Discharge after caesarean section. The nature and duration of discharge after caesarean section

As with natural childbirth, after caesarean section(COP) the female body must cleanse itself. Most young women in labor think that a successful recovery period is only about healing the stitches, this is not so. During a cesarean section, the surgeon removes only the fetus and placenta, the endometrium must come out on its own, naturally. Therefore, after the operation, it is worth waiting for abundant discharge - this natural process for the body of women. Let's see how long they last and how it should be normal.

How many days does the discharge last

Lochia is a discharge that comes from the vagina after childbirth. Immediately after the operation, the lochia is quite abundantly allocated. blood clots rich color, and may be most abundant if the woman is breastfeeding her baby. The fact is that during the sucking of milk by a child, a lot of oxytocin is released in the body, which contributes to an intensive contraction of the uterus. This can cause pain in the lower abdomen and lead to increased bleeding. Abundant discharge continues for half an hour after feeding the baby, after which they return to their usual volume.

After operative delivery, the duration of discharge can be from 4 to 6 weeks. This period is enough for the body to fully return to normal. The only exception in this case may be complications during surgery:

  • damage to adjacent organs;
  • retention of parts of the placenta.

All this leads to the development uterine bleeding. In these situations, the discharge can last much longer.

When there are no complications, the first seven days of the postpartum period are abundant spotting with clots. Gradually, the rejection passes, and the discharge becomes smearing, thick consistency. This condition can last for several weeks, especially if the baby is not breastfed. As a rule, a mother who feeds her baby with her milk recovers faster after a caesarean section. After a certain period of time, the lochia becomes sanious, less abundant and gradually brightens. After 6-8 weeks, healthy woman are observed.

Characteristics of normal lochia:

  • plentiful in the first days;
  • a gradual decrease in the volume of discharge in the postpartum period;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • without impurities of pus;
  • without discomfort(itching, burning, severe pain);
  • go against the background of normal body temperature.

More details can be found in the table below:

It's important to know: after a caesarean section, all women must be transferred to intensive care, where they are observed during the day. Not only pressure or temperature is checked, but also the nature and abundance of bleeding from the vagina. This observation makes it possible to identify possible complications after surgery (including hypotension of the uterus, infection, etc.).

Unlike normal labor, after surgical extraction of the fetus, the uterus needs additional artificial stimulation for a full contraction. Usually, special medications are prescribed for this.

Deviations from the norm

Allocations in women sometimes go less or more than the standard period. The reasons for the pronounced intensity of lochia after childbirth or cesarean section are completely dependent on the contractile activity of the uterus. If the woman in labor is healthy and deviations from the norm are observed, then you should be alert and find out the cause of the failure.

  • Abrupt ending or small amount of discharge

If the lochia went intensively, but stopped abruptly, then you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist. This situation may mean that the uterus is filled with blood clots, which prevents it from fully contracting. Untimely access to a gynecologist and refusal of therapy can lead to endometritis.

  • Longer than usual or large volume of discharge

Abundant discharge, the duration of which exceeds 6-8 weeks after childbirth, deserves the close attention of specialists. In this case, it is best to call ambulance. Abundant discharge, exceeding the norm, may indicate the development of hypotonic bleeding. The cause of abundant and prolonged discharge can also be the retention of parts of the placenta.

It's important to know: Frequent sanitary pad changes (more than once an hour) means bleeding. Required urgent help doctor.

Alarm symptoms:

  • very weak or very intense and prolonged discharge (out of time);
  • sudden cessation of discharge;
  • a sharp increase in secretions;
  • strong pain lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor (rotten fish, etc.);
  • impurities of pus in the discharge;
  • the appearance of watery transparent discharge;
  • detection of blood impurities in urine and feces;
  • the occurrence of itching, burning and other discomfort (a sign of thrush, bacterial vaginosis or other infections);
  • increase in body temperature.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Bad smell along with discharge

A certain number of women after childbirth after a short time may observe an unpleasant odor from lochia. If the discharge comes with an unpleasant odor, this indicates the development of endometritis - inflammation of the uterus. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Purulent discharge that has an unpleasant odor, as well as yellow or green, can speak not only about inflammation of the uterus as a result of infection. After giving birth, after 1-3 weeks, a woman's body can reject foreign objects that remain in the female reproductive organ due to the negligence of doctors. Leftover tampons, bandages, or metal objects can cause inflammation and cause bleeding.

yellow discharge

Yellow discharge after childbirth appears for various reasons:

  • pale yellow discharge with a sanious element - the norm two or three weeks after childbirth;
  • bright red discharge may indicate a delay in parts of the fetal egg;
  • abundant yellow-green lochia indicates inflammation of the uterus.

If the discharge is green, then you need to contact a gynecologist. This phenomenon indicates an inflammatory process in the cavity of the female organ.

If the discharge becomes profuse bloody again, you should also see a doctor. This condition occurs when parts of the placenta are retained. Do not delay the inspection for a long time, any violation should be observed by an experienced specialist.

If lochia does not end for a long time and persists for 8 weeks after childbirth, it is worth doing an ultrasound. This symptom also indicates the development of complications.

Hygiene after caesarean section

For a quick and proper recovery of the body, you need to follow some tips:

  • do not allow loads and sudden movements;
  • constant hand hygiene is necessary;
  • the seam should be processed after each visit to the shower, wiped only with disposable towels;
  • wear loose underwear;
  • use only special means for intimate hygiene (no soap);
  • change sanitary napkins more often;
  • You can not use tampons until the lochia stops.

Long-lasting discharge can gradually turn into menstrual bleeding. Menstruation after caesarean section begins after 2 months (in the event that a woman does not feed a child breast milk). The doctor will be able to distinguish menstruation from prolonged lochia after examining the patient.

Let's summarize how much lochia goes in the norm. Intense lochia immediately after childbirth or a caesarean section that is red-brown in color with clots is the norm. Gradually fading and moderate lochia for 7-21 days is also the norm. If there are deviations in timing, intensity, color or smell, you should contact a gynecologist.

The involution of the pelvic organs and the birth canal after caesarean section takes longer than after natural childbirth. Because of the seam on the wall, the uterus contracts less. For this reason, discharge after caesarean section has some features.

All the difficulties of the postpartum period after a caesarean section suggest that a woman should especially carefully monitor the amount, color changes and smell of lochia.

After separation of the placenta in the uterus, an open wound surface is formed at the site of its attachment. Blood vessels bleed very heavily in the first days after childbirth. Lochia is aggravated during walking, changing position and physical activity.

  • In the first 2-3 days, the discharge is very abundant, up to 150-200 ml per day. Bloody, scarlet in color with clots.
  • After 1 week, the lochia become sanious, brown-brown.
  • After 2 weeks, the volume of lochia decreases. In color, they turn brown with an admixture of mucus.
  • After 5 weeks, the lochia gradually disappears. Smearing yellow-mustard color.
  • After a month and a half, the discharge becomes transparent or white color. At this time, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist. Undergo a gynecological examination and choose a method of protection.

In place of the wound surface, the growth of leukocytes, granulocytes, macrophages is activated. These cells become a protective barrier against infection and inflammation. Thanks to this natural defense mechanism, the uterine cavity remains sterile in the first days after childbirth.

When to See a Doctor

A woman after CS should especially monitor the amount, color and smell of postpartum discharge. And if some features are found, then you need to consult a doctor so as not to start inflammatory process.

Here's what to look out for:

  1. If the discharge in the first days after childbirth is too scarce (less than 100 ml per day). This happens after elective CS operations, when the cervix was not ajar at the time of delivery. Therefore, the uterus is poorly emptied and postpartum lochia lingers inside. It is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, to check whether the cervical canal is dilated, whether there are blood clots in the uterine cavity.
  2. If the discharge is too profuse (more than 300 ml), or the lochia is bloody and scarlet for more than 2 weeks. This may be due to a violation of blood clotting, rupture of the suture on the uterus.
  3. If the lochia after caesarean section stopped earlier than after 3 weeks. This situation is fraught with the fact that blood clots remain in the uterine cavity. They can lead to an inflammatory process. Too long postpartum discharge (longer than 10 weeks) also does not mean anything good. This may indicate a protracted inflammatory process.
  4. If the discharge has impurities of pus at any time of postpartum recovery. This may mean that an acute infectious and inflammatory process develops in the uterine cavity, endometritis or suppuration of the suture on the uterine stack. It is urgent to consult a doctor if the body temperature is above 39 degrees, palpation pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. If the discharge is white curdled, then this indicates thrush, dysbacteriosis. Which often occurs after antibiotic therapy, which is carried out after a caesarean section.

Hygiene after caesarean section

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene will help to avoid complications associated with postpartum discharge. And the knowledge of what contributes to the active cleansing of the uterus will help get rid of lochia.

Wash yourself after every visit to the toilet using an intimate hygiene product.

Change pads every 2-3 hours. First use postpartum pads for the first few days.

HB contributes to the rapid removal of lochia from the uterus due to oxytocin, which is released during sucking.

During movement, the uterus contracts more actively. Therefore, after a caesarean section, it is recommended to get up as early as possible and move from the first day after the operation.

The outflow of lochia after a caesarean section is slower than after a natural birth. It creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the uterine cavity. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor how long the discharge after cesarean section lasts, and what character they have.

Every woman who has given birth to a child artificially is interested in what the discharge should be like after a cesarean section, how long they last, and in what cases it is worth alerting. A caesarean section is a major surgical intervention, so a woman has a hard time in the postoperative period. The recovery period, even for a healthy body, as a rule, takes much longer than if the birth of a child occurred naturally. A caesarean section is considered a difficult birth. For this reason, the hospital postpartum period in this case should be extended. With a caesarean section, it is 60 days, and with a normal birth - 40.

It is worth noting that the recovery period of the body, regardless of what the birth was, cannot pass without uterine discharge. In medicine, they are called lochia. They represent the separated endometrium, which comes out in the form of clots, as well as the blood that appears from the wound formed during the separation of the placenta.

After childbirth, which required surgical intervention, there must be selections. Here the situation is no different from natural childbirth. However, after surgery, they need to pay closer attention. The fact is that surgery does not always go smoothly. It is possible that a woman who has had a caesarean section will develop inflammation or an infection. Given that in the case of a caesarean section, the situation is aggravated by an additional source of bleeding, namely a scar on the uterus, the postoperative period can be extremely difficult. By the nature of the discharge, one can understand whether pathological processes occur in the uterus or everything is normal. Therefore, a woman should carefully monitor herself in the postpartum period.

Normal discharge after childbirth

The first postpartum week is characterized by an abundance of lochia, which come out with bright red clots. In the second week after surgery, red-brown discharge can be noted. During this period, their number is noticeably reduced compared to the first postpartum days.

For the entire period after childbirth, which took place with surgery, the amount of discharge from a woman averages 1 liter. If lochia after a caesarean section comes out at first in a large volume, then with each subsequent day they should become significantly smaller, and then they completely disappear.

A woman also has mucous discharge after a caesarean section of a yellowish color. After a natural birth or after a caesarean section, this is normal. As a rule, this type of discharge occurs in the last 10 days of the postpartum period.

The smell of secretions is of great importance. It can be used to determine the development of bacteria or infection in a woman's body. In the first 4 days after the birth of a child, a woman may notice lochia with a spicy smell. FROM medical point vision is quite normal. If, after the operation, the smell of discharge has become unpleasant, with a clear tinge of rot, this in most cases means that an inflammatory process has begun in the body. Such a symptom should be a signal to seek help from specialists.

Women in the postpartum period should not worry about the fact that they have a discharge. Many young mothers believe that the consequences of a caesarean section end with the fact that the uterine and vaginal cavity is cleaned by a doctor. In fact, this is not so, because the obstetrician-gynecologist only helps the baby to be born and the placenta to appear. However, curettage of the uterus does not occur, so the endometrium is not removed. This procedure is not only pointless, but also extremely traumatic, so it will be superfluous for a woman’s body that is tired after the birth of a baby.

At the same time, in the body of a young mother, everything is arranged in such a way that the extra epithelium is able to come out on its own. If this does not happen, then the reproductive system will not be able to function normally. For this reason, do not panic when discharge appears. If their number and duration is normal, there is no reason to worry.

Red discharge - good or bad?

As mentioned above, in any childbirth, a woman leaves the body for the first time with lochia. The norm is clots of saturated red color. If they stand out in a fairly large volume in the first days and do not have a sharp unpleasant odor, then in female body everything is fine.

Blood discharge after a caesarean section, they may increase if the woman breastfeeds the baby. The fact is that during this period, oxytocin begins to be released. This hormone can cause uterine contractions. This causes pain in this area and, accordingly, increased bleeding. Moreover, when breastfeeding a child, there is a significant increase in physical activity, since the mother needs to get up and take the baby in her arms. Because of this, lochia becomes abundant.

About a week after the caesarean section, the discharge becomes very scarce. After almost all of the endometrium has left the uterus, the lochia will become thick, and then completely disappear.

A young mother should not worry if the duration of the discharge is up to several weeks. At the same time, how much the discharge goes after a cesarean section is affected by whether the woman will feed the baby with a mixture. In the first case, the discharge should completely disappear in the second postpartum week.

About a month after the baby is born, the discharge should become light and clear. There is a kind of mucus without blood impurities. Further, in a healthy woman, postpartum discharge turns into standard leucorrhea.

If a young mother has no discharge after a cesarean section, this cannot be a reason for joy. Moreover, this is a clear signal that one cannot do without the help of a specialist.

After childbirth, the uterus must be cleansed in order to continue to function normally. If this does not happen, the cause may be in the bend of the uterus or cervical spasm. In addition, the uterus could completely close, which is also bad, since blood begins to accumulate inside the organ.


If the discharge after cesarean section is bloody, very abundant and at the same time observed for an excessively long time, this is also a reason to consult a doctor. These alarming symptoms indicate that the uterus does not want to contract. A cause for concern is also discharge with greenish or yellow clots, an unpleasant rotten smell.

If, against the background of suspicious discharge, a woman has symptoms such as a strong heartbeat and heat body, this indicates that the inflammatory process is progressing in the body. This can happen with problems with the surgical suture and due to the negligence of doctors who could forget any foreign object in the woman's body.

Resumption of discharge

In medical practice, there are also cases when a woman has no discharge at all in the first postpartum days. However, on the 7-10th day they suddenly appear. This is an occasion to go for an ultrasound and examine the pelvic organs.

The fact is that in a young mother, the placenta can get stuck in the uterus. The remains of the placenta begin to rot, which makes it difficult for the exit of the endometrium. As a result, there may be a high body temperature, abnormal discharge and severe pain in the lower abdomen. This problem is solved by surgical cleaning or curettage of the uterus. Medical treatment In this case, it brings only a temporary result.

In the second week after the caesarean section, the color and consistency of the discharge changes, they should become light with a yellowish tinge.

Yellow color is given by leukocytes, which are quite a lot in the liquid. These discharges after caesarean section are also considered normal. Thus, the body is protected from infections that can penetrate from the external environment.


After a caesarean section, young mothers often develop thrush. Such a pathology is accompanied by itching in the vagina and burning in this area.

Menstruation after caesarean

It is considered normal for a woman to have postpartum discharge for two months. It is possible that after that blood will come out of the vagina again. In this case, do not worry, as this is part of the recovery period for the body. Blood discharge two months after giving birth indicates that the woman has started her period.


For those mothers who feed their babies with a mixture, menstruation begins much earlier than for women who decide to breastfeed their children. In the latter case, menstruation can begin six months after childbirth.

As mentioned above, discharge in the postpartum period is the norm. During this period, a woman should use special hygiene products.


In the hospital, it is recommended to use special diapers. They are very convenient in cases where there is a lot of selection. In addition, it can be difficult to determine the nature of the discharge on the pads, which means it is difficult to identify the possible development of the disease.

As for tampons, it is strictly forbidden to use them in the postpartum period. Moreover, many gynecologists insist that a woman in the first days after childbirth completely refuse to wear underwear.

Regardless of the process of childbirth - whether the birth occurred naturally, or by the method of abdominal surgery, postpartum discharge, or lochia, will be observed without fail. And until the accumulated slag is completely washed out of the fallopian tubes, muco-bloody clots will be released from the vagina.

The time period of how long discharge can go after cesarean - purely individual factor. It is directly related to the recovery process inside the uterus. This is practically its twenty-fold decrease, and complete regeneration of tissues. But before the inner epithelial layer of the uterus begins its recovery, it needs to clean the wound surface, reject particles of the placenta and dead epithelium that was not removed during the operation.

The period of discharge of the postpartum secret consists of four stages, gradually replacing each other.

  1. Postoperative, lasting about a week. In the normal course of the process, voluminous bright red, burgundy and even scarlet masses containing bloody-mucous clots are observed.
  2. 7-8, possibly 10 days after delivery, the second stage begins. It is accompanied by low-volume brownish spotting lochia. Blood clots are not observed, and bloody substances can be present only in the form of small inclusions.
  3. The third and longest stage, lasting about 4-5 weeks. The amount of inactive secretions is insignificant, and, nevertheless, they are daily, but slightly “smeared”. The presence of blood streaks is practically absent, and the shade of the rejected substance becomes brownish. A month later, the lochia becomes yellowish. This suggests that a huge number of leukocytes have joined the work to restore the mucosa in order to prevent possible bacterial damage to the young epithelial tissue of the uterine wall.
  4. Appearance of clear mucus indicates that the internal suture was healed after the operation, and the intrauterine postpartum recovery process was completed.

In total, the period of physiological contraction, including scarring of the internal suture and regeneration of the uterine mucosa, can be from seven to nine weeks. This is exactly the period after cesarean, how long the discharge lasts during normal healing, without deviations or pathologies.


Each organism is individual, and the duration of the postpartum recovery period for each woman may sometimes not coincide with the statistics. According to the average terms of lochia discharge, the period from 7 to 9 weeks is considered the norm.

But if a woman at the sixth week after surgery completely stops the withdrawal of the postpartum secret, or, conversely, at the 10th week, the vaginal masses still continue to come out, and there are no changes in the composition, shade, density, or manifestation of an unpleasant odor, then this not considered a cause for concern. But it is still necessary to inform the doctor about such deviations.

Any changes in status or appearance lochia, other than the norm, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist.


  • The duration of the first stage exceeds a week.
  • Sudden cessation of profuse discharge of lochia.
  • The duration of lochia is less than five weeks, as well as their length is more than 10 weeks after cesarean.
  • Small amount of released substance.
  • Abundant withdrawal of secretion, up to 8 weeks from the moment of childbirth.

Each of the points is fraught with a certain amount of danger. So, it is necessary to control how much bloody discharge and their volume go after cesarean section. Small amount may indicate that dead endometrium (according to various reasons) cannot leave the body. The causes of stagnation should be established by the doctor, since the risk of suppuration of the non-rejected substance is high. Prolonged discharge may indicate the onset of endometritis or another infectious process that has affected the abdominal cavity.

A dangerous condition is considered a sudden cessation of secretions, there comes a pause, and after a short break, literally in a few days, lochia is formed again. This picture indicates pathological deviations from the process of restoration of the uterus.

The nature of lochia, or what should be the discharge after cesarean section

For all the time of the postpartum recovery period, a number of changes occur in the nature of the released substance. At first, lochia comes off profusely, and looks like bloody clots. This is due to the fact that the entire inner surface of the uterus is a vast open bleeding wound.

The ongoing healing process contributes to characteristic changes, and the lochia acquires a mucus-like appearance with inclusions from dead epithelium and other postpartum slag.

What should be the normal discharge after cesarean

The presence of blood, as well as clots in the lochia for a week, gradually stops in 7-8 days. This is considered the norm. If an admixture of mucus is observed in the masses released from the vagina, this is also considered normal, since mucus is a waste product of the fetus inside the womb.

A month after the operation, the lochia should turn a pinkish color, indicating that the healing process is close to completion, but not yet fully completed. By the end of 7-8 weeks, the color of lochia changes to brownish, and they resemble normal menstrual flow in consistency.


Appearing "suddenly", a month after surgery, a bright pink hue of the substance released from the vagina may be the result of early intimate relationships, when a thin layer of young epithelium is injured.


  • Be wary of watery, almost clear secretions . A similar phenomenon is characteristic of circulatory disorders, when a transudate comes out - a liquid secret of the lymphatic and blood vessels.
  • Unpleasant smell of transparent lochia, reeking of rotten fish, indicates that a woman develops gardnerellosis - vaginal dysbacteriosis. This is the most characteristic symptom diseases.
  • The most unpleasant, requiring immediate treatment, are considered purulent discharge . They occur with infectious inflammation of the mucosa, and they are characterized by a very unpleasant odor. As a rule, the secreted substance is colored yellowish-greenish, general state depressed and accompanied subfebrile temperature. A woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the perineum when exerted.


The course of the process of healing and restoration of the uterus can be judged by the shade of the expiring masses as a whole. Immediately after surgery - blood-red lochia. And almost at the end of the recovery period, they begin to acquire brownish hues.

The process of restoring the uterine wall after childbirth ends with a smearing substance, very reminiscent of ordinary menstruation. Only the duration of such "monthly" is about two months, not several days.

Yellow vaginal discharge after cesarean testifies to many things:

  • The poor talk about normal healing pale yellowish discharge with a characteristic secret odor, lasting 14-21 days.
  • Also considered normal black painless and short-lived lochia that is expelled immediately after surgery. They are associated with hormonal change blood after childbirth. But if a similar phenomenon is observed after a certain period of time after the operation, it is already considered a deviation from the norm.
  • Selection bright yellow lochia, closer to orange, with an admixture of greenery and an unpleasant putrefactive odor, indicates the initial stage of endometritis.
  • Abundant yellow slime in the discharge indicates an advanced form of endometritis.
  • expelled foul-smelling masses of green color indicate the presence of pus in them. Consequently, an infectious infection occurred, and an inflammatory process began to develop in the uterus. Diagnosis is carried out exclusively by a doctor, and on the basis of clinical picture prescribes treatment.
  • Lochia white do not pose a threat, if there are no pathologies - itching and foci of redness in the perineum, as well as curdled discharge with a predominance of sour-musty smell.


Another important factor indicating normal healing and recovery of the uterine wall in the postoperative period is the volume of lochia. Deviations should include both a small and short-term amount of ejected bloody masses, and a plentiful one, lasting more than 8-10 days.

In the first case, there is a threat of clogging of the uterine ducts. This phenomenon may indicate that blood clots have formed in the ducts. Prolonged, abundant lochia, the body signals the impossibility of independently carrying out the recovery process. The cause that led to the pathology can only be established by a doctor.

The presence of any smell that is different from the natural one, as well as the manifestation of bright shades of lochia, is often the only symptom indicating a significant deviation from the norm of the recovery process, and a woman should be very careful about such signals.

Hygiene procedures after cesarean

Throughout postoperative period associated with the recovery phase, it is very important to take good care of your body:

  • daily change the bandage at the site of the seam;
  • replace shower procedures with wiping with a damp towel until the seam heals, and only after that you can take a shower;

  • necessary regular washing with warm water of the perineal area, at the same time, you need to carefully wipe the external genitalia every time you visit the toilet room;
  • use hygroscopic diapers, not pads, in the first 14 days after caesarean, and change them often;
  • at the second stage, when the lochia is no longer so abundant, you can switch to pads, changing them every three, maximum four hours;
  • it is strongly not recommended to use tampons, as well as special gels for intimate places containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), or its analogues.

When should you see a doctor

  • With a sharp change in the volume of secretions.
  • If profuse bleeding continuously observed for more than 8 weeks.
  • In the presence of pain in the lower abdomen, and if the pain progresses every day.
  • When itching occurs in the perineum.
  • With high body temperature, hypotension(low pressure), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), anemia (cold skin).

Factors to Consider

  • For better uterine contraction simply need to wear a postpartum bandage.
  • Simple physical exercises in the prone position also contribute to the contraction of the uterine wall.
  • Favorably affects the process of recovery of the uterus regular bowel movements and, of course, the bladder.


At the end of pregnancy and childbirth, regardless of which way they occurred - naturally or by caesarean section, the uterus should recover. How the uterus is restored, what processes occur in a woman's body after an operative birth, and how many days the discharge takes after a cesarean, is discussed in detail in this informational video.

Additional Information

  • It is very important to choose proper diet after abdominal surgery. Ask what components must be included in the menu of a woman who gave birth by caesarean.
  • Familiarize yourself with a set of exercises and methods, sections.
  • Very important information - what are the sections, and how to avoid the formation of adhesions.
  • Find out how soon we will allow, and what needs to be considered in intimate relationships after childbirth.
  • For those who lead an active lifestyle, you should clearly know what early exercise stress on the body of a woman who has recently given birth.

Tell us about your experience and feelings after the operation. What else does a woman who has given birth through surgery need to know? What are the main difficulties she faces in the first postoperative days? Can you reveal the secret why caesarean section is not considered by doctors as an alternative to natural childbirth?

Some women notice brown discharge that begins to appear after childbirth. Undoubtedly, this scares new moms. This is especially true of those secretions that come out with blood clots. Allocations of this nature in medicine are called lochia. The clots are made up of endometrial particles that have died off, as well as plasma and placental cells. When should one be afraid of these secretions, and in what period are they considered normal, and in which not?

Discharge after childbirth after 2 months: causes and solutions

We note right away that with the discharge that appeared after the birth process, the uterus begins to make contractions in an enhanced form. How long this process will be depends on the individuality of each organism. After a woman has given birth, her body undergoes self-cleansing and at the same time it gets rid of the remnants of tissues and mucus. Those who have already passed this period know that it is with the contraction of the uterus that involution occurs and the stomach begins to decrease.

The uterus should be cleansed for a period of not more than 2 months. Be sure to pay attention during the entire postpartum period to the nature and duration of the discharge. Remember that they can change their color. Initially, the discharge looks more like menstruation, but it can change its color to yellowish-white, while it should not have a characteristic smell.

If the body recovers normally, then the discharge from the uterine area stops after 4 weeks. It is considered normal if by this time only smearing spots sometimes appear. Rarely, but it happens that the process is delayed for 6 weeks.

If the process of uterine contraction is delayed, then you should take it to the clinic to see a doctor who, through ultrasound, will be able to identify the cause.

The consequences can be different, there are 6 reasons for a prolonged discharge:

  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus;
  • Formation of a fibrous node;
  • Uterine infantilism;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • There was a bend of the organ;
  • The placenta did not come out completely.

In the latter case, a complete gynecological diagnosis and cleaning of the uterus in the mode of stationary observation is required. The presence of a characteristic odor in the discharge can also be dangerous. This is a signal that the inflammatory process has begun. Since postpartum discharge is considered an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, if abnormalities are found, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Brown discharge after childbirth after 3 months

As mentioned above, postpartum discharge is typical for a period of up to 6 weeks, but this is a rare case. If the discharge does not stop 12 weeks after the baby was born, then it may be menstruation or the formation of an inflammatory process. The nature of the discharge is very important, they can be dark or light beige, but if you see black discharge, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If you notice the discharge is white and mucus predominates in them, then this may be postpartum thrush. If there are few of them and they are mostly transparent, then you should not be afraid, these secretions are considered quite natural. A lingering discharge that has neither color nor smell in most cases means the period of ovulation.

If a woman does not breast-feeding, then after 3 months she can normalize menstrual cycle, and the selection will mean the arrival of critical days. Standard menstruation will be accompanied by all known symptoms, these are pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, as well as hypersensitivity chest.

If bleeding is accompanied elevated temperature, severe malaise, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

After 3 months, only those that do not bring discomfort, are colorless and odorless are considered the norm of discharge. In other situations, you need to go to the hospital and do an ultrasound to find out everything about the state of your body.

What does brown discharge after childbirth testify after 1 month

After 4 weeks of your baby being born, spotting will change to brown. This will indicate that fresh blood is not released, but only the remnant of the old comes out.

Sometimes dark brown discharge may be accompanied by white or yellow mucus. This also indicates that the uterine cavity is returning to normal.

Allocations should not give you discomfort, and their amount should be insignificant. The difference after 4 weeks will be noticeable.

Before the lochia has finished exiting, the uterus will have reached its normal size, and the inside will be covered with a mucous membrane. It is considered normal if in a month you will still have spotting, the most important thing is that there are not many of them and they are not accompanied by symptoms of the disease.

Can there be brown discharge after cesarean section: normal or pathological

No reason to panic a quick ending or vice versa long discharge, approximately 10 weeks. Yes, the deadline has already gone beyond, but it should be noted that each organism is special. If you do not observe an unpleasant odor or a large number of lochia, then there is no reason to think about deviations. Although it is better to consult with your gynecologist.

Be careful, there is a special reason for joy if the discharge ended almost immediately after childbirth. Such a quick result often indicates the appearance of an inflammatory process that requires cleaning.

It is imperative to consult a doctor if the terms are out of the norm. This is a period or less than 5 weeks or more than 11-12. Both the first and the second indicator are dangerous.

In the first case, perhaps the endometrium for some reason could not come out and there is a chance of suppuration. In the second option, an inflammatory process or endometritis can begin.

Why brown discharge occurs after childbirth (video)

Now, after reading our article, you know how much the discharge goes and when a woman need not worry. Carefully follow the deadlines to know if the process dragged on, went too fast, or continues to go within the normal range. In any case, at the slightest premonition that something was wrong, it is better to consult a doctor, no matter how much you would like it, in order to undergo the necessary treatment if necessary.