Infant formula nan 2 composition. NAN milk formulas: a pediatrician talks about the composition and benefits

Milk formula is something that in the first year of life of every baby is an integral part of the diet, and sometimes completely replaces it. Therefore, each parent should choose a mixture that is optimal for the age category of the child. In this article, we will compare NAN 1 and NAN 2 infant formulas, identifying the differences between them. To do this, first we will get acquainted with each of them in detail.

Infant milk formula NAN 1

This mixture is an adapted substitute, as close as possible to the composition of the female breast milk , and is intended for babies from birth. The blend is premium. baby food and contributes to the optimal mental and physical development of the child from the first months.

Until six months, most parents try not to introduce additional complementary foods, so most often it is used as the only source of food components. Such a mixture is stored for up to two years, while not losing its useful properties. Nestlé scientists are constantly improving NAN milk formulas, introducing patented and new technologies, including:

  • Protect start- from the first months strengthens the baby's immunity and contributes to its healthy development.
  • Bifidogenic effect- technology to maintain the correct microflora in the intestines of the baby.
  • DHA, ARA- acids that are necessary for the proper development of the brain and vision of the child from the first months.
  • Opti pro- a component that is responsible for the optimal amount of protein that is absorbed by the baby's body, and is responsible for its proper growth and development.

Infant milk formula NAN 2

Like the NAS 1 mixture, NAS 2 contains a number of components and scientific developments aimed at the comfortable development of the growing organism of the baby and belongs to premium mixtures. However, it is intended for the next stage in development, which occurs after six months. The optimal amount of protein is concentrated here, which is responsible for the active growth of babies in their first year of life.

If often the first mixture is used as supplementary food (if there is not enough breast milk) or as a complete replacement (when there is no milk at all), then the NAN 2 milk formula is given to the baby along with his first complementary foods - various cereals, mashed potatoes and other products. NAN 2 powdered milk formula is also full of multi-directional technologies that allow the mixture to be as close as possible to mother's milk. Here are some of the technologies that NAS 2 contains:

  • OPTIPRO- this is what is contained only in the nan milk mixture and controls the digestibility of exactly the amount of protein that the baby needs at his stage of development.
  • Live bifidobacteria BL- Responsible for the natural strengthening of children's immunity.
  • DHA and ARA- acids that contribute to the proper development of the baby's vision and brain.

What are the differences between dry milk mixtures NAS 1 and NAS 2?

Having studied in detail with each of the milk mixtures, you can come to the following conclusions. Obviously, each of them corresponds to its stage of development of the baby and is recommended at a certain life stage. So, the NAN 1 milk formula is intended at the very first stage and is recommended for babies from 0 years of age from birth.

Powdered milk formula NAN 2, in turn, is the next step and it is used as supplementary food for babies from 6 months. This is their main, but not the only difference. They also differ from each other in that if the first mixture is recommended as the only one in the baby's diet, then the second is intended as one of the components of the baby's diet. This is due to the fact that most parents after six months already begin to introduce the first complementary foods and one milk formula for a child is no longer enough.

Which milk formula to choose?

Having familiarized with these mixtures in detail, parents will surely be able to decide on the choice of milk formula, in proportion to the age of the child. But it is worth noting that in addition to numerical designations, NAS mixtures can also differ in composition and series. For example, there are lactose-free formulas designed for infants with congenital lactose intolerance. They can be both for the first, and for the second and subsequent stages of development.

Starting from the second stage of development, the baby can already be given fermented milk mixtures, which are also available in the NAS line. When choosing, first of all, you should be guided by the age indicated on the bank. But it is also worth paying attention to what is written on it. In this case, you need to focus on the advice of your pediatrician.

Good afternoon!

When my baby was half a year old, we were just starting to supplement with a mixture of only 1-2 feedings per day, so we were quite satisfied with the mixture with the number one. Moreover, at first it was Nutrilon Comfort 1, then Ordinary Nutrilon. And only on the third attempt we were lucky and by trial and error we found the right one - Nan 1.

By that time, the child was already more than eight months old. At the same time, supplementary feeding with the mixture was also about 1-2 times a day, the rest of the time there were vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese and breast milk. When the baby was nine months old, I asked our pediatrician about the mixture, because it was high time to switch to number 2! To which I received the answer that this can be done, only children endure this transition often painfully. Again, there may be problems with the tummy, diarrhea, constipation, restless nights and other delights.

But I decided to take a chance and move on.


The difference from their counterparts is minimal - the number 2 on the front side of the can.

Once again, I note a convenient special "floor" for storing a measuring spoon. Many manufacturers do not think this point at all!

How to pick up a spoon without a slide ...


In fact, there is only one NAS. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 differ in the ratio of nutrients.

Specially written out for comparison.

NAS 1 b - 9,6and - 27,7 at- 57.8 NAS 2 b-10,82 and-21,5 at- 60.79 NAS 3 (hypoallergenic) b -14,8 and- 22,7at- 57.5. The same goes for vitamins and minerals.

All contain vitamins, bifidobacteria, optipro protein, smart lipids, amino acids and minerals.

Nan 2 has more carbohydrates and fats, because the child moves more at this age and needs additional energy.

Overall composition is good. Naturally, I am confused by the presence of palm olein. But it is in almost all infant formulas.


Everything is standard with this too: wash your hands, wash and sterilize bottles and nipples, boil water, cool it and measure it, add the mixture according to the instructions. Check the temperature of the finished mixture. All! Now you can feed.

According to the instructions, you should feed twice a day, 210 ml each (seven tablespoons of the dry mixture).

It dissolves very well in water. No lumps, no sediment, no foam! Everything is great.

Switching from NAS 1 to NAS 2....

It is not necessary to switch as pediatricians advise from a mixture of one manufacturer to a mixture of another. You can immediately replace all feedings with another number, the manufacturer and the mixture are one.

But I was afraid to do this, especially since there was a large 800 gram jar of one at home. in another bottle.

I did not feel much difference either in the behavior or in the well-being of the child, so I boldly replaced all the feedings with NAS 2.

I didn't notice any difference in taste either. Purely externally, HAN 2 is slightly yellower than HAN 1.

Three days later, small red rashes appeared on the child's face. We began to reconsider nutrition. They didn't even think about the mix.

A day later, the rash was already in the perineum and the child became restless.

I decided to feed one again. The rashes are gone.

No more of this mixture was fed.

Outcome: Give a positive assessment of the infant formula NAS 2, the hand does not rise! At the moment we are eating a mixture of NAS 3 hypoallergenic (not chosen by chance) - everything is fine. No diathesis, no problems with the stomach and stool. It's a shame that NAS 2 caused an allergic reaction.

I wish all mothers to breastfeed their babies for at least a year! And do not know the problems with infant formula! Breastfeeding is great! I was not very lucky and the milk ran out earlier than I would like!

Thank you for your attention!

Price for 400 grams: about 500 rubles.

Baby formulas "NAN" ("NAN") are produced by the Nestle concern and continue to work on improving milk formulas, applying theoretical knowledge and the results of in-depth research to create products that are as close as possible in composition to human milk and allow providing a child with nutrition in the absence or impossibility of breastfeeding .

NAN baby formulas are among the most popular on the market today. How are they different from others?

Difference from others

The main advantage is that they are sold in many stores and pharmacies, and this is one of the main criteria when choosing complementary foods for your baby, because it is very important to be able to purchase it at any time. The next difference is the composition. NAN products are superior in terms of protein and protein/casein content.

All types of NAN mixtures contain the following main components:

Attention! Since all kids are individual and at different stages of development need different amounts of components, vitamins and trace elements, their amount varies. To take into account the characteristics of all babies, Nestle specialists have developed a whole scale of milk formulas and baby milk for children under two years old.


"OptiPro 1,2,3"

Mixtures of all OPTIPRO groups contain only natural sunflower, high-oleic, coconut and rapeseed oils, without the use of palm oil harmful to the body of babies. Also in this category, the manufacturer introduced more phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A and E and pantenthenic acid and reduced the iron content.


It is used in the presence of a related predisposition to an allergy to protein or cow's milk.. Reduces the risk of allergic reactions due to easy absorption due to the use of hydrolyzable proteins. Sometimes it is used as a transitional mixture from therapeutic complementary foods to the usual adapted ones. As part of "NAN Hypoallergenic 1,2,3" there are live bifidobacteria BL, which help to increase the child's immunity.


Suitable for babies who have undergone antibiotic-based therapy and are prone to stomach disorders and intestinal tract. Helps improve baby's digestion and normalize microflora protects against harmful intestinal infections and also strengthens the immune system.

The process of digestion of the baby becomes faster and less costly due to the fact that sourdough bacteria take over part of the work of the digestive enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • NAN Sour Milk 1 - for newborns up to 6 months (price for 400 gr ~ 470-600 rubles).
  • NAN Sour Milk 2 - for babies aged from six months to 12 months (price for 400 gr ~ 500-600 rubles).
  • NAS Sour-milk 3 - for children older than a year (price for 400 gr ~ 470-570 rubles).

"Triple Comfort"

Includes ingredients such as lactobacilli L.reuteri, "smart" lipids, hydrolyzed protein "Optipro", probiotics, as well as an additional complex of vitamins and minerals, oligosaccharides, potato starch, which help eliminate functional digestive disorders leading to colic, constipation and disorders of the intestinal microflora.

Contains palm oil. The mixture is designed for children from birth and has no age limits.

Prices (for 400 gr) vary from 630 to 730 rubles.


This mixture has a very similar composition to NAN Triple Comfort. The only difference is that this mixture does not contain probiotics (oligosaccharides). The product reduces the risk of allergies and food discomfort due to the partially hydrolyzed protein. This type of mixture also has no age limits.

Price (for 400 gr): 580-610 rubles.


Recommended for children up to 6 months with numerous complaints from parents about the baby's regurgitation. It is classified as a medical food, which is not used as the main diet, but acts as an additive to breast or artificial feeding. By increasing the amount of starch, the viscosity of the product increases, which forms a dense clot in the stomach, prevents regurgitation and provides a long feeling of satiety.

Price for 400 gr: from 700 to 790 rubles.

"Lactose Free"

Designed for lactose intolerant babies, helps the child cope with the restoration of the body after suffering diarrhea. The ratio of whey proteins and casein is 60/40, and differs from "NAN"1 by an increase in the proportion of casein. Lactose has been replaced by glucose syrup, which is much easier to digest. Designed for children from birth and does not have a division by age.

Price for 400 gr: from 650 to 850 rubles.

"Pre NUN" and "PreNAN 0"

Contribute to the optimal development and growth of premature babies. Ensures the intake of protein and essential substances in accordance with proper needs. The optimal balance of calcium and fluorine contributes to the proper formation of bone tissue. Doctors recommend using the product to reach a child's weight of 1800 g, after which they advise replacing it with a regular adapted mixture. Contains structured palm oil.

  • PreNAN 0 is designed for children under 1800 g to achieve it.
  • PreNAN is designed to feed a baby over 1800 g to reach a weight of 2500-3000 g.

Price for 400 g: 820-940 rubles.

"PreNAN breast milk fortifier"

Due to the higher requirements for proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, as well as calories, for the speedy growth of premature or small babies, experts advise adding a fortifier to breast milk. Thus, the child will receive all the components necessary for his development. Milk fortification is necessary for a child if:

  • Birth weight less than 1800 g.
  • Gestational age (that is, age at birth) is less than 34 weeks.
  • Intrauterine growth retardation in a premature baby aged 2 weeks and older.

How to choose which is better?

Trying to choose the most the best option, do not try to try all types. It is better to pay attention to the characteristics of your baby or contact a pediatrician.. In order to avoid health problems in your baby, introduce artificial nutrition into the diet gradually, starting at 90 g per day. You need to know for sure that the baby is not allergic to one or another component.

Only if the allergic reaction does not appear within three days, you can transfer the baby to such feeding. Also, the baby may simply not like the milk, in this case, you will also have to look for another option.

NAN products offer a wide range of options, differing from each other both in composition and in taste, so you can definitely choose the option that is best for you.

How to breed baby food to cook it?

  1. First you need to carefully study the instructions, which indicate in what proportions the mixture should be diluted with water, as well as the shelf life of open and closed packages.
  2. Prepare everything you need for cooking: a bottle, a measuring spoon, water and the mixture itself.
  3. For manufacturing, only sterilized water is used; before cooking, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water.
  4. Do not use hot or unboiled water. The optimum temperature of the mixture is 35-45 degrees.
  5. The mixture in the bottle should be shaken well so that it has a uniform structure and is free of lumps.
  6. Do not leave cooked milk for reuse, it is intended for one time. Carefully calculate the volume of the product. On average, peanuts consume 120-240 ml of milk, depending on age and level of development.

Instructions for use

IMPORTANT! During feeding, it is important to establish an emotional connection with the baby so that she is calm and comfortable. You can’t feed a baby in an irritated or upset state, just as you can’t force-feed a newborn. Wait until he gets hungry.

Can it be combined with others?

If the product is from the same manufacturer, then the answer is obvious - yes. But you need to mix gradually, so that at first the old mixture prevails, then in approximately equal shares, later the amount of the new mixture may prevail. However, if you plan to switch to power from another manufacturer, be sure to consult with a specialist.

How do you know what food is right for your baby?

The main sign that the food is chosen correctly is getting satisfaction after eating, as well as balanced growth and development of the baby. In addition, as mentioned earlier, the product should not cause an allergic reaction.

There are problems that can be encountered due to choosing the wrong product. They can be constipation, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, gaziki, colic, regurgitation, problems with weight gain and others.

Nestle's baby food product line provides a huge selection of therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures that help to cope with these obstacles (their varieties and indications for use are described above). However, when the first symptoms of such diseases appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Nan mixes are very popular among moms. Might be worth a try for you too?

Did you know that protein determines your child's health for life?
Protein has been scientifically proven to be one of the most important nutrients for your child's growth and development, including the formation of the brain, muscle tissue and other organs. The quality and quantity of protein that a child receives from food will help lay a solid foundation for his health now and in the future. Properly selected protein in the mixture contributes to the formation of immunity and development digestive system and healthy weight gain.
That's why proteins are called "the building blocks of life" and only with the highest quality protein can you lay a solid foundation for your child's development.

NAN ® 2 OPTIPRO® is a milk formula intended for feeding children from 6 months as a milk component of a child's diet along with complementary foods. Provides your child with all the nutrients necessary for his harmonious physical and mental development.

OPTIPRO® is an optimized protein complex found only in NAN®. Thanks to him, the child receives exactly the amount of protein needed for optimal growth and development, reducing the risk of overloading immature organs.
Live bifidobacteria BL help strengthen your baby's immunity.
DHA and ARA are two special fatty acid, present in breast milk, play an important role in the formation of the baby's immune system and contribute to the development of the brain and vision.

Ideal food for baby is mother's milk. Breastfeeding should continue as long as possible. Before deciding to bottle-feed with infant formula, seek advice from health worker. Age restrictions indicated on the packaging of goods in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
NAN® 2 OPTIPRO® formula is intended for feeding healthy babies from 6 months of age when breast-feeding impossible. NAN® 2 OPTIPRO® cannot be used as a substitute for human milk during the first 6 months of life.

The product is made from raw materials produced by specially selected suppliers, without the use of genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, colors and flavors.

Note: To keep the bacteria alive, the boiled water should be cooled to about body temperature (37°C) and then the dry powder should be added. To prepare the mixture, you must use the enclosed measuring spoon, filled without a slide. Dilution of the wrong amount of powder - more or less than the amount indicated in the table - can lead to dehydration of the child's body or malnutrition. These proportions should not be changed without the advice of a medical professional. At this age, it is often recommended to gradually introduce cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish into the child's diet. Because of individual differences in the needs of children, seek the advice of a healthcare professional. If your doctor recommends an earlier introduction of new products, reduce the amount of formula as recommended.

Ingredients: Skimmed milk, maltodextrin, demineralized whey, blend of oils (sunflower, low-erucic rapeseed, coconut, Mortierella Alpina oil), milk fat, lactose, calcium citrate, soy lecithin, potassium phosphate, calcium phosphate, fish fat, magnesium citrate, vitamins (sodium L-ascorbate (C), DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate (E), calcium D-pantothenate (B5), nicotinamide (PP), thiamine mononitrate (B1), retinol acetate (A), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), riboflavin (B2), D3 cholecalciferol (D), phylloquinone (K), folic acid (B9), D-biotin (B7), cyanocobalamin (B12), potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, sodium chloride , iron (II) sulfate, lactobacilli culture (at least 10^6 CFU/g), zinc sulfate, bifidobacteria culture (at least 10^6 CFU/g), copper sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate.

Maybe. What to do in this case? How to understand the variety of mixtures and choose the one that would satisfy the needs of the baby?

Today we will talk about NAS infant formulas.

A little about the manufacturer

Nestlé produces baby food for babies different ages over 145 years. Their products include: mixtures of "NAN", "Nestozhen", cereals "Nestlé" and puree "Gerber".

For each period of a child's life, there is a product that is ideal for feeding crumbs. Nestlé mixtures undergo strict quality control, their manufacturing technologies are time-tested.

Why can't a newborn baby be fed cow's milk?

The answer is simple - it's all about the composition of milk. Cow's milk contains twice as much protein as breast milk. The amount of minerals - salts, phosphorus and calcium - exceeds the permissible concentration for children three times. This composition is necessary for rapid growth calf and unacceptable for the development of the child.

It is not worth using cow's milk even in a diluted form, because cow's milk protein is not digested properly. Its accumulation leads to allergic reactions and digestive problems, colic. The immature kidneys of a child cannot cope with excess nutrients. A low iron content increases the risk of anemia.

What is OPTIPRO protein?

Proteins are one of the most important nutrients, the building blocks necessary for the growth of a child. No wonder they are called "bricks of life." Properly balanced protein, supplied with food, contributes to the development of the immune, digestive system, uniform weight gain.

Rational nutrition in the first 2 years of a child's life ensures his health for life.

The composition of NAN milk formulas includes OPTIPRO. This is an optimized protein complex, which is contained only in NAN optipro baby formulas. Thus, the baby receives enough “correct” protein, and internal organs work without overload.

What else is included in the composition of baby food "NAS"?

Mixtures "NAN" are highly adapted, which means that their composition is as close as possible to the composition. To this end, Nestlé introduced live BL bifidobacteria, DHA and ARA fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Bifidobacteria normalize digestion, colonize the intestines with "beneficial" bacteria. DHA and ARA are two special fatty acids that play a huge role in the development of immunity and contribute to the development of the child's brain and vision. No wonder adapted mixtures are also called breast milk substitutes.

Types of NAN mixtures

It is easy to understand the product range, because each age has its own mixture.

Mix NAN 1

This is the first mixture in the NAN product line. It is designed for babies from birth to 6 months. It is produced according to a proven technology without the use of genetically modified organisms, preservatives, dyes. The mixture "NAN 1" provides the child with all the nutrients in the right amount for harmonious development up to 6 months.

Mix NAN (Nestlé) 1 Optipro (from birth) 800 g

Mix NAN 2

Your baby is six months old and growing right before our eyes. The child already knows a lot and every day brings new successes. The needs of the crumbs change, the first complementary foods are introduced. The mixture "NAN 2" is suitable for children from 6 months to 1 year old and fully satisfies the increased need for nutrients. The carbohydrate component is represented by maltodextrin, which is easier to digest, less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Mix NAN (Nestlé) 2 Optipro (from 6 months) 800 g

Mix Nan 3, 4

The child is already a year old, this is a period of high intellectual and physical activity of the crumbs. Health care is essential even at this age. The diet of the baby is expanded, but breastfeeding or breast milk substitute is also maintained. For older children, a mixture of "NAS 3" is suitable, and from 18 months - "NAS 4". These mixtures help strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of caries in milk teeth.

Mix NAN (Nestlé) 3 Optipro (from 12 months) 800 g

Other NAN Products

  1. "NAS hypoallergenic". Produced by a special technology, the protein of this mixture is partially split, hydrolyzed. This means that it is easier to digest, helps to avoid such troubles as colic, allergic reactions. Two types are produced: Nan 1 hypoallergenic and Nan 2 hypoallergenic, for babies up to six months and from 6 months to a year.
  2. "NAN fermented milk with bifidobacteria". Often the work of the digestive system of the peanut fails. "NAN sour milk" will come to the rescue. The composition of the milk mixture includes special lactic acid bacteria that will help to cope with constipation, restore the microflora after antibiotic treatment. Available in two types for two age groups.
  3. "NAN lactose-free". Therapeutic mixture for children with lactose intolerance. Can be used with due to the special composition. The low osmolarity of the mixture helps to defeat diarrhea, and a balanced composition is necessary for the harmonious development of the crumbs.
  4. "Pre-NAS". Made for babies who are born ahead of time or low body weight. The needs of these children are very different. The composition of Prenan plays a huge role in the formation of digestion, intellectual and psychomotor development. Therefore, the Pre-NAN mixture is more caloric, contains unique fatty acids that are easily digested, and more protein.
  5. NAS Alphare. To treat such a nuisance as diarrhea, an integrated approach is needed. Along with medicines the therapeutic mixture has a positive effect on the intestines, helps to cope with the disease.
  6. "NAS Antireflux". Mixture for children suffering from regurgitation and vomiting. The composition includes a special probiotic culture. It has been scientifically proven that the frequency of regurgitation is reduced by 3 times when using this product of the NAN line.

Only a doctor can choose the right mixture! The use of the medicinal mixture should be under the supervision of a specialist.

The cost of mixtures is somewhat different on different sites, on average, the price starts at 400 rubles per can. Special, therapeutic mixtures cost twice as much as regular ones. After reading and analyzing the reviews of customers and doctors, it becomes clear that this price is justified. After all, nothing can be more precious than the health of a child.

Nestlé has many years of experience in baby food. The products are of high quality and pleasant taste. Among the NAN mixtures, each parent will find a mixture suitable for his baby, because their choice is diverse. By choosing a mixture of "NAN", you can be sure of its safety and benefits for the crumbs.