Who does Viktor Saltykov work with now? Ex-husband about the abortion of Irina Saltykova

The marriage of Irina and Viktor Saltykov lasted only eight years. However, according to Victor, they were filled with happiness. But there were also problems. For example, Irina was silent for a long time about the fact that she was expecting a baby. Moreover, Saltykova even wanted to terminate the pregnancy, but he stopped her.


“She already bought vodka, but I was on time. Just a couple of days later we went and signed,” Saltykov said. Soon their daughter Alice was born. However, even the born girl could not save the relationship of her parents.

The fact is that another woman appeared in the life of Viktor Saltykov. She turned out to be 17-year-old Irina Metlina. “I was small, stupid. For a long time I didn’t understand that an adult man was looking after me. We were friends for a long time, then we got lost and met at one moment,” said Irina, who also took part in the filming of the program.

The most ugly thing in this situation was that Viktor and Irina hid their love relationship from the artist's wife. However, all the secret someday becomes clear.

Gradually, the relationship between Saltykov and Metlina moved to another level, and the couple decided to formally seal them. Irina and Viktor have been together for 25 years. They are raising two children: daughter Anna and son Svyatoslav.

But the personal life of Irina Saltykova after her divorce from Victor did not work out. “I don’t have a goal of just getting married, I don’t want to marry anyone. Agree, getting married is not a problem, I could do it 20 times if I wanted to. After all, the worse, the more suitors. I try not to worry about these questions. I want to find not just a husband, but my soul mate. I need a man who would correspond to me. He must be decent, responsible, smart, with a good upbringing. For me, not expensive gifts are important, but trust and understanding. This is most important "Sometimes a bouquet of flowers is more valuable than expensive jewelry. And it's nice when they surprise you, unexpectedly give you joy. Such moments are not forgotten," Irina Saltykova admitted in a recent interview.

Recently, Victor and his wife Irina celebrated the 15th anniversary of their life together and 21 years since they met. Why is there such a big time gap between these dates? Victor believes that there is a specific reason: fate itself tested their feelings for strength. For the first time, the singer saw Ira in a crowd of fans after another concert in the capital's club of the Electroclub group, of which he was a soloist. “Ira handed me a postcard, I signed it, looked up and was stunned, I liked this girl so much - so beautiful, unusual ...

Photo: Mikhail Klyuev

I keep a postcard, I don’t give it away, I don’t pay attention to the crowd that surrounded us. I say: "Wait for me, I'll be out soon." But pride did not allow Irina to wait for the musician at the service entrance along with other fans, and she left. At that time she was less than seventeen years old, she had just graduated from school and was preparing for the entrance exams to the Maurice Thorez Institute. She liked Victor's songs, but she did not consider herself a fan, and at that concert she was just in company with her girlfriend. Surprisingly, Victor, who had long been accustomed to increased female attention, remembered Irina and often thought about her, regretting the failed acquaintance. And one day, a month after that concert, they met again! Saltykov was busy with the car in the yard of his house when…

Photo: Mikhail Klyuev

Irina! “If in those very seconds I had not been distracted from the contemplation of the motor, I would have lost the girl of my dreams forever. But - Fate! I saw Irisha, grabbed her hand: "Write me your phone number, I'll call you." Ira laughed: "Well, write it down." From that day on, we began to meet, but these were not at all the meetings that I had with women before ... I did not allow myself anything extra, I was shy, I was afraid to make an awkward movement, to scare Ira. With other girls he was impudent, but with Irochka he was pinched, as if on a first date in his life. Why? Yes, because she was very young, twelve years younger than me, and no matter how I got carried away with her, I could not offer anything - after all, at that time I was married to Ira Saltykova and our daughter Alice was growing up, ”says Viktor .

The singer believes that if his family life did not look like a volcano with endless quarrels and showdowns, if he found understanding in the house, the affair with Ira would not have happened. “Our marriage was a real drama, we fought constantly. Friends said: “Vitek, you are masochists! Well, why live together if both of you feel bad about it? Get a divorce." And I answered: "We have a child, nothing - it will get better." He spoke, but he himself did not believe and ran away from home at every opportunity. Moreover, almost every day they pointed me to the door. I am a rather gentle person, I can’t stand rudeness in general, and even more so for women, after all, they correctly say that the strength of a woman is in her weakness. In general, family life did not work out. Nevertheless, Victor did not find the strength in himself to put an end to a difficult relationship and leave his wife, but he could not refuse his beloved girl either.

Music of the 80s. These two words immediately take us to Soviet Union. Discotheques, gramophone records, group names pop up in my memory. Those who listened to it then still listen to it now, believing that these were the best musical hits that have stood the test of time.

New names appeared on the stage, new stars lit up. Such a star was Viktor Vladimirovich Saltykov - a famous musician, songwriter, member of popular groups. His famous hits "White Night", "Leaves Have Flew", "Island", "Horses in Apples" and others are still on the air now, 30 years later.

Height, weight, age. How old is Viktor Saltykov

Information from the life of Viktor Saltykov can be easily found in any musical publication. We know height, weight, age. How old is Viktor Saltykov.

Viktor Saltykov: photo in his youth and now - a short man, his height is 170 cm, weight is 65 kg. Victor is now 60 years old.

In his younger years, Victor paid a lot of attention to hair and clothing style. Fame dictated its conditions. A handsome blond with a chic mop of hair attracted the attention of many girls. The fans did not let the singer go after the performances for a long time.

Biography and personal life of Viktor Saltykov

The biography and personal life of Viktor Saltykov began in Leningrad. As a child, parents noticed that their son loves to sing. He sang always and everywhere and, as Viktor himself recalls, really wanted to become a famous singer. At school, like all boys, he played football and hockey, then went in for tennis. I did not break into the big sport.

But he was seriously interested in music. Once, visiting his uncle, a fan of the Liverpool Four, Viktor Saltykov saw a record of the famous group. The music they played stunned him and served as the final decision to become a musician.

Mother - Zinaida Ivanovna Gorokhova raised Victor alone. Father - Vladimir Ivanovich Saltykov tragically passed away while still young.

After serving in the armed forces, Victor graduated from a higher educational institution, where there were excellent conditions and good musical equipment. It was the first step on the big stage.

In 1983, Viktor Saltykov was invited to the Forum group. There are many hits that become known throughout the country.

Work in the next group "Electroclub" brings Saltykov even more popularity. Tours take place in all cities almost without breaks for rest. At this time, the singer is getting married.

The first wife, Irina Saltykova, will soon also become a famous performer. In 1987, the couple had a daughter, Alice. 8 years after the wedding, Irina leaves her husband.

The second wife - Irina Metlina appeared in the life of a musician very soon. Over the years of married life, the couple had two children: a daughter, Anna, and a son, Svyatoslav.

Family and children of Viktor Saltykov

In the early 90s, Viktor Saltykov began his solo career. He is recording several new discs. At this time, the family and children of Viktor Saltykov become his main support. A tight tour schedule does not allow spending much time at home, so Alice does not see her dad often.

For three years, Irina has been raising her daughter, then she tries to start a musical career, but she does not succeed right away. Soon problems begin in the family, relationships deteriorate and the spouses part. Alice stays with her mother.

The new relationship of Viktor Saltykov turned out to be more successful, more than 20 years have passed since Viktor proposed to his second wife. Daughter Anna is already an adult girl, and Svyatoslav is a schoolboy, he is 10 years old.

The son of Viktor Saltykov - Svyatoslav

When the singer turned 50, the long-awaited son of Viktor Saltykov, Svyatoslav, was born. The boy was named after the pianist Svyatoslav Richter. Victor always dreamed of a son, but the birth of two older daughters pushed the dream further and further.

Now the boy is in school. He draws, likes to walk with his father, play chess. Victor teaches his son to do a lot with his own hands, tries to raise a real man out of a boy.

While Svyatoslav does not show interest in music and his father does not impose his opinion on him, he believes that time will put everything in its place.

Daughter of Viktor Saltykov - Alice

After the separation of her parents, Alice did not communicate with her father for many years. The girl did not like that she was the daughter of Viktor Saltykov - Alice. She once stated that she did not want to bear her father's surname.

Growing up, Alice changed her mind. She realized that she spoke childish grievances. Now they are in the past.

Alice lives in London, where she received two higher educations. He is engaged in music, producing theatrical performances and concerts. She met and became very close friends with her sister Anna.

Daughter of Viktor Saltykov - Anna

The second daughter of Viktor Saltykov, Anna, grew up in a friendly family. The girl was loved and spoiled. Like dad, Anna has been singing since childhood. Having matured, the girl went to study in London.

Now she is seriously engaged in music. Knowing English perfectly, she writes songs and performs them herself. He believes that the most important thing for a performer is to have their own unique style.

Most recently, Anna took part in a music competition, the selection for which was on her own. For some time this was a secret for her father, since Anna took a pseudonym - Anya Moon.

Ex-wife of Viktor Saltykov - Irina Saltykova

A beautiful blonde, famous singer and business woman is the ex-wife of Viktor Saltykov - Irina Saltykova. Irina, nee Sapronova, came to study in Moscow from a small town in the Tula region. And although she studied at the University of Economics, she always dreamed of singing on stage. Irina makes her first voice tests, speaking for several months in the Mirage group. She then goes into business for a while.

After failures in family life and parting with Viktor Saltykov, he decides to change his fate. Irina sells the business and invests the proceeds in her career. She succeeds.

Since 1994, proposals for cooperation have been pouring in on Irina Saltykova, as if from a cornucopia. She is in demand on the music scene and in films. Since 2010 - Irina is a successful business woman.

Viktor Saltykov's wife - Irina Metlina

All bad things come to an end. Now Viktor Saltykov is a beloved husband and a happy father. Viktor Saltykov's wife, Irina Metlina, is not a public person. Little is known about her. She is a linguist, knows several foreign languages.

Victor is 13 years older than his Irina. They met when Saltykov was still married to his first wife. They met, then broke up for several years. Fate pleased the composer, giving him a second chance at happy life. The couple have been together for 25 years.

Irina brought peace and comfort to Victor's life, surrounded him with care and affection. She was able to create an atmosphere where the profession and music are successfully combined - the passion of his whole life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Viktor Saltykov

He has had Instagram and Wikipedia for a long time. On the pages social networks Victor communicates with fans and friends, often updating his photos. Currently, Victor's Instagram has more than 20 thousand subscribers. From the photographs you can learn about Victor's creative projects, his tours, events in the family.

Viktor Saltykov

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:


The weight:
65 kg

170 cm

Biography of Viktor Saltykov

Childhood and family of Viktor Saltykov

Victor's hometown is St. Petersburg, however, during his childhood, the city was called Leningrad. As long as the singer remembers himself, he constantly sang. As a little boy, Victor dreamed of becoming a famous singer. At the age of five, his father put him on a chair and asked him to sing. Best of all, Vitya turned out the song "Solar Circle".

Having gone to school, he began to play tennis, however, he has no special achievements in this sport. The result of ten years of training with a well-deserved coach was only the first youth category.

Once, while visiting his uncle, Saltykov found a small record of the Beatles. What he heard shocked him. This record has become his favorite. His father died when the boy was only twelve years old.

Singer Viktor Saltykov in childhood

Mom was not particularly happy about her son's passion for music, she wanted him to acquire a serious profession in the future. His uncle advised his nephew to become a railway engineer. He listened to his uncle's advice and after the army became a student, enrolling in the Institute of Railway Transport.

Knowing full well that the railway did not interest him at all, the young man continued to study at the institute only because all the conditions for music lessons were created there. Even in the army, Victor played and sang in the ensemble, while at the institute he received an excellent opportunity to continue these studies.

During his studies, student Saltykov created the Democritus Well group. Together with this team, the future singer took his first steps on the big stage.

The first songs of Viktor Saltykov

For the first time, Saltykov felt a real "taste" of success when he performed with the Manufactura group in one of the rock clubs in Leningrad. He was literally stunned by the flurry of applause, which he was awarded after the first performance. I must say that already at that time the songs that he performed seemed to him too lightweight.

Victor Saltykov "Horses in apples"

The guys from the group tried to create some kind of image for themselves, invented hairstyles, got fashionable clothes. Time passed, and the singer realized that for a real creative person who performs from the stage, appearance and clothes are far from the most important success factors.

In 1983, together with Manufactura, Victor participated in the first rock festival held in Leningrad, where the guys took first place. Saltykov performed the song "Million House". There, as a soloist, he received the Grand Prix and was named the best vocalist. After such a bright performance at the rock festival, Victor received an offer to become the soloist of the Forum group. The guys from "Manufactura" were about to be drafted into the army, because of which the team would have disintegrated, the aspiring singer gave his consent and moved to the "Forum".

The best hits of Viktor Saltykov

Victor's work in the Forum group brought him fame and made him popular throughout the USSR. During that period, such hits as "Island", "A Week Before the Wedding" and "White Night" appeared. The group was wildly successful. She began to be called "cult". They quickly gained a lot of fans.

Viktor Saltykov - White Night

The next group where Victor sang was Electroclub. This group was brought together by Tukhmanov. It was he who was engaged in serious promotion of the group. At the time the singer joined this group, Igor Talkov and singer Irina Allegrova were already working there. By that time, Talkov planned to pursue a solo career, so Victor replaced him in the group. A few more people from the Forum also went there.

Soon, the singer sang several new hits in the Electroclub. With Allegrova, he released the album "Horses in Apples" and the album "Photo for Memory", the disc "Electroclub-2" was also released. The band toured for several months of the year. Sometimes there were several concerts a day. Due to the fact that Victor wanted to play more serious music, he decided to leave the Electroclub.

Viktor Saltykov currently, solo career

The singer began to engage in independent creativity since 1990. The result of his solo career were several recorded albums. In 1998, Victor appeared at the Musical Ring, where he sang his new songs. In 1999, his album was released, which was called "Step by Step".

The singer continues to record his songs today. Often it can be seen in concert programs and television programs. One of the latest was "Star Factory-4" and "Disco 80s".

Personal life of Viktor Saltykov

The first wife of the singer was Irina, who is known to everyone as Irina Saltykova. They met in 1985. In 1987, a daughter, Alice, appeared in the family. The couple divorced in 1995. The singer considers his marriage to Irina a big mistake.

The ex-wife of Viktor Saltykov Irina with her daughter Alice

Victor's second wife is also called Irina. They have been together for many years. Irina and Viktor have a daughter, Anna, and a son, Svyatoslav. Victor believes that he owes a lot to his second wife. Thanks to her, he quit smoking and does not drink alcohol at all. The family lives in a private house, since Victor, according to him, is tired of big cities, he wanted to return to the land and nature. He helps his wife in arranging and decorating the site. The singer is completely happy that in life he was able to combine his passion with his profession, that music has become his life's work.

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Viktor Saltykov photography

So, will you soon take Svyatoslav with you on vacation?

Is he an obedient boy or does he like to disturb his parents once again?

In whose honor was he named Svyatoslav?

Best of the day

When you finally had a son, were you more happy than your daughters?

Do you often see Alice, the daughter from a previous marriage?

Your son is eight months old. Already surprising parents?

“I think kids are always amazing. He was already surprised by the fact that he was born and after three days he began to consciously look at the world around him. The very feeling that my son is the same as we are, I had when he was five months old. Now Yasik is showing a greed for life, it is clear how he is interested in everything, he wants to know everything. We recently started going to the pool with him. They accustomed him to this gradually so that there was no fear of water, so at first the son floundered in a circle, and we all spun around him (smiles).

- So, will you soon take Svyatoslav with you on vacation?

- We are already late for the May holidays, but in September it will not work out, since Anechka (Victor's second daughter. - Auth.) will start preparing for school. Yes, and it is unlikely that this year we will go with our son to the sea, because we don’t want to rebuild it for other climatic conditions. We live in a cottage outside the city, where there is a swimming pool, a beautiful garden, so you can swim, sunbathe without flying anywhere. Now Yasik is even trying to get up on his feet, it is clear that he really wants to walk, but it's too early. I sometimes call him "refined" - because he is very sweet (laughs).

- Is he an obedient boy or does he like to disturb his parents once again?

- The son is calm, but sometimes he likes to scream and rage. We are lucky that he is playful and not capricious. We know that Yasik loves very much when people pay attention to him, of course, we are trying to fulfill his desire - either I, or my wife, or my daughter are always there. But now we want to accustom him to childhood loneliness, so sometimes we leave our son in the crib so that he learns to be with himself.

- In honor of whom was he named Svyatoslav?

- Relatives wanted to be named after uncles, aunts, grandparents, but we, on the contrary, were against it. When the newborn was brought to his wife, she immediately exclaimed: what long fingers! To which I replied: if so, apparently, he will become a great pianist, like Svyatoslav Richter. So let's call him Svyatoslav! That's what we decided (smiles). He was born on October 25th. I am the closing Scorpio, and Yasik is a beginner.

- When you finally had a son, were you more happy than your daughters?

I can't divide children into daughters and sons. Of course, now we pay much more attention to Yasik, but not because he is a son, but because Small child. The only thing is that it will be more difficult for me with the upbringing of Yasik, since at some point the daughter can be transferred to her mother, and the boy, it seems to me, should be more on the father, so I now need to delve into myself to give him the right male upbringing. I remember how my father raised me and how much he was able to give, despite the fact that he died when I was still young. Therefore, now I will try to grow a worthy man out of my son. This, of course, will not be easy, because I'm not a young dad, but I can say that Yasik makes me younger - with him I feel like twenty years old again (smiles).

- Do you often see Alice, the daughter from a previous marriage?

- Unfortunately, very rarely, since she lives and studies in London. But when it happens in Moscow, I call on her or she comes to our house. Alice is a good student. After graduating from a theater college, she wants to work in her specialty - to be an actress (smiles). We also want to send our second child, Anechka, to study abroad, because there she will not only be able to get a decent education, but will also become fluent in a foreign language.

Do you communicate normally with your ex-wife Irina Saltykova now?

- If you need to discuss something about our common daughter Alice, we call or meet. When I come to them, Ira meets me normally, so sometimes we communicate even better than when we were husband and wife (laughs). I don’t have any previous grievances against her, I wish her only the best. It’s just that we are, one might say, on opposite sides of the river and rarely cross, since each of us now has our own life. Do you communicate normally with your ex-wife Irina Saltykova now?

- If you need to discuss something about our common daughter Alice, we call or meet. When I come to them, Ira meets me normally, so sometimes we communicate even better than when we were husband and wife (laughs). I don’t have any previous grievances against her, I wish her only the best. It's just that we are, one might say,

different sides of the river and we rarely cross, since each of us now has our own life.