The foot is very itchy. Why do feet itch

Why do the feet itch at night and what are the causes of itchy skin near the heel? Although a wide variety of dermatological conditions can cause itchy skin at night, it is most commonly caused by dry skin.

Xerosis is the most common condition in winter when there is little moisture in the air. This state is not serious and can be treated with moisturizers.

If itchy skin at night is chronic or accompanied by a rash, inflammation, or scaling, another condition may be the cause.

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Why do feet itch - reasons

Infections, kidney disease, hormonal conditions, and some types of cancer can cause itchy skin. Careful medical checkup and special blood tests can help determine the cause of the problem. Treatment in this case can be prescribed by a dermatologist who specializes in skin diseases.

Allergic dermatitis

allergic dermatitis ( contact dermatitis ) occurs when a person comes into contact with an irritating lotion, soap, chemicals, plants, or even jewelry. Itchy skin at night can be very annoying.

Laundry detergent or bleach for washing or washing bedding can also be a source of irritant influence. It is possible that a person may suddenly develop an allergy to certain chemicals, even if he has used them many times in the past.

Cosmetic products or plants (eg ivy) can cause allergies.

Bed bugs and fleas

Bed bugs are small, blood-feeding insects that can appear in homes, hostels, or hotels. Mattresses are a favorite hiding place for bed bugs and their eggs. At night, the insects bite and feed on the blood of their hosts.

Even clean and spotless homes can get bed bugs as these tiny insects move freely through walls and pipes. Bed bugs leave mosquito-like skin lesions, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.

Fleas can also be the culprit behind why itchy feet. Most often they live in carpets, on the floor of your house. Red bumps, hives, and intense itching can appear once you become sensitive to flea bites. If other family members and pets are itchy and scratchy, you should consider fleas as possible culprits.

chronic diseases

Up to 50 percent of older people have itchy skin at night. This may be due to serious chronic disease such as Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic liver disease, or kidney failure. 30% of patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma reported severe and chronic itchy skin.

Approximately 25% of patients with chronic kidney failure have itchy skin. People with a poorly functioning liver may also experience itching. skin at night due to accumulation bile acids on the surface of the skin.

Itchy skin on the bottom of the legs can be close to being tortured. There are quite a few possible reasons. Your dermatologist can help rule out many of these.

The Handbook of Clinical Dermatology describes several conditions that can occur in the lower legs and cause itching.


Xerosis is one of the most common conditions associated with dry skin. Xerosis often affects the lower legs. It most often occurs in older people when the skin becomes drier.

You won't see signs of dry skin, but you can definitely feel it. You may observe red spots, cracks, and irritation from scratching.

You may also notice that xerosis itch is more common in winter, when heating in your home makes the air dry. Your condition worsens when you take a hot bath. Itching can not only in the lower part of the legs. The hands may also be affected. Usually the place that itches is combed to the point of pain. It's almost impossible to resist scratching the affected area, although that only makes it worse.

Autoimmune diseases and cancer

Sjögren's autoimmune disease syndrome can lead to dry skin on the lower legs. The main problems associated with this disorder are dry eyes and dry mouth. According to the Mayo Clinic, Sjögren's syndrome attacks one's own exocrine glands. These glands are responsible for lubricating the skin as well as producing tears and saliva.

Itchy skin sometimes could be a symptom of cancer . Cancers of the vocal cords, breast, ovaries, and gastrointestinal tract have all been associated with itching. Itching is most often caused by leukemia and other blood cell cancers. In fact, itching may be the first symptom of Hodgkin's lymphoma. This type of cancer affects blood cells called lymphocytes.

Autoimmune disorders cause immune system attack one's own organs. These disorders can lead to a range of symptoms, including itching. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren's syndrome are also autoimmune diseases commonly associated with itchy skin.

Skin diseases

Row skin diseases may cause itching. For example, eczema accompanied by intense itching and red, scaly skin. dry skin and psoriah Skin conditions that result in red, scaly patches.

Allergic dermatitis causes itching when the skin comes into contact with a specific irritant, such as detergents, soap, beauty products or plants. An allergic reaction to certain foods or medications can also cause the skin to itch.

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Many of the most common infections in childhood including measles, rubella and chicken pox may cause skin itching. All these states are caused viral diseases and usually begin with flu-like symptoms accompanied by an itchy rash.

The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is another viral infection associated with itching. HIV infection can lead to itchy skin conditions such as eczema. In some cases, itching can occur in people with HIV without a rash.

The appearance of itching on the feet is very delicate issue. Moreover, it is quite often manifested by other unpleasant symptoms - peeling, burning, redness, etc. In no case should such symptoms be tolerated, since they often indicate pathological processes that require immediate treatment. If your feet itch, do not hesitate and do not look for remedies traditional medicine to ease the owl's well-being, but it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor.

Only a doctor can tell you exactly why your feet itch. He will conduct a thorough examination of the skin and prescribe a series of tests and studies that can establish the exact cause of the appearance. this disease.

It is worth noting that the most common cause of itching on the feet is, from which about 40% of the population of our planet suffers. In the initial stages of the development of the disease, you may notice that your legs itch from time to time. But as pathogenic microorganisms grow, the itching will intensify, and at the same time, cracks will appear on the feet.

After that, defeat is possible, as a result of which they begin to change their color, shape, and ultimately completely collapse. All this contributes to the accumulation a large number toxic substances in the body that lead to intoxication internal organs and the development of other pathological processes.

In this case, the use of special drugs, both external and oral, is required. Self-medication will not help you here. You can only achieve a decrease in the manifestation of the disease, but you will not get rid of the fungus itself, as a result of which it will soon begin to manifest itself again.

In addition, itching on the feet can also appear due to infection with scabies. The tick that lives on the human body provokes the appearance of this disease. It lays eggs under the skin, perceived by the body as foreign body. The appearance of itching in this case is the body's response to intervention.

In this case, the sensation of itching can greatly increase at a time when a person is in a state of complete rest (usually at night). With such a disease on the skin, "itchy" moves can be observed in the form of thin stripes on the skin. In some cases, the tick can cause fluid-filled blisters to form on the soles of the feet. When walking, they can burst, causing unbearable pain to a person.

In this situation, again, only a qualified doctor can help you. You will not be able to get rid of the arc on your own.

If the feet and palms of the hands itch at the same time

In the event that not only your feet itch, but also your palms, while small bubbles appear on the skin, then most likely you have a skin disease such as dyshidrotic eczema.

Treatment of such a disease includes the use of various drugs inside and out. The former are necessary to destroy the tick itself and its eggs, and the latter to eliminate the external manifestations of the disease.

Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. It also determines the scheme of their application. You can get rid of scabies only by following all the recommendations that a specialist will give you. In this case, self-activity is unacceptable, as it can lead to serious complications and with health.

Another fairly common reason why the feet itch is allergic reaction organism to a stimulus. In this case, the role of an irritant can be the material from which shoes or socks are made, laundry detergent, soap, the use of exotic products, medications etc.

To be 100% sure that itching is associated with an allergic reaction, and not with pathologies, it is necessary to pass a series of tests that will help identify the irritant that causes these symptoms.

It is impossible to delay with this, since with the constant exposure of the allergen to the body, symptoms such as headache, nausea, skin rash, etc. may appear. But the most dangerous consequence development of an allergic reaction - Quincke's edema, which leads to swelling of the tissues of the upper respiratory tract. As a result, the person begins to experience difficulty breathing and may suffocate.

Damage to the skin of the feet

The appearance of itching on the feet may be associated with damage to the skin. Burns, cuts, abrasions, bruises - all this contributes to the activation of the process of skin renewal, as a result of which dead cells begin to exfoliate, and new ones form in their place. That is why people say "it itches, it means it heals."

In this case, you may not even notice these damages. They can occur when wearing tight shoes, walking barefoot on the sand, etc. In this case, the itching disappears on its own, as soon as the skin is completely restored. And to speed up this process, you can use special ointments and creams at home that are designed specifically for treating wounds.

Pregnant women also often complain of itching on the soles of their feet. Moreover, such a symptom can be both temporary and permanent.

A future mother should think carefully about her health and pass all the necessary tests to identify pathologies. After all, the appearance of itching during pregnancy often indicates liver disease. With such pathologies, a change in the color of urine and feces occurs. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor about them.

As a rule, treatment in such an interesting "position" with the help of strong medicines is not carried out, as this can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, most often in such cases, maintenance therapy is carried out. But after childbirth, in the absence of lactation, they are already beginning to carry out therapeutic measures to eliminate the problem.


To prevent such a problem as itching of the skin of the foot from bothering you, you need to take some preventive measures. After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it.

Try to avoid contact with people who suffer from itchy feet. Perhaps the appearance of this disease in them is associated with the development of infectious diseases that tend to be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person during communication or handshakes.

In addition, always observe the rules of personal hygiene. This will help you avoid many health problems. And be sure to consult a doctor if itching occurs on the feet.

Remember that self-medication can lead to serious complications. You will not only not eliminate the disease, but give it time to firmly strengthen its position in the body. After that, the treatment of pathology can be delayed for many months.

Video about why heels itch

Surely, many people know firsthand about what an unpleasant feeling of discomfort you experience when your feet itch. At the same time, the degree of inconvenience increases in the summer, when the skin on the lower extremities in problem areas begins to crack and coarsen - naturally, you don’t want to walk barefoot along the beach in this form. And how uncomfortable a person begins to feel when itching begins on the soles of his feet, shod in shoes or sneakers - you won’t deal with this delicate problem in the midst of a working day.

In any case, if your feet itch, then you should get rid of this pathology as soon as possible, and in 99.9% of cases you cannot do without the qualified help of a doctor.

The reasons

However, for many, the question of why itching occurs on the soles of the feet remains unclear.

It should be emphasized that there may be several reasons. Let's consider the most common of them.


Why Elementary due to a bite or the presence of an insect on the skin. Ants, fleas and mosquitoes can cause such discomfort that then a person ends up in a hospital bed. Still, constantly touching the bite site, we make a wound on the skin, and the likelihood of infection in our own body becomes maximum. This is especially dangerous for little boys and girls, because their skin is too delicate, and if you notice that the child's feet are itchy and against this background he has a fever, then immediately consult a doctor.


Another insidious ailment that makes us suffer from itching on the legs is At the initial stage, you will only feel slightly that your feet itch.

Gradually, the itching will become stronger, then sores and microcracks may form in the problem area. As the disease progresses, the fungus will infect the nail, which can lead to the complete destruction of the nail plate. Against this background, toxic substances will begin to accumulate in your body, which can provoke the development of other pathologies. And if you are firmly aware of why the feet itch, without any doubt that you have a foot fungus, then you should again contact a qualified medical care. Self-treatment here will be ineffective: on your own you can only “mute” the disease, but not remove its root.


Have no idea why your feet itch? It is possible that you have such an ailment as scabies. The source of infection here is a tick that lives in the human skin.

As a result of his life, he can lay eggs, while you can feel unbearable itching, which worsens at night. At the same time, “itchy” passages can be seen on the skin - the thinnest stripes and small formations in the form of bubbles. Again, one cannot do without medical help here, it should also be remembered that this pathology is transmitted from person to person.

and feet

It often happens that the feet and palms itch at the same time. Such an ailment is called. It can be recognized by the following signs: on the soles, on the skin of the palms and on the lateral surface of the fingers, all the same small bubbles appear.

A dermatologist will help you get rid of this pathology by drug treatment. However, when taking the medicine, you should follow some rules, for example, use the drug just before bedtime, and after the treatment is completed, you will need to change bed linen.

in a pregnant woman

It often occurs in expectant mothers, and it can be both periodic and permanent.

One of the most common causes of this pathology in pregnant women is liver disease. To make sure of this, it is enough to take tests: if dark urine, then your fears are confirmed. If a mother feels unbearable itching on the soles of her feet and only intends to see a doctor, then foot baths with the addition of a decoction of chestnut flowers will help alleviate her suffering.

The problem under consideration in a pregnant woman may also arise due to hormonal changes in the body. In this case, you can get rid of itching on the legs only when the baby is born.


If you notice that they itch, then it is likely that he has an allergic reaction to certain foods.

Naturally, to make sure of this, you must pass the appropriate tests, the results of which will determine what the child should not eat. In this case, without fail, you need to consult a doctor, since allergies can cause headaches, nausea and other negative symptoms.

At the same time, not only food can act as an allergen, but also medicines, cosmetics, wardrobe items, dust particles, and so on. It should be remembered that the above irritants can provoke not only itching, but also eczema, not to mention dermatitis. However, there is no particular cause for concern, since ointments and antihistamine preparations effectively cope with the above ailments. Intolerable itching can occur against the background of childhood ailments such as chickenpox or measles. And if the child has reddening of the skin, the temperature has risen and malaise has appeared - this may be a symptom erysipelas skin cover. The source of this pathology is streptococci, so antibiotics are indispensable here.


Do you know why a person's feet itch badly? All kinds of damage to the mechanical properties, such as frostbite, burns, abrasions, calluses, can also cause itching. Often, even tight and uncomfortable shoes that squeezed the blood vessels can be the cause of the problem in question.

Ailments such as venous varicose veins also contribute to the occurrence of itching on the soles of the feet, since the walls of the veins are thinned and strongly constricted, as a result of which the outflow of blood is disturbed. At the same time, when combing the “problem” zone, blisters and wounds immediately form. In this situation, you should contact a phlebologist - he will prescribe medications that thin the blood and relieve swelling. Patients need to reduce the load on the legs, and at night keep the legs in a suspended state with the help of improvised means.


Do you dislike the very thought that your feet itch? What can be done to prevent such a problem? Of course, you need to remember: the best protection against disease is prevention. First of all, you need to observe hygiene, limit contact with people who suffer from itching of the feet, and visit the doctor regularly so that he can examine the skin.

Neglect preventive measures should not be, otherwise there may be serious health problems. Never use other people's things, wear comfortable shoes with a wide toe, when you sweat, be sure to use special products, and treat any damage or scratch with antiseptics.

Before thinking about serious health problems that cause legs to itch at night, you need to exclude possible external factors capable of provoking the appearance of such a symptom. First of all, you should examine the itchy area. If zones of hyperemia (redness) with a dot in the center are found, then it is likely that insect bites became the cause of discomfort. In the case when a visual examination shows sores with exudate, there is a general malaise, an increase in body temperature, then we can talk about the addition of an infection or diseases of the internal organs. More details about possible reasons the appearance of the symptoms in question, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article.

Bed bugs and fleas

Fleas are smaller but more dangerous than bed bugs. They are carriers of more than two hundred types of infectious agents and cause a persistent allergic reaction in humans. Also, fleas in the process of evolution have acquired powerful protection - a chitinous cover, due to which getting rid of this type of insect is difficult. The risk of fleas in the home is increased if there are pets in the house: cats or dogs walking on the street. Flea bites on the legs look like painful, itchy dots clustered close together.

Bites of mosquitoes, midges

In the summer, there is an increased activity of blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes and midges. Sometimes a person does not feel pain during the bite itself. The inflammatory reaction manifests itself in the form of itching, irritation a few minutes or hours after the insect infestation. Itching in the legs is not related to the time of day and can occur both in the daytime and in the evening.


With an increase in estrogen levels in the third trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers sometimes itch on their feet at night. This is a physiological phenomenon, the cause of which is cholestasis - stagnation of bile. An additional factor in itching is excessive stretching of the skin of the legs due to edema. If this symptom occurs, a woman should consult her doctor for advice to rule out serious pathologies.

One-time exposure to an irritating factor

Too cold or hot showers, the use of creams or lotions with aggressive components in the composition or with expired suitability, as well as nervous strain and stress. In this case, it is important to notice the causal relationship between the irritant and itching, trying to minimize the factors that led to the unpleasant symptom.

Legs itch at night: pathological conditions

Severe itching on the legs below the knees, especially at night, can be an indirect sign of a serious illness that only a doctor can detect. There are a number of diseases in which the symptom in question is observed.


When eating or using a product containing an allergen externally, itching in the legs can be detected as a reaction. When trying to scratch the skin, bright red stripes appear with an increase in local temperature. Common allergens are: tree pollen, citrus fruits, perfume components, some flowers. Often an allergic reaction in people occurs in response to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or fast food, sweets with sugar substitutes.


Xeroderma is pathological condition skin, in which the secretion of sebum is not enough to provide sufficient moisture to the skin. Sebum is a secret secreted sebaceous glands, is extremely important for maintaining an adequate acid-base balance of the skin. In addition, it protects it from aggressive factors, including infectious ones. As a result of a lack of sebum, the stratum corneum thickens, peeling and itching occur.

Cholinergic urticaria

This disease is referred to as autoimmune allergic dermatoses, which are characterized by hypersensitivity of the body. It manifests itself in the form of an accumulation of small bubbles on the skin of the legs, arms, body, which are very itchy and tend to spread. In parallel with the rash occur general symptoms: nausea, vomiting, hypersalivation (salivation).

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease is malignant and affects organs that contain lymphoid tissue. An oncologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of Hodgkin's disease. Common symptoms in this pathology are: chills, sweating and itching of moderate or severe intensity. Patients complain of itching of the feet at night and during the day. Itching can also affect the lower legs.

To possible infectious diseases that provoke itching in the legs include: scabies, mycosis, bacterial damage and HIV.

There are a number of dermatological pathologies in which itching of the legs occurs. Dermatitis, being a hypersensitivity reaction, is a skin lesion in the form of vesicles, nodules, plaques. Redness, irritation and itching are typical components of skin diseases of various etiologies. When the action of the allergen is localized on the skin of the legs, patients notice that their feet itch, the ankle area at night, and this interferes comfortable sleep. In psoriasis, itching appears due to excessive activity of the humoral and cellular immunity. When you try to scratch the itchy place, an increased receptor activity of this localization occurs, and the itching intensifies.

Varicose veins

With varicose veins, the venous outflow of blood from lower extremities. This process is accompanied by inflammatory reactions, swelling and circulatory disorders, compression of nerve endings. This can be expressed clinically as itching of the legs, which is mild but persistent.

restless leg syndrome

Primary restless leg syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited condition that does not have any disease as an etiological factor. In the case of secondary restless leg syndrome, discomfort in the zone of the lower extremities - these are the components of the symptom of polyneuropathy, which occurs with diabetes mellitus, uremia, alcoholism, COPD. Patients have itchy legs before and during sleep, which forces them to constantly change the position of the lower extremities, since the itching subsides with movement.

Autoimmune disorders and cancer

With this type of disease, the body reacts incorrectly to its own tissues and cells, perceiving them as foreign. One of the most well-known autoimmune diseases is systemic lupus erythematosus, in which, in addition to symptoms of damage to the connective tissue and blood vessels, there are skin manifestations in the form of psoriasis-like foci, urticaria, accompanied by intense skin itching. Patients not only itch in the evening, but also in the daytime.

An active tumor process in the body that interferes with metabolism can lead to skin itching of the legs and other parts of the body. With adenocarcinoma, itching in the legs is accompanied by a burning sensation and is often generalized.

Endocrine diseases

To diseases endocrine system that cause serious changes in the sphere of humoral regulation of the body's activity include: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. A defect in the blood supply and innervation of the lower extremities in diabetes mellitus creates a violation of the sensitivity of the type of socks, as well as periodic paresthesias and itching.


chronic degenerative diseases nervous system in some cases can lead to neurological symptoms, in which a person feels constant irritation or tingling, itching. Many neurological patients have itchy legs in the evening due to problems with the innervation of the lower extremities.

Disorders of a neurotic nature

Itching in any part of the body can occur due to neurosis or a long stay in a stressful situation. In this case, the itching is psychogenic in nature, and no lesions are observed on the skin except for scratches caused by the patient himself.

When to See a Doctor

There are a number of alarming symptoms that require the attention of a specialist and are fraught with serious complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor in case of:

  • suppuration of scratching, especially in combination with an increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of pathological formations on the legs: plaque, vesicles, blisters, scabies;
  • continued itching for more than three days without noticeable improvement.
  • accompanying itching with other disorders of systems and organs.

Diagnosis of itchy feet at night

In order to find out why the patient’s legs itch in the evening, the doctor conducts a series of studies, including the mandatory ones:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • physical examination of the patient;
  • general analysis of blood, urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • scraping from the affected area;
  • analysis for antibodies to hepatitis, HIV.

Depending on the indications and history data, tests for STDs and consultations of a narrow specialist are additionally prescribed: an endocrinologist, a dermatovenereologist, a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a therapist, a neurologist, a psychotherapist. By appointment of doctors of a narrow specialty, instrumental research: ultrasound, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging to find out the reasons why the patient's heels itch in the evening, in the shin area or above.

When the reason is established why the feet itch at night or other areas of the lower extremities, you can start a course of treatment, which will differ depending on the pathology found in the patient.

  • How to get rid of itching in the heels of the feet with allergies, the dermatologist will tell you in detail, but you can apply pathogenetic treatment in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments containing glucocorticoids: Celestoderm with garamycin, Elok.

  • With mycosis, when the feet itch at night, depending on the depth of the lesion, antifungal external and internal agents are used, such as: Griseofulvin, Loceril, Fluconazole. The patient is also advised to wear genuine leather shoes that do not restrict movement.

  • Xerosis is most often a symptom of another condition that causes reduced sebum production. But there are cases when a pathological condition is caused by the use of externally drying compounds for the skin. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to restore the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. Lotions containing ceramides (CeraVe, Avene) can help with this.
  • In the case of an oncological, neurological, endocrinological disease, first of all, you need to contact a specialized doctor and treat the underlying pathology. It is possible that measures to eliminate dry feet are not needed. If the skin of the legs itches at night, and this interferes with sleep, you can use gels and creams that relieve itching.

Many are faced with a situation where the feet itch. Unpleasant feeling accompanied inflammatory processes- there are wounds, pimples, blisters. What is the cause of discomfort in the area of ​​​​the fingers, heels and soles? Why do the feet itch? To figure out what to do about it, you need to find out the problem of itching.

If itching causes discomfort all the time, it can be assumed that it is caused by an allergen. In this case, you need to analyze what kind of food was consumed the day before. Perhaps the reason is in low-quality products. Allergies can be caused by synthetic clothing. This is especially true for a child.

During the colder months, itching can be caused by vitamin deficiencies or dehydration.

Varicose veins and associated diseases

Sometimes the foot itches due to a fungal disease.

In this case, discomfort worries in one area.

If itching bothers you in the evening, this may be the result of overwork or neurosis. It happens that as a result of the outflow of blood with varicose veins, eczema develops. In this place, the skin becomes thin, and it can be easily combed. The result is irritation that is difficult to eliminate. Tightening tights, special ointments, and walking will help to slightly improve the situation.

Itching can be soothed with novocaine combined with vodka, in the proportion of 4 ampoules per 50 ml of vodka. By treating the problem area in this way, the unpleasant sensation can be temporarily eliminated. After washing the feet, it is advisable to treat the problem area with a solution of boric acid. Lemon juice will also help to get rid of discomfort for a while.


When diabetes the entire surface of the body itches, but sometimes itching bothers only the feet or palms.

For a while, you can eliminate the trouble with a bath, in which starch or nettle decoction is added.

In the case of diabetes, the main thing is to control sugar levels, follow a diet, and folk remedies only help relieve symptoms.

baby waiting

In the sixth month of pregnancy, the content of estrogen in the body of a woman rises. This slows down the flow of bile to the liver. During this period, the whole body itches, and the surface of the skin may give off yellowness. Often at this time, the feet itch. There is irritability and depression. What to do in this case?

Will help solve the problem cold and hot shower. After taking it, it is desirable to treat the body with cosmetic milk or cocoa butter. To make the liver work better, you can drink No-shpu. Before using drugs, be sure to consult your doctor in order to avoid complications.

While waiting for the baby, you need to drink plenty of water, moisturize the skin with substances based on cocoa butter and aloe.

It is also useful to drink to eliminate the symptom. Activated carbon, use special talkers. Products containing alcohol can aggravate the situation, so their use is contraindicated.

Sometimes the legs of pregnant women itch due to allergies. To eliminate its symptoms, you should temporarily adhere to a special anti-allergic diet.

Cause of itchy feet in children

In a child, the feet and palms may itch as a result of allergies. Itching can be disturbing due to the bite of mosquitoes and other insects. In this place, pimples, redness or blisters appear. Irritation in a child may appear after contact with certain medicines or household products. A child who is prone to allergies should be kept away from harmful products and polluted environment.

For treatment, antiallergic drugs are used. Allergic disease is inherited. With it, the neck itches, the places of the folds of the upper and lower extremities, palms, face, knees itch. If the patient is not provided timely treatment eczema may appear.

It is better not to bring it to this point, but to respond to the problem in time and, when necessary, resort to antibiotics.


Sometimes itching can occur due to mycosis (fungus). A person with mycosis has an itchy area in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers and feet.

Later, peeling of the skin occurs, blisters appear, inside which fluid accumulates.

A fungus that damages the nail plate is especially unsafe. If the disease is started, then the deformation of the nail can no longer be corrected. But that's not even the problem. At the advanced stage, the waste products of microorganisms emit harmful substances, as a result of which intoxication of the whole organism occurs.

Mycosis can be contracted as a result of contact with a sick person. In any case, when the first symptoms appear, you should not ignore the problem.

Photo of the disease. Might be hard to watch


The scab causes painful itching not only on the feet, but also on the abdomen and hands. It causes especially unpleasant sensations at night. Scab symptoms are small blisters connected by thin red stripes. These are the routes of passage of bark mites.

This disease is treated exclusively with medication.

None folk methods not eliminate it. Plus, it's contagious. If one of the family members falls ill, everyone will have to be treated. Children are most susceptible to the disease. You can get infected in any way, even in public transport.

Other causes of itching

Itching also occurs for other reasons:

  • as a result of stress;
  • due to a burn;
  • as a result of frostbite;
  • after wearing tight shoes.

There can be many reasons for discomfort. Lost time can negatively affect general condition organism. In order not to harm health, it is important to do necessary procedures, avoid complications and contact specialists in time who will fix the problem and prescribe a course of treatment in a timely manner.