Pimafucin cream is it possible for pregnant women. Pimafucin - a quick solution to delicate problems during pregnancy

Due to the ban on a large number of medicines, women are often interested in doctors about whether it is possible to take Pimafucin tablets during pregnancy. Let us consider the drug in detail and give an exhaustive answer to this question.

What is Pimafucin?

This drug belongs to the group of antibacterial agents that have local action. Often used for gynecological diseases of infectious origin.

The active ingredient is natamycin. The substance has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, stopping their reproduction, growth and development.

How are Pimafucin tablets used during pregnancy?

Due to the fact that the components of the drug do not penetrate the placental barrier, it is not prohibited to use it when carrying a baby. However, in any case, a woman should consult a doctor.

According to the instructions for use, the dosage and frequency of taking Pimafucin tablets during pregnancy depend on the type of disorder in which they are used.

So, with intestinal candidiasis, 1 tablet is most often prescribed up to 4 times a day, with fungal skin lesions, the dosage is the same. When doctors prescribe the drug as an additional, as part of complex therapy with the simultaneous use of creams, suppositories. A woman drinks 3-4 tablets per day.

Is Pimafucin allowed for everyone?

Despite the admissibility of using Pimafucin tablets during pregnancy, doctors try not to prescribe the drug in the 1st trimester, in particular, up to 14 weeks. This is due to the laying of axial organs, which occurs in the embryo. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, Pimafucin tablets are used if necessary.

The drug is not used for individual intolerance to its components.

Pregnancy is special period in a woman's life, when she has to approach the choice of medicines with the highest responsibility and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. This principle applies to medicines for all diseases, including those that, it would seem, are "traditional" companions of pregnancy. Such common diseases include vaginal candidiasis, or thrush (more details:). For its treatment, there are many various means, however, for pregnant patients, doctors prefer to prescribe the safest of them, namely, pimafucin. Pimafucin is a broad-spectrum antifungal antibiotic that has no contraindications for use during pregnancy. In most cases, local therapy with pimafucin in the form of vaginal suppositories is prescribed for pregnant women. The duration of treatment depends on individual characteristics body and the course of the disease and can be from 3 to 9 days. The drug is injected into the vagina one suppository at night, before going to bed.

What is an indication for the appointment of pimafucin?

During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman, its immune defense is weakened, the microflora of the vagina changes, and these factors create an opportunity for fungal infection. Against her background, a woman can develop such inflammatory processes like vaginitis, vulvitis or vulvovaginitis. They affect the skin and mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina, causing itching, burning and discomfort. Like any inflammatory disease, candidal vaginitis, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis adversely affect the course of pregnancy. In cases of particularly severe complications, candidiasis is the cause of thinning and weakening of the membranes of the fetus under the influence of waste products of fungi, which can lead to their premature rupture. In addition, during childbirth, a child can become infected with candidiasis when passing through the birth canal. Therefore, the doctor must, on the one hand, prescribe effective treatment thrush, and on the other hand, choose a drug that will not adversely affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Such a drug is pimafucin. His active substance, natamycin, has a local effect on fungal cells, violating the integrity of their membranes and thereby causing the death of microorganisms. At the same time, the drug itself has only a local effect and is not absorbed from the surface of the skin or mucous membrane into the blood, that is, it does not penetrate the uteroplacental barrier.

How is pimafucin therapy carried out?

There are several dosage forms of this drug. Treatment with pimafucin during pregnancy is most often carried out topically. The perinatologist prescribes to a pregnant woman therapy with pimafucin vaginal suppositories containing 100 mg of natamycin. In this case, the suppository is inserted deep into the vagina once a day before bedtime in the supine position. After the introduction of the suppository, it is advisable not to get up for several hours, since under the influence of body heat the suppository quickly dissolves with the formation of a foam that evenly covers all the mucous membranes. If you stand up at this moment, the active substance will quickly flow out of the vagina and medicinal effect will be minimized. In most cases, one treatment course of pimafucin suppositories is enough to cure genital candidiasis.

However, in some cases, a fungal infection proceeds in a generalized manner, that is, in addition to the vagina, it affects and internal organs. With a generalized candidal lesion of the body, the fungi are located in the walls of the intestine, from where the constant infection of the genital organs occurs. In this case, local treatment alone will be ineffective, so it is combined with systemic therapy, prescribing pimafucin tablets in addition to suppositories. Tablets are sold in packs of 20, each tablet contains 100 mg of natamycin.

In order to avoid recurrences of candidal lesions of the vagina, it is necessary that the woman's partner is also treated. Even if he does not have any symptoms of thrush, the causative agents of this disease may be under foreskin, on the head of the penis and, once on the mucous membrane of the vagina, begin to actively multiply there. Therefore, the partner of a woman who is being treated for candidiasis is advised to conduct topical therapy with pimafucin in the form of a 2% cream. The cream is applied to the skin and mucous membranes once or several times a day. Treatment continues for several days after the disappearance of the symptoms of the lesion in both partners.

With a strong weakening of the immune system, candidiasis sometimes affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. In this case, doctors recommend using pimafucin in the form of a 2.5% suspension for topical treatment. However, such defeat oral cavity occurs rarely in adults.

What is the duration of treatment with pimafucin during pregnancy?

The duration of local treatment with suppositories is determined by the intensity of the disease and can range from 3 to 9 days.
At systemic therapy it is recommended to take 1 tablet of pimafucin 4 times a day for 7-10 days. Pimafucin does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, does not penetrate from the intestine into the mother's blood, that is, does not cause any harm to the child, therefore its use is allowed throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Quite rarely, there is a side effect of the drug when taken orally, which manifests itself in the form of nausea and diarrhea. It does not require discontinuation of treatment and passes by itself after a while. At topical application a feeling of discomfort and burning is possible.
An overdose of pimafucin does not cause any toxic damage to the body.

The only contraindication to the appointment of pimafucin is hypersensitivity the patient to the components that make up the drug.

Pimafucin during pregnancy: Reviews

In some cases, treatment with pimafucin may not give a positive effect, but most often this happens when the drug is taken for an insufficiently long time.

Nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, pimafucin, if not completely destroying the causative agents of a fungal infection, then significantly facilitates its course, eliminating unpleasant and even painful symptoms. Here are the reviews of several women about the treatment with pimafucin:

Catherine I've dealt with thrush before pregnancy. But then she took diflucan, which helped her well. In the first weeks of pregnancy, noting the familiar symptoms of thrush, Ekaterina wanted to cure her in the usual way, but before taking the Diflucan tablet, she decided to read the instructions for the drug. Seeing that this drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, the woman did not self-medicate, but went to the doctor. She was prescribed a six-day course of pimofucine suppositories. Ekaterina felt relief after the very first day of treatment. After a full course of suppositories, the symptoms of thrush did not recur until the 30th week of pregnancy. At this time, there was a relapse of the disease, and Ekaterina was prescribed complex therapy tablets and suppositories of pimafucin. After a week of treatment, the symptoms of thrush disappeared and did not reappear.

Kseniya I first encountered thrush at the 19th week of pregnancy. The itching and burning sensations were very unpleasant. The doctor prescribed a woman pimafucin suppositories for a three-day course. The symptoms of thrush disappeared, but the improvement was short-lived. Two weeks later, Ksenia again came to the doctor with complaints about thrush. This time, she was prescribed pimafucin in suppositories for 6 days, in tablets, 1 piece 4 times a day for a week, and recommendations were given for treating her husband with 2% pimafucin cream. After all the doctor's prescriptions were fulfilled, the thrush no longer bothered Xenia.

Svetlana did not notice any unpleasant symptoms, but at a scheduled appointment at the antenatal clinic at 12 weeks of gestation, the perinatologist informed her that a significant amount of Candida fungus was found in the smear, and treatment was needed. Svetlana did not follow the doctor's recommendations, as she was afraid of harming the child with "extra chemistry". After a few weeks, she began to notice a copious cheesy discharge, which frightened her. After visiting a doctor whom she completely trusted, the woman asked for the safest medicine possible. She was recommended topical treatment with pimafucin suppositories for 6 days. This time, Svetlana followed all the doctor's instructions, and the treatment helped her.

Pimafucin during pregnancy is one of the safest drugs, so you should not question the recommendations of a doctor who prescribes a course of pimafucin to a pregnant woman. In the vast majority of cases, this drug will help the expectant mother solve her problems, and most definitely will not cause the slightest harm to the fetus.

Thrush is a disease that worries women during pregnancy. 70% of patients with candidiasis are expectant mothers. They turn to the gynecologist with such a problem 3 times more often than non-pregnant women. In the first three months after the conception of a child, the choice of drugs is limited. Candles Pimafucin during pregnancy doctors prescribe as the safest. They are among the few drugs recommended by gynecologists.

When is Pimafucin prescribed?

The main substance of the drug - natamycin - acts against fungi. Pimafucin is used as an antibiotic, which is recommended in such cases:

  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, vaginitis, which provoked Candida fungi;
  • candidiasis after taking antibiotics;
  • mycoses of nails and skin;
  • external otitis, which aggravated candidiasis.

Pimafucin during pregnancy is prescribed for thrush, which was provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. In 95% of cases, the disease is caused by microorganisms Candida albicans. Such fungi are highly sensitive to natamycin. AT clinical practice cases of resistance of this substance have not been recorded, therefore Pimafucin is considered one of the effective means.

Other fungi can also be causative agents. With a persistent course of the disease during pregnancy, if Pimafucin does not help, you need to find out the etymology of infection. For example, dermatophytes are more resistant to natamycin. The drug in this case is less effective on microorganisms. The reason for the transition to the chronic stage of the disease may be the wrong regimen for taking Pimafucin.

It is necessary to conscientiously treat the treatment of candidiasis. The prevalence of thrush during pregnancy does not mean that the disease will go away on its own. Except feeling unwell female candidiasis can lead to health problems in the child.

Women know that during pregnancy, doctors prohibit taking medications that pose a threat to the fetus. But to the question of whether Pimafucin can be used during pregnancy without worrying about the health of the baby, gynecologists answer in the affirmative.

The great advantage of this drug over analogues is that doctors allow it to be used already in the first months after the conception of a child. Pimafucin on early dates pregnancy does not have a toxic effect on the unborn baby. The same can be said about the 2nd trimester, and about the last months before childbirth. The medicine will help a woman get rid of the symptoms of thrush and not worry about the health of the child.

Pimafucin is prescribed during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester as well as prophylactic. The drug sanitizes the female genital tract. This reduces the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth.

How the drug is produced

Pimafucin is produced in several forms. The medicine is used externally and internally.

The dosage of natamycin in the preparation is different:

  • suppositories of 100 mg, 3 pieces in a box;
  • suppositories 100 mg, 6 pieces in a box;
  • tablets of 100 mg, 20 pieces in a vial;
  • cream for external use 2%, in 1 g of the drug 20 mg of natamycin, in a tube of 30 g of Pimafucin.

pale yellow or white color suppositories have a convenient form for administration. Pimafucin tablets are round, white, coated, which dissolves, act directly in the intestine. Light cream has a uniform consistency. The form and dosage of the drug is chosen by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease. Perhaps the simultaneous combination of external and internal medication.

Application: instructions and dosage

In the form of tablets, Pimafucin is prescribed if intestinal candidiasis is diagnosed. The dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  • adults - one tablet 4 times a day;
  • children - one piece 2 times a day.

The duration of admission is one week.

The cream is applied externally, it acts as antifungal agent with such diseases:

  1. Otomycoses. The affected surface of the ear is cleaned and smeared with cream one to three times a day. After treatment, the ear is covered with a cotton turunda.
  2. Candidiasis of the skin and nails. On the affected surface, the ointment is applied from one to three times a day.
  3. Treatment for men. Treatment of the sexual partner of a woman who has been diagnosed with thrush. Balanoposthitis in men. The scheme of application is the same as for candidiasis of the skin and nails.
  4. Complex treatment of complicated forms of candidiasis. The use of the cream is combined with the reception vaginal suppositories or tablets.

When you feel better, the treatment is not stopped, continue for another two or three days to consolidate the result.

Vaginal suppositories are prescribed for women with vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, provoked by Candida fungi. Treatment lasts from three to six days. Enter one suppository 1 time per day. During pregnancy, the treatment regimen remains the same.

Instructions for use contains recommendations about correct use candles. First, suppositories put at night, before going to bed, as they dissolve and flow onto the laundry. It is necessary to insert suppositories into the vagina deeply, for this you need to lie down and it is advisable not to get up.

Secondly, suppositories dissolve very quickly. Doctors do not recommend holding candles in your hand for a long time, as under the influence of heat they will become liquid. Thirdly, experienced women are advised to use pads at night and in the morning. This will help to avoid leakage of Pimafucin on linen.

Thrush sometimes goes into a chronic stage. This happens if a woman stops taking Pimafucin on the second or third day, has not completed the course of taking the drug completely. Doctors draw the attention of patients to the fact that the disappearance of symptoms of candidiasis occurs before the end of treatment. After feeling better, Pimafucin should be taken for a few more days.

For complications or chronic stages diseases, doctors advise, in addition to suppositories, to take Pimafucin tablets orally. The course of treatment is prescribed from 10 to 20 days. This recommendation continues during pregnancy. Pimafucin is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is safe for the unborn child.

Trimester contraindications

Doctors prescribe Pimafucin more often than similar drugs. This is facilitated by the high safety of the drug. Pimafucin does not have a toxic effect on the fetus. When taking the drug in the form of tablets, the drug begins to act directly in the intestines, that is, the negative effect on the body is minimized.

Pimafucin even in the 1st trimester, unlike Clotrimazole or Terzhinan, doctors are allowed to use. Women do not need to suffer and endure itching or discharge. As the only contraindication during pregnancy in all trimesters, the instructions for use indicate individual sensitivity to the components of Pimafucin.

Attentive when taking the drug inside should be women who do not tolerate dairy products. Pimafucin tablets contain lactose monohydrate. With lactase deficiency, there may be side effects. Patients with allergies to honey and bee products should be aware that Pimafucin contains beeswax.

When taking medication in the form of suppositories, local reactions sometimes occur: burning and redness. Pimafucin tablets in some women during pregnancy provoke vomiting, nausea. Usually these symptoms disappear on the second day after the start of the drug. When saving adverse reactions for a long period, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.

Pharmacy price

The cost of Pimafucin depends on the form of release of the drug and dosage. The difference in price can fluctuate within 100 rubles.

Thrush is a disease that worries women during pregnancy. 70% of patients with candidiasis are expectant mothers. They turn to the gynecologist with such a problem 3 times more often than non-pregnant women. In the first three months after the conception of a child, the choice of drugs is limited. Candles Pimafucin during pregnancy doctors prescribe as the safest. They are among the few drugs recommended by gynecologists.

When is Pimafucin prescribed?

The main substance of the drug - natamycin - acts against fungi. Pimafucin is used as an antibiotic, which is recommended in such cases:

  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, vaginitis, which provoked Candida fungi;
  • candidiasis after taking antibiotics;
  • mycoses of nails and skin;
  • external otitis, which aggravated candidiasis.

Pimafucin during pregnancy is prescribed for thrush, which was provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. In 95% of cases, the disease is caused by microorganisms Candida albicans. Such fungi are highly sensitive to natamycin. In clinical practice, cases of resistance of this substance have not been recorded, therefore Pimafucin is considered one of the effective means during pregnancy.

Other fungi can also be causative agents. With a persistent course of the disease during pregnancy, if Pimafucin does not help, you need to find out the etymology of infection. For example, dermatophytes are more resistant to natamycin. The drug in this case is less effective on microorganisms. The reason for the transition to the chronic stage of the disease may be the wrong regimen for taking Pimafucin.

It is necessary to conscientiously treat the treatment of candidiasis. The prevalence of thrush during pregnancy does not mean that the disease will go away on its own. In addition to a woman's poor health, candidiasis can lead to health problems in a child.

Women know that during pregnancy, doctors prohibit taking medications that pose a threat to the fetus. But to the question of whether Pimafucin can be used during pregnancy without worrying about the health of the baby, gynecologists answer in the affirmative.

The great advantage of this drug over analogues is that doctors allow it to be used already in the first months after the conception of a child. Pimafucin in early pregnancy does not have a toxic effect on the unborn baby. The same can be said about the 2nd trimester, and about the last months before childbirth. The medicine will help a woman get rid of the symptoms of thrush and not worry about the health of the child.

Pimafucin is prescribed during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester as well as a prophylactic. The drug sanitizes the female genital tract. This reduces the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth.

How the drug is produced

Pimafucin is produced in several forms. The medicine is used externally and internally.

The dosage of natamycin in the preparation is different:

  • suppositories of 100 mg, 3 pieces in a box;
  • suppositories 100 mg, 6 pieces in a box;
  • tablets of 100 mg, 20 pieces in a vial;
  • cream for external use 2%, in 1 g of the drug 20 mg of natamycin, in a tube of 30 g of Pimafucin.

Pale yellow or white suppositories have a convenient form for administration. Pimafucin tablets are round, white, coated, which dissolves, act directly in the intestine. Light cream has a uniform consistency. The form and dosage of the drug is chosen by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease. Perhaps the simultaneous combination of external and internal medication.

Application: instructions and dosage

In the form of tablets, Pimafucin is prescribed if intestinal candidiasis is diagnosed. The dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  • adults - one tablet 4 times a day;
  • children - one piece 2 times a day.

The duration of admission is one week.

The cream is used externally, it acts as an antifungal agent for such diseases:

  1. Otomycoses. The affected surface of the ear is cleaned and smeared with cream one to three times a day. After treatment, the ear is covered with a cotton turunda.
  2. Candidiasis of the skin and nails. On the affected surface, the ointment is applied from one to three times a day.
  3. Treatment for men. Treatment of the sexual partner of a woman who has been diagnosed with thrush. Balanoposthitis in men. The scheme of application is the same as for candidiasis of the skin and nails.
  4. Complex treatment of complicated forms of candidiasis. The use of the cream is combined with taking vaginal suppositories or tablets.

When you feel better, the treatment is not stopped, continue for another two or three days to consolidate the result.

Vaginal suppositories are prescribed for women with vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, provoked by Candida fungi. Treatment lasts from three to six days. Enter one suppository 1 time per day. During pregnancy, the treatment regimen remains the same.

Instructions for use contains recommendations on the correct use of candles. First, suppositories put at night, before going to bed, as they dissolve and flow onto the laundry. It is necessary to insert suppositories into the vagina deeply, for this you need to lie down and it is advisable not to get up.

Secondly, suppositories dissolve very quickly. Doctors do not recommend holding candles in your hand for a long time, as under the influence of heat they will become liquid. Thirdly, experienced women are advised to use pads at night and in the morning. This will help to avoid leakage of Pimafucin on linen.

Thrush sometimes goes into a chronic stage. This happens if a woman stops taking Pimafucin on the second or third day, has not completed the course of taking the drug completely. Doctors draw the attention of patients to the fact that the disappearance of symptoms of candidiasis occurs before the end of treatment. After feeling better, Pimafucin should be taken for a few more days.

In case of complications or chronic stages of the disease, doctors advise, in addition to suppositories, to take Pimafucin tablets orally. The course of treatment is prescribed from 10 to 20 days. This recommendation continues during pregnancy. Pimafucin is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is safe for the unborn child.

Trimester contraindications

Doctors prescribe Pimafucin more often than similar drugs. This is facilitated by the high safety of the drug. Pimafucin does not have a toxic effect on the fetus. When taking the drug in the form of tablets, the drug begins to act directly in the intestines, that is, the negative effect on the body is minimized.

Pimafucin even in the 1st trimester, unlike or, doctors are allowed to use. Women do not need to suffer and endure itching or discharge. As the only contraindication during pregnancy in all trimesters, the instructions for use indicate individual sensitivity to the components of Pimafucin.

Attentive when taking the drug inside should be women who do not tolerate dairy products. Pimafucin tablets contain lactose monohydrate. With lactase deficiency, side effects may occur. Patients with allergies to honey and bee products should be aware that Pimafucin contains beeswax.

When taking medication in the form of suppositories, local reactions sometimes occur: burning and redness. Pimafucin tablets in some women during pregnancy provoke vomiting, nausea. Usually these symptoms disappear on the second day after the start of the drug. If adverse reactions persist for a long period, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.

Pharmacy price

The cost of Pimafucin depends on the form of release of the drug and dosage. The difference in price can fluctuate within 100 rubles.