Prayer for gangrene of the legs. Prayer for gangrene

The most detailed description: prayer for gangrene - for our readers and subscribers.

Gangrene treatment with folk remedies. Treatment of gangrene at home

Gangrene treatment with folk remedies according to P.M. Kurennova

Gangrene is a blood infection.

Do readers know that doctors of Russian traditional medicine saved tens and tens of thousands of hands and feet, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of fingers and toes from amputation (for gangrene)?

Doctors with gangrene almost always resort to a knife. In the case of gangrene and abscesses, doctors of Russian traditional medicine use the following remedy.

They take black, freshly baked, preferably rye, bread and, having salted it enough, chew it thoroughly. The sore spot is covered with a thick layer of chewed bread with salt and bandaged. This tool is true and unusually strong.

Several Russian doctors official medicine tried to improve this "wild" way of folk healers by eliminating the chewing of bread.

To black bread and salt, doctors tried to add some of the tricks of pharmacy, which, in their opinion, should have replaced the chewing of bread. All such attempts have come to nothing. When chewing bread and salt are mixed with saliva, and the latter, apparently, plays an important role in the treatment of gangrene and abscesses.

Although the described folk remedy is strong and reliable, nevertheless, in most cases, you should consult a doctor, because gangrene is a very serious thing.

The famous American naturopath, Dr. Charles McFerrin, in his outstanding book "One Hundred Commandments of Health" gives such a very reliable remedy.

Take a piece of lamb or beef liver from a freshly slaughtered animal and, without washing it, put it on a place affected by gangrene. You should keep this piece for an hour or two, or, in general, until pimples or some kind of boils appear under the liver.

After sterilizing the needle, pierce all the boils with it. Then repeat the application of the bloody piece of liver and repeat until there are still boils, which should all be pierced with a sterilized needle.

The great physician claims that he saw with his own eyes many, many cases when any doctor would consider amputation of an arm or leg the only way out, and treatment by applying a piece of raw liver saved the arms and legs, and after two or three hours the patient already felt excellent .

The same doctors who only yesterday recommended “cutting off” the limb with a surgical knife, today, to their greatest amazement, recognized the patient as completely not in need of any kind of operation and shrugged their hands, asking themselves a bewildered question: “How could this happen?” . Saved the liver fresh from the slaughterhouse.

One immutable rule: an infected scratch or wound must be opened before applying a piece of liver and tying it to the sore spot.

Treatment of gangrene at home in the Tibetan way

Surgery, in the generally accepted sense of the word, is not particularly popular in China and Tibet. And yes, it probably doesn't exist. The author is aware of only one case when the Tibetans were forced to resort to the help of a kind of surgery. Academician I. K. Roerich mentions another similar case in his lectures.

The Tibetan injured his hand while hunting, He reacted to this with his usual calm and disdain. However, the wound became contaminated and caused blood poisoning. The hand, albeit slowly, began to turn black.

Then the lama ordered to come to him and bring his yak. The Tibetan came to the lama with a yak. The lama took an ordinary knife and made an incision along the blackened part of the arm, lightly cleaned the wound and threw out the coagulated infected blood. Then he made an incision in the yak and took some of the fresh blood of the animal into the cup.

With this blood, he smeared the incision on the Tibetan's hand and bandaged the wound with a dirty rag. The lama performed this operation four times. The infection stopped and the Tibetan survived.

Over many centuries, man has accumulated so much knowledge about healing remedies that help with various rashes and itching, burns and ulcers, abscesses and acne, that, for example, among plants it is difficult to name those that would not find application.

With many skin diseases therapeutic baths are very effective. However, it should be remembered that this is a remedy, and not hygiene procedure, and therefore, before taking baths, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The duration of therapeutic baths should not exceed 20 minutes, the water temperature should be 35-40 degrees.

Treatment of gangrene at home according to Vanga's recipes

If the skin on the hands is cracked, make 2-3 baths in a cold decoction of the pepper mountaineer.

In home cosmetics, it is possible to use recipes, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by practice.

To restore skin elasticity and remove wrinkles on the face, it is recommended to use 30 g of beeswax, honey, onion juice and white lily bulb juice and heat in earthenware over low heat until the wax melts. Apply this mixture to your face in the morning and evening.

For cooking nourishing mask you should take 50 g of wax, 70 g of honey and the juice of one white lily bulb. Heat the mixture, mix thoroughly and apply on the skin of the face in the evening.

The beeswax cleansing cream is prepared from the following ingredients: 24 g wax, 2 g borax, 110 g peach oil, 65 ml water. Mix all components thoroughly.

Use as a regular cleansing cream.

For oily skin, the following composition can be used: 5 g of wax is taken, the same amount of ammonia and half a tablespoon of water. Melt the wax and mix with other components and immediately apply for 5-10 minutes on the skin area with increased function of the sebaceous glands.

Take 50 g of wax, 100 g of honey, 100 ml of sage broth (1 teaspoon pour 100 g of boiling water, insist, strain). Heat the mixture until the wax melts, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply a thin layer on the face for 30 minutes. Has nutritional properties. Instead of sage, infusions of horsetail, St. John's wort, chamomile can be added to the ointment in the same proportions.

Gangrene treatment with folk remedies according to the recipes of the Ural healer Ivan Prokhorov

For the treatment of gout, warts, lichen, scabies, moles, skin cancer.

Feet soar in a decoction of milkweed. Warts, moles, skin cancer lubricate milkweed juice. To remove freckles, the face is wiped with milkweed juice and immediately smeared with fish oil.

Rejuvenates the skin, reduces wrinkles.

Used to remove spots from the face and rejuvenate the skin. To do this, wipe your face with juice in the morning and evening.

Parsley garden is used to remove freckles.

Lemon juice is added to a strong decoction of parsley roots and the face is smeared with the mixture. A decoction of the whole parsley herb is used against sunburn.

Couch grass is useful for skin diseases. Take 50-100 g of rhizomes in a bucket of water and boil in a sealed container. When the water has cooled to 38 ° C, baths are made for 20 minutes. Baths are taken daily.

This tool is offered for various diseases including skin diseases: rash, scabies, eczema, abscesses, lichen.

To prepare the preparation, 14 plant species are required in equal parts by weight.: St. John's wort-grass, calamus root, high elecampane root, white willow - the bark of young branches collected in early spring before foliage appears, knotweed grass or bird buckwheat-grass, medicinal sage - leaves, looking three-prickly - leaves and fruits, celandine, shepherd's bag, common fir, walnut - leaves, wild chicory - roots and grass, dyed gorse - tops of shoots with leaves and flowers.

The listed plants are crushed. Take 100 g of the mixture, pour 1 liter of water, leave for 5 days, then boil for 20-30 minutes, cool, filter, combine with ammonia in a ratio of 1:10. For 1 liter of this tincture, add 10 g of Spanish fly tincture with ammonia (Spanish fly tincture can be excluded).

In case of skin diseases, the affected area is lubricated with natural honey, or a compress and local baths of 30% honey solution are used. The procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day, after which it is necessary to stay at room conditions for at least two hours.

Porridge made from white wheat flour with wine and olive oil is used for compresses for skin inflammation, swelling, abscesses.

Sprouted oat grains are used to treat skin diseases. Wash the grain and pour a thin layer into a flat dish, on the bottom of which first lay a cloth well moistened with warm water and folded in half. On top of the grain, also put a cloth and put in a warm place. Grain, depending on the temperature, germinates in 12-24 hours. Oats are passed through a meat grinder. A dough-like mass in gauze bags is applied to diseased skin areas.

Mask of watermelon juice and oatmeal (for dry skin).

Mix 2 tablespoons of watermelon with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, add 3-4 drops of St. John's wort oil (20 g of fresh flowers and chopped St. It is better to make such a mask at night, since the sun and St. John's wort can give unwanted pigmentation.

Egg white, lemon juice and oat bran mask (for oily skin). Beat the egg white, then gradually add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon powdered lemon zest, 2 teaspoons oat bran. Mix everything well and apply the resulting slurry on the face. After 10 minutes, soften the mask with a warm compress, carefully remove and rinse your face. cold water. Use for porous, wrinkled skin.

Protein-honey-oatmeal mask (for oily skin). 2 unwhipped egg whites, 30 g honey, 1/2 teaspoon peach (almond) oil mix well until smooth. Then add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and apply again on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes, first with a warm and then a cold compress. The mask has a tonic effect on the skin.

Mask of sour milk and oatmeal (for dry skin).

Mix 1/4 cup sour milk and 1 tablespoon oatmeal. The resulting paste is placed between two layers of gauze and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. This mask is used when removing freckles and age spots on dry and normal skin.

Mask of fresh tomato juice and bran (for dry skin). 2 tablespoons fresh tomato juice mix with 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal or bran. Apply the resulting slurry on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Mask of oatmeal, sour cream, horsetail (for oily skin). Mix 2 tablespoons of sour cream with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 2 teaspoons of horsetail herb decoction. Make a mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with decoction or acidified water. A decoction of horsetail is prepared as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of horsetail grass with 5 tablespoons of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then strain.

Oatmeal and herbal mask (for oily skin). 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of marigold petals, sage and cornflower petals. Collection of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, close, insist. Strain the still warm broth and pour it into the oatmeal. Make a mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with the remaining decoction and wipe the skin of the face. Rinse your face with cold water.

Mask of oatmeal and watermelon juice (for oily skin). Mix oatmeal (2 tablespoons) with a spoonful of watermelon juice and make a mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with contrast water: either warm or cold.

Recipes for the treatment of gangrene by the Ural healer Ivan Prokhorov

1 Take two to four teaspoons of brewer's yeast every morning before meals.

10 tablets of streptocide are triturated in 25 g of boron vaseline, 2 drops of iodine tincture are added. Before going to bed, they wash themselves with tar soap, lubricate their face with ointment, and in the morning they wash it off with water and tar soap. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Treatment of gangrene at home with the help of "mummy"

tube of cream "Nectar", 1 bottle of German cream "Bio" or domestic liquid cream, 15 g of "Mummy" mix and let stand for a day. Apply to affected areas without rubbing.

Gangrene treatment with folk remedies - Conspiracies and prayers for gangrene

Go to the bathhouse without undressing, sweat, then take off your underwear and talk: “Like the moon shone, so that the slave (name) was clean in face. Amen". Wipe with linen.

Take the salt in Maundy Thursday, throw it out the window, saying: “I will pour Thursday salt on the horns so that the pus comes out. Amen".

Pimples cause a lot of trouble on the skin, especially on the face. There are many ways to get rid of them.

Wash your face with the May milk of a black cow, namely May 15, while saying: “I wash myself with the milk of a black cow, I get rid of acne and blackheads forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Wash your face in a basin with three candles, saying three times while washing: "How pure is the face of the holy, so pure is my face." Then pour this water into a jar and pour it out at three intersections.

Wash the one who is covered in pimples with the water that the sick person brings in his bosom. Washing, speak: “Wash, soul, wash, body. I know my business. How were you born clean skin, so become now too. Amen".

Spit on your thumb and, touching them to the face of the patient, say: “I'm doing a big job with my thumb. I will cleanse your body. Amen"

They catch a tree frog, apply for a second to the face (or to the place where the sores are) and say: "I will give you another skin for your body, it will do for you too." You need to remove the skin from the frog and bury it. The person's face will be clean and healthy. Also reduce any scabs and wen.

If the patient has a rash on the skin, you need to whisper without touching it, but looking at the place where the rash is.: “Night and day Fight, servant of God (name), be strong. Go rash on the Swamp swell, there is your place, there is your throne. Amen".

Let the one who has acne clean the fish from the scales (the fish can be any fresh), put the scales in one bag, and the fish in another. Then let him bury in different places, first the scales, and then the fish. Burying the latter, he says: “Like scales not on a roar, but a fish without scales, so my face was flawed. As this Fish rots, so all the muck will come off my face. Amen".

Healing Testimonies > healing of boils and gangrene

Beetle Lily from Kazakhstan: “On October 2, 2010, my husband had an operation. A cancerous tumor on the skull was removed, an eye was removed, the superciliary bone and the affected skin from the frontal part of the face and above. I had a skin graft. The operation was the most difficult. And at that time I was watching your program and wrote an SMS with a request to send a prayer handkerchief. My husband's condition after the operation was terrible, because he still had radiation. From a huge wound in the eye socket, it flowed strongly, as after a burn, headaches tormented me. It was difficult for him to come to terms with his appearance, because of which he fell into depression. The horror is indescribable. Your letter was brought to me straight to work. I was very happy. My husband has carefully read your newspapers. She attached a handkerchief to his wound, and then simply put it in a pillow. I put the second handkerchief in my pillow. And now I can say with confidence that my husband is on the mend, the wound does not flow and does not fester, the transplanted skin has taken root without complications, he has an appetite, depression is gone. My vision improved and my eyes stopped hurting after hard work. My husband now watches your programs, although before it was impossible to force him to watch a Christian channel.

Severed finger healed

Healing of purulent abscesses

Healing furunculosis, sinusitis, hidradenitis and inflammation of the joint

And Alla had a stuffy nose for a long time and she could not sleep without drops. She turned on the SNL and heard pastor Bogdan say that a woman is now being healed of sinusitis. After that, mucus began to flow from the nose and the congestion disappeared. And before that, she also had a case when she heard the pastor say that “the pain in the left shoulder disappears,” and her shoulder hurt for 3 months. Then, when she heard these words, the confidence came to her that she would recover and she simply waited for the manifestation of healing. A month later, the shoulder stopped hurting completely.

The woman refused the amputation. We prayed with her over the phone and after a few days the leg acquired a normal color, the gangrene disappeared!

Healing trophic ulcers

Her nephew Sasha, who is 20 years old and lives in another city, drank alcohol and Galina Romanovna, after she was healed herself, handed over the soaked handkerchief to her sister. The sister put a handkerchief to her son and he stopped drinking. It's been 3 months now that he doesn't drink at all.

Conspiracies for the treatment of gangrene

Folk remedies

Cut out a square from black paper. Put it on wooden board and cut the paper along and across with a very sharp knife. Make two vertical cuts and then two horizontal cuts so that you end up with nine small squares. After making the first vertical cut, say:

Esar yama, odea ai saab!

After cutting the paper a second time, continue the spell:

Usval ageb fry, zabe alhe zap!

Making the first horizontal cut, say:

And cutting the paper for the fourth, last time, mark this with a spell:

Put all nine squares together in the sequence shown in the picture and burn them over the candle flame. At the moment when the flame has almost completely engulfed the paper, say:

Zala uda, oman swarlak ose o yol.

After that, collect all the resulting ashes and throw them into a glass of clean spring water. Let the patient drink exactly half of this water, and pour out the other part at the intersection of two pedestrian roads. When all the water is given to the earth, mark the end of your witchcraft with a spell:

Ibat savara, ive ola hon.

Salt well and chew freshly baked Rye bread. Cover the sore spot with this chewed bread and read the plot:

Because of the distant hundred seas,

from far away flew

Mugai bird spread its wings

Antonov put out the fire,

collected all the redness,

took with him to distant lands,

so that there is no cut

not to cut off

from the living place of such and such a servant of God.

Use this plot when you treat the patient by any other means.

Catch green frogs in the swamp. Tear each frog in half and apply them to the affected area. Do this until the "Anton fire" begins to go down and the sore spot in White color will not apply.

Pound live crayfish in a mortar so that they become like dough. Apply this mass to the Antonov fire. Repeat this treatment until complete cure.

Place a piece of lamb or cow liver on the “anton fire”. Keep it like that for one and a half to two hours without taking it away. From this, abscesses should appear on the sore spot. Pierce them with a needle and put fresh pieces of liver on them again. Do this until all the disease is gone. For this treatment to be successful, the liver of a freshly killed animal must be taken and not washed.

Sift potter's clay through a very fine sieve until you have a powder. Apply it in a thick layer on the sore spot and tie it with a bandage. Change this clay and bandage every day. Instead of clay, sifted charcoal powder can be used.

Put yogurt on the Antonov fire. Change it every hour.

Apply a brown cloth soaked in clove oil to the gangrene affected area. Along with this, several times a day, let the patient swallow five drops of this oil. For compresses, instead of clove oil, you can use a decoction of black nuts growing on oak leaves, or sprinkle sore spots with Don juniper powder.

Apply crushed sorrel to the sore spot, and let's drink sorrel juice instead of water. You can also apply rosemary herb and flowers and drink its decoction.

If you are all alone and there is nothing to treat, then apply your own feces to the Antonov fire.

When "anton fire" came from frostbite, apply next treatment. Powder the oak bark and, taking five spools of it, mix it with a spool of gravilate root powder. Add a spool of ammonia to them and divide the resulting product into fifteen parts. Give the patient one part of this medicine every two hours. This remedy should be washed down with a decoction of the root of the boldyrian, gravilate, the bark of wild chestnut, viburnum and elm. Finely crush these herbs and, taking four spools of each, pour ten glasses of spring water into them. Put this water in the oven and boil it over low heat for an hour and a half. Before giving this decoction to the patient, add a little sour cranberry juice or one or two drops of vinegar to it.

Individual magic training

To discover and develop your hidden abilities

Direct transmission of witchcraft power and magical power

Healing erysipelas of the leg
Sergei from Yalta. Lying in the hospital with a strong erysipelas legs. 2 hours after praying on the phone, he felt better, the inflammation stopped and he began to stand on his foot and walk on his own.

Radiation burn healing
Beetle Lily from Kazakhstan: “On October 2, 2010, my husband had an operation. A cancerous tumor on the skull was removed, an eye was removed, the superciliary bone and the affected skin from the frontal part of the face and above. I had a skin graft. The operation was the most difficult. And at that time I was watching your program and wrote an SMS with a request to send a prayer handkerchief. My husband's condition after the operation was terrible, because he still had radiation. From a huge wound in the eye socket, it flowed strongly, as after a burn, headaches tormented me. It was difficult for him to come to terms with his appearance, because of which he fell into depression. The horror is indescribable. Your letter was brought to me straight to work. I was very happy. My husband has carefully read your newspapers. She attached a handkerchief to his wound, and then simply put it in a pillow. I put the second handkerchief in my pillow. And now I can say with confidence that my husband is on the mend, the wound does not flow and does not fester, the transplanted skin has taken root without complications, he has an appetite, depression is gone. My vision improved and my eyes stopped hurting after hard work. My husband now watches your programs, although before it was impossible to force him to watch a Christian channel.

boil healing

My sister called - my big toe hurt - there was an abscess inside, an infection - staphylococcus aureus. After five minutes of prayer, the pain was completely gone.

Healing gangrene of the leg

Alexander from Dnepropetrovsk - There was gangrene, they cut off 2 toes, continued to rot further. He was in the hospital, no matter what they did, he continued to rot. They handed him a handkerchief, applied it to his leg - the gangrene stopped.

Healing gangrene of the hand

Khmelnytsky region, with. Settlement - Mom called on Monday to pray for her son Vitya, who on Thursday was going to amputate a finger on his hand. He cut himself with glass and the glass climbed into the bone, cutting the tendon in the process. The glass was not removed in time and rotting began. And when the glass was pulled out, for some reason the doctors did not take an x-ray. After some time, the finger turned black, and when they took a picture, they found that the blackness reached the elbow. Through prayer, the finger was healed, the bone was restored, the operation did not take place!

Severed finger healed

Krasnoarmeysk, Donetsk region The sister called and said that a month ago her husband was injured in the mine and he was torn off middle finger On the hand. The finger hung on the skin. On the second day, the surgeon, with great reluctance, sewed the finger on and put a cast on the arm, because there was a fracture. The finger was dead and therefore the surgeon did not want to reattach it. The woman called and we sent them handkerchiefs. A month later, the plaster was removed, the hand is completely healthy, and the finger has taken root and works normally.

Healing of purulent abscesses

SMS: “Precious ones, you sent a prayer cloth, which we applied to abscesses and everything went away. Pasha had purulent abscesses on his buttocks. I put a cloth on him and in a day everything was gone. Thank you so much."

Healing furunculosis, sinusitis, hidradenitis and inflammation of the joint

Alla from Vinnitsa region. I suffered from furunculosis for two years. Furuncles were under the armpit, in the pelvis, on the legs and on the thighs. When she put the soaked handkerchief to her forehead, she felt warm and began to laugh. The boils have disappeared. And her husband had hydradenitis under his arm and did not break through for a long time. After the handkerchief was applied, the hydradenitis disappeared, then they reappeared, the handkerchief was applied again and they disappeared forever.
And Alla had a stuffy nose for a long time and she could not sleep without drops. She turned on the SNL and heard pastor Bogdan say that a woman is now being healed of sinusitis. After that, mucus began to flow from the nose and the congestion disappeared. And before that, she also had a case when she heard the pastor say that “the pain in the left shoulder disappears,” and her shoulder hurt for 3 months. Then, when she heard these words, the confidence came to her that she would recover and she simply waited for the manifestation of healing. A month later, the shoulder stopped hurting completely.

Healing gangrene

Doctors wanted to amputate the leg of an 87-year-old woman, they said that there was no way out. The treatment did not give results, the toes turned black.
The woman refused the amputation. We prayed with her over the phone and after a few days the leg acquired a normal color, the gangrene disappeared!

Healing trophic ulcers

Krukovskaya Galina Romanovna, 77 years old, Chernivtsi - while praying on TV, she felt as if a current had passed through her body. After a while, she discovered that the ulcers on her toes had disappeared. For 20 years, her toes rotted. Previously treated, but nothing helped.
Her nephew Sasha, who is 20 years old and lives in another city, drank alcohol and Galina Romanovna, after she was healed herself, handed over the soaked handkerchief to her sister. The sister put a handkerchief to her son and he stopped drinking. It's been 3 months now that he doesn't drink at all.

Healing an abscess in the navel

Maria, from the city of Lviv, has a severe pain in her navel. The navel was reddened and pus was flowing from it. I was about to go to the doctor, but I received our soaked handkerchief, glued it to my navel and in a few days I was completely healed!

Gone barley

Alina from Kozyatyn, Khmelnitsky region. Alina had permanent styes. After praying on the phone, the barley disappeared and did not appear again.

Healing gangrene of the leg

Ivano-Frankivsk region v. Bolshaya Turya - a woman called and said that her mother had gangrene of her leg and when they received handkerchiefs, her mother felt better and there is hope that her leg can be saved. Mom is over 80 years old.

When my mother was 24 years old, the doctors diagnosed her: “Gangrene. Life can be saved only by urgent amputation of the foot.” My father did not spare money for the most famous doctors, but they all repeated the same thing: “Gangrene ... Amputation ...” One zemstvo doctor cured her with folk remedies. Mom lived to the age of seventy, gave birth to four children, including me, never complained about her leg, which had once been given such a hopeless sentence.

I devoted my whole life to medicine, studied with wonderful teachers, worked side by side with the luminaries of surgery. However, there was always that obscure country doctor by my side. He did not give me rest, forced me to search and search. After all, amputating a limb is easy. But how to save a leg if gangrene has already touched it? How to save a person from severe disability?

Surgeons' verdict: if there are trophic changes in the tissue with ulceration, the question is about amputation. The fact is that of the total blood volume, only 10% falls on large arteries and 10% on large veins. The remaining 80% go to arterioles, venules and capillaries. These reserves make it possible to save a limb affected even by gangrene of the 2nd degree.

The first call of the disease

Gangrene, fortunately, manifests itself early. Everything was fine, but suddenly hypothermia, or a scratch, or stress. Stress is especially damaging. At this time, cholesterol plaques seem to stick to the walls of blood vessels, and blood stops flowing to the legs. First, there is a burning sensation of the soles, then pains appear in the big toe, the legs begin to freeze even in a warm room, while walking, pains appear in the calf muscles, the foot swells, the big toe turns black ...

Surgery usually offers a step operation. First, the thumbnail is removed, then the finger itself is removed, then the foot, then half of the lower leg ... What should I do to avoid this path?

Get to know your enemies

If you want to save a limb, you must immediately change your lifestyle and, above all, deal with nutrition. You have enemies that aggravate your disease - it is fatty, spicy and salty. Pay close attention to bowel function. Constipation is another dangerous enemy in venous pathology.

Take care of blood thinning therapy. During the first month of treatment, take 0.5 tablets of domestic aspirin twice a day, grinding it into powder. Then, for prevention, a quarter is enough for the night. This is a good prevention against blood clots.

Perfectly thins the blood pineapple is enough a small piece a day. And also Jerusalem artichoke - in any form. Plus for vessels: daily 1 dessert spoon of garlic tincture (crush 3 cloves of garlic and pour boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1) and 1 dessert spoon olive oil.

Massage is a great resuscitator

With diseased veins, massage is contraindicated, but with gangrene it is vital. You have to do it yourself, with your own hands. Every day for at least ten minutes. Moreover, the classic: stroking, kneading, rubbing, pinching, tapping and stroking again. There is nothing to be afraid of, everything is simple. When stroking, the nerve endings of the skin are excited, while warming up, the layer is affected. subcutaneous tissue, when rubbing - directly the vessels. Therefore, literally stick your fingers into the lower leg, where large vessels pass.

Never steam your feet!

I had to consult a lot of patients with limb ischemia complicated by gangrene. When asked how you are being treated, the majority answered: hot baths. Feet get cold - and they try to warm them in hot water. This is a fatal mistake! Because hot water contributes to the formation of blood clots.

Foot baths should be 37 °. Train yourself to do them every day. A week - with mustard (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water), a week - with sea salt (1 dessert spoon per 1 liter of water). At the same time, for 20 minutes, while taking a bath, do not stop massaging your toes, they are the most unfortunate with us - they are farthest from the heart and therefore experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Even to improve blood circulation, the legs should be washed every day in cold water and rubbed well with a towel. In addition, it is important to take care of comfortable, spacious shoes.

Take laundry soap

Before applying the application, learn to carefully prepare the leg, you can’t hack here. Rinse skin with warm water for two minutes laundry soap. Why with economic? Any other soap, up to the most expensive one, leaves a waterproof film on the skin. And we need access to the pores, so that through them the medicine can easily penetrate into the diseased vessels.


To prepare an herbal infusion, you will need red clover, yellow sweet clover, coltsfoot, white mistletoe, calendula, rhubarb leaves and stems in equal proportions. 1 st. brew a spoonful of the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, keep for 10 minutes in a water bath, then remove from heat, let it brew, strain.

Moisten gauze and a piece of bandage (20-25 cm) with infusion and squeeze lightly. Between the layers lay finely chopped onion and garlic. Lay the bandage between your toes so that two ends remain. One, straightening, lay on your fingers from above, and the other - from below. Then wrap the foot and part of the lower leg with gauze. The older the patient, the fewer layers of gauze. A thirty-year-old will need at least six, a forty-year-old - five, an elderly enough four, and in old age- only three. The application must be covered with compress paper, then wrapped with two or three layers of old sheets. A “stocking” is put on top of everything, sewn from old towels, which can be attached to a belt at the waist with a bandage. Ideally, the application is applied twice a day for 4 hours with a break for air baths of at least two hours and one at night. The application should be done on the leg that is most affected by the disease. It is undesirable for both at once - this is an additional burden on the heart.

In a less affected limb, the herbal infusion should be rubbed by typing it in the palm of your hand. Moreover, from top to bottom, slowly, ending with a massage of the fingers and the interdigital area. Between the fingers you can lay a bandage dipped in herbal decoction. Then put a cotton sock on your foot. With gangrene, you can and should walk more to increase blood circulation. If a person is lying, it is necessary to perform "artificial walking", raising and lowering the foot.

All reserves are good

It is good to massage the area of ​​​​the liver and spleen (right and left hypochondrium) with the edge of the palm, thereby helping to pump blood.

Before going to bed (not before dinner!) You can take 50 g of vodka. It improves blood circulation and helps to cope with natural fluctuations. heart rate taking place around 3:00 am.

Vasily KAPRALOV, surgeon

Grandfather's recipe is 50 years old


My grandfather had 16 children. Once he injured his leg and she began to bother him. I turned to the doctors. They said: "You have gangrene, you need to amputate your leg so that the infection does not go further." But how to feed such a horde of children on one leg ?! In desperation, the grandfather refused the operation.

Arriving home from the hospital, he did not sleep for several nights - his leg did not give rest. And then a jug (clay pot) with sour milk caught his eye. And the grandfather thought: let me put milk on my leg, maybe it won’t burn like that. He took rags, poured sour milk on them and put them on his leg, where there was blackness. Lie down to rest. So I slept for two days. And when I woke up, there was no end to the surprise: the fever subsided, the blackness began to fade. So the grandfather began to apply yogurt until everything was gone. He remained alive on both legs.

We ourselves have repeatedly convinced ourselves of the healing properties of ordinary curdled milk. I got sick bladder and kidney. I ate cottage cheese on an empty stomach in the morning and drank kefir, yogurt - sand came out, and everything healed.

Naryvchik on the finger - we apply yogurt, the stomach hurts - we drink kefir, yogurt, eat cottage cheese.

Zakharova R.V.

Simple but effective

Gangrene, fungus on the legs

I had a grandmother. She lived exactly 100 years. Had 6 children. She knew a lot of herbs and treated with conspiracies.

I was 8 years old when the trouble happened to her. I injured my shin, it came to gangrene. Doctors offered to take the leg, but she did not give. She showed me the grass, called "Rannik" (the common name is "bedweed"). She crushed it, squeezed the juice and greased her leg with it. I myself saw the astonished faces of doctors who saw a healthy leg.

A simple recipe for the treatment of fungus on the feet from my grandmother: Take sheared, but unwashed sheep's wool, put it on your fingers, put on cotton socks and walk around in them. The fungus is removed as if by hand. The Chinese have taken this tool into service and sell socks made of sheep wool in the bazaars, calling them “antifungal” as well.

Shmarov A.P.

Burdock from gangrene


Nina Alekseevna Firuleva wrote about the treatment of gangrene with burdock in 1998. Here is what Firuleva said about the woman who saved her husband from surgery:

“Water was boiling in the pot. She dipped 2-3 leaves of dry burdock into it, immediately spread it on a sheet, got wet and put several leaves on top of each other on her leg, wrapped it in film, rags, and a warm shawl. I changed bandages in the morning and evening. It took only two days to convince the doctors not to perform the operation, because already on the third day, having removed the bandages, they saw that the leg began to come to life.

Further, Nina Alekseevna cited a case from her own practice: “... I chopped cabbage and cut my finger. Bandaged it and continued to work. The finger didn't bother me and I almost forgot about it. But it's been five days. At night I wake up from a terrible twitching pain, I looked - and my finger turned black, like coal. I'm horrified - gangrene! It's good that it happened in the summer. She went out into the street, picked three leaves of burdock, washed it, blotted the drops of water with a napkin, passed it through a meat grinder and wrapped her finger in gruel, then with a film and a warm cloth. The bandage was changed in the morning and in the evening. A week has passed - all the skin turned pink, its top layer slept ... "

Nina Alekseevna Firuleva

An 80-year-old aunt had sugar. On this basis, gangrene arose. Aunt was treated first according to Kurennoy's recipes:

  1. Chew black bread with a lot of salt for a long time and then apply this mass to the wound, tie it, hold it for several hours and change the bandage;
  2. Apply pieces of fresh beef liver to the wound, after 2-3 hours cut off the layer of the liver from the side of the wound and tie it again with a fresh cut;
  3. She also made compresses from her own urine.
  4. The final cure, according to the patient herself, came only after she began to apply burdock leaves to her leg.

Kotova A.

Instead of surgery, we chose beef liver


My mother is a diabetic with a long history. One day, after bathing, she found a wound the size of a five-ruble coin on her big toe, and around it there were many bubbles. The doctors said: gangrene. Mom did not want to go to the hospital and said: “I’d rather die at home, but I won’t let you cut off my leg.” I re-read a lot of books on alternative medicine and subtracted that gangrene is treated with fresh beef liver.

Every day I went to the market, bought 100 grams of liver (it was expensive to buy more, and only fresh liver is needed for treatment) and applied it directly to the open wound.

Mom had three days severe pain in the leg, aches, but by the end of the week the pain subsided, and the wound began to heal before our eyes. By the end of the month, there was no trace of her left.

Panina L.

Defeated gangrene

Gangrene diabetic

On the advice of Vera Leonidovna Davydova from Serpukhov, I began to make my husband 10-minute baths of warm urine, and then for 5 minutes he kept his leg in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then she applied a bandage of furacilin and alcohol on the sore finger (1 part of furacilin and 1/3 of alcohol). Several times she applied chewed black bread with salt to her finger. Fingernail came off. She smeared her leg with Levomikol ointment, and put a cabbage leaf on top. The swelling went down, but the pain remained.

In mid-November, Vanga's book was brought to me. There I found a recipe for gangrene: 1 tbsp. a spoon pork fat, 1 teaspoon of oak bark ash, 1 teaspoon of slaked lime - mix and apply on the sore finger 3 pm. I did it all. The pain almost subsided, the finger became pink, and a young skin grew in place of the nail. This is how we beat gangrene!

Vinogradova M.A.

Birch ash and alder bark saved my father's life


It was in the 20s. My mother and father were young and lived in poverty. My father earned by walking around the villages and cutting down log cabins. Once he missed and hit himself on the leg with an axe. The nearest hospital is 12 km away. When my father got there, the doctor said that he would have to amputate his leg. The father refused. He got worse and worse, he no longer ate or drank anything. At that moment, a man from a neighboring village came into the house - he went from house to house and sold all sorts of little things. Seeing his father, he asked why the owner was lying. The mother answered. Then the man ordered the mother to immediately make lye from birch wood ash and wash the wound, and then kick alder bark, steam and make compresses after washing with lye. The mother complied. A miracle happened: the father gradually began to revive and eventually recovered. The wound healed and healed. This is what happened to my father.

Kharkova A.Ya.

Lye has long been used in Russia. It is prepared as easy as shelling pears: wood ash is poured with water at the rate of 200-300 g per bucket of water, brought to a boil, removed from heat, insisted overnight and what is on top is carefully drained - this is lye.

Leg saved Kalanchoe

gangrenous inflammation

The son had an accident and injured his left leg, it began to turn black, amputation threatened. The surgeon advised to attach Kalanchoe bandages to the leg. Grind Kalanchoe leaves in a meat grinder and apply this mass to the leg. The leg was saved.

Pisarev G.V.

Saved a simple recipe

Gangrene diabetic

My husband has type 2 diabetes. In 2002, a finger on his left leg was taken away from him, and then a leg above the knee. We took all the medicines prescribed by the doctors. But here the second leg began to swell. And I decided to try folk recipes.

I smeared the entire swollen foot and leg up to the knee with honey. Then she rubbed 4 aspirin tablets and sprinkled them on her leg, smeared with honey. Burdock was applied on top in three layers (underside). She tied it with a downy scarf and put her husband to bed. I did it 2 times a day.

After 5 procedures the edema subsided. The leg became normal. The blueness is gone. Then I began to do wraps only at night. I dried burdock leaves for the winter and now I fill them with warm water. As soon as they become soft, I do a wrap. I use dried burdock roots like this. I brew 1 teaspoon with boiling water and drink 0.5 cups 15 minutes before meals. Sugar dropped from 12 to 6.3.

It's a blood poisoning. Usually, with such an illness, doctors immediately take up the knife. But how to deal with this problem without amputation? How do healers advise to fight? Treatment of gangrene with folk remedies helps to stop the process and save still living tissues. It must be understood that irreversible processes cannot be reversed. They are impossible to control, as well as to revive the dead. From this article you will learn how to choose at home simple conditions therapy and how to prepare all kinds of drugs.

Features of the treatment of the disease

Gangrene - very serious illness and its treatment with folk remedies based on herbs must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. We offer you some options for poultices.

To prepare this remedy, take 14 pounds of charcoal powder and one ounce of water pepper, put the herbs in a saucepan and pour a pint of boiling water over them, then let them stand for twenty minutes. Then mix two tablespoons of wheat flour with the resulting solution and a large number of enough charcoal to make a poultice. Spread over a piece of gauze, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be slightly larger than the area of ​​the affected area. Apply the poultice to the sore spot, cover with another piece of gauze and tie tightly.

If the pain with gangrene is very strong, add a tablespoon of lobelia to the composition of the folk remedy. You may need some cornmeal or flaxseed meal to make the treatment poultice hard. In the presence of purulent discharge and the appearance of ulcers, pour some hydrogen peroxide and wash the affected area thoroughly, and then wipe it with a piece of cotton, repeat the procedure until the wound is completely cleared. Do this before applying the poultice.

Another excellent poultice can be prepared to cure gangrene: take two tablespoons of flaxseeds (or flaxseed meal), one teaspoon of goldenseal, and one and a half teaspoons of myrrh. Add enough water to turn the mixture into a paste. The paste should not be too hard, it should be made so soft that it can be absorbed into the body. Apply the gangrene poultice in the same way as usual. Renew the poultices every six hours, cleansing the resulting pus with hydrogen peroxide.

Unique tea recipe

For internal use for gangrene, prepare this folk remedy: mix an equal amount of valerian, curly sorrel and buckthorn bark. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with a cup of boiling water and infuse for an hour and a half. Take a cup of the medicine one hour before meals, and also drink a cup of hot herbal tea before bed.

If constipation occurs, use herbal laxatives. The intestines during treatment should be emptied normally.

In the case of gas gangrene caused by a toxin produced by bacteria, urgent health care. This type of illness usually develops after a serious injury, in particular after injuries.

Masks according to folk recipes from gangrene

  • For the treatment of other skin diseases, sprouted oat grains are also used. To prepare a folk remedy, you need to wash the grain and pour it in a thin layer into a flat dish, on the bottom of which you must first lay a cloth well moistened with warm water and folded in half. On top of the grain, also put a cloth and put in a warm place. Grain, depending on the temperature, germinates in 12-24 hours. Oats for the treatment of gangrene are passed through a meat grinder. A dough-like mass in gauze bags is applied to diseased skin areas.
  • Preparation of a folk remedy: mix 2 tablespoons of watermelon with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, add 3-4 drops of St. John's wort oil (20 g of fresh flowers and chopped St. It is better to make such a mask for gangrene at night, since the sun and St. John's wort can give unwanted pigmentation.

Home therapy and its effectiveness

Important advice from healers

For the treatment of gangrene of the extremity, they take black, freshly baked, preferably rye, bread and, having salted it enough, chew it thoroughly. The sore spot is covered with a thick layer of chewed bread with salt and bandaged. This tool is true and unusually strong. Several Russian doctors of official medicine tried to improve this "wild" way of folk doctors by eliminating the chewing of bread. To black bread and salt, doctors tried to add some of the tricks of pharmacy, which, in their opinion, should have replaced the chewing of bread. All such attempts have come to nothing. When chewing bread and salt are mixed with saliva, and the latter, apparently, plays an important role in the treatment of gangrene and abscesses.

Although the described folk method of treatment is very effective, nevertheless, in most cases, you should consult a doctor, because limb gangrene is a very serious thing.

Therapy according to the recipes of Ivan Prokhorov

The drug "aedisoppidron" - this remedy is offered for various diseases, including skin diseases: rashes, scabies, eczema, abscesses, lichen, gangrene lower extremities. To prepare the drug, 14 plant species are required in equal parts by weight: St. , looking three-spined - leaves and fruits, celandine, shepherd's purse, common fir, walnut - leaves, wild chicory - roots and grass, dyeing gorse - tops of shoots with leaves and flowers.

The listed plants are crushed. Take 100 g of the mixture to prepare a folk recipe, pour 1 liter of water, leave for 5 days, then boil for 20-30 minutes, cool, filter, combine with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 10. For 1 liter of this tincture, add 10 g of Spanish tincture. flies on ammonia (tincture of Spanish fly can be excluded).

In case of skin diseases, the affected area is lubricated with natural honey, or a compress and local baths of 30% honey solution are used. Therapeutic procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day, after which it is necessary to stay at room conditions for at least two hours. Porridge prepared from white wheat flour with wine and olive oil is used for compresses for skin inflammation, swelling, abscesses, gangrene of the lower extremities.

  • Take a folk easy-to-prepare remedy every morning before meals from two to four teaspoons of brewer's yeast.
  • 10 tablets of streptocide are triturated in 25 g of boron vaseline, 2 drops of iodine tincture are added. Before going to bed, they wash themselves with tar soap, lubricate their face with ointment, and in the morning they wash it off with water and tar soap. The course of folk treatment - 2 weeks.

Conspiracies and prayers

Go to the bath without undressing, sweat, then take off your underwear and say: "Like the moon shone, so that the slave (name) was clean in face. Amen." Wipe with linen.

Take salt on a clean Thursday, throw it out the window, saying a conspiracy from gangrene: "I'm pouring Thursday salt on my horns so that the pus comes out. Amen." Pimples cause a lot of trouble on the skin, especially on the face. There are many ways to get rid of them. Wash your face with the May milk of a black cow, namely on May 15, saying at the same time: "I wash myself with the milk of a black cow, I get rid of acne and blackheads forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Wash your face in a basin with three candles, saying three times while washing: "How clean the face is holy, so clean is my face." Then pour this water into a jar and pour it out at three intersections. Wash the one who is covered in pimples with the water that the sick person brings in his bosom. Washing, say: "Wash, soul, wash, body. I know my business. As you were born with clean skin, become like this now too. Amen."

Spit on your thumb and, touching the patient's face with it, say a conspiracy for therapy at home: "I'm doing a big job with my thumb. I'll cleanse your body. Amen."

They catch a tree frog, apply for a second to the face (or to the place where the sores) and say: "I will give you another skin for your body, it will fit for you too." You need to remove the skin from the frog and bury it. The person's face will be clean and healthy. Also reduce any scabs and wen.

If the patient has a rash on his skin, you need, without touching him, but looking at the place where the rash is, whisper a conspiracy from gangrene: “Night and day, fight, servant of God (name), be strong. there is your throne. Amen."

Let the one who has acne clean the fish from the scales (the fish can be any fresh), put the scales in one bag, and the fish in another. Then let him bury in different places, first the scales, and then the fish. Burying the last one, he says: “Like scales not on a roar, but a fish without scales, so my face was flawed. As this Fish rots, so all the muck will come off my face. Amen.”

The use of mummy in medicine

We are preparing a remedy for gangrene: 1 tube of Nectar cream, 1 bottle of German Bio cream or domestic liquid cream, 15 g of Mumiye, mix and let stand for a day at home. Apply to affected areas without rubbing.

The famous American naturopath, Dr. Charles McFerrin, in his outstanding book "One Hundred Commandments of Health" cites such a very reliable remedy that allows you to cure gangrene at home. Take a piece of lamb or beef liver from a freshly slaughtered animal and, without washing it, put it on the place affected by this ailment. You should keep this piece for an hour or two, or, in general, until pimples or some kind of boils appear under the liver.

After sterilizing the needle, pierce all the boils with it. Then repeat the application of the bloody piece of liver and repeat until there are still boils, which should all be pierced with a sterilized needle. The great physician claims that he saw with his own eyes many, many cases when any doctor would consider amputation of an arm or leg the only way out, and treatment by applying a piece of raw liver saved the arms and legs, and after two or three hours the patient already felt excellent .

The same doctors who only yesterday recommended "chopping off" the limb with a surgical knife, today, to their greatest amazement, recognized the patient with gangrene as completely not in need of any kind of operation and shrugged their shoulders, asking themselves a bewildered question: "How could this happen? ". Saved the liver fresh from the slaughterhouse. One unshakable rule: an infected scratch or wound must be opened before applying a piece of liver and tying it to the sore spot.

Gangrene is a necrotic lesion of a certain tissue area, which is characterized by an acute form of the inflammatory process with gradual cell death. The main reason for the development of a pathological condition of the epithelial cover and soft tissues is the lack of the necessary amount of oxygen supplied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb along with the blood flow, as well as a violation of the blood circulation itself. main vessels. The latter factor plays a key role as a prerequisite for the future gangrenous process. In most cases, therapy this disease is performed in a hospital surgical department, but there are also methods for treating gangrene of the lower extremities at home. In this article, we will consider in as much detail as possible all possible folk recipes against gangrene, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Is it possible to cure gangrene with folk methods at home?

Acute inflammation of the soft tissues of the limb, associated with pronounced signs of gangrenous tissue decomposition, is serious illness. Being at home, it is incredibly difficult to cure it, but still some forms of the disease can be treated using alternative medicine techniques. Especially if the disease has just begun its development and the first signs appear. oxygen starvation cells of muscle fibers, epithelium, the smallest blood vessels of capillaries.

First of all, such manifestations are reflected in the color shade of the skin surface. From a natural skin tone, it acquires a dark red, crimson color. It is at this stage that it is still possible to practice the treatment of gangrenous inflammation. folk remedies, but only under the supervision of the attending surgeon and with the implementation of his guidelines. In particular, this concerns the organization of therapy and methods of influencing inflammatory process in soft tissues legs.

If the doctor proposes to stop self-treatment at home and be hospitalized in an inpatient surgery department, then you should not argue with a specialist, but you must strictly follow his requirements. Otherwise, a situation may arise when tissue necrosis reaches a critical level and the doctor will have to decide on radical measures of therapy, which consist in surgical opening of the diseased area of ​​the leg by the method of lamp incisions with the installation of a drain to drain purulent exudate, or amputation of the limb. Therefore, a full recovery is of course possible, but the process of treating gangrene at home must be approached with caution.

What folk remedies are used to treat gangrene?

Alternative medicine offers a large selection of a wide variety of recipes and remedies that are recommended by traditional healers as reliable and effective remedy from gangrene developing in the tissues of the legs. Most home medicines can be prepared independently on the basis of only improvised means that can be found in almost every home, while other components will have to be additionally ordered from pharmacy chains. In general, gangrene folk treatment of the lower extremities is carried out using the following methods and means.


Medicinal plants have always occupied their special niche in non-traditional methods of treatment. inflammatory diseases epithelial and soft tissues. Especially when it comes to bacterial infection, which has transformed into tissue necrosis and gangrene. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing types of herbs are used. For creating medicines home-made, use dried and fresh leaves of plants, their stems and inflorescences. It all depends on the type medicinal herbs and on what part medicinal plant concentrates the greatest amount of medicinal properties.

With the help of these gifts of nature, you can independently prepare these types of drugs.

Chamomile decoction

The most popular and effective remedy for decontaminating the wound surface and removing the current inflammation in the limbs in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to take 15 grams of dried chamomile fragments, pour them into a metal container, pour 1 liter of cold water and boil over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. During this time, all useful, from a therapeutic point of view, substances will be boiled out and a concentrated decoction will be obtained, which, already 40 minutes after it has cooled to the optimum temperature, can be used to combat gangrene.

The principle of using a decoction based on chamomile is very simple and consists in the fact that home medicine is used as a filler for anti-inflammatory baths. 3-4 liters of water is poured into a clean basin, to which chamomile decoction is added. A person performs immersion of a diseased limb in water and steams the leg for 10-15 minutes. As the liquid cools, it is allowed to add a small amount of hotter water. This medical procedure performed 2 times a day in the morning and evening. If the gangrene is not dry, but wet, then it is recommended to additionally moisten a sterile cotton swab in the decoction and apply lotions to the wound. Also, as an alternative to chamomile, it is allowed to use herbs such as St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sage, thyme. They have the same therapeutic properties.

Aloe compresses

This medicinal plant is a real gift of nature, as it contains natural chemical substances, which act on pathogenic microflora and inflamed tissues in the same way as antibacterial drugs, but only do not disturb the balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the body of a person suffering from gangrene. To prepare a healing compress, you should break off a fresh aloe leaf, pass it through a food processor or meat grinder. Put the resulting green mass on a sterile gauze bandage, tie it tightly so that the processed aloe is as if tied in a bag. After that, home medicine is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limb daily at night.

The therapeutic properties of this treatment method lie in the fact that a compress of aloe relieves the inflammatory process, contributes to the gentle evacuation of purulent exudate outside the tissues of the leg. In fact, the juice of this medicinal plant draws out from the limb all the pathogenic fluid and microbes that caused the development of the disease. If gangrene is at the initial stage of development, then only 5 procedures are enough for the swelling to subside, most of the infectious microorganisms, and the inflammation of tissues and muscle fibers gradually disappeared.


This variety of herbs also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and, unlike aloe, it does not need to be crushed or otherwise damage the structure of the plant. You just need to pick a fresh plantain leaf, wash it thoroughly under running water and attach it to the sore leg area. From above, the sheet is fixed with a medical plaster or a fabric bandage from the dressing category. Already for 1-2 days the patient's condition improves, and the damaged limb becomes less edematous, excessive redness disappears skin body temperature stabilizes.

Medicinal herbs are an excellent folk remedy in the fight against both dry and wound gangrene, which is also commonly called wet. Nevertheless, experienced surgeons and representatives of traditional medicine recommend not to rely solely on this method of therapy, but to include plants in the general treatment course, consisting of a whole complex of various folk remedies.


Anti-inflammatory balms prepared with my own hands, using antiseptic substances and natural ointment bases, is much more effective than pharmacy counterparts and does not have a large list of side properties. At home, you can make the following types of ointments that will help you recover from gangrene without falling into the conditions of an inpatient surgery department.

Honey and egg

These two ingredients are the source of a huge amount useful substances, minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids. Preparing the balm is very simple and it is not necessary to leave the chapels of the house to receive it. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of honey from herbs, mix it with 1 egg white. The yolk in this case is separated and thrown away. Raw egg mass contains natural protein, and honey acts as an antiseptic and nutrient medium. Homemade ointment is applied to the surface of the sore leg 2 times a day (morning and evening). It is best that the time interval between treatments is at least 12 hours. Given medicine categorically contraindicated for people who have a tendency to manifest allergic reaction for honey and other bee products.

Ointment based on propolis

Another effective and inexpensive drug for gangrene. At what propolis allows you to suppress the inflammatory process even acute form resulting from the entry of especially dangerous infectious microorganisms into the limb. An ointment is being prepared from propolis, obtained from the products of the vital activity of bees. It is necessary to take 100-150 grams of propolis and mix it with 50 grams of olive oil. If it is not possible to purchase this particular type of oily base, then it is allowed to replace it with sunflower, but not refined.

These two components for the future ointment are stirred until a homogeneous mass, until its consistency becomes sufficiently viscous and resembles a balm. It is desirable to add oil in portions in order to saturate propolis with an excess amount, which will disrupt the viscosity and density of the medicinal product. After preparation, an ointment with propolis is applied to the wound surface of the limb, and the circumferential edges of the epithelium are also lubricated.

The medicine has a strong antibacterial effect, relieves leg swelling, removes inflammation and promotes more accelerated recovery cells damaged by rotting flesh.

Sea buckthorn, badger fat and milk

Universal anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of action. Making this type of ointment will require a lot of effort and expense. You should take 100 grams of fresh sea buckthorn berries (it is very important that they are juicy, there are no signs of rot and mold on them) and grind them to a pulp. After that, the same amount of pure badger fat is added (it can be purchased at a pharmacy) and 50 grams of milk. All components of the substance are mixed with a spoon in a metal bowl until the medicine acquires a sufficient degree of density and begins to resemble appearance ointment.

This folk remedy is applied to the sore leg in an even layer 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process in the tissues. The duration of treatment is not limited and can last until the patient recovers completely. Homemade ointment is not addictive, side effects and other negative reactions of the body. Sea buckthorn saturates the skin and muscle fibers with a vitamin-mineral complex, as well as a number of antiseptic acids that are not found in any other food. badger fat acts as a conductor of the nutritional basis of the drug, and milk is a source of calcium, which disrupts the process of cell division of pathogenic microflora.

It is not necessary to stop your choice exclusively on one type of ointment prepared at home. You can use all the healing agents in the complex at once, so that therapeutic effect was the maximum and pathological condition limbs stabilized, the process of recovery gradually began. Also, the patient will be able to determine in practice which ointment is best suited to his body for the treatment of gangrene.


This is a separate category of traditional medicine, the use of which consists in the fact that certain ritual prayers are pronounced, the intended purpose of which is to remove the gangrenous lesion of the tissue of the limb in a magical way. The rite is performed by sorcerers, healers or local healers who practice reading prayers. It is not recommended to cast any type of spell on your own, and it is not advisable, since a person must have a certain energy potential to complete all the words spoken during the pronunciation of the conspiracy. traditional medicine and most conscious citizens are very skeptical about this method of treating gangrene, since its effect has not been scientifically proven and it is impossible to control the usefulness of the method from a physical point of view.


An oily substance that is extracted from the beaver's preputial glands. It has strong aromatic properties and contains enzymes in its composition that provide more accelerated regeneration of the cellular structure of the epithelium and soft tissues. It is used for the production of ointments and tablets with anti-inflammatory effect. With the help of this substance, you can make an ointment for gangrene yourself, if you take vegetable oil or fat of animal origin as a basis and mix it with a beaver stream in equal proportions. It is impossible to get this secret of the beaver glands and not kill the animal, therefore it is better to buy the medicinal component from hunters who are engaged exclusively in the extraction of beaver preputial pheromone.

Birch tar

It can be purchased at a pharmacy, but there are ways to independently extract a natural antiseptic. To prepare it, you need to break off 1-2 kg. birch bark put them in the grill or on open ground, cover with a metal container. You can use a bucket or any other vessel. The bark is set on fire and languishes without air for several hours. In fact, it slowly smolders and as a result of this process, thick and viscous resins are released, which are tar. The resulting substance is collected in a glass jar and used to treat the inflamed leg as a medicinal balm.

fly agaric

For most people, the name of this mushroom is associated with something particularly poisonous and life-threatening. In fact, everything that is used in moderation can serve as an excellent medicine that helps restore damaged tissues and destroy bacterial microflora. Fly agaric fully possesses the entire spectrum of these properties. In order to get a drug for gangrene from this fungus, you need to collect 3-5 fly agarics in the forest, cut them into small pieces and place them in a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter. After that, the pulp of the mushroom is poured with ethyl alcohol or vodka. The vessel is filled to the top so that all the pulp of the fly agaric is completely covered.

The medicine is infused in a dark and cool room for 5 days. It is best to put the jar in the basement. After the specified time, the sore leg is rubbed alcohol tincture on the basis of fly agaric 2 times a day. Before using it, it is recommended to wash the limb thoroughly with warm water and soap. The duration of therapy depends on how positive the dynamics of recovery will be, but in most cases, improvement in local symptoms is already observed on the 3-5th day from the start of using the medication. Despite the effectiveness of the tincture, it is rarely used in medical practice, since its preparation requires a temporary period of infusion, and the severity of gangrene development rarely gives a supply of 5 days.


Table salt is a natural preservative, contact with which destroys any organic compounds and living microorganisms. Especially if the effect of salt is systematic or prolonged. Destruction of the bacterial infection that caused gangrene with brine is fast, reliable and very effective method treatment of gangrenous lesions of soft tissues. The medicine is being prepared according to the following folk recipe. You need to take 1 tablespoon of salt and dissolve it in 1.5 liters of warm water. Get a cool and very salty solution. They wash the swollen leg with it, make antiseptic lotions and baths.

The principle of action of a salt-based drug is that it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, which are present in excess in a limb affected by gangrene. If there is no infection, then there is no inflammatory process. In most cases, positive dynamics towards recovery was observed after 2-3 procedures for washing the wound surface with saline. The only minus of the remedy is that at the moment salt gets on the open wound, the patient feels a strong burning sensation, which is sometimes extremely difficult and even unbearable to endure.