Why dream that a friend died. Interpretation of the dream book about why one dreams that a person has died

The dream interpretation offers a variety of interpretations of why one dreams that a person has died. The symbol changes its meanings depending on who the deceased is in a dream and what his fate is in real life. Often the interpretation of a sad and at the same time frightening plot has a positive meaning.

Miller's predictions

In Miller's dream book there is not only an explanation of why one dreams that a person has died, but also advice on what to do if this is a dream. In a dream, words play a key role, including those spoken by the sleeping person himself. They often help to make the right decision or avoid danger. Everything said in night dreams should be taken literally.

Death of the Living

One of the most disturbing stories that can be seen in a dream is when a person actually died alive. Oddly enough, many interpreters consider what you dreamed to be a good omen. What dreams that a living person died promises the protagonist of the dream many years of health.

This is not the only explanation why it was dreamed that the living had left this world. If a person who is alive in reality died in a dream, problems may arise in communicating with him in the near future. The most common reason is disappointment in his actions or views.

Loss of lovers

You should know why you dream that your loved one has died, who is currently experiencing difficulties in business or health problems. The dream interpretation promises that his troubles will end soon and safely.

If a lover dreamed that her beloved was gone forever, it is advisable to pay more attention to the relationship: the likelihood of their break is high. In men's dreams, such a symbol means fear of causing discontent among others.

blood relatives

The dream book contains many explanations for what it is dreaming that a loved one, one of the blood relatives, has died. An appropriate interpretation of the dream will help you understand what each of the tragic events in the dream means.

  • If you dreamed that a deceased loved one is your father, beware of deceit and deceit;
  • The loss of your own mother warns against deeds for which you will have to repent;
  • When a deceased loved one is an uncle or aunt, engage in self-development more diligently;
  • Seeing how a brother or sister died happens to those who are in trouble with them in reality.

The dream book also mentions quite natural reasons why it happens to see such signs in a dream, for example, concern for those who are dear to you, despite a strained relationship.

What a friend took to the grave

If you dreamed that the deceased was an old acquaintance, Hasse's dream book advises you not to worry about his fate in vain. Often what you see in a dream portends only a temporary alienation.

The esoteric dream book claims that a deceased acquaintance symbolizes getting rid of painful memories, false remorse, regret about what cannot be returned, and other negative emotions from the past.

The most pronounced character traits of the hero of the dream also serve as a key to interpretation. Perhaps the sleeper will be able to adopt or correct some of them in himself.

Abstract dead man

Interpreting why he dreams that a stranger has died, Longo's dream book focuses on the dreamer's experiences. If the death of a stranger greatly upset, in reality some event will force you to reconsider your views.

If you happened to see how a stranger, an unfamiliar person died, and did not feel regret at the same time, in reality it will be possible to remove obstacles and achieve harmony with oneself.

sad news

The dream book explains in detail what the dream is about, as you were told that a person died. The plot often foreshadows happy ending started. Useful information will help improve your financial situation.

When in a dream it happens to learn about someone's death, intrigues actually lie in wait. It is possible that with the light hand of the one about whom the sad news was reported.

Signs of the deceased

If a girl dreamed that a young man died, the dream book warns that the relationship is on the verge of a crisis, from which there are two ways out: either improve or stop.

When the death of a friend appears in a dream, Vanga's dream book warns of injustice.

If it was dreamed that the patient had died, in reality he would go on the mend.

What do kisses mean

Some interpreters consider it a dangerous sign to kiss the deceased. The symbol portends a disease, it is possible that it is serious, as well as significant losses and irreparable losses.

At the same time, Velesov's dream book claims. that kissing the deceased in a dream is a good omen. A dream promises many years of health and prosperity.

How much water has flowed

Predictions are mostly favorable if the person really died, and quite a long time ago. For a widow, the repeated funeral of her husband portends a new marriage. If this is a dream, it's time to remove the mourning and return to normal life.

Since the time of Aesop, another explanation has been known: a meeting with a long-dead person promises that the weather outside the window will soon change. The dream in which the recently deceased came to life reflects a sense of guilt.

Resurrected from the dead

Zhou Gong's dream book offers an interesting explanation of why one dreams that a person has died and then woke up. The sleeper will soon learn amazing news. If you manage information correctly, you will be able to avoid trouble and even benefit from a dangerous situation.

If the deceased is resurrected, and the dreamer is involved in this, in real life he should beware of scammers. The image also suggests that the past can suddenly remind of itself.

Historically, people's attitudes towards death have varied. Why dream of the death of a person who is alive: today we are discussing a dream of just such content.

With the emergence of various religious movements, the relationship with death has become more complex. People began to fear death, sought to drive away thoughts of a possible death from themselves. This attitude was also reflected in the interpretation of dreams in various medieval dream books.
However, if we analyze the general orientation of dreams about death, they carry not only negative forecasts, but also quite life-affirming motives.

Dream Interpretation: the meaning of a dream about the death of a person who is still alive has not died?

Since dreams about death are a reflection of our daytime fears, the subconscious mind gives us a reassuring thought that such dreams are simply harbingers of changes in our lives.

In fact, rarely does anyone see themselves dead in a dream. As a rule, we dream of other people, relatives and friends, about whom we know for sure that they are alive.

In general, a dream that a person who is now alive has died promises him a long and happy life. That is, such a dream is rather a good harbinger, and not a sign of illness, death and trouble.

For someone who has seen the death of his acquaintance, relative or friend, such a dream promises an improvement in relations with the living, the restoration of broken ties, a new round of friendship or love.

Why dream of the death of a person who is alive, what such a dream warns about

If you were in a quarrel and your relationship left much to be desired (except when you saw your enemy or ill-wisher dead), such a dream will restore lost trust and show you how small your grievances are and how great this person is for you.

In fact, death in a dream means some kind of life change for the dreamer. They don't have to be negative. Very often, a dream about the death of a friend or acquaintance promises a change of job or place of residence. Unmarried or unmarried can meet their fate and tie the knot - there can be a lot of interpretations.

If you see one of your friends dead, this may mean a close separation from them. Maybe you or they are ready to leave for another city or even another country, and your separation will be long, and your meetings will be rare. In any case, such a dream promises changes not only to you, but also to those whom you saw in a dream.

A dream about the death of one of the relatives also, as a rule, promises them health and longevity. Your anxiety for their condition in this case will be unnecessary.

If you see a stranger in a coffin, this is a sign that in real life you have done something that you want to forget. Having buried a stranger, you bury unpleasant or shameful memories with him. You just need to take such a dream for granted, reassuring your conscience that everyone has the right to make a mistake and you have already drawn conclusions from your own.

If you see one of your colleagues in the coffin, then such a dream means your desire to part with your current job. Apparently, it does not cause you positive and does not bring you moral or material satisfaction. You should think about changing employer or even type of activity. Such a dream pushes you to make a difficult decision for you, which in the future may turn out to be correct and reasonable.

Dreams about the death of loved ones differ somewhat in their interpretations.

  • You may dream of your mother's death;
  • You can see the death of a living father;
  • You may dream of a dead living grandmother;
  • You can see in a dream that the grandfather died;

If you dreamed about the death of your mother

It is very painful to lose loved ones. What will the dream tell about the death of a mother in a dream

Why did you dream about the death of your mother if she is still alive? Having seen such an unpleasant dream, many people rush to the phone in the morning to make sure that nothing bad has happened to the closest person.

In fact, for your mother, such a dream promises cheerfulness, happiness and long life.

But for you, if you are a woman, such a dream predicts not entirely bright prospects - you may have difficulties and misunderstanding with your partner, the first crack may appear in marriage. If you do not take action, the crack will grow and the marriage will be difficult to save.

You should take such a dream carefully and think about your own personal life. Your role in creating and maintaining a home cannot be delegated to someone else, and the entire responsibility for the family climate lies with you.

If you are a man and have a dream about the death of your mother, for you this may mean the need to finally take responsibility for the prosperity in the family and the happiness of your loved ones.

If you didn't give of great importance your role in a partnership or family - now is the time to reconsider it and draw adequate conclusions for yourself, otherwise you risk being left alone.

In addition, if you had a dream about the death of your mother, you should take a closer look at the lives of your children.

Perhaps they need your help and support, but they just don't know how to say it directly.

If you do not pay attention to a possible crisis in their lives, a person may appear whose opinion will outweigh yours. Attachment to such a person will sooner or later lead them out of your influence.

If you dreamed of your father's death

Why dreamed of the death of his mother if he was still alive? A dream about the death of a living father means longevity for him, and for a woman portends changes in her personal life. Such a dream can promise a change of partner, a divorce or a wedding - and carry both positive and negative potential.

If you dreamed about the death of a dad who had not yet died. This means that your dad will live a long time.

In fact, if a woman is dissatisfied with the existing order of things, if her marriage or relationship has exhausted itself - the best way out will be the end of the negative connection.

However, it may also turn out that the woman herself is not ready for such radical decisions, but her marriage is collapsing.

In such cases, a dream about her father's death may reflect her feelings of insecurity and expectation of meeting someone who will be able to take care of her.

If you saw such a dream, take a closer look at existing relationships - do you need to change something in your life, do you need to reconsider your life priorities, or you can try to save the existing relationship. Is your partner so dear to you that you try to smooth out all the misunderstandings and problems.

If a man dreamed about the death of his father, this is most likely a warning about an unreliable position in his career growth. It may turn out that his business was put under attack, and a time of crisis has come for him.

If you had such a dream, you should put your finances in order so as not to incur critical losses. A well-thought-out investment strategy will help you protect your capital and create an airbag for your business.

If you dreamed about the death of your grandmother

Why dreamed of the death of a grandmother if she was still alive? If you have an old grandmother who is sick and you saw her in sleeping dead, this portends her recovery and long life. For yourself, such a dream means a change in status and personal relationships - if you were a lonely person, then you will meet your soul mate.

A dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather who has not yet died carries positive energy.

If you are a family person, such a dream portends an improvement in the climate in the family, and maybe even the appearance of a child in it.

In any case, such a dream is positive for both the dreamer and the one whom he saw in a dream.

If you saw your grandmother in a coffin, it means that you will find prosperity and wealth that you will spend to provide for your family and relatives. Caring for people close to you will not seem like a big burden, but will bring real satisfaction and joy.

If you dreamed about the death of your grandfather

Having seen such a dream, you can safely decide to change jobs - the future place of service will be the beginning of a new, successful career for you. Job growth will be rapid, and material rewards will increase significantly and will allow you to fulfill your cherished dream.

For your grandfather, a dream about his death does not pose any threat to life and health.

If we analyze such seemingly negative dreams about death, we can see that for the most part they promise significant and positive changes for all participants.

In any case, such dreams carry an element of warning - you can always correct the situation in time if you listen to your subconscious.

If, for example, the bride or groom dreams of a partner lying in a coffin, this portends the emergence of difficulties and misunderstandings in their relationship. Having seen such a dream, the dreamer should think about the reasons for the discord and, if the partner is really dear to him, take all measures to correct the situation.

Enemies or enemies seen dead are a promise that everything will turn out well in your life, intrigues directed against you will not harm you, and those who wanted to give you trouble will suffer sooner.

Such a dream can cause many disturbing emotions. Indeed, when a loved one dies in a dream, this cannot but cause panic, anxiety, and in a number of situations such dreams can indeed turn out to be prophetic. As a rule, the difference between an ordinary dream and a simple one is the realism of the situation, events that can happen in life too. The dream book writes that such a dream most often comes true the next day. However, some simple actions can push back an unpleasant denouement.

However, a lot of anxiety in a dream and death is also dreamed of as a sign of trouble and change. Very often, if a loved one died in a dream, the dream book writes that such a dream causes negative emotions. However, death in an environment that is unlikely to be the same as in reality does not portend death. Usually dreams of this kind portend you changes in relationships, disappointments and quarrels. This is what dreams of if a person died in various dreams.

news of death

In such dreams, you only hear about someone's death, but you yourself do not see it in any way. The dream interpretation writes that such a plot predicts disappointment and changes in relationships. Sometimes in love, such a dream predicts separation. Why dream that they tell you that a person has died - your acquaintance, relative or friend? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream means news of changes in his life.

It is possible that they will cause disappointment, trouble or a change in your opinion of him, both good and bad. A wife has such a dream in which she dreams that her husband is dying, predicts an unexpected change in his life or the discovery of some secret. It could be infidelity, another family on the side, a child, or something else. Especially something that is easy to hide.

If your brother or sister died in a dream, then such a dream is a dream of a change in character or his life. Often it predicts news for you, which may mean an act that changes your attitude towards this person. For example, the dream book writes that a scandalous brother may turn out to be a gentle and sensual lover who suffers from the inattention of his beloved woman, and then your opinion about him may change. As well as about a modest sister who accidentally blabbed about cheating on her husband with a married man.

For a mistress to learn about the death of a loved one means, as the dream book writes, what is the dream for? If you had such a dream, it means the futility of your efforts. He is quite satisfied with this position and is not going to change it. And if he dies before your eyes, then the dream book writes that such a dream generally means that you have an empty and unpromising person in front of you and he will not bring anything good into your life.

Lovers to hear the news that a loved one has died, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that soon you will learn about an unpleasant change in his life. For example, treason, wedding or preparation for it. In this case, the rumor will have a basis. If your girlfriend is dying and you have been told about it, hurry up. Maybe there is still a chance to build a relationship with her. The dream interpretation writes that in this way her attitude towards you changes. It is possible that you will find out that she will commit some kind of unpleasant act for you. But in some cases, a dream, if a loved one dies, dreams of a danger to his health and life.

Actions or rumors

Usually, actions mean changes that will take place before your eyes. If you dreamed that a friend, girlfriend died, then what is the dream for? Such an incident in a dream means that some of their qualities have died out and they no longer exist. Often such a dream predicts a change in your relationship with him. For example, if a purposeful person died, then in reality you will be surprised at his lack of will and changes in relationships. Or, if you dreamed that a beautiful unmarried girl had died, then perhaps she would soon get married and her life would not be the best. Which, of course, not in a dream, but in reality will affect her appearance, attractiveness and self-confidence.

Rumors that a person has died can often mean news that there will be changes in a person's life. However, this can only be gossip and speculation, which is not always worth believing, either in a dream or in reality. It is often useless to get upset after such a dream, as they predict change, marriage and engagement for an adult.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to how unexpected the news was in a dream that someone had died. If she really surprised you, then books write about who and in reality you can be disappointed in a person or learn something very amazing about him.

Why dream of seeing that your friend or acquaintance, relative or lover has died? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts a break in relations with him, a strong disappointment or a change in their life.

The method and type of death does not play any role. However, in some situations, such a dream predicts danger to you or to him.

Try to avoid it if the situation is as close to reality as possible. The fact is that such a dream can predict various troubles for you and come true literally.

Unfamiliar dead people or the fact that a person whom you do not know has died indicate that some qualities will not be needed in your life soon. For example, if a male artist has died, then soon you will have no reason to play roles and try to impress. For a girl who is dating a guy, such a dream predicts that she will soon see his true face and, most likely, this will lead to great disappointment.

For a man to see the death of a woman or a girl means cruelty and suppression of feminine qualities in himself. The death of old people usually predicts that prejudices will soon disappear from your life, children - childhood habits or direct behavior. Therefore, to see how a child dies before your eyes means painful growing up and internal transformation of the person himself. Pay attention to who exactly he was for you in a dream in order to understand what qualities you will no longer need and what will leave your life forever.

The death of a friend in a dream indicates close, strictly sharp and cardinal changes in his life. And only in exceptional cases is it interpreted in direct meaning. The dream book will find out what the tragic event is dreaming of.

According to Miller

Dreamed of the death of a friend? An ordeal is approaching, associated with losses and serious life difficulties.

Everything is fine!

Why dream of the news of the death of a famous person? Most often, the plot indicates a long and moderately happy life of the dreamer. In rare cases, the interpretation of sleep is direct and indicates an imminent departure.

Did you dream that you received sad news from distant relatives or absent friends? The dream interpretation is sure: a recently made wish will certainly come true.

Seeing a TV show in which the news of death sounded in a dream means that you will receive a comforting message that will relieve you of your worries.


The death of an acquaintance with whom they have not communicated in reality for a long time hints: something that has been dragging on for a very long time will suddenly end.

Why dream if a sad message made you ashamed of something? In fact, commit an impartial act, and it will become public.

Did you happen to see the death of a comrade with your own eyes? The dream interpretation advises to warn: he risks falling into reality in a very bad story.

Hold on!

In the night, from afar, did the news of the death of a friend come? In reality, you will also receive sad news. But to see the death of a friend with your own eyes means that he will commit a bad deed under the influence of others.

The tragic news also symbolizes in a dream the approaching changes in one's own destiny. The dream interpretation is sure that the planned things will go to waste.

What do you want?

Why dream if you happen to find out with horror that a friend has died? The dream book suspects that deep down you wish this person evil.

Such visions most often come in a dream to children or extremely infantile and insecure individuals.

But if you happened to learn about someone else's death without any special emotions, then in reality you dream of meeting him or finding out the relationship.

Who is he?

Did you dream about the death of a friend? The dream interpretation is convinced that the connection with this person will weaken in reality. For a clearer prediction, it is desirable to establish the identity of the deceased in a dream and other features.

  • A friend - longevity, marriage, excellent health.
  • Enemy - get rid of bad influence, shortcomings.
  • The sick person will recover.
  • Healthy - changes in character, relationships with him.
  • Lonely - family happiness, marriage.
  • Absent - will soon return home.
  • The one who is nearby will go on a long journey.

He grew up!

Why dream of the death of a familiar child? The dream book predicts to him long life filled with bright events. In rare cases, in a dream, this is an omen of illness.

Most often, the death of a teenager's child hints at his final adulthood. If you dreamed that someone's adult son had died, then soon he would get a girlfriend and marry. The dream funeral of someone else's adult daughter is interpreted similarly.