“I am lying on the delivery table and talking to the midwife about eyelashes.” Happy childbirth in Belarus - is it possible? Vigilant control

The table includes the latest achievements of modern medical technology, thus providing maximum convenience for the patient and staff at all stages of the process (before childbirth, during childbirth and after childbirth). Three electric actuators controlled by a hand-held remote control allow precise positioning of the woman in labor at any stage. Longitudinal inclination of the bed from -20° to +5°, tilt angle of the back section from 0° to 55°, panel height adjustment in the range from 670 to 870 mm. The width of the bed cushions is 660 mm, the size of the sliding table cushion is 520x600 mm.

The angle of inclination of the head section relative to the dorsal section is adjusted by means of a gas spring in the range from 0° to 30°. Pillows are molded, made using seamless technology. The table works from the built-in accumulators. It is easy to move thanks to the 100mm wheel supports, which are equipped with a reliable central brake and fixation of the direction of movement.

Table for obstetrics Medin SR-1

Features of the obstetric table Medin SR-1

Technical characteristics of the obstetric table Medin SR-1

Contents of delivery

  • retractable lifting table for taking the fetus -1 pc.
  • Hepel leg holder with radial clamp - 2 pcs.
  • retractable container with holder -1 pc.
  • handles for a woman in labor -2 pcs.
  • headrest -1 pc.

The "holy of holies" of any maternity hospital and the place where our babies are usually born is the delivery room. Those who are just about to give birth, of course, want to know - what is it, how does it work and what happens in the delivery room?

The maternity room can be shared or individual, but, one way or another, the main piece of furniture in it is the maternity "table", or, to be precise, Rakhmanov's bed. By appearance This is a regular gynecological chair, only in a larger size. If necessary, the table can be easily transformed into a bed, and it will be possible to stretch (not stretch!) Your legs. Another one distinguishing feature this simple device - special handles, the people also call them "reins".

When is it time to go to the delivery room?

But let's go back to the antenatal ward for a moment and see what's going on there. After the cervix dilates 10 cm, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room, or birth room. Subjectively, full disclosure can be determined by the onset of attempts. Attempts are felt as an irresistible desire to empty the intestines, many women say: “I want to go to the toilet in a big way.” Sometimes there is no such obvious desire, but you suddenly notice that during the fight you naturally hold your breath, and you strain your abdominal muscles. This happens reflexively, since the baby's head has already dropped quite low and presses on the nerve endings.

And here - ATTENTION!!! - you should definitely call a doctor and do your best to restrain attempts. This should be done for one simple reason: sometimes attempts begin before the cervix is ​​​​fully opened. Therefore, in order to keep the cervix safe and sound, we breathe “like a dog” during the fight, that is, often, superficially, you can stick out your tongue. If this does not help, add the “on all fours” pose. In this case, the head should be lower than the place on which we usually sit. This is achieved very simply - we kneel, and lower our head to the level of the palms. The baby rolls back to the bottom of the uterus, and the pressure on the cervix decreases.

"Surely you have drawn a picturesque picture for yourself: a woman with a big belly is on all fours with her fifth point up and often breathes, sticking out her tongue ... Jokes aside! And there is no place for embarrassment either. The most crucial moment is coming - real work will begin soon.

After the doctor examines you and confirms that “everything is ready” - that is, the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bfully opened, you can begin to push. But you need to do it wisely.

  • Firstly, do not rush to climb onto the delivery table - spend 2-3 standing contractions. This will allow the baby's head to find a comfortable position for easier exit.
  • Secondly, if you did everything right during the contractions, by the time you started pushing you should have a “second wind”: contractions become rare, after 7-10, or even 15-20 minutes; the mood improves - “there is a little left!”, it is not clear where new forces come from. This happens because the baby's head is pushed through the open cervix into the birth canal, and the uterus needs time to contract.

As soon as the uterus copes with this task, the contractions will resume. And attempts will join them. Your time has come!

The pushing period of childbirth is the most important work

Unlike contractions, a woman can influence both the strength and the length of the push. Usually, the straining period lasts from 25 minutes to 2 hours, with an average of 35-40 minutes. So, when you're on the delivery table, don't forget to pens- the midwife will show you where they are. They need to be handled.

As soon as the fight begins, we sequentially perform the following actions:

  1. You need to inhale "full chest", as much air as possible, and hold your breath.
  2. Raise your head and press your chin to your chest - this is necessary in order for the attempt to be effective, that is, the muscles of the abdomen tense up, and not the neck and face.
  3. We imagine that the air that we inhaled goes down and pushes the baby out. And in the meantime, SMOOTHLY, WITHOUT JERKS, we strain the abdominal muscles and increase the strength of this tension. Your whole body wraps around the tummy, and all the muscles work to help the baby get out into the light. And the hands (you hold them by the handles) and legs (they are fixed in the holders) work to create a counterforce. Difficult? I'll try it simpler: imagine that you are sailing on a boat, and the handles that you hold on to are oars.
  4. When you feel that you no longer have the strength to hold your breath, exhale VERY SMOOTHLY and relax the abdominal muscles. And everything is new.

For a fight, you need to do all these actions 2-3 times. And the last attempt should be the strongest. The kid with each attempt will move closer to the exit, but at first, he will “roll back” back. Therefore, all our actions are smooth, but strong. After all, the baby is literally clamped in a tight birth canal!

"It is very difficult to describe how to push with words. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. In our case, it is better to try once than read a hundred times. Therefore, do not be lazy, attend a class at a childbirth preparation school. Such trainings exist in almost all schools.Believe me, you will not regret it, and the acquired skills will benefit both you and your baby.

And here comes the long-awaited moment: the baby's head appears. ALL ATTENTION TO THE MIDWHERE!!! She's your commanding officer for the rest of the delivery. And she will command you the following: “Do not push!”. This is a signal to hold back the attempt. Sometimes just relaxing is enough, but sometimes the urge to push is so strong that you have to remember to breathe like a dog. The baby's head should be born without an attempt - this will protect the perineum from tears.

At this time, the baby makes a “turn with a deflection” inside you, and first the head appears, then one shoulder, the other ... The last effort, and everything else literally slips out.

"Here he is, so long-awaited, wet, wrinkled, and so beautiful, the most beloved baby in the world!

The baby is placed on the warm mother's belly. The midwife (and sometimes, if dad is involved in childbirth, this honorable mission is entrusted to him), after the pulsation stops, cuts the umbilical cord.
Congratulations! You did it!

Third stage of labor, birth of the afterbirth

But that's not all - ahead of the shortest and easiest period of childbirth, the third. Some time after the birth of your son or daughter (usually 20-30 minutes), the uterus will shrink so much that the placenta can separate from it - after all, it is no longer needed. You will be asked to push - and the uterus will be released completely. Then the doctor will examine you.

Meanwhile, the pediatrician is examining the baby, he is undergoing primary processing, and then, if all goes well, the baby is applied to the breast. Enjoy these moments of getting to know your little one. Praise the baby, because he also worked! Precious drops of colostrum will serve as a reward for the baby for hard work, and provide reliable protection - this is the first immunity.

"It is very desirable that after giving birth, mother and baby should not be separated. After all, for the first time the baby found himself in a new, such a huge and unfamiliar world! Only a mother can provide her own little man with a sense of security, peace and security. And only a mother can make this first meeting joyful!

I gave birth on May 4 of this year to a boy. Large - 4300 g, a real hero, so after all, my husband is not a miniature physique. And it was like that.

She went to the maternity hospital on April 25 with a suspicion of a delayed pregnancy, the doctors all predicted childbirth, but there were no signs. Actually, on April 29, the tenth (!) Month of my pregnancy already began, they endlessly checked me, listened, asked: "Well, when will you finally give birth?" And the birth did not come and did not come, those who came with me were already discharged, and I still walk with my stomach.

Yes, I forgot to say that vertical births are practiced in our maternity hospital (optional, of course) and births on a chair in particular. What it is? This refers to a special chair (or obstetric chair), built into a hill above the floor. There is a hole in the chair, the woman in labor is sitting on it, sorry for the comparison, but like on the toilet, she is pushing, the child goes into this hole, where the obstetricians take him. Sitting in such a chair and giving birth is much easier than in the classic supine position. But okay, I'll continue about the birth.

On the third of May, the hospital manager, having learned that I still had not given birth, gave the order, they say, that’s all, it is necessary to cause contractions artificially, a post-term pregnancy is dangerous for both the mother and the child. Having called the best anesthesiologist and one experienced midwife from the city hospital, they came to the ward for me, they say, everyone, they went to give birth, we will induce artificial labor.

My first birth. I go with them to the delivery room, I'm shaking all over with fear, there was not even a hint of contractions. Having exposed me below the waist and laid me on the delivery table, they said that we would pierce the bubble, then the contractions would certainly begin. I'm shaking all over, even kicking my legs, they say, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid." I didn’t have time to figure it out, they pierced me (by the way, it didn’t hurt), the water gushed out of me. This is where the doomsday began.

The stomach was seized so sharply, the pains were hellish, as if the boiler was boiling inside, it burns everything and wants to break out (I hope that pregnant women don’t read these lines for the first time). It was three o'clock in the afternoon. The doctors were surprised, they say, they didn’t even have to work hard for contractions, they just let water in, everything went by itself. The contractions turn me inside out, it hurts a lot, I yell, I ask for an anesthetic, and this best anesthesiologist - they say, the child will suffer from him, you already have a post-term pregnancy, so be patient, if it’s really bad.

Of course, he is a man, he has no idea what contractions are. In those minutes (no, hours) I was a superfeminist in my soul, I even cursed my husband (although in general I love him very much), they say, because of his one organ I feel such torment ... Well, okay. I’m lying, yelling, the caretaker checks the disclosure, it’s still not enough, everything says. Somewhere around eight in the evening it’s easier (a little bit), and by eleven it’s so twisted ... dear mother ... I thought it was already tearing me apart.

By three in the morning, everything, the caretaker says, the disclosure is sufficient, you can give birth. Pushing, pushing with all my might, sweat in three streams. But it was not there. The baby either comes to the exit, then goes inside again, mom ... it hurts me a lot. So it went on for about an hour, they didn’t let them push hard, they were afraid, the child is large, the gaps can be large. The caretaker, exhausted himself, gives the following order: "That's it, let's put her on the chair, if not, then anesthesia and, but then you can already lose the child."

Somehow they put me on this chair, the midwife and the anesthesiologist pressed on the sides of the abdomen in front, pushing the child, received the housekeeper from below, giving commands ... after five minutes, the head suddenly appeared. Not very sharp, but steady attempt - everything! He got out... Wow! How to run 200 km.

Baby, weight - 4300 g, boy. While his umbilical cord was being cut, now and then, I sit on a chair, I can’t catch my breath. After 20 minutes, contractions again, not strong, the afterbirth came out. I was laid on the table again, examined, it turns out that there is only one small tear. Yes, dear, they said, if you would give birth lying on your back, you would be torn to shreds, say thank you that we practice vertical childbirth.

It turns out that the classic horizontal childbirth on the back in the old days did not simply exist, they were invented in the 18th century. King of France Louis some number there. It turns out that he liked to watch the birth of his maids of honor of the court, and in order to be better seen, he ordered them to be put on their backs (well, you won’t envy the husbands of these maids of honor, I told my husband about it, he says, they probably wanted to break Louis’s face, but they couldn't, of course). From him, the fashion for childbirth went flat on the back, it is very convenient for obstetricians, but for a woman in labor - the most painful position.

In the old days, they gave birth standing, squatting, all fours, on the same chair, and there were no gaps. Childbirth was natural process, like "going big", only a little harder. Now, I think, a monument should be erected to the one who began to revive vertical childbirth, albeit on a voluntary basis. They told me later that I would have given birth lying on my back, I would have torn everything, I could not sit for a month, the child is very large, and a caesarean section - not a single caesarean section benefited the child, this is an operation. And animals (none) in nature do not give birth flat on their backs. So vertical childbirth is the most natural, easy and fast.

Personal experience


11/14/2007 11:35:07 PM, Chamomile

09/29/2005 03:57:48 PM, O1ik

From the story, it seems that the author did not really prepare for childbirth. Or not strong in the transmission of events. For example, during contractions, it is more painful for someone to walk, and someone = to lie down. Nothing is written about back massage during contractions, nor about changing positions. It just hurts is all. After all, there are ways to cope with pain, and in this experiment they were not used. Farther. Childbirth is vertical, but the situation is non-standard: late deadline, big child. And doctors with obstetricians pressed on the sides ... So I somehow don’t see the ease and convenience in this particular example.
It was easier for me to endure contractions by walking around. This is how I went through all my contractions. And the attempts on the table, on the back were quite tolerable, one might say, in a buzz, there was a feeling - here I am pushing, pushing, but nothing happens. Until the head hit, it's unpleasant feeling. And in the next attempt, the son was already born.

I fully support about vertical childbirth, I gave birth the first time on a chair, the second time vertically - and faster, and easier, the pain is tolerated and there are fewer bad consequences

I have had experience with both horizontal and vertical. I can say for sure that the vertical ones were flour for me. it was extremely difficult and uncomfortable. there was no chair - an ordinary obstetric table, assembled like a chair by the back, which you had to hold on to. the memories are not the most joyful, which I can’t say about normal childbirth - I really got high from them (if, of course, I can say that about childbirth :-)

09/28/2005 02:26:13 PM, Olga

Great! Congratulations! only with animals is a mistake. Depends on what. Cows don't give birth. Dogs and cats give birth. Another thing is that they do not walk on 2 paws.

What is the difference maternity hospital from a regular hospital? The fact that it has a maternity unit. There is no such branch medical institution, therefore, girls who have not given birth cannot know how everything is tripled there. But it's interesting, isn't it? Then read our story (with pictures) below.

In the maternity ward of older maternity hospitals, there are usually several antenatal wards and one or two general delivery rooms. In the prenatal wards, designed for one or more people, a woman spends the first stage of childbirth - the period of contractions. After the onset of the straining period, the woman will have to move to the delivery room. It can also be large, and several births can take place in it at the same time (usually no more than 2). Prenatal and labor wards are always equipped with a central supply of oxygen and nitrous oxide, bactericidal lamps, a number of medicines and instruments for childbirth, and cardiotocographs. In the delivery room, the II-III periods of childbirth take place: the straining period, at the end of which the baby is born, and, after 20 minutes, the afterbirth period, during which the placenta and fetal membranes are born.

General prenatal ward

General delivery room

In modern maternity hospitals, the maternity unit is arranged differently. It consists of a number of individual maternity wards, each of which contains only one woman in labor. There is an ordinary bed here, on which the expectant mother endures contractions, and right there is Rakhmanov's bed, on which attempts and the birth of a child take place. In advanced maternity hospitals, instead of the two beds listed above, there is one transforming bed, which, at the right time, with the touch of a button, turns from an ordinary bed into a Rakhmanov one and vice versa. In an individual box, you can see all the equipment that allows you to monitor the condition of the mother and child during childbirth. Often such boxes are equipped with an individual bathroom (as opposed to a general delivery room, where the shower and toilet are also shared). Here you can find such pleasant “little things” as a fitball, on which it is convenient to carry contractions, a sink, a towel, and even, in exceptional cases, a pool with a Jacuzzi.

Individual rodblok with two beds

Individual rodblok with a bed-transformer

The choice of each maternity facility also remains the modification of the room for processing newborns. If the birthing box is large enough, then there may not be a separate room - a part of the area is separated, equipped with all the necessary functions: connected oxygen, mucus suction, a lamp for heating the newborn, and items to care for him. Drugs and equipment for resuscitation, as a rule, are located on a separate mobile table, which appears in the box with a pediatrician or resuscitator. If there is not enough space in the delivery room, or the child is born by caesarean section, then he is taken for primary treatment in a special room for the treatment of newborns.

Treatment of a newborn in the delivery room

After childbirth, a happy mother and baby (babies)) are on the same bed for 2-3 hours as before the attempts. It is possible that you will have to lie with ice on your stomach on a gurney in the corridor for this watch. In any case, insist that the child lies next to you! And you are not immediately transferred to the postpartum department in order to exclude early postpartum complications.

There are at least two operating rooms in the maternity ward: a small one and a large one. Both are within walking distance: after all, in childbirth, sometimes minutes go by. In a large operating room C-section, and in the small one, sutures are applied after an episiotomy (perineal incision).

Large operating room

To the ward intensive care place women after operations and complicated childbirth. Here, not only doctors and nurses look after them around the clock, but also a lot of modern equipment. At any moment of the day or night, they can be provided with all the necessary assistance.

Intensive Care Unit

A few words about the doctors working in the rodblok.

The work of the maternity ward is coordinated by the head, and at the end of the main working hours - by the responsible doctor on duty. In addition, there is always on duty nurses and midwives. That is, when entering the maternity ward, the expectant mother falls into the hands of several specialists. At the conclusion of the contract, the doctor who conducts the pregnancy and will take delivery must introduce his ward to the head and the team on duty.

At the time of childbirth, at least an obstetrician-gynecologist, a pediatrician, and a midwife are always next to the expectant mother. Sometimes colleagues join the obstetrician-gynecologist; in addition, a pediatric resuscitator, a laboratory assistant, an anesthesiologist can be called. Think about how to break up this close-knit team with your own person. A husband, for example, or a mother (girlfriend, sister) can not only support you morally during childbirth, but also share the joy of the first moments of the life of your long-awaited baby.

Recently, in Belarus, they often talk about childbirth as a test - about the boorish attitude of doctors, unjustified stimulation, poor conditions in the wards. is it so bad? We easily found women who gave birth easily and were satisfied with communication with doctors, midwives, nurses. It turns out that there are many such stories, and these mothers do not consider their births to be “luck”.

Magic Prick
Diana Balyko, playwright, mother of a 4-year-old daughter:

I've only had one delivery and I'm very happy with them. She gave birth in 2013. Is free! My friend took delivery. Former classmate. You can consider that I agreed, and I was lucky. But absolutely everyone treated me with care and attention.

Photo source: heroine's archive

I remember the incident with the midwife. I was not given an epidural because I was allergic to some analgesics. And during the contractions, I stand under a hot shower, writhing, the midwife comes up and says:

I can anesthetize my back, it will only hurt my stomach, just don’t tell anyone, otherwise they will fire me from work for this, a very expensive secret drug.

She made two injections in the lower back along the spinal column with the words:

Now you will feel something like a wasp sting, and the pain will be removed like a hand.

And for sure, the back was released immediately.

I lay down on the bed and it all started. There was almost no pain during the attempts, I just listened to the doctors, pushed. Everything went well, albeit with minor complications (I had to take antibiotics, and my daughter had a small cephalohematoma on her head).

Photo source: heroine's archive

When my friend came to me the next day, I asked what I had been injected with. It turned out that two cubes of saline. So it was just a placebo effect. And how after that not to believe in the power of thought?

The fact that I had a difficult birth, I found out only when I received an extended sick leave and additional money. But my birth experience was wonderful. When my baby girl was born, I said:

Thanks to all! Everyone did a great job! I'm very happy.

And they put my daughter on my chest.

During childbirth ... slept!
Veronika Grishkova, journalist, mother of two children - a daughter and a son:

The main thing I expected from my birth was pain. Hellish, unbearable, debilitating pain, almost fatal. Therefore, as soon as she felt contractions, she began to mentally prepare for torture and torment.

Since I was already in pathology (it was the 41st week of pregnancy, and the baby did not even think of getting out of “paradise”), I did not have to go to the maternity hospital. I just went to the post to the nurse and reported strange pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Photo source: heroine's archive

After a series of examinations, the doctors concluded that the condition of me and the fetus is stable, and the first birth usually lasts about 8-12 hours. And they told me to go to bed. "Sleep?!" my subconscious screamed.

Yes, yes, sleep! Do not oversleep childbirth, but for now gain strength.

In the morning, the manager twisted me and issued a verdict: she does not give birth, but ... it's time! I tensed in anticipation of a puncture of the amniotic sac, but I felt nothing but warm water flowing down my legs.

Photo source: heroine's archive

Then they put me on a drip, put me on the bed, turned on the CTG to monitor the condition of the child, and left me alone in the prenatal room. When I felt real contractions, I immediately began to use the learned breathing techniques. They certainly brought relief. Although there was still no hellish and unbearable pain, weakness after two debilitating days made itself felt, and I periodically fell into a dream.

Yes! I slept during childbirth. To conserve my strength, I decided not to scream or cry even before the birth, but now I didn’t really want to speak up. At the third hour, they injected me with an anesthetic, at the sixth hour they did spinal anesthesia.

When the attempts began, she let out a plaintive howl - and they transferred me to a chair.

The doctor pressed his elbow under the ribs, and the midwife somehow miraculously opened me up and took out the baby. Everything happened within three seconds. "And that's it?" - flashed through my head when the midwife proudly lifted my daughter, like Simba in the cartoon "The Lion King".

Everything was easy with my son. I felt contractions at 7, played with my daughter until 13 and waited for my mother-in-law to arrive, who went shopping. At 13, I got into a taxi, arrived at the maternity hospital myself, the dilatation was 8 cm, I was issued, brought to the prenatal room, the midwife looked at me and said that in half an hour I would give birth and there was no point in anesthetizing. I gave birth in half an hour. From the first attempt - without breaks and nerves.

Photo source: heroine's archive

was the second thought after childbirth.

Well, definitely America!
Natalya Batrakova, writer, mother and ... grandmother:

I can’t remember my first and second births without laughing, and when asked where I gave birth, I answer: “For the second time, definitely in America!” Well, I'm lucky good people! Or maybe time erases the negative moments? I'll start with the second birth (mentioning the first).

Photo source: heroine's archive

In the morning, a week before the birth, I sent my husband and daughter to the kindergarten, got up for ironing, but realized that I would not have time to cope with a bunch of linen. The husband returned and asked to call an ambulance.

The first surprises began right in the ambulance. The paramedic read about pyelonephritis in the medical record (there was a case after 4 sore throats in a row) and deployed an ambulance from the 5th hospital to the 3rd. Like, profile, there the kidneys give birth.

What follows is even more unexpected and interesting. Already in the waiting room I was greeted with exclamations: a woman in labor according to her profile! What started here! A wheelchair, they don’t let you change clothes yourself, they are worn like with a crystal vase. Whether it was the case at the first birth: I had to wait an hour for registration, as they brought a woman who had given birth at home, and it was as if they forgot about me. And there's not a moment's rest!

They brought to the ward - one bed, some appliances, some people in white coats (for the first time, three beds in a narrow, like a pencil case, prenatal and no one from the medical staff). They immediately put on a mask and ordered:

Well, I breathed into all my lungs!

They rolled a gurney, helped to load. They brought me to a huge bright hall with low tables: a tall chair immediately popped up in my memory, on which I shouted "do not push!" offered to climb during the first birth. And here they somehow crossed over and laid down. Some movie!

Natalia with grandchildren

A lot of people, girl students look at their hands, knees, look with sympathy ... But, as is usual with our breed, after the second attempt, the cry of a baby resounded throughout the hall! The students somehow instantly forgot about me, look a little lower, smile ... Everyone is happy! Place the baby on the chest, right next to the nipple.

Well, definitely America! -

still not believing what is happening, I think, feeling the sucking and smacking that I have forgotten for six years.

Then again the mask, but only in order to "grab the crack." Switching off, I remembered the tight, creaky sound of a needle stretched to the living through the skin (after the first birth) ... That was my “America”! And a state of happiness!

The only drawback of "giving birth according to the profile" in the end turned out to be that they were also prescribed strictly according to the profile: on the seventh or eighth day, after passing all the required tests.

I would give birth every year!
Natalya Nadolskaya, TV journalist, mother of three children - a son and two daughters:

Doctors say about people like me: she gave birth and went further into the field to harvest grain.

For me, the difficulty is not so much the process of childbirth, but gestation (hereditary thrombophilia). This is a constant control of blood clotting and the threat of miscarriage throughout pregnancy.

Photo source: heroine's archive

But for childbirth as for a holiday! With extended eyelashes, depilation and styling. In my case, there are three children, two births. On the eve of the first, my husband received a diploma of the third higher education, and I had to be present at the presentation. At 9 am, I signed up for a styling salon, bought a hat with a wide brim.

Therefore, when the first signs of childbirth began, I told the doctor on the phone this:

I can't give birth today. I'm booked in for laying.

3 hours after the call, our first child was already born. My husband instead of a beauty salon took me to the emergency room. There, the procedure is standard: a wide shirt, rubber slippers and a passport in the teeth. I was assigned to the prenatal and expected that as a primiparous I would walk the corridors for 12 hours. But it was not there. The cervix dilated in 2 hours to 9 cm, as did the eyes of the head of the department.

Everything went like clockwork. I do not need to hold my hand, scratch behind the ear and control the process. I don't expect squeal. It is said to go on foot to the delivery room - I go, it is said to push - I push! Doctors love people like me. In the sense that I don’t whine, very executive and not pretentious in the process of childbirth.

The first time, however, I pushed awkwardly. The doctors had to make an incision where necessary and press where necessary. But all the doctors worked so professionally that I didn’t even feel the manipulations. The son was immediately put on his chest, and on the 5th day he was discharged.

Photo source: heroine's archive

I also left in full dress. In heels, in a dress on the floor and with full confidence that I will return to give birth. And more than once.

And so it happened. The second birth is always worse than the first. Even if everything went well the first time, it's still scary.

Throughout my pregnancy, the doctors told me that I would give birth on my own. Naturally conceived twins are the first indication for natural childbirth. And also my girls lay down with their heads down, both, as it should.

Suspecting the first signs of childbirth, I myself drove to the emergency room, although I lay in the maternity hospital for another week.

It was a long weekend on Radunitsa. In the evening, I watched the second season of Game of Thrones, and my stomach pulled and pulled. Well, he's been dragging on for the past 3 months, so I wasn't particularly worried. So while watching the series, I lay up to 7 cm of disclosure. That is, when the waters broke, they only managed to take me up in an elevator from the first floor to the 4th. It was already 2 am.

The doctor examined me and left. And I always feel sorry for doctors, especially at night. Think:

Let the man sleep.

So we sat in the ward with the midwife, talked, almost fell asleep. And when the doctor came and looked at the disclosure, the dream immediately vanished. She took me under the arm and into the birth. Almost jump.

Photo source: heroine's archive

I gave birth in 10 minutes. Five for each daughter. While the first Ulyanka was weighed and the parameters were taken, the midwife came up to me and asked:

Do you have lash extensions or your own?

Painting, right? I lie on the delivery table and talk to the midwife about eyelashes. Then the doctor came up and asked:

Are we going to give birth to another?

Is there a choice?

As soon as she gave birth to Polina, the first thought:

Who to give mobile phone for the girls to be photographed?

In the hallway on the couch, the first thing I did was get into Facebook. Share joy and collect likes. And on the way to the ward, she braked the couch and handed the phone to the nurse so that she could take a picture of the girls.

Before the discharge, the question arose of how to get a stylist to the department so that I could do the styling. The family department is a sensitive facility. She wrapped the stylist in a dressing gown so that they would mistake her for a woman in labor, led her to her room. She did my curls there. But we were caught, and the stylist had to flee to the first floor. Hair and make-up completed already in the wardrobe.

Photo source: heroine's archive

The head of the department poured me on the first day for violating the hospital regime. Good thing it was release day. So I took my girls in an armful and went beautiful to accept congratulations and decorate the world with me.

Diana Balyko

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