Autumn planting peony timing. Planting peonies in the fall: optimal timing and rules for growing

Among the inhabitants of the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, and in many other parts of Russia, there are many gardeners who are happy to cultivate beautiful peonies. This flower cannot be called unpretentious, because it may not bloom for several years in a row. We will now discuss what needs to be done so that the buds are tied in both tree-like and herbaceous varieties, and what is remarkable about planting peonies in the fall.

Benefits of fall planting

If you answer the question of when it is better to plant a crop, in autumn or spring, then the answer will be unequivocal - in the fall. The flower does not like any transplantation at all and is ready to “sit” in one place up to 50 years, therefore it tolerates this procedure only in one case - when it has grown and is ready for division. To understand the priority of autumn planting, we will talk about what it means to plant peonies in the spring:

  1. there will be no flowering this year;
  2. there will be no flowering in subsequent years due to the illiterate choice of location and soil composition;
  3. long and painful survival.

After such a gloomy forecast, we will confine ourselves to a spring landing only in cases of emergency. After all, if you plant peonies in autumn in sunny places with a competent approach, then you can admire its flowering for several decades in a row, even without your own growing experience. Therefore, beginners will be able to boast of beautiful flowers in the second year of growth. Since we have considered when it is better to plant a plant, in spring or autumn, we will pay attention to the period from late August to late September. The ideal option is to prepare the soil in August and start work in September. Why? The conclusion is not random:

  • buds formed for subsequent growth;
  • the ground part has faded and is ready for division;
  • young roots have not yet begun to germinate, therefore, the traumatism of the root system is reduced;
  • the beginning of the rainy season with moderate temperatures contribute to the rooting of the bush.

But how to plant a peony if it fell into your hands in the spring? Your actions will be as follows: After such interesting storage methods, you can safely transplant the delenki into the ground in the fall. Having bought a seedling in a box, we act according to the general rules.

We divide the bush

Planting peonies in the fall can be carried out after dividing the overgrown bush. How to determine if your bush is ready for dividing and planting divisions in a new place, now you will learn:

  • Before dividing, the bush should bloom for 3-4 years;
  • The number of stems should be more than seven pieces. They should grow at a distance of 7 cm from each other.

We divide the bush according to the following system:

  1. at the end of August or September, all leaves and faded shoots are cut off from the bush, leaving stumps up to 15 cm high.
  2. we dig with a pitchfork at a distance of 10-15 cm from the growth of the stems.
  3. we take it out to the surface, wash the roots with water and carefully examine them for rot or other damage.
  4. rot is removed with a sharp, antiseptic-treated knife.
  5. we cut the rhizome so that there are 2–3 buds in each division, and the root is 5–10 cm long.
  6. small parts of the rhizome and more than medium ones will not take root well, so we recommend getting rid of them.
  7. we keep the correct seedlings in a purple solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes and 5–6 hours in a heteroauxin solution (1 tablet per 10 liters of water).
  8. dry the seedlings, sprinkle with ash or crushed coal.
  9. from fungal pathogens, we disinfect the root part in a solution of clay and copper sulfate diluted in water (1 tablespoon of vitriol, a liter jar of clay per 10 liters of water).

Our young offspring are processed and ready for landing in a new place.

Advice! “If possible, we prepare the landing holes in advance so that the soil settles and soaks with top dressing.”

Preparing the seat and soil

You learned when you can transplant peonies. Now we will discuss the choice of a place, on which both growth and flowering of a culture directly depend. An important role is played by the presence sunlight in the first half of the day. The flower is very fond of early sun and afternoon shading. Neighborhood with bushes of other species, trees, fences and walls of houses will protect the flower from winds that can injure. But you need to plant it not too close to give room to the roots (1.5–2 meters).

After choosing a place, we prepare such a composition of the soil so that peonies bloom for as long as possible. First, we note that the plant does not like the close approach (1.5–2 meters) of groundwater. If they are found, we throw drainage from broken bricks, small and medium crushed stone or expanded clay at the bottom of the landing pit. Secondly, if your site is sandy, then adding clay will not hurt, as the peony loves slightly alkaline loams. When planting bushes, consider the following factors:

  • Clay-containing weighted earth requires the addition of the following components: humus, sand, peat (an ideal combination);
  • We add lumps of clay (retains moisture), peat and humus into sandstones;
  • Peat soils are not conducive to cultivation, but some manage to achieve this by adding sand, ash and organics.

The right choice of site and soil plays an important role, but you should pay attention to the autumn top dressing for the development of the bush:

  • Shortly before planting, mix 200 gr. superphosphate and 200 gr. potassium sulfate with a liter jar of ash. Pour the resulting mixture to the bottom of the hole;
  • We dilute the purple solution of potassium permanganate 10-15 liters and pour it into our fertilizer mixture.

Planting peonies in stages

Having decided on the place and time, we proceed to the direct planting of young offspring.

  1. Having prepared a hole 60x60x60 (length, width, depth), we take into account the distance between them 1–1.2 m from each other.
  2. We described the mixture of fertilizers above, but if there is bone meal on hand, then 300-400 gr. won't interfere. In addition to the mixture described above, we introduce a layer of compost or rotted manure 5–7 cm.
  3. Next, the upper fertile layer, which we removed at the beginning, is added to the general pile and mixed with a shovel. The total distance of the fertilized layer from the bottom is 35–40 cm.
  4. Then we pour sand 20–25 cm.
  5. We place the process in the hole, spreading its roots evenly, and monitor the upper replacement buds so that they are 5 cm below the surface of the hole, no more.
  6. We fill the seedling with fertile soil, making sure that the end of the kidney is deepened by 5 cm.
  7. Plentifully water the seat, and mulch on top with compost or peat (whatever is at hand).

If you set your sights on the cultivation of a tree peony, then this does you credit, since this species can grow for 100 years. China is famous for specimens up to 500 years old. Some varieties have large flowers with a pronounced color. The drainage system with a two-meter arrangement of groundwater will contribute to the development of the plant. Planting tree varieties does not differ from herbaceous species, with the exception of some features:

  • The seat is dug out with a cone 70 cm deep and equal in diameter.
  • Drainage is poured at the bottom (tiles, gravel, crushed stone, shell rock).
  • The rest of the steps are similar to the planting process of herbaceous species, except that the place of the root neck will not be lower, but at the level of the soil surface.
Advice! “In the first year of flowering after transplantation, the buds that appear are removed. This is done because the plant has not absorbed enough nutrients. Cutting buds in the initial year of growth will create consistent blooms for several years to come. Recommended for all varieties of peonies.

Care after landing

In what way and when to plant the culture you learned, now we will mention watering. September in middle lane and the Leningrad region is usually rainy, so in the autumn we will water the plant only if it suddenly does not rain. Since peonies are not too moisture-loving, they need moisture only in three important points including feeding:

  • during swelling of buds and flowering;
  • in a dry and hot season;
  • in August for the projection of flower buds.

For nutrition and growth, pour 2-3 buckets of liquid under a separate bush.

Advice! “During the hot period, we water early in the morning or late in the evening at sunset.”

For access to oxygen, ultraviolet and liquid, the soil under the flowers is loosened and shed as with full care. It's a good idea to mulch around the stems.

Planting peonies in the fall implies subsequent feeding of young, fragile seedlings. In mid-May, the following composition is prepared: for 10 liters of liquid there is 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid soap and mineral supplement "Ideal" in the part specified in the instructions. Such foliar top dressing is done in the late evening or on a rainy day once a month. Adult bushes also need to be fed, but only 3 times a season with a three-week break:

  • in mid-May, a solution of urea is added (50 g per 1 bucket of water);
  • at the beginning of June, the same urea solution with 1 tablet of microfertilizer;
  • at the end of June, we pour this solution again with two tablets of microfertilizer.

At the end of March, perennials are fed with potassium and nitrogen, since these two components cause the active growth of stems, leaves and peduncles. A mullein, diluted in water 1:10, is poured under a bush into a circular hollow during the budding period. In the same hollow after flowering, after 2 weeks, 15 gr. potassium and 15 gr. phosphorus supplement.

We fight diseases

No wonder you learned how to plant peonies in the fall, because it is the autumn breeding season that contributes to the health and disease resistance of the shrub. There are few diseases, but they need to be known and dealt with correctly. If diseases such as gray rot or rust are transmitted during transplantation or otherwise, then we present methods for dealing with them.

Gray rot is defeated in three runs:

  1. in the spring, after the formation of seedlings, we do the treatment with Bordeaux liquid (50 g per bucket of water);
  2. we do the second treatment after 10–13 days with the same solution;
  3. the third treatment is repeated after 2 weeks with the same composition.

In the absence of a Bordeaux solution, you can replace it with copper oxychloride in an identical proportion.

We also get rid of rust with the help of a 1% solution of Bordeaux water or colloidal sulfur with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap. Only tree-like cultures need shelter for the winter. Shoots are collected in a bunch and wrapped with twine at the end of October. The area around the trunk is mulched with peat (foliage and straw can provoke gray rot). With the onset of frost, they cover the skeleton with spruce branches. Top wrapped with burlap in 2-3 layers or spunbond. Herbaceous species are pruned at ground level in late autumn so as not to leave infected shoots. For antiseptic purposes, sprinkle the trimmings with wood ash. Cut flowers do not need shelter. Now you know not only how to plant peonies, but you have a full range of caring procedures.

Give in the spring large fragrant flowers of bright and pastel colors. In one place, a bush can grow for many years, but there comes a time when the grower decides to propagate his favorite variety of peonies, it is very important to do the work correctly so that the separated parts of the plant can quickly adapt and start growing. Gardeners practice planting peonies in open ground spring and autumn, but it is preferable to coincide with these works in autumn. This article is all about how to transplant herbaceous and tree peonies in the fall.

Why is it better to plant peonies in the fall

Planting peonies in the fall in open ground has several compelling advantages that flower growers are guided by when planning work specifically for this period.

  1. When planted in September-October, the plant manages to take root in a new place, get stronger before the cold weather and go into the winter prepared and strong.
  2. Autumn time contributes to the rapid development of numerous adventitious roots, which helps the plant to better establish itself in the ground.
  3. Properly carried out planting work in the fall contributes to the flowering of young plants in the spring, while spring planting cannot guarantee flowering in the current season.
  4. A good rooting of peonies from autumn contributes to the formation in plants of increased resistance to summer heat and drought, which can affect them as early as next season.
  5. By August, the above-ground part of the plants is immersed in a state of dormancy, and the replacement buds are already well formed.
  6. The time of heat has already passed, thanks to the precipitation, constant moisture is maintained in the soil.

Planting dates for peonies in the fall

When deciding to plant peony bushes in open ground in the fall, it is necessary to clearly determine the timing of planting plants, guided by several important criteria:

  1. Weather conditions of the region.
  2. The onset of frost at a certain time.

Important! Planting work should be completed 25-35 days before the onset of frost.

In each region, frosts occur at different times, so it is not possible to name the exact time for planting peonies in the fall in open ground. We would like to note one more nuance - they begin to prepare the landing hole in advance at the end of summer, and the transplant is carried out in the fall.

Choosing a site for planting peonies

In order for peonies to grow and develop well after transplantation, to delight each year with lush flowering, it is worth choosing the right place for growing a crop.

What we pay attention to when choosing a suitable site for growing peonies:

Peonies should be planted in a site with good sunlight, in the shade the plant stretches, the color of the flowers turns pale, and the flowers themselves become smaller. It is allowed to grow peonies in flowerbeds with slight shading for several hours a day.

Soil composition

Herbaceous peonies prefer to grow in the garden on slightly alkaline or neutral soil (pH - from 6 to 6.5). Nutrient-rich loams are ideal for growing peonies.

Blowout protection

The culture is very sensitive to drafts - peonies must be planted in calm areas of the garden or protect plants from gusts of wind.

The height of the groundwater level on the site

A high level of soil water can lead to wetting of the root part of adult peonies and delenok, so when choosing a place for planting, you need to choose a high area with low level ground water.

Bad predecessors

Predecessors are not often remembered, but this is one of the important aspects of the successful growth of peonies in the garden. It is not recommended to plant new varieties in place of old plants, at least 2 years must pass after the bushes have been transplanted from this site. Correct fit peonies in autumn should take into account that the culture grows poorly and develops after large perennials, uprooted trees and shrubs, which have depleted the soil for a long time.

Optimal distance from tall trees and garden buildings

Grassy peonies are not recommended to be planted close to the walls of tall buildings, because in summer the heated surfaces intensively give off heat, which negatively affects the development of the peony bush. The minimum distance from the walls of houses is 2 m.

Tall trees often shade peony plantings, so you should pay attention to this factor when planting and dividing bushes.

Seating preparation

When a suitable site for transplanting peonies is determined, they begin to prepare seats for plants, and it is immediately worth planning the frequency of the pits - one per 2 m2. With such a planting, maturing peony bushes will have enough nutrients for many years.

Important! If the peony is planted in the fall in accordance with all the rules, flower buds will appear in the spring 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

It is recommended to prepare landing pits for peonies when planting in autumn 1.5 -2 months before the start of work. During this time, the soil should be saturated beneficial substances, tamp down and settle down.

For planting hybrid plants for a long time without planning for quick transplants, you should prepare pits with dimensions:

  1. Depth - from 60 to 70 cm.
  2. Width - from 80 to 100 cm.

For ordinary peonies, when planting for 2-3 years, a hole measuring 45x45x40 cm is enough. This is how bushes are planted for which a permanent place has not yet been selected.

A significant distance should be left between plants (at least 90 cm), up to 2 m2 of garden space should be allocated for each bush. With such a planting, the plant will be able to freely form a powerful root system, between individual bushes there will be free space necessary for air circulation.

Important! Free planting of peony bushes prevents the development of fungal and other infectious diseases.

The depth of planting peonies in autumn should not exceed the soil level by 2o-30 mm. Plants that are too deeply buried develop poorly, which negatively affects growth and annual flowering. The high location of the bush in the planting hole can cause freezing of the root system and death of the kidneys.

Important! If a high level of soil water is observed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, the plants are planted on ridges so that the distance from the surface of the poured layer to groundwater is at least 0.7 m. In this case, the depth of the pit should not exceed 40-45 cm, and its sides may be up to 80 cm.

Many gardeners debate whether a layer of drainage is needed when planting peonies outdoors. This is purely idiosyncrasy, which depends on the soil on the site. If the bottom of the pit is lined with a layer of plastic clay, there will be no sense in drainage, because the clay castle will prevent water from seeping down. With sandy soil, water without drainage will quickly go deep into the soil, and the roots will lack moisture.

Local drainage is not able to qualitatively protect the roots of peonies from excessive moisture; to solve the problem, you will have to dig drainage trenches or find another way to lower the groundwater level in the area.

To fill the pit, nutrient soil is prepared, based on good garden soil, to which is added:

  1. Well-rotted, fully decomposed manure or compost aged 2-3 years - up to 25% of the volume of the planting pit.
  2. Double superphosphate - up to 2 cups per well.
  3. Wood ash - at least 1 to 2 cups.
  4. Bone or dolomite flour - 1 to 2 cups.

The pit is filled with this mixture to 2/3 of the height, the layer is compacted and a thin layer of quartz sand is made on top of it.

To fall asleep the roots, a light earth mixture is prepared with the addition of a small amount of ash and dolomite flour.

In September, peonies are planted, arranging the rhizomes so that the renewal buds are not deeper than 3-5 cm, and do not protrude more than 2-3 cm above the soil surface. Delenki or young bushes are carefully placed in a pit, sprinkled with soil and watered.

Important! If, after watering, the soil in the pits settles significantly, the soil is topped up, and it is also useful to mulch the surface with peat or leaves to preserve moisture.

Planting tree peonies in autumn

Tree-like peonies - the most beautiful perennial shrubs with charming showy flowers, can grow in one place for up to 80 years or more, so the place for planting them should be chosen very carefully. The requirements for choosing a site are almost identical to the rules for planting grassy peonies, but for tree peonies, places with shading from the sun for several hours a day are more suitable. Planting time is usually in September.

Other requirements:

  1. The diameter of the landing pit is at least 50 cm. The pit is prepared and the lower part is covered with soil 2-3 weeks before planting.
  2. The distance between plants is from 100 cm.
  3. Soil - made up of garden soil, peat, compost, humus and sand. All ingredients should be taken for 1 hour. Bone meal and superphosphate can be added to the prepared mixture. The ideal level of acidity is 7.5-8 pH.
  4. Deepening of the root neck - no more than 5 cm.
  5. Watering - immediately after planting, at least 10 liters of water should be used per plant.

Peonies are flowering decorative and deciduous perennials that easily overwinter in the open field, even in the northern regions. It is recommended to transplant them only in the fall, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for a long winter.

Features of the autumn transplantation of peony bushes

Most flower growers plant peony bushes only in the fall, this time is considered ideal. The need for an autumn procedure is due to the structure of the pion root system. Tuberous formations are formed on the adventitious roots of the plant, in which nutrients accumulate. They receive food through thin, thread-like suction roots. These microscopic root hairs actively develop at the end of the growing season.

Fine root hairs begin to form in late summer

Absolutely all varieties of peonies prefer autumn planting. In spring, plants disturb only in the most extreme cases, when there is no other way out.

In autumn, it is important to be in time before the formation of numerous thin suction roots, when the foliage stops growing, and the peony itself is at rest. In order for the flower to take root well and thoroughly in a new place, planting should be started no later than 35–45 days before the first severe frost. At this time, the heat subsides, the difference between day and night temperatures becomes significant. In addition, autumn rains come, carrying an abundance of moisture. In moist soil, the peony root system feels much more comfortable and develops better.

Peonies should be transplanted and planted in the fall

In regions with harsh climatic conditions (Siberia, the Urals), peonies are planted from mid-August to early September. Areas with temperate climate(Moscow region) allow you to extend the deadline until the end of September. In warm southern regions, planting can be carried out throughout October and even in early November.

Peony seedlings with a closed root system (in containers) can be planted in open ground throughout the season.

Container seedlings can be planted throughout the growing season

A luxurious peony bush of a bright burgundy saturated shade grew on my site. It differed in that it bloomed earlier than the others, usually the buds opened already in the first days of June. A few years ago in the spring there was an urgent need to remove the plant. I dug up the bush and moved it literally a couple of meters away. It took root very badly, was sick for a long time and did not bloom. Despite all my efforts, the peony died. Roots remained in the old place in the spring next year leaves appeared, but there were no flowers. After 2–3 years, the bush grew again and recovered to its previous volume in the old place.

Video: when and how to plant peonies

The technology of transplanting peony bushes in the fall

Peonies develop well in open, well-lit places, protected from sudden gusts of wind, but with good circulation of air masses. The most preferred will be a site that is slightly shaded during the hot afternoon hours. Best of all, these flowers grow on permeable, loose and fertile soils with a close to neutral alkaline reaction (PH not higher than 6–6.5).

Peonies love well-lit sunny places.

The most suitable for peony will be light loams and sandy loams. Heavy wet soils are diluted with sand; clay is added to sandstones for better moisture retention.

A place for planting peonies should be prepared in advance, about 2-3 weeks in advance, so that the earth settles:

  1. A hole is dug with a size of 0.6 * 0.6 m and a depth of 0.7–0.8 m.

    The hole for the peony should be large enough, as its roots grow strongly.

  2. The distance between individual instances must be at least:
  3. A thick drainage layer (15–20 cm) of broken bricks, stones, pebbles, expanded clay, etc. is laid out at the bottom.

    Drainage of stones, pebbles, broken bricks, etc. is laid at the bottom of the pit.

  4. At 2/3 of the volume, the pit is filled with a soil mixture composed of the following components:
  5. It is well spilled with water (at least two buckets).

    The soil mixture in the planting pit is abundantly spilled with water.

For planting, purchased seedlings are used or the existing mother peony bushes are divided:

  1. All stems are shortened to 10–15 cm.

    Before transplanting, you need to shorten the stems of the peony

  2. Dig bushes around the perimeter.

    First, the peony bush is dug around the perimeter

  3. With the help of a garden pitchfork, they are carefully removed from the ground.

    Peony bush is removed from the ground

  4. Lightly tap, freeing from earthen lumps.
  5. For 2-3 hours, they are left to lie down in the shade and dry out so that the rhizomes become less fragile.

    The dug out peony bush is left to lie down in the shade so that it wilts a little and the roots become less brittle.

  6. Divide the bush with a knife into parts, each of which should contain at least 3-5 buds and several healthy viable roots.

    The peony bush is divided into parts with a sharp knife

  7. Planting material is placed for 20–30 minutes in a strong solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of copper sulfate (3–4 g).

    First, the rhizomes are disinfected in a strong solution of potassium permanganate

  8. Then the rhizomes are left for 12 hours in a solution of any root formation stimulator (Epin, Heteroacusin, etc.).

    Then the rhizomes of the peony are soaked in a solution of a root stimulator

The procedure for transplanting and dividing is extremely painful for plants, so it is carried out only when the bush has grown too much and needs to be planted.

  1. The seedling is placed in the prepared hole. It is necessary to ensure that the growth buds are 3–5 cm below ground level. Excessive deepening is dangerously increased leaf growth and poor flowering, with a close location to the soil surface, freezing of renewal buds is possible.

    We arrange the peony bush so that the buds are 3-5 cm below ground level

  2. The roots are carefully straightened and laid out along the bottom of the pit.

    Peony is mulched with humus or peat

Planting tree peonies is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference that the root neck is buried a little lower (8–10 cm from the soil level).

Video: we plant a peony in the fall correctly

If you correctly choose the time for planting a peony in open ground and follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then the bush will take root well and will delight you with abundant flowering next spring. It is important to properly prepare a place for him, because he will grow on it for many years.

In autumn - the basis of their successful breeding. These perennials are unpretentious, their cultivation does not require special knowledge and special techniques. However, certain information on the agricultural technology of a wonderful horticultural crop should be learned even before the acquisition of planting material. Find out for yourself right now what place is suitable for plants, what conditions they need for good development, how to properly plant future beauties so that they thank you with luxurious flowering.

Early autumn is the best time to plant peonies

Floriculture gurus recommend planting peonies from the second half of August to the end of September. These dates are indicative and may vary significantly for different regions. For example, in the southern regions, planting work can be postponed until the end of September or even October, while in the northern regions, on the contrary, this event is best done at the end of summer.

Important! Planting peonies in open ground in autumn must be done 40-45 days before the onset of cold weather, so that the rhizome has time to take root well and overwinter.

A logical question that novice growers often ask is: why not just plant peonies in the spring? The reason is in the structure of the root system of these plants. In the tuberous roots, nutrients are accumulated, which are extracted by thin suction roots, and in the spring they are spent by the plant to build up the aerial part. Optimal time for the development of microscopic roots - the end of summer, the beginning of autumn.

During spring planting, the active formation of green mass begins. At the same time, new nodules are not formed - the plant, receiving nutrition from the main rhizome, depletes it, and as a result, it may even die.

The feasibility of autumn planting pions is determined by the following factors:

  • Cool weather and wet soil after rains allow plants to take root reliably and form a powerful root system.
  • Vegetation of "autumn" peonies begins earlier. During autumn and winter, they harden, grow stronger, acquire good immunity and quickly grow in spring, significantly outperforming plants planted in spring in development.
  • Peonies planted in autumn do not need special care, while "spring" plants require long-term adaptation and special care so that they can take root.

Optimal conditions for planting peonies

This culture is distinguished by rather modest requests for growing conditions. Nevertheless, before acquiring a chosen variety, it is very important to decide on the place where you will place the seedling, to prepare the soil for planting in a timely manner. After all, in one area a flower can grow and decorate it with lush flowering for several decades, but it does not tolerate transplantation well.

The location of plants on the site

The long-lived culture is light and freedom-loving, therefore, competent planting of peonies in the fall in the ground involves their location in a place open to sunlight for most of the day. Light shading is acceptable, especially at noon, in the south it is even desirable. A deep shadow will not destroy the plants: the bushes will grow well, and if the sun gives them at least half a day, they will even bloom. But the flowers will be few, small, lose color saturation.

Peonies should not be planted:

  • Near buildings - plants will receive excess heat from heated walls and suffer from dryness. Not for their benefit will spring drops, snow fall from the roofs.
  • Next to trees and large shrubs - in the competition for moisture and nutrition, flowers will lose to such neighbors.
  • In places with constant winds, active drafts, where bushes strewn with large and heavy flowers can decay and lose their decorative effect.
  • In low-lying areas where stagnant moisture can be observed, or in places with a high occurrence of groundwater, peonies are “water-drinkers”, but they cannot tolerate excessive waterlogging, even for a short time. This prohibition is unconditional and categorical.

What kind of soil do peonies like

The requirements of peonies to the soil are small, they are able to grow on almost any garden soil. However appearance crop depends on the type of soil. On clay soil, plants develop stocky, short, with thick stems, large leaves and flowers. Sandy soil contributes to the formation of numerous thin stems, small leaves, small buds.

Fertile loams are considered the best option for planting peonies - well-drained, loose, breathable, moisture-intensive, with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (pH from 5.8 to 7.0). The acidic reaction of the soil can be corrected in advance by liming, adding ash or dolomite flour.

Arrangement of landing pits

Having determined for yourself the time for planting peonies in the fall and the place that is suitable for them, you can start preparing the land and buy rhizomes of selected varieties in a nursery, garden center, or order rhizomes of selected varieties in an online store.

2-4 weeks before planting, it is necessary to prepare the planting pits so that the nutrient mixture filling them has time to compact and settle. Landing sites should be arranged in the following order:

  1. Dig planting holes. Given the size of the rhizomes and the poor tolerance of root damage by peonies, the recesses must be made large - 60x60 cm wide, up to 80 cm deep. The dimensions of the pits also depend on the fertility of the soil - they can be smaller, the more fertile the soil.
  2. Place the holes at intervals of 70-80 cm for low varieties and up to one and a half meters for large specimens. This will ensure the formation of elegant dense bushes and proper air circulation, which prevents fungal diseases.
  3. Loosen the bottom of the pits, lay a layer of drainage (15 - 20 cm), which will fit crushed stone, broken red brick, coarse river sand.
  4. Make up a nutrient substrate, based on equal amounts of sand, compost, sod land, peat. Add a starter set of fertilizers to this mix: 150-200 g of superphosphate (you can double the portion of bone meal), the same amount of potassium sulfate.
  5. Fill the pits 2/3 of the height with the prepared mixture, spill with two buckets of water.

Important! When compiling a nutrient substrate, dense clay soil can be improved by adding a bucket of sand, and sandy soil can be improved by mixing a bucket of crushed clay. To correct acidic soils, it is advisable to add a glass of lime (dolomite flour) or 3-4 glasses of ash per bucket of the mixture.

Technique for autumn planting peonies in the ground

Before planting peonies, planting material must be prepared:

  1. Place for half an hour in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, an infusion of garlic or a solution of a special fungicide.
  2. Soak for 12 hours in a solution of any root formation stimulator (Kornevin, heteroauxin, etc.).
  3. Dip in a clay mash, on the bucket of which it is useful to add st. a spoonful of copper sulfate.

After that, you can do the actual landing:

  1. Arrange the delenki in equipped pits.
  2. Make sure that the renewal buds are at the optimal depth (3-5 cm) relative to the level of the surrounding ground. For ease of control, you can install a flat rail over the holes.
  3. Gently straighten the roots of the plants, without bending or pressing them.
  4. Gradually pour the earth from the top layer of garden soil into the pits, carefully compacting it with your hands so that there are no voids left.
  5. Water wells generously. If at the same time the kidneys are exposed, add earth.

Important! When planting peonies in the fall, planting depth plays a major role. Excessive deepening of the renewal buds leads to the formation of bushes with a lush green mass and the absence of peduncles. Too close to ground level can cause freezing of growth buds due to the rhizome being pushed out of the soil when it freezes.

As already mentioned, special care for peonies during autumn planting is not required. Immediately after planting, the holes should be mulched with peat. If there is no rain during this period, then for three weeks you need to moisten the soil every 2-3 days. When cold weather sets in, the mulch layer should be increased to 10-15 cm to ensure a successful first wintering. In areas with a harsh climate, it is useful to lay spruce branches on top of the mulch, especially if weather forecasters promise a little snowy winter.

Different types of peonies and their planting

Strictly speaking, all of the above applies to the most common and unpretentious types of peonies - herbaceous, the aerial part of which dies off for the winter. But, wanting to decorate your garden with a chic deciduous shrub, you should also have an idea about the order of planting tree peonies in the fall, as well as ITO hybrids. The latter are, in fact, tree-like peonies grafted onto grassy roots.

In general, the landing rules for all these groups are identical. However, since tree peonies are larger crops, the distance between them must be left 1.3-1.8 m. In addition, there are small nuances in planting depth: renewal buds should be located at soil level or 3-5 cm below it. Grafted specimens should be planted so that the grafting site is 10-15 cm deep.

You have received basic information about the rules and timing of planting peonies in the fall. If you plan to plant these wonderful perennials in your garden, do not delay buying planting material. The Becker online store offers many varieties of peonies, including rare ones.

Every amateur gardener knows that planting peonies in the spring is undesirable. These perennial flowers grow better and bloom faster after planting in the fall.

Lush peony bushes create a unique beauty in the country and spread sweetness through it. pleasant aroma. For the design of the flower bed, you can choose a variety of varieties and colors. Often there are red, pale pink and white peonies with double or semi-double buds. Achieving gorgeous flowering is easy. You need to choose the right place for planting and carefully care for peonies.

Why autumn planting is better

In the climatic conditions of our country, peonies should be planted in late August or early September. During this period, the flower is at rest. Green shoots stop growing, and the buds from which new growth will begin to develop in the spring are fully formed. The most favorable time is coming to dig and divide an adult plant into several bushes.

During the winter, peonies take root, shoot arrows at the end of March, grow very quickly and begin to bloom. That is why planting peonies in the fall is much better.

Despite this, peony seedlings in stores are usually sold in the spring. What to do if you purchased your favorite variety of flowers at an unfavorable time?

  1. Place it in a wide pot, fill it with low acid soil and place it in a dark, cool place.
  2. Keep the soil moist all the time, but don't water it too much or the roots will start to rot.
  3. When the first buds hatch in the pot, put it on the windowsill and take care of it like any houseplant.
  4. After the cessation of frost, the flower can be planted in open ground in a permanent place.

The roots and buds of peonies awaken under a layer of snow in early spring. As soon as it melts, the shoots begin to stretch upwards, and a lush green bush appears in the flower bed. If you plant a purchased plant immediately in the ground, its development will begin later, the flower will look stunted and may dry out.

Choosing a place in the garden

Take care to choose a good place for the peony. Do not forget that this is a perennial plant that will delight you for many years if you provide it with comfortable conditions. Try not to let water stagnate in the garden in spring or autumn. The flower perfectly tolerates frost, is tolerant of drought, but constantly wet roots begin to deteriorate and rot.

The flower bed must be on the sunny side. This is necessary for violent flowering. In shaded areas, you will only be able to enjoy green shoots. Buds in such conditions are rarely tied and are small.

You need to prepare the bed a few weeks before planting flowers. It is best if it is loamy soil with a neutral level of acidity. But, in principle, a peony can develop in any land with proper care.

Dig holes for each bush about 50-70 cm deep and wide. The distance between them should be at least 70 cm. Place 25 cm of broken brick or other drainage at the bottom.

Be sure to sprinkle top dressing on top. For her, it is better to use the following components:

  • 100 g of humus;
  • 100 g lime;
  • 300 g wood ash;
  • 100 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 200 g of superphosphate.

Mix the ingredients and fertilize the planting hole. Supplement it with earth from the garden and wait a couple of weeks until the soil sags and a hole appears at the planting site. Take a peony and dig it in the hole. Gently tamp the ground, moisten well and sprinkle with a thin layer of compost.

It is very important to make sure that the lower buds of the flower are 4 cm above ground level. If you deepen them into the soil, the peony will not be able to bloom and develop properly. This must be monitored constantly. Sometimes it happens that the rhizome gradually rises up and is almost on the surface. This is also harmful. The flower must be spudded to the recommended level.

peonies care

Young peonies need regular watering. They love moisture, but stagnant water should be avoided. Water them 2 times a week in spring and early summer, when a lush crown of bushes is formed. In August, too, frequent watering will not be superfluous. Then the peony will bloom better next year.

Make sure that weeds do not appear on the flower bed. They take away nutrients from peonies. Weed the garden carefully. Systematic loosening favorably affects the growth of flowers. When cultivating the soil near the rhizome, be careful not to damage the roots.

When the peony buds open and you want to make a bouquet out of them, do not cut the stems at the root. Be sure to leave on the bush part of the lower shoot with several leaves.

Before frosts, do not forget to cut drooping bushes, leaving only a couple of centimeters from the ground. In the first few years, cover peonies for the winter with sawdust. Adult plants are not afraid of frost, so they do not need to be wrapped.

If you start planting peonies in the fall, they may bloom the next spring. Experienced gardeners are advised to carefully cut off the buds. The plant must spend all its energy on rooting and development. After spring planting, bushes usually do not bloom for several years.

Feeding young flowers

Some summer residents believe that if the peony is planted correctly, it does not need to be fed for 3 years. Others recommend that you do so. Many people have noticed that in loamy fertile soils, peonies develop well even without top dressing. Therefore, fertilize the soil under young flowers when it is poor in nutrients.

In the first year, it is better to use natural fertilizer. Prepare a solution of mullein and water the holes under the peonies with it once a month.

Foliar top dressing is useful for young plants. Dilute 1 g of boric acid in 1 liter of water and moisten the shoots with liquid. For the first time, this must be done after the appearance of the first leaves, and then 2 more times during the summer period.

How to fertilize adult peonies

In early spring, take 3 g of potassium permanganate, stir it in 10 liters of water and pour the ground under the peonies. The solution should be enough for 2 bushes.

When the plant begins to grow, you need to make a second top dressing. It can be made nitrophoska. You will need to dilute 40 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and pour 500 ml of liquid into each well.

Instead of nitrophoska, this solution is often used:

  • dilute mullein in water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • add 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfide there;
  • mix thoroughly and add a liter jar of liquid under each bush.

When the peonies have faded, wait two weeks and feed the bushes with a special mixture. Collect 10 liters of water, add 5 g of potassium salt and superphosphate in the amount of 10 g to it.

You can also use complex fertilizers, which are sold in any store. "Kemira-universal" and "Kemira-combi" have proven themselves well. They must be entered according to the instructions. They provide flowers with all the necessary minerals.

In late autumn, mix the topsoil in the hole with wood ash and mulch the soil with sawdust.

pion diseases

Sometimes peonies are affected by gray rot. First appears on the shoots white coating. It darkens over time. The branches themselves begin to break off, and the leaves fall off. To prevent the disease in early spring, it is necessary to spray the buds and soil. Treat with 1% Bordeaux liquid 2 times with a frequency of 12 days.

If gray rot nevertheless attacked peonies, spray them with a 0.7% solution of copper oxychloride, and cut and burn diseased shoots.

When rust appears on the bush - a fungal disease - spots form on the leaves of the flowers, the leaves curl and fall off. You need to fight it with the timely removal of spoiled greens and spraying with Bordeaux liquid.

How best to propagate flowers

It is easiest to plant peonies after dividing their rhizomes. To do this, a large bush is dug up in early autumn, the root is divided into equal parts so that each has at least 3 dormant buds. The roots themselves are shortened by a third, placed in a planting hole and covered with earth.

If you want to achieve large buds, leave only one flower on the stem, carefully cutting off the lateral ovary. Large bushes are desirable to tie up. To do this, thin pegs are driven in around the plant, a thread is pulled over them at a distance of 50 cm from the ground. The method helps to avoid wind damage to the branches and supports shoots with large flowers well.

Peonies are tender plants that love care and attention. In return, they will delight you with lush flowering and will decorate the garden for a long time.