In a dream, a guy leaves me. The guy leaves

Such dreams often come in girls' night dreams. The dream interpretation writes that such visions should not always be taken seriously, especially if you are characterized by jealousy from scratch. However, a loving heart always feels lies, betrayal and cooling. That is why the dream book often interprets the vision if you dreamed that the guy left in a dream as a literal sign of a break in relations. It is for this reason that a girl often finds out the very next day that she saw him with another or that he himself offers to end the relationship. So at the very beginning, if you dreamed about a breakup, you should interpret it literally. Often phrases, words, or just the setting of a dream coincide. However, the dream book interprets the plot in which the guy threw it symbolically. This is what such an omen most often means.

When the dream doesn't matter

There is a special type of girls, very suspicious and jealous, who constantly compare themselves with others, worry and feel like losers. Jealousy is born from this and it constantly seems to them that someone is better than her. Or the guy left and changed with more attractive girl. This dream does not portend anything and can lead to conflicts, quarrels due to jealousy, since men generally do not like pressure and try to get rid of this unpleasant property.

Therefore, for jealous and insecure girls who are too worried about the real or imaginary coldness of a guy, shortcomings or insults, the dream book advises to understand themselves, to behave neatly and easily.

And the fact that after such behavior a man left you is not surprising. After all, everyone values ​​their freedom and wants to make their own decisions in their lives. Therefore, the plots in which the guy left you, while you are jealous, the dream book does not interpret in any way. And don't waste your time and energy on it.

Literal omen

In such dreams, the situation is usually the same as in reality, the plot and pictures are very accurate and clear. The dream interpretation writes that this plot predicts a breakup for you. Especially if the girl remembered his words, voice, intonation. The dream book writes that there are coincidences right up to the place where you meet and the feeling that he really left you. The weather, the phrases turn out to be very accurate, and then everything happens exactly the same as in a dream. And most often, a girl already in a dream feels what is really happening and this becomes a reality. Prophetic dreams such a plan usually come true within a week or a few days. Although most often tomorrow the young lady finds out that the guy no longer wants to meet her.

Symbolic meaning

If, after a few days, you had a dream about the betrayal of a guy and the fact that he does not want to meet anymore, what is the dream for? The dream book writes that cooling will await you very soon.

Perhaps there will be no betrayal or simply unwillingness to communicate, and the couple will soon reconcile, but a chill will surely slip through.

A girl can be very offended by a guy because he does not show proper attention to her, rarely gives gifts or is secretive. But in fact, in a dream, the distance of a young man or the line is manifested in this way, beyond which there is something that he does not want to tell and he even hides from himself. It is for this reason that inattention may occur, which a girl may perceive as coldness, disrespect, or even the appearance of a rival on the side. However, depending on the relationship, it is worth looking further to see what will happen. Do not forget about women's intuition, which often suggests what may be, arguing with a feeling of love and heart.

Why dream several times that the guy left you and said about the end of the relationship? In a dream, such an accurate and clear vision often predicts treason or that his heart is far from you. The dream book writes that in a dream, seeing words about one’s own uselessness in the same setting often turns out to be a literal sign.

Pay attention to what exactly he offers you in a dream and what happens next. If a young man guiltily hands you a toy, a gift or a flower, what is the dream for? Modern books indicate that a dream often means that he blames himself in front of you, wants to make amends for this feeling, but cannot do otherwise. If you can, then try to forgive this person. It is possible that he will very soon realize his mistake or compare the girl with a more attractive image. However, disappointment may come that may push him towards you.

Why dream that a guy kisses you goodbye? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts love, tenderness and reconciliation for you. In some cases, expect an unexpected marriage proposal or peace after a quarrel. Why dream that the guy just leaves, does not talk to you? This dream often comes true in life as well as in night vision. Usually this is a dream if the young man has already decided everything and is afraid to say directly that the girl is worried. Try to find reconciliation somehow gently and easily, or just come to terms with the loss. It is possible that it is not yet the time to build relationships or everything will recover over time, but many years can pass before that.

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The dependence of many people on dreams is sometimes frightening, but there is still some common sense in such observations. If you dreamed that the guy left, it is possible that such an unpleasant event will have to be experienced in real life.

What if the dream guy quit?

So, the guy quit in a dream, what to expect from him in real life? Very often, dreams reflect a reality that a sleeping person simply refuses to perceive objectively. It is possible that a crack has long been observed in romantic relationships, however, the girl in love flatly refuses to notice this. After waking up, it is important to think, because the final break at the initiative of the second half is just around the corner. It is worth at least morally setting up for such an unpleasant event in life.

This is how this night image is interpreted by the psychological, erotic and Freud's dream book. These publications came to the general conclusion that dreams are clues of the subconscious, and it is not always necessary to look for a clue - the answer lies in the palm of your hand. After waking up in the morning, you should not panic, because, as the saying goes: "Forewarned is forearmed." So there is still time to save a drowning relationship, to renew past feelings.

However, not all dream books come to such a subjective opinion, some try to find a clue in symbols and images, and do not take the night adventure literally.

To find a clue, it is recommended to remember all the participants in the dream, their actions and deeds, as well as their perception of such unpleasant news from the mouth of a lover. All these little things will allow you to "assemble the puzzle" and determine the future fate.

If a stranger throws in a dream, posing as a beloved guy, then in the real life of a woman an attractive man will appear very soon, who will definitely interest her with his charisma and attractiveness.

If separation has occurred with a loved one, then in reality it is worth waiting for misunderstanding, and an unpleasant conversation can even cool the ardor of feelings and the seriousness of intentions. When an ex-boyfriend leaves in a dream, then soon the past will again remind of itself with not very pleasant circumstances, it will make you nervous.

If tears were present at parting, then a choice will definitely appear in the life of a sleeping person, which will not be easy to make in the light of the prevailing temptations. The absence of tears indicates separation without mutual reproaches and reproaches. The fear of parting is a new path that will interest the dreamer and will become the main incentive for the near future.

Male betrayal in a dream is a chance to make new acquaintances and useful connections. But the betrayal of a woman promises a sleeping person trouble, gossip, general ridicule and censure.

What portends?

Miller's dream book is set categorically, and he recommends taking such a night image literally. Most likely, parting cannot be avoided, although relations can still be revived.

Longo's dream interpretation does not associate a breakup in a dream with a romantic sphere in real life. This sign means that mutual understanding with a business partner will never be achieved, from which the dreamer will suffer enormous losses and losses.

The spring dream book refers separation to internal contradictions that are present in the mind of a sleeping person. But the autumn dream book claims that the dreamer is not sure of his soulmate, therefore he often sees dreams of a characteristic content.

The esoteric dream book tends not to associate a break with a guy with love problems in real life. Most likely, the sleeping person suffers from loneliness, strives for relationships, however long time cannot meet a worthy second half.

The magical dream book hints that the fickle guy in real life does not particularly strive for a common future, and there can be no talk of a serious relationship with him. So it is best to find yourself another, more worthy life partner and lover.

So such an incident in a dream should not be ignored, however, you should not get hung up on it either. It is best to calm down and find a logical explanation for this nightly adventure, while be sure to look into the time-tested dream book for details. The solution will avoid fatal consequences in reality.

The article on the topic: "dream book why dream that the guy left" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

If during your dream you quarrel with a loved one, this does not mean at all that a similar situation awaits you in reality. Dream Interpretation throws a beloved guy needs to be interpreted based on the details of the dream.

For example, if a stormy parting is accompanied by screams, tears and reproaches, then most likely you really harbor a grudge against your soulmate. You may soon have to sort things out, but this will not lead to a real break.

If a companion leaves you for another woman, this may mean that soon you will meet a close friend or a pleasant person with whom you have not had a relationship for a long time. However, if the dream is accompanied by a heavy sense of anxiety, it is possible that you will meet with the enemy.

If in a dream you are guilty of causing a break with your loved one, then most likely you have become a victim of gossip and slander. Wake up needs to follow their own statements.

The dream interpretation leaves your beloved guy unexpectedly and for no reason, and during the dream you do not see your young man, it may suggest that it is time to pay attention to both your own and his health. As a rule, such a dream means a serious illness of a loved one or a long journey.

Why dream that your beloved guy is leaving you in other dream books

To more accurately find out the meaning of the dream of interest, you should turn to several interpreters. For example, after reading what the beloved guy is throwing in Loff’s dream book, the following picture will become clear: you want to get rid of control in your own life. Perhaps someone (not necessarily a young person) is currently restricting your freedom. In addition, this dream can warn of the future loss or theft of something valuable. The dream suggests the need to be careful in money matters.

The interpretation of what the beloved guy in the dream book of Veles throws in a dream has a completely different meaning. In this case, a dream can predict a quick wedding or a life together. If a young man reproaches you for something, then it is possible that in reality you will have a conflict with close relatives or friends through your fault. A dream in which a young man left you in a difficult situation means that someone needs your help.

Thanks for the replies. You helped me a lot. Of course, every woman is interested in whether she will meet her soul mate. Tired of living in the hope that suddenly lucky. Or maybe not fate. Thanks anyway

I had a dream that my loved one cheated on me with my best friend, said that he did not love me ... In a dream, I fought with both of them, woke up all in tears ...

I have exactly the same situation

I dreamed that my beloved boyfriend was leaving me without saying a reason, we both study at the same school and he was going to take documents from this school because of me, he didn’t want to see me, I dreamed it all, I don’t know why everyone, who knows?

I was accepted as he said that he would meet with one more, I had to agree so as not to lose him. Then he left me altogether, stayed with her. But then he threw it away. I knew that he would be with me, although he did not let me near him. I humiliated myself in my sleep before him. The strangest thing is that in reality this behavior is not typical for me. I always just turn around and walk away with a fierce quarrel. I don't even explain anything. And here, in a dream, I seemed to be very afraid of losing him and did everything possible so as not to lose ...

I had a dream that my boyfriend went to a girl whom I am very jealous of at the moment. I was to blame for the quarrel and he left without explanation or anything. At the moment, we quarreled with him and do not communicate for the second day. I often notice some moments from sleep now.

I dreamed the same thing. I had a dream that my boyfriend went to a girl whom I am very jealous of at the moment. I was to blame for the quarrel and he left without explanation or anything. Went right to her. In a dream, it was clear that he did it to me for evil, because of my jealousy, he could not return to me and leave her, because pride did not allow. I cried a lot in my sleep.

In a dream with my boyfriend, we fought a lot, in the house of the woman to whom he went, she is older than him, she has a daughter and I don’t know her. In the end, I stole a gold ring from her room and heard him flirting with her through the wall. Everything was like it really was. What does this mean?

I dreamed that my beloved, in front of my eyes, in some bar with machine guns, laid eyes on a waitress (an alcoholic drug addict ... but I don’t argue, the pretty girl even seemed to me and in front of my eyes began to flirt with her, go out to smoke, after which he came up and said that everything is between us ... I can’t sleep now, dear on a business trip.

I had a dream that my boyfriend treats me coldly and generally looks at me angrily and hugs my girlfriend, as it were, whom I can’t stand. I cry, I try somehow, to solve something, but he leaves with her.

I dreamed that we were going to the cinema and went there, and he went to the cinema without waiting for me, I went in and couldn’t find him, I called him and said “that I’m going home then” and he said “okay.” I went to the cinema, and he was already talking to other girls there. I slapped him and told him to go home. And he told me: "I'm not going anywhere with your consciousness."

Hello! Please help me, I can't figure out what it's all about. It was like this: a boy who I really like calls, asks for a meeting and also says that you need to take a picture, I agreed. I come to the apartment, first in the kitchen, and then in the bedroom and there was a bed, so I go into the bedroom, he says get up there, I get up, he says stretch out your hands, I stretch out, and he ties them to me. He puts away the phone, turns on the TV, and there is erotica on TV, he throws me on the bed. Why tell me please!!

Thank you dream book. I have a child, and I met a young man 3 years ago, the child was six months old. Today I dreamed that we were in some kind of sanatorium, and my beloved was leaving me there, she began to meet a friend from childhood. I certainly know that he will not do that, very noble. But I immediately became very lonely, scared, I woke up from the fact that I felt a wet place on the pillow, it is still shaking.

In a dream, a guy leaves me and goes to my school friend. I try to get him back, I call him, I humiliate myself, but he says that he does not love me and will now live with her. How to explain it?

I dreamed that I see my boyfriend, I go up, hug him, and he has a huge and fat belly (although this is not so). Then we walk along the corridor, and he tells me that we are just friends, that you can’t count on more. I follow him in shock down this corridor and I can't say a single word. Explain what it is, please 🙂

I dream that my beloved is leaving me, and I am losing him, please tell me what this means, our relationship is on the verge of breaking ... help ...

I dreamed that my boyfriend went with me to some 9-story building, as it turned out his ex lived there, right before my eyes he returned to her with the words “I fell in love with you”, and I just stood there and didn’t could say nothing.

Not true! Sleep in the hand when dreaming that he is leaving with the other! So it was in real life!

If you dream that your loved one is leaving you, it means that you are afraid of losing him. If this is true, then there is no need to betray such dreams. It is also possible that you are not happy with the relationship and would like to change something.

My dream. For two weeks I have been dreaming that my boyfriend is cheating on me. Now I woke up from a very heavy sleep. We have moved to a new apartment. I studied at a technical school. Met two friends and a boyfriend. And one of her friends had to go to her grandmother's store to buy something for her. She yelled at her granny, I hit her and said that this is all she has and let her appreciate her. We left the store and went to the bench. A friend's phone rang. Gave me the phone. Dad was there, I couldn't make out a single word. I received an SMS. Mash's uncle Yura died of cancer. “I didn't want to talk. I have cancer". And then a text message from a guy. "I'm leaving you, don't come near me again." Woke up in tears. Help me please.

I just woke up with tears, I had a dream that the guy left me for no reason, in a dream he said that he hates me. What could be such a dream? After this dream, the mood disappeared completely. Although in relations with him everything is fine.

I’ve been dreaming for a week now that my boyfriend is leaving me, and it’s always different, then he just leaves and leaves me in the hospital before the operation, then we lie, and he says that I don’t love you, then we just swear and he screams that we're breaking up. In real life, almost everything is fine with us, and when we met, we fell in love immediately after two days, we started dating now for six months together, we are planning a wedding, but something inside me tells me that someone will interfere with us, and we will not together. I guess these dreams come from here too! Also, parents are against our relationship, although we are not small, he has a good job, I am the director, but my parents are categorically against it. Yes, and all the friends on interruption say that you do not shine. We are an odd couple. He is Georgian, and I am Yakut. But I know one thing that we love each other and this should be enjoyed.

Yesterday I dreamed that I broke up with a guy, he reproached me that I was with him only because of money and a car, although she herself had everything. After about 20 minutes, I woke up and found out that he cheated on me and we broke up. Prophetic dream.

I dreamed that his ex with a child came to me and my young man (in fact, they have a child) and says if you don’t leave the child with me right away, you won’t see him again, I think that he won’t leave me, but keep me close in such a situation, I can’t and start screaming in tears: go away, I don’t need you and I don’t love you anymore. He's leaving. I came to their house for several days and noticed how he kisses and hugs her, I call him outside, and she comes out, but through the open door I shouted to him that everything I said was not true. He ran towards me, but I had already jumped off the cliff, and he followed me. Find out what it all means.

I've been with my boyfriend for almost a month. He constantly dreams that he leaves with another. It seems that he left me and does not let go even in a dream.

I had a dream that my boyfriend had, as it were, a girlfriend, I found out about this in Ok, we have one page for two. There he affectionately called her wrote that he loves, in the end he told me that collect your things and go away talking with her, he walked joyfully. Then I said, like if you meet her, then we break up. He did not let me go, I offered to leave, to which he answered me that no, stay. Girls, I feel so hurt and hurt that I don’t even want to talk to him, and the most annoying thing is that I don’t want this dream to ever come true.

I dreamed that, purely by chance, I heard how the friends of the guy I love, but he hates me, went to the roof of the house and wants to jump off, i.e. commit suicide. I don’t know the reasons, at this moment I break down and run away from school, my and his friends, common ones, bring me to this house. I run up to the roof and try to stop him, clinging to his hand and falling to my knees, I'm in tears, but he pushes me away, I'm still sobbing, he leaves and then Yulia appears with whom we are very close friends. What is it for?

I dreamed about my wedding, my boyfriend got drunk on it before the wedding and started behaving rudely with me, I didn’t like it, and I started to say something to him, and we started to quarrel, then his friend came up and said that he never didn’t love me, my boyfriend smiled and they left. I fell all in tears and squeezed something in my hand, his brother came up to me and reassured me. Then I woke up in tears.

I dreamed that I found out that my boyfriend did not love me, that is, he himself told me about it. All this time he pretended to love.

Good afternoon to everyone, but I dreamed that the wedding was in a week and then my friends told me that he loved another. I ask him, and he answers, yes, and leaves. I have already paid for the toastmaster, etc. and find out I'm pregnant.

I dreamed that my beloved was leaving me right at his house, after my mother met his parents, and my mother and I were getting ready and leaving.

I dreamed that my husband was leaving for a pregnant girl, it upset me terribly.

I have a very strange dream. We were in the apartment me, my boyfriend and his friend. His friend began to pester me and say: I like you, I pushed you away. He approached my boyfriend and said: can I meet? And mine is like this: yes, of course, she is very good, kind, etc. I hear all this, he comes up, I push him and start crying and collecting things. Mine, with tears in his eyes, approaches his friend and says: I love her and cannot give her away, but I feel bad and I wake up.

I dreamed that the guy offered to leave, but did not want to let me go.

Hello! Today I had such a dream. My boyfriend and I were going to go to his parents (this is a different region - 1500 km), his mother was going with us. I was at work, my mother and I drove a gazelle there to pick me up and waited outside in the car. I said that I would leave in 5 minutes, but it turned out that I was late for an hour. When I got out, the car wasn't there. I called him, asked where they were, and he replied that they had already left, because who knows what you were doing there at work. I scream, I prove that I worked. And I really worked! But no matter how I argued, he did not believe me. Then he said that in general his mother told him to go without me, because he was tired of waiting. As a result, I was left on the street in a terrible hysteria, with a “bag full” of resentment. Just fell on the pavement and wild hysteria! There was a clear awareness of being unfairly abandoned and even more unfairly accused of something I had never done. What could be such a dream? I will say right away: now we are in a quarrel, we do not talk for the second day.

I dreamed that my boyfriend left me saying that I was unfaithful and he was leaving, and I asked him to stay, took his passport from him, beat him, screamed, cried very much, but he left and someone said that he would not build other relationships because of me, I'm very worried about the place I can not find.

Dream Interpretation: the guy left, what is this for? Why did I dream right now that the guy left for the sake of another?

The dependence of many people on dreams is sometimes frightening, but there is still some common sense in such observations. If you dreamed that the guy left, it is possible that such an unpleasant event will have to be experienced in real life.

What if the dream guy quit?

So, the guy quit in a dream, what to expect from him in real life? Very often, dreams reflect a reality that a sleeping person simply refuses to perceive objectively. It is possible that a crack has long been observed in romantic relationships, however, the girl in love flatly refuses to notice this. After waking up, it is important to think, because the final break at the initiative of the second half is just around the corner. It is worth at least morally setting up for such an unpleasant event in life.

This is how this night image is interpreted by the psychological, erotic and Freud's dream book. These publications came to the general conclusion that dreams are clues of the subconscious, and it is not always necessary to look for a clue - the answer lies in the palm of your hand. After waking up in the morning, you should not panic, because, as the saying goes: "Forewarned is forearmed." So there is still time to save a drowning relationship, to renew past feelings.

However, not all dream books come to such a subjective opinion, some try to find a clue in symbols and images, and do not take the night adventure literally.

To find a clue, it is recommended to remember all the participants in the dream, their actions and deeds, as well as their perception of such unpleasant news from the mouth of a lover. All these little things will allow you to “assemble the puzzle” and determine the future fate.

If a stranger throws in a dream, posing as a beloved guy, then in the real life of a woman an attractive man will appear very soon, who will definitely interest her with his charisma and attractiveness.

If separation has occurred with a loved one, then in reality it is worth waiting for misunderstanding, and an unpleasant conversation can even cool the ardor of feelings and the seriousness of intentions. When an ex-boyfriend leaves in a dream, then soon the past will again remind of itself with not very pleasant circumstances, it will make you nervous.

If tears were present at parting, then a choice will definitely appear in the life of a sleeping person, which will not be easy to make in the light of the prevailing temptations. The absence of tears indicates separation without mutual reproaches and reproaches. The fear of parting is a new path that will interest the dreamer and will become the main incentive for the near future.

Male betrayal in a dream is a chance to make new acquaintances and useful connections. But the betrayal of a woman promises a sleeping person trouble, gossip, general ridicule and censure.

What portends?

Miller's dream book is set categorically, and he recommends taking such a night image literally. Most likely, parting cannot be avoided, although relations can still be revived.

Longo's dream interpretation does not associate a breakup in a dream with a romantic sphere in real life. This sign means that mutual understanding with a business partner will never be achieved, from which the dreamer will suffer enormous losses and losses.

The spring dream book refers separation to internal contradictions that are present in the mind of a sleeping person. But the autumn dream book claims that the dreamer is not sure of his soulmate, therefore he often sees dreams of a characteristic content.

The esoteric dream book tends not to associate a break with a guy with love problems in real life. Most likely, the sleeping person suffers from loneliness, strives for relationships, but for a long time cannot meet a worthy other half.

The magical dream book hints that the fickle guy in real life does not particularly strive for a common future, and there can be no talk of a serious relationship with him. So it is best to find yourself another, more worthy life partner and lover.

So such an incident in a dream should not be ignored, however, you should not get hung up on it either. It is best to calm down and find a logical explanation for this nightly adventure, while be sure to look into the time-tested dream book for details. The solution will avoid fatal consequences in reality.

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Throws beloved guy interpretation of the dream book

Were you alarmed after a dream in which you vigorously sorted out the relationship with your lover? There is no reason for worries, because the dream book is far from always and in reality predicts a quarrel or parting with a dear person. Interpretation largely depends on the nuances, details of sleep. So, let's try to figure out what is dreaming about what your beloved guy is throwing?

Reflection of daily emotions

Sometimes dreamed disputes, mutual accusations, scandals are just a reflection of your thoughts and feelings in real life. You do not give free rein to your emotions, but accumulate grievances and claims. That is why such a negative plot is dreaming. It also happens that the cup of patience is about to overflow and you, unable to stand it, express everything that has accumulated to your gentleman. He will be offended, but this unfortunate incident will then be forgotten. You will stay together if mutual feelings are strong and sincere.

Seeing in a dream how a fan leaves you for another woman - to a meeting with an old friend or a nice person with whom they have not communicated for a long time. But if during a dream you experienced horror, anxiety, then nose to nose you will encounter an unpleasant person, an enemy.

I dreamed that a break with a loved one happened on your initiative or fault, which means that when you wake up, get ready to take down a whole volley of unconstructive criticism, slander, and slander. To avoid this kind of attack, watch your statements.

A dream in which a guy allegedly left you for no reason, and at the same time you don’t see him throughout the entire plot, suggests that both you and your heart friend need to pay attention to your health. Bitter as it may seem, the vision prophesies the onset of a serious illness in the dreamer or in a person close to her. However, sometimes this plot is interpreted as an upcoming business trip, a long journey.

Predictions from various sources

Often, when deciphering a dream, several sources help at once. Let's open, for example, Loff's dream book, which offers the following commentary on what he dreams about, how his beloved guy throws in a dream. Loff indicates that the sleeper feels and understands that he cannot, does not want to be under someone else anymore. vigilant control. He wants to show independence, initiative. When you wake up from sleep, think about who limits your freedom?

Some dream books explain the same plot as the probability of losing something valuable. Theft is not ruled out. Therefore, dream books recommend being careful in handling money. It will be useful to keep an eye on your belongings and bag in the crowd. For example, in a store, at a train station.

The interpreter Veles promises a girl who had to part with her boyfriend in a dream, an early wedding or the beginning of a life together under the same roof with a man (civil marriage). Did you dream that during the breakup the young man reproaches you for something and is annoyed? In this case, show delicacy when communicating with relatives, otherwise quarrels and conflict situations are possible.

May have outwardly opposite meanings.

Follow your emotions to decide which value is right for you.

Soaring can be a symbol: liberation and getting rid of problems and restrictions.

To soar emotionally above the situation: can mean a way out of a traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that when they get injured, they seem to soar skyward.

Soaring may also indicate that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and swim towards the feelings and at the same time with them.

Swim in the water: means that you have allowed emotions to surface.

Soar in the air: means to rise above all this.

Soaring: also means that you are aimlessly floating above the ground.

Ground yourself.

Set potential goals and take steps.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Deliverance, care

Deliverance is an event that each of us encounters at one stage or another in life. Whether it's about family life, work, or planet Earth, sometimes the best way out from any situation is a simple escape from it. In fact, in the life of each of us there comes a moment when we choose between all our possessions (spiritual and material) and an air ticket to anywhere in the world (this or that). However, getting rid/leaving is usually not about leaving forever, rather, you feel that you are no longer able to continue anything under the circumstances. Deliverance/withdrawal itself is often only one of the options. The departing person does not seek to deal with the consequences of abandoning his lifestyle, he only wants to avoid the obstacles that he will face, continuing to live according to an established pattern.

In dreams, we are often given the opportunity to painlessly exit the game, avoiding confronting the consequences of such an exit. More precisely, we can simply eliminate those parts of our lives that give us anxiety. Such an experience is valuable, since dreams of deliverance point us to the most emotionally draining conflicts that we deal with in real life,

Often we move away from a particular life situation, as we are unable to comprehend possible options for solving problems. However, in a dream, the fact of leaving usually prompts this decision. Each of us has an arsenal of solutions, where, from our point of view, there are acceptable and unacceptable versions. In a dream, the number of such options is always greater. The area that you are moving away from and towards which you are leaning may indicate solutions that you have in stock that you did not take into account before.

For example, if your dream is about leaving work, then the next step may symbolize that professional sphere which seems to be the most suitable for you. Drinking tequila on the beach isn't particularly lucrative, but a career as a travel agent could be your career path.

If in a dream you leave your family, this may reflect the need for a short break from your loved ones. This has nothing to do with actually breaking up with them, rather, it means that you should abandon established relationship stereotypes and find new, fresh solutions.

A "stop the Earth, I'll get off" retreat from a familiar life may indicate accumulated fatigue from fruitless attempts. This, in turn, can mean either that life is not in the mood to cooperate with you, or that you need to reconsider your usual approach to life situations. Perhaps this is where those destructive patterns lurk that undermine your ability to function properly.

What area of ​​your life are you least satisfied with? Is there a relationship between the things you choose to walk away from in your sleep?

Interpretation of dreams from Most often, a person sees in a dream what he thinks strongly about in reality. It can be some kind of suspicion, problems, quarrels, even jealousy. In this case, it is precisely about jealousy that we are talking about, because any girl does not want her beloved to be with another even in a dream.

To begin with, it is important to note that such a symbol does not always carry a negative interpretation. Still, a girl should be as attentive as possible to the details of a dream so as not to get confused in her own prediction.

So, for example, to see a loved one in an embrace with another woman means to be sure of his fidelity. Most often, such a dream is interpreted precisely as the fidelity of a loved one, despite various temptations. By the way, it is quite possible that these very temptations existed. However, the man himself was able to refuse in time that could ruin an existing relationship.

According to other dream books, if a girl sees her beloved on the other, then she regularly experiences suspicions towards him. Constant jealousy is transferred to the world of dreams, which causes a similar reaction. It is worth either talking about it with a young man, or breaking up with him, because the most important thing in love is mutual trust.

Beloved on the other is an important symbol for interpretation in terms of future relationships in a couple. If a girl wants her relationship with a man to be always on top and not upset in the future, she should carefully interpret the dream and learn her lessons from it.

Of course, the interpretation itself directly depends on numerous details. If a man in a dream enters into a sexual relationship with another woman, then most likely he has not changed yet, but he has already thought about it. The girl should talk about this with a man, find out what problems exist in the relationship.

Also, if a man tries to get away from another in a dream, it means that he is hiding something from his partner in reality. Perhaps the betrayal has already occurred, but the girl still does not know about it. It is worth clarifying all questions regarding relationships and finding out the secrets of a loved one.

What is the dream of a loved one with another, and with a friend? Perhaps the owner of the dream is not jealous of her beloved, but her girlfriend. Perhaps she has a new company and the girl does not pay so much attention to friendship with the owner of the dream. This issue also needs to be clarified as quickly as possible so that in the future the friendship does not completely go wrong.

Finding out what a loved one portends with another woman in a dream is not so easy. Due to the numerous interpretations of sleep, one may encounter a clear problem of the fallacy of one's own judgments. To do this, it is better to remember what happens in a dream, and then try to interpret it.

For example, if a girl sees that her beloved is cheating on another, but she can’t do anything, then most likely there has been a crisis in the relationship, and the young man has already begun to flirt with another. Before rushing to save a relationship, it is worth considering whether these feelings really deserve such attention and such a struggle?

If a girl in a dream caught a guy with a mistress, it means that in life he is faithful to her and does not even think about cheating. However, regular jealousy can irritate him very much. The girl should reduce her ardor and try to trust the young man more in terms of personal relationships.

In order not to forget, it is important to immediately enter them in a separate notebook, carefully write down and group them. In the future, this will help to correctly predict future problems and solve them even in the rudiment before a real conflict.

It is wonderful that the girl attaches such importance to dreams and wants to know their correct interpretation. In such a situation, one can count on the fact that problems will be solved before they arise, and peace and calm will be established forever in love.

Dream Interpretation Guy on the other

Why is the Guy dreaming with another in a dream from a dream book?

What is the dream of a guy with another girl? Uncertainty in your soulmate leads to the fact that you suspect him of infidelity, strive for more spiritual communication.

Your half walks with the other - a reflection of the underestimation of their own positive aspects and advantages. The guy went to another - your chosen one has secrets or he is dissatisfied with the intimate part of your relationship.

Dream Interpretation abandoned guy

Why dream threw a guy in a dream

If you dreamed that your loved one left you, this does not mean at all that this will happen in reality. To correctly understand why such a dream is dreaming, evaluate its details. So, a stormy parting, a quarrel, a serious scandal promises a lot of trouble. They will not radically affect your life, but they will test your strength nervous system. In addition, you should understand the reason for the breakup. If a guy betrayed you (for example, he left for another girl), it means that soon you will meet (or have already met, but don’t understand it yet) a faithful and reliable friend. If, on the contrary, the guy left you, because you yourself committed an unseemly act, you cannot avoid gossip and slander.

Husband left for another

The dreams in which you see that the husband has gone to another have several interpretations - and they are connected, first of all, with the state of the relationship of the married couple. For example, if in reality you felt some kind of cooling in relations with your spouse, then the dream in which the husband leaves for another is only a reflection of your subconscious anxieties - but not a warning. In other words, it is not at all necessary that if in a dream the husband left for another, the same thing will happen in reality. But if in real life you know that your spouse pays increased attention some woman, be on your guard - in this case, the dream may well turn out to be prophetic, which means that it will be necessary to take the necessary measures in advance to save the family.

The dream in which the husband leaves for another has a different, slightly more positive interpretation. Such a dream plot may portend short-term conflicts that will help resolve the misunderstanding that has arisen and, conversely, strengthen your marriage. If in a dream the husband leaves with a scandal, accuses you and swears - do not rush to get scared, such a dream, on the contrary, has a completely opposite, positive interpretation and portends a new period of family prosperity on your life horizon.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about a husband mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a husband in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Why dream that the husband is leaving?

A dream in which a husband leaves usually means that a certain phase has begun in family relationships, which requires a different look and action that would allow them to be preserved and strengthened. In a relationship, indeed, a problem can be identified that needs to be "pulled to the surface" together.

When testing any design, engineers always apply loads that are many times higher than the real ones. Then it can be argued that such a design will last a long time. Similarly, in any family life, sometimes life "throws up" such trials that seem insurmountable and fatal. However, after some time of "storms" you can see spouses with happy faces of the newlyweds, who "overcame more than one rampart" and their relationship only became stronger from this!

From this it becomes absolutely clear what is the dream of if the husband leaves? Thus, the woman's psyche is being tested, preparations are being made for changes in family life, and a clear sign is given that the relationship needs to be revised and, possibly, "reformatted". Also, such a dream may indicate a woman's excessive distrust of her husband, which is unreasonable and offensive to him.

If an unmarried girl has such a dream, then this may mean future problems with marriage. Even before the start of a relationship, she has a “bouquet” of claims to the stronger sex in her subconscious. In this case, she should reconsider her attitude towards men. Perhaps they are not as "bastards" as taught by their mother or "best" friend.

If the husband leaves in a dream, then this may be a reflection of subconscious fears that sit deep in the subconscious of a woman. And fears, as you know, are the same dreams, only with a minus sign. It will not be superfluous for the owner of such a dream to trust life more, because she never gives insurmountable trials. Another explanation for such dreams is dissatisfaction with oneself, underestimation of oneself, which leads to an obsessive subconscious search for "punishment" for imperfection and inconsistency with certain standards. Many women should understand that most men are not interested in the stylish dress code of the chosen one, super-fashionable hairstyles, "branded" handbags and useless stupid dogs in their arms. A man will look for a beautiful, reliable partner and friend near him all his life, who will always accept him and which he himself will accept. Wife and husband, in other words, it is also necessary and beneficial to be friends.

It's amazing how exactly the opposite can work a dream about a departing husband. For example, if in a dream a husband leaves because of female infidelity, then most likely he trusts his soul mate very much and will not arrange terrible scenes of jealousy in the style of Shakespeare's Othello or the unfortunate Vasisualy Lokhankin from Ilf and Petrov. If a wife in a dream has an obsessive image of a mistress, leaving for which the husband packs his bags, wanting to indulge in long love joys, then most likely he does not have any mistress and does not even “loom” on the horizon. On the contrary, the ostentatious fidelity of a husband can be an alarming sign in a dream.

The departure of a husband with a classic cinematic scandal, accompanied by breaking dishes, ripping clothes, extremely unpleasant words and very negative, touching emotions, predicts in most cases a happy married life.

Both literary and life examples are known when the departure of a husband is a boon for a woman. Therefore, for those wise women who do not fit the model: “He beats, it means he loves!” Or “Let him drink, but yours is at home!” - such dreams can mean a favorable outcome.

One of the most powerful signs that we are provided with in dreams is the marital relationship. And the departure of a husband in the hierarchy can even be ahead of the end of the world. Therefore, the owner of such a dream is strongly recommended to take it seriously, because this is a powerful hint, but not a sentence!

Dream Interpretation Leave, why dream of leaving in a dream to see

Home dream book Why dream of leaving in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: Leaving - the desire to relax; look differently at the approach to life situations; thirst for changes in life; find new, fresh solutions.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why dream of Leaving:

Departure of a person - If you call a person, but he does not hear, you search, and you do not find - to his death. If a person sails away on a boat (ship).

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova Why dream of leaving according to the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were going to leave somewhere, then your worries that your loved one will leave you are absolutely unfounded.

If you saw in a dream that your enemy or opponent has finally gone somewhere, then your business will be successfully moving forward.

See also: why dream of walking, why dream of leaving, why dream of farewell.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov Why dream of leaving according to the dream book:

If a woman dreamed that she was leaving her lover, then a rich inheritance awaited her.

If your loved one left in a dream, then you will regret something.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin Why dream of leaving according to the dream book:

The departure of a loved one in a dream is a rapprochement with someone you really like, in reality. If a man dreams that his girlfriend left him, in real life he will receive some kind of income or inheritance. To dream of leaving - Only for women - If you dream that your lover has left you, then in reality you will regret some of your actions.

Dream Interpretation Husband

Husband, Husband without legs, Husband left, Husband ex, Husband beats his wife, Husband returned, Husband in military uniform, Husband naked, Husband marries another, Husband fell ill, Husband and wife, Husband and lover, Husband cheated, Husband cheats with girlfriend , Husband in blood, Husband fishing, Husband on horseback, Husband drug addict, Husband with a knife, Husband hugging

Husband cries, Husband of girlfriend, Husband caught fish, Husband drunk, Husband scolds, Husband with another woman, Husband with mistress, Husband of sister, Husband died, Husband died, Husband drowned, Husband leaves, Husband goes to mistress, Husband leaves wife, Husband left for another, Husband kisses, Husband kisses another

If in a dream you dreamed of your own Husband, you saw that the Husband Drowned or Died, Dream Interpretations warn that this is very disturbing dream Which portends that in reality the most unpleasant events can happen to your Husband. And a completely different forecast was prepared by Dream Interpretations for those in whose dream someone else's Husband or Husband of a Friend was present - this is a sign that you are unhappy with your personal life in reality.

I dreamed about my husband in a dream- current affairs and concerns.

The image of your own Husband in a dream can be inspired by daytime emotions and experiences. In general, the Husband in a dream symbolizes the state of your current affairs. The husband in a dream is healthy and cheerful - it means that in reality everything is fine with you. And vice versa - a sad or sick Husband in a dream, That there may be hitches and problems in business.

Dreamed of a husband without legs, Husband got sick, Husband in the blood- troubles with the spouse; business problems.

Very often, such dreams really give a fateful forecast - your Husband is threatened by ailments and serious problems. However, the Dream could provoke your Subconscious, If in last days you were very worried about the health of your spouse in reality.

I dreamed that my husband left, The husband went to another, The husband leaves for another woman, The husband leaves his wife for his mistress in a dream - betrayal, Treason.

Even if in real life you don’t yet have evidence that your Husband really cheated on you, the Dream can be a subtle signal - subconsciously you feel pretense and falsehood coming from your beloved. The dream is another proof of his insincerity.

I dreamed that the husband cheated, The husband cheats with his girlfriend, With another woman, With his mistress, The husband marries another, The husband kisses another - fear of losing her husband; cooling of the senses.

Dreams of this kind most often come at that moment in life, when a period of cooling and mutual discontent began in your relationship. Or you are very jealous and reverent about your Husband in reality, everywhere and in everything suspecting deceit and treason.

I dreamed that my ex-husband returned- melancholy, nostalgia.

Sleep does not yet predict what Ex-husband really come back to you. This is a psychological vision, You personally provoked it by the fact that in reality you can’t forget in any way, To let go of the still loved one.

I dreamed that a husband beats his wife- to joy and a happy family life.

To dream that your husband scolds you, Beats, Dreamed of a husband with a knife- peace in relationships.

The traditional and old interpretation of dreams about a fight between spouses always portends them a warm and even relationship in reality. There is indeed a rationale behind this. Seeing the Fight with your Husband in a dream, you mentally have already lost, You have tried on the situation that was probably brewing in reality. With the help of a dream, you relieved yourself of moral stress and stress. Now the aggression in you and your Husband (beloved) will subside, And you will establish a warm and calm relationship in reality.

Dreamed of a husband in military uniform- to separation; otherwise - a sexual experiment.

In ancient times, after such a dream, one should have waited for a long and agonizing separation from a loved one (men were forced to undergo military service for many years). For modern women Whose husbands are not connected with military service, the Dream gives a different forecast - probably, in reality you are not against sexual contact with the military (a man in military uniform).

I dreamed of a naked husband, The husband kisses you and hugs you- to a quarrel in reality; otherwise - to profit.

A dream can only be dictated by your inner irresistible desire for sexual contact with your Husband in reality (for example, after a long separation).

I dreamed that you are now a husband and wife (for single people)- thoughts about marriage.

Such dreams are another proof for you - internally you are ready to try on marriage bonds. However, you can only understand the exact interpretation of this dream (as well as your readiness or complete unwillingness to marry) by analyzing - were you comfortable and calm in the new status of Husband or Wife? Or vice versa, you experienced terrible discomfort in a dream and

I dreamed of a husband and a lover (for married women) - pangs of conscience; otherwise - the difficulty with the choice.

If you really have another man in reality (except for the Husband), the Dream represents either remorse, Or fear - what if the Husband finds out about this? For women who are sacredly faithful to their spouse in real life, the Dream gives a hint - subconsciously you are not averse to cheating, which means that in your family relationships you do not feel complete mutual understanding and comfort.

I dreamed that my husband was fishing, My husband caught a fish in a dream- to increase; need; otherwise - to pregnancy.

Fish is a rather complicated dream image, Which can portend both pregnancy, promotion (if the Fishing was successful), and big problems in financial affairs (if the Husband returned from Fishing with nothing).

I dreamed of my own husband on a horse- career advancement.

Your Husband, Speaking symbolically, is now "on horseback" - very soon his career will go uphill.

I dreamed that your husband was a drug addict or a drunk husband- to the illness of the spouse; husband becomes addicted.

Alcoholism and drug addiction of a spouse in a dream- this is just a symbolic image, Warning you That in reality the Husband may be drawn into some dubious affairs and adventures.

I dreamed that my husband was crying- disorder in reality.

I dreamed that the husband died, the husband drowned disease, death.

In ancient interpretations, such dreams always foreshadowed either a serious illness or the physical death of a spouse. Perhaps you really caught a subtle signal from the Universe about the misfortunes and problems that await your husband in reality - this is a dream warning. However, perhaps recently you have spent a lot of nerves and strength on solving the current problems of your Husband. Then this dream is only a logical result of your daily anxieties and worries.

Dreamed of a dead husband- nostalgia; the need to remember the deceased.

Seeing the late Husband in a dream, The most important thing is to pay tribute to his memory- visit the church and order a prayer service, remember the deceased in the family circle.

Dreamed of the husband of a sister or girlfriend- sexual interest; dissatisfaction with their current personal life.

Whatever the plot of the dream you saw, It is obvious that at the level of the Subconscious you are sexually interested in the Husband of your Sister or Girlfriend. Or are you so lonely at the moment, That you are ready to occupy your heart even with the Husband of a person close to you.

Today I had a dream that my boyfriend (we have been together for a year and a half) went to another. What does this mean?


° ~...the ONLY...~ °

Dreams of betrayal are often associated with sexual dissatisfaction.
(yours, your partner or both).
The reasons for it can be many and they are different.
But there is only one way out - to make your own sex life more complete
rich and satisfying.

White Wolf

according to Freud
If you dreamed that you cheated, then something similar happened to you in real life. It is possible that so far this is not the fact of treason, but the intention that you carefully consider. What good can cheating do for you? After all, living with the thought that you have cheated, and not being able to say it directly, is by no means stimulating. If you want to change only in order to later openly declare this to your other half, we doubt that your future life will be friendly.
If you suddenly dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, this indicates that in reality you are worried about this possibility and are tormented by unfounded suspicions. Do not suffer and do not irrigate the pillow with tears, but talk frankly with the person.
Ayurvedic dream book
Indicates problems are approaching. You can lose respect and fall into a state of despair.
according to Tsvetkov
(to you) - fidelity; (you changed) - losses.

Daria Mysterious

You are afraid that he will go to another, that's all.

The guy goes to another

Dream Interpretation Guy goes to another dreamed of why in a dream the guy goes to another? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a Guy goes to another by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

May have outwardly opposite meanings.

Follow your emotions to decide which value is right for you.

Soaring can be a symbol: liberation and getting rid of problems and restrictions.

To soar emotionally above the situation: can mean a way out of a traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that when they get injured, they seem to soar skyward.

Soaring may also indicate that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and swim towards the feelings and at the same time with them.

Swim in the water: means that you have allowed emotions to surface.

Soar in the air: means to rise above all this.

Soaring: also means that you are aimlessly floating above the ground.

Ground yourself.

Set potential goals and take steps.

Dream Interpretation - Leave

The departure of a loved one in a dream is a rapprochement with someone you really like, in reality.

If a woman dreams that her lover has left her, in reality she will regret some of her actions.

If a man dreams that his girlfriend left him, in real life he will receive some kind of income or inheritance.

Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

Handsome and slender messenger of heavenly seer Forces; angelic image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behaviour). For a girl dream of marriage; for a woman, the appearance of a spiritual helper; maternal or sexual urges. Ugly-looking everything is bad. See add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Dream Interpretation - Leave

(See interpretation: leave)

If in a dream you want to leave, then your concern that a loved one or loved one will leave you is groundless. If you dream that your enemy or just an unpleasant person has finally left, then the dream portends you to improve your situation and advance your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Escape from reality with the help of fantasies

The flight of a person in such dreams usually occurs at a high altitude, against the backdrop of a colorful, fabulous landscape.

Often he is surrounded by fantastically beautiful birds, angels, divine images. He feels free and fearless.

The purpose of such a dream is to turn the dreamer to face some problems in his life that have so far eluded his attention.

Sometimes such dreams reflect really high, romantic feelings experienced by the dreamer, his premonition of love.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in a difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon hear about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of great trouble. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. To see a girlfriend in a dream - to gossip, strife and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. To dream of a friend who has not been seen for a very long time means that he remembers you. To find out in a dream that your friend has died is to receive news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream - to receive good news and a good day. Seeing him sad is a bad day and bad news. Being in a dream in the company of friends and enemies together is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a dream in a different guise - expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a break. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in a dream. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then See interpretation: clothes. Looking at a friend from the bottom up - to the realization of the bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has reached; looking down is a harbinger of the fact that due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives, you can lose friends. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - To each other. with each other, against each other. between themselves

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

Dragonflies-watchers fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

Women fight among themselves - a disease.

Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the business will not end in success.

Evil people pull each other - a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Another

You take a mirror belonging to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing another person in the mirror is a misfortune with a wife or lover.

Seeing a reflection of a person in a broken mirror is unfortunately.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

You give a man castanets - portends a squabble.

Holding a sword in your hands, injecting another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the promotion of talent.

Another person holds your mirror in his hands - portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in litigation, litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

Dead another person or yourself - fortunately.

Relocate to new house belonging to another person - fortunately.

You accept simple clothes made of hemp fabric from another person - unfortunately.

You accept condolences from other people - portends the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you.

To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering.

If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that the enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.

If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and anxiety of loved ones.

If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal - you have to do a lot of your plans, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that, breaking the bonds of friendship. You will look for new experiences. Shaking hands with a sad and dejected person - to separation from a friend or his loss.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

A dream in which you see your friends in a good mood, joyful and healthy, suggests that in reality you can expect good news or a meeting with an old friend that will charge you with a lot of positive emotions. If you see a dream in which your friend is sad, in reality you are threatened with illness and deprivation. Seeing your friend in an unusual guise means that you have enemies or a rival who will separate you from your lover.

If in a dream your friend appeared before you in an unusually bright attire, in the near future you will worry, experience anxiety, which will affect the people who surround you. If you dream of your friend who, unexpectedly for everyone, has taken a high position, then in reality you will have to put into practice all your plans and dreams, your work will be adequately rewarded. If, on the contrary, your friend dreams of you defeated, then during your take-off you will forget about those who helped you in difficult times.

A dream in which you quarrel with your friend promises you new experiences and adventures designed to replace your old attachments.



I dreamed that I invited my beloved to my mother for her birthday ... He came with some kind of girl ...


My beloved today in my dream danced a slow dance with another girl and kissed her, biting her, I looked at it all quite calmly from the side, and my beloved’s friend, meanwhile, tried to support and calm me, but I still fainted into tears, although before that I had never fainted in my life ...


Beloved did not pay attention to me, he was busy checking whether I was jealous or not
and said that he was just playing with me


Hello! Help me deal with my dream, which is so disturbing. So I dreamed that my loved one fell in love with another girl. He kissed and hugged her the way he kisses and hugs me. At the same time, I was always next to them, we even lived together and slept on the same bed. Beloved pushed me away all the time, and I was drawn to him, crying. Also in a dream there was a guy who began to look after me, but I did not notice him, I still lived with my beloved, in the hope that he would return to me.


i dreamed of a loved one with another, already with a wedding ring, they kissed in the car in front of my eyes. What is it for?


a young man who is very dear to me stood in an embrace with another girl with a beautiful hairstyle (blond hair is woven into them with a beautiful White flower, then our mutual friend approached him and he left with her, the dream was very vivid and accurate.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my civil Husband came to me. and in my hands was his phone with a password. I somehow miraculously accidentally unlocked it and saw a photo of a redhead girl (hair to the shoulders) and thin. I don’t know her in reality. There were her photos from different angles and intimate photos. And he came up to me and began to hug me and say that he loves me madly. I didn't know what to do, tell him or not. And I woke up with a desire to cry and with a terrible pain in my heart ...


i dreamed that my husband was sleeping on the bed with the girl he works with and I saw them and he said that I didn’t say anything to you, didn’t want to upset me, I asked you if you had sex, he said no and she said yes, what was it for, but I felt fear


My boyfriend hid from me that he was invited to the wedding. I accidentally found out when he was already there. I was very worried. I had a dream that he had a birthday, there were several people and me. He is completely consumed by them. Doesn't notice me. Two girls curled around him, then only one of them remained among the guests. I left because he didn't pay attention to me. And watched from the side. He was perspiring all over, but he was constantly on the move among the guests.
PS. Since the wedding, he never showed up, a day has passed. ((((


I dreamed that a loved one came home with another girl, only the house is not ours as in reality, but my neighbor, in a dream the girl kissed him in front of me and he pushed her away, after which we began to swear


Today I had a dream in the morning .. from 4.30 to 8.00, I woke up from an unpleasant dream. I have a loved one, I often have dreams about him ... always different! I don’t remember the whole dream ... I honestly think about him very much ... Every day. So I had a dream I’m looking for him and suddenly I see how he caresses a young girl, it’s unpleasant for me in a dream, but I look .. I clearly see him, handsome in a suit, and the girl is young .. blonde. ) -He treats her with such tenderness! -then I woke up…………….. A very unpleasant aftertaste… What is it for… The dream was clear.


i dreamed I was sitting on a chair and my husband came up to another woman, took her hand and began to dance and kiss her hand


i met a guy then we quarreled, I constantly see him at school, but I’m sitting on VK and he blocked me, well, I dreamed that he unblocked me, then we clashed


I dreamed that my boyfriend went to his ex-girlfriend. And somehow I ended up there. My beloved was lying on the couch. When I asked him what he was doing there, he answered me that after work he went to her just to sit and talk and ate at the same time. and lay down on the sofa to watch a movie


I dreamed that I went to his page and saw pictures and something like records, relationships with this girl! The photo seemed to be in a cold color or blue or black and white! Then I remember that in the same dream I dream of the former, first in a different guise, which I wasn’t even jealous, but then when he already had his own appearance, we had a fight for cooking and he gave me a gift in which there were cakes.


I dreamed that my beloved was in love with another, and now I am gone and I began to ask her why he fell out of love with me and fell in love with him, and then I woke up, something like this


Hello. This afternoon, somewhere around 9-10 o’clock in the morning, I dreamed that my young man slept with my friend at my house, in my parents’ room, my father caught them, he started yelling and I ran into the room and saw them, and then I felt anger in a dream and began to beat her, and then him, I don’t remember further that I went out into the street and cried, and then all our friends started telling me he was cheating on me with a friend, but then I don’t remember


i dreamed that I was coming with a friend to a bar, my friends and my boyfriend were sitting there. I greeted everyone and wanted to sit next to my beloved, but at that moment another girl I didn’t know sat down next to him and he hugged her, asked how she was doing and the like, didn’t even pay attention to me ....


Hello, I dreamed that I went out into the street, and there was the best friend of my beloved. Well, I approached and began to ask about him, where is he? why does not come, does not call, does not write? What I hear in response: leave him, he fell in love with another. I run home in tears, send him a message: I let you go. And that's it. But the fact is .. that .. I did not see my beloved in my dream! I didn't see it at all!


There is a person who likes, but recently a girl with long white hair has been dreaming next to him. When I am next to this young man in a dream, she shows that she is not pleased (the expression on her face changes), although there is no relationship with this guy in a dream.


The dream happened this morning. (from 8 to 9 in the morning) As if I arrived on some business in my young man’s car, and then I couldn’t find it, assumed that it had been stolen, went to the guards to look at the cameras with the hope that the hijacker would be found along with the car. Then my young man arrived there, but he did not yet know about the loss and I was afraid to tell him about it. Then we ended up in the company of friends (in my life, not a single person from the dream company was familiar to me) for some reason everyone started to go to bed, I told my beloved that there were too many people here and offered to move to another place, then I looked back and noticed that our a friend was left alone, invited her to come with us. She agreed and said that she wanted to take a walk with us, I agreed and said that I would catch up with her and my boyfriend. While they were gone, I began to get ready, to do something, then I decided to take a shower (all this time we were in the place where the car disappeared) I go into the shower room, and my beloved is kissing our girlfriend. I start screaming, hitting them and I wake up.


Summer. I walk in a summer dress and see how my beloved leaves the flower shop with another. They passed by smiling at me. I went too, but he turned around and waved his hand at me.


I had a very sad dream, I woke up in tears. It was as if she saw her husband with another girl (she was short, plump, in a pink jacket, which was clearly remembered). Then I ask him in the evening at home: who is she? He tells me calmly that he is dating her, she has three children and she is a single mother. That he won’t leave her, but he won’t leave me either, we will live together as before. I'm in shock, it's a blow for me, I'm screaming that I can't do it! Then I tell him that I now have a fever from the experience. We are sorting things out for some time, each time I understand that maybe he is joking with me, wants me to be jealous, remaining calm like a boa constrictor. Then he's like, well, take your temperature! I reach for the thermometer and wake up. Tell me, what would it be for?


i dreamed that there was a cafe on the fence of this cafe, the wet jacket of my beloved weighs, which I wring out of the water, my beloved man comes up and says thank you. so terrible and the sole is already worn out, and I see my man who is sitting in this cafe with another young lady, I come and I see them just like they see me. What can this mean?


We were supposed to have a wedding in my village. I measured White dress but he never came that day. Then I could not access the Internet for a whole week. My young man did not pick up the phone to my calls. Then, nevertheless, I managed to access the Internet from the phone and saw him with another in the photo. I called him, he answered: “Yes, I have a girlfriend and I don’t love you anymore.” I started screaming into the phone that I love and really cried a lot


I talked with my loved one, and during the conversation he said, “I met a wonderful girl here!”. Then he introduced me to her.


Hello, Tatyana. I had a dream today that as if I see my loved one, a young blonde girl is sitting in his car. I start to resent what it is, and he answers me, what's wrong with that? tell me what kind of dream it is. Although my beloved is married, and I am his mistress.




At first, my mom and dad dreamed about how I was at home, and then I dream of a picture that doesn’t fit in my head


i dreamed that my beloved was marrying another girl (I don’t know her) and tells me that this is all for a short time, that he will quickly get married and then divorce and at the same time still communicate with two others


I like the boy, he used to meet my girlfriend, now they broke up, I think he still likes her, so I dreamed at first that I laughed a lot then I was going to school as if I was waiting for him on the street, he walked with his brother of his brother, I know very well that I have changed and I had a bang, but I don’t have it in reality. And so I sat and waited, then he came and Rita came and my 2nd friend Yulia was with me and it’s as if that boy still loves my girlfriend Rita very much and she sends him away he suffers lying at her feet and everyone is crying and how as if Yulia was guessing the cards flew away and she asked to take them, and Rita and that boy were lying next to me and it was very PAINFUL like I never even had a naive and I collected these cards I dreamed about the school as if I received 2 and my mother found out then I filled out the diary very ugly then I dreamed that I can play volleyball very well, but not very naively) PLEASE HELP! thanks in advance


I dreamed about how my beloved told me that he met some girl and that they sat and talked with her for a long time, and at that time I was very nervous and jealous. What does it mean?


Hello, I had a dream where my beloved told me about how he met another girl and how they sat and talked for a long time, and at that time I was very nervous and jealous. What does it mean?


The page on the Internet is dreaming. The page of the person I love. We have mutual sympathy with him in real life, but we are not in a relationship. And I dream that on his pages on the Internet I see photos with another girl, and then, somehow, he is nearby and says that this is the one he loves.


Marina! I dreamed of a loved one standing near his car 'and on the other hand a woman' but he knows her!


I dreamed of my beloved that he was sitting with another girl, and I was talking, I didn’t pay any attention to me, I came with a girlfriend and turned around and left, he ran after me and I woke up (
earlier in my life I had problems with this girl who was sitting with her beloved, why is this?


in a dream, my lover is allegedly with my girlfriends, and this is before my eyes, as if they want to annoy me on purpose or provoke me. But the dreams are beautiful, sunny. I can't find an explanation myself.


Through the window I watched how my beloved was preparing dinner in the kitchen with another woman. And she herself approved of his choice of wife, but really wanted to be in her place


I met a young man, but he left me. and today I had a dream that he came to the holiday with another girl, when I felt bad, he followed me and said, “I love you, but it’s necessary.” I woke up because my heart started to stop


Hello! I saw tonight in a dream how a beloved man makes love to another woman. I cried a lot, until I lost consciousness. And he didn't care. What did it come up with?


dream that another calls from her lover’s phone, and sends a photo of their joint wedding to the mail


My loved one had a birthday. They played some kind of game and he had to choose to hug and kiss a person. He hugged his sister, but kissed another girl as he walked past me without even paying any attention. I left there with tears and I remember that I walked around the city and cried.


My boyfriend took care of a girl in the hospital and bought her a silver bracelet as a gift.


Hello, I dreamed that I came to my beloved person in another city, and he found himself another and began to introduce me to her. I burst into tears and stood looking at him then at her and clearly saw her face. And at that moment I woke up. Please tell me what this dream means.


my beloved danced with the other, humiliating me that she is better than me and more beautiful.


The beloved man made love with another woman, with the one who in real life had a relationship and their union is now in question to be or not to be.


Hello, what does the dream mean. I dream that my beloved is with another woman, in the company of other people, but I know that he is with her as if I see them. Then another story, he sends through my child in SMS that everything is serious with him. And I woke up.


I was with a loved one and there was another unfamiliar girl, they were talking, and I was sitting on the sidelines, after a while they started hugging, trying to tell them something, everything was pointless, when I got up started to leave, they started kissing and I woke up


he came to stay, there were kisses and caresses in a dream, then he took shrimp, frozen fish and berries from the refrigerator, everything crumbled a little in his stairwell. and went to another when I went after him he was gone


beloved man climbs up the stairs with him young girls and a white dog


Hello! I dreamed that another girl was pregnant from a beloved man. What is it for? In real life, I have nothing with him, only my feelings for him.