The main causes of itching in the anus. Why does it itch in the anus? Sometimes itching in the anus

Very often, the representatives of the fair half notice such an unpleasant phenomenon as itching in the anus. In addition, itching may be accompanied by a burning sensation and other disturbing symptoms. Such signs cause a lot of inconvenience, a woman becomes irritable, the quality of life is significantly reduced. The cause of such manifestations can be various diseases that many patients are not even aware of.

Why does itching occur in the anus in women and how to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom, we will talk below in the article.

Why there is a feeling of discomfort in the anus?

Often, itching around the anus occurs due to insufficient hygiene. As a result of the development of pathogenic microflora and insufficient cleansing of the skin, diaper rash may develop. Tight or synthetic underwear can also provoke the appearance of irritation on the skin. When diaper rash appears, it is enough to observe the necessary hygiene standards, sometimes you can use an anti-inflammatory cream or powder.

But there are situations when severe itching can indicate more serious problems in the body. Next, we will try to find out what are the main causes of itching? So provoke discomfort may the following diseases:

  1. Infection with worms.
  2. Haemorrhoids.
  3. Cracks and fistulas due to regular constipation.
  4. fungal infection.
  5. Thrush.
  6. The appearance of polyps in the rectum.
  7. Dermal allergic diseases.
  8. Pubic lice.
  9. Venereal diseases.

In addition, itching and burning can provoke pathologies. endocrine system. For example, diabetes, diseases of the pancreas. Also, liver disease and dysbacteriosis can serve as a cause.

Important! Whatever the reasons for the development of discomfort around the anus, it is extremely necessary to consult a specialist in this situation.


Very often, itching and pain in the anus may indicate the development of a pathology such as hemorrhoids in a person. This disease is characterized by stagnant processes in the veins and, as a result, their expansion and nodularity. In addition to itching during this disease the following symptoms may be observed:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • redness;
  • irritability.

It is very important to start the treatment of this pathology in a timely manner. In the absence of proper attention to the problem, rather unpleasant consequences can develop.

Allergy Development

Allergies can develop under the influence of many provoking factors. These include:

  • Food;
  • alcohol;
  • unsuitable cosmetics;
  • toilet paper with various flavors.

When itching sensations appear, it is very important not to comb the diseased areas. Damage to the skin can often lead to various kinds of infection entering the body.


With various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient may develop an imbalance of bacteria in the body. This phenomenon can provoke frequent stools and indigestion. Frequent bowel movements irritate the anus mucosa, as a result of which unpleasant symptoms may occur.

Venereal diseases

When infected with various infections of the genital area, for example, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, women often experience itching near the anus.

Also, the cause of alarming symptoms is often thrush and pediculosis.

Important! The spread of itching throughout the perineum should not go unnoticed. Such signs very often indicate quite serious diseases.

Mental disorders

Another cause of discomfort can be various mental disorders. Often, due to an abnormal desire for cleanliness, a person spends hygiene procedures 5-6 times a day. Such actions lead to the washing out of the protective film of the skin, as a result of which irritation appears on it, and various bacteria develop.

In addition, itching can be experienced by women who are in a stressful situation, experiencing depression.

Pathologies of the endocrine system

In diabetes mellitus, itching sensations can be observed both in the anus and throughout the body. This happens due to the release of excess sugar through the dermis. In such a situation, the skin creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, which provokes itching.

What do we have to do?

So, the reasons for the appearance of itchy sensations are quite wide. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor; you cannot diagnose the disease yourself.

Representatives of the weaker half of humanity are first of all recommended to visit a gynecologist. Often, the factors that provoke the disease lie precisely in the pathologies of the female sphere. It is also important to be examined by a proctologist and a dermatologist.

When diagnosing diseases, the following tests may be needed:

  • general blood test;
  • blood test for sugar;
  • general analysis urine;
  • analysis for worm eggs.

In some cases, examination of the stomach with a probe is required.

Treatment of itching in the anus

Therapy aimed at getting rid of the problem can be started when the nature of the origin of the pathology is clear. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect. When curing an ailment that provokes itching, discomfort, as a rule, goes away on its own.

However, if the results of the tests and examination by a specialist did not reveal any deviations in human health, a local treatment of the problem should be carried out using ointments and antiallergic drugs.

So how do you treat itching? To relieve unpleasant symptoms, antiallergic drugs should be taken. These drugs include the following drugs:

  1. Diazolin.
  2. Loratadine.
  3. Tsetrin.

If itchy feelings are provoked by disorders of a neuralgic nature, you should undergo a course of treatment with sedatives. These include the following drugs:

  1. Valerian infusion.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Phytosed.
  4. Persen.

In addition, it is necessary to observe hygiene procedures using soft cosmetics.

The use of ointments

In modern medical practice, agents for external use are widely used. They help to eliminate such unpleasant sensations as itching, burning, redness. Ointment for itching in the anus can quickly relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition. Popular drugs in this group include:

  1. Relief.
  2. Troxevizin.
  3. Heparin ointment.
  4. Aurobin.
  5. Proctosan and others.

Important! Treatment at home with the help of such drugs is recommended to be carried out after consulting a doctor. This will help to avoid the development of side effects and complications.

The use of traditional medicine

The irritating feeling of itching can be reduced with the help of various herbs and natural products. The following recipes work well for this:

  1. Vaseline and fresh cranberry juice ointment. To prepare the medicine, 100 g of petroleum jelly is mixed with 30 ml of juice. The resulting tool is used to treat the anus.
  2. Baths of chamomile and calendula. Herbs must be taken in 2 tablespoons and pour a liter of boiling water. The agent is insisted for 2-3 hours and added to the bathroom.
  3. Decoction of flax. To prepare a decoction, mix a tablespoon of seeds with 500 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Take a decoction inside 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies gives pretty good results. In addition, the use of natural products is considered safer.

So, if you are worried about itching in the anus, you should immediately seek medical care. Proper diagnosis and treatment will help you get rid of this delicate problem.

I rarely want to tell anyone about diseases that are associated with the rectum and anus. Therefore, a sick person endures unpleasant symptoms of burning, itching in the anus for a long time, pulls with a visit to the doctor. But this condition has a very negative effect on psychological well-being, affects performance and mood. Severe burning, itching interferes with exercise daily affairs solve everyday problems, communicate with people.

Diseases associated with these symptoms are very common. Therefore, today on the pages of the site, we will talk with you about itching, pain, burning in the anus, causes, symptoms, treatment of this extremely unpleasant condition.

Why does burning appear in the anus?

The reasons for this condition are different. Burning can cause both a banal violation of the rules of personal hygiene, and serious diseases of the rectum that affect the entire body.

Irritation of the anus, causing burning, itching can cause the use of unsuitable, rough toilet paper, stale underwear or wearing thongs with coarse seams, or underwear made of synthetic fabric. In this case, active reproduction of pathogens that cause itching occurs. When combing, microcracks in the skin appear, through which microbes penetrate inside. At the same time, a purulent infection can join the infection.

Often a burning sensation in the anus appears in obese, overweight people. They often have diaper rash and, as a result, itching, burning.

Frequent shaving of the hair in the anus can provoke a burning sensation. This results in small cuts. skin. In addition, shaving can cause the hair shaft to grow into the skin. This causes pain, burning, itching, discomfort.

Often this condition occurs in people with diabetes. This disease causes severe, persistent itching, burning in the anus.

Very often, a burning sensation, heaviness, pain in the anus are symptoms of hemorrhoids. In this case, when probing, you can find venous bumps around the anus. If the nodules are located inside, they can be detected when they fall out.

Also, one of the symptoms of hemorrhoids is the release of blood during bowel movements. When the venous walls are irritated, severe itching and burning appear, since the discharge from the rectum irritates the surrounding tissues.

Irritation of the anus can also be caused by rectal fissures, the presence of genital warts, anorectal fistulas. Cracks, abrasions in the anus very often appear due to excessive passion for anal sex.

In children, the appearance of itching, burning in the anus is often associated with the presence of worms, such as pinworms. During sleep, females lay eggs in the anus, which causes discomfort, discomfort, burning, itching. When combing the skin, the eggs fall under the nails, then re-infection occurs. Until the worms a large number of, symptoms, burning appear rarely, every 2-3 days. With an increase in their population, itching, burning are constantly disturbing.

Also, discomfort, discomfort can indicate liver disease, blockage, dysfunction bile ducts. In this case, a large amount of bile enters the blood stream, causing irritation of the mucosa.

Burning, itching are also signs of the presence of lamblia. The development of giardiasis is almost always accompanied by strong cramping pain in the abdomen, frequent stools of a foamy consistency. Because of this, itching, burning near the anus may also appear.

Treatment of burning in the anus

First of all, the cause should be determined, since the treatment completely depends on this. Therefore, you should discard false shame, seek help from a proctologist.

You should also carefully monitor the hygiene of the anal area. Flush this area with warm water after each use of the toilet, or replace the toilet paper with wet sanitary napkins. Be sure to get tested for worm eggs and protozoa. To do this, you must pass certain tests.

Sometimes burning, itching of the anus are associated with the specifics of nutrition. Fans of spicy, generously peppered foods feel this because of the irritating effect of food residues in feces. Discomfort begins after the act of defecation, persisting for 1-2 hours.

With a strong unbearable burning sensation, itching, use medications decaris, pyrantel. If discomfort is caused by hemorrhoids, cracks can use heparin ointment, relief drug, troxevasin gel. Perfectly eliminates the symptoms of the drug menovazin.

If pain, burning and itching appeared due to hemorrhoids, then juice should be squeezed out of ripe berries. Drink it 100 grams of juice three times a day, adding honey to it and then drink cold water. This is a good laxative. Healers have noticed that red rowan juice opens closed hemorrhoids, which causes relief. You can only use the remedy after the exact cause of the symptoms is known.

In the general case, if you feel a constant burning sensation, then the treatment of this condition should be determined by a proctologist. Only a specialist can establish the cause, make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the necessary treatment, allow the use folk remedies. Trying to decide on my own delicate issue, "endure" discomfort, can lead to very negative consequences up to non-stop bleeding and surgery. So find the strength in yourself and visit the doctor. He will definitely help you cope with the disease. Be healthy!

Itching in the anus is an intimate problem that is not customary to talk about out loud. People suffering from rectal itching are usually embarrassed to see a doctor and try to get rid of it on their own. In fact this symptom may be a manifestation serious illnesses intestines, so you should not delay a visit to a specialist. What causes rectal itching and how to get rid of it?

Infection with worms is one of the possible causes

  • Diseases of the rectum. Among the pathologies of the rectum that cause itching, benign formations (warts, condylomas), fistulas, fissures, hemorrhoids, and cancerous tumors can be distinguished. Concomitant symptoms of such pathologies are pain, bleeding during bowel movements, a feeling of heaviness in the anus, etc.

    Hemorrhoids - what is it

  • Dermatological pathologies. Discomfort in the anus is often provoked by dermatological diseases, in which the pathological process is localized in the tissues of the rectum. These include psoriasis, eczema, lichen, scabies, fungal skin lesions.
  • . With sexual diseases, itching can spread to the anus. The causes of such symptoms are candidiasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, as well as prostatitis and urethritis in men.
  • Pathologies internal organs . Rectal itching can be a symptom of a number of diseases of internal organs, including dysbacteriosis, ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pathology of the liver and pancreas, and diabetes mellitus. In this case, discomfort in the anus is accompanied by other signs, most often digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating).
  • allergic reactions. When using unsuitable hygiene products, using some allergenic products, wearing clothes from low-quality fabrics, local allergic reactions in the anus, which are manifested by severe itching, reddening of tissues, inflammation.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of elementary hygiene. Poor hygiene after going to the toilet, use of bad toilet paper, frequent shaving of the hair around the anus can also be causes of discomfort. In girls, a similar phenomenon often occurs as a result of wearing thongs or bikini briefs.
  • obsessive states. Depression, stress and psycho-emotional disorders weaken the body's immune defenses, as a result of which the skin becomes sensitive to any negative effects. Itching mental disorders can be so intense that a person combs the skin to the blood.
  • In the summer, itching in the anus is observed in people who suffer from obesity and excessive sweating. Risk factors include regular consumption of spicy and salty foods, alcoholic beverages, seasonings, as well as frequent use of sanitary napkins with alcohol, which dry the skin around the anus.

    Spicy foods are one of the triggers

    In children, rectal itching is usually caused by worms, and in infants, allergic reactions to diapers or clothing (diaper dermatitis).

    Video - Itching in the anus: what is the reason?

    How does the disease manifest itself?

    Itching can have varying degrees of intensity, from mild discomfort to unbearable sensations that prevent you from leading a normal life. In difficult cases, swelling, thickening and redness of the skin appear in the anus, sometimes bleeding and wounds. Usually the disease has a cyclical nature, is accompanied by remissions and relapses, and during exacerbations of its course, patients complain of decreased performance, deterioration in general well-being, neurasthenia and other psycho-emotional problems.

    Treatment of rectal itching with medications

    There are many medications, which eliminate discomfort, promote tissue regeneration and healing, so that the patient quickly feels relief. Do not forget that the use of ointments and creams for rectal itching relieves the symptoms of the disease, but does not eliminate its cause, therefore, for a complete recovery, you need to consult a doctor.

    Table. Ointments for rectal itching.

    NameActive substanceImpact features
    Heparin sodiumDestroys pathogenic microorganisms, is used for the treatment of hemorrhoidal processes, fissures and inflammation of the rectum, has practically no contraindications
    Pheniephrine Hydrochloride, Shark Liver OilConstricts blood vessels, eliminates the inflammatory process and swelling, is used for anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other pathologies of the rectum
    Heparin sodium, prednisolone acetateContains a hormonal component, has an anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect. Indications for use include hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, eczema, fistulas.
    TroxerutinAn antiseptic used for pathologies that cause rectal itching. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms, promotes rapid tissue regeneration
    BismuthShoots well pain, itching, irritation and swelling. Effective in advanced stages of diseases of the rectum, accompanied by bleeding and severe discomfort
    Gentamicin, betamethasone dipropionateMeans with antipruritic, antibacterial and antihistamine effects. It is indicated for dermatitis, pyoderma, inflammatory diseases of the rectum, accompanied by the addition of a secondary infection
    Prednisolone, lidocaine, dexpanthenolUsed in the treatment inflammatory diseases anal passage, dermatological pathologies, skin lesions, fistulas
    BetamethasoneIndications for use - dermatitis of various origins, psoriasis, senile rectal itching. Reduces manifestations inflammatory processes, discomfort and other manifestations of diseases

    Before using any drug for rectal itching, you must carefully read the instructions, take into account all contraindications and possible side effects, especially if the treatment is carried out in pregnant women and children.

    With severe itching, along with the use of ointments for external use, you can take antihistamine("Suprastin", "Claritin", "Diazolin"), which relieves tissue swelling and eliminates discomfort.

    Treatment of rectal itching folk remedies

    Folk recipes are often used for rectal itching, and in some cases they are no less effective than pharmaceutical preparations, but also require careful handling when applied.

    Video: How to treat itchy anus at home?

    Products for external use

    One of the most effective and simple remedies for itching in the anus is baths with the addition of medicinal plants. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, and the duration of the procedure should be 20-30 minutes. Warm water soothes the skin, and decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants (you can use string, chamomile, birch buds, celandine) have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. It is not necessary to take a full bath - it is enough to draw water to a level of 10-15 cm so that you can sit in it. For greater effect, 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda can be dissolved in water.

    To relieve the symptoms of anal itching, regular tea bags can be used. The bag should be lowered into boiling water as it is usually done, then cooled to a comfortable temperature and applied to the affected area.

    Another good way reduce the intensity of discomfort - attach gauze soaked in cold water to the anus, or wrap a piece of ice in it. This procedure cools the skin, relieves inflammation and constricts blood vessels, due to which the manifestations of the disease are reduced. Gauze can be moistened in an infusion of small periwinkle, which is prepared as follows - pour a tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiled water, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for another 10 minutes and cool.

    It helps well with diseases that provoke rectal itching, marigold oil. Take 100 g of flowers, put them in a glass container, pour 500 ml olive oil and leave in a warm bright place for several hours. In the resulting product, moisten clean gauze flaps and apply them to the affected area for half an hour.

    Eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease can tincture of propolis, calendula and mummy, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

    Decoctions for oral administration

    Together with external agents, you can use infusions and decoctions for external use, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

    To prevent rectal itching, you should devote enough time to personal hygiene (it is advisable to wash yourself every time after visiting the toilet), use high-quality toilet paper and wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics. In addition, you need to pay attention to health digestive system and proper nutrition- limit the consumption of sweet, spicy and salty, introduce more fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet. read our article.

    A delicate and sensitive problem, which a person is embarrassed and pulls with a visit to medical institution- after the toilet. However, such a symptom can signal serious pathologies of the rectum, and it is not advisable to self-medicate.

    Causes of anal itching

    After a stool, itching in the anus can be caused by harmless causes, but this is not a reason to self-medicate. The first sign of an oncological neoplasm of the rectum and epidermis is precisely perianal itching.

    External causes that provoke itching of the anus:

    To internal reasons, which are a symptom of the disease, include:

    • in the anus;
    • diabetes mellitus and problems with glucose metabolism;
    • pathologies of the liver, which have become chronic;
    • congestion or copious secretion of bile;
    • pancreatitis;
    • disruption of the intestines caused by dysbacteriosis;
    • poisoning with salts of heavy metals.

    These causes cause water imbalance in the skin, thereby causing itching in the anus after stool. The problem can be solved only with adequate treatment of the underlying disease.

    If discomfort occurs, the use of soaps and products containing alcohol is not recommended, as the problem may worsen. It is necessary to avoid scratching - a pathogenic microorganism can get into the formed cracks and scratches, which will provoke a new inflammation.

    Sedentary work and a passive lifestyle is the reason for the accumulation of blood in the lower part of the pelvis, which can provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

    People who suffer from constipation are at risk, so they are advised to lead a healthy and active lifestyle in order to normalize the functioning of the digestive system.


    To establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to know the following information:

    1. when itching appears;
    2. the strength of itching;
    3. factors and symptoms accompanying the disease;
    4. the duration of the discomfort;
    5. association with going to the restroom.

    For consultation, you need to contact a specialist, in this case a proctologist. Alternatively, for women, the treatment can be performed by a gynecologist, and for men, by a urologist.

    After a visual examination, the doctor prescribes necessary examinations on the basis of which an accurate diagnosis is established, followed by treatment.

    It is not worth postponing a visit to a medical institution, because it is not timely treatment negatively affect human health. Discomfort in the region of the anus causes stress and irritability.

    Treatment with medications

    Therapy of rectal itching takes time, and it must be borne in mind that in addition to eliminating the symptom (directly the itching itself), the underlying disease should be treated.

    Treatment of itching, which is provoked, must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since self-medication can cause adverse reactions or complications of the disease.

    In the arsenal traditional medicine There are a large number of medications that can save a person from perianal itching:

    • Bezornil;
    • Hemorrhoidal;
    • Detralex;
    • it is recommended to use baby powder to reduce skin moisture;
    • it is not recommended to use soapy care products, as they dry the skin;
    • exclude damage to the anus;
    • it is recommended to wash with clean warm water after defecation.


    Pregnant women should not use hormonal medications for treatment, as this can harm the baby. Antiseptics and antibacterial drugs are used to relieve inflammation, reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby reducing the manifestation of itching.

    Elimination of an unpleasant symptom with the help of traditional medicine

    In addition to traditional medicine, traditional medicine is effectively used to eliminate rectal itching.

    To get rid of itching, you can use lotions, compresses, baths and enemas with medicinal plants- medicinal chamomile, oak bark, celandine, St. John's wort, wormwood, bay leaf and others. You can brew both individually and in combination. Such treatment is affordable and effective, but requires long-term use.

    AT traditional medicine a cold bath with a solution of potassium permanganate is used. Treatment folk recipes you can start with the use of compresses and lotions, continue with baths and enemas.

    Itching in the anus is irritation of the anus, which is accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation. Manifestation of this clinical syndrome there may be a slight feeling of irritation of the skin around the anus, which can be eliminated by ordinary hygiene measures, or there may be a painful burning sensation and severe itching in this area, which sharply reduces the quality of life. Most often, itching around the anus is a completely independent ailment. In this case, it is considered primary, that is, not having expressed reasons for the appearance. However, itching can also be secondary, that is, one of the symptoms of a disease.

    Causes of itching in the anus

    The most likely factors that can cause itching in the anus include:

    In some cases, the cause of itching in the anus is the use of antibiotics, especially erythromycin and tetracycline drugs.

    Anal itching sometimes accompanies chronic intoxication (drug addiction, alcoholism) and mental illness (pathomimy, neurosis, psychosis, dermatozoic absurdity, etc.).

    Itching around the anus can be caused by excessive consumption of certain foods and drinks (spicy foods, spices, citrus fruits, vitamin C, beer, wine, coffee, tea, cola, etc.).

    The risk group for the onset of the disease also includes people who are overweight or sweat excessively.


    Diagnosis of this disease does not cause any difficulties, since itching in the anus is the only complaint of patients. However, determining the type of itching, its form (wet or dry), as well as finding out the cause in the case of secondary itching is not such an easy task.

    If you are concerned about itching in the anus, the treatment of the disease should begin with a visit to the proctologist. For a correct diagnosis, the specialist draws up a complaints card, in which he enters the following data: when itching appeared, whether it depends on the time of day, whether there is a burning sensation, tingling or pain during defecation. During a visual examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin of the anus, its color, the presence of cracks and bleeding places. After that, several tests are prescribed - an analysis of feces for the presence of worms, an analysis for occult blood, as well as examination for the presence of hemorrhoids.

    After examination by a proctologist, the patient may receive a referral to a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. These specialists will be able to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment for itching in the anus.

    Treatment of itching in the anus

    If the cause of anal itching was non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, special treatment is not required. All you need to do is to carry out thorough daily hygiene procedures - and in the near future the itching will disappear. After the act of defecation, it is recommended to use wet antibacterial wipes that clean the skin of the anus from the remnants of feces.

    If itching appears around the anus, you should reconsider your daily diet - the abuse of spicy and overly salty foods can irritate the skin of this delicate area. It is not recommended to wear synthetic underwear, as it does not allow air to pass through, causes excessive sweating and creates a greenhouse effect, which contributes to the active reproduction of bacteria.

    In severe cases, taking small doses of glucocorticosteroid hormones will be effective. Doctors also prescribe external agents such as corticosteroid ointments, cooling water-alcohol solutions with anesthesin, menthol, lidocaine, or novocaine.

    If irritation is caused by dermatitis, you can use special drying ointments - Hydrocortisone, salicylic or zinc ointment. If a fungus is found in a patient, he is prescribed ointments that are highly active specifically for this species fungus (Triderm, Onabet, Clotrimazole, Posterizan).

    For hemorrhoids, various drugs are used: Hepatrombin, Relief, Proctosan, Bezornil, Aurobin, Detralex, Ultraprokt. Perfectly copes with itching and burning sensation in the anus, anesthetizes and relieves irritation with external hemorrhoids Menovazin. Treatment methods for hemorrhoids are determined only by a doctor. In severe cases, surgery may be needed.

    If discomfort in the anus is caused by helminthic invasion, the most effective tool the treatment of itching in the anus will be careful personal hygiene. After each act of defecation, it is necessary to wash the anus with warm water and baby soap and treat with glycerin. It is recommended to wash underwear in hot water with laundry soap and iron carefully. This will help prevent re-infection. But the most important thing with such a disease is the timely treatment of enterobiasis. The most effective in this case are drugs such as Pirantel, Albendazole,