How to bake life bread with raisins. Rye bread with raisins in a bread machine

Pour sugar and salt into warm water, mix everything well so that the crystals dissolve. Pour in the yeast, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, a fluffy “cap” should appear on the surface. This will mean that our yeast has "started" and we can continue to work.

Then add vanilla sugar and vegetable oil to the "started" yeast, mix well.

Pour in 1 cup of the sifted flour from the total amount and mix.

The dough should be like thick sour cream. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Wash the raisins and pour hot water for 15 minutes, then drain the water and put the raisins on a towel to dry. When the dough rises and doubles in size, add the prepared raisins.

Mix and add the rest of the flour. Knead a non-sticky, soft, homogeneous dough, put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

The finished dough will approximately double in size.

Later specified time, knead the dough. Cover the baking dish with parchment or grease with vegetable oil, put the dough into the form. Cover the mold with a towel and let the workpiece stand for about 30 minutes. During this time, the dough will rise.

When the dough comes up, send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Bake bread with raisins for 35-40 minutes (until a beautiful golden brown). The baking time will depend on the oven. Let the finished bread stand for 5 minutes in the form and you can take it out.

Bread with raisins, cooked at home, is very tasty and fragrant. It is best served with a glass of milk or a cup of aromatic tea.

Enjoy your meal!

step by step recipe with photo

Many are familiar with fragrant rye bread with raisins, which can be bought in almost any store. But it turns out that it can be baked in a bread machine. The main thing is that the yeast “works” and the bread rises well, because rye flour is heavier than wheat flour, and raisins are also present.


  • 1.5 measuring cups of wheat flour
  • 1.5 measuring cups rye flour
  • 1 handful of raisins
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 230 ml water


1. The bread recipe can be used as a base one and each time you bake it, add seeds, other dried fruits, dried herbs in addition to raisins. The taste will be different, each time acquiring new shades. Start by pouring water into the bread machine bowl. Then sprinkle in the sifted wheat flour. Try to accurately measure the ingredients so as not to spoil the final result.

2. Pour the rye flour into the bowl now.

3. Measure out the indicated amount of sugar and salt.

4. Now the turn of vegetable oil. You can use olive or corn. Don't use strong tasting oils, such as unrefined sunflower or linseed oils, which can significantly affect the taste.

5. So that dry instant yeast does not come into contact with water ahead of time, it is necessary to pour it correctly into the bowl of the bread machine - to do this, make a recess in the hill of dry ingredients, measure the yeast there.

Bread with raisins - general principles cooking

Raisin bread dough can be kneaded with water, milk or whey. Flour is used both wheat and rye, often mixing both types.

In order for the bread to rise well and its crumb to be porous, kneading is done with the addition of yeast. You can take both fresh and dry, also called "fast", yeast.

Any dough for baking bread must be salted and sweetened with granulated sugar or honey. Vegetable or melted butter is always added to it. Since such bread is more related to rich pastries, the dough is often kneaded with eggs.

When kneading or baking any kind of bread with raisins in a bread machine, you should strictly observe the order in which the products are placed in its bowl. The liquid base (water, whey or milk) is always poured in first, then granulated sugar and salt are added, and only after that flour is added. The yeast is placed in a small depression in the flour. Lastly, raisins and other additional components of the dough are poured into the bowl, for example, peeled sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

Raisins for making bread should be taken pitted, both light and dark will fit. Before adding to the dough, it must be washed or scalded with boiling water, after which it is well dried. Raisins should be free of moisture.

Ready loaves are removed from the mold or bread machine immediately after baking and placed on a wire rack to cool so that the crispy crust does not get damp. Some types of rye bread are cooled during the first hour after baking, wrapped in a damp towel.

Sweet white bread with raisins in the oven


Milk - 300 ml;

Sugar - 150 gr.;

Fresh yeast, alcohol or baker's - 50 gr.;

A kilogram of flour;

200 gr. natural 72% butter;

370 gr. light raisins;

Two eggs;

A spoonful of salt;

One yolk;

Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Rinse raisins with warm water or scald with boiling water. Then transfer to a small bowl and soak in warm water for about a quarter of an hour, then drain in a colander. When all the water has drained, spread the raisins in a single layer on a paper towel to dry well from moisture.

2. Dissolve sugar and salt in slightly warmed milk. Add the crumbled yeast and stir until the yeast is completely dissolved.

3. Pour two-thirds of the norm of sifted flour into the resulting yeast mixture, stir everything with a spoon until a liquid homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cover the bowl with a cloth and set aside, preferably closer to heat.

4. After about 20 minutes, when the dough has slightly increased in volume, add a loose egg and warm butter, melted in a water bath, into it, after mixing it with cinnamon powder.

5. Gradually introduce the remaining sifted flour and knead well with your hands, laying it on the table. At the very end, put the raisins on the table and mix it in, kneading the bread dough well with your hands.

6. Moisten the inside of a round or square, high non-stick pan with vegetable oil. If there is no such container, take any thick-walled dishes of a suitable size.

7. Put the bread dough into the prepared form, cover it and put it in heat for an hour. Do not cover with a lid, take a linen towel or napkin.

8. Beat the yolk. Lubricate the surface of a well-fitted dough with it and place the mold in the oven, heated to 200 degrees.

9. After about 50 minutes, check the readiness of the bread by piercing the bun in the center with a wooden skewer.

Original bread with raisins - "Watermelon"


One egg;

Three tablespoons of white sugar;

400 gr. white high-quality flour;

Fine salt - 1 tsp;

18 gr. pressed baker's yeast;

Serum - 220 ml;

beetroot juice;

Large bunch of fresh parsley;

Large beetroot.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the bowl from the bread machine and place it on the table. Pour the whey, preheated in heat, into it, break the egg.

2. Pour in sugar, add salt and pour in all the flour, previously sifted through a sieve.

3. Put the yeast, crushed by hand, on top, insert the bowl back into the body of the bread machine and start the “Dough” program.

4. Peel the beets, grate the root crop on a fine grater. Put the vegetable chips on a sieve and place a bowl under it so that the juice flows into it.

5. Rinse the parsley, dry the sprigs of greens with a towel and chop with a blender. Transfer the chopped greens to cheesecloth, squeeze the juice.

6. Go through the raisins and, after dousing them with boiling water, dry them. Alternatively, soak in cold water for 10 minutes.

7. Divide the finished bread dough into two approximately equal parts. Cut one of the halves in half again.

8. Roll up most of it into a ball, press down lightly. Pour beetroot juice, a couple of spoons, into the center of the resulting cake. Kneading a piece of dough well with your hands, knead it until it is uniformly colored.

9. After that, put the raisins on the table, sprinkle it with flour, mix. Put the red dough on top and, gently kneading it with your hands, mix in the raisins.

10. Mix one small piece of the remaining dough with two tablespoons of parsley juice, and leave the other white. If the dough is not colored enough, stir in a little more "green" juice.

11. Roll out the white dough in a thin layer and wrap the red one in it so that it is completely closed. From above, cover the workpiece with thinly rolled green dough, giving it a round shape and transfer it to a round shape greased with vegetable fat. Cover with a cloth and set for half an hour for a distance in heat.

12. After that, place the bread pan in the oven and leave to bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Honey white bread with raisins in a bread machine


One egg;

Honey - a large spoon;

1.5 tablespoons of refined oil;

Half a cup of powdered milk;

Flour with a high content of gluten, wheat - 2.75 cups;

Fine rock salt - 3/4 tsp;

A quarter cup of dark raisins;

A teaspoon of "instant" yeast;

260 ml of boiled water (cold);

30 gr. granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour water at a temperature of approximately 38 degrees into the bowl released from the body.

2. Break the egg, add vegetable oil, salt, honey.

3. Pour milk powder, granulated sugar and flour.

4. Make a small indentation on top and pour the yeast into it.

5. Place the removable bowl of the bread maker into the body, close the lid.

6. Set the Sweet Bread program on the control panel, select the loaf size - 750 grams, set the crust color yourself and turn on the bread machine.

7. During kneading, after the first pause, pour the washed and well-dried raisins into the bowl.

Rye yeast bread with raisins in the oven


One and a half glasses of drinking water;

A small handful of light raisins;

Two tablespoons of unrefined sugar;

Two glasses of rye flour;

40 ml of high quality olive oil;

Two glasses of wholemeal white flour;

A spoonful of boiled fine salt;

7 gr. dry "instant" yeast.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the white flour into a wide bowl. Add rye, salt, yeast, sugar and mix thoroughly.

2. Pour in warm water mixed with oil and knead the dough. It turns out soft, reminiscent of plasticine and a little sticky to the hands, but at the same time well behind the walls of the bowl.

3. Pour washed, dried raisins into a bowl with rye dough and knead it again. Form the dough into a ball and transfer to a clean bowl moistened with oil, cover and place in a warm place for an hour and a half. You can tighten the bowl with cling film.

4. Divide the doubled rye dough into two equal parts and form round or oval loaves from each.

5. Put the blanks on a baking sheet covered with parchment, cover with a towel and put in heat for at least an hour.

6. On the surface of well-raised workpieces, make a few shallow transverse cuts and place the baking sheet in a preheated oven.

7. Bake bread at 200 degrees for the first quarter of an hour, then lower the temperature to 170 degrees and continue baking for another half hour.

8. Transfer the finished rye bread to a wire rack until completely cooled.

Mixed wheat-rye bread with raisins in a bread machine


Baking flour of the first grade - 250 gr.;

An incomplete tablespoon of sugar (20 gr.);

Rye flour - 150 gr.;

10 gr. fine rock salt;

50 ml of refined sunflower oil;

Peeled sunflower seeds - 100 gr.;

80 gr. dark soft raisins;

280 ml of drinking water;

Dry "fast" yeast - 8 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with yeast, dilute with warm water and pour the solution into the bowl of the bread machine. You can immediately pour water into the bowl and only after that add bulk components to it.

2. Pour in 100 grams of wheat flour. Gently mix everything with a wooden spatula several times and leave for 20 minutes.

3. Mix the remaining white flour with rye and salt. Lightly toast the seeds in a dry frying pan. Sort, wash and dry the raisins.

4. Pour the flour mixture into the dough that has slightly risen in the bowl. Put the roasted seeds, raisins on top, and pour vegetable oil.

5. Place the bowl into the body of the bread maker, select the standard program "02", select the color of the bread crust, the height of the loaf and turn on the bread maker.

6. After the last kneading, open the lid, wet your hands well with water and spread the dough evenly over the bowl. Lightly moisten the top of the dough and leave it alone until the end of the set program.

7. Remove the finished loaf from the bowl and cool under a damp terry towel, on a wire rack for an hour. Then wrap with dry linen and soak in it for up to 2 hours.

Recipe for honey bread with raisins for a bread machine


Oatmeal - 50 gr.;

a teaspoon of salt;

White baking flour - 300 gr.;

Two spoons of honey;

Corn flour - 50 gr.;

A small spoonful of loose yeast;

1.5 large spoons of sugar;

1.5 tablespoons of powdered milk;

Creamy homemade butter - 40 gr.;

260 ml of purified drinking water;

Kernels of pine nuts - 20 gr.;

40 gr. light or dark raisins;

Peeled pumpkin seeds - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve sugar in warm water, dilute the milk powder and pour the mixture into the bowl of the bread machine.

2. Add honey, salt, melted butter.

3. Pour the oatmeal, corn and double-sifted wheat flour, pour the yeast into a shallow hole made in the flour.

4. Add dry washed raisins, pine nuts and dry roasted pumpkin seeds to the bowl.

5. On the panel of the bread maker, set the main baking mode for 4 hours. Select the minimum loaf size, medium crust and turn on the appliance.

Raisin Bread - Cooking Tricks and Helpful Tips

The splendor of a bread roll depends not only on the correct kneading. In order for the dough to fit well, the flour must be sifted and preferably several times.

All recipes for baking bread with raisins in a bread machine are designed for a small loaf size. To bake a larger bun, proportionally increase the rate of all products.

Raisins can be pre-soaked in water, the berries will soften and increase in volume. After soaking, be sure to squeeze the raisins well and dry well. If you knead the dough with your hands, roll the berries in flour, it will collect the remaining moisture.

If you don’t like a crispy crust, sprinkle water on the bread with a spray bottle or wrap the loaf after baking for an hour in a damp towel, then in a dry one.

Historically, black bread was more popular in the North. Rye is a hardier and more resistant to cold culture, stronger than wheat. It was more expedient and economically easier to grow it, and simply more profitable. With the development of the agricultural industry, white bread has gained popularity, but black bread remains our favorite.
Black bread is a good and healthy product. Let's turn to statistics.

Black bread calories

How many calories are in a piece of black bread (100 grams): 170-210 Kcal, depending on the presence of additives.
Calorie black bread (slice 30 grams): 60 Kcal.

The energy value

The energy value of black bread is high, but not as high as that of white bread, which makes it a good compromise option for those who like to eat heartily, but not overeat.
Nutritional value of black bread (100 grams): Proteins: 6.5 g. Fats: 2.2 g. Carbohydrates: 34.2.


The composition of black bread has practically not changed since ancient times.
Ingredients of black bread: rye flour, water, yeast, salt. Individual additions are possible. Here, raisins, cheese, cumin, bran, cereals, buckwheat, oats and much more are used.

It is stored for a long time, often used in campaigns or ship voyages. But at home, it often becomes an ingredient than an independent dish.

Crackers from it are useful for gastrointestinal disorders, it goes well with borscht or soups. Croutons are one of the best snacks, quick, nutritious and delicious.

The composition of black bread is primitive, it is easily combined with other foods. Consider the two most common additives: sweet and salty. Raisins and cheese.

Calorie black bread with raisins

Calorie black bread with cheese

Cheese is a great addition. This is a great product, suitable for many dishes. And a sandwich with cheese is a table classic of our country. How many calories are in black bread with cheese? Not a lot. Cheese is more nutritious than baking from rye flour. If a slice of 30 grams contains 60 kcal, then many cheeses, if you add at least 10-15 grams to a sandwich, will double their amount. The calorie content of black bread with cheese starts from one hundred kilocalories per sandwich! This means that with such additives to bread, those who follow the figure, dieters and athletes should be especially careful.

The nutritional value of black bread can vary, it is more diet food than white bread, but it still remains a high-calorie carbohydrate pastry.

Rye bread with raisins. She baked quick bread from ready mix and was satisfied with it. Well, I believe that the main thing in determining the quality of bread is the opinion of the baker himself. Do you like bread from the finished mixture, are you satisfied with its taste and aroma - well, great! And let all the critics go to the forest. And yet, I believe that it is very problematic to make rye bread, good rye bread, from a ready-made mixture, due to the characteristics of rye flour itself. Therefore, the manufacturer, to put it mildly, is cunning when he writes the word "rye" on the package, while the composition contains wheat flour and it is the first number in the list of ingredients, which means that its amount prevails in the composition of the mixture. Therefore, when Ira offered to compare the taste of her bread from the mixture with mine, I replied that it did not make sense. It is silly to compare blue with warm. Therefore, I write the recipe for my bread in the hope that Ira will bake it and compare it - suddenly the bread according to my recipe will lose in taste to the bread from the finished mixture, such a probability has the right to life. Well, if one of the readers also wants to use my recipe, I will only be happy.

Choux bread with raisins

Recipe in baker's %
Rye flour - 100
Water - 67
Raisins - 17
Salt - 1.5
Sugar - 8
Cumin - 0.4

The dough is started in four stages: sourdough, tea leaves, dough, dough.

For two loaves (form L-11) weighing 550 g, assuming 10% % of baked goods, you need:

Rye flour for wallpaper - 630 g.
Water - 422
Raisins - 107 g.
Sugar (brown unrefined is better, I have muscovado) - 50 g.
Salt - 9 g.
Cumin - 2.5 g (heaped teaspoon)

Stage 1. Sourdough.

30 g of sourdough on wholemeal rye flour (100% bak. humidity) at the peak of activity
110 g wholemeal rye flour
85 g of water

Pour water into the sourdough, stir with a whisk, add flour and mix until completely homogeneous. Leave to ferment under the lid, at room temperature, for 10-12 hours.

Stage 2. Welding.

Welding should be done 6 hours after the preparation of the sourdough.

Rye flour for wallpaper - 175 g.
Water (boiling water) - 210 g.
Cumin - 2.5 g.

Preheat oven to 80C.

Caraway grind in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder. Mix with flour. Pour boiling water, stir well so that no dry flour remains. I knead the tea in a bowl, and then transfer it to a ladle, cover with a lid and send it to the oven. I tried to mix in the ladle itself, but sometimes for some reason not all the flour dispersed in the water, dry lumps formed, in general, it’s more convenient for me to first boil the flour in a steel bowl, and then transfer it to a ladle, crush it and put it in the oven to saccharify .

For saccharification of tea leaves, I use a liter stainless steel ladle and an oven. But you can saccharify the tea leaves in a thermos, only it should have a wide throat, otherwise you will get it out of there.

As they put the ladle with tea leaves in the stove, the temperature was lowered to 70C and left for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, turn off the oven, but do not get the tea leaves, let it cool down slowly. In 4 hours it will cool down to about 40C, which is what we need, because. when mixed with sourdough at room temperature (20-22C), we get 30 degrees, which is very good for dough.

Stage 3. Opara.

Sourdough - 225 g (whole)
Welding - 387.5 g (whole)
Rye flour wallpaper - 130 g.
Water - 78 g.

Put tea leaves, sourdough and water in a bowl. To stir thoroughly.

An immersion blender is best for this, but you can use a fork to handle or arm yourself with a mixer with spiral attachments. In general, you need to mix everything until completely homogeneous and only then add flour. Mix the dough, sprinkle with water, smooth down. Cover with clingfilm and leave to ferment for about 3 hours, at room temperature, or until center collapses. It all depends on how warm it is in the kitchen.

Stage 4. Dough.
Opara - all
Water - 35 g.
Sugar - 50 g.
Salt - 9 g.
Rye flour for wallpaper - 200 g.
Raisins - 107 g.

Pour boiling water over raisins. Steam for 30 minutes, this time is enough for it to soften. Drain the water, dry the raisins.

I'm not sure if 50 grams of refined sugar can be dissolved in 35 grams of boiling water, but muscovado dissolves without problems. It seems to me more convenient to add syrup to the dough than dry sugar. The syrup is easier to distribute evenly in the dough, so the formula is designed to leave some water to dissolve the sugar. Mix salt with remaining flour. Mix dough. Raisins are added when the dough is homogeneous.
First like this:

And then like this:

Smooth the dough with a spatula, cover with a film and ferment for 60-90 minutes, at room temperature, until the increase is 1.5-2 times. It will not grow 3-4-5 times, there is no gluten.
Arrange the dough in forms, each - about 600 grams of dough, plus or minus.

Smooth out with a wet spatula or hand.

Cover with cling film and let rise. Proofing time 45-60 minutes, until the center of the workpiece rises above the level of the mold.

Preheat oven to maximum temperature, not less than 250С. Gently smooth the blanks, sprinkle with water and put in the oven on the second level from the bottom. Fry the top crust for 5-7 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 190C, ventilate the oven, spray the top with water again and bake the bread for an hour. For a smooth top, if you don’t want to bother with starchy jelly, spray it with water again 5 minutes before taking out the bread. Turn off the oven and hold the bread, with the door ajar, for about 10 minutes. Then take it out of the mold, wrap each loaf in a cotton towel and let it cool completely. Let the bread stand for at least 12 hours before eating. I last a day or two.
Such bread is quietly stored for 2-3 weeks, but, as a rule, it does not live more than 3-4 days.
The peak of taste falls on 2-3 days.

Yes, this raisin custard bread is a little more difficult and takes longer to cook than a ready-made bread, but it's worth it!