Allocations after caesarean then go then. Discharge after caesarean section with odor

A caesarean section is an abdominal operation that is performed in the absence of the possibility of independent childbirth. Regardless of whether natural or operative childbirth, after the birth of a child, the mother begins to discharge - lochia. Why do they appear, how long do they last and how to take care of yourself during this period?

During the operation, the surgeon cuts not only the abdomen, but also the uterus. Therefore, the opinion that women who gave birth by caesarean section, there should be no discharge - erroneously. The first day after birth, the mother is in intensive care, because she needs constant monitoring. Doctors monitor the state of the uterus, because with insufficient contraction there is a risk of developing pathological bleeding. Also rate cardiovascular system using indicators on the monitor.

After abdominal surgery, the uterus is damaged and it takes time to restore its internal mucosa. The healing process is accompanied by postpartum discharge (lochia), consisting of mucus, blood and dead epithelium. In the process of healing, the shade, structure and volume of secretions change. The same thing happens with natural childbirth, only recovery period go faster.

Video - caesarean section. School of Dr. Komarovsky

Discharge after abdominal surgery

Postpartum discharge is a physiological phenomenon through which particles of the placenta and dead remains of the endometrium are removed from the body.

  1. The most abundant vaginal discharge in the first week and have a rich red color. Reminiscent of normal menstruation, but in a much larger volume. Walking, breastfeeding, changing body position increase the outflow of blood. For the first five days after surgery, blood discharge of about 500 ml is considered normal.
  2. Then the lochia darkens and acquires a brown tint. The appearance of clots is a normal phenomenon associated with the low mobility of the woman in labor. The discharge is characterized by a specific odor similar to iron.
  3. By the fourth week, the discharge becomes dark brown, their volume is significantly reduced. They become sparse and smearing.
  4. By 2.5 months, the discharge becomes transparent, mucous. Do not cause inconvenience, have no smell.

At what stage of the selection will change color, composition and volume depends on individual features woman who has given birth. But they should start with red, turn into brown, and end with mucous and transparent secretions.

Active contraction of the uterus affects the intensity of discharge in the initial days after the birth of the child. During abdominal surgery, muscle fibers are damaged, which significantly complicates its contraction. To stimulate uterine contractions, it is recommended to lie on the stomach as often as possible, empty the bladder regularly, and apply the baby to the breast on demand. Sucking milk increases uterine contractions, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

How long is the discharge after a caesarean section?

In the first 6–8 days, the discharge is especially strong; this period accounts for most of the excreted fluid. In the second week, the amount of discharge begins to decrease, and by the end of the month it is significantly reduced. At week 5, lochia becomes spotting, and a week later it stops altogether.

Postpartum discharge can last up to 1.5 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body, pregnancy and the birth itself.

No doctor can tell the exact numbers for the beginning and end of postpartum discharge. But there is an average statistics, which must be equalized and, if deviations are found, immediately consult a doctor.

Pathological discharge

The reason for contacting a specialist can be: a sharp cessation of discharge within a few days after childbirth, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a change in the composition of the discharge, the appearance of itching. The reasons for these or those changes are presented in the table.

Change in the smell of secretions

An unpleasant, purulent, pungent odor indicates inflammatory processes on the inner surface of the uterus or, in other words, endometritis. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, increased pain in the lower abdomen, and a deterioration in the woman's well-being.

A sharp increase in the volume of secretions

An increase in the number of lochia, their long-term non-decrease indicates the onset of late hypotonic bleeding. It is after abdominal surgery that this happens most often, since the uterus cannot contract normally due to the resulting suture.

Abrupt cessation of discharge

The instant end of postpartum lochia indicates a possible bending of the uterus. In this case, there is a violation of the outflow of secretions from the uterus, leading to their stagnation. With untimely treatment, this leads to inflammation or endometritis.

Curdled discharge and itching

Unpleasant sensations in the vagina, itching, burning, a change in the structure of the discharge signals a thrush. Its development may be associated with improper hygiene of the woman who has given birth or taking antibiotics.

Hygiene after caesarean section

In the maternity hospital, you need to wash yourself with warm water several times a day. laundry soap. The first days you need to use diapers, on the third day you can use large pads. It is recommended to change them as they are full, but at least once every three hours. For convenience, disposable shorts are used. The use of tampons is unacceptable, in order to avoid the multiplication of microbes. The suture is dressed daily, ice can be applied to increase uterine contractions. The state of the seam must be monitored very carefully so that it cannot and does not bleed. Otherwise, a medical examination is necessary.

At home, regular washing should be continued until the discharge becomes colorless for up to about 8 weeks. It is forbidden to take a bath, douche and have sex before obtaining permission from the gynecologist. It is possible to resume the old life only after the final restoration of the uterus and the cessation of spotting.

Menstruation after caesarean section

After the birth of a child in female body the production of the hormone prolactin begins, which blocks the development of follicles in the ovaries and stimulates the formation of milk. At breastfeeding menstruation usually occurs after 6-7 months, with active feeding they can come in a year. With artificial feeding, menstruation comes in 2-3 months. At first they are irregular, and then the cycle is restored.

Postpartum discharge for each woman lasts a different amount of time, but usually does not exceed 1.5 months. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, regular change of pads prevent infection. Feeding the baby on demand, lying on the stomach stimulate uterine contractions. Compliance with the prescriptions of doctors will help to easily overcome the recovery period.

It is important to carefully monitor the discharge and in case of an unpleasant odor, a sharp increase or cessation, contact a gynecologist for advice.

After giving birth, every woman needs rehabilitation period, and the uterus needs restoration most of all. Regardless of the method of delivery (surgical or natural), for some period a woman is worried about bloody vaginal discharge. bleeding after cesarean gynecologists are called lochia. Usually, they are perceived by patients as regular periods, but only their nature during postpartum rehabilitation is constantly changing. It is by their changes that experts judge the condition of the woman who has given birth.

The uterus after caesarean is restored in the order of one and a half to two months. During this period, patients need to be as sensitive as possible to well-being in order to notice the slightest change able. The nature of bleeding after caesarean section differs from the discharge after natural delivery. What is the difference?

  • In the first postpartum week, lochia, in addition to blood, contains a lot of additional impurities such as mucus, dead epithelial cells, plasma, etc. After a normal birth, mucus is not observed in the mass separated from the vagina.
  • A caesarean section is characterized by a larger area of ​​wound injuries, so the likelihood of inflammatory or infectious complications increases significantly. Therefore, postoperative rehabilitation requires mandatory compliance with all hygiene requirements several times a day.
  • The first few days of the postoperative period, the normal shade of the discharge is scarlet or bright red, the bleeding looks much more saturated than after natural delivery.
  • Healing and contraction of the uterus after surgery is longer in nature, and therefore lochia is released for a week or two longer.

It is these discharges that are considered normal during childbirth by caesarean section.

Characteristics of secretions

During the entire rehabilitation, lochia will gradually change their characteristics. At first, blood clots will predominate in the outgoing masses, since there is a large surgical wound in the uterus. But over time, it will begin to heal, the amount of blood will decrease and will be partially replaced by mucous discharge, dead epithelial cells and other postpartum waste.

The puerperal should definitely observe changes in the nature of the discharge in order to timely detect pathological signs, if any. If in the first postoperative days the blood in the discharge is considered the norm, then after more than a week, a similar character of lochia is a sign of pathology.

It is also normal when clots are present in the separated mass, which are cells of the placenta and dead epithelium. After about a week, the thickened impurities in the lochia disappear, and the consistency of the secretions becomes more liquid. If the discharge comes with mucous impurities, then this is a normal sign indicating the processes of intrauterine cleansing of the body from fetal life.

If the spouses do not observe complete sexual rest and start having sex ahead of time, then the lochia can acquire a pinkish tint. This is due to damage to healing tissues. After about 1.5 months, vaginal bloody issues after caesarean section, they take on the appearance of traditional menstrual brown smears. At this stage, already coagulated blood is released, so the color of the lochia becomes not so bright.

It is considered a dangerous sign if there are watery, practically transparent selection. So fluid can be released from the lymphatic or blood vessels, which indicates a violation of the blood supply. If, after a cesarean, a watery and unpleasant-smelling mass is released, then this may indicate vaginal dysbacteriosis or gardnerellosis.

No less dangerous are purulent masses, indicating inflammatory lesions of the uterine endometrial layer. Outwardly, such discharges are distinguished by a greenish or yellowish tint, have a sharp disgusting odor, are accompanied by hyperthermia and painful sensations in the perineum and uterus.

Bleeding duration

Another exciting question for women in childbirth after a cesarean section: how long does spotting last. It is important to know this in order to correctly assess the recovery process, whether it is proceeding normally or has already dragged on.

Knowing how many days lochia can normally last, it will be easier for a woman to assess her condition and determine the presence of abnormalities and pathologies.

What does the color lochia mean

The hue characteristics of the discharge can also tell about the presence of pathological postoperative abnormalities in the puerperal. Normal is at first red, and then, by the middle to the end of the second week, brown and pale yellow shades of discharge. Other variants of shades indicate any deviations or pathological complications.

If after a cesarean a greenish substance comes out of the vagina, then this sign indicates purulent processes caused by inflammation or infection in the uterine cavity. Therefore, when such a sign appears, the puerperal woman needs to undergo a gynecological examination.

The pathology also includes the discharge of bright yellow hues with impurities of greenery and the smell of rot in the first week after cesarean. They talk about the onset of endometritis. But if the yellow discharge begins to go on the third postpartum week, then we are talking about an already advanced inflammation of the endometrium, which requires antibiotic therapy and even surgery.

If a black substance is released immediately after the operation, which is not accompanied by pain and a disgusting odor, then this is a completely normal phenomenon associated with hormonal changes in hematopoiesis. But if a similar sign appeared a few weeks after a cesarean, then you need to consult a gynecologist.

Many patients are afraid of white discharge. If they are not accompanied by any deviations, then you should not panic - they are safe. But if they are accompanied by cheesy impurities, sour smell, hyperemia of the genital mucosa and itchy sensations in the perineum, then it is necessary to pass a vaginal smear or bakposev to determine the cause and pathogen of the infection.

How much blood does a woman lose?

In addition to how long the discharge is observed, an important indicator is the quantitative characteristic of lochia. A small amount of discharge in the first days of the postoperative period indicates the presence of any obstacle to the outflow of blood and characteristic waste from the uterus after cesarean. The cause may be thrombosis, blockage of pipes, etc.

Dangerous and too abundant discharge, lasting for a long time. This happens when the uterus for a number of reasons is not able to fully recover. Therefore, deviations in the number of secretions necessarily require diagnosis.

To avoid postoperative complications, it is recommended to comply with certain conditions.

If the mother is breastfeeding, then menstruation will come in about six months, but may come in a year, depending on the activity of feeding. If the child is on artificial mixtures, then menstruation comes in a couple of months.

Every woman dreams that the postoperative discharge will stop as soon as possible in order to calmly take care of the baby. It is worthwhile to tune in advance that lochia go far from one day, but 40-55 days. And there is no need to get angry because of this, because it is the discharge that is an indicator of the norm or pathology during the recovery period after a cesarean. The best option there will be compliance with hygiene requirements, sexual rest and control over changes in secretions, then postoperative rehabilitation will take the shortest time.

AT modern medicine caesarean section is the only most safe method the birth of a child in the absence of a woman's ability to give birth on her own. Despite the fact that the caesarean section procedure takes a little time and in most cases proceeds without any features, in postoperative period the newly-made mother is under close attention of medical staff. As with normal childbirth, after a caesarean section, spotting occurs, which is an important diagnostic criterion mother's condition. So, what should be normal bloody discharge after a cesarean section?

I have bloody discharge from the genital tract after a caesarean. Everything is fine with me?

Bloody discharge from the vagina appears both after natural childbirth and after surgical delivery. As with conventional childbirth, during a caesarean section, the third stage of labor proceeds - the separation and release of the placenta.

For a long time, the uterus and placenta were a single whole, creating uterine-fetal-placental blood flow. Accordingly, the blood vessels in the uterine endometrium and placenta formed a single chain for the transfer of nutrients from mother to fetus. After the birth of the baby, the uterus shrinks in size, which leads to separation of the placenta from the endometrial wall. As a result, there is a rupture of many arteries, veins and capillaries. To prevent "leakage" and the development of massive internal bleeding, the uterine myometrium begins to actively contract, squeezing the lumen of the vessels.

As the uterus contracts and decreases in size, spotting appears after caesarean section, which gradually decrease in volume and completely disappear after about 1.5-2 months. With natural childbirth, this period is normally no more than 6 weeks.

Lochia is postpartum discharge from the genital tract, which consists of blood clots, the secretion of the internal glands of the vagina, dead endometrial cells and microparticles of the placenta.

Allocations after caesarean section: when, what, how much? We answer exciting questions.

When do bleeding occur after a caesarean section?

On the first day after the operation. Regardless of whether a woman gave birth on her own or not, the uterus is actively contracting in order to get rid of the contents and acquire its original size. Hence the appearance of copious bleeding after cesarean, often with blood clots.

How long does bleeding last after caesarean?

On average 6-8 weeks, depending on the course of the postpartum period.

IMPORTANT! Along with abundant and prolonged discharge from the genital tract, an alarming symptom is the abrupt cessation of lochia after a cesarean section, which may indicate blockage of the internal uterine os with a blood clot or a violation of the contractility of the uterus.

What should be normal bleeding after a cesarean section?

During the first week, lochia is quite abundant, bloody, has a bright red hue and a specific smell (rotten). The volume of blood loss per day can reach 500 ml, which means that the lining has to be changed every 1.5-2 hours.

IMPORTANT! During breastfeeding, the amount of discharge after a caesarean section increases. This is due to an increase in the contractile activity of the uterus due to the release of oxytocin when the baby sucks the breast.

Oxytocin is a hormone that activates the myocytes of the uterus, increasing its ability to contract. The more oxytocin, the better the uterus contracts.

Starting from the second week after caesarean section, spotting decreases, acquiring a more brownish tint.

IMPORTANT! In order to get up and walk a few steps after abdominal surgery, the woman in childbirth should make great efforts. However, this is extremely necessary, since getting out of bed early (but not earlier than 12 hours later) not only contributes to a good contraction of the uterus, but also prevents complications in the postoperative period (intestinal paresis, congestion in the lungs, thromboembolism, etc.). d.).

With the course of the postpartum period during caesarean section, bloody discharge becomes bloody-mucous, and by the end of the second month it practically disappears.

Bleeding after caesarean section. When is it time to sound the alarm?

In the postpartum period, bloody discharge from the genital tract is an important criterion, therefore, with the slightest suspicious change in lochia after a cesarean section, you should consult a doctor.

After cesarean bleeding. When should you be suspicious?

Lochia became excessively abundant, it becomes necessary to change the lining every hour (risk of developing hypotonic bleeding!).

If, after a cesarean section, bleeding has sharply decreased or stopped (duration less than 4-5 weeks).

For a long time, the nature of bleeding has not changed (normally, lochia becomes scarce over time, and then disappears altogether).

The discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor or color (yellow-green, dirty gray).

There were chills, fever, increased body temperature.

arose severe pain lower abdomen.

There were itching, irritation of the genital organs, bloody discharge with curdled patches (vaginal candidiasis).

IMPORTANT! A change in the color and smell of lochia after a cesarean section, along with a deterioration in well-being, may indicate the development of endometritis, an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity that is life-threatening for a woman. This state requires immediate hospitalization.

Breastfeeding on demand, intimate hygiene, timely emptying Bladder, moderate walking - these simple truths can help the uterus recover from a cesarean section, and it is easy for a woman to avoid serious complications associated with the transferred operation.

  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • Every fifth birth in Russia, according to statistics, is carried out by caesarean section. Therefore, the issues of recovery after such an operation for women are important.

    In this article, we will talk about how long bleeding lasts after surgery and what a woman needs to do to prevent complications.

    Causes and characteristics of discharge

    Postpartum discharge indicates the reverse development of the female reproductive organ. The uterus has grown 500 times during the period of bearing a child, the vessels of the placenta are firmly connected with its own blood vessels. This allowed the baby to receive the necessary nutrition and oxygen during fetal development.

    At surgical intervention the uterus of a woman is injured more than during natural physiological childbirth. First of all, we are talking about the incision of the tissues of the uterus itself, through which the surgeon gains access to the baby. The suturing of the uterine incision is another factor for enhancing discharge after a caesarean section.

    The doctor separates the placenta manually after the baby is removed. In this case, the vessels connecting the "children's place" with the uterus are injured, which is the reason for the subsequent bleeding.

    An enlarged uterus, when there is no need for such sizes, begins to shrink, and for a relatively a short time it will have to take almost the same size. This process also proceeds with an increase in secretions, which doctors call lochia.

    Discharge for the doctor is a sign of reverse involution of the uterus. According to them, an experienced doctor will be able to determine with great accuracy how this process proceeds, how well the recovery after the operation is going.

    In the first three days, blood usually predominates in the lochia, which comes from the damaged vessels of the placenta and the wound surface in the incision area. At laboratory research a large number of erythrocytes in the discharge is determined. blood clots in the discharge during this period - this is also completely normal.

    By the fifth day, lochia begin to contain serous serum, ichor. If you examine it under a microscope, it will be found that the discharge contains a huge amount of leukocytes, and dead cells of the uterine epithelium can also be observed in them. By the end of the first week after natural childbirth, cervical mucus appears in the secretions. After a caesarean section, during the same period, particles of surgical sutures may be found in the lochia, which are used to suture the cut wall of the uterus. These threads are self-absorbable, but their tips, which did not enter directly into the uterine tissue, are separated as the rest of the threads are absorbed and leave the uterine cavity in the traditional way - through the vagina.

    Compared with natural childbirth, it bleeds in the first days after surgical delivery is much stronger. You should not be afraid of this, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage to the uterus after surgery is much larger.

    Total blood loss depends on many factors - the presence or absence of complications, the weight and height of the woman.

    After natural childbirth, according to the BME (Big Medical Encyclopedia), a woman loses up to one and a half kilograms due to the discharge of lochia and uterine contraction. After caesarean, this number may be higher.

    Recovery time

    After the operation, you can get out of bed after 12 hours, but this should be done gradually. Excessive zeal and careless handling of the seams can lead to a divergence of the latter.

    During the first three days, the postpartum lining (sterile, maternity) is recommended to be changed every 3 hours. This is important not only from the point of view of hygienic necessity. Since the area of ​​damage to the uterus after surgery is larger, the risk of infection is also higher.

    By the discharge, which occurs on the fifth day, the woman no longer has scarlet blood secretions, erythrocytes and mucus are present in the lochia. The period of discharge lasts quite a long time - on average up to 8 weeks. That is how long it takes for the uterus to contract (after surgery, it contracts more slowly), as well as for healing and scarring of the incision area on the uterus.

    During the first days, reducing drugs are administered to the woman to avoid complications. Oxytocin accelerates uterine contractions, and after an injection for 10-15 minutes, a woman may notice that the discharge has become stronger.

    In addition to lochia control, medical workers be sure to monitor the body temperature of the puerperal, since it is her sharp increase at times that is the first signal of inflammation, infection. On the bypass, the doctor palpates the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall, and before discharge, it is mandatory to conduct a control ultrasound examination, which should confirm that the uterine cavity is clean and the contraction occurs in normal mode.

    A small amount of blood in the urine in the absence of complaints of pain during urination during the first five days after surgery is allowed.

    Norm and pathology

    After discharge, the woman controls the discharge herself. Taking care of a child, of course, will take a lot of time, but you should not forget about your own health.

    Normal discharge is moderate, homogeneous after 2 weeks of staying at home. With normal involution of the uterus, after about a month and a half, the discharge becomes mucous, yellowish, and then colorless. The mucus changes to normal vaginal secretion after a 2 month recovery period.

    Pathological discharge must be a reason to visit a doctor. These include the following situations:

    • profuse bleeding, which began suddenly after discharge from the maternity hospital, after the stage of serous lochia;
    • increased bleeding or blood "daub" against the background high temperature body;
    • earlier cessation of discharge (after 4-5 weeks);
    • prolonged discharge (after 9-10 weeks from the date of surgery);
    • heterogeneity of secretions, clots, "curdling" after discharge from the hospital;
    • any abdominal pain in combination with spotting.

    A woman in the postoperative recovery period needs Special attention pay attention to the color of the prominent lochia. If the discharge has become bright pink or orange, trauma to the internal tissues formed in the dissection zone is not excluded. This can happen if a couple begins to live sexually too early, contrary to prohibitions and restrictions, if a woman lifts weights.

    If the discharge has become green, gray, brownish, has an unpleasant odor, additional signs have appeared in the form of itching of the genital organs, it is necessary to be examined for infectious lesions. Yellow-green discharge may be a sign of inflammation of the endometrium. Liquid watery discharge in the recovery period is also an alarming sign that indicates a complication of the recovery process. In any of these cases, a woman should definitely visit a gynecologist to find the true cause of the problem and start treatment.

    How to behave - a reminder

    Discharge after a caesarean section is an inevitability that you will have to come to terms with.

    Don't lift weights

    For a woman who has undergone a serious abdominal operation (and a caesarean is just such an intervention), the concept of a serious one must change radically.

    The first days after the operation, it is not recommended to lift even a child if he weighs more than 3.5 kilograms. Up to six months in the process of recovery, a woman should not strain the anterior abdominal wall, carry bags with groceries, or lower the stroller with the child down the stairs on her own. The weight allowed for lifting is no more than 4-5 kilograms.

    Limit your intimate life

    Until the moment when the lochia is completely over, sex is contraindicated. Such a ban is associated, first of all, with the likelihood of infection. Even opportunistic microorganisms that can get into a woman's genital tract in the early recovery period can cause serious consequences for her health. Mechanical damage to the incision area on the uterus may also occur, since during orgasm and sexual arousal blood flow to the body increases.

    If this prohibition is not observed, the scar on the uterus may form insolvent, which will become a serious obstacle to carrying a subsequent pregnancy.

    The period of childbirth is a great test for a woman's body, despite the joy, she experiences great stress. Regardless of whether it was a natural or artificial birth, in any case, the process of restoring the uterus must go through. During it, discharge from the genitals appears, due to their color, smell and volume, it is possible to determine the state of health of the woman in labor.

    The caesarean section procedure involves only the removal of the baby and the placenta, the internal mucous membrane of the body of the uterus is cleaned spontaneously with the help of lochia - secretions in the form of mucus with blood impurities and particles of uterine tissue.

    After artificial childbirth, special attention should be paid to the discharge, since after the operation the likelihood of inflammation and infections increases. In the article, we will talk about how long the discharge after a cesarean section lasts, which discharges are considered the norm, and which ones signal deviations.

    In the first days after artificial childbirth, lochia with clots of thickened blood, bright red in color, are released, they stand out in fairly large quantities. The volume of secretions may increase during the application of the baby to the breast. Attaching the baby to the breast stimulates the production of oxytocin, which stimulates intense contraction of the uterus. This causes pain and increases the intensity of the discharge.

    Over time, after about a week, the amount of discharge decreases. They are thick in consistency and mostly smearing. They can last for 14 days, especially when the child is bottle-fed, because during the period of breastfeeding, the recovery processes of the uterus are much faster.

    Over time, the lochia should become more light color or transparent, in consistency they resemble mucous secretions. After two months, the discharge should become ordinary leucorrhea, such a development of discharge is considered the norm and indicates that the woman is healthy and the recovery processes have passed without deviations.

    anxiety symptoms

    If the recovery period passes without discharge from the genital organs, this is the reason for urgently seeking help from a specialist. The reasons for this may be:

    • convulsive contraction of the cervix;
    • deviation of the uterus relative to the cervix, as well as its deviation from correct location in the pelvis;
    • rapid closure of the uterus.

    All of the above blocks the outflow of blood and contributes to its accumulation in the uterine cavity.

    Also, lochia can stand out quite long time, while there is no reduction in their abundance, containing blood. In addition, they can be with clumps of green or yellow color is cause for concern. Such secretions may have an unpleasant smell, similar to the smell of rot.

    Accompanied by discharge elevated temperature body and heart rate. This may indicate the development of an inflammatory process of the internal mucous membrane of the body of the uterus - because of this, it may begin inflammatory process incision - or the presence foreign body in the body.

    Unfortunately, there are cases when, after surgery, foreign objects enter the body. Need to limit physical exercise, as this can cause the sutures to diverge, which will lead to profuse bleeding.

    There are cases when intense discharge stops abruptly, and reappears after a while. If such a situation arises, it is necessary to contact the doctor for an additional examination and re-ultrasound examination. There is a possibility that the placenta was not completely removed, and part remained in the uterus.

    The remaining particles of the placenta prevent the detachment of the uterine mucosa and cause the process of decay. This may be accompanied purulent secretions yellow color, elevated body temperature, heavy bleeding and painful sensations lower abdomen. In such cases, resort to the procedure for removing the upper layer of the uterine mucosa.

    Approximately 10 days after artificial birth, the discharge becomes lighter, in the form of stretching mucus, has a yellowish tint. It indicates the presence of in large numbers whites blood cells which is the body's natural defense against infectious diseases.

    Quite often, thrush worries during recovery. The first signs of thrush are uncomfortable sensations of a painful tickling nature on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

    Sometimes the discharge can last for two months. They often turn to specialists with such a problem: spotting appeared a month and a half after childbirth. Such discharge is the usual for all women menstruation.

    When the baby is breastfed, the first menstruation after childbirth appears after six months, and sometimes more. If menstruation began after 4 weeks, then this may indicate a violation of uterine contraction.

    When discharges with blood impurities continue for two months, and there are no placental particles in the uterine cavity, this can lead to a catastrophic decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, which disrupts the function of transporting oxygen in the body.

    Insignificant discharge, which has a brown tint, replacing spotting, indicates the completion of the recovery period after a caesarean section.

    The main causes of prolonged bleeding can be:

    • particles of the placenta remaining in the uterine cavity;
    • lumps of mucous membrane or blood.

    In some cases, all this remains in the uterine cavity and cannot come out, especially with poor contraction of the uterus or its narrow neck. Being in the uterine cavity, the process of decay begins, which causes heavy bleeding. In such cases, bleeding is accompanied by other symptoms:

    • low blood pressure;
    • tachycardia;
    • increased body temperature;
    • low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

    If the recovery process after childbirth was accompanied by secretions of lochia, which had an unpleasant odor, an unusual color and were with purulent impurities, then you should immediately contact a specialist. You need to be careful and monitor changes in discharge, any alarming deviations are a reason for an emergency visit to the hospital. To avoid complications during the recovery period, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene and all the doctor's advice.

    Hygiene after artificial childbirth

    The recovery period after a caesarean section is, like pregnancy itself, an unusual state for a woman's body. On average after 6-8 weeks internal organs return to normal and become the same as they were before pregnancy. It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene in order to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

    After a caesarean section, the recovery period lasts a little longer, this is due to the fact that sutures were placed on the uterus during the surgical intervention. It takes longer for the uterus to contract because it contracts much more slowly. During the first week after caesarean section, it is necessary to treat with disinfectants.

    After processing the seams, glue the bandage. Basically, the stitches are removed on the sixth or seventh day after the caesarean section. And only after the stitches are removed, the woman in labor is discharged from the hospital and released home. At home, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

    When taking a shower, it is forbidden to press on the seam, and it is also forbidden to use washcloths and shower sponges, it is best to use intimate hygiene gel or baby soap. To avoid problems with scar healing, you must follow the simplest requirements:

    • do not lift heavy objects;
    • wash your hands regularly so as not to bring the infection into an unhealed wound;
    • it is forbidden to perform sudden movements and strain the muscles of the press;