The effect of gold jewelry on a person. The effect of gold on the human body

Since ancient times, gold, in itself, has been a talisman. Its amazing properties aroused interest and admiration even in ancient times. And today this metal is surrounded by mysticism and magic.

Moreover, gold - this fiery metal perfectly affects the surrounding person, warms and tones, stabilizing the emotional, psychophysical state of a person. It also has a beneficial effect on circulatory system and vessels. Some harmful bacteria are afraid of gold, like fire. People, from ancient times, honor and cherish its gold from generation to generation. Many gold items have been found by archaeologists throughout the planet. In fact, in all cultures of the world, he was given cult, ritual and symbolic significance. It is believed that this metal accumulates and condenses information and, at the right time, endows a person with its magic. No wonder its Latin name is "Aurum". carries a bioenergetic value.

Is gold right for you?

Intuitive, subconscious attraction to this particular metal will not keep you waiting. The sight alone is sometimes enough to "revive" and cheer up a person. Nature itself will tell you if you need gold. You will feel everything yourself.

Bright, energetic people prefer solar metal, it is believed that gold attracts wealth and prosperity. This metal is especially necessary for quiet, overly modest, insecure people, individuals suffering from chronic fatigue and inattention. Those who are not calm at heart, those who suffers from depression and feels a breakdown.

In search of cures for severe pathologies, modern medicine often discovers new diseases about which nothing was previously known. It would seem, how can gold harm a person, when even today there are methods of treatment using compounds of this metal? However, back in the 6th century, in a collection of hadiths - legends about the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, it was said that wearing a golden ring for men is haram (forbidden). But the Prophet allows women to dress in silk and adorn themselves with gold. As you know, any religion is a set of rules of life, and all of them are designed to protect a person from premature death. And in this sense, this Muslim law turned out to be right. A few years ago, doctors at the private research Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, discovered a strange pattern. Men who have been wearing a gold wedding ring for more than 10 years without taking off, most often apply for medical care complaining of lack of erection and primary male infertility. It turns out that over time, the precious metal begins to oxidize and release chemical reaction products. Even a fraction of a milligram of gold oxide, regardless of the sample, when it enters the body, disrupts the functioning of the male gonads. But the gold metal does not have any effect on the health of ladies, and all because the female reproductive system is better protected from such chemical influences. It turns out that Muslims have known this for a long time.

The human body contains a certain amount of gold, namely about 10 mg, the main part of which is concentrated in the bones. The answer to the question - Why is it in the human organism? - not found, however, claims that it is in the kidneys, liver, spleen and contributes to the functioning of the brain. Also, gold has the ability to enhance the biological effect of silver, that is, it helps immune system fight viruses. The well-known properties of gold - excellent electrical conductivity - can directly indicate its importance in the action of brain neurons.

But gold, or rather its compounds, interfere with the work of macrophages ("devourer") - cells involved in the immune system, as well as the cessation of their reproduction in bone marrow to the effect of aging. The properties of macrophages are as follows: in their ability to form a new cell complex, read the initial DNA structure and synthesize protein to renew the cells of the body.

If an ear is pierced with a golden needle, then the hole made will no longer overgrow. This is one of the many beliefs about the properties of gold. Therefore, in this area, cell renewal and regeneration stops .... Gold makes us mortal???

Also, some researchers claim that in ancient times the Anunnaki forced people to evaporate gold to a white powder in special cauldrons, and eat the powder itself. Volatile particles of gold enter the body, accumulating and settling, but in a woman the content of this metal is 5 times higher than the amount contained in a man, does it not follow that a woman is 5 times older than a man? It can also indicate the peculiarities of metabolism, that is, the properties of the body and the differences between a man and a woman.

Corn contains gold that improves performance nervous system, or rather the electrical conductivity between the nerve endings.

“An Indian fairy tale tells that when the powerful gods decided to divide all the wealth of the Earth among people different color skin, then the Indians were the first to come to the division and chose for themselves the most valuable thing at their discretion, bright yellow, as if poured from pure gold, corncob. He gave food to man, animals and birds. With corn, hunger was not terrible. Corn was the bread of the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans. The ancient Indians portrayed the god of fertility, rain and harvest with a corncob in their hands. The Indians revered this plant so much that it was reflected even in Maya writing. ”

The two most common myths about corn are that corn is indigestible and that it is an allergen. As I suppose this is not a myth ... because. Gold can be poisonous, so it is classified as a possibly toxic compound to humans. This applies not only to trace elements within us, but when gold comes into contact with the skin, women often know that when wearing gold jewelry, they sometimes develop an allergy to the metal.

“The most common corn (maize) is of alien origin. For corn to multiply, caring human hands are needed. Let's say rice or wheat can grow by itself - their seeds will be spread by animals. But corn itself, without human intervention, is not capable of reproduction. Corn is a gift that the god Kukulkan or, as the Aztecs called him, Quetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl; Quetzalcoatl) made to mankind. Moreover, according to legend, it was from corn that man was created. A corncob wrapped in leaves will rot if not gutted with hands.”

Due to its medicinal properties, the "queen of the fields" has long been used in traditional medicine. For example, roasted and cooled corn grains have a wound-healing effect, and a decoction of corn tendrils improves immunity and normalizes blood pressure. That is, the evaporated gold from corn is useless, and the residual compounds have very interesting effects. The impact of gold, or rather, wearing it at certain points causes various diseases. However, it is highly controversial that adioactive gold is used in the treatment malignant tumors, although this is described in the properties of macrophages, since they do not suppress tumors.

That is, we are smart-reasonable thanks to gold and mortals ... thanks to him.

The myth about the creation of the first man from grains of white and yellow corn speaks quite eloquently about the huge role of maize farming in the life of the Mayan Indians.

“And then, grinding yellow corn and white corn, Shmukane made nine drinks, and strength and flesh came from this food, and muscles and human strength were created from corn. That's what they did great mother and the Great Father, Tepeu and Kucumats, as they were called. After that, they began to talk about the creation and creation of our first mother and father; only from yellow corn and from white corn did they make their flesh; from corn dough they created human arms and legs. Only cornmeal dough went into the flesh of our first fathers, the four people who were created.

[Popol-Vuh. Per. R.V. Kinzhalova]

God gave….God took…

“Eat the flesh of God, which is obtained in the sweat of your face. And you will become like gods. And the secrets of the universe will be revealed to you.

The greatness of the achievements of the ancient Maya puzzles the workers of the science of human nutrition. At the same time, in their calculations of the hypercalories required for the construction of stone structures of this people, they completely exclude protein of animal origin. Because the builders had to eat everything and everything in Honduras and Guatemala, including earthworms. Maize, and only maize.”

In one Aztec tradition there are such remarkable words:

Our ancestors taught

that we owe our lives to the gods,

they created us.

The gods give us our food,

everything we drink and eat

that which preserves life are maize and beans.

The emotional sensitivity of a woman, her nervous susceptibility can be explained precisely by the increased content of gold in the body. The Maya forbade women to grow corn and mainly gave them the right to grow rice, which, by the way, contains iron.

"The arrangement of atoms in alloys leads to changes chemical properties components, which makes them potentially effective catalysts. This prompted Sylvie Rousset and her colleagues at Denis Diderot University and the National Center for Scientific Research to consider creating an alloy of iron and gold. The latter easily forms alloys with precious metals - silver and palladium, but is not "friends" with "cheap" iron. better than butter, which was poured into water - due to the difference in the sizes of atoms

Madame Rousset's group vaporized iron and gold and melted them onto a plate of ruthenium, after which they heated it to 330 ˚C so that the atoms moved into a single-layer lattice.”

“The scientists tested several combinations of iron and gold to find the most stable compound. Theoretically, such a mixture should include about 80% iron, as this minimizes the mechanical stress caused by the difference in the sizes of the atoms. However, to their surprise, the researchers found that the most stable lattice contained approximately one iron atom per two gold atoms. Accordingly, a long-range order is established in the lattice - a repeating pattern of interlocking gold hexagons with an iron atom in the center.

Sylvie Rousset believes that this stability is based on the magnetic properties of iron. They are most pronounced when this metal makes up a third of the alloy.

If one can learn to switch magnetism between two directions with the application of a magnetic field, and hold the chosen direction at temperatures common to a computer, the alloy can function as a high-density memory array.”

Everything is interconnected... the main thing is to choose the right proportions... and the structure of the body is eternal, it is necessary to restore the balance of elements.

When gold heals

Jewelry made of gold should be worn during epidemics, as well as suffering skin diseases. After all, gold has the ability to disinfect, kill harmful bacteria. Also, it can boost the immune system.

Gold has a positive effect on the heart and nervous system. Very useful for hypertensive patients.

Also, wearing gold jewelry will not harm those suffering from diseases of the heart, liver and biliary tract, depression, diseases of the joints and spine. Gold jewelry will be useful for women suffering from chronic metritis and uterine fibroadenoma.

In addition, wearing gold will help with epilepsy, hysteria and a general breakdown.

By the way, sometimes to get out of depression, just a few minutes is enough just to hold your favorite gold trinket in your hands.

A golden ring will strengthen self-confidence and help overcome any obstacles.

The most interesting thing is that gold behaves differently in different parts of the body. For example, gold chains and pendants will help with heart arrhythmia and calm you down. Therefore, it is especially desirable to wear them for people working in stressful conditions.

metal therapy

Outdoor use of metals with therapeutic purpose called metal therapy. This is the name of the method of applying metal plates to diseased areas of the body - gold, silver, copper.

This method is the simplest form of reflexology. If during acupuncture (another type of reflexology) a non-professional runs the risk of missing desired point and in the best case, the treatment will not bring any benefit, then it is almost impossible to make a mistake when applying the plates. The metal itself seems to find a sore spot and stick to it.

Why does gold heal? When the plate comes into contact with human skin, an electric current is generated. Moreover, in the case of plates made of gold, copper, zinc, lead, the current goes from the metal to the skin. And in the case of silver and tin plates - on the contrary, from leather to metal.

Therefore, “diseases of deficiency” are treated with gold or copper plates, and “diseases of excess” with silver or tin plates.

Gold and silver plates are rarely used in metal therapy - primarily because of the high cost. At the same time, the plates precious metals- the most efficient. Gold, for example, tones, activates the activity of organs. Silver - soothes, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The negative impact of gold

Gold is not for everyone. How to determine if wearing it is harmful to you?

The first signs indicating excessive sensitivity to gold are a bad mood, deterioration of the teeth, hair growth, problems with the liver and kidneys.

In addition, in wearing gold jewelry, as in everything else, you need to know when to stop. You can not wear the whole day without removing the same wedding ring.

The fact is that there are many sensitive points on the hands, stimulating which you can influence certain human organs. The constant wearing of a gold ring leads to a constant effect on some organs (rings constantly affect some biologically active points). And as a result, atherosclerosis, sciatica, inflammatory processes occur ...

Therefore, any, even a wedding ring, must be removed periodically, at least for the duration of sleep.

Wearing heavy and massive gold jewelry can also make you feel unwell.
Ring, solid yellow gold

Gold is considered a very strong metal that suits people with already formed consciousness. Therefore, gold jewelry is not recommended for children.

In addition, gold provides a powerful energy supply to its owner. If your energy is already overflowing, it may be better to replace gold jewelry with items made from a more “calm” material.

By the way, it is undesirable to wear gold and silver together. These precious metals have the opposite effect on the body (gold tones, silver calms). Therefore, it is difficult to predict the result of their joint wearing.

"Indicator" of the disease

There is an opinion that if golden decoration loses its luster, darkens or becomes cloudy - this is a sign that it is losing its medicinal properties. Or that its owner is seriously ill.

This is just plain bullshit. Gold may lose appearance as a result of improper handling - scratches, dirt, - or simply oxidize if the gold standard is low (see Caring for gold), but not from terrible diseases of the owner.

Therefore, the correct storage and wearing of gold, coupled with optimism and good mood, will not be able to bring anything but positive.

The most mysterious and mysterious. Ancient and most powerful metal. Of course it's gold.Many are aware of its commercial value. They know it as an investment. But why people since ancient times have been looking for this mysterious chemical element.

One of the most important, valuable properties of gold is its therapeutic effect on the human body.

A bit of history

Almost every country in the world has its own recipes for the use of gold for the purpose of treatment.
Ayurveda - the Indian system of human healing, describes it as effective remedy prolonging life and strengthening the will of man.
Indian women used it to carry their pregnancies.
Girls had their ears pierced to improve their eyesight and as a talisman (gold earrings).
The first gold fillings were found in China and Egypt.
In the treatise of Tibetan medicine, gold is said to protect against harmful influences and prolong life.
Paracelsus made extensive use of gold in his recipes.
The manufacture of gold cutlery was a necessity - the prevention of infectious intestinal diseases, and other diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines.
Since the 19th century, gold has been used to treat diseases of the joints, and in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Main medicinal properties

1. Inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria, fungal infection, many viral strains.
2. Enhances the body's metabolism.
3. Increases blood pressure.
4. Strengthens cell membranes, being a powerful antioxidant.
5. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
6. Perfectly restores the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
7. Normalizes all the main functions of the nervous system. Strengthens memory, attentiveness. Restores performance.
Normalizes sleep. Relieves stress.
8. Treats diseases of the joints and rheumatism.
9. Increases human immunity.

The use of gold in modern medicine:

1. Actively used in treatment rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases of the joints (Crinazole).
2. Included modern means treatment of tuberculosis (sanokrizin).
3. In oncology, gold preparations are used to slow down tumor growth.

Ideas about gold in folk medicine:

1. Supports human energy. Protects from damage and the evil eye. Accumulates the energy of the sun.
2. Gold relieves arrhythmia, calms nerves, pain in the heart. To do this, it is better to wear chains and pendants.
3. Gold rings on hands - improve business, help overcome difficulties in business.
They actively influence the energy meridians passing through the fingers. Act on biologically active points.
4. The ring on the ring finger brings love and happiness to the house.
5. Gold earrings improve eyesight.
6. Treats deafness, depression, normalizes work thyroid gland. Diseases of the respiratory system and intestinal disorders.

Ways to use gold:

You can locally attach a gold object to a sore spot for 10-15 minutes.
Wear pendants and gold chains.
Wear rings.
The people widely used golden water to affect the entire body.

1. For oral administration. Put a golden object in a glass of water for a day. Store this water in a dark place. Take in a day for 1/3 cup 3 r. per day. Before eating.

2. Another recipe. We boil a golden object in 0.5 liters of water. As soon as a third of the water evaporates, stop boiling. Put this water with gold in a dark place. Withstand 3 days. Water intake 1 tsp. on an empty stomach
3. Prepared golden water can be used for taking a medicinal bath. Add one glass of golden water to a warm bath. Procedure time 15-20 min.

Choose the amount of gold jewelry so that you feel comfortable throughout the day.
With increased blood pressure, gold jewelry apply carefully.

Use this noble metalto improve your health.

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