Medicinal properties of cloves, what is useful spicy plant. Clove spice: useful, medicinal properties and contraindications The benefits and harms of cloves for a woman's body

Clove is a spice obtained by drying the flowers of a tropical tree. Due to its rich aroma, it is widely used in the preparation of both sweet and meat dishes, preservation, and drinks. But its most valuable use is in traditional medicine. It is mainly treated for respiratory diseases, including the addition to mulled wine. But it is also useful for diabetes, toothache, obesity and as a stimulant.

Beneficial features

Carnation is a tall evergreen tree that grows in countries such as Zanzibar, Indonesia, Philippines, India. Clove spices look like dried and incomplete buds picked from tropical trees. The spice fell in love with its unusual, rich and bitter taste, which gives a piquant flavor to various dishes.

A lot of countries use cloves, but in each culture it is used in its own way: England uses it in culinary dishes, India in aromatherapy, perfumes are produced in France, in Thailand they are added to chewing gum, using the wonderful aromatic qualities of the plant.

But no matter how this spice is transformed, it will never lose its medicinal properties. The health benefits of cloves are enormous, with antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic properties. It is used to treat warts, it normalizes acidity in the intestines. Thanks to cloves, it is possible to improve memory and activate brain function, increase blood pressure, stimulate blood circulation. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for those who have cold limbs.

Clove decoctions are used in the treatment of various eye diseases. Medications and ointments, which include cloves, are often used in sports medicine: to treat bruises, muscle pain and muscle sprains. Thanks to it, the body is restored and wounds heal.

Manganese, which is part of the cloves, normalizes digestion, helps strengthen bones, and activates enzymes. The buds will help ease breathing, release Airways from various inflammations and mucus, improve the outflow of bile and remove stones from the gallbladder and Bladder, they are used to treat oncology and skin eczema. In old times beneficial features Cloves were used by healers in the treatment of diseases such as cholera, tuberculosis and malaria.

Oils of cloves with orange, cinnamon and walnut will improve mood, drive away melancholy and help get rid of depression. Inhaling the aroma is also good for health, it will relieve headaches, relieve drowsiness, and improve memory. If oil is applied to skin covering, then it will become the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. Cloves have the ability to destroy bacteria that create plaque and inflame the gums. A solution of the dried flower is recommended to rinse oral cavity to get rid of bad odors. In cosmetology, it is part of ointments, masks, balms and creams. Invariably used in the manufacture of perfumes.


The composition of dried cloves includes:

  • vitamin A;
  • caryophyllene;
  • vitamin B1;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin B2;
  • sodium;
  • vitamin C;
  • calcium;
  • furfural;
  • manganese;
  • vitamin PP;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • humulene;
  • eugenol;
  • oleic acid;
  • tannins;
  • fatty substances;
  • minerals;

Scientists have proven that just fifteen milligrams of clove essential oils has as many antioxidants as forty-five kilograms of blueberries. The main concentrate of the aroma is contained in the cap of spices, and the petiole contains the highest concentration of essential oil, which has a specific aftertaste.

If the clove smell should be the main one in the preparation of a dish, then this spice is added as late as possible. Clove scent is not tolerable high temperatures and quickly disappears when heated. It is easy to check for the amount of useful elements in the spice, just throw it sharply into the water. The essential oils that make up the cloves should pull it to the bottom, if there are not very many oils in the cloves, it will float with a hat vertically at the top. If the spice does not sink, but swirls on the water surface, then this means that it no longer contains useful substances. human body elements.

Application in traditional medicine

Cloves have found their wide application in folk medicine. Clove tea will help with a malfunction in the stomach, with bloating, with diarrhea, cope with vomiting and nausea. Just a few drops of essential oil can stop nausea and vomiting.

It is advised to take it for colds and sore throats, for skin rashes and insomnia. Dry cough is treated with a decoction of cloves and sea salt, you can also make tea with the addition of this spice. An infusion of this remedy can support the body with diabetes. If your teeth hurt, you need to chew or rub the gums gently with ground cloves, with aching pain when installing temporary fillings, it is advised to use seasoning essential oil, which will not only provide an analgesic effect, but also help eliminate bad breath.

Asthma is treated by using a mixture of honey and garlic with the addition of spice oil. In gynecology, this remedy helps to stabilize in women menstrual cycle, increase the tone of the uterus, facilitate childbirth, fight infertility, treat inflammation of the genitourinary system. Oils are often used in the fight against cellulite in women.

In men, this remedy is used to increase potency and increase erection, for this you need to drink clove tincture. A very popular property of cloves is the acceleration of metabolism, which is of value to people who are overweight.


In order to prepare a healing decoction or infusion of spices, you just need to choose the appropriate recipe:

  • To maintain the body with diabetes, you can prepare the following tincture of cloves. Pour twenty buds of fragrant spices with one glass of hot boiled water and leave for 12 hours. After that, strain and drink the infusion twice a day. Treatment should be long, not less than six months.
  • According to the following recipe, you can prepare an antitumor tincture. To do this, you need to take twenty-five spice buds, put them in a specially prepared container, pour the raw material with one glass of good vodka or 40% medical alcohol, close the product with a lid and put it in a dry and dark place for a whole week. While the product is infused, it must be shaken periodically. Ready-made medicine is taken one teaspoon three times a day before eating.
  • It is possible to prevent various viral diseases and improve the metabolism in the body by drinking tea with ginger and clove buds. Preparation: take ten grams of green tea, two spice buds, a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of chopped ginger. Pour the whole mixture with half a liter of boiling water and soak for three hours. In order not to give an extra load on the stomach, drink tea in a diluted form.
  • Treatment of arthritis is carried out as follows: 7 drops of clove oil are added to any massage oil, mixed and rubbed with this remedy on the diseased joint several times a day.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyes, crushed clove powder is mixed with water and applied to the eyelid of the diseased eye. Treatment is carried out for several days until the inflammatory process completely disappears.
  • Digestive problems are treated like this: a teaspoon of honey is mixed with a pinch of black pepper and ground cloves. Taken twice a day. In the presence of chronic diseases of the stomach, this method should be abandoned.
  • Runny nose, cough and cold are eliminated with crushed cloves mixed with a teaspoon of honey. The mixture should be eaten gradually so that it is well absorbed by the oral mucosa.
  • You can get rid of ear pain with the help of a special decoction: 5 clove sticks are added to cold-pressed sesame oil, after which the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. Drip into the affected ear 3 drops 3 times a day.

In the article we discuss cloves. Let's talk about its benefits possible harm, medicinal properties, use in cooking, cosmetology, dietology. You will learn how to use cloves to repel mosquitoes, and what contraindications the spice has.

Clove is a spice that is obtained from the dried, unopened buds of the perennial tree of the same name. The plant is native to the Moluccas. Now the spice is grown in Tanzania (90% of world production), Indonesia, India, and Ceylon.

What does a clove look like

The clove tree is an evergreen shrub or tree with a pyramidal crown that has a strong aroma. The leaves are leathery, petiolate, glabrous, dark green.

Appearance (photo) of the fruits of clove (cloves).

The plant blooms 2 times a year. The flowers are purple-red, small, collected in complex semi-umbels. The fruit is a false berry.

The spice has a brown tint. The buds of the plant are harvested, then fermented under direct sunlight. A quality carnation, if thrown into a glass with force, should sink or float vertically. If the spice floats horizontally, then it is of poor quality.

Useful properties of cloves

Seasoning contains:

  • essential oil;
  • ash;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • phylloquinone;
  • eugenol;
  • cellulose;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • tannins.

Due to the rich chemical composition, the spice is often used in medicinal purposes. The product has the following useful properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • painkiller;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antifungal;
  • tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • carminative;
  • antispasmodic.

Cloves are effective against many pathogens, such as diphtheria bacillus, the causative agent of anthrax. Fragrant spice inhibits the reproduction of tubercle bacillus. Spice is a good prevention of influenza and SARS.

Spicy plant normalizes work of cardio-vascular system. Funds based on it increase arterial pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic.

Using the spice activates the production gastric juice. It helps to increase appetite and normalize digestion. If you have high stomach acid or an ulcer, cloves may be harmful. Means based on the fruits of the clove tree treat colitis, intestinal colic, flatulence, liver disease.

Useful spice for teeth. It helps eliminate toothache, has a positive effect on the gums. Spice treats gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. When asked whether it is useful to chew dried buds of a plant, doctors answer in the affirmative. They help get rid of bad breath and destroy harmful bacteria.

Thanks to B vitamins, the product is effective in nervous disorders, overexertion, stress. For example, a plant extract is present in the drug Doppelgerz Melissa, the use of which allows you to relax and calm the nervous system.

Eugenol, present in the composition of the product, effectively fights cancer cells. Therefore, the spice is often prescribed to patients with cancer, as well as to prevent the onset of a dangerous disease.

Clove has an antispasmodic effect and tones the muscles. It can eliminate spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time tones the muscles of the uterus.

The plant is widely used in gynecology. Means based on it normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate severe pain.

For more information about the beneficial properties of spices, see the following video:

The use of cloves

Carnation has a wide range of applications. Medicinal decoctions, infusions, tea, oil are prepared on the basis of the plant. Doctors recommend using the spice for couples and people with low libido, because it effectively increases attraction, improves sexual activity.

Also, the spice is often used in cooking, cosmetology, aromatherapy, and dietetics. The spice has found application in everyday life, it is used to repel blood-sucking insects.

In cooking

Cooks most often use spice in the process of preparing marinades and pickles. The spice is actively used during the canning of tomatoes and cucumbers. The fragrant spice is also used to make homemade ketchup and sauces.

Most often, cloves are used by confectioners. It is used in its pure form or combined with other spices, such as cinnamon or cardamom. With the help of spices, they add flavor to pastries, puddings, mousses, compotes, and punches.

Dry fruits of the plant are widely used in cooking.

The combination of spices with black pepper gives pork and lamb dishes a unique flavor. Fragrant spices emphasize the taste of tender turkey and chicken meat.

The spice has a rich aroma. Therefore, it must be used with care so as not to interrupt the smell and taste of the dish. Sauces are prepared with the addition of ground spices, all other dishes with whole cloves.

In cosmetology

Beauticians often use clove oil for skin and hair care. It is added to the composition of clay-based home masks, fermented milk products, fruit puree. Such masks are useful for the face, with regular use they can eliminate acne, cleanse the dermis of bacteria, improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the epidermis.

Homemade masks are prepared on the basis of plant buds. They improve blood circulation, as a result of which hair begins to grow more actively. With the systematic use of these products based on clove oil, you can get rid of dandruff, increased oiliness of the scalp.

For weight loss

Nutritionists recommend using the spice for people who are on a diet. Rich chemical composition spices allows you to enrich the body with vitamins and biologically active elements during a limited diet.

Eating cloves improves the process of digestion. Therefore, those who want to get rid of excess weight may not worry about the food they eat. Due to its high fat-burning ability, the spice prevents the deposition of excess weight.

Nutritional value 100 gr. cloves is 27 gr. carbohydrates, 20 gr. fat and 6 gr. proteins. Calorie 100 gr. dry raw materials - 323 kcal.

Clove treatment

You can start therapy with the product only after a doctor's prescription. It is important to read the list of contraindications first. Below are recipes for the preparation of remedies for various diseases based on the plant.

Recipe #1


  1. Wormwood - 20 gr.
  2. Tansy - 20 gr.
  3. Cloves - 20 gr.

How to cook: Grind each ingredient separately in a coffee grinder. Then mix them.

How to use: On the first day, take 10 gr. mix 30 minutes before dinner. On the second day - half a dessert spoon 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. From the third to the ninth day - the same dosage three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe #2


  1. Cloves - 100 gr.
  2. Flax seed - 100 gr.

How to cook: Grind food with a coffee grinder. Place the resulting composition in an airtight container, put in a cool place.

How to use: Every day take 25 gr. medicinal product, diluting it in tea or fruit drink. The duration of treatment is 3 days. Then take a break for 3 days. Then repeat the treatment again. The general course of admission is 1-2 months.

Result: Elimination of helminths.

From the pain

The spice effectively copes with various types pain, such as headache or menstrual pain. Below is a prescription for a headache.


  1. Clove oil - 1 drop.
  2. Chamomile oil - 1 drop.
  3. Lavender ether - 3 drops.
  4. Almond oil - 5 gr.

How to cook: Mix the base oils, heat them in a water bath to body temperature, then add the essential oil and mix the product.

How to use: Massage the forehead and temples using a mixture of oils.

Result: Elimination of headache.

From pressure


  1. Ground cloves - 3 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Boil water, pour boiling water over the spice. Infuse the decoction for 1 hour, then strain through a multilayer gauze.

How to use: Take a decoction of 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Result: A decoction of the plant effectively normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, giving them elasticity.

For sore throat

To eliminate the inflammation of the throat, it is enough to take 2 dry cloves, suck them, then chew and swallow. This procedure must be carried out until the inflammation disappears.

For diabetes

In medicine, cloves are actively used in diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels, neutralizes the effect of histamine, regulates the patient's weight.

From the recipe below, you will learn how to drink cloves for type 2 diabetes.


  1. Carnation - 20 buds.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Fill the buds with hot water. Let the composition brew for 12 hours, then strain through a cotton-gauze filter.

How to use: Drink an infusion of 75 ml 20 minutes before each meal.

Result: The tool maintains an optimal level of glucose in the blood.

With pancreatitis

Often included in complex treatment herbalists recommend using an infusion based on spices. The effectiveness of the remedy largely depends on whether you follow the recommended diet for illness.

The decoction recipe below should be used to treat chronic pancreatitis.


  1. Cloves - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Pour medicinal raw materials with cold boiled water. Infuse the remedy for 8 hours, then strain.

How to use: Take an infusion of 1 tablespoon every 4-5 hours.

Result: The tool effectively eliminates the symptoms of pancreatitis.

For women

The spice has a beneficial effect on female body. Since ancient times, it has been used to stimulate childbirth, with uterine bleeding and as an abortifacient.

Clove ether increases the tone of the uterus, normalizes the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Also spice increases sexual desire, prolongs sexual pleasure.

Useful cloves for menopause. It improves sleep, eliminates nervousness, reduces the manifestations of menopause.

For men

The plant has a positive effect on the male body. The spice increases sexual activity, enhances potency, improves reproductive function. It is also effective for prostatitis: it normalizes blood circulation, eliminates pain and inflammation, and inhibits the activity of bacteria.

clove tincture

Healing properties have a tincture of the fruit of the plant. It can be used to prevent colds and viral diseases, increase immunity, with bronchitis, sore throat. Also, the remedy is taken for neuroses. Externally, the product is used for arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.

To prepare the tincture at home, use the recipe below.


  1. Carnation - 25 buds.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour medicinal raw materials into a glass container, fill with vodka. Close the jar with a lid. Infuse the remedy for a week, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Take tincture 1 teaspoon before meals.

Result: Improves well-being.

clove oil

Clove oil can be bought at any pharmacy.

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, plant-based oil is used. It is obtained from buds, leaves, tree trunk.

The most common oil is produced from the buds. The product obtained from the leaves of the tree has a pungent and pungent aroma. A tool that is obtained from a tree trunk is made for industrial purposes.

Essential oil of clove has the same beneficial qualities as a regular spice. This product is more convenient to use in the preparation of home cosmetic face and hair masks, to eliminate toothache, migraines, and other diseases. Also, ether is used for massage, added to factory creams, lotions, masks.

Plant oil is widely used in everyday life. It is used instead of naphthalene, against mold in wet areas of the apartment. The product also helps to wean pet walk past the tray.

clove extract

According to studies conducted by scientists in Minnesota, the plant extract stops the reproduction of cancer cells of the cervix, mammary glands, and colon without harm to the body.

During the study, it turned out that the greater the dosage of the drug, the higher the effect.

Why chew on cloves

For the treatment of diseases, it is not necessary to prepare decoctions and infusions of cloves, take clove oil. You will get a healing effect even from chewing spice buds.

Chewing several flowers of the plant eliminates bad breath, relieves toothache and sore throat. When losing weight, chewing clove buds will saturate the body with the necessary biologically active substances.

If you feel a deterioration in well-being, do not use the spice, consult your doctor. Perhaps you will be prescribed a different form of spice for treatment.

Carnation from mosquitoes

In the warm season, when blood-sucking insects haunt, use simple and effective remedy from midges and mosquitoes. It is completely safe for both children and adults.


  1. Lemon - 1 pc.
  2. Carnation - 20 pcs.

How to cook: Cut the lemon in half. Stick dry flowers of the plant into each of the halves.

How to use: Put the lemon halves in the room or outside. Mosquitoes and other flying insects will avoid this area.

No less effective against mosquitoes is clove oil. Pour it into an aroma lamp and light it. And the mosquitoes won't bother you.


Despite the healing properties of cloves, there are also limitations for its use, including:

  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

Where could I buy

You can buy spice at the grocery store, clove oil - at the pharmacy and the Internet. The price of ground spice is 60 rubles per 50 g, oil - 60 rubles per 10 ml.


Carnation is a heat-loving evergreen plant that can be grown at home or in greenhouse conditions. The optimum air temperature for germination is from 17 to 25 degrees. The plant reproduces by petiole and seed methods.

For growing from petiole, slightly acidic soil is used. Before planting, the plant is treated with root and kept in a mixture of perlite and peat for a day. The best choice of container for growing is a pot with drainage holes.

For growing plants from seeds, a mixture of peat and sand is used in a ratio of 1: 1. They are scattered on the surface of the soil, lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of earth and covered with cling film. The first shoots appear within a month.

The clove tree needs regular watering. It does not tolerate drought well.

Feed the plant to promote growth. Fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium are used as fertilizers. The tree needs fertilizer only in the spring and summer. At other times, they do not need to be entered.

What to remember

  1. Cloves are used to prevent the formation of tumors.
  2. The spice improves digestion, breaks down fat cells, and prevents their deposition. Therefore, it is useful to use it for weight loss.
  3. The spice increases libido in men and women, it is recommended to use it for hormonal disorders, impotence and infertility.

Cloves are a fragrant spice that every housewife has in her kitchen. This seasoning has the appearance of a small dark stick, one end of which resembles a flower. The spice is loved for its unusual, rich and bitter taste, which gives an unusual flavor to various dishes.

At the same time, cloves can be used not only in cooking - this spice has medicinal properties, and when used wisely, it helps to cope with many diseases. To prepare a healing decoction or infusion of spices, you just need to choose the right recipe. This article will help to do this.

The use of cloves

In addition to cooking, seasoning, more precisely, useful decoctions and infusions from it are used in gynecology, dentistry, cosmetology, they also help patients with oncology, cope with gastrointestinal pathologies, and normalize blood pressure.

The spice has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic;
  • painkillers;
  • Tonic;
  • soothing;
  • Antivirus;
  • Diuretic;
  • sweatshops;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antimicrobial.

The health benefits and harms of cloves

How does a carnation grow?

Fragrant cloves have very wide useful properties, however, in the presence of individual intolerance, or with excessive use, it can also harm the body. To prevent this from happening, take medicinal decoctions and infusions of cloves carefully, or completely abandon them if there are medical contraindications.

Due to its unique composition, cloves are very popular among adherents of traditional medicine, as well as among professional doctors. The spice can be easily used at home to prepare all kinds of useful potions.

The people often use recipes for the treatment of complex and not very diseases:

Ear ache

  • a special decoction will help get rid of this unpleasant pathology. You can prepare it according to this recipe: add 5 sticks of spice to a glass of cold-pressed sesame oil, then boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Cool the finished broth, drip into the sore ear three drops three times a day.


  • add about 7 drops of clove oil to pharmacy massage oil (any), stir. Wipe the diseased joint with this mixture several times a day.

eye inflammation

  • mix the crushed seasoning powder with water, apply the resulting mixture on the eyelid of the sore eye. Carry out such treatment for several days, until complete removal inflammatory process.

Digestive problems

  • 1 teaspoon of fresh honey mixed with a small pinch of black pepper and freshly ground cloves, take this mixture twice a day. If there is chronic diseases stomach, this method of treatment should be abandoned.

Runny nose, cough, cold

  • mix the crushed seasoning with 1 teaspoon of honey, eat this mixture slowly so that it is absorbed into the mucous membrane of the mouth.

How to use cloves for weight loss - recipes

Cloves for weight loss

Gorgeous clove spice demonstrates beneficial properties for weight loss. To achieve guaranteed weight loss, the use of spices must be strictly according to the recipe.

Tea will help to cope with fatty deposits in problem areas, which is very simple to cook on your own:

  • you need to mix half a teaspoon of chopped spice, and the same amount of ground ginger. Add 1 teaspoon of green tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture and let it brew for 40 minutes. It turns out a strong concentrated composition, which should be used as tea leaves. Drink this tea should be during the day without sugar, you can add lemon to taste.

Another recipe for weight loss:

  • oil for self-massage of problem areas. Preparing it is quite simple: you need to mix 2 tablespoons of ground spice with any massage oil, let the mixture brew well for a day. Use to massage the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and sides.

The benefits of cloves for women's health

Since ancient times, a spicy plant has been used to treat all kinds of gynecological diseases - seasoning-based products help increase uterine tone and normalize monthly cycle .

In addition, with the help of clove decoctions, you can stimulate childbirth, as well as treat inflammation of the genitourinary system in women.

To prepare a useful remedy, you can use the following recipe:

  • add chopped spice (1 tablespoon) to 1 liter of water, let the mixture brew for a day. You need to take the infusion for 10 days, before going to bed, 50 ml each. This remedy helps to get rid of many gynecological problems in a short time.

Benefits of cloves for face and hair

Women have long known the cosmetic properties of spices with a strong aroma. Seasoning products are beneficial for the face, as they provide an antioxidant effect and help fight the first signs of aging. They are also used for hair - to enhance their growth and get rid of dandruff.

Take advantage of useful healing properties spices will help mask recipes:

  1. To get rid of dandruff, as well as strengthen the hair follicles, you can simply add the essential oil of the plant to your usual shampoo.
  2. In order to get rid of acne should be added to one teaspoon olive oil a few drops of spice essential oil. Warm up the mixture a little, moisten a cotton pad in it, and treat the skin of the face with it.
  3. Rejuvenating face mask- mix gray clay (5 g) with pomegranate juice (10 ml) and three drops of spice essential oil. Apply to face, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse.

The use of cloves for teeth and oral cavity

Useful medicinal properties of cloves are widely used in dentistry. With the help of mixtures, decoctions and infusions of this spice, you can quickly get rid of toothache, relieve inflammation of the gums, and neutralize bad breath.

An excellent antiseptic is plant oil, which can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

  • To get rid of germs in the mouth, you just need to apply a little of this oil to the gums and teeth. An ordinary plant bud, which you just need to chew and spit out, will help freshen your breath. In this way, you can also get rid of a toothache.

What are the benefits of clove tea?

clove tea recipe

Tea prepared with the addition of spices will help protect the body from sore throats and ORS in the cold season. It is also recommended to take it simply for the prevention of respiratory diseases, such a drink improves immunity, calms the nervous system, warms with chills, and helps to cope with a headache.

  • Sleep disorder.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Regular abdominal pain.
  • Itching in anus.
  • Skin rash.
  • Cough.
  • Bad breath.

You can remove the worms with the help of fragrant spices. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to make a cleansing enema, and then take the prepared decoction.

Remedy recipe:

  • grind a few clove flowers in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water over them (200 ml), then leave for exactly an hour. Strain the finished infusion, divide into three equal parts. Drink three times a day, before meals.

Decoction of cloves for vessels

clove decoction recipe

To cleanse the vessels, you can take a decoction or infusion of spices, the medicinal composition of which is suitable for both men and women.

This recipe will help prepare the remedy:

  • Pour 20 pieces of seasoning buds with a glass of boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave to infuse overnight. Strain the finished infusion, take it three times a day, half an hour before meals. In the evening, the already used flowers of the plant are once again poured with boiling water, which must be drunk the next day.

On the third day of treatment, an infusion of new spice flowers is prepared. The medicine must be taken within six months. It is also useful in diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels.

Useful properties of cloves in diabetes

To support the body in diabetes, you can also use the following infusion oh:

  • insist during the night 20 spice buds, pouring them with a glass of boiling water. Strain in the morning, drink twice a day. Treatment with such an infusion should be long, at least six months.

How to take cloves for potency?

Doctors are well aware of the health benefits of cloves for men.

  • To enhance potency it is recommended to add a few drops of spice essential oil to a regular bath with warm water, which should be taken for about 20 minutes.

You can also prepare a tincture to enhance erection:

  • Pour a tablespoon of dry plant buds into a thermos and pour them with 1 glass of hot milk. Leave for two hours, then strain. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

Clove oil: properties and uses

Fragrant essential oil, whose properties have long been known, helps to relieve headaches, relieves cellulite (when added to massage oil), provides an antiseptic effect, and can also serve as an anesthetic.

You can use ready-made oil, which is sold in pharmacies, for medicinal purposes.

Coffee with cloves: useful properties

A drink with this seasoning normalizes cerebral circulation, it perfectly warms and tones. It is especially recommended to drink such coffee in the cold season.

Benefits of cloves with milk

To prepare the drink, you should use fresh milk (preferably homemade), and whole spice buds.

  • For 1 liter of milk, you can use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seasoning. The plant is poured with hot milk and infused in a thermos for about an hour. Both women and men can drink such a drink - it stabilizes blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels, and if you add a little honey, it copes well with colds.

Clove decoction for hypertension

Recipe for preparing a decoction for the treatment of hypertension:

  • Pour 40 buds of the plant with water (4 cups), boil the mixture over low heat until about 500 ml of liquid remains in the pan. Strain the finished broth, you need to drink it 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Clove infusion for colds

For the treatment of seasonal and not only colds, as well as for the throat, you can use teas brewed with the addition of fragrant spices- adding a little ground seasoning to black tea, you can also add honey and lemon. This tea should be drunk frequently.

For gargling, you can use warm water with a few drops of spice essential oil dissolved in it.

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Origin story

There are 150 spices in the world plant origin and they are classified according to geographical and historical parameters.

The most worthy are the classic spices recognized all over the world, they are popular in the national cuisines of all countries and their peculiarity is that they are used in a dry form.

Clove is one of the five most recognized spices and not only in cooking, it has such a wide range of applications that it rightfully deserves our attention. The sharp and spicy aroma of cloves is known to us when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms.

Carnation - from lat. clavus- a nail because the dried buds resemble nails in shape - in fact, these are unblown colored buds of the clove tree Syzygium of the fragrant myrtle family. It is native to the Moluccas in Indonesia.

plant description

This perennial evergreen tree, 12 meters high, grows only in humid tropical climates. There are 300 species of clove tree.

It lives for almost a century and blooms 2 times a year (March and October) with small pink flowers in the form of an umbrella. The aroma is emitted by the whole tree, but unopened buds, which have gained strength and useful material, they are harvested by hand and the yield from one tree can reach up to 30 kg, so the price of cloves is low.

The collected buds are poured with boiling water and then dried in the sun, where they are fermented and the output is a dried flower with 4 sepals 1-1.5 cm long with a tart smell and healing power.

The clove tree has interesting story. From ancient times, cloves were valued and strictly guarded, they were judged for the export of clove tree seeds. Ancient healers treated ailments, relieved pain with the help of cloves.

The use of cloves

For the first time, cloves are mentioned in Ancient China during the Han Dynasty, when it was considered good manners to chew dry cloves at imperial receptions to freshen one's breath.

In ancient Greece, getters showered their bedchambers with spices, including cloves, as inflaming sexual desires. AT Ancient Rome prepared love balms according to old recipes.

And in Ancient Egypt clove oil was used in the embalming of bodies, the dead were decorated with fragrant necklaces from sprigs of cloves.

In the Middle Ages, the popularity of cloves flourished and 1 kg of raw material cost 7 g of gold. In Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, cloves were valued for their warming effect and were used for coughs, colds, and asthma.

Avicenna called cloves "a wonderful remedy for the heart and circulation." In Tibet, it was called the "flower of the gods" and was successfully treated for rheumatism and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Once in Europe, the carnation saved from the plague epidemic - it was the only remedy for this infection, and in the 16th century A. Pare accidentally discovered that the carnation copes with toothache.

Useful properties of cloves

Composition of cloves:

Carbohydrates - 10.51 g.
Proteins - 3.27 g.
Fats - 0.15 g.
Fiber - 5.4 g.
Sodium - 94 mg.
Potassium - 37.0 mg.
Manganese - 0.256 mg.
Phosphorus - 90 mg.
Selenium - 7.2 mcg.
Zinc - 2.32 mg.
Magnesium - 60 mg.
Beta-carotene - 8 mcg.
Lutein - 464 mcg.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, C, K, PP, E

As well as natural compounds:

Folates, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides.

Interestingly, medicine in many European countries has officially recognized cloves as a medicine - it is part of 60 drugs!

  • Its main merit is antiseptic. Cloves proved their effectiveness in the treatment of viral and harmful microorganisms - diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus, anthrax, Staphylococcus aureus.
  • In modern dental practice, it is an integral part of temporary fillings and protective pads due to its disinfectant properties.
  • Also, with problems with the gums, periodontal disease, you should rinse your mouth and rub ground cloves into the gums.
  • With a toothache, a compress saves: boil 5 clove buds in any oil and apply to the tooth. With caries, pulpitis, you should chew 1 - 2 buds with a spoonful of honey until completely dissolved in your mouth.
  • Clove is a great substitute for chewing gum, it eliminates odor and disinfects the mouth. In Thailand and India, it is added to the popular betel gum.

Due a large number fiber, cloves have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, promotes active secretion of gastric juice, produces food enzymes, stimulating sluggish digestion, helps with colic, flatulence and colitis

Tea recipe:

3 cloves, 2 lemon slices, grated ginger, cinnamon sticks, 30 ml of orange juice and 1 teaspoon of black tea - all pour 500 ml of water, bring to a boil. Drink throughout the day, sugar and honey - to taste.

Another area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication: cloves are prevention of osteoporosis . In the US, 43 million Americans suffer from low bone mass, and according to WHO, osteoporosis ranks 4th in terms of disease risk.

  • Clove helps to strengthen bones and increase their density thanks to manganese.

Folk tincture recipe:

Pour 5 bags of cloves (20 g each) with 2 bottles of "Triple" cologne, close tightly and put in a dark place for 7 days, shaking. Rub on sore spots and cover with foil.

Carnation - powerful antioxidant and is considered prophylactic in oncological diseases, it stops the growth of cancer cells and releases free radicals 5 times more effective than essential vitamin E.

Due to the large amount of essential oils (which is 20%), clove oil is in demand in medicine and cosmetology.

Essential oils- These are volatile spicy substances that actively act on the entire human body, as they contain a lot of useful properties.

The main advantage of essential oil is its versatility, it stimulates all metabolic processes in the body, improves immunity, restores strength, relieves nervous tension, and improves mood.

In addition, clove oil contains Omega 3 fatty acid and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and without them the work of brain cells, male germ cells, retina is impossible. They give energy to cells, regulate the work of the heart and blood vessels, treat inflammation - the beginning of serious diseases.

Since ancient times, cloves have been used for women's problems. Indeed, it normalizes the hormonal background, the menstrual cycle, relieves stress during menopause.

It is used in obstetrics: it enhances attempts and speeds up childbirth. And also cloves, a wonderful aphrodisiac that kindles passion. Dishes with cloves are a love remedy for two.

Massage oil is easy to make by adding 2 tablespoons of ground cloves to the base of any oil and leaving it to infuse for a day.

Also in Asian countries, cloves are considered a male spice, as it increases not only strength and desire, but also promotes sperm motility. It has been proven that cloves increase the level of testosterone, the male sex hormone.

Wine tincture recipe:

30 clove buds plus zhen root - shen pour 1 liter of wine, leave for 2 weeks, shaking. Drink 30 ml 30 minutes before bedtime.

In cosmetology, cloves are in demand due to essential oils and tannins, which give an unforgettable tart smell.

Even in ancient Greece, its woody-floral aroma was valued along with ylang-ylang, bergamot and rosemary.

Today, clove oil has found application in perfume compositions, creams, aftershave lotions - all of them have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and disinfecting it.

Oil treats acne, rashes, boils, inflammation and suppuration of the skin, burns, dermatitis, warts, killing all harmful microbes.

Clove is especially useful for oily skin, you need to add 2 drops of clove essential oil and 2 drops of lemon juice to your favorite cream - this restores skin cells, tones, tightens and rejuvenates it.

Mask recipe:

Ground cloves and turmeric are diluted with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and applied to the face for 5 minutes, giving a lifting effect.

With weakened hair, it is necessary to apply a mixture of clove and vegetable oil to them, so the nutrition and structure of the hair will improve.

For stress, relaxing baths with a few drops of clove oil are indicated.


It must be remembered that it is impossible to drink clove oil in its pure form and apply clove oil to the skin, you must also take care of your eyes.

Eat strictly according to the recipe, do not overdo it.

Do not use:

  • In case of intolerance;
  • Pregnant;
  • Children under 2 years old;
  • With increased acidity of the stomach;
  • With ulcers, gastritis and hypertension.

Cooking and cloves

The use of cloves is so extensive that it is impossible to list them all. In the East, spices are an integral part of a healthy diet.

The most exotic dishes, of course, belong to oriental cuisine, these are the famous masala spice mixture, the spicy curry mixture, as well as Worcester sauce, where, in addition to cloves, garlic, paprika and chili are added.

In Europe, cloves are put in puddings, mousses, pastries, in the Netherlands - in cheese and cottage cheese.

In Russia, cloves are widely used in the canning industry. It is one of the main components in tomato sauces, mustard, marinated fish, spicy sprat, hot smoked fish, brawn, liver pate, ice cream and bakery products.

Also, not a single one is complete without cloves. meat dish, fish, sausage, cake and candy.

French chefs season soups in an original way: they stick 5 cloves into 2 peeled onions and dip them into the broth 10 minutes before they are ready. And this is called "a bow studded with nails."

Recipe for lamb with prunes and cloves:

Fry pieces of lamb, mix with sautéed onions, tomatoes, pour broth and add prunes. All this is stewed until cooked and cloves, cinnamon, sugar and vinegar are added in 10 minutes.

Pickled tomatoes with cloves:

  • Place sliced ​​tomatoes and onion rings in layers in a 3 liter jar.
  • Boil 1 liter of water, add 3 teaspoons of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 pcs. bay leaf, 4 pcs. cloves, 2 peppercorns.
  • Pour tomatoes and pasteurize for 10 minutes, at 8 minutes pour 6 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence.
  • Banks roll up, turn over and wrap in a blanket.

And, of course, teas, coffee and mulled wine with cloves, which stimulate mental activity, warm and cheer up. Clove tea in the morning saturates with vitamins, raises tone and immunity, you only need 1 bud per cup.

Carnation in everyday life

Carnation is excellent at fighting blood-sucking insects. You must either add 2 drops of clove oil to the lotion (cream) and rub the skin, or put a cut lemon with clove buds stuck on the window. Moth cloves are put in the wardrobe, you can enhance the effect and add lavender as well.

Esotericists believe that the aroma of cloves helps from the evil eye and envy, protects from negativity. Since ancient times, magical rituals associated with cloves bring fidelity and strengthen love feelings.

Carnations were sacrificed to the gods, burned in ritual actions. And some people wore a carnation in their amulet to attract wealth, because it resembles a cross in shape.

Indian incense and candles are also known. 2 drops of oil dropped into an aroma lamp calm the nervous system and purify the space.

Interestingly, 50% of the cloves crop goes into cigarettes, they say, the pleasure of inhaling is inexpressible.

Recently, New Year's compositions with cloves have been very popular. For example, in combination with oranges, it gives a joyful mood: fantasy patterns are made on the skin of an orange with a toothpick and carnation buds are inserted into them. The house will be fragrant, especially if you put a clove in a container the day before and pour it with essential oil - the aroma will intensify several times.

Cloves, like an oriental spice, are the history and pride of the people, which has served a person for many years and heals him. No wonder they say about cloves: its buds make food tasty, the mind joyful, and the body healthy. Be healthy too!

The first descriptions of the plant go back to ancient treatises two hundred years ago. In nature, there are about 300 different types this plant. The birthplace of the carnation is North Africa, where its flowers adorn the slopes of the mountains, meadows and forests. The vegetative period is two years. Flowers appear on stems in the second year and form a panicle inflorescence of red, pink, or white palettes.

Formed but not yet opened buds are used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Clove oil is produced using the method of dry pomace and distillation of the plant's buds. At the same time, it has high levels of eugenol, which gives the liquid the anesthetic and stimulating effects for which it is so valued.

Composition of cloves

100 gr. cloves contain:

Cloves - 14 Health Benefits

  1. The ability of cloves to improve the digestion process

    The plant has the ability to activate the secretion of enzymes of the digestive process, which explains its use in the manifestations of excessive accumulation of gases and bloating - flatulence, toxicosis and increased concentration of acid in the stomach. During pregnancy, the plant in the form of an infusion will help with the symptoms of morning toxicosis. To prepare the infusion, take 10-12 dry clove seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and take it before bedtime and in the morning. The use of infusion, improving the muscle contractions of the stomach, not only activates the digestion process, but also has a beneficial effect on its mucous membrane.

  2. Antibacterial properties of cloves

    The ability of cloves to have an antibacterial effect in the Middle Ages was used during cholera epidemics. Hands were washed with an infusion of flowers, and dry inflorescences were hung in living quarters. The chemical components of the plant extract make it a fairly powerful antibacterial agent. They give it the ability to resist many pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Increase the number of white blood cells that produce antibodies aimed at absorbing dead cells. Ancient treatises of Ayurveda noted among the appointments of cloves its properties to strengthen the protective functions of the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

  3. Help cloves in stressful conditions

    Cloves, having a pleasant unobtrusive smell, can reduce arousal nervous system thus preventing stress. Tea with the addition of cloves and basil will improve psychological condition, and the essential oils of the plant, relaxing muscle tension, will bring "notes" of harmony and peace to your everyday well-being.

  4. Help with the pain of arthritis

    Anesthetize inflammatory processes caused by metabolic and degenerative changes in the area of ​​​​the joints, it is possible to use applications with the main ingredient, which is the essential oil of cloves. Napkins soaked in plant oil are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflamed joints, warm and leave until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin. Eugenol, which is part of the plant oil, will have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  5. The ability of cloves to strengthen bones

    Water-alcohol solution of cloves, in the form additional funds, are often prescribed to people with fractures and bone injuries and this is justified. The presence of phenolic compounds and its derivatives give the plant qualities aimed at the protection and strength of bone tissue. The ability to fill it with useful mineral compounds, which gives positive dynamics in its therapeutic use.

  6. Antimutagenic properties of cloves

    Studies of the positive qualities of the plant have shown that the substance phenylpropanoids present in its composition is able to withstand mutagenic changes at the cellular level and does not allow changing the DNA genetic code in experimental rats.

  7. Treatment of oral diseases

    In somatology, the extract of the plant is used in the treatment of gingivitis, an inflammatory process of the gums, which manifests itself in a violation of the integral connection of the tooth and gums, which, when progressing, can turn into periodontitis. Essential infusions of cloves are used in the form of rinses and applications. They eliminate the anti-inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, actively preventing the growth of bacteria, while also providing an analgesic effect. In addition, cloves neutralize bad breath well, its aromatic qualities are used in the production of many pastes, powders and help maintain oral hygiene.

    Few people know, but cloves will help give your teeth a snow-white appearance. Powder prepared from the raw materials of the plant with the addition of 3 grams of gentian yellow can give a snow-white smile in three weeks.

  8. Antioxidant properties of the plant

    Essential extracts of cloves have proven their ability to exert anticarcinogenic effects. Laboratory cramps in this direction gave positive results and determined the ability of cloves to protect organs from the effects of free radicals and resist malignant neoplasm at early dates lung cancer.

  9. The ability of cloves to lower cholesterol levels

    Research published by the American Heart Association noted the natural ability of the plant to stimulate enzymatic activity in the body, which allows you to direct the properties of the plant to decrease in triglycerides What are triglycerides and what role do they play in the body. Correct levels and ways to lower blood triglycerides with medical and folk remedies and lowering blood cholesterol. Daily consumption of 10-12 grams of plant powder in the form of seasoning is able to control the formation of cholesterol plaques.

  10. Help of cloves in diabetes

    People suffering from a disease diabetes, you should lead not only the right lifestyle, but also control your diet. Some of the spices used in the diet can help with this disease and cloves are one of them. The properties of cloves, due to the presence of eugenol in it, support normal level sugar readings, which is important for diabetics. Traditional medicine recommends using a brewed infusion of the plant three times a day, prepared from 20 buds per 250 ml of water. The course of treatment is six months.

  11. Cloves for respiratory diseases

    The plant occupies a leading position as an anti-inflammatory agent and is able to act as an expectorant in seasonal respiratory diseases. In Ayurveda, cloves are classified as a mild spice that can create a warming and relaxing effect.

  12. The tonic qualities of the plant

    Nature endowed almost all spices with aphrodisiac properties. Carnation is no exception to this list. The essential vapors of the plant used in aroma lamps help to restore the surge of vital energy, strengthen male strength, sexual desire and stabilize sexual dysfunction, both in women and men.

  13. Cloves - insect repellent

    Along with medicinal properties essential oils carnations can serve us in order to repel insects and give freshness to indoor air. 6-7 drops of oil should be added to one liter of water and an environmentally friendly product is ready. Not only flies and mosquitoes are afraid of him, but also annoying kitchen ants.

  14. The use of cloves for cosmetic purposes

    Among cosmetologists, oil is considered an unsurpassed remedy for oily skin care, as it is able to relieve inflammation and irritation of the upper layer of the epidermis with its antiseptic properties. Possessing a tonic ability, it improves the blood circulation of the skin, restoring its elasticity. With its help, purulent rashes are treated and small wounds heal. Clove oil is also used as a hair conditioner by adding a few drops of ether to the rinse water. In the composition of many creams, lotions and balms, you can find a component of cloves.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

If you want to use cloves for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, you should be aware of its contraindications:

  • use with caution in case of individual intolerance;
  • it is forbidden to use infusions from the plant for pregnant and lactating women;
  • not recommended for preschool children;
  • with obvious exacerbations peptic ulcer;
  • people suffering from hypertension and having high blood pressure;

Cooking clove oil at home

Base used olive oil What is olive oil good for and what harm it can do to our health. 11 amazing health benefits of olive oil as well as contraindications to its use.. We lower 5-7 cloves into it and boil for 5 minutes, without removing the buds, let the liquid cool. Pour into a suitable container and store in a dark place. When using, heat the oil in a water bath. It is good to add a drop of oil to the water during morning and evening washing.

Treatment and recipes with cloves

Before preparing clove infusions, you should know which flowers are suitable for this. A bud that is too dry and brittle does not contain any benefit, it does not contain essential oils. If a flower bud dipped in water floats vertically, with its base down, its properties will be of help, but if, on the contrary, it lies in a horizontal position, then it is of no use.

  1. Cough

    Hold 3-4 buds of the plant in your mouth until they soften, then gnaw the seeds and swallow the juice released from them.

  2. At the first manifestations of ARI

    Dissolve half a lemon in one liter of water, adding 3-4 buds of the plant. Steam half a tablespoon of carnation plant flowers with one glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and take for seven days.

    With uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding

    Take an infusion of the plant, prepared at the rate of 250 ml of water and one dessert spoon of seeds.

    The same infusion is able to relieve fainting.

Translated from the Latin carnation means the flower of Zeus.
Plant cultivation was practiced in ancient Rome, and it came to Europe only in the 16th century. A solution of cloves in ancient Rome not only anointed the bodies, but also washed their wounds after battles.
In France, the flower was considered noble and was awarded the attention of nobles and kings, and in Belgium it was attributed to the plants of the common people. During the French Revolution, representatives of the nobility carried a carnation in their hands, going to the scaffold.
Spanish youths associate the flower with passionate passion and give it to their lovers.
In Soviet times, the carnation flower was the most sought after, because of its inexpensive cost. It was given for almost all holidays.
Famous French perfumes "Fiji" and "Opium" are based on clove oil.
Gardeners all over the world love these plants for their unpretentious qualities and the ability to delight with colors. It also grows in our regions. There are hybrid varieties of plants with a large inflorescence and unpredictable color shades.