What to eat to keep your face clean. How to achieve clear skin: tips from cosmetologists

The main component of female beauty is clean, well-groomed skin. The body is usually hidden under clothing, and we allow only very close people to see it. And the face is open to all winds and views. And what woman would not like to have perfect, radiant and smooth skin without pimples and age spots without annoying wrinkles and spider veins?

All of these properties belong to healthy facial skin. But in life so often you have to experience stress and eat on the run, during a work break. All these factors have a devastating effect on the skin of the face, leaving traces on it, causing anxiety and young people. beautiful girls, and mature beautiful ladies. How to make the skin of the face clean and become the most charming?

Skin types are distinguished depending on the secretion sebaceous glands and divided into:

  1. oily - it is distinguished by its brilliance, often enlarged pores. She is more prone to acne and acne;
  2. dry - thin, with small pores. Her main problems are dryness and irritability, peeling, lethargy and wrinkling;
  3. Normal is the best skin type. It is smooth and velvety, without excessive fat and black dots;
  4. combined, in different parts of the face having different fat content.

The problems inherent in each type can be exacerbated by poor care, improper selection of cosmetics, poor nutrition and insufficient rest, environmental influences and work in a stuffy office. But it allows you to make your face clean and smooth using the same simple methods:

  1. thorough care and cleaning;
  2. the use of cosmetics suitable for a particular skin type;
  3. balanced diet;
  4. full rest at night;
  5. protection from ultraviolet or frost;
  6. physical exercises in the fresh air and a contrast shower.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Properly cleansing the skin of the face at home is not difficult enough - the modern market is replete with personal care products. The main rule should be the obligatory washing off of makeup in the evening, before going to bed. The skin of the face at night needs rest no less than its beautiful owner. How to cleanse the skin of the face yourself?

Oily skin requires especially thorough cleansing. Any pollution contributes to the appearance of acne and inflammation. Owners of this type will have to wash at least 2 times a day using products for problem skin. You can dry out acne that popped up at the wrong time with drugs with salicylic acid(paste salicylic-zinc). It is better to use face creams that have been repeatedly tested on yourself and avoid experimenting with new brands of cosmetics.

Various scrubs will help both cleanse the skin of dead cells and make it visually more even and smooth by narrowing the pores. At home, you can clean your face with a steam bath. To do this, boil 2 tbsp in a liter of water. l. chamomile herbs and hold your face over the steam for 20 minutes. The use of a scrub after such a procedure will be especially effective.

For dry, sensitive skin prone to irritation, tap water may not be suitable. Such a face will have to be washed with distilled water. It is better not to use soap - it will degrease the top layer of the epidermis. How to clean the skin if it is dry? Only with the help of milk or gel, which have a neutral reaction and a pH of about 7.

Regenerating and fortified creams will help to renew the cells of the epidermis, increase metabolism and give the skin elasticity. Nourishing day and night creams will provide the missing fats to the skin. Masks from berries will be very useful.

Normal skin can be cleansed by any means. But it should be remembered that products for the treatment of problem skin dry it out very much. In normal skin, these products will cause a reaction in the form of increased sebum secretion, which can lead to acne. The main direction of care for the normal type is moisturizing. Choosing a good moisturizer is not difficult at all, using the advice of a consultant in a cosmetics store.

Exfoliating with scrubs will give your skin a radiant look. To prepare a scrub at home, you only need salt (1 tsp) and sour cream (1 tbsp). The ingredients must be mixed and used for washing.

Clearing combination skin is a very responsible business. You will have to separately clean areas with one type, then moving on to others, changing in accordance with the type of cleanser.

You are what you eat

Saturated with essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, food is useful not only for good health. A delicate complexion, the absence of acne and rashes directly depend on the diet. The exclusion from it of fried and smoked "goodies", chips, fast food and sweets is capable of a short time get rid of many problems on the face.

Eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and greens will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, remove toxins from the intestines, which will immediately affect the cleanliness of the skin of the face.

sun, air and water

This triad is necessary for all living beings. Not a large number of ultraviolet light can fight oily skin problems. You just need to remember that its excess is harmful, because it leads to drying out and contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. This property of sunlight is especially dangerous for dry skin. With prolonged exposure to the sun, protection with special creams is required. The level of protection against UV rays is selected individually.

The same applies to exposure to fresh air - walking and sports will bring visible results on the face. But in frosty weather, the skin will need protection in the form of a nourishing cream applied before a walk. Moisture saturates the skin cells and makes it more elastic, improves tone and protects against early aging. Water should be consumed in the amount of 2-3 liters per day, in rooms with radiators in winter, you need to humidify the air or use face sprays to avoid overdrying.

How to make the skin of the face clear?

You can clean your face and make it beautiful at home with folk remedies that contain natural foods and herbs.

  1. Honey and lemon will help get rid of blackheads: a few drops of honey are applied to a circle of lemon and rubbed on the face, paying attention to areas where there are comedones. You need to hold the honey mask on your face for about 5 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. This mask will also help lighten the spots.
  2. Dark acne marks are treated with a mask of cinnamon and honey: they are mixed in equal proportions, the mixture is applied to the spots and left for 20-25 minutes. You can make such a mask every other day and the spots will quickly disappear.
  3. Bay leaf (20 g) is boiled in 100 ml of water. The broth is cooled and the face is wiped with a swab dipped in the infusion. This infusion helps to make the face fresher and younger at home, without visiting salons.
  4. To get rid of acne, this recipe is useful: 3 tbsp. l. grated cucumbers pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Strain, add honey (1 tsp) to the decoction. Wipe your face with this solution after washing.
  5. You can also reduce the number of acne at home with the help of viburnum juice, if you wipe your face 3 times a day with a swab dipped in it.

Keeping the face clean and caring for it, nourishing and cleansing it, you can become the owner of healthy, radiant skin. Be beautiful and love yourself.

Many girls and women want to know how to make their face clean and perfectly smooth. Each representative of the fair sex takes care of her appearance.

Healthy skin is characterized by the absence of deep wrinkles., spider veins, age spots. Her tone is even, and she shines with health.

To make your face clean and properly care for it, you need to determine your skin type:

To make your face clean and smooth, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Thorough daily care and cleansing.
  2. Use of professional cosmetics(they are selected strictly for your skin type).
  3. Nutrition is balanced, the diet includes foods enriched with nutrients and vitamins.
  4. Complete rest at night.
  5. Thorough protection from severe frost and the scorching sun.
  6. Outdoor sports, taking a contrast shower.

note! No need to mask problem areas with powder or foundation.

It is important to take care of daily thorough skin care. You need to rethink your lifestyle and diet.

How to make skin without acne and white at home?

Masks and products will help to make the skin of the face white which can be easily prepared at home. With regular use, it will become even and perfectly smooth.

Parsley mask

This is an excellent whitening agent that promotes additional toning.. To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze the parsley juice or use the whole plant, including roots, leaves, stems.

First, it is thoroughly washed, dried and finely ground. The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer on the entire face. The exposure time is 40 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm water.

To remove freckles, and unwanted age spots, you must regularly wipe your face with lemon juice and finely chopped parsley in the same proportion.

Thanks to this care, the complexion becomes even. For the most effective result, the procedure is repeated in the morning and evening every day.

Parsley juice is suitable for toning the skin of the face. To do this, the plant is carefully crushed, filtered and poured into a small container.

Twice a day in the morning and evening, you need to wipe the skin with this natural remedy. The face is pre-cleansed so that it does not remain tone cream or leftover makeup.

You can put parsley juice in the freezer to make ice cubes. To prepare such a cosmetic, take chopped parsley and add a little water.

It is not necessary to strain the mixture. They are good to wipe the entire face and décolleté. With regular use, you can make your skin clear and supple.

cucumber mask

To prepare the mask, take only the juice of fresh cucumber. It has an excellent brightening effect, hides freckles, refreshes and makes the skin rejuvenated.

Lemon juice is added to the cucumber mask. To prepare a cosmetic, take a fresh cucumber, grind it, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and sour cream.

The finished mass is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. The exposure time is no more than 25 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature.

Berry face whitening mask

At home, you can make nourishing and whitening masks based on berries. They contain a huge amount of organic or fruit acid, which has found its wide application in cosmetology.

With regular use, you can whiten your face and make it beautiful.

To prepare masks, you can take different berries - strawberries, strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, viburnum. The seeds of the fruit can be finely chopped and added to a body scrub.

Important! You can not use berries that can color the skin in an undesirable shade (mulberry, blueberry).

Methods for preparing a nourishing and whitening mask:

  1. In the first version, 100 grams of different berries are taken to prepare the mask., soften and squeeze the juice.

    They are abundantly saturated with gauze and applied to the face for 15 minutes. After that, you can wash your face with warm water.

  2. 100 grams of berries are thoroughly crushed until a homogeneous consistency is formed.. AT ready mix add a tablespoon of honey (preferably liquid) and apply a mask for 20 minutes.

    It is washed off with running water at room temperature.

Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week, but not more often, so as not to harm the skin.

We make a beautiful and even face with our own hands

To quickly even out the complexion, you need to use cosmetics. It is important to take responsibility for the choice of cosmetics. They should fit the type of face and be of high quality.

  1. The skin of the face is rubbed with an ice cube from black tea. It can be replaced with other decoctions based on medicinal herbs.

    After such a tonic, the skin becomes elastic, small pimples and spots disappear.

  2. Facial skin dries out naturally.
  3. The skin is then treated with foundation.. It is important to choose the right shade so that there are no sharp transitions.

    You need to move from the central part of the face to the edges. Foundation is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

  4. Concealer helps hide small pimples, wrinkles, as well as other imperfections on the face. Choose a cosmetic product a tone lighter than the foundation.
  5. Next, powder is applied to the face with a powder puff or a special brush.. It is important not to overdo it so as not to get the effect of a plaster mask.

In order for the skin to become healthy, smooth, even, it is necessary to lead the right lifestyle. A rash on the face often occurs after the abuse of smoked and fried foods, sweets.

Daily care should include cleansing procedures, moisturizing, nutrition.

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There can be many reasons for this, from simple lack of hygiene to serious health problems.

  1. Skin care is wrong.
  2. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Hormonal problems.

If for a long time, despite all efforts, you cannot cope with skin problems, be sure to contact a specialist. And check your health.

Simple decision rules

How to make your face clean at home is very simple and realistic.

It doesn't really take much to do this.

  • The skin will get fresh look if you drink the right amount of water per day. The norm for a woman is two liters, and it is advisable for a man to drink three liters.
  • Review your daily diet. The skin does not like a lot of sweet, spicy and fatty foods, and fried foods can also negatively affect the cleanliness of the face.
  • Do not abuse alcohol and stop smoking.
  • Do not pick or squeeze pimples, especially with dirty hands.
  • Do not forget to wash your face at least in the morning and before going to bed.
  • Do not neglect the expiration dates of cosmetics.
  • Try to get enough sleep.
  • Wash your hair regularly, as it does not come into contact with the skin of the face during the day.
  • The face towel must be separate.

Pure beautiful skin in your hands

In order for the skin to begin to delight you with its beautiful appearance, follow a few rules:

  1. Cleansing. Be sure not to ignore this most important step on the path to good skin.
  • In the morning and evening, the skin should be cleansed. Evening cleansing should be more thorough and laborious.
  • It is better to replace soap with specialized products that suit your skin type.
  • You should not often wash your face with hot water, the water can be just warm, it will not injure and dry your skin.
  • For washing, it is better to use boiled water, which can be softened with half a teaspoon of soda per liter of liquid.
  1. Toning. After cleansing, it is advisable to use a lotion or tonic with an antibacterial effect. This will help not only restore the skin's water-lipid metabolism, but also disinfect the skin so that unnecessary inflammation does not appear on it.
  2. Hydration and nutrition. After the above actions, the skin is ready to absorb these procedures.
  • Creams are used for dry and normal skin.
  • For oily and problem skin specialized gels.

How to deal with age spots on the skin

The appearance of age spots is most often associated with several reasons:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Age.
  • Too much sunshine.
  • Health problems. Diseases of the liver.

In addition to specialized cosmetics, the choice of which is rich, you can apply folk recipes They have been tried and tested for centuries.

  • Parsley . It not only whitens, eliminates age spots, but also perfectly refreshes the skin of the face. You can use the easiest way. Take a bunch of this plant, preferably with roots, and pass it through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of the resulting porridge. Apply the juice to your skin with a cotton pad. Wash off after fifteen minutes.
  • Lemon juice. Very good pigmentation remedy. Make a solution of a tablespoon of juice and ten tablespoons of water. Wipe your face with this solution throughout the day.
  • Fermented milk products, such as natural yogurt, kefir, ayran or koumiss, can also fight skin spots in their pure form.

How to get rid of acne on the skin

It is quite difficult to get rid of acne problems and in most cases they use special creams and medicines inside. It is also very important to know the causes of acne, if these are health problems, then grandmother's recipes are unlikely to help here. Well, if the reasons are not so good, then:

  • Of course, do not forget about personal hygiene.
  • Try to learn how to eat right. Extra sweets will affect not only your figure, but also on your face.
  • Do not use other people's towels.
  • Do not abuse oily creams.
  • Do not use someone else's cosmetics.

With skin problems of this nature, peeling at home with salicylic acid helps very well, you can buy it at a pharmacy.

  • Potato juice mixed with a little honey can help very well. Apply as a mask.
  • Aloe juice is also not bad and effective remedy. Aloe generally has a good effect on skin cells, and even gives a small rejuvenating result.
  • Calendula, chamomile and celandine. These are herbs, infusions, which perfectly cope with inflammation on the skin.
  • Parsley can play a positive role here too.
  • If your skin is not very sensitive and dry, you can wipe it with a saline solution.

Acne can also be symptoms of:

  • Violations of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Problems with the digestive tract.
  • Hormonal disruptions.

In these cases, you need to consult a doctor.

If you beat acne, then do not forget that only daily prevention will help your skin stay clean and beautiful.

How to make skin tone even

Proper makeup will help make the skin even and visually remove minor imperfections, but not everyone wants to overload the already tired epidermis. Therefore, there is a more laborious and lengthy path to skin perfection.

Beautiful, healthy, clean facial skin without a single defect is not a gift of nature, but the result of daily and proper care. Only in this case you will be able to contemplate in the mirror the velvety radiant skin with health. Otherwise, a gray earthy skin tone, enlarged pores and blackheads are inevitable. Especially if you have oily skin type.

Washing products

First of all, the health of the skin, of course, depends on cleanliness. After all, it is she who is the key to health, remember? Therefore, be sure to cleanse your skin at least twice a day - in the morning and before bed. We bring to your attention several cleansers that can replace cosmetic products. Moreover, they have mass useful properties, which not only cleanse the skin, but also maintain its health.

  • Chamomile

A decoction of herbs best tones, nourishes and cleanses problem skin. Even our grandmothers in their youth collected this plant in the field and dried it for the winter, so that later it could be used to eliminate serious problems. skin diseases, restoration of hair shine, treatment of colds. Nowadays, you can find a healing chamomile collection without additives, flavors and dyes at any pharmacy. In addition, you can brew delicious and healthy tea which cleanses the body of harmful substances.

To prepare the tincture, you will need a tablespoon of inflorescences and seventy milliliters of vodka. All ingredients are mixed, placed in a dark vial, infused for a week in a dark, dry place. After cooking, the liquid is filtered through a dense gauze or sieve so that there are no twigs and thorns left that can scratch the face. Wipe should be no more than twice a week. This option is suitable only for oily skin, in extreme cases - combination.

  • Lemon

To rinse your face, you can prepare a special healing liquid from lemon. Its main advantage is that after using such a cleanser, the skin will not dry out as much as after regular soap. So, you will need one and a half tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice diluted with a liter of purified or filtered water. In the event that your skin is too oily, use two spoons. Wash with this solution in the morning and evening.

Lemon can also be used to wipe problem areas (frontal areas, nose and chin). Due to its disinfecting effect, the number of acne and pimples will decrease several times after a couple of weeks. In addition, there is one nice bonus - the skin will be nourished useful vitamins which are so lacking at this age. Before you start using lemon, check if you are allergic to it - citrus fruits often "sin" with this. And remember - if you have a combination skin type, wipe only its oily areas.

Also, for washing, you can use an infusion of celandine, calendula, aloe and others no less useful plants with regenerating, anti-inflammatory properties. In order to achieve a positive effect faster, you can freeze the decoction in special molds so that you can wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning and evening. The skin treated in this way quickly comes into tone, becomes soft and smooth. After the procedure, the remaining water can be blotted with a soft terry towel or special napkins.

Skin Treatments

Today, you can get rid of blackheads and blackheads in one of three ways: with the help of expensive cosmetic products, with the help of beauty salon workers, or using a special scrub prepared at home. In the latter case, you will see the result after the third or fourth procedure.

In a small bowl, mix a few tablespoons of soda, fine table salt (preferably without iodine and other additives) with soapy water. With a cotton swab soaked in the resulting liquid, wipe the problem areas for three to four minutes. After the procedure, you should wash with a decoction of herbs to disinfect the treated skin. resort to this method follows three times a week.

In order to avoid scars and scars on the face after acne and pimples, use a mask of ordinary dry or wet yeast, bran, aloe juice, white clay and bodyagi. All these components have a calming effect on the skin, so after a few procedures you will see how the inflammation starts to disappear on the face. This mixture is applied to problem areas for half an hour, after which it is washed off with plenty of cool water. If you do this before going to bed, then after you can wipe your face with a small piece of fresh and peeled lemon.

Medicinal drinking decoctions

Very often in female body metabolic disorders occur, which also causes acne, inflammation, permanent illness, etc. Tinctures and decoctions, which you can buy in a store, pharmacy, or cook yourself at home, will help put everything in order.

  • nettle tincture

For example, nettle tincture strengthens and tones, increases the amount of hemoglobin, and stimulates rapid regeneration. It should be consumed on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals) for two to three months, one teaspoon three times a day.

  • Burdock root decoction

A decoction of burdock root has diuretic properties, stimulates metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins. It is also recommended to take it for gastritis, which today occurs in almost every second adult, diathesis, colds, inflammatory processes and many other diseases. 40 grams of dried root is poured with boiling water (400 ml) and infused for two hours, then filtered. It should be taken after meals for half a cup (100 grams) three times a day.

For skin problems, it is also recommended to take an infusion of dandelion root, which stimulates the liver, digestive organs removes toxins from the blood. The plant itself contains a fairly large amount useful substances, vitamins, calcium, protein, cobalt. Pour one tablespoon of dried roots with a glass of boiling water and insist for three hours. The decoction should be drunk 3-4 times a day, fifty grams a quarter of an hour before meals.

  • Acne Chatterbox

This recipe is great for those who have rashes not only on the face, but also on the back. Purchase a vial of salicylic acid at the pharmacy, add crushed chloramphenicol tablets (4 pcs.), A third of a sachet of boric acid. The mixture can be used immediately after all components are completely dissolved. Wipe the skin should be four to five times a day, at least. There may be slight tingling and tingling, which is normal. However, if redness, itching or inflammation occurs, the procedure should be discontinued.

Pimples: what not to do

  • Do not self-medicate

If you have developed skin rashes relatively recently, be sure to seek help from a dermatologist. In some cases, unfortunately, acne and blackheads can be a direct consequence of a particular disease. internal organs. And the sooner it is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. In no case do not resort to treatment, relying on intuition or the advice of friends. antibiotics, drugs, hormonal preparations give only by doctor's prescription

  • Don't pick pimples and blackheads

Remember that in any case, you should not pick, squeeze or comb acne, as this will lead not only to their increase and suppuration, but also to scarring. Do not cauterize wounds with alcohol, peroxide, iodine and similar aggressive substances. Also a dermatologist.

  • Do not buy cosmetics of unknown origin

When buying certain skin care products, always study the composition. If there are too many unknown names in the tonic, cream, mask, or chemical substances not worth the risk. Do not purchase products that are too cheap, as it is not known what this may turn out to be. Don't trust ads! Remember that the body of each person is individual, so there is no universal remedy for acne for all skin types. What works for 99 percent can irreparably hurt one.

  • Don't deviate from recommendations

When doing certain procedures, do not forget that some of them are very dangerous if done incorrectly. Therefore, always strictly adhere to the time and recipe. For example, the well-known garlic mask is not suitable for everyone, and if it is overexposed for at least a minute, this leads to inflammation or even burns. Before using another healing agent, be sure to consult a specialist.

  • Don't give up on vacation

Remember that skin health also depends on general condition body - try not to overwork, sleep at least 8 hours a day. And last but not least, try to visit the sea for at least a week in the summer. Warm salt water, which contains a fairly large amount of minerals and nutrients, and the sun's rays will do their job. By the end of the rest, you will notice that the pimples on the skin will dry out and will be almost invisible. In addition, for any person, this is the most The best way rehabilitation and prevention of various diseases.

Proper nutrition is the key to beautiful skin

If you want to have clear and healthy skin, you should never eat junk food. Chips, crackers, bars, carbonated drinks with an incredible amount of sugar, flavors, stabilizers and dyes - this is just a small list of what negatively affects the body, and also leads to metabolic disorders, diathesis, and obesity.

Also limit yourself to flour, sweet, fatty, salty and spicy, exclude coffee from your diet. Green tea with a spoonful of honey and lemon invigorates, quenches thirst and saturates just as well.

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Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis or starting self-treatment! No site can replace a visit to the doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

How to achieve clear skin on the face - the answer to this question is of interest to many, because it depends on the face what impression we make on others.

In the article you will find tips that will help you achieve an even tone of the face at home - they will contribute to this proper nutrition and diet, special foods, care products, vitamins, etc.

Each person's skin has its own individual characteristics, but in general, its condition is influenced by many factors:

  • genetics;
  • ecology;
  • care;
  • the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • diet and food intake;
  • weather.

Many people believe that in order for the skin to be smooth, healthy and beautiful, it is enough to eat right and get enough sleep.

In practice, as a rule, one has to pay much more attention to the skin of the face - most people live in not the best environmental conditions, besides, its condition can deteriorate in the winter season - the reason can be both vitamins that the body lacks, and adverse weather conditions.

The use of decorative cosmetics, which most women resort to, can also adversely affect the complexion if it is not chosen correctly.

Inappropriate cosmetics can lead to acne, irritation, redness and other unpleasant phenomena that spoil the appearance.

Incorrectly selected care products can lead to similar consequences - very often a person does everything possible to put the skin in order (proper nutrition, diet, professional tools etc.), but the use of inappropriate cosmetics nullifies all efforts.

Despite the influence external factors Don't underestimate the internal problems that can cause complexion deterioration, as well as skin problems such as acne or irritation.

First of all, the state of the epidermis is affected by the nutrition to which a person is accustomed. Fatty, spicy, spicy foods increase the fat content of the skin and worsen its condition and color.

The right diet, which includes foods that contain vitamins and components beneficial for the skin, on the contrary, makes the epidermis smoother, healthier and more beautiful.

Do not forget about genetics - some people naturally have more oily and acne-prone skin, more sensitive, etc.

Of course, it is impossible to fight genetics, but everyone can achieve smooth and even skin, and in this case, the main thing is to learn how to properly care for it, and if serious problems appear, do not be afraid to turn to a professional cosmetologist.

How to improve the condition of the skin?

The simplest thing anyone can do to improve skin condition is diet. Often it is enough to switch to proper nutrition and start eating only those foods that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, and abandon the rest.

A diet to maintain the beauty and health of the skin should not be strict at all - on the contrary, nutrition should be varied, the foods consumed should contain all the vitamins necessary for the body.

It is known that vitamins C and E have the most positive effect on skin condition. Everyone knows that daily consumption of fruits and vegetables has a positive effect on the condition of the body, it is also useful for improving appearance facial skin.

But fruits and vegetables are not the only healthy foods that a diet should include. The list of necessary also includes green tea, sunflower seeds, nuts, whole grains.

On the other hand, those foods that lead to acne, increased fat content and other skin problems should be excluded from the diet.

These include not only fast food, but also meat, especially fatty varieties, milk, sweets and any canned food.

Proper nutrition alone can solve a lot of skin problems, from which even specialized cosmetics often do not help.

After the power is normalized and selected proper diet, you can think of other negative factors.

Environmental conditions often cause problems - acne appears on the face, pores quickly become dirty, etc.

Special creams, masks, milk and other cleansers will help prevent this. In the cold season, be sure to apply a protective cream on your face, in the summer - a protective agent from the sun.

Daily care products will also come in handy - it is optimal to have a day and night version of the drug, for example, a cream - they contain essential vitamins and nourish the skin, caring for it 24 hours.

At the same time, it is very important to choose the right product for use at home - it is best to do this with a professional for the first time, because each type of skin requires different care

Professional deep cleansing of the skin is also necessary. It is best to systematically visit a beautician who can do facial cleansing.

If it is not possible to visit a beautician, then it is necessary to carry out cleansing at home.

It can be done with the help of scrubs and peels, as well as steaming, after which it will be much easier to remove impurities from the pores. Carrying out such procedures once a week will help to achieve smooth and beautiful skin.

Folk remedies

To achieve clear, smooth and even skin, not only diet and care can be useful - many women resort to folk methods- masks and other products that are easy to prepare yourself at home.

Most of them require ordinary everyday products that are in every home, so these masks will not be expensive.

As with any remedy, you need to take into account the type of skin, as well as other features, such as allergies to certain products.

For normal skin, an egg-based mask will be useful. To prepare it, you will also need sour cream and carrot juice - one tablespoon of each ingredient will be enough.

All components must be mixed together, then applied to the face, leaving for 20 - 30 minutes.

Such a mask contains many vitamins necessary for the skin, therefore it significantly improves color, smoothes fine wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes.

If the skin is dry, then a mask based on cottage cheese is suitable - it moisturizes well, without leading to oily epidermis.

To prepare the product, you need to mix one tablespoon of honey, cottage cheese and milk. Milk must be warm.

All components must be thoroughly mixed until smooth, then applied to the face. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be washed off.

Such a mask is good not only for moisturizing, but also for whitening, so it will appeal to those who not only want to cleanse their face, but also dream of getting rid of acne marks.

Clear oily skin and yeast will help to make it smooth and even at home. They also contain vitamins, so they will be very beneficial for the skin.

To prepare the mask, you will need a tablespoon of yeast (dry), three tablespoons of kefir, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

All components are mixed so that foam is formed, after which the mask is applied to the face. Keep it for no more than 15 minutes, and then rinse with water.