tolerate comments addressed to her. The name Nick is not an easy burden for a girl, it makes her hyper-responsible and obligatory.

The parents of a girl named Nika should understand that their child is a separate person who should be respected.

You shouldn't pursue your own ambitions through it., the child may simply not withstand such pressure. In such cases, as a rule, immediately after graduation, the girl leaves home and begins adulthood. But is she ready for it? This is a completely different question. However, everything may not be so sad if she comes across a strong and patient man who will teach her everything and be able to wait.

Hobbies and profession

Nika Strizhak (Russian documentary filmmaker, TV presenter)

  • Based on their talents and hobbies, girls named Nika most often choose creative professions in which they can show their imagination: artist, actor, researcher, writer and actor.
  • The name Nika has incredible power, so among the owners you can meet deputies and athletes.
  • If this girl decides to organize her own business, she can go into business with her head, there will be no time left for household chores, but her relatives will not need anything.


Nicky's parents should pay attention to the girl's health from an early age. The baby is prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract. With age, this can turn into more serious diseases.

Love and family

The name Nika belongs, as a rule, to strong and emotional girls, they do not know how to live by half measures. If you love, then with all your heart, if you suffer, then so that the earth groans under your feet.

Her character resembles a volcano that sleeps for a long time, and then overflows with fiery lava and sweeps away all living things in its path. Finding a soul mate for women named Nika is not easy. But even after marriage, this woman will not change her priorities.

Nikulya will not suddenly become a good housewife who will bake pies and feed her husband from morning till night. Gray life and life is not for her, so in her declining years Nika is often left alone.

Marriage has a chance to be happy with Victor, Androp, and Ippolit.

But men with names Ernst, Milan, Dragomir and Akakiy should be avoided. Relations with them for the owner of the name Nika can develop unhappily.

Some more facts

The patroness of women with the name Nika is the Holy Great Martyr Nika, who died for the faith along with her friends in the fifth century after the birth of Christ.

  • The name is found in the Christian calendar, so they can be called at baptism.
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • The lucky color is blue.
  • The ruling planet is the Moon.
  • Totem plant - violet.
  • Totem tree - chestnut.
  • The totem animal is the eagle.
  • The stone is a sapphire.

Many people think that Nika is just an abbreviation for the more common Veronica, but this is not at all the case. It is short, feminine and quite independent, which came to us from ancient Greece, and the meaning of the name Nika is fundamentally different from the interpretation of the characteristics of Veronica.

In ancient Greek mythology, this was the name of the goddess of victory, and parents, choosing the meaning of the name Nick for a child, expect resounding victories and aspirations for glory from her, but often their aspirations are not justified. The baby has a rather calm character, moderately sociable, moderately inquisitive - in general - the "golden mean".

From childhood, she does not particularly strive to be in the spotlight, and you can even call her somewhat passive. The main meaning of the name Nika for a girl is cheerfulness, sociability, liveliness, and it will not be difficult for parents to put a smile on her face, because she attaches importance to a pleasant little thing, and big gifts generally delight her.

Often, girls named like that are distinguished by their gentle, pure beauty. They are also moderately mobile, open to communication, easy-going. It is rare to hear the question “why” from little Nikushka, she does not attach importance to the deep meaning of phenomena and events, she looks at everything superficially.

Due to the unwillingness to delve deeper into the explanations of teachers, during her school years the girl does not show much success in her studies, and her knowledge is rather mediocre, limited only to what she really likes.


Love in the life of a grown-up girl is especially important, because such a sensual nature needs affection, various manifestations of feelings, and she needs gentle touches like air.

Thanks to her very soft, light character, she gets along well with all men, but not everyone can stay with her, as some representatives of the stronger sex consider communication with her too uninteresting, “insipid”.

Therefore, the chosen one of the girl will approximately coincide with her in character and intellectual abilities. Often, men with a heightened sense of justice fall in love with her, who want to protect this fragile woman. This means that it is precisely this version of the relationship that suits the characterization of the name Nick, and with a strong man she will have a particularly strong union.

A family

When creating a family, this woman attaches particular importance to the warmth and romance of relationships, it is very important for her that her husband be affectionate and gentle with her. Often, married life brings her deep disappointment, but her desire for constancy does not allow her to break the marriage bond.

The hostess from a woman is not very diligent. This means that she may not cook dinner, not wash things, for her this is the norm, and her husband must put up with this. You can deal with such a situation only by making comments, to which she will react very sharply, and try to correct the situation for the better.

She will be a tender and loving mother for her children, but she will not be engaged in their development, upbringing in the proper amount. In her opinion, the kids should develop on their own, and therefore she lets everything take its course, not attaching much importance to their upbringing.

Business and career

At work, she is very responsible and diligent, which means she is always in good standing with her superiors, but great thoughts often do not visit her, and therefore career growth is an unattainable goal for her, however, she does not attach any importance to this, everything suits her anyway .

She will feel great at work, where she does not need to work mentally, the repetition of daily actions, constancy and stability are dearer to her. Therefore, she will be an excellent seamstress, accountant, cashier, designer.

Origin of the name Nika

The area where this short but sonorous word came from is ancient Greece, and its meaning in Greek is victory. The etymology of this word also personifies the victory that the sister of Power, Strength and Envy carried in herself.

The history of the ancient world especially notes the goddess Nike, the daughter of the gods Styx and Pallantus, whose name was so popular that it was minted on gold coins. This goddess was depicted as a beautiful woman with large wings and a laurel wreath.

Characteristics of the name Nika

The character of the girl named so does not differ in special outstanding features, and this has its pluses and minuses. Calmness, easy restraint, reticence and cordiality will make communication with her very pleasant, but not everyone can stay in her company for a long time, because sometimes she simply has nothing to answer or say.

She will become a good friend for many girls, but support good advice, she will not always be able to calm down, because she does not find anything remarkable in other people's problems, she tries not to worry about others.

The main secret of the name Nick is her insight. The intuition of this girl is so high that sometimes it borders on supernatural abilities, she just feels what can happen in the next moment, and a particularly developed sense of self-preservation saves her from various unpleasant situations.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Sapphire.
  • Name day - March 23, April 29.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Nika Rakitina is a Belarusian science fiction writer who writes in Russian.
  • Nika Turbina is a world famous poetess prodigy.

Different languages

The translation of the name Nika personifies a victorious action, since the origin of the name Nika originates in ancient Greece, where the goddess of victory was called that. It is quite common abroad, and the way this word is translated sounds the same in all countries - Nike. Only in the modern Greek language does his pronunciation differ from the usual - Nike.

Nick's name in Chinese carries the meaning of victory, and is written using the hieroglyphs - 妮卡, which reads NīKǎ. Nick's name in Japanese is written 丹霞, and is read the same way as in Russian.

Name Forms

The abbreviated name Nick is often used to call Veronica, Dominika, but this is a completely independent, full name. Name derivatives are more common in European countries than in Russia: Nicole, Nikolina and Nicoletta.

If desired, you can use a diminutive for him, for example - Nikushka, Nikusya, and very affectionately - Nikonka. This in itself is a short name, and it is rather difficult to come up with an abbreviated name for it, and such variants of the name as Nicky or Nick are more often used for men. Name declensions are made in accordance with all the rules of the Russian language.

The name Nika in Orthodoxy personifies the winner, the martyr who died for the sake of her faith. Due to the presence of the holy martyr so named, at the baptism of your daughter, the priest will give her the Orthodox name Nika - the same as at birth.

According to the church calendar, the name Nika can be found in the story of Saint Nike of Corinth, who, along with her followers, was thrown into the sea for preaching Orthodox teaching.

But thanks to their fierce faith, none of the abandoned people drowned, they walked like Christ on water and blessed the Word of God until the last moment in their lives. The end of this story is sad, all believers were caught up and subjected to torture and execution.

From the owners of the name Nika, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, representatives of which, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Nika name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Kara, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation without visible reasons. With a long absence of a partner “within reach”, you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up the best feelings” in a person who is negative towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinions need to be backed up with action. And this is where your indecision often fails you. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the process of searching the best option. Life experience will help get rid of them.