Sea ​​buckthorn. Beneficial features

In pursuit of vitamins, we spend a lot of money on exotic fruits, at a time when we have a wonderful opportunity to grow a bush that can replace any overseas fruit for us. We will talk about sea buckthorn, which hides a lot of useful trace elements and substances.

This magical bush certainly deserves our attention. Its fruits, leaves and bark contain a huge amount of valuable nutrients. Sea buckthorn is a unique plant with a wide range of valuable elements. This shrub has silvery leaves that grow up to 2.5-3 meters in height (see photo). The orange fruits of sea buckthorn ripen from late August to October. It is at this time that they contain the highest amount useful substances.

Sea buckthorn is one of the oldest herbs that man uses for healing. Records of the medicinal properties of this shrub have been found since Ancient Greece. From there came the very name of sea buckthorn - Hippophae, which in translation means "sparkling horse." The ancient Greeks believed that the horses that graze in the area where sea buckthorn grows did their job well and had amazingly shiny coats.

In appearance, sea buckthorn is a thorny shrub with silver-green leaves. It comes from northeast and central Asia, where it grows in the steppes, karst regions and river valleys. China, the Caucasus, Mongolia, Nepal, India, and Siberia are considered the native home of this plant. Currently, sea buckthorn is widely distributed throughout Europe. Now it is most often used as an ornamental shrub. But also sea buckthorn can often be seen on the roadsides.

Until recently, people ignored the unusual healing properties of the plant.

Sea buckthorn fruits are very rich in useful minerals and substances. However, the problem is that during the ripening period they are difficult to collect. On thorny branches, the fruits hold on very tightly, moreover, they are very soft, therefore, even with light pressure, they can be crushed. Therefore, it is most convenient to pick berries in the winter, when the air temperature drops to 10 degrees below zero. The fruits can be easily chipped or plucked without damaging them. Sea buckthorn can also be easily harvested by first picking branches with berries and placing them in the freezer. It is best to store the collected fruits also in the freezer, this is how they retain the maximum amount active substances and vitamins. Heat treatment has a negative effect on some healing substances.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

So why is sea buckthorn useful? It contains Omega 3-6-7-9 essential fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, F, K, B., 60 antioxidants, 20 minerals and various medicinal substances that our body needs. Sea buckthorn can brighten skin, boost immunity, slow down the aging process, lower blood cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and is great for vegetarians. 100 g of berries contains:

  • 340 mg of vitamin C;
  • 160 mg of vitamin E;
  • 120 mg flavonoids;
  • 40 mg carotenoids;
  • 25 mg vitamin A;
  • 0.54 mg vitamin B6;
  • 11% fatty acids.

The amount of vitamin C in sea buckthorn is 12 times greater than in oranges, kiwi, strawberries and tomatoes. Carotenoids are found in the same amount as in carrots. The plant is also rich in a large number of healthy unsaturated fats, mainly linolenic and oleic acids, which energize and affect blood clotting. Main beneficial features sea ​​buckthorn:

  • heals skin rashes, mumps and measles;
  • eliminates the symptoms of asthma;
  • helps the brain and nervous system function normally;
  • kills the infection and improves human immunity;
  • promotes proper digestion and reduces the feeling of hunger;
  • prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors;
  • neutralizes free radicals in the body and restores cells;
  • protects against cardiovascular diseases;
  • improves eyesight;
  • eliminates urological problems;
  • treats arthritis, gout and liver disease;
  • helps fight stress;
  • reduces hair loss;
  • assists in the prevention and treatment of stomach and gallbladder ulcers.

In addition to all the above beneficial properties, sea buckthorn is used for burns, infections and wounds. Thanks to palmitoleic acid, which is also present in human skin, the plant has a regenerating property. A study published by Chinese scientists proved that patients who used sea buckthorn oil for burns got rid of pain. The skin of these patients regenerated faster than those who smeared the wounds with petroleum jelly.

Also clinical researches showed that sea buckthorn contributes to the normalization of liver enzymes, bile acids and reinforces immune system. In addition, sea buckthorn protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic chemicals.

Sea buckthorn is also widely used in the beauty industry. It contains rare omega-7 fatty acids. This acid promotes healthy skin, beautiful hair and strong nails. In combination with vitamin E and C, cosmetics from this plant are suitable for fighting free radicals that cause wrinkles. Sea buckthorn is also great for healing sunburn, bedsores, acne, ulcers and dry skin.


At medical preparations prepared on the basis of sea buckthorn, no side effects and contraindications. However, do not forget that the use of products made from sea buckthorn in large quantities can lead to allergic reaction. Also, this plant can cause heartburn. In exceptional cases, some people may have an intolerance to sea buckthorn oil when taken orally. This can cause vomiting, insomnia, or cause pain, for example, in the stomach.

Sea buckthorn can be used for weight loss, if only because among its beneficial properties there is detoxification, during which a person gets rid of various toxic substances in the body.

Male and female sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant and it grows either male or female. If, in addition to a beautifully flowering shrub, you are going to take advantage of the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, then it would be advisable to plant both male and female specimens. One bush of a male plant will be enough for six female bushes.

It is almost impossible to distinguish a plant by sex especially at the time of purchase. This presents a challenge even for experienced gardeners. Therefore, first of all, seedlings should be carefully examined. You can distinguish between male and female sea buckthorn:

  • by kidney type. On female bushes they are small, and on male bushes they are slightly larger, similar to cedar cones;
  • on the sheet plate. In female plants, it is flatter than in male plants, and turned outward;
  • by the density of the raid. Male leaves are slightly covered with a gray coating, while female leaves have a greenish tinge.

Medicinal properties

As soon as we hear the word sea buckthorn, we immediately imagine sea buckthorn oil and remember its positive effect on human skin.

Skin diseases

Sea buckthorn oil is often used to make ointments for eczema, chronic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, or difficult-to-treat skin wounds, burns, and frostbite. Clinical trials of 151 patients showed that the use of sea buckthorn oil in the treatment skin diseases relieves pain and promotes rapid healing. The antibacterial substances contained in the fruits of sea buckthorn prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

Sea buckthorn oil regenerates the skin not only in case of cut wounds, burns or frostbite, but also in the case of sunburn and radiation. Carotenoids and other chromophores adsorb all bad substances, so this plant can act as effective protection skin. During the Cold War, due to its properties, sea buckthorn was very much appreciated. She is was considered a strategic plant in the treatment after a possible atomic explosion.

Sea buckthorn oil, however, can be used not only as a medicine, but also as a prophylactic. For example, palmitoleic acid, which the plant contains, softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles and improves general state skin. In oriental medicine, sea buckthorn was considered not only a medicine, but also used to make natural cosmetics.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The active substances contained in sea buckthorn have positive influence on the human heart. The sterols in the plant help prevent heart and vascular diseases, as they can lower blood cholesterol levels. Sea buckthorn leaves contain magnesium, which helps keep the heart and blood vessels healthy and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Oleanolic acid can be found in the leaves and fruits of the shrub, which is used in the treatment of heart disease and increases blood flow to the heart and brain.

Sea buckthorn juice, rich in antioxidants, has a very beneficial effect on the heart. It stimulates the function of the heart, protects against high blood pressure(hypertension) and coronary disease hearts. In addition to sea buckthorn juice, the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by flavonoids, it is they that maintain sufficient blood flow to the heart muscle, affect its contraction and have a beneficial effect on cardiac arrhythmia.

Clinical studies have shown that the combination of the use of sea buckthorn oil and proper nutrition has reduced the incidence of angina in individuals suffering from this disease. Patients had no dizziness, normalized arterial pressure and improved overall health.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Ancient scriptures describe sea buckthorn as a mild remedy with the characteristic ability to reduce fever, reduce inflammation, and cleanse the body of toxic substances. Thanks to sea buckthorn berries used in Chinese, Indian and Tibetan medicine, metabolism is accelerated and digestive problems disappear. This tradition is still alive and in our time, for example, in Mongolia, sea buckthorn leaf extract is still used to treat intestinal inflammation.

Some experiments have proven the positive effect of flavonoids on stomach ulcers. Based on further research, it was shown that the combination of this substance in sea buckthorn reduces the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 23%. The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn do not end there. Beta-carotene and vitamins C, E, obtained from the extract of shrub berries, will help eliminate free radicals involved in the formation of the stomach and duodenum.

Ways to use sea buckthorn

Today, there are many ways to use sea buckthorn. And whichever one you choose, the plant will not lose its beneficial properties. For the preparation of products from this plant, it is necessary to use not only the fruits, but also the leaves and bark. You can use the fruits of the plant as fruits, make a cocktail or delicious sea buckthorn jam from them. Today, the product is most commonly used in the form of sea buckthorn oil or tea.

Try making your own sea buckthorn leaf extract at home. It can be used during flu or cold, stress and workload, sleep problems. It is also helpful in fighting depression. You can also use sea buckthorn extract to rinse your hair and improve its vitality.

Sea buckthorn tea works less effectively than the extract, but the leaves of the plant contain a large amount of antioxidants and nutrients. If you pamper yourself a couple of times a week with a cup of sea buckthorn tea, your body will thank you. To prepare tea from sea buckthorn, you need to take one teaspoon of the dried plant, pour 250 g of boiling water and leave for 8-12 minutes. Then strain the resulting drink and you can drink.

Sea buckthorn compote is great for baby food. To prepare a healthy drink, you need to sort out the berries, rinse them thoroughly and pour them into sterilized jars, pour sugar syrup and pasteurize in boiling water for 10 minutes.

Sea buckthorn has long been used in the field of beauty, in particular, it positively affects the condition of the hair. The plant stimulates hair growth, strengthens them, restores the structure after frequent use of a hair dryer and irons, gives curls a lively shine and beautiful appearance. If you can buy sea buckthorn shampoo at a pharmacy or a specialized store, then you can try making a hair mask at home. To do this, you need to finely grate a small carrot, add 1/3 cup of sea buckthorn juice and one spoon castor oil. Apply the resulting mixture to wet hair and leave for 2 hours. Regular use of this mask promotes hair growth up to 4 cm per month.

Golden barrels of ripe sea buckthorn fruits attracted ancient Paleolithic hunters with their appearance. And for good reason: by degree beneficial influence on the human body, this plant is on a par with ginseng, eleutherococcus and aloe. From the proposed article, the reader will learn how to grow, collect and apply sea buckthorn, what useful properties and contraindications it has, where it grows and which variety to choose for planting in a personal plot.

Sea buckthorn is a thorny deciduous shrub or tree (depending on the number of trunks formed) of the Lokhov family, reaching 3-6, less often 10 m in height. The narrow long leaves of the plant have unequal surfaces: from above they are dotted with small whitish specks on a light green background, from below - with silvery or golden scales

The botanical characteristic of the plant also includes:

  • superficial root system, occupying a large area;
  • symbiosis of roots with nitrogen-fixing bacteria;
  • the ability to reproduce by root processes;
  • dispersal of seeds by birds.

Sea buckthorn is pollinated by the wind, so it blooms inconspicuously, in April-May, until the leaves bloom completely. Sea buckthorn is a dioecious and self-fertile tree: in order to set berries, it is necessary that male and female specimens grow nearby. The fruits ripen by autumn, densely sticking to the branches of the plant, for which it received its Russian name. Anatomically, each fruit is an overgrown yellow receptacle around the fruit itself - a nutlet. For the bright sunny color of these “pseudo-fruits”, sea buckthorn is called the “golden tree”.

The first word of the Latin name - Hippophae rhamnoides - translates as "sparkling horse". Ancient horse breeders believed that the addition of sea buckthorn leaves to feed leads to the appearance of a satin sheen in horse hair. The second word indicates some similarity between sea buckthorn and buckthorn.

Sea buckthorn is not the only species of its kind. In addition to it, there is sea buckthorn willow - a tall tree without thorns that grows in the Himalayas.

Chemical composition and distribution of sea buckthorn

The main wealth of the shrub is the saturation with vitamins. The fruits contain:

  • up to 10 mg% of carotene - a precursor of vitamin A, which strengthens nerves, bones and twilight vision;
  • B vitamins are essential for proper metabolism and healthy condition hair;
  • ascorbic acid with antioxidant and immunoprotective action;
  • vitamin E, which prevents skin aging;
  • vitamin K, which has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

The chemical composition of sea buckthorn is enriched with sugars, organic acids, tannins, yellow pigment quercetin, zinc, boron, and iron. Fatty oil should be mentioned, the content of which in fruits reaches 12%.

In the wild, sea buckthorn is found along rivers and along the shores of lakes, including saline ones. It grows throughout Europe and Siberia, in China and even in the tropical regions of Hindustan. In the mountains, sea buckthorn climbs to heights of 2000-2100 m, so it can be found in the Caucasus, Altai, Tibet.

In culture, the plant is even more widespread: in the northern regions of Russia, in the Scandinavian countries, Canada. This phenomenon is associated with the amazing frost resistance and unpretentiousness of the shrub. A related species lives in North America - shepherdia, or red sea buckthorn.


Currently, sea buckthorn fruits and sea buckthorn oil are not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, but relevant articles are being developed for it. AT official medicine golden tree preparations are used as a multivitamin for the prevention of most occupational diseases.

In hazardous industries associated with air pollution by dust and chemical aerosols, sea buckthorn oil inhalations are recommended. A similar method is also used for inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. The use of oil is practiced in dental practice, promotes wound healing after tonsillectomy. Dermatologists prescribe it as part of masks for hair with sea buckthorn, to combat eczema, lichen, acne.

Sterile oil is applied to cleaned wound, pressure sores, burn surfaces after treatment with antibiotics, used for frostbite, conjunctivitis and keratitis. It is also the main component of rectal and vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn, with the help of which they treat:

  • hemorrhoids and rectal ulcers;
  • prostatitis and genital herpes;
  • thrush, colpitis, cervical erosion.

Juice with fruit pulp is used in the treatment of the stomach and duodenum, especially with low acidity. gastric juice and a tendency to atonic constipation. It helps patients with toxic hepatitis well.

Preparations of the golden tree are effective for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, nasal congestion, profuse runny nose. Tea with the fruits of the plant is shown to children to increase immunity.

Many cosmetic companies know how beneficial sea buckthorn is for the face and add oil to their products. The vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids included in it normalize problematic skin, even out its relief. Sea buckthorn mask is effective for the prevention of wrinkles, protection from excessive ultraviolet radiation.

The plant is also used in alternative medicine for the treatment of anemia, diabetes, violations of potency. Traditional healers advise drinking tea from sea buckthorn leaves for healthy joints and removing toxins from the body.

Medicinal properties and harm

Pharmacognosy is the science of medicines ah from natural raw materials - claims that sea buckthorn has no equal in the richness of the vitamin complex, and in the content of tocopherols it surpasses any herbal preparations.

Due to the high level of vitamins, sea buckthorn oil accelerates the processes of granulation of damaged integuments of the body, the formation of new ones. epithelial cells and, ultimately, healing of wounds, burns, frostbite. Also it:

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • activates the work of the pancreas;
  • fights dystrophic processes in the myocardium;
  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria;
  • restores cell membranes from damage associated with exposure to harmful chemical compounds.

Sea buckthorn is a berry necessary in the treatment of hypertension. It normalizes lipid metabolism and cholesterol content in the body, eliminates cholesterol plaques in the vessels and thus eliminates the causes of atherosclerosis. Cleansing blood vessels, it reduces pressure for a long time, bringing its level to a natural level for the body.

Strengthening the walls of the veins lower extremities, sea buckthorn slightly increases the pressure in these problematic vessels, improving their resistance to varicose veins. In the arteries of the brain, on the contrary, it lowers this indicator, which is the key to the absence of strokes at any age.

Golden tree oil has a beneficial effect on the liver, prevents necrotic processes in hepatitis, promotes the regeneration of liver cells. The juice of the plant increases the body's resistance to infections, the level of hemoglobin and proteins in the blood. The increase in the number of red blood cells observed when drinking juice is useful for people traveling high above sea level. It improves cellular respiration and relieves the symptoms of mountain sickness.

The oil has a softening, tonic and rejuvenating effect on the integument of the body. It keeps the skin in an elastic state, brightens dark spots, accelerates hair growth.

The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and contraindications for taking it depend on the individual settings of the body. It is not recommended to take plant preparations for diseases of the stomach and intestines in the acute phase. Organic acids contained in berries can accelerate the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder and exacerbate the symptoms of gout.

Is it possible to use sea buckthorn with breastfeeding?

Sea buckthorn is an excellent source of vitamins for a body tired of pregnancy and a growing baby. Starting from the month of a baby's life, a nursing mother can drink compote or juice, add a spoonful of berries ground with sugar to tea. Oil is allowed to lubricate cracks in the nipples. Contraindications for women are the same: ulcers, cholecystitis, salt deposits, allergies. In the absence of such factors, the use of sea buckthorn is compatible with both pregnancy and lactation.

Planting sea buckthorn in the garden

Self-cultivation of sea buckthorn in the garden is a guaranteed way to provide your family with a vitamin berry. But before you buy sea buckthorn seedlings, you need to learn how to distinguish male specimens from female ones.

To determine the sex of the plant, you need to consider the shoots. The female specimen has relatively small buds covered with only two scales. The male individual is characterized by large, as if "shaggy" kidneys, equipped with additional scales. However, these differences appear at 3-4 years of age, so one-year-olds can only be bought from trusted nurseries.

It is recommended to plant one male plant for 3-4 female plants, and in the center of their group or on the windward side of them, but no further than 10 m. The ideal supplier of low, but hardy male specimens are Alei and Gnome varieties.

For a shrub, a well-lit and moistened place is selected, but without stagnant groundwater. A layer of broken bricks is poured into planting holes measuring 60 x 60 cm, a mound of fertile soil is poured, on which the root system is straightened. Then they fill the hole with earth, ram it, water it and mulch it with sawdust.

Sea buckthorn varieties

What is good about sea buckthorn is that its varieties are diverse and zoned in all climatic regions of Russia. The best varieties for middle lane- those without thorns or with a minimum number of them: such plants make it easy and without loss to harvest, attract useful work children. These include:

  • Altai with a pronounced pineapple smell and dry detachment of fruits;
  • Giant- very productive, up to 18 kg of berries from a bush;
  • Sunny with increased oiliness;
  • Essel- large-fruited Siberian novelty.

In second place in popularity is the Samoplodnaya variety. This hybrid is able to set fruits without pollination, which significantly saves space in the garden due to male specimens.

The climate of the Urals is ideal for a golden tree. In the European part of Russia, Perchik and Red Torch bear fruit well. Winter-hardy varieties such as Lyubimaya, Chechek, Chulyshmanka are suitable for the Siberian region.

For lovers especially rich color varieties with a dark orange skin are bred: Jemovaya, Ryzhik, Red torch. The intensity of color is not their only plus: they can withstand frosts down to -40 degrees.

Care and reproduction of sea buckthorn

To maintain hereditary qualities, gardeners practice plant propagation by cuttings, grafting and root shoots, and to breed new varieties - by seeds. The most effective method of propagating sea buckthorn is green cuttings. They are cut in the first half of summer, the lower third is treated with a root formation stimulator, planted in well-moistened sand and covered with a jar, bottle or bag to reduce water loss.

Pruning of bushes is done only as needed, since the plant reacts painfully to it. Spring sanitary pruning is important, during which diseased, broken, dried branches are removed, as well as regulating - to lighten the crown.

From the third year of life, a golden tree must be fed, but only with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, since it will provide itself with nitrogen, through symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Sea buckthorn diseases appear during the growing season. The most dangerous are:

  • black leg of seedlings, leading them to 100% death;
  • endomycosis, which turns the pulp of the fruit into gray mucus;
  • cancer that affects the cortex in places of freezing and injury;
  • scab covering leaves and skin of berries with dark spots.

Sea buckthorn diseases such as fusarium and verticillium lead to yellowing of its leaves. The fight against them consists in treatments with Bordeaux liquid, timely removal of fallen leaves and weeds.

When does sea buckthorn ripen?

Sea buckthorn begins to bear fruit in the 4th year of life, which corresponds to the 2nd year after planting. Early-ripening varieties (Openwork, Inya) ripen in the second half of August, late-ripening (Panteleevskaya, Chuiskaya) - at the end of September. Between these periods, mid-season varieties are laid: Gomel, Botanical, Altai.

Collection and storage of sea buckthorn

Harvesting sea buckthorn is carried out quite late: the fruits are much easier to separate from the branches after the first frost. If they are intended for squeezing juice, a tarpaulin or film is spread under the bush, thick gloves are put on to protect hands from thorns and roughness of the bark. With movements from top to bottom along the branch, they peel off the berries, allowing them to freely fall down.

To collect whole fruits, special devices were invented: slingshots with a stretched fishing line, scrapers, wire "cobras". Store them frozen, while they retain their value for at least six months. Dry cold storage is also possible.

It is better to harvest sea buckthorn leaves before flowering. They are cut off by hand, laid out in a thin layer in a ventilated room and periodically stirred. In dried form, they are stored for 3 years.

Harvesting sea buckthorn is carried out quite late - after the first frost.


Sea buckthorn fruits can be used in different forms, as you like - there will be no less benefit from this:

  • fresh - as an additive to salads and pastries;
  • grated with sugar (proportion 1: 1) with and without pasteurization;
  • in the form of puree (berries are heated in a small amount of water to a temperature of 50 degrees, rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added, pasteurized and rolled up);
  • in the form of juice with or without pulp, as well as mixed with honeysuckle, raspberry, blueberry juices.

The calorie content of the product is 82 kcal per 100 g of fresh fruit. As a vitamin, immune-boosting remedy, berries are easiest to consume in the form of an additive to hot drinks. For example, with bronchitis with a lingering cough, it is good to drink sea buckthorn tea with ginger and honey.

The fruits make a delicious and beautiful jam. Sea buckthorn, mashed with sugar, mixed with apple juice and boiled for half an hour, turns into jelly, and when agar-agar is added, into marmalade.

An infusion is prepared from the leaves to normalize blood sugar levels. To do this, pour a teaspoon of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter. Take 10-15 ml twice a day.

A mixture of 1 kg of fruits, 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of high-quality vodka turns into a tincture to maintain immunity. Insist berries for a month, take 20-30 ml per day.

There are many recipes for sea buckthorn face masks:

  • yolk, oil and juice of berries;
  • protein, cottage cheese and butter;
  • protein, White clay, berry puree;
  • starch, sour cream, puree.

The protein in the masks is whipped, the remaining ingredients are added, mixed, applied to the face from the bottom up. The result is skin rejuvenation, improvement of its blood supply, smoothing of wrinkles.

Sea buckthorn ripens slowly, requires labor and patience in harvesting. But its sunny berries are worth it: each of them is a vitamin bomb that can explode a cold and leave no stone unturned from the infections that cause it. Put a large bag of golden fruits in the freezer - just a few pieces a day will quickly and permanently raise the immunity of the whole family.

Probably there is not a single person who would not know this amazing berry, which is called Sea buckthorn. We have all heard about it, but not everyone knows how healing it is and what kind of benefit this plant can bring to us.

In the article I will tell you what Sea Buckthorn is rich in, how it can be treated. Learn about the unique properties of this amazing plant. Read how rich and useful Sea buckthorn is. How can it be used at home.

Who do you think discovered it first? medicinal properties sea ​​buckthorn? After reading the article, you will know about it. Sea buckthorn contains everything our body needs. She is truly a miracle created by God and nature.

Properties of sea buckthorn and what it is rich in

The Chinese were the first to learn about the amazing healing properties of sea buckthorn. Now they are also one step ahead of the people of the entire planet in terms of sea buckthorn knowledge. In China, sea buckthorn takes pride of place and grows up to ninety percent.

Chinese scientists continue to study sea buckthorn even now. They have built a lot of enterprises that process this product. There are special enterprises that produce sea buckthorn oil.

The properties of sea buckthorn and what it is rich in - everything that our body needs is contained in sea buckthorn. Scientists have also proven its uniqueness. The properties of these fruits are simply extraordinary.

For example, a spoonful of sea buckthorn with the same amount of natural honey will strengthen the immune system. If you want to know more about honey, you can read. Sea buckthorn contains three types of organic acids.


  • Tartaric acid
  • A nicotinic acid
  • Apple acid

The leaves, branches and fruits contain tannins. Sea buckthorn contains a large amount of flavonoids. fatty oil this plant contains up to twelve percent.

These are fatty acids such as:

  • linoleic
  • palmitic
  • oleic
  • stearic

Sea buckthorn contains up to one hundred and eighty milligrams of carotene. Up to one hundred and ten milligrams of tocopherol. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin K are also contained in this unique plant.

Sea buckthorn contains organic and fatty acids, as well as sterols and phytoncides that can kill the development of microbes and other unnecessary organisms.

What is useful sea buckthorn

For example, Chinese healers have always used and now use the entire sea buckthorn tree for medicinal and medicinal purposes. Juices are prepared from sea buckthorn, which are upscale.

It is used to make jams and nectars. In Soviet times, from the berries of sea buckthorn in the oldest city of Biysk, the plant prepared natural sea buckthorn oil. What is sea buckthorn useful for and how to use it in a lot of ways.

Here are the main ones:

  • medical preparations
  • Food
  • ecology
  • cosmetics
  • economy

Sea buckthorn is good for the environment because where it grows, it enriches the soil with nitrogen, strengthens the soil. In cosmetics, sea buckthorn oil, tree bark, leaves, juice and berries can be used at home.

Sea buckthorn strengthens not only human health, but also the nature that surrounds it. These can be ravines, mountain slopes, even lanes along a railway embankment. Know where Sea buckthorn grows, so there is a healthy atmosphere.

Sea buckthorn medicinal properties

Sea buckthorn can be used to treat many diseases. Several hundred different diseases are counted by specialists who help to treat this healing tree. We all know that prevention is better than cure.

In this case, sea buckthorn is an indispensable tool. You just need to regularly eat sea buckthorn berries and you can forget about diseases. But if you still get sick, this amazing plant will come to the rescue here again.

Sea buckthorn is an indispensable healing property for flu, colds, which can be treated like this: "", weak immunity, treatment of eyes, ears and burns. Here is the daily rate of treatment for sea buckthorn:

  • the daily norm for the treatment of sea buckthorn oil is two three teaspoons
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries two three tablespoons
  • sea ​​buckthorn juice no more than seventy-five grams (pour into a glass and bring to two hundred grams)

What should be the norm when instilling eyes, ears and treating burns:

  • for instillation of drops in the eyes and ears two or three times a day, one two drops
  • for the treatment of burns, sea buckthorn oil should be taken so much that the entire burn is lubricated. From one drop onwards

Since sea buckthorn is a natural antiseptic, it is a powerful antiviral agent. When making an inhalation or compress, add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the infusion of herbs that you are treating.

Just be aware that sea buckthorn oil should be added to the hot infusion before use. What herbs can be inhaled for colds. Here is the composition:

  • mother and stepmother leaves
  • lingonberry leaves
  • St. John's wort (1 tbsp each)
  • a few drops of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn medicinal properties are so versatile that in order to cover everything completely, you need to write several articles dedicated to this unique doctor.

At any stage of pneumonia, sea buckthorn has an effective therapeutic effect. With such a disease, you need to drink sea buckthorn juice daily strictly on time. From three to five in the morning, or from three to five in the afternoon. At this time, the greatest energy in the lungs.

Chinese scientists prove that it is treated with potent herbal products, which include sea buckthorn, in the hours when the diseased organ begins to be active.

Tea with sea buckthorn and ginger is very useful, what you need for this:

  • fresh grated ginger root - 1 tbsp.
  • sea ​​buckthorn juice - 1 tbsp.
  • one glass of water
  • honey 1 tsp

How this tea is prepared:

Boil water and throw in ginger. Reduce heat, cover with a lid and simmer for five minutes over low heat. Then mix with honey and sea buckthorn juice and drink.

Sea buckthorn treats scurvy, perfectly supports the immune system. This unique doctor treats the liver, genitourinary system. With a disease of the genitourinary system, you can prepare a healthy salad.


  • one hundred and fifty grams of parsnip root
  • four hundred grams of sweet apples
  • two tablespoons of sea buckthorn
  • two tablespoons of sunflower oil infused with sea buckthorn
  • dill, parsley

There is one more medicinal plant– Dandelion, which is widely used in folk medicine. This plant can also treat diseases of the biliary tract and liver, you can read.

Sea buckthorn treats prostate adenoma, herpes. For what reasons can torment herpes - with a weakened immune system. Sea buckthorn, like no other product, is a powerful healer for this disease.

Kefir with sea buckthorn against herpes:

  • sea ​​buckthorn berry - one tablespoon
  • thirty grams of cheese
  • one glass of kefir from natural milk

How to do:

Pour kefir, add sea buckthorn, drink and eat cheese. This method will help you cure herpes and strengthen your immune system. Sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat hemorrhoids. Take sea buckthorn oil after meals, twice a day for a teaspoon.

Hemorrhoids can be treated differently, how? Will help you. Sea buckthorn treats both hemorrhoids and other proctological diseases perfectly. How to do it: insert suppositories with sea buckthorn oil into the anus.

Inside, you also need to take sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids twice a day after meals for a teaspoon. The salad “eat beets with sea buckthorn if you want to be beautiful” is very useful, this is the name of this salad.


  • one apple
  • one hundred grams of sea buckthorn
  • two beetroots
  • one clove of garlic
  • thirty grams of walnuts
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil

You can talk about sea buckthorn endlessly. The article contains only a small part of what I know about her. Therefore, in the next article, I will continue the story about this product, unique in its properties.

After reading the article, you learned about the properties of sea buckthorn, what it is rich in, what sea buckthorn is useful for, its medicinal properties. I think the following articles will be no less interesting, which I will definitely devote to sea buckthorn in health, cosmetics and cooking.

Be healthy and happy.

Video - Sea buckthorn

In the natural world, it is difficult to find a plant that does not own healing properties. Even those that contain toxic substances, at first glance, pose a danger to the health of the human body, nevertheless, in small doses, they still heal many diseases. However, most of them do not pose any danger, but rather they are edible, tasty and healing. This applies primarily to fruit and berry bushes and trees. It is difficult to say what type - a bush or a tree - the sea buckthorn belongs to, because in nature it is found both in the form of an overgrown bush and as a small tree.

This plant came to us from time immemorial. Even now, scientists cannot accurately determine his native places. However, most of them are inclined to think that sea buckthorn came to us from the Himalayan mountains. There and now, at an altitude of 4500 meters above sea level, along the stormy crystal clear mountain rivers, you can find sea buckthorn bushes firmly rooted in the rock.

To date, there are many species and subspecies of this plant, which has spread throughout European territory from temperate climate. Sea buckthorn grows in Norway, Great Britain, Finland, Germany, France, on the territory of Ukraine and Russia, in the Caucasus, in the countries of Western and Central Asia, in China and India. High in the mountains, these shrubs reach a height of no more than 90 cm, while sea buckthorn trees, depending on the region and climatic conditions, reach a height of no more than 6 meters. However, some of them, striving for the sun, grow up to 17 meters. The life expectancy of sea buckthorn in natural conditions is 60-70 years. At the same time, after 60, her productivity decreases, but a tree was found that, according to scientists, has lived for about 320 years, while it still gives its fruits to humanity.

This plant is amazing - it withstands 40 degree Siberian frosts in winter, and exhausting heat in summer, growing in the expanses of India and Pakistan. Sea buckthorn is planted instead of a hedge, parks and recreation areas are decorated with it. These plants have an extensive root system, so they are often planted on steep slopes and along river banks to strengthen soils and prevent erosion. In addition, root blisters, which are present in legumes, and mycorrhiza fungus were found on the roots of sea buckthorn. This contributes to the enrichment of the soil and the plant itself with nitrogen, phosphorus and other useful substances.

Humanity has been familiar with the healing properties of sea buckthorn for a long time. For residents of high-mountainous and inaccessible areas, these fruits were food and medicine at the same time. Memories of sea buckthorn are found in the records of ancient Greek scientists, thirty chapters are devoted to its healing properties in the book of classical Tibetan medicine, which is dated to the 8th century AD. These ancient records contain about 84 recipes for the preparation of medicines from sea buckthorn. Special attention they focus on the ability of these unique berries to “tonify Yin and strengthen Yang.

Subsequently, these records fell into the territory ancient China and Mongolia, where they became a reference book for healers. In Mongolia, sea buckthorn is still considered a source of vital energy, and the indigenous people from generation to generation pass on stories that in the old days, the warriors of Genghis Khan acquired their mighty strength and endurance by drinking sea buckthorn juice. In addition, medicines prepared from sea buckthorn helped heal wounds and injuries received in battles faster. During the reign of the Qing Dynasty (1821 - 1850), a well-known Mongolian doctor at that time continued writing in the book and finished it already at chapter 120, where he specifically described clinical picture the course of diseases that were treated with the help of sea buckthorn, and added to it 37 more recipes with recommendations and detailed instructions: how and for what disease, to prepare this or that medicine.

Subsequently, each of all known ancient medical sciences (Chinese and Indian
Ayurveda) devoted more than one chapter to sea buckthorn as a unique natural healing agent, and this interested physicians and scientists. In the 30s of the last century, Soviet scientists were the first to begin to more specifically study the composition and properties of sea buckthorn. They managed to cultivate it and bring out several dozen varieties, one of which is large-fruited sea buckthorn. Scientists, together with doctors and biologists, have developed a number of medicines, ointments, biologically active additives to food, which are produced by the Russian pharmacological industry, to this day. In addition, Soviet specialists based on sea buckthorn developed a nutrition system for astronauts and pilots, as well as a technology for making unique sea buckthorn oil for use by astronauts in order to protect the skin from harmful radiation effects during their stay in space. Information about the results of the research was strictly classified, and only years after the collapse of the USSR, they became more accessible to the world community. However, this did not become a big obstacle to the possibility of conducting similar studies in other countries, which was done in China. They regard sea buckthorn as a unique medicinal plant and brought out about 200 varieties of this plant. In order to put its cultivation on an industrial basis, more than 2 million hectares of land were allocated, because the world's demand for these most valuable fruits has increased.

At that time in Russia, according to the data of 2006, when the All-Russian Agricultural Census was conducted, 5 thousand hectares were planted with sea buckthorn in Siberia. However, these two countries are China and the former Soviet Union, were the first to put on a scientific basis the study of the healing properties of sea buckthorn. Over the past decades, scientific centers of other countries have become interested in this issue, and sea buckthorn has been included in the list of the most popular natural medicines in world pharmacology.

What attracted scientists around the world to this plant so much?

In fact, sea buckthorn is a unique plant. After all, all its parts - bark, leaves, fruits - are saturated to one degree or another with vitamins, oils and a number of useful substances and, accordingly, have healing properties. Leaves and twigs are fed to horses and sheep to make their coats silky and shiny. No wonder the Greek name of sea buckthorn in translation means horse and shine. In folk medicine, decoctions and tinctures from leaves, flowers, bark, dried and fresh fruits are used to treat ailments. However, the focus is on the berries themselves.

Small oval berries ripen in late August or mid-September, while acquiring a golden yellow or orange, and sometimes even an orange-red color. They taste sweet and sour with the aroma of pineapple. By the way, in Belarus, sea buckthorn is called “Russian pineapple”. Ripe fruits remain on the branches until spring, they do not fall off and steadfastly withstand bitter frosts, after which they become sweeter and softer and, of course, feed the feathered world in the winter cold. However, in order to dispel the mystery of the healing abilities of these berries, let's analyze their composition.

More than 190 types of biologically active substances have been found in the composition of sea buckthorn, 60 of which have not yet been identified. The mass of one fruit can reach 16-20 g. 100 grams of these unique berries contain vitamin C and its amount ranges from 300 to 1600 mg, depending on the variety and place of germination of the plant. In addition, among the vitamins they contain vitamin K, the amount of which ranges from 100 to 200 mg, vitamin E - from 255 to 430 mg, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin A. Sea buckthorn is considered one of the richest sources of carotenoids - up to 500 mg, of which beta-carotene from 15 to 70 mg. This substance, entering the body, is converted into vitamin A. And if you look at the comparative table, you can see that the amount of vitamin C is 20 times more in sea buckthorn than in oranges, and beta-carotene in it is 10 times more than in carrots. Of the minerals, there is sodium - 0.4 mg, potassium - 150 mg, calcium - 38 mg, iron - 1.2 mg, magnesium - 4.5 mg, and zinc. As well as proteins 36.6%, sugars (fructose and glucose) about 6%, organic acids (malic, tartaric) 4.3%, flavonoids, quercetin, tannins and oils. Oils are found in berries and seeds, while in berries it is up to 9%, and in seeds up to 12%, and it consists mainly of fatty acids that are important for our body from the Omega-3 and Omega-9 groups, and this is linoleic, linolenic, oleic and palmitoleic acid (Omega-7).

In medical practice, fresh sea buckthorn fruits and sea buckthorn oil are most often used as a remedy. Juice, syrups, jams, jelly are prepared from berries and eaten. Juice is a unique energy drink that will not only give strength, but also strengthen the immune system, because such a rich composition of sea buckthorn fruits has no analogues in nature. This drink is a natural powerful antioxidant - it is used for prevention colds. However, if the cold took you by surprise, and the disease has already attacked, then we offer you a few useful tips traditional healers: half a glass of sea buckthorn juice and three tablespoons of honey is an excellent and tasty expectorant. Chinese medicine advises to grind a handful of fresh or frozen berries with two tablespoons of honey to a state of gruel, insist for an hour and a half and take one tablespoon every hour for bronchitis. Not less than effective recipe, which perfectly treats bronchitis, borrowed from our great-grandfathers: 100 grams of heated lard must be mixed with the same amount of sea buckthorn oil and boiled for 1-2 minutes. After cooling to an acceptable temperature, this mixture should be drunk in one gulp at night before going to bed, or in the morning an hour before meals. However, freshly squeezed juice fully possesses healing properties. The product that enters the distribution network undergoes pasteurization, and loses most of its (healing) properties.

Children love to play with cats and dogs and often appears on the skin unpleasant diseaseringworm. You can get rid of this disease with the help of sea buckthorn. To do this, it is enough to rub the affected area with a berry cut in half, or grind a few pieces to a gruel state and apply it to problem areas of the skin.

As a powerful antioxidant, sea buckthorn juice is excellent prophylactic cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In addition, it is a rejuvenating drink, because it contains vitamin E, vitamin C, a large amount of carotenoids, flavonoids and many biologically active nutrients, so drinking juice creates a rejuvenating effect not only externally, it affects the entire body.

However, medicine draws attention to sea buckthorn oil, which is obtained by pressing seeds. In its composition, almost all the useful substances found in sea buckthorn are maximally concentrated. And if the berries contain more than 190 biologically active substances, then 106 of them are located directly in the oil. This number includes six fat-soluble vitamins and vitamin-like substances, 22 types of fatty acids, 42 types of lipids, 36 flavonoids and phenols. This unique oil contains up to 500 mg of carotenoids, natural organic pigments that perform the functions of antioxidants in the human body. These include 70 mg of beta-carotene, which is converted into retinol or vitamin A in the body, as well as alpha-carotene, zeaxanthin, lycopene, lutein and others. These substances, and in particular vitamin A, are not produced human body However, they are indispensable for vision, body growth, reproduction, normal functioning and protection against various fungal and bacterial infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, the oil contains 250 mg of fat-soluble vitamin E, and in terms of the amount of this vitamin in its composition, sea buckthorn oil is second only to wheat germ oil. Vitamin E protects vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the cells of the body, and also prevents the destruction of body tissues. As part of sea buckthorn oil, this vitamin is in the most active form called d-alpha-tocopherol, in this form it synergistically enhances the action of other biologically active substances. Being a powerful antioxidant, this vitamin slows down lipid oxidation, prevents the accumulation of toxins, and plays an important role in protein biosynthesis. In tandem with vitamin A, vitamin E strengthens the immune system and is an important factor in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The oil also contains vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and its amount ranges from 170 mg to 200 mg per 100 g of the raw product. This vitamin plays an important role in blood clotting and ATP synthesis. It is also involved in the formation and restoration of bones, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the conversion of glucose into glycogen, which subsequently accumulates in the liver. Vitamin K plays an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis, as it slows down bone loss during the development of this disease.

An important role for our body is played by beta-sitosterol or provitamin D. As part of the oil, this substance is in the amount of 400 mg, and its main function is that it blocks the absorption of cholesterol, reduces the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. And recent studies have shown that beta-sitosterol blocks the development of cancer cells, but these results are still being studied.

Sea buckthorn oil contains in its composition fatty acids of almost all very important
groups(:) Omega-3, Omega-7 and Omega-9. Omega-7 or palmitoleic acid from nature, except for sea buckthorn and an exotic nut for us - macadamia is not found anywhere else. However, its amount in sea buckthorn oil is twice as much as in the oil of this nut. This acid is one of the components of our skin and protects it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that sea buckthorn oil is rich in vitamin C. Almost everyone knows that it is a powerful antioxidant that only enhances the ability of sea buckthorn oil to protect the body and skin from the destructive effects of free radicals, various pollution and solar radiation. This vitamin, together with vitamins A and E, increases collagen production and promotes even distribution of pigment. It gives the oil anti-inflammatory properties.

Of course, this unique product contains much more useful substances than we mentioned, but even such a minimum amount of biologically active components gives us the opportunity to talk about the unique properties and capabilities of this oil. It is recommended to use it externally for various diseases and skin lesions. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic properties. This oil is indispensable for burns, bedsores, frostbite, diseases such as acne, eczema and even psoriasis. It heals beautifully trophic ulcers, and as an adjuvant it is recommended to use it for skin tuberculosis. This tool is used to lubricate the skin to prevent sunburns and after their appearance, after exposure to x-rays and radiation rays.

In addition, this oil is an excellent remedy for the treatment inflammatory diseases oral mucosa. Sea buckthorn oil treats diseases of the throat, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis. In gynecology, it is used to treat colpitis and cervical erosion, and suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are used to treat hemorrhoids. By the way, in the world there are more than 200 therapeutic preparations made on the basis of sea buckthorn, including biologically active food supplements.

The oil contains about 2% phospholipids and, in combination with vitamins and other components, it helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, its internal use is the prevention of atherosclerosis and other concomitant diseases. of cardio-vascular system. With the help of this sea buckthorn oil, esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), chronic erosive gastritis, gastric ulcer, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis and diverticulitis.

Externally, the oil is simply applied to damaged areas of the skin, if necessary, having previously cleaned it of exfoliated parts, and internally, for the prevention of various diseases, it can be consumed one teaspoon 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals for 2-3 weeks. As for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is also recommended to use oil in a teaspoon half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day, however, for such diseases, the doctor may advise a different treatment regimen, so in any case, the advice and recommendations of doctors should not be ignored.

This unique oil has a rejuvenating effect, so it is often added to hand and face creams, it is also present in anti-aging masks.

Here is such a sea buckthorn, a plant that has conquered the whole world with its unique properties.

Health and well-being to you.

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Among the berry bushes, sea buckthorn occupies a special place due to the rich vitamin composition of the fruits and their unusual taste. Ripe berries have a pleasant “pineapple” aroma, which is why sea buckthorn is sometimes called Siberian pineapple. Culture is valued not only as an important raw material for the vitamin industry, but also as an ornamental plant.

Cultivation history

Sea buckthorn is one of the oldest plants on the planet. In ancient times, it was already known in Mongolia, China, Rome, Scandinavia. The inhabitants of these territories used the berries as medicine.

The healing properties of the plant were also known to the ancient Slavs, they then already healed wounds with sea buckthorn oil. Interest in this berry crop revived in the 17th century due to the development of Siberia. There, local residents have long treated coughs with a decoction of sea buckthorn berries, and with the help of oil they got rid of pain from burns.

Sea buckthorn has long been used as a remedy for healing wounds and strengthening the immune system.

In the 19th century in Russia, culture was mainly used for decorative purposes. For example, in those days, sea buckthorn bushes adorned the Tauride Garden in St. Petersburg. The Russian fabulist A. Krylov was also engaged in the cultivation of shrubs - he even wrote a book in which he gave advice on caring for seedlings.

At the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, sea buckthorn began to appear in many botanical gardens in Russia. Gradually, among gardeners, interest in it as a fruit crop increased, amateur gardeners in Siberia and the Urals took up its cultivation. In the 20th century, sea buckthorn began to be cultivated in nurseries near Moscow and St. Petersburg.

I.V. Michurin, engaged in seed propagation of sea buckthorn, noted the special value of Siberian seeds, from which the most hardy seedlings grew.

Since the beginning of the 40s, when the composition of the fruit was studied, interest in vitamin-rich sea buckthorn has revived again. Many scientific institutes began to create new varieties with improved characteristics. Already in 1960, a group of scientists led by M. A. Lisavenko at the Altai Experimental Horticulture Station bred the first seedlings of a new generation of sea buckthorn - these are widely known varieties:

Many new Altai varieties are almost thornless, have large fruits with a high content of vitamins, sugar and oil.

Sea buckthorn species

Sea buckthorn is a genus of plants in the Lochaceae family. Grows as shrubs or trees, mostly thorny. Scientists distinguish 3 types of sea buckthorn:

  • willow,
  • buckthorn,
  • Tibetan.

The loose-leaved species of sea buckthorn grows in the Himalayas, China, in the mountainous regions of India, Nepal. Tall trees with branches hanging like a willow are extremely rare in Russia. The fruits of this sea buckthorn yellow color, about 6 mm in diameter.

Sea buckthorn willow got its name because of the drooping branches

Buckthorn-shaped sea buckthorn grows in Europe, Asia, the North Caucasus, and the Crimea. It is a shrub with a height of 1 to 3 m. It is widely cultivated as a fruit crop, and is also used as an element of garden design, to create hedges. Distinctive features - small silver-green leaves and rounded fruits of yellow or orange color.

On the territory of Russia, most often you can find sea buckthorn

Tibetan sea buckthorn was first known in Russia in the 19th century from the works of N.M. Przhevalsky, traveling in Central Asia. This species grows in the highlands of India, Nepal, on the southern slopes of the Himalayas and in the mountainous regions of China. The height of a shrub with a winding trunk and numerous thorny branches does not exceed 80 cm. But the berries are very large compared to other species - 11 mm in length and 9 mm in diameter.

Tibetan sea buckthorn is small in size - the height of the bushes does not exceed 80 cm

Sea buckthorn varieties: a brief overview

Over the past few decades, new promising varieties have been created that differ from parental forms in an improved set of qualities. For comparison:

  • The wild sea buckthorn berry weighs no more than 0.3 g, the cultivated form weighs an average of 0.5 g.
  • If the old varieties gave no more than 5 kg of berries from a bush, then for new ones and 20 kg is not the limit.

Table: comparative characteristics of varieties

Distinctive qualities Variety name Additional benefits of the variety
large fruit
(berry weight from 0.7 to 1.5 g)
  • Openwork (1 g);
  • Augustine (1.1 g);
  • Elizabeth (0.9 g);
  • Leucor (1.2 g);
  • Caprice (0.7 g);
  • Essel (1.2 g).
  • Elizabeth - high resistance to diseases and pests;
  • Openwork - thornless, high content of vitamin E;
  • Caprice - high content of carotene.
  • Moscow beauty (15 kg);
  • Chuiskaya (11 kg);
  • Favorite (9 kg);
  • Botanical (18–20 kg).
Favorite - high vitamin E content
High frost resistance
  • Jam;
  • Trofimovskaya;
  • Gift of Katun;
  • Botanical amateur.
(almost no thorns)
  • Giant;
  • Altai;
  • Sunny;
  • Pearl;
  • Golden cascade;
  • Otradnaya;
  • Friend.
Girlfriend - high content of carotene
Increased oil content
  • orange;
  • Nugget;
  • Zyryanka.

Sea buckthorn is a culture with a unique biochemical composition, its ripe fruits contain a whole complex of vitamins. Separately, it is worth noting the varieties with the largest number:

  • vitamin C - Red Torch, Atsula, Ayaganga;
  • Vitamin E - Amber.

Gallery: the best varieties of sea buckthorn

Large-fruited sea buckthorn of the Elizabeth variety is characterized by strong immunity to pathogens Jam sea buckthorn can tolerate even 40-degree frosts Sea buckthorn Giant has almost no thorns on the shoots, which greatly facilitates the collection of berries New sea buckthorn variety Red Torch contains an increased amount of carotenoids and vitamin C

Cultivars have large fruits and long stalks, which greatly facilitates harvesting.

Video: sea buckthorn variety Chuiskaya

How to plant sea buckthorn in the garden

Sea buckthorn bushes can bear fruit for 20 years. Right choice The composition of the soil and the place under the berry plant largely determines the longevity and productivity of the crop.

Location selection

If you decide to plant sea buckthorn in the garden, try to observe the following conditions:

Landing dates

The optimal planting time is early spring when the plants are in the green cone phase. During the season, young seedlings will have time to take root well and get stronger to leave for the winter. The survival rate of sea buckthorn autumn planting much lower, most of the seedlings die in the winter cold.

Sea buckthorn is preferable to plant in early spring, before the start of the growing season.

Placement of pollinators

Sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant. Fruits are formed only on female trees, male ones are only pollinators. In the garden, you must have plants of both sexes. For 6 fruiting bushes, 1 pollinator plant is enough. You can place sea buckthorn in a curtain, planting a male bush in the center and surrounding it with female ones. Or arrange the bushes in rows, planting 1 male plant and 6 female plants in a line.

From sea buckthorn female type male pollinator plant has very large buds

In male plants, the buds are two to three times larger than in female plants, they have five to seven covering scales; in females, the kidneys are small, elongated, covered with only two scales.

Planting sea buckthorn

A plot for sea buckthorn has been prepared since autumn. Dig up the ground, remove weeds. Dig holes with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm. Add to the fertile soil layer:

  • 10 kg of humus;
  • 150 g of superphosphate;
  • 40 g of potassium salt.

Step by step process of planting sea buckthorn:

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Growing sea buckthorn is not difficult, the main thing is to create comfortable conditions for it.

top dressing

In the first year after planting, the young do not need additional nutrition, but starting from the next spring, feeding is carried out several times per season:

Sea buckthorn especially needs phosphorus, which ensures the vital activity of nodule bacteria that live on the roots.

Watering and loosening

Sea buckthorn is not afraid of drought, but in extreme heat it needs watering. Moisture is especially necessary for young seedlings - they are watered at first every day, spending 4 buckets of water per bush. The soil should be moistened to a depth of 60 cm. For fruit-bearing bushes, 4 waterings per season are enough (6 buckets per plant):

  • before and after flowering;
  • during the formation of fruits;
  • before the onset of cold weather (late September - early October).

Pre-winter watering is very important: if enough water has not been accumulated in the autumn period, the cold resistance of the plant is greatly reduced.

After watering or rain, the soil must be loosened. Since the roots of the shrub are located superficially, the loosening of the soil under the bush is carried out shallowly (7 cm), in the aisles - 10 cm. If the roots are exposed, they should be mulched with a mixture of peat and sand.

An adult sea buckthorn plant is not afraid of drought, but the harvest will be more abundant if the soil is well moistened during the fruit formation period.

Video: how to care for sea buckthorn

Prevention and treatment of lesions

New varieties of sea buckthorn have good immunity, however, under adverse conditions, the plants may show signs of infection with pests or diseases.

Table: signs of diseases of the sea buckthorn bush, prevention and control measures

Diseases How do they manifest Prevention Measures
verticillium wilt
  • In the second half of summer, diseased plants begin to turn yellow and fall leaves.
  • The fruits wither.
  • Blisters and reddenings appear on the bark, the wood turns black.
  1. Disinfect seedlings before planting by dipping them for 1 minute in a 2% solution of Karbofos.
  2. Before bud break and after leaf fall, spray the bushes with a 2% solution of Nitrafen.
Cut off the affected branches, as the disease is incurable.
Septoria Infection occurs in warm, humid weather. Bushes are most affected in the stage of fruit ripening, the disease manifests itself as follows:
  • Light spots develop on the leaves with a dark border.
  • The foliage dries up, the shoots turn brown.
  1. Avoid planting in shady areas.
  2. Observe the watering regime.
  1. Treat with swelling of the kidneys with Oxychoma solution (20 g / 10 l).
  2. After the buds fall and the berries are picked, treat the plants with 1% Bordeaux liquid.
  • Ripe fruits become covered with spots, decrease in size.
  • The pulp is mucilaginous and flows out of the shell.
  1. Thin out plantings.
  2. Observe the watering regime.
Before bud break, spray with a 2% solution of Nitrafen.

Photo gallery: sea buckthorn diseases

When infected with septoria, the foliage on sea buckthorn dries up, the shoots turn brown. Verticillium wilt can appear on sea buckthorn bushes in the second half of summer. With endomycosis, the pulp of the fruit softens and flows out of the shell

Table: what insects harm sea buckthorn

Pests Infection characteristic Prevention measures How to help
A very dangerous pest that destroys up to 90% of the crop. The fly pierces the skin of the green fruit and lays an egg. The larva feeds on the pulp of berries.
  1. Loosen the soil to kill wintering pests.
  2. Plant flowering plants to attract ichneumons that destroy up to 50% of fly cocoons.
  1. Before the leaves bloom, sprinkle with a 0.2% solution of Chlorophos, Rogor or Methylnitrophos.
  2. After flowering, treat with a 0.3% Metaphos solution.
Green sea buckthorn aphid Aphid colonies suck the juice from young foliage. Damaged leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off. Destroy fallen leaves on which aphids settle.
  1. Burn diseased shoots.
  2. Spray before swelling of the kidneys with a 0.05% solution of Kinmiks.
  3. Before flowering, treat with a 3% solution of Agrovertin.
The pest lays its eggs on the bark of sea buckthorn. In spring, the caterpillars enter the buds. With a massive defeat, the plants dry out. Remove fallen leaves, loosen the soil where moth eggs hibernate. At the beginning of bud break, spray with a solution of Metaphos (3%), Entobacterin (1%).

Photo gallery: sea buckthorn pests

Worm-like larvae of the sea buckthorn fly can destroy almost the entire crop on a plantation Green aphid larvae hatch in mid-May and suck juice from young leaves Sea buckthorn moth lays eggs on the bark of the lower part of sea buckthorn trunks, fallen leaves and soil When pests are damaged, the leaves curl and dry out, the plant is greatly weakened Fruits affected by sea buckthorn fly deteriorate and dry out

The easiest way to plant sea buckthorn is cuttings. Do it like this:

Grafting with a kidney is best done in the very root collar from the convex side. There, the bark is more elastic and accretion is faster.

Video: pollinator grafting on a female sea buckthorn plant

Preparing for winter

Sea buckthorn is a winter-hardy crop that can tolerate even severe frosts, therefore it does not need to be warmed. However, it has fragile wood, which easily breaks under the weight of large drifts of snow. In heavy blizzards, you should shake off clods of snow from the branches.

After snowfalls, you should shake off the clods of snow from the branches so that they do not break.

Sea buckthorn is not damaged by spring frosts. Warm damp weather in winter is more dangerous for her, when the soil does not freeze and as a result the bark of the trunks at the root collar often rots. Winters with little snow or sudden changes in temperature from + 4 to -30 degrees also have a negative effect on the plant: branches are damaged and dry out, and productivity decreases. To mitigate the negative impact of a sharp change in temperature, watering is carried out on frozen ground in mid-November, and then a layer of peat or humus mulch is laid.


After planting, the top is pinched at the seedling in order to get a branchy bush with a bole height of about 20 cm in the future. Sea buckthorn grows very quickly, a whole curtain soon forms from a small bush. With age, many branches dry out, making it difficult to harvest. Fruiting moves to the periphery of the crown. Adult sea buckthorn bushes are cut as follows:

  1. To form a crown in early spring, excess, improperly growing branches are removed, root offspring are cut off at the base.
  2. Bushes older than 7 years need rejuvenating pruning. Old branches are removed, replacing them with 3-year-old side shoots.
  3. In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out, relieving plants of dry, broken and disease-damaged branches.

At proper care and timely pruning, sea buckthorn grows and bears fruit for many years

Video: spring pruning of sea buckthorn


Sea buckthorn is propagated vegetatively and by seeds.

Propagation of sea buckthorn seeds

Sowing of seeds is carried out at the end of November without preliminary stratification into moist soil to a depth of 2 cm with an interval of 5 cm. If sowing is carried out in the spring, then before that the seeds must be cold hardened.

Stages of growing seedlings of sea buckthorn:

When growing sea buckthorn from seeds, a large yield of male specimens is obtained - over 50%. Determining the sex of a plant is possible only at the age of 4 years, in addition, with seed propagation quality is lost.

Vegetative reproduction

  • lignified shoots;
  • green cuttings;
  • layering;
  • root growth.

Experienced gardeners prefer to propagate sea buckthorn by cuttings, in which case the survival rate is 98%. Lignified cuttings are harvested in late autumn or early spring, cutting them from annual branches. Seedlings are grown as follows:

The best time for green cuttings is the end of June. The process of growing seedlings is in many ways similar to the previous method, but there are some differences:

Sea buckthorn from green and lignified cuttings is best rooted under the film

It is easy to propagate the shrub with layering. The top of the shoot is added dropwise near the bush, watered and pinned. A month later, a sprout 45 cm long with the roots formed is separated from the bush and planted separately.

It is easy to propagate sea buckthorn with apical layers, digging them near the mother bush

One of the easiest ways to propagate sea buckthorn is with the help of shoots. During the season, root offspring are spudded several times with moist soil to stimulate the formation of new roots. A year later, in the spring, the earth is raked and the shoots are cut off from the root.

Sea buckthorn seedlings, separated from the mother bush, have a well-developed root system

Compatibility with other plants

The culture does not tolerate close proximity to other plants. The reason for this is the branched root system, which diverges to the sides for several meters. Sea buckthorn roots are located superficially, at a depth of 30 cm, and can be easily damaged when digging the earth in the garden. Even a slight injury to them can greatly weaken the plant. Therefore, for sea buckthorn, the edge of the site, the territory along the fence or buildings are usually allocated. Raspberry bushes, stone fruits, strawberries, asters, gladioli should not be planted nearby due to common fungal diseases that cause plants to dry out.

Sea buckthorn does not tolerate the close proximity of other plants, it should be planted on the edge of the site, near the lawn

Sea buckthorn is not so common in our gardens. Many believe that it gives a lot of shoots, its berries are sour, and because of the thorns it is difficult to harvest. However, all this does not apply to new varieties - thornless, with improved taste. The culture has many advantages: unpretentiousness in care, frost resistance, the ability to resist diseases and pests. From the fruits of sea buckthorn, you can make vitamin preparations, use them as medicinal raw materials. The plant can also be used in landscape design. Bushes planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other, after 3 years turn into an unusual fruit-bearing hedge.