What to give a child with a cold. The first signs of a cold in a child - how to treat, medication and non-drug remedies

Worse than the high fever, aches, drowsiness and nasal congestion that accompany colds can only be the presence of all these symptoms in a child. A correct and timely response will help to avoid the rapid development of the disease and the complications that follow. How to treat a child at the first sign of a cold, what kind of drugs to take, we will tell in our article.

To begin with, let's figure out what you should pay attention to so as not to miss the moment and prevent the development of the disease in time:

  • redness, nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • cough;
  • sneezing
  • temperature rise;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • hard breath;
  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability.

Medical therapy

During the first day, you can quickly stop a cold by using an antiviral agent from the interferon group, for example, children's Anaferon or Genferon. That's what makes them special. Interferon is a substance that has a protein nature and is produced by the cells of our body in the event that a virus appears in it and inhibits its reproduction, stimulates the immune response. Thus, by multiplying the amount of active active substances in the blood, we render the body a great service, helping to cope with the virus almost independently.

The sooner you start giving your child a drug from this group, the more effective and faster the treatment will be. Therapy started later than 2 days after the onset of the first symptoms will have a minimal result.

For children under 1 year old, interferons are prescribed with caution. For exceptional cases, there are drugs from this group in the form of nasal drops that can be given to babies from 1 month of age.

medicinal plants

You can't go wrong if you use medicinal herbs discovering the first signs of a cold in a child. At correct use they can act no worse than a handful of pills, without leaving, at the same time, after themselves side effects.

Chamomile, yarrow and calendula

Together, they have a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, reinforcing each other. Their action is due to the presence of essential oils, organic acids, tannins, etc. in the composition. In addition, chamomile and yarrow contain acetylsalicylic acid. At the same time, the substances contained in these plants are neutral enough to be used both as a method of eliminating a cold at the first signs in children, and as an adjuvant therapy to the main course of treatment.


It can also contribute to a quick recovery due to the high content of glycosides, phytosterols, tannins, etc. in its composition.


Contains tannins, ascorbic acid, thymol and essential oil. It is also a strong opponent in the fight against colds, it should be used as an auxiliary and prophylactic agent.

For achievement best effect, applying medicinal plants for the treatment of a cold, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for brewing and give the child infusions as often as prescribed in the recommendations: in herbal medicine, a very important factor is the consistent accumulation active substance in blood. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

In addition, the raw materials must be of high quality and their expiration date must not be exceeded.

natural antibiotics


Apitherapy drug, one of the strongest natural medicines used both for the first symptoms of a cold in children and adults, and for any inflammatory processes in the body. It is he who, having the ability to suppress the development of pathogenic flora and viruses, maintains the sterility of the hive. You can buy it both in a pharmacy and from private beekeepers in the form of an aqueous or alcoholic solution. Children under 3 years old, respectively, should be given an aqueous solution of propolis. Older children can gradually (drop by drop) introduce alcohol.

You can use propolis as a remedy for a cold in a child only if he does not have an allergic reaction to bee products!


This plant has a strong anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effect, relieves symptoms (headache, drowsiness, fever), strengthens the immune system.

It is best used as an ingredient in a hot drink in combination with honey and lemon. It will alleviate the condition of the sick baby and will contribute to a quick recovery. Such a drink, taken on time (i.e., starting from the first day after the onset of symptoms of the disease), is able to quickly restore the health of the patient, both an adult and a child, preventing the further development of the disease.

With caution, you can do ginger-based inhalation. To do this, the root is crushed, poured with boiling water and left under the lid for 10 minutes. Then give the child to breathe over the ginger infusion. (Not applicable to toddlers, of course.)


One of the main and most important ingredients in the composition of Ayurvedic preparations. It has a versatile spectrum of actions and, first of all, effectively copes with colds, flu and inflammatory processes of a different nature.

A special paste is made from turmeric by mixing it with honey in equal proportions. On the first day of illness, you need to give it to the child in an amount of up to 1 teaspoon every hour, on the second - 6 times during the day, on the third - 3 times.


Contains organic acids, tannins, antioxidants and a large amount of vitamin C. Cranberries are indispensable in those moments when the question arises "What to give a child at the first sign of a cold." You can give it raw, rub it with sugar or honey, make fruit drinks or jelly. But the first two options are preferable, since all useful material remain intact in the raw product.

Cranberries are given to children under one year of age with caution, or they are completely excluded. This is especially true for 1-3 month old babies, because. at this age, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is high.

Compliance with all these simple rules, highlighted by Dr. Komarovsky, will help your child recover quickly or even prevent the further development of the disease.


Sometimes parents themselves can stand in the way of a quick recovery of the child. This happens when the mother panics when she sees an elevated temperature on the thermometer, and begins to knock it down. Up to 38°C this is not necessary. Temperature is a natural reaction of the body and it is she who signals that the process of fighting the virus is underway.

If the temperature of the child is above 38 ° C, it is necessary to bring it down. In this case, it is imperative to have on hand preparations based on ibuprofen and paracetamol, which alternate with high temperature stability until it drops. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the observance of the necessary interval between taking the drugs and ensure that the daily dose of each of them is not exceeded.

Conditions for a quick recovery

  • bed rest;
  • peaceful and calm atmosphere in the house;
  • fresh, moist, cool indoor air;
  • regular walks, if the baby does not have a temperature;
  • use by a cold child a large number warm liquid.

What to do at the first sign of a cold in a child is one of the most pressing issues for parents. It is a scientifically proven fact that babies under three years old get sick about nine times a year, and during the period of attending kindergarten - up to 12! However, after reviewing the list of recommendations, you can remain calm even when symptoms of illness appear, knowing what to take for your child in this case. And your calmness and confidence will affect the positive dynamics of the disease.

A cold (or SARS) is a common and frequent occurrence in children under 5 years of age. As a rule, a child rarely gets sick before the age of two. First, because he is protected by the antibodies he received from his mother's milk. Secondly, because he does not yet have contact with a large number of people. But when the baby begins socialization and goes to Kindergarten- everything is changing. Even a strong child can get sick almost every month. Do not worry, in most cases this is normal, many children go through adaptation. The body is formed, it learns to resist a huge number of viruses and microbes in the world around us. The task of parents in this situation is to alleviate the course of the disease in various ways, as well as strengthen the immune system so that the defenses of the child's body can withstand the virus in the future. In this article, you will learn how to distinguish a cold from other diseases, how to suppress the disease at the very beginning, and we will also tell you about the many ways to quickly and safely treat SARS.

How to understand that the child has a cold

Typical symptoms of a cold are nasal discharge, congestion, sneezing, and redness of the eyes. With a cold, the temperature may rise - although this is not a prerequisite. In general, the well-being of the crumbs deteriorates - he becomes capricious, whiny, asks for hands, loses his appetite. If the child is more than two years old and can already speak, the children show what exactly hurts. Often with a cold, a sore throat - the child points to this. You can examine the mucous membrane of the throat with a clean spoon - if it is red, there should be no doubt - the baby caught SARS.

Very often, a cold is confused with other diseases, first of all, it is an allergy. As during a cold, the baby may begin to watery eyes, stuffy nose, and cough. Children are especially tormented when the disease does not go away. long time simply because the treatment must be different. To find out if the baby has a cold or an allergy, you just need to donate blood for immunoglobulin E. If the indicator of this analysis is exceeded, allergic reactions occur in the body, if normal, treat for a cold. Usually, allergic rhinitis characterized by clear mucus, but a cold can be anything. The same goes for coughs – allergic coughs are usually dry and superficial. You can also check for allergies in the throat. If it's red, it's definitely a cold. There is no fever with allergies. In addition, all symptoms quickly disappear after an antihistamine.

The common cold is often confused with food poisoning. After all, often a baby with a high temperature can be tormented by vomiting and diarrhea. If diarrhea and vomiting are repeated, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, dehydration is extremely dangerous for young children. In this case, the throat will also help to make the correct diagnosis. If it is not red - most likely, the baby was poisoned. If red - with a high degree of probability we can say that the baby has caught ARVI, which, by the way, can often manifest itself as gastrointestinal disorders.

Cold symptoms also appear in children who get sick infectious mononucleosis. The disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. With this disease, a high temperature appears, which is difficult to bring down, a purulent or red throat, lymph nodes increase. To identify the disease, you need to be tested for atypical mononuclear cells. In any case, if you are definitely not sure that it is a cold, you should definitely consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis.

If you notice the primary signs of the disease in a child, it is very important to start treatment as early as possible. After all, an early response will allow you to suppress the disease in the bud. So what to do if the child is cold or comes from the garden with snot?

  1. First of all, you need to warm the baby. If the child does not mind, you can take a hot bath. In any case, the water should first be comfortable and warm, and then the temperature can be gradually increased. Then dress your child warmly.
  2. After that, the baby can be washed with a nose. Firstly, this will wash off the virus from the mucosa, which may not have been completely absorbed into the body. Secondly, rinsing will help remove excess mucus and relieve swelling, which will allow you to breathe through your nose again. For washing, you can use decoctions of herbs, a solution of furacilin or miramistin, salt water. Flushing can be done simply by placing the spout of the teapot against the child's nose. The kid should turn his head to one side until the jet pours out of the other nostril. Show by your own example how the baby should act. Babies need to rinse their nose with saline. Just drop a drop of saline solution into each nostril with a pipette. After that, use a nasal aspirator, which will draw out all the unnecessary mucus. In case of serious discharge (purulent), the baby can be taken to the ENT for washing. The Cuckoo apparatus will pull out everything unnecessary from the sinuses, and the antibacterial composition resists the further development of inflammation.
  3. In addition to washing, the baby can be inhaled. Fine device nebulizer sprays mineral water or special preparations into tiny particles that fall directly on the lungs. The nebulizer perfectly treats cough, snot and red throat, suppresses inflammation at the root. If there is no such device at home, you can simply breathe over a basin of hot water, covering yourself with a towel. For inhalation, you can use a decoction of potatoes or chamomile, essential oils of eucalyptus or tincture of calendula.
  4. After that, the baby needs to make a mustard foot bath. The procedure is allowed for children over three years old. In order not to frighten or force the baby, just dip your legs in a basin of hot water with him. Add some dry mustard to the liquid. From time to time pour hot water into the basin. After the bath, you need to dry your feet well, put on woolen socks on bare skin. This creates an additional impact on the active points of the foot. This massage strengthens the immune system and activates increased blood circulation.
  5. Mustard bath should be done before going to bed. But before you wish your baby good night, you need to smear his chest and back with badger or goose fat. Fat keeps heat for a long time and warms up well. If you have a runny nose, warm your sinuses with boiled eggs or warm salt in a bag.
  6. After that, give the baby tea with raspberries. Raspberry has a powerful diaphoretic property. Such a drink will allow the body to sweat well - the main thing is not to get out from under the covers.

Having fulfilled all these conditions, in the morning you will not even remember that the child was sick yesterday. However, remember - this set of measures is effective only at the beginning of the disease.

Plentiful drink and moist air

In all sources on the treatment of colds, you can find recommendations for drinking plenty of water. However, few people know that the virus is not treated with drugs. All antiviral drugs have only the ability to relieve symptoms. Only liquid will help remove the virus from the body. The more the child pees, the faster his recovery will come. You really need to drink a lot. A child of three years old should drink at least a liter of fluid per day (during illness). This is the only way to speed up recovery. Offer the baby your favorite juices, compotes, sweet tea - anything, as long as he drinks.

Humid air is another condition for a quick recovery. The virus lives and multiplies in dry and hot air. But in a humid and cool climate, it dies. Ventilate the room more often, install a humidifier, moderate the work of radiators in winter, do wet cleaning daily. In addition to the fact that dry and hot air contributes to the development of the virus, it also dries out the nasal mucosa. This leads to secondary infection. The quality of indoor air with a cold is one of the main conditions for recovery.

If it is indeed a cold, there is no need to treat it with medicines. Ensuring plenty of fluids and moist air in the room is already the key to a quick recovery. However, often children need help to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Antipyretic drugs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. If given three times a day, regardless of temperature, they help to reduce symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition. Among them are Nurofen, Ibuklin, Ibufen, etc.

If the baby has a stuffy nose, you need to use vasoconstrictor sprays and drops. However, observe the age limit - use only those drugs that are approved for a child of your age. They should not be used for more than five days. If the runny nose is of a bacterial nature, you need to add more powerful drugs - Isofra, Protorgol, Pinosol.

It is mandatory to take antihistamines, even if the baby is not allergic. Zodak, Suprastin, Zirtek will help relieve swelling and relieve nasal congestion.

Cough medicines cannot be taken uncontrollably, they are acceptable only if they have been prescribed to you by a doctor. Antitussive medicines, such as Sinekod, fight dry coughs by suppressing the cough reflex. If you cough with phlegm, you need to remove it from the lungs. Mukoltin, Lazolvan, Azz, etc. will help with this. When sputum is discharged, in no case should you drink antitussive medicines - they drown out the cough, sputum is not excreted, this can lead to stagnation.

How else to treat a cold in a child

We have collected for you the most effective and helpful ways cold treatment.

  1. If there is a sore throat, rinsing will help get rid of them. Toddlers over three years old can already be taught to gargle. Decoctions are suitable for rinsing medicinal herbs, antibacterial solutions or sea water (soda, salt and iodine).
  2. Parents make a big mistake when they force a sick child to eat, saying that they will not have the strength to fight the disease. In fact, a lot of energy goes into digesting food. Don't force your child to eat if he doesn't want to.
  3. It is better to give up sweet and unleavened milk for a while - they increase the inflammation in the throat.
  4. If there is a strong cough, you can cook a honey-mustard cake. Mix honey, a pinch of dry mustard, vegetable oil and flour to make a dough. Roll out a cake from it and attach it to your chest. Leave overnight. Mustard slightly irritates the skin and increases blood circulation in the area. chest. This helps to activate immune cells and speeds up recovery. Honey gently warms, and oil protects delicate baby skin from burns.
  5. Chopped onions need to be spread around the house - this disinfects the air. So you not only treat the child, but also protect other household members from infection.
  6. To make the child breathe in vapors of garlic, place the cut garlic cloves in a yellow Kinder egg and hang around the neck. Make a few holes in the "egg" itself. So the baby will constantly inhale the smell of garlic, which is very useful for colds.
  7. If the child has a stuffy nose, you can use folk recipes and drops. Beet juice, carrots, aloe and Kalanchoe perfectly treat a runny nose. However, remember that they must be diluted with water by at least half, since in their pure form the juices are very hot. Before dripping drops of your own preparation into your child’s nose, you need to try them on yourself. Never drip breast milk into your baby's nose. It has long been proven that milk is the best food for bacteria, such treatment will only aggravate the disease.
  8. Eat more vitamin C. These are citrus fruits, rosehip broth, kiwi. You can eat ascorbic acid - it is sour and many children eat it instead of sweets. If the baby is small, you can add vitamin C to food. The pharmacy has a lot of vitamin C in liquid form (usually in drops).

These are simple yet time-tested ways to help you get your baby back on their feet quickly.

When to See a Doctor

There are times when a cold does not go away in the prescribed 5-7 days. If the baby does not recover and there is no improvement in his condition, you should definitely see a doctor. In addition, self-medication is unacceptable if the temperature rises above 39 degrees, if there is a rash, diarrhea or vomiting.

You can not be treated without consulting a doctor if there are purulent plaques on the throat - tonsillitis is treated with antibiotics. If thick, yellow or green snot appears, it means that a bacterial infection has joined and you also need a doctor. Any unnatural behavior of the child, uncharacteristic complaints or doubts about the diagnosis must be discussed with the doctor. It is possible to be treated at home only if the symptoms are understandable and characteristic of a cold.

To protect a child from a cold, you need to strengthen your immune system - eat right, temper yourself, drink vitamins, spend more time outdoors, and move actively. And then there will be fewer colds. And if they do, they will flow much easier. Remember, the health and immunity of the child is in your hands.

Video: how to treat SARS in children

In this article, we will talk about what a cold is, what are its symptoms and treatment methods in children, since the relevance of this topic is obvious. Autumn comes, along with it - the inevitable runny nose, and every parent, having bought a bunch of syrups, drops and tablets at the pharmacy, asks himself: "Am I treating a cold in a child correctly?"

Before answering this question, let's consider what is a cold? FROM medical point“cold” is an incorrect term, this word, which is widespread in everyday life, mainly refers to acute respiratory viral infections(ARVI).

Those. cold is a group of acute inflammatory diseases organs of the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx), which develop, as a rule, against the background of hypothermia under the influence of various viruses (respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus) and manifest similar clinical symptoms.

The incidence of colds increases in the autumn-winter and spring period, when the risk of hypothermia increases, and natural immunity decreases. The transmission of the virus from a sick person to a healthy person is carried out by airborne droplets, that is, by inhalation of an aerosol with particles of the virus isolated by the sick when coughing or sneezing. Less commonly, the virus is transmitted by contact, kissing or shaking hands. The highest incidence is noted among children of the first years of life attending preschool institutions, which is due to the peculiarities of contact and behavior of young children (cough without covering their mouths, do not know how to blow their nose correctly, pull toys into their mouths, more often come into tactile contact, etc.) . It is noteworthy that in the first months of life, children practically do not get sick with a cold (ARVI): it's all about passive immunity, transmitted in the form of ready-made antibodies with mother's milk, and in relative isolation (the child is mostly at home, in contact only with family members).

cold symptoms in children

The first signs colds in a child, causing the question "what to do?" parents usually have a runny nose, sneezing and symptoms of general intoxication. Runny nose and sneezing are associated with the reaction of the nasal mucosa to the introduction of the virus: by increasing the production of mucus and throwing it out when sneezing, the body tries to mechanically remove the virus. Symptoms of general intoxication include fever, weakness, headache, loss of appetite, muscle pain. A little later, perspiration or sore throat, cough join.

The symptoms of a cold can vary somewhat depending on the type of virus that caused the illness. So, with parainfluenza a runny nose is rare, and the larynx is mainly involved in the pathological process with the appearance of all the typical signs of laryngitis: a barking, hoarse cough, hoarseness, and in severe cases, difficulty breathing. Adenovirus affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx, palatine and nasopharyngeal tonsils, causing pharyngitis, tonsillitis and well-known adenoiditis. Rhinovirus infection flows more easily, as a rule, is limited to a runny nose and rarely gives serious complications.

What is dangerous cold

With a good immune response of the body, compliance with a sparing protective regimen and the beginning of treatment for a child at the first sign of a cold, it usually disappears without consequences in 6-8 days.

But if the body for some reason did not cope with the virus, complications may develop. Most often, this is the addition of a bacterial infection that causes bacterial(sometimes even purulent) inflammation in the organs of the upper respiratory tract and nearby organs: if the infection from the pharynx penetrates into the auditory tube, it occurs otitis(inflammation of the middle ear), if in the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis(sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis), if it settles on the tonsils - tonsillitis or adenoiditis, if "goes down" - bronchitis or even pneumonia(pneumonia).

Respiratory syncytial virus can cause such a formidable complication as acute bronchiolitis- damage to the smallest bronchioles in the lungs, leading to the development of progressive respiratory failure.

With parainfluenza affecting the larynx, in severe cases, severe edema and narrowing of the subglottic space may occur (functional stenosis of the larynx or " false croup”), which makes the normal act of breathing impossible, and in case of untimely medical care can even lead to the death of a child.

Children's cold: how to treat

When the first signs of a cold appear in a child, the question of “what to treat” can be difficult for parents. As a rule, you want to treat a cold in a child quickly, so that the next day there is no trace of it left. Here I remember famous phrase that "without treatment, a cold passes in seven days, and with treatment - in a week." Of course, this is not entirely true, because timely therapeutic measures help to alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the risk of complications, but of course it will not work to get better in a couple of days - the disease must go through certain phases.

Modern pharmacy offers a lot of cold remedies, sometimes occupying a separate rack in a pharmacy, and television advertising is full of them. And of course, it is difficult for an ordinary consumer to determine which of these funds guarantee effective treatment colds in children. Let's try to figure this out.


All antiviral agents used in ARVI can be divided into five main groups.

  • Drugs that destroy the virus. In the modern medicine market, antiviral drugs that act on parainfluenza viruses, rhino- and adenoviruses are practically absent. Of those that are, most are contraindicated in children. AT pediatric practice perhaps only umifenovir is widely prescribed. But only for children from 3 years old! The intake of these drugs should be started no later than 3 days from the moment the first signs of the disease appear: by triggering a cascade of pathological reactions, the virus is eliminated (excreted) from the body after 48-72 hours, so prescribe drugs that destroy the virus on the 5th day of illness there is no point - there is no point of application.
  • Preparations containing interferon. A great variety of analogue drugs are produced (in candles, drops, sprays, tablets), their names, as a rule, have the ending “-feron”. The undoubted advantage of this group of drugs is that they can be used from birth (except for tablet forms), because. have virtually no side effects.
  • Drugs that promote the production of interferon a. Potentiate the formation in the body of a protective protein - interferon, which reduces the susceptibility of cells to the virus. Most of them are allowed to be taken only from the age of three, and some - from six or seven.
  • Other synthetic agents that stimulate the immune response. Proved to be effective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, widely used last years, but children can only take them from the age of thirteen.
  • Antivirals plant origin facilitating activation cellular immunity and having a powerful phytoncidal (detrimental to viruses and bacteria) action. Evidence-based medicine questions the effectiveness of these remedies for colds, but despite this, they do not lose their popularity over the years.

Speaking of antiviral drugs, it is worth mentioning homeopathic preparations (homeopathy - treatment with ultra-low doses), opposing
manufacturers like effective means SARS treatment. But before treating a child at the first sign of a cold with homeopathic remedies, one should take into account the fact that evidence-based medicine as a result of numerous studies, she came to the conclusion that these drugs are ineffective for colds. Some of them (such as the well-known duck liver preparation) have even been included in the list of fraudulent products by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Treatment of a cold in children is always accompanied by an appointment vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays, because its most frequent companion is a runny nose. Unfortunately, many of them are contraindicated under the age of 3 years.

  • Containing naphazoline - the most affordable. Also, their undoubted advantage is the possibility of prescribing to small children (over 1 year or 2 years old - depending on the manufacturer).
  • Containing xylometazoline. Can only be used in children over 6 years of age.
  • containing oxymetazoline. The advantage of this group of drugs is their long-term action - up to 12 hours. But just like xylometazoline preparations, they are not prescribed to children under 6 years of age.
  • Containing phenylephrine. Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age.

When using vasoconstrictor drops and sprays for the treatment of children's colds, in order to avoid the development of side effects and addiction syndrome, two main rules should be strictly observed:

  • duration of admission - no more than 7 days;
  • frequency of administration - no more than 4 (for drugs medium duration action) or no more than 2x (for long-acting drugs) once a day.

How to cure a cold in a child without antipyretic drugs

Of course, if a child has a cold accompanied by a fever, parents will certainly resort to these medicines. The main thing to remember is that with a fever below 38 degrees C, you do not need to reduce it - you should not suppress the protective reaction of the body that is actively fighting the virus by creating an unfavorable high temperature for it. On the other hand, it is dangerous not to give a child antipyretic drug if the temperature rises above 39 degrees C - this may threaten the development of febrile convulsions.

Saline solutions. Possessing an excellent antiseptic and decongestant effect, they can serve as a good addition to antiviral drugs. vasoconstrictor drugs, contributing to more fast treatment colds in a child. Salt solutions are widely available in the pharmacy network in the form of various drops, sprays, rinse solutions and nasal douches. It should be remembered that in pharmaceutical preparations contains exactly sea salt, and try to cook saline solution at home, food salt is not worth it - it can "burn" the delicate mucous membrane of the child's nose.

Answering the question, “how to cure a cold that starts in a child?”, It is also worth mentioning local antiseptics. These drugs have both antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. They are used for local treatment of the mucosa, when with a cold there is inflammation of the throat. Available in the form of sprays, tablets, lozenges. You can also use herbal sprays (based on eucalyptus, sage and peppermint), but you should be aware that they can cause a severe allergic reaction with severe swelling of the mucous membrane, which will further aggravate the pathological process.

How to treat a cold in a child if complications occur? If a bacterial infection joins, it becomes necessary to take systemic antibacterial drugsantibiotics. To date, there are many antibiotics with a different spectrum of action, some of them are contraindicated in children, and only a doctor can determine which medicine is needed. If a child develops bronchitis against the background of a cold, then in addition to antibiotics, they are also prescribed antitussives. If serious complications such as laryngeal edema, pneumonia or bronchiolitis occur, the child needs emergency hospital admissions.

Separately, I want to talk about such a device as nebulizer. This is an inhalation device that, using ultrasound or mechanical action, converts a drug solution into an aerosol containing ultra-small drug particles. Due to this small particle size, the drug penetrates better into Airways, respectively, and the effect of its use is higher. Pediatricians recommend using a nebulizer for inhaling antiseptics and antitussives when a cold occurs with symptoms of laryngitis, sinusitis, or bronchitis. The recommendation is good, but following it you need to know the following about nebulizers.

  • It is advisable to use a compressor nebulizer rather than an ultrasonic one, as ultrasound can destroy drug molecules.
  • It is desirable to use a device capable of creating particles of different sizes: medium (for laryngitis and sinusitis), small (for bronchitis) and extra small (for pneumonia). The fact is that an aerosol can carry not only drug particles, but also microbes with an air stream. Accordingly, if the device is equipped only with an element for creating ultra-fine particles, the air flow will carry the aerosol from the upper respiratory tract to the lower ones, and with it the infection.
  • Warm up before inhalation medicinal solution in a water bath. This is necessary because when the solution is sprayed, it cools down, and the ingress of cold air into the respiratory tract can aggravate the inflammatory process. It should also be borne in mind that not all medicines can be heated, as they can be destroyed.

How to treat a cold in a child other than pills

Many are interested in how to quickly cure a cold in a child without resorting to medication? Of course, you won’t have to do without them at all, but reduce the duration of the intake medicines, alleviate the symptoms of the disease and reduce the risk of complications will help the use physiotherapy methods treatment.

Older people remember mustard plasters and jars well. The purpose of using cans was to create artificial intradermal hematomas (bruises), the resorption of which activates the processes of immunity, which makes it possible to destroy the virus, reduce swelling and pain in the area of ​​​​inflammation. Therapeutic effect from mustard plasters is aimed at a reflex increase in blood flow, expansion of the bronchi, as well as the destruction of viruses under the influence of deep heating.

At present, the need for the use of mustard plasters has disappeared due to the use of modern physiotherapy devices. heat therapy. Their action is based on local heating of the diseased organ: if you suffer from a runny nose, the nose warms up, if otitis occurs, the ear, if bronchitis, the chest.

Today, even heat therapy devices are presented on the medical equipment market, which can be used at home. And this is their absolute plus: you don’t need to take a sick child to the clinic, take a break in the procedures for the weekend. Some of these devices are equipped with several nozzles at once (for the ear, nose, paranasal sinuses, chest), which can be applied simultaneously if two organs suffer at once.

In addition to heat therapy devices, there are also portable appliances for home use, in which, in addition to heating elements, there are elements that emit a magnetic field and infrared light. This combination of several factors of physical influence allows you to achieve the best result in the treatment of colds. The only thing to remember is that with rhinitis (runny nose), physiotherapy can also be carried out in the acute phase, but with sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis and bronchitis, heat therapy can be used in the attenuation phase of the acute process. It is also impossible to carry out procedures for fever.

The absolute advantage of heat therapy devices lies in the possibility of their use during the period of increased incidence of acute respiratory viral infections for the prevention of colds. And prevention, as you know, is the key to health!

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Colds often occur in childhood, and especially in early childhood. In the first months of life, many children retain the immunity received from the mother. However, they can also be affected even in the neonatal period. Most often, a cold in a child develops as a result of the spread of infectious viruses and a decrease in the body's defenses.

Colds in children.

Colds can lead to serious complications, so it is extremely important to carry out correct and timely treatment. Parents need to know how to treat a child at the first sign of a cold. The common cold often causes epidemic outbreaks in children's groups. The disease can occur throughout the year, but mainly in the cold months (autumn, winter, spring). The role of colds in childhood is extremely high. Together with the attached bacterial flora, they are the main cause of the occurrence and one of the conditions for the formation chronic diseases respiratory tract. They also play an important role in the development of chronic tonsillitis(angina).

Common colds include:

  • SARS (acute respiratory viral infection).
  • ARI (acute respiratory disease).
  • Parainfluenza (the disease is caused by a parainfluenza virus, which is very similar to the common flu, but is less variable and does not mutate, so children who have been ill develop strong immunity to it (but it happens that weakened, sickly children can get parainfluenza several times a year).

Causes of a cold in a child. What to do?

The source of infections is a sick person or a virus carrier. The main method of transmission is airborne, which determines the rapid spread of the infection: with adenovirus, enterovirus, infections, in addition, fecal-oral transmission occurs. As a result of oppositely acquired immunity and the wide circulation of various viral varieties ORZ repeated many times over even a short period of life.

Respiratory viruses are often referred to as epidemic outbreaks in children's communities. Diseases can occur throughout the year, but mainly in the cold months (autumn, winter, spring). The role of colds in pathology childhood extremely large. In association with the secondary bacterial flora, they are the main cause and one of the conditions for the formation of chronic respiratory diseases; they aggravate the course of other diseases, contribute to their exacerbation and unfavorable course, obviously play a certain role in the formation of chronic tonsillitis.

Arising during preventive vaccinations, they (especially in severe and complicated cases) inhibit the processes of immunity formation and contribute to the development of complications after vaccinations. In a weakened body, they can cause allergic reactions. Respiratory viral infections and pathological processes that develop with their participation occupy an important place among the causes of death in children. early age.

The first signs of a cold in a child, what to do?

  • the incubation period is from 1-5 days.

first sign of a cold in a child- Nasal congestion, runny nose. With the development of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, mucus begins to be actively produced, which disrupts nasal breathing. In such a situation, infants who are not yet able to switch to mouth breathing are especially affected. At the same time, there is a moderate reddening of the throat, more often only the palatine arches. Runny nose tends to lingering current, it can last up to two weeks.

  • sneezing, sore throat, drowsiness, lethargy, moodiness.
  • fever is observed in a child with a cold. Moderate rise in temperature, lasting in uncomplicated cases 2-5 days. Occasionally, after 1-2 days of normalization of temperature, a 2nd temperature wave is observed, usually associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. In some sick children, the disease occurs at a temperature of 37.0-37.5 and even at normal body temperature.

    a constant symptom is a persistent cough, which is a manifestation of tracheitis or tracheobronchitis, at the beginning it is dry, and then becomes wet. Occasionally, in young children, bronchitis becomes asthmatic.

    typical of the common cold is laryngitis, manifested by a dry, rough cough and mild to moderate hoarseness.

Complication of a cold.

Most frequent complication in young children is pneumonia, which is usually focal in nature and sometimes takes severe course. the first days of the disease are normal, less often an increased amount leukocytes, (formed elements of the blood, the purpose of these white cells is to provide the body with protection from pathogenic bacteria and foreign proteins. Leukocytes have developed a special sensitivity to them, sometimes a small neutrophilia(this is one of the types of white blood cells that are involved in maintaining human immunity, and plays a key role in the fight against bacterial infections)). ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - a blood indicator that reflects a sign of an inflammatory process in the blood, which increases during inflammatory processes. Normal or slightly elevated.

How to treat a child at the first sign of a cold.

What to do at the first sign of a cold in a child:

  • It is necessary to provide bed rest.
  • Plentiful warm drink (tea, compote, fruit drinks). Together with the liquid, viruses and toxins will be washed out.
  • Can't shoot down body temperature if it has not reached 38.5 (if the child does not have convulsions, if there is, then we begin to lower the temperature if it has reached 37.5-38.0). An increase in temperature is due to the fact that the body itself fights bacteria and viruses, producing its own interferon protein, which resists infection. The higher the temperature, the more.
    However, if the body temperature has risen to high numbers, it must be reduced:

  • Paracetamol: tab. children 6 months (up to 7 kg.) -350 mg - daily dose.
    up to a year (up to 10 kg.) -500 mg. - daily dose.
    Up to 3 years (up to 15 kg.) - 750 mg. - daily dose.
    Up to 6 years (up to 22 kg.) - 1 gr. - daily dose.
    Up to 9 years (up to 30 kg.) - 1.5 gr. - daily dose.
    In the form of a suspension: for children 6-12 years old - 10.0-20.0 (in 5.0-120 mg).
    From 1 year to 6 years - 5 - 10.0;
    From 3 to 12 months -2.5-5.0;
    The dose from 1 to 3 months is individual.
  • Substitutes: Ibuprofen, Dolgit.
    Dosage - used after meals, without chewing. With plenty of water, 200 mg per dose, but not more than 4 times / day.
  • Antibacterial therapy is not effective for viral diseases.
  • With nasal congestion in a child, vasoconstrictor drops are used: nazivin, snoop.
  • Before instillation of vasoconstrictor drops, it is necessary to carry out a nasal toilet (washing with saline solutions, Aqualor, Aquamaris, saline solution)
  • Take an antiviral drug: Anaferon, Kagocel, Kitovir.
  • With a dry cough, drugs are taken that will thin the sputum: mukaltin, tab. cough, licorice root, acc. With the help of coughing, the lungs and bronchi are cleared of mucus. Inhalations with saline are also recommended 2-3 times a day. With already wet cough drugs are taken:
    The most popular syrups are gedelix, lazolvan, marshmallow syrup, herbion (contraindicated in infants), prospan (allowed in the first year of life).
  • How to treat a child at the first sign of a cold, folk remedies: Decoctions medicinal herbs the child can be given to drink (mother and stepmother, linden blossom, sage, chamomile).
    Herbal teas are also effective for children with severe, lingering coughs that occur at night.
  • Rubbing children at night if the body temperature is normal. For the procedure, use badger fat. Bouts of prolonged coughing do not bother children after rubbing. And fats don't cause allergic reactions. And can be used for one year olds.

Prevention of colds in children.

  • limit contact with sick people. It is advisable to avoid crowded places.
  • hands should be washed frequently.
  • after a walk, before and after kindergarten, rinse the nose with saline.
  • You can also recommend immunomodulators that reduce the risk of disease even when a child visits a kindergarten and crowded places. These include: Derinat, IRS 19, etc.
  • for the purpose of prevention and, it is recommended to take multivitamins according to the age of the child: Complivit, Vitamins, etc.
  • hardening.

Has the child caught a cold? Don't worry! Natural herbal remedies will relieve fever, ease breathing and improve overall well-being.

The child's temperature

Fever is one of the first symptoms of a cold. It indicates that the body is trying to overcome the disease. First, take your child's temperature. Dry the skin under the armpit well, put a thermometer and firmly press the child's hand to the body for 3-5 minutes. If the temperature really rises, give the child an antipyretic - herbal or fruit tea.

First aid for a cold in a child

At the first symptoms of a cold in a child, call a doctor.

  1. 1. Plentiful drinking (herbal tea, fruit drink, compote) will help to avoid dehydration of the body, especially with vomiting, diarrhea or fever.
  2. 2. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract during a cold rice-carrot broth HiPP (from the 4th month). It replaces the lost fluid and mineral salts, thereby preventing the loss of moisture by the body and circulatory disorders.
  3. 3. If the child is not allergic to protein, instill interferon into his nose (from the 1st month). This will stimulate his own infection defense system.
  4. Clean your child's nose regularly with a cotton swab. Young children who cannot breathe through their nose often develop otitis media.
  5. 4. A temperature above 38.5 ° C is dangerous because it can provoke convulsions, therefore, without delay, call an ambulance.

Folk remedies for colds in children

At elevated temperature, cough and runny nose in a child, do not rush to give synthetic drugs. In the early days of a cold, medicinal plants are very effective. But do not forget to consult a pediatrician, treat the child only under his constant supervision.

Raspberry, currant, viburnum, chamomile, linden, mint, lemon balm and nettle have a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Homemade preparations, for example, raspberries or viburnum, rubbed with sugar, are best not used for treatment. Dried or frozen fruits are much healthier. Prepare herbal infusions from mint, lemon balm or nettle. One daily serving of antipyretic tea for a baby under 5 years old is brewed at the rate of: 1 coffee spoon of berries or herbs per 200 ml of water. Pour fruits or herbs with water, boil, leave for a few minutes, then strain and cool. Decoction (it should be at room temperature, not hot) let the child drink a little during the day before and after meals.

For a child aged 1 year, in addition to herbal tea, you can cook jelly

and compotes from fruits rich in vitamin C. If necessary, supplement the action of natural remedies with antipyretic drugs - special syrups, tablets or suppositories with paracetamol. To help the intestines, which work worse at high temperatures, give your child baked apples. The pectin contained in them enhances peristalsis.

How to cure a runny nose in a child

Children under one year are not recommended to treat a runny nose with drops. Rinse your child's nose with a decoction of chamomile, salted water, or saline solution, which is sold in a pharmacy, to make breathing easier. After a year, use vasodilator drops. Never try to treat a child's runny nose with oil-based drops. They increase nasal congestion, which in the future can provoke chronic rhinitis. If the child is on breastfeeding put some of your milk in your nose. Breast milk- such a valuable product that it even helps to get rid of a runny nose.

Inhalation for colds in children

Inhalation is an excellent remedy in the fight against colds, but it is only suitable for children older than a year. Get a steam inhaler, do not force the child to breathe over a pot of hot liquid. First, it can scald. And secondly, it is not effective. Pour into an inhaler alcohol tincture eucalyptus or calendula, diluted with water. Let the baby inhale the rich essential oils couples 5-10 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Inhalation relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and also makes breathing easier.

Child's cough

Treat dry cough in a child in the first days of a cold with steam inhalations and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an antispasmodic effect (chamomile, mint, lemon balm). In addition, maintain optimal humidity in the apartment. Indeed, in winter, in rooms with central heating, the humidity does not exceed 25%, and 60% is considered the norm. Water containers placed around the apartment or a special spray bottle will humidify the air. With inflammation of the throat, gargling with herbal infusions will help. You can also use sea salt (boil and cool the salt solution before use). As a rule, after a couple of days, the cough becomes wet, and the airways are cleared of excess mucus. Give your child expectorants: licorice root syrup, pharmacy breast fees or tea containing thyme, mint, anise. The baby will feel much better and recover quickly.

Effective remedies for a cold in a child

Hipp cough tea, 200 g. From the 1st week

The extracts of thyme, mint and anise, which are part of the drink, relieve irritation that occurs when coughing, thin the mucus and normalize the temperature.

Chamomile flowers, 50 g. From the 1st month

Chamomile flowers have a wide range of activities. Chamomile tea helps reduce high temperature, infusion for rinsing relieves inflammation of the larynx, and washing the nose with a decoction of this plant makes breathing easier.

Nettle leaves, 50 g. From the 1st month

If the child is prone to allergies, replace raspberry or chamomile tea with nettle infusion. herbal decoction normalizes the temperature, coping well

with heat. Give your baby a warm drink of 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Linden flowers, 20 filter bags. From the 1st month

Linden tea is an excellent diaphoretic. Let the child drink it after meals. The tea can also be used to rinse the mouth, throat and nose.

Echinacea compositum C, 5 ampoules of 2.2 ml. From the 2nd month

Homeopathic remedy increases the body's defenses. Apply at the first sign of a cold.

Raspberry and rosehip tea Hipp, 200 from the 6th month

An instant drink made from berries and medicinal herbs has a tonic, antipyretic effect and increases the body's resistance to infections.

licorice root syrup 100 g From 1 year

Liquefies mucus, relieves inflammation and spasms. Has an expectorant effect. For a child under 2 years old, give 1 drop of syrup several times a day. Sweet syrup can be added to water or tea. From 2 years old, give half a teaspoon dissolved in a quarter cup of boiled water.

Eucalyptus tincture, 40 ml. From 2 years old.

Antiseptic and disinfectant used for steam inhalation. Has a calming effect. In combination with others natural preparations helps cure colds. For rinsing, dilute 10 drops of tincture in a glass of water at room temperature.

Tincture of calendula, 40 ml. From 2 years old

Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and bactericidal properties of calendula are useful for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

peppermint leaves, 50 g. From 3 years old

The decoction is used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative. Warm mint tea should be drunk 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.